Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 25, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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';!'"v.,?' A J"
'Kate per" word New Today:
lEach . insertion
. lo
. 5c
Ob week 6 insertions) ...
On" aonth (26-inscrtions)
One year, per .month ....j. .... ... 9c
.wuinimuni per au z.f cents. , .
a (.'ask in advance, except where ad
vertisers have1 monthly accounts.,
IfOR good spuds cull 14F24; 3e delivered.-
. 9-20
GOOD FARMS for sale on good terms.
E. .. Baker, Turner, Or. 9-30
XR SALE 6 room house,, 4 lots, all
"kiuda of. fruit, born and. chicken
(houses, good drilled" well. Applv own--er
280 Pine St.. .. 9-20
HOB SALE 4. 8 . (baiby e 4lves;Barrcd
' Rock and White Leghorn pullets.
Phone 78F12. 9-28
TOMATOES for sale. 8F23.. Call eve
nings. ' tf
FOR SALE 10 tonj loose clover. $14
per ton at barn. F. 2ST. Bassett, Silver
tou Road. tf
40 ACRES all cleared G miles north of
Salem, good location, improvements,
, Mock and implements, family orch
( -ard, good 'buildings, $10,000." Write
'40'' care 'Journal,1 "-'; - - "' tf
IP; vou want a house and 2 lots ehfap,
-fall, nt 485 8. 22d St. between 9 a.
in. and twelve. -'- 9-27
FOR SALE Coining 4 Pts (Papy, reg
istered Jersey 'bull; fine individual,
' from Frank Lynn herd; also 4 heif
6rs coming Jtearliiigs eligible to reg
ister. A: Summers, alias, Rt, 2. 9.23
FOR SALE 'New mtden '5 room bifh
"galow by owner; fiTC place, bath and
toilet, hot aod cold water, 1820 Che
mekcta aiid 19th St. . , 9-29
FQR SALE-nrAf, a bargain, . 5 passen
ger Ford-first' class condition, only
;-$-t.)0. i.nqture at oalem Voup com-
'.Tpanjr,. 102 N. Commercial,':
FOR SALE Heating stovo No. 20, on
. '4y used three mouths 1020 ".Center.'
Phone 1192.,; "' ""-' tf
LOST Cameo 'brooch between State
ffmd Conijnereial iSt. and 1745 .N.
Commercial, or on street ear, going
north. Return to Journal office. Re
ward.. ,. ; 930
Lt)ST "Prjcltet book upstairs in new
A-pavilion. Mrs. Elton Jones, Shaw, Or.,
'"care A. W. King. Reward. 9-25
FOR SALE 1 6-year old riding mare;
4 3-year old mare, also 1 year-old
mure cold, Standard Ibred. Will
sell cheap or accept .pasture 'for
hop ranch, South Bottom, Rt. 8, Sa
lem. Tliono 5W''14. 10-1
F.OR SALE 25 acres bcaverdam land,
15 acres Italian prunes and apples,
-good buildings, 1 mile from town.
..SO acres fine iblack soil, farm build
ings. Price $7500.
8 acres close in, house aud barn, for
3700. Phone 1425M. C. W. Em
;mett. -- . 10-1
45 ACRES good soil, well located, for
; sale or exchange for small acreage
'r Salem property. JAB care Jour
nal. . 9-27
TOR SALE 5 passenger Ford perfect
ttondition, only ft-150. Salem Velie
company, 102 N. Commercial St. 9-20
80 ACRES for sale, partly improved,
4iy2 miles from Chitwood, Or., Lin--!oln
county. Prjce $400. 80 .acres va
cant homestead land adjoining. Ad-1
dress R. R. Wilson, Chitwood, Or.
I 9-25
125 acres nearly all in cultivation,
",!0 acres river . bottom, house and
imrii, orchard, good wagon road. 7
uiilos from Saiem; stock, implements,
hay in barn, $125 per acre,
110 acres all in cultivation, good im
provements, all farming implements,
atock cows, hogs, horses, wagons, hay
in barn, $125 per acre.
00 acres all in cultivation, good
nonse ana nam, orcnarrt; a fine I
farm; farm implements, $150 per acre !LOST A traveling bag containing
.10 acres, house, barn, .apples, cher- Prse, on Garden and Siivertou ruad
.Ties; a fine chicken' place and all! aeBr Seventeenth street, on the eve
.ifixed for it, all in. cultivation, 2;llinSof the, 24th. Call 2440. Reward.
Wiles "out of town on .liiirlm-ny ? . i 9-20
.k, .. .... ... , . ,
$00. J. H. Moran, Monmouth, Or. 9-27
A Little "Want" Ail Sells It
205 Oregon Building
FOB SALE 1 double haruess, (nice
team horses, weight 2700 lbs., 5
years old; 1 Birdsell wagun, almost
new; "Monarch" lVj horse power
gasoline engine, good condition;
mower, hay rake and 12-in. Moline
steal plow with two chilled shares,
all in' ibeat condition; 1 "Empire sepa
rator. Will sell the whole for $800
cash or will sell separately. Enquire
for sale at L. A. Goldade, Kt. 5, box
137, Salem, Or.- , 9-29
$1000 For sale on easy terms, or trade
house, 1103 S3. Liberty Sit., Salem,
want laud, or car, good condition, no
junk. Owner 273'jjixon St. Portland,
Or. 9-2o
FOB SALE 40 acres goo.d river bot
tom laud, some improvements ideal
land for loganberries and other fruit.
Price three thousand, "some terms;
Could use team -of good grade draft
mares at their cash value as part
pay. K 'F care Journal. . 9-25
FOR SALE Registered Lincoln buck.
Miotic 115. 9-25
FOR SALE Three stands of bees.
' Phono 1204. '.. ' ... 9-25
FOR SALE Or will take a good 3 ton
truck as part payment on 103 acres,
00 in cultivation. Price $85 per acre.
A. Weinert, Salem, Or. Rt. 9. 9-20
FOR SALE One- twenty horse pow
er upright steam boiler with stack
and trimmings. .
One thirty horse power horizontal
tubular boiler with stack and trim
mings. -
Both of these boilers are in first
vlass condition. --Capital .City Laun
" dry.-Phorift 165. " .: ' -';' - a"25
6 ROOM plastered house :f or aie, on
4 Hoyt'anu ficx'Sts. $950, Write H R
care- Journal, . 9-29
FOR SALE-rSow with 7 pigs, really to
wean,' J.'R. Chapman, Rt. 2, box 10lV
- Phone 17F2. 9-23
1 COV", 3 years old, giving 3 gallons
milk day.' 1770 Broadway; can be
seen morning or evening between" 6
and 7. - ; ' . ; 9-25
WANTED Man for orchard work.
Vonng married man preferred. Phone
03F5, Dr. O..B. Miles ranch. ; 9-20
TWO waiters, good pny call pr phone
Imperial Cafe, Albany", Or. . -26
WANTED Girl for diet kitchen rWOrk
at Oregon state tuberculosis hospit
al. Pay $35 per month with board,
room and laundry furnished,: Phone
433. : . ... . 9 20
25 PRUiNE pickers" , wanted. Meet
truck at Bush ibank corner .7:30
mornings. Phone 1433W. 9-29
WANTED1 Oirl for hand ironing. Sa
lem. Laundry Co. itf
WANTED -3 irl for marking or bun
dle room. Salem Laundry Co. - tf
WA'NTKD Girl for shirt machine,
lem Laundry Co. .
MRX wanted, Salem Tile works, near
fair grounds. Apply Salem Tile &
Mercantile Co. , tf
hops, will pay $1.50 per 100 pounds,
on river road. Lee Hing, Rt. 8, box
98. 9-20
WANTED House maid state school
for deaf, phone 64(i. 9-26
WANTED Prune pickers,
preferred. Phone 2303.
WANTED A messenger, good wages.
Applv Western Union. . tf
HOP pickers wanted; will haul you
out and iback every day. Car leaves
Willamette Valley Transfer's office
every morning at 7; .good picking,
$1.20 for 100 lbs. ' - tf
WANTED Girl to care for children
and do light house work. Phone
1592J. tf
LOST-Ohcck book and -bill book.
Checks in favor of I. N. Basey. Re
turn to Journal. Reward. 9-27
FOR SALE 10 acres of land, new 5
room house, 1 acre bearing prunes, 6
miles south. Price $2000. Sec E. B.
Grobenhorst, 275 State street. 9-27
iXlIt SALE 68 acre tract, nearly all
cultivated, best of fruit land, good
(i room --house and barn, rock road.
Price $8000, $3000 down, balance 8
percent interest. Wv-Hv Grabcnhorst
& Co.,. 273 State . street. ', , 9-27
FOR. SAL E-r-Th re acres sof "corn." and
'loose cheat hav, $12.50 per ton. I.
i ll. Moore, Rt. 7, .box ;202A., .- 10-1
ALL kinds of sewing dune at 259 S.
19th. Phone' 1583; also orders taken
.for crocheted yokes, 10-1
WAXTEDj-Cleftn jaga for wiping nia-
" ' (jhinery-at tlji" Journal office, tf
-; -r-. ""-j '.' r y-r -rr v -
APPLE, sorters wanted, men or women,
- ('all-293,-sk for Mr. Zelier.- - 9-2i
WANTED WUlametto university or
high school students, with, -bicycle
preferred, to" carry paper, route. Cir
culation Dept, Capital Journal. tf
WANTKD University or business giri
to share small apartment. $7.50 each
per month. For particulars call Y W
1 secretary,' V, ...... 9-20
WANTED To exchange talking ma
; chine for piano. Address M M care
(Journal. ..... ti'i i ; -. ' t
WANTED Two ,, ruvntslied" ; living
' rooms close to -Journal -office.- Phone
'82. , ,. ... tf
WANTED To lease a 5 or 10 acre
tract -with chicken houses for 500
to 1000 chickens. Rt. 6, box 22, J. E.
i Kirkpatriek. 9-26
AV ANTED To trade 40 acres -unim
proved fruit land for automobile.
Al-so house and lot in Salem for im
proved five acre tract, close in. Box
J G care Journal. ' 9-27
FOR SALE Young black team mare,
. harness and new 3 wagon, Harry
. Pearson. Phone 12 F5. ' 9-29
FOR SALE Or rent, 15 acre chicken
ranch, joining city. 'PI'0110 2509J2.
.-' ., : ' 9-25
lip EXCHAXGE 073 acre stock ranch
: in Benton Co., Ore., and some cash,
for a stock of merchandise. O. B.
'. Durdall, Salem, Or. . tf
" 1 .
FpRifSATE A 6 room modem bunga
; low With garage, close in .and good
neighborhood. Phone 2144, . 9.-25.
3 ROOM house for sale 803 N; Liber
ty St. Inquire Warner Fennell. 9-20
FOR SALE Largo 6 room modern
; bungalow, full basement, furnace,
: laundry, trays, hot nnd cold water,
built in features, garage, large lot,
well located, paved street, close to
car line, store, school; Price $4000.
Owner, box. 222, .Salem, Or. 9-27
Look this list of houses, farms and
amall acreage tracts -over carefully.
vuu win una real Dargains nerc:
j 7 room modern, close in lot 60x275,
run Kinds or rruw ana tngusn walnuts.
improved streets, garage; this is a real
bargain. $4000.
6 room cottage, modern, large lot,
onie fruit, concrete walks, close in,
5 room modern bunnlow,- close in,
improved street, $1750. '" '' "
4 room cottage, modern; large lot,
good chicken house; a snap, $1500.
5 room cottage, 'bath, toilet, electric
lights basement, close in on improved
street; $2000. '" '": -
5 room modern bungalow,"2 lots, $2,
500. ; ' , . .. .-:-vv. .
U can buy any property we offer on
good terms. . - , J
Farms ' ,
48 acres of fine 'bottom land, 25 in
cultivation, good 7 room house, good
barn, silo, chicken house and .large
shed, some stock, tools and grain go
with this place; fine pasture land for
ranging cattle, also joining property;
this is one of the best farms in the
valley, $200 per acre.
(52 acres river foottom, 30 id cultiva
tion, good house, ibarn and wood shed,
2 wells, family orchard good heavy
team, 1 cow, 3 shoats, 50 chickens, all
hay aud farm produce, also the farm
machinery goes with place if sold soon,
20V, acres, good house and barn,
good family orchard; get busy On this,
$2250. ;
14 acres, small house and barn, fine
spring, 200 6-year old prune trees, 1
acre logans, 4 acres' in cultivation, bal
ance in timber; stumps and pasture; its
a snap at $2500.
10 acres, 8 in cultivation, 1 in
fine oak and fir timber, l" acre in
fruit, a fine plastered 7 room house,
good barn and chicken house, running
water to house and 'barn, $3000. .
10 acre mostly in pruu-es, fair house
'good ibarn and chicken house; thig is
ai real buy at $4000. '
5 acres on hard surface close in,
good 5 room cottage, barn, tool house
and chicken house; you'll have to hur
ry, $3000.
10 acres, small cottage, large barn,
fine chicken houses, 10OO chickens, all
farm implements, brooders and hatch
ing machinery go with this, $5000; two
miles out.- '
3'i acres on hard surface with fine
5 room cottage and good barn, young
orchard; this is a real buy, $1800.
3 acres joining city limits on Slough
road, modern house, barn, chicken
house aud garage; a fine-place. We are
offering this for quick sale at a real
oargam. 22(K).
404 Oregon building
Expert machine shop service by Mr.
Bergman at high school machine shop.
12. years experience, Gear cutting a
specialty.' High class machine tools,
yuick service. Phono 446. .
PHONE 1090R. Our. prices are right.
W. M.Zandler,' proprietor. 1255 N.
, Summer, street Salem, Ur. - ,
FOB' SALE My . farm of 117 acres
about 13 miles south of Salem and
2V4 -miles, from p. E, depot, Very
best of river bottom land, nearly
in cultivation, rest timber and
pasture. Good orchard, . fences and
buildings. $75 per aef e. J-40 caro
Journal. ' 10-15
FOB SALE 4'j acres green corn. In
quire John Flachsol, ,RU 1, Turner.
- ' . :. V ' ." 9-25
5 room well located modern bunga
low with some furniture, $2000, terms.
, 341 State St. - tf
$30,000 Ranch To Go At
Once For $22,000
$7850 will handle:, the deal.
(This land is cheap at $100 , por
acro'ibut is "going iii this sale at $73
' per acre. ' '
315 acre's,' 20"0 -acres cultivated, 115
timber, well fenced, running water,
all the best of fruit land; 22 acres
bfcaring prunes, 8 room modern - resi
dence, on liard surfaced road, ctose
to Salem, a fine subdivision propo
sition, seo me at once.
:.'' .. 341" State street .
$7500 Finejoderii Residence
To Be Sold at Once for $5000.
Owner Leaving The City
7 room modern home, finished inside
like your piano,, beautiful beamed
ceilings, lot 100x200 feet, 'beautiful
lawn, ahrubkery, fruit; -garage, coops
for poultry, all buildings electrically
. lighted; this place will compare with
any of them. If you want a home you
will greatly regret it if you don 't
see this befdro you 'buy.
' 341 State st-wt -'"'-
. '. . .... 'Oil ... '
Bargains In Real Estate
FUN'E 24 acre tract 13 '"miles from
town. Good 8 room 'bungalow, good
'barn. 17 acres bearing prunos, 2 acres
cherries, family orchard,1 good prune
dryer. Snap price for few days $8500
$3000 cash, balance $1000 per year.
EXTRA nice 5 acre tract close to Sa
lem on fine road and first class gar
den land, some fruit. Price $2500.
MODERN 8 room house close to stato
house. Sacrifice price $1JOO. Terms.
32 ACRE tract 4 mileg from Salem all
,in high state of ' cultivation, good
house, large ; barn and other, build
ings. .
2 ACRE tract well Unproved with
nice orchard, close toalem. $2500,
easy terms.
28 ACRES 1 miles from town. 20 in
cultivation, fair buildings, $4500.
180 ACRE farm 8 miles from Salem,
good road, aibout 100 acres bottom
land in cultivation. Farm Buildings.
Fine 'buy af $110 per acre.
NICE' 10 acre' tract, close in, all in Cul
tivation, farm buildings, horse, 3
cows,, fowls, feed, hay, tools; snap
$5300,;-;; , -y4 .. ...
IF. you want a good hpme at right
price, , ' - ';'''.
C-R-List of good buvs and exchanges.
."'.i ..'v. 308 Oregon building
10 acres three miles east of Salem, all
tillable No. 1 iblack loam soil. Price
44 acres three miles east of Salem
all in cultivation splendid land, close
to school and just off the Silvcrton
paved road. Good terms.
43 acres of river bottom land, over
half in cultivation, three fourths of a
mile from Independence and in tho hop
center; This land is suitable for logan
berries and is a bargain at $125 an
137 acres in folk county 'on the Sa-
lem-Indopendence road. 105 acres in
cultivation and one half . river bottom
land. Good improvements. Stock and
I equipment goes at $140 an acre.
54 ncres cast ot balom three miles.
8 room house, barn, silo, hog house and
other outbuildings, small fruits and
running water. This is the focst of
ltdack loam- soil.
Acreage to suit in small farms. Pos
session given at once on any of the
above properties.
205 Oregon Bldg : ; 9-27
' Notice Is hereby given that tho fin
al account of George F. Oucrne,- admin
istrator of the estate of Charles . A.
Guerne, has. been filed in the county
court of Marion county, Oregon, and
that the said court has duly fixed the
20th day" of October, 1919, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a. m. thereof, at the
court room of said court in Salem, Ore
gon, as the time and place for the 'hear
ing of- objections to said? final, account
and tho settlement thereof, at -which
time any person interested may appear
'and file objections thereto and contest
the same.
' ,; . ; GEORGE F. Gl'KRSE,
Administrator ' of the estate, of
Charles A. Guerne. 10-16
REPAIRS and supplies. Office hppli
a'nees; We make rubber stamps.' Sims
143 N. High. Phone 340. 10-10
FOR, SAJ.E U917 Maxwell -in ! first
clasn condi-tinn nnrl fivA chml tirA.
J Run less than 9000 miles, $500 cash,
soou terms. , xeicpnone. xisia eve
nings. ... 9-25
ONE Baiby Grand Chevrolet roadster
for. sale cheap. 171 S. High St. W.
O. Wright. ... .;. - - .9-25
FOR .S LE Maxwell car,, five passen
ger, 1917 model; new tires, .one ex
tra. Phone 33F22. Moore Bros., Tur
ner, Or. -: -. :,.. : , -. . tf
Chalmers, A-l condition, $285 ' '
Almost new Buick 6, $1350 ;-,
-1917 Velie $825 . .
1915 Overland $350
" Studebaker bag $200 , ,
Hudson Super Six $950-
1917 Saxon six $700
We sell oils, ercasa, gasnhno. used
auto parts, tires ind fioci ifcories.
849 JN. COM. Y, M. C. A. BLOCS
ONE furnished sleeping room suitable
tor two. 3S9 Center. tf
THREE unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, also modern sleeping room
and garago for rent. 1020 Center
street. - :; ; ' T ' .' ' ' tf
FinUNdSHED rooms to f air s visitors.
Clean beds, direct carlino to fair
grounds. Close in to city. Between
Bush and Owen, 1068 S. Cororner-
cial. .. ;' .- . . v . . tf
5 ROOM furnished house for- rent. 7
room furnished house for rent, or will
rent and sell furniture. Both houses
modern except furnace: close -in and
. good location. E. E. Lavalleur, 271
UN. com. 9 25
FOR BENT Small dairy ranch and
6 cows. Inquire between 10 a. m.
and 5 p. m. at 779 N, Front. .St; 9-27
RUGS cleaned 40c each. Phone 16. 10-6
W.-'BBAVER well dfiilor. Phone"827J.
1105 N. 19th St. 8alem, Or. 10-9
ALL PAPEB 15 cents per1 dotfble toll
, apw&rd. Buren'g Furnituro Store,
; 179 Commercial; '-(' : tf
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 606.
844 acres, some fruit. mile from
Salem, 3 room house. Vegetable cellar,
on. road, $650, easy terms. .. .,,.
2 acres, 5 room .bungalow, somo fruit
rock road, at city limits; $2000.
4 acres paved road, good house, barn,
coops, lots of fruit.
5 acres all cultivated, good barn,
house, coops, $1700, cash.
10 acres, 5 cultivated, well watered,
house, good barn, lots of "Wef greens;
$2250, easy terms.
10 acres, 9 cleared, 1 acre family or
chard, 2 acres Ipgans, 14 acre strawber
ries, 5 room .house, barn, well, fenced,
best of valley loam, 5 milea' from cen
ter of Salem, for short time $3600.
7.31 acres, all black gravel berry soil
bounded by stream, can all be irrigat
ed, on good road, fine trout stream, 3
V4 miles of Salem; $1250, easy terms.
28 acres, 20 cultivated, 8 stumps,
family orchard, best soil, on macadam
ized road, 8 room house, 1 miles from
town; $4400.
24 acres. 13 cultivated, balance tim
ber,' all best soil, 9 room house, barn,
all "equipment and stock, 5 miles out;
315 acres, 200 cultivated, 22 acres
bearing prunos, 7 miles out on rock
road, worth $100 per acre, for a short
time, $73 per acre.
383 acres best equipped grain and
dairy ranch. valley, close to town,
good chools, worth $150 per acre, go
ing at $50,000 including a fine herd of
dairy cows all other stock and imple
ments. Prune Eatiches ..
. 20 ai res. 10 prunes, 2V& lagans, good
road. 8 mile out; $7000. ' , .' . '
, 20 Acres,. 16 acres iii prunes,, i. ap
ples, pears, and cherries;. $8500. ;
40 acre, 17 prunes, some cherries,
walnuts, fair improvements, good' roadj
24 acres, all in prawn;' tomelngans;'
good house; $11,000. ;
"15 acres 7 primes,' family.-orchard)
house, barn; $6000. . -; -'.'
70 acres; 32 acres tearing primes, 10
logans, ffrrt clas improvements,-large
eapaeity,drir, .good road. '-'-
10 acres, fair house, some prunes, to
xchange. for Salem residence not over
$2250..'- ' , ,; '
f do not advertise all T have for gale.
If thif. list doe not include what you
are looking for let mo know yur wants
I may be able to please you with some
thing eke I have on my lists.
If you are a Ibuyer I would be fclait
to have you call on me. Notice my ad
elsewhere about a $7500 hnuxe to he
sold . at- .$5000, and s $30,000 farm to
he sold at $22,000. .
- - 341 State St, . tf
Use The Journal Want Ads
"Forget It" Buy At Home
. " - 1 , . i ' I,
FARM EXCHANGE 100 acres good SALEM Electric 'Co., Masonic Temple,
' farm land, 100 acres in cultivation, 127 North High. Phoh Main 1299.
buildings, in Clark, county, Washing- -
ton, to trade for smaller farm in Wil- FINANCIAL
lametto Valley. Owner, H. R, care goVEBNMENT loans t 5 percent.
Jourmtl- . " 9 26 W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com-
' ' ': morse. v tf
FOR SALE By owner, 6 room house, l ; ' ' ' "
.2678 Oak, Am. leaving town will sell linurv rr iniii
! cheap. : 2 MONEY TO LOAN
FOR SALE 7 room house, 2 lots, fruit 7 o1 Bnrity '
A real snap. B, W. Macy, 202 Gray Qver Lndd & 3 nk Salem, Ore.'
block. tr 11
MISCELLANEOP3 g pfir eent iuteresti Prompt 8ervice.
34 years time, Federal farm loaa
WE have 50fl0 to loan, on city proper- bonds for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401
ty. Lafl&r & Laflar, Oregon bldg. 9-27 Masonic Temper Salem, Oregon.
FOR SALE 200 acres, 150 in cultiva- ., AUCTIONEERS
tion, good buildings, family orchard. 1 , ,
Price $90 par acre. A. Weinert, Sa- G. SATTERI.EE v
, lem, Or., Rt. 9. 9-26 Office 124 South Liberty Street.
. , Phone 937, 1211. Real , Estate and
LEAVE your children with me while Stock Sales. . - , . ,
,.u work, 2751 Laurel Ave. 10-22 w. p. wiRHGT, Turner aucti.neer.
DEKOBATO sanitary waU tint, best ct hUa He ek"3
made; beautiful new colors. Burens y ' -
i no. .
XAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone
704. . tf
WOOD SAWED-Sproed 'boys will saw
your wood, in town and out. Phone
. 1678W evenings or mornings. - 10-5
UTO FAINTING Fords ropainted
$14 and up; other cars in proportion.
All first class work guaranteed. J.
E. Johnson, 220 S. Liberty. 10-11
I AM-now tooXIng orders for shrub
bery, vines' and perennials for fall
planting. I do all kinds of landscape
, gardening. J. W. Maruny, 211 Miller
St. Phone 916. :.. - 10-5
FOR quick service truck hauling,
phone 1608J, or 1170 N. 15th St. A.
H. Bicdcrman. 10-6
TWO slightly used pianos, like new in
every respect, a very, low price for
quick -sale; these are bargains. The
Wiley B, Allen Co., 019 Court St.
near High. 9-27
PIANO for sale, sweet tone and beau
tiful ease, looks like new, a real bar
gain for part cash. 519 Court street
near High, 9-27
FOB SALE My. old hliio Locomo'bile,
n want to sell it quick, Larry Hofer,
314 TVS. bank.Wdg., Salem. . 8-28
ls cialist in the Modern Scientif
io Application of Glasses for tho aid
of vision and the relief of Eyestrain
and Headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. S. Bank build
ing. Phones, office 145; res, 1244,
10 acres of bearing Italian prunes,
six and nine years old; orchard in first
class condition.. Bock road. Price $3,
500. 68 acre farm, first class prune and
'berry land, rock road, 6 room house,
good barn. Price $8000.
5 acre tract, house and bam, well.
cherries, loganberries. Price $1600.
10 acies.of good' bottom land, small
house, barn, some bearing apples. Price
$2000. '
20 acre tract, good plastered cottage,
'barn, chicken house, 4 acres- bearing
loganberries, JO acres, cherries' and ap
ples, good road, lose "to highway.
I'nce $1000. ,"
2 acre tract, good house, barn.
fruit, good road,- close in. Price $2500.
4.81 acre tract, good loganberry or
strawberry land. Price, $1200.
a acre tract, all in bearing fruit, ap
ples, peaches and loganberries, bunga
low not finished. Price $1300.
363, aero farm. 200 cros under cul
tivation, balance stimber, buildings,
best of soil. Price $100 per acre
29j acre tract located north of Sa
lem, best of soil, 4 room house, burn,
water system, 3 ncres apples, cherries
and wulnutH, good road, acres un
der cultivation, balance stuinn pasture.
Price $7000.
20 acres located cast of Salem, good
(buildings, all cultivated, best of 'prai
rie son. rnce $1000.
2 acre tract close to carline, bearing
fruit, gravel street, 5 room house.
Price $2300.
10 acres of good land all cultivated,
good road, 3Vi miles out. Price $1500.
19 ucie tract, all cultivated, prunes
and lugafuberries, two fcts of good
buildings, good road, 4 miles out. Price
10,0110. ,
...6.07 tract,, all. ultivat1,- good house
nnd barn, 6 acres of prunes. Price $3,-
500, , .
rt.7.4 acre tract located on curline and
paved road, bearing prunes andher
rieS,"gdod louse, imrn, right ap the
school. Price $7500. ,
5 acre tract all Cultivated, house and
barn, 100 bearing prunes, family or
chard, close in. 'Price $2750,.il750 4ftw-n
balance $.100 per year, 6 percent int.
44 acre tract, nearly all. cultivated,
house and larn, orchard, 5 miles N. E,
of Salem. Price $75 per acre. cash,
balance 6 percent interest. t
84.4.5 : of land located on Howell
prairie. Price $10,500.
Good 8 room modern house located
at 465 N. Commercial street. Price $4,.
500, j-ash, balance 6 percent int.
Good" tf room modern home at 1370
State street; furniture goes. Price $5,
nim. .
' 275 State' street ,"'9-26
Use lie Journal Want Ads
$f$ Keep Them Home-:
We will pay you more cash for
your household goods. Oct our bid
before you soli. Peoples Furni
ture and Hardware Store, 271 N. ,
Commercial Street. Phone 734.
lio Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, nil kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, rifles heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to sell or trade..
What have youl The Capital Ex-'
change. 337 Court' Street. Phone 493.
Your used furniture, stoves,, carpet
and. tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
285 North Commercial SC
So meets every ; Wodnesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F, hall.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Walter Lcnon, C. C; T . J.
Kuntt, K. R. & S. -
ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore
gon Orape camp JNo, ubu meets every
Thursday evening in McCprnatk hall.
Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car
rie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.: recorder .
Mrs, Melissa Persoas, 1415 ' N. 4th
St. Phono 1430M.. .
Lw'ITED ARTISANS Capital Asseui.
oly No. 84 meets first Thursday ot
each month at 8' p. m, in Masonie
I Temple. Glenn C. Niles, M. A.; 6. A.
i ibbort, secretary, 340 Owens street,
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in McCornack 'building, Court and
Liberty streets. W. M. Persons, V. O.
Frank A. Turner, clerk.
Stoves rebuilt and repaired. 50 years
experience; Depot Nationnl ani Ameri
can fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high;
Paints, oil and varnish etc; logan
berry and hop hooks.
250 Court Street, Phone 124
Salem Scavangor Garbage and refuse
of all kinds removed on monthly eon-
tracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools
cleaned. Dead animals removed. Office
phono Main 167.
Grain! Wheat, soft white No. 1 $2:
feed oats. 80c; milling oats 86e; hay,
cheat, new $17; huy, oats, now $l8(ri
20; mill run $4344.
Hutfrteiiraltj: : "Buttdrfatt 67c; cream
ery butter 6768c.
Pork, veal and mutton: I'orK on root
lO'c; veal, funcy 22CJ steers 7li9c;
cows 5ft 7'4c; spring lambs 10c; ewes
4(tt5c; sheep, yearlings 7.
Eggs and poultry: Eggs cash 57c;
hens, live 22fi.24e; old roosters 1'5
16c; springs 22c.
Vegetables:: Onions, per fack $3;
colcry dog, $1; -tomatoes 90c; potatoes
3c; sweet potatoes 8c. . ...
Fruit: Watermelous . lc; oranges
5.75(d'6.50; lemons, box $7.50(0 8.50;
.'bananas O'-ic; honey, exartcted 20ej
cantaloupes $1.50; bunch beets 4..c;
cabbage 3 3-4c; head lettuce 60c; car
rots 45c; grapes, Malagas 10c; grapes,
Tokays 20c.
Retail prices: Eggs docn 6r(fi70e;
creamery butter 75c; country butter
67c;. flour, hard wheat $3.10(n''3.25
Portland, Or., Sept. 25. 'Butter: city
crcamerv 65(ffitrtc. Eggs selected local
ex. 6269c. Heng 30f31e. Broilers S3
(ailk. Geese 15c. Cheese 32(ii'34c.
Live Stock ,
Cattle: Receipts 205; tone of mar
ket steady; good to choice steers $9.50
falO; fair to medium steers $7.50W
8.50; common to fair steers $0(a'7;
choice to good cowh and heifers $7(i)
7.50; medium io good cows and heifers
t6(w7; canners $304.50; bjillj $5C7;
calves $K14.
Hogs: Receipts 234; tone of market '
steady; prime f-nixed $17.50(o'18.50;
medium mixed $17(317.50; rough heav
ies $l5.75(fi 17; pigs $15.T5uI17; bulk
$17.25( 17.50.
Sheep: Receipts 161; tone of market
steady; prime lambs $1112; fair to
medium lambs $10(?rll; ewes $89;
wethers $7y?; yearlings $5)7.50