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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1919)
' '- '- ' ' : . . T"Jfi P v 5250 CIRCULATION (25 000 READERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Guar anteed by theAudit Bureau of Circulations. ' Oregon : Tonight and Satur day fair; gentle southwesterly winds. - Tor the 4 hours ending at 8 o'clock this morning: Maximum B, minimum 52; no rainfall;' river .9 feet below ero, falling. VALLEY NEWS 8EF , FORTY- SECON , V7EAR NO. 228.-TEN PAGES SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS Til Ik Vl ll rfftr fliVfl J0J V fl jHffrCryv fl 1 u L 1 m ii Nil ii - i. a ? i ii ii ii ii u rrii.i v llll r-ri l I I II II II P ji d a IT! II 1 III II II II II II I I II II II -1', III Health Due Trip Given as Reason; Five Engagements Cancelled .- Wichita, Kan., Sept. 26. 111 health caused by the strain of his long speaking trip on behalf of the league of nations covenant today compelled President Wilson "to cancel the remaining five speaking engagements. The president's train will return to Washington at once,' according to Sec retary Tumulty, who in a formal state ment said tho severe 'strain of the trip and the past year brought on a ncrv- oils reaction in his digestive organs. Pr. Grayson insisted upon abandon ment of tho trip. Tumulty said, despite the president's desire to continue. ' The special train was to leave Wich ita at 11 a. m. without the president attempting -Ail speech here.: Announcement of the cancellation of the remaining dates was made before a crowd of 1j,000 which jammed the auditorium here, S. A. Amidon, nation al democratic committeeman from Kan sas, made the announcement. The city was crowded for the presi dent's visit. "Crowds massed in all streets adjoining the. .auditorium, hop ing to catch a glimpse of the execu tive in a parade which had been plan ned. Tiie parade was postponed Lack of exercise was cart to" have been partially responsible for the pres ident 's condition. He has had little opportunity to exercise except at brief .stops, oven those being spent largely in riding to auditoriums. -Tho president's train "arrived here at 9:10. lie did not appear at the audit onum, where he was scheduled to 8)ea1(. A llfirniie. in Ilia linnni- TOna nftaf . poned, - ir ----- ...... J'-"- The auditorium wis paeftect and. all k nearby streets were blockpit by the crowds which poured into the city to welcome the. chief executive. Amidon did not say how serious the president's condition was. Remaining dates on the president's schedulo were: , Wichita and Oklahoma City today; Little Bock, Ark., and Memphis. Tenn,, September 27; Louisville, Ky., Septem ber 28 and 29. He was to arrive in Washington September 30. Secretary. .Tumulty issued, the fol lowing statement: "The president has exerted himself so constantly and-has been tinder such a .strain during the last year and has so spent himself without reserve on this trip that it has brought on a nerv ous reaction in his digestive organs. "Dr. Orayson, therefore, insists up on the cancellation of his remaining appointments and his immediate return to Washington, notwithstanding the president's earnest desire to complete his engagements." It was announced Wilson had suf fered headaches for several flays past, although he had not complained of them except to his immediate associates on the journey. The president has made forty speeches during the tour since leaving Washing ton, September 3, and has spent all but a half dozen nights on the train. The president 's train will return to Washington via St... Louis and Kansas City, arriving there at 8 a. m. Sunday. Wilson was still up and about his pri vate car shortly before noon, although it was possible- that Dr. Grayson might order him to bed if hwr condition showed no improvement. Mrs. Wilson was with liiin constantly. It was expected that Dr. Grayson would make a statement later in the day giving nn exact diagnosis of the president's ailment. 1 4 rim SAN FRANCISCO FIRE . San Francisco, Sept. 26. Fire gutted the two upper floors of the George Casswcll Coffee company in Second street today. The damage amounted to $200,000., Eight carloads of coffee, just received, were destroyed. The fire, of unknown origin, was dis covered at 6:30 a. m. The fire may affect the local coffee market. The price of coffee already had threatened to go upward because ot the waterfront strike. Battalion Chief W. A. Cook was pai tislly blinded when his eyes were burnt by exploding pepper. Fireman Ii. irv roni was cut by flying glass. Lieuten ant Fred Lindenberg was cut across the forehead. , , Fireman Charles Reynolds was over come by smoke. Rev. George I.. Clark has just return cd to La Grande from 15 months of serviee with Y. M. C. A. in France and . Germany. . To Strain Of WILL CONTINUE TOUR OF WEST COAST By L. C. Martin (United Press Staff Correspondent.) ' Washington, Sept. 26. Senator Hiram Johnson was off for tho Pacific connt today to present his side of tho league of nations question in opposition to President Wilson's view.-. ' . Johnson goes first to Bun Francisco ' fcta t0 make s"ral ?Peclies in California, Oiqgon nnd Washington. His speeches, h0 pointed out today, will be the first made in coast sttaes in oppo sition to the league. ;' , "Only one side of the story hns been told on the coast," said Johnson. "When the people there' understand this scheme, the will disnlnv th snmtf I A marina . ntinit1i. .nM....i' n ...w.uau uitiipuLiiT .vnaiu it UQ IMIf people of the other states where I have spoken.'-' Z ;. 7,'i- .?' ''v Johnson expects' to devote himself in" detail to the president's statements regarding Great Britain's six votes and on article 10 of tho covenant. Before ho left he arrived at an under standing with the leaders of the various factions opposing the treaty, concerning his amendment proposing to equalize the vote of the United States and Great Britain. It hns been agreed that the Johnson amendment will be the last to be voted on. This loaves Johnson free to make an extended trip. President Wilson's abandonment of the remainder of his speaking tour will not affect Senator Johnson's plans, he said. "I will go ahead just the same," said Johnson. : Tunnel Wreck Repaired And Thru Train Service Opened Redding, Cal., Sept. 20. (United Press.) Tunnel No. 2 on the Southern Pacific- Shasta- Route, which has been blocked since last Saturday, was opened this morning to traffic. No further transfer of passengers over the tunnel will be necessary. Tho funnel was blocked when five freight cars were derailed in it. British Railway Strike Is Called For Tonight London. Sept, 2fl. The strike will become effective rnilwnv in Great Britain tonight, it wus officially an nounced by union leaders today. The announcement was accompanied by the statimmt that today's conference of ijrvcrninent officials aad union repre-Si-nrntiveg hal failed to reach an agree ment Portland One-Man Street Car Turns Over; None Hurt Portland, Or., Sept. 26. Passengers on a one-man streetcar miraculously es caped serious injury and possible death here late yesterday afternoon when the ear jumped the track on a. turn ano turned turtle. Passengers crawled out at the ends of tho car and later pulled out eight pas sengers who were eaught iutfide. None was seriouslv hurt. San Francisco Chauffeurs To Strike; Ask More Money 8sn Francisco, Sept. 26. By a vote of 10 to 1 the chauffeurs union has de cided to strike October 1 nidess an in crease of $1 a day is granted them, the union announced today. Th present scale ranges betwen fl and tiM per day. ' Five hundred chauffeurs would be ef fected by the walkout, it was said. Grading is completed on the Pacific highway to within half a mile of the city pavement at Albany. JOHNSON Police Business Picks Up Daring State Fair Week With the coining of the state fair, business pjeked up a little at the Salem police headquarters. W. W. Forest, a young man staying on North, Fourth street, reported to the police that he had been held up by two highwaymen at Union and Commer cial streets at 1:30 o'clock this morning. He claimed the robbers got no money as what he had he carried in his hat. Also that he was so scared that he forgot to report to the police until about eux hours after it happened. The report also cams to headquarters of the home of justice Bean being en tered, but tho load was not discovered until late this morning. Mrs. Petross, who is operating a shoot ing gallery at the fair grounds, reported that a man had stolen $100 from her and site had a pretty good idea who did it. Fred Aner of Rickrcall reported there was .stolen- from his. auto at the fair grounds one overcoat, one lap robe and lady's coat besides several small articles of clothing. , E. Tooker of Macleay had Ids Ford stolen last evening. Sheriff Needham received a report from Eugene this morning to look out for a Chevrolet with license .60,006 stolon at that place and headed this way. r The car had three dark colored tires and one with a light color. - , Parties from Pendleton reported to tho police of the loss of a car at that place a few daya ago, with the infor mation that the thief and crt might pos sibly be located at the state fair. UNDER CONTROL TODAY Redwood Park, Cal., Sept. 26. (Uni ted Press-.J.-Ilaving claimed 100 of the world's greatest irees during yesterday and last night, the fire that has eaten its way into California's biggest .park had beon halted today, it was believed, a (scant half mile from Governor's Cab in. -"-'r- ..... - .. Park Warden Dool said the situation fwas better. ' .-'- "Great trees were falling all night," said Dool. "When they fall they can be heard a mile and a half." The big redwoods do not burn readily. lt luiMMia wan Ire ii wl liu liKiiali !.aa about their bases and finally tdpple dveri mm a gii-nt viitau, tanjring 'smuiii-r trees with them. This is the first fire in redwood park in modern history.- Dool Baid many of the redwoods liad, been hollowed by jrevious fires 400 to 500 years ago aiii so fell more readily before these fhmes. The redwoods that have fullea run tu six feet in diameter and,are from 250 -et high. They were from 1300 nl.l ui to 275 feet to 2000 vcars old, said Dool. "We hope wo have the fires corralled today," said Dool, "but we aren't cer tain." POLICE SEEKING BAD CHECK MIST TODAY The bad chock artist arrived in Salem yesterday but so far as can be learned by the-police, he operated only ut the Welch Electric compauy store on State street. After banking hours yesterday ne ap peared and bought $10.25 worth of mer chandise, asking that he might leave it in the store for a few hoars. In payment of his purchases, a check for $21.20, drawn on the Capital Na tional bank was presented, under the signature of H. B. Hawthorne. It was made payable to bearer and the man presenting the check was not required to endorse it. The firm paid out in cash $10.93, but the purchaser has so far failed to claim his packages, making the net loss to the firm that amount of cash paid out on the check. . - In quiry around town failed to de velop any additional operations of the bad check artist and none had been re ported to police headquarters. Grand Lodge Officers Of : Knights Visit In Dallas Dallas, Ore., Sept. 26. Orand Chan cellor Fred J. Johnson of Astoria and Grand Keeper of Becords aad Seal Wal ter G. Gieason of Portland of the Knights of Pythias lodge of Oregon, were in DaHas last night a -id paid Marmion lodge of this city surprise vis Botfcnofficers wore enthusiastic over the growth of the Dallas lodg? and the excellent record it has been rank- inn rl 1 1 f J n rr 1 1 a nait wan in turned soldiers to inin it rnnlri Tnit-t TTiif- atorv work was put on for the benefit ' of the visitors and a luncheon serve 1 at a late hour. The officers left today for Falls City whore a big Pythian meeting will be held this evening. VALLEY POINTS urn TO FAIR TODAY Rural Districts Well Repre sented At Willamette Day Exercises. YAMHILL BAND ORE OF PROGRAM'S FEATURES Attendance Smaller Than Thursday -fat Big Last Day A trifle later than usual, the heavier crowds at the etate fair grounds did not arrive this morning until nearly 11 o'clock. As an aftermath of yesterday the day has been sorfiowhat quieter than, those earlier in the week and the visit ors have been less: demonstrative. It is believed that .tomorrow there- will b one of the.biggest jams of the week and that the ulobl will return with renewed enthusiasm. ''...-. ' - . - Today is -Willamette valley' day, and it is noticeable that there a more per sons present from tho rural districts than formerly.. Scores of out-of-town cars .wore parked this morning and all day long they have continued to arrive. . With approximately 42,000 pel sons on rttegrounds yesterday it was undoubted ly the greatest day oif it kind in every particular ever knonpn in Salem. The record attendance Of yesterday v more thaji 5000 in excess of the one es tablished on Sulcm day. After -a day replete with, bustle, excitement, and t hrills, Portlanders returned late last night, apparently much enthused. : - "To say that the lack of disorder an J -accidents is extraordinary would bo to put it mildly, " Major Wilham White m command of the 80 Oregon guardsmen, this afternoon. Ho expressed surprise. that there have been no fights and very little drunkenness on the grounds. Ac tivities of the soldiers, he said, have, been confined to recovering misplaced cars, and locating lost children. Lrge crowds gathered near the mam gates this morning to 'listen to a concert given by the Yamhill band. Later this morning several selections were also ren dered by Tommasino's Italian band of New York. By 11:30 this morning streetcars run ning to the fair were jammed with peo ple nnd nt noon the grounds were well filled. At 1:80 when the speea program commenccd tne grandstands were pad with cnthusiastic fans.- t . ... ked I At 4 o'clock this afternoon there will be another concert by the Yamhill band in the livestock coliseum and at 4:30 j Chief Thomas. Graham's company of crack fire fighters will give a fire drill. At 8 o'clock this evening the last horse show will be held in the livestock spec tatoiinm. No admission will be charged. This evening vaudeville- may be seen In the, agricultural pavilion auditorium. Belgian Rulers To See . American Football Game Omaha, Neb., fept. 26. King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of Belgium will witness their first American football game here October 25. according to plans being made for their reception hore. The royal partv will attend the gninP between Nebraska and Oklahoma uni versity teams. I Who remembers when it used t ' please folk t' mnke 'em feel at homef Mrs. I Tilford Moots attended a municipal su-, gar sale, t'day, an' nearly got pulver- izei. ' UHLU0 M ABB MABTIN Auto Stolen At Fair Found By Portland Cops Portland, Or., Sept. 26. With an al leged stolen automobile in their posses ion, Harold Walsh of Seattle and Frank Hesse of Tacoma were arrested hore early this morning. The machine, a Ford tourinir ear. i said to hav0 been stolen last night a the staie fair grounds in Salem, OC me prisoners, ootn youtns, win De re turned to Salem today." The police say Walsh admitted that he served a term in the Monroe, Wash., reformatory due to the theft of an auto mobile. . The car reported recovered by the Portland police this morning after hav ing been stolen from its parking place near the fair grounds last night is sup posed to be a Ford belonging to E. Tooker of Macleay. Mr. Tooker report ed to the police last night that his cur had been stolen. - U.S.HARINES LAND IH DALMATIAN CITY Washington, Sept. 26. The sen ate today adopted a resolution In quiring of the navy department whether the reports of landing of American marines at Trau, Dalma tia, are true. Senator Knox of fered the resolution. London, Sept. 26. (United PrcBs.) Two hundred American marines lanitea at Trogir (Trau) on tho Dalmatian coast and turned the town over to the Jugo slavs after the latter had compelled an Italian detachment to withdraw, a news agency dispatch from Copenhagen re ported today. The dispatch said that when a Sent Slav detachment began an advance an Trojir an American Sestroyer. cntorcn the harbor to compel retirement of the Italians to the amiistic line., Tho in habitants opened flreon the Italians, who retreated hastily) but tho' Italian commander and an armored car with Its erew were captured by the Slavs. In the meantime 200 American marines, with machine guns, landed in the .town and took possession of the prisoners. The town was turned over to the Jugo: Slavs and the Americans re-embarked. VILLA'S RIGHT HAND MAN DIES OF WOUNDS (ialvuston, Texas, Sept. 26. Martin Lope, second in command in tho rebel army of Francisco Villa, died of wounds received when Americans drove the VII listas from Juareit recently, a-ccording to a Mexican government statement given out at tho Mexican consul's office here today. The dispatch said Lopez died Septem ber 13 and that 130 of his men sur rendered to the Cairanzttas. A second dispatch declared Luis Ye lasco, second in commander under thy bandit, Manuel Pelaez, in tho Tampico region, has voluntarily surrendered to Carranzistas with 330 men, usking am nesty. The consul's office also announced a report of a battle between Villistas end Carranistas in Durango in which 100 Villistas were killed or captured. Opening Of Hazel Green , School Postponed Week The Hazel Green school, which had announced its first day for the full term as Monday, September 2!, now ends out word that the day has been postponed one week and that the school bell will ring for the first day on Monday, Octo ber 6. The school will be taught by Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Jones. Mr. Jones will be prvid $92 a month and Mrs. Jones $72. Lart year Mr. Jones did not teach as he was over in France fighting the Germans. . Private Detective Of San Diego Wounded By Woman San Diego, Cal., Sept. 26. C. K. Mc Duell private detective former smin ty detective, was found in his office here today, seriously And probably fat ally shot. Mrs. "Kugene Lswlcr, divorsed wife of a liquor man, who the police say has been employed ss private detective by MoDuell was found at the entrance of the building sobbing 'U hope he toe i "t die." She admitted her revolver w.n the weapon employed. MicDuell charged that she shot lum. The woman is held. Mrs. F. J. Bailey of La Grando was knocked down by an automobile, drag 'ged about 30 feet and received a broken collar -bone and other injuries. STEELllIE EM STRIKE SCOPE a Rompers Tells tee Walk-out Result Of Years of Oppression - (By United Press) . ' ' With the steel workers apparently losing a little ground in the Pittsburgh district in their strike against . the United States Steel Corporation and its subsidiaries,' efforts were'being made today to extend the strike to the Behlehem Steel company Monday. The vote in favor of this new strike must be approved by the steel workers na tional committee. v .- ITALIAN CROVN STILL TALKING FIUIIE By CamUlo Wanfarra (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Borne, Sept. ,26. The crown council meeting to considor the crisis created at riumo by Gabriolle D'Annunzio, con- veued at 9:35 o'clock this morning. An j adjournment waa token at noon and the I session resumed at i o'clock, continuing uhlu seven. Baron Sonnino, former foreign min- ister, and Signor Turati, socialist leader J were not present. King Emmanuel presided at the con f etence, 'sitting fttween Premier Nltt and FofO'iRn Minister Tittoni. mi. Nitti was the first speaker, the Epoca roported today. The premier is said to have acquainted the council with tho I facts in the government's possession fncting the internal ; and foreign eitna-' tion. He also told of tho probable eco- nomic and political consequences of the Fiume expedition. Nitti was followed bv the foreign min ister, who explained the latest consct sions Italy has submitted to the peace conference and expressed regret, Becom ing to the Spoca, that President Wilson had not replied to the Italian proposals. Tittoni is quoted cm saying that the peace contorcnee wouio ncsitate to : ognizo Fiume as a part of Italy, espe cially after D'Annunzio's occupation of tho ctiy, for foar that Czecho-Slavnk would in her 81nvi be Suspired to take drastic s tens , demands for Tschchen, that Jugo-! ..I"" ifCLTtt.wWH r to Klna-enfurt and Hadeskberg, that Greece would press her ' demands for Thrace and Rumania would insist on her claims to Banal. Tittoni is said to hsv.j FlZelnevUaWy woulu S. conference. Lightning Too Slow For Deschutes rire rignters Even lightning isn't fast enough to beat the fire fighters of the Deschutes National forest to it. N. G. Jacolwon. COUNCIL supervisor of tho Deschutes forest who Workers have been denied the right to was a-visitor in the office of State For- hold meetings." . ester F. A. Elliott admits it himself. Senator Sterling asked whether the ' Several firos started by lightning purpose of preventing meetings in tho -strikinir in the tops of trees in the forest strike district was not to prevent flls-, have been checked before the blaze order. ' - could get to the ground, to j "The purpose," said Gompers, "Is to Jaeobson. . . prevent the men from furthering their , The cffiic.enc.y of nis lire ngnunst crew and tho alertness of his lookouts has held fire losses down to a minimum during the past season, according to Jaeobson, only 77 acres being burned ever in 35 fires which have been started. Eastern College Football Season To Open Saturday New York, Sept. 2fi. (United Prens.V King Football will kick off , in the opening of th0 1919 season tomorrow. .Five eastern collegiate teams will make an early bid for recognition from a sporting world that is seething with world scries interest. Harvard mocU) Bates at Cambridge; the Army opens with Middlcbury at West Point; Dartmouth battle Spring field Y. M. C. A. at Hanover; Brown lines up against Rhode Island State at Providence, and Washington and Jeffer son meets Geneva nt Washington, $20,009 PostedFor Leonard To Meet Tendler At Trenton Trenton. N. J. - Sept.. 2(kr-An. offer of $20,000 was made today by the Trenton A. C. for a Benny Leonard- Lew Tendler eight round bout to be- stagod here in November. Senate Commit-. In the all-important Pittsburgh trict reports today indicated that soma men were returning to work in many -mills. -In -the other steel areas, neither' side appeared to be gaining appreciably except at Canton, Ohio, where 1200 men -Were said to have voted in favor of jo" ing back Sunday.- . ' Shots were exchanged between strike sympathizers and police at Clairton, Pa today when men goiifg ,to work were fired upon. Three striker sympathizers'' were Brrewted.. , , - . f Samuel Gompers took the stand in the i senate investigation at Washington to" day and declared that the issue ef steel -strike is the right of labor to be heard bv it emnlovers. . " ;" o-s : By Raymond Clapper '.t :.'-.. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) ' Washlnirton. SoDt. 26. The steel strike was inevitable because years of oppression and brataJity to.tha woker fcrf rmi-H thnm t runtt; ftuaiul 1 ue(t head of the Amorioan Federation ; of Labor, told the senate labor commit tee investigating the steel strike today. It was a choice of whether it would - imdcr lendershiO '-iff -men of moves - hilltv or some one who misrht SOTina ud . ttt tne momct,M said the labor ehief. . omri. ..Wired that steel eomnanlos af-,baritained with ship lines to brine in tornaa labor to drive out hlaher naid' Am(1,i h it.d l.Wk nifftnra of working condition in the mills. After describing his own efforts and those of President Wilson to secure tho workcrs a conference with Judge Garv , of the steel corporation, Gompers de-' clared the closed shop was not one of the strikers.' demands. Gompers declared tho steel eormra-i tion maintained an elaborate espionage system over its men, as part of its plan to prevent unionization, ' "They had detectives, spotters, agents . od f olfOW6'd theB1 - " ' ' rQ commit overt acts, to st4e premature., ' and provocateurs," said Gompers, "who or do something because of which they conld be discharged. "Men were discharged because they - P- ized. ' ' Men on their way td: attend meet- ings to discuss union organization, have, had to pass between lines of atoel com- ,. pany detectives and thugs. Halls where they planned to hold meetings have bees locked and the meetings broken up, the; men beaten and injured. "Since I came here today I have been informed, that at McKecsport, P-., tho interests in this controversy." INK DEPOSED BUI ; NOT KILLED, KIT Basle, Sept. .26. (United Press.) A.' dispatch to the; Europa-. Press from Co- penhagen reports that Nikolai Leninr bolshevik premier, has been overthrown . and imprisoned in the Kremlin at Mos- " sow. People 's ('ommissary Dorehinsky is in powor and is occupying Moscow, the report states. London, Sept. 26. The Paris eorre spondent of th0 Central News Agcney reports that the rumors of the assassina tion of Nikolai Lcnine, Russian bolslie- vik premier, circulated on the bourse yesterday, are without confirmation. . 'Roy Lathrop was seriously injured near Grants Pass when a silago cutter flew to pieces, portions of the metal . .striking him on the head. The Talent irrigation district will have water on 3500 of the 8500 acres la the district by next spring.