Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 25, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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math Falls-Dairy gettion, 13.9 miles
grading and macadam: Klamath Falls-
fci jjMerrill section,- 14,7 miles grading and
(graveling; Merrill-California limv ice'-
-i-.a mues gracing and macadam
1S3 MATTI.B BEATY was pufc acquired and the extension of it; the
I VI v eniiursea us canaiaaio iur
the pmirlnrrr of tin - Oregon
Federation of Women 'a clubs by the
Portland women's Presidents' club,
-when that iodv put itself on record
as favoring her candidacy at a very
recent meeting. Miss Beaty is ' un
doubtedly qualified to receive the hon
or,., and a vice president of the or
ganization has proven heir ability, to
haufllo the important affairs which
such an office entails. Besides her con
. stituents in Portland and various other
. ities in the state, Miss Beaty is sol
idly backed 'by the entire Salem Wo
man' club, tho members of which
have had ample "opportunity of (becom
ing acquainted wilh her executivo
ability and are confident that the state
organization will continue, under her
.presidency, tho prosperity it has en
joyed under tlw able leadership of
Mrs. Charles H. Castner, the retiring
eieutive. .
Among subjects" to be "discussed at
the Oregon OonjjrcBs of Mothers con
vention t Medfoid, October 8, 9 and
10, will be vocational, education.
Mrs. George W. McMath. when dis
cussing the back to school movement,
,- "Too many children who havo loft
school to engage in profituWo employ
ment are those who Lave 'been misfits
in tho regular public school, and tiny
Attnupt to (give 'systematic Instruc
tion in the school arts ,in the same
manner and with the same subject mat
ter as is giVen in pivblia schools can
only result in tho f urihcr-dlssaticfac-tion
of the pupils who aro enrolled and
in attendance upon the schools. This
does not moan, however, that the school
should not attempt to remove the ed
acational handicap suffered by pupils
who have had to leave school without
completing an olonientary school Course
"A compulsory part time school or
class is tho remedy in this case.
"The aim of tho. part time school is
conservation of tho education already
providing of opportunity for prevo-
cational experience to help in the
choice of a vocation; vocational guid
ance and follow up work and tying
of school work with the job so far as
possible. "
Alice Price Moore, the well knowa
soloist of the White Temple, today
Contract for the graveling of a half
mile of the Bordner Hill and Wain Hilt
section of. tho Pacifie highway, four
miles south of Salem will be let by the
state highway commission at. its next
monthly meeting in Portland, October
k , r,. m h .T6 5 01 gfaamg and 3a.o nules of macadam
the state fair. To For laud visitors, . izi a, scheduled for consideration
and to those others who have been for
tunate enough to have heard her in
the past, the silver throated favorite
of the music loving public will bo one
of the leading attractions. Mrs. Moore
is the possessor of a beautiful contral
to voice, and is one of Portland 's lead
ing soloists.' Her appearance at the
fair today, tomorrow and Saturday is
another proof that this year's celebra
tion is the greatest in .tho history of
the state
The following item wilj prove of in
terest to many of the city's social set:
"Mrs. Walter II. Yerian entertained
with an informal tea and handker
chief shower at her home in lrvington
yesterday afternoon in honor of Miss
Alma Haines, fiancee of Joseph Mc
Allister of Salem. About two dozen in
timate friends were invited. Tho after
noon was spent chatting and sewing."
Mrs. E. E. Wators is entertaining as
hor miest Mrs. Alice M. Crane of Port
land. Mrs. Crane was formerly of this
cny ana nas a wmo circle or friends
who .are: welcoming her during her
brief visit. She will remain as Mrs.
Waters' guest until the end of the
Miss Irene A. Sanders and C. Mur
ray Keefer, both of this city, wore
quietly married at the First Method
ist church, yesterday at noon. Profes
sor 33. S. Hammond of the Kimball
Sciieol of Theology, officiated.
Miss Gertrude Hartman and Otto
at this time, ag arc also contracts for
the construction of several concrete
bridges, cro'ssinu's and trestles. The list
of jobs for which bids are now being
received are listed by counties as fol
Baker eountv Baker-Cornuconia
highway; Baker-Middle Bridge section,
7.9 miics of gravel surfacing.
Coos and Ltouglas counties Myrtle
urecK-ttoseourg highway; Ktomote-Ca
mas valley section; unit Jio. 1, 6.1
miles grading; unit No. 2. 8.1 miles
grading.- -
Klamath county Algouia section,
o.a miles grading ana macadam. KJa
Hartman have returned from Pendle
ton where they visited the Roundup
and Mr. Hartmun attended the Oregon
.icweiers convention or which associa
tion he is president.
Among the many Portland folk who
arc spending the day in the Capital
city aro Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Knighton
and Mr. and Mrs. William Ball, who
aro guewts of Mis. E. E. Wators.
ft ft M
Two attractive visitors in- the city
are Mrs. R. A. Nadon (Leondine Eek
erlin) and Mrs. E. Webster, both of
Harrisburg, who are guests, at the love
ly K. Eckerlin residence on North Lib
erty street for the remainder of fair
week. Mrs. Nation, will be joined over
tho week end by her husband.
Mrs. Oswald West and daiiEhtor.
Miss Holen, are guests of Governor
and Mrs. Ben Vf. Olcott during the
wcck. -
a package
before the war
a package
during the war
' and '
a package
jpiTWfMnMT ... ......... ! '
Lake 'eountv I LlikvlBWJf?rnnkrd
Creek section, .11.1 miles grading and
graveling; Lakevfew-euth section 1.8
miles grading and graveling.
Marion county Pacifie highway 4
miles south of Salem: Bordner hill and
Wain hill section, 1.2 miles graveling.
Morrow county Oregon-Washington
highway; Heppher-Gilliam county line
section, 35 miles grading. .
Wasco county -uolumoia river high
way; Mosier-Rowena section, 9 miles
grading; Rowena-The Dalles seetion, 8
miles grading.
Wheeler and Grant Counties John
Day highway; unit Jfo. 2, Sarvice
Creek-Valades ranch, 12.5 miles grad
ing; unit No. 3, Sarvice Creek-Valades
ranch, 12 miles grading; unit No. 4,
Sarvice Creek-Valades ranch, 11.5 miles
Clackamas county One 130 feet re
inforced concrete arch over Sucker
creek on the Oregon City-Oswego sec
tion of the Pacific highway. One wood
en trestle 240 feet long over Tryon
creek near Oswego. ,
Gilliam county, One bridge over
Willow creek near TleDtlner .Tltnatinn.
One crossing over the O. W. R. R. &
it. at Heppncr Junction
Morrow county One crossing over
me u. w. h. k. ic x. near'Messner.
T 1
iwcKson county une crossina- over
the Southern Pacific railway near
Tolo. - '
Polk and Yamhill Three bridges
and two culverts on the Amity-Holmes
"ay seiriiun or me nest sine highway.
Douglas county One- reinforced con
crete bridge on the. Pacific highway
uver oanu crees near Jjeona. ,
Lincoln county One timber trestle
over lepot Slough on the Cbrvallis
Newport highway near Toledo.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
btayton, Or., Sept. 25 J. F. Richards
lias sold his farm on Fern Ridge to F. A.
Siegmund, who expects to occupy it. Mr.
Richards will hold an auction sale and
will probably come to Stayton to reside,
as he owns property here. .
Mrs. O. W. Kaufman of Portland has
been a guest of Mrs. Mary Eisenhart for
several "davs. ' -
John Kusy hag eold his farm a couple
of mile west of Stayton to John Dozler
of Kingston, who a- few months ago
bought the Nick ..Geymcr place. Krank
Kusy also sold Mr. Dozler his farm of
about forty acres adjoining that of his
lather. The Kusy ' expect to go to Cali
fornia to reside.
Mrs. Adolph Hill has gone for a visit
with relatives in Kansas. She also visit
ed Dayton, Ohio.
Mrs. Corol Todd of Portland is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Smuck.
; Frank Siegmund has sold his farm in
Linn county which has ben occupied for
several years by August Sehroeder, to
Hugo Meyers.
; D. B. Hill and family and Mrs. torn,
and Mrs. Hill's sister were in town from
Mill City Sunday.
une or rne sawmill irucxg went
through tho Third street bridge for the
second time and work is being done to
repair the damage; There it talk that it
will be replaced bv a concrete structure,
which would be the cheaper in the end.
Mr. and Mrs. Nairn Sieemund of As
toria have been visiting at the home
of his narenta, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Sieg
mund on Fern Ridge. - .
Frank Rutherford and family of I.v-
oivs have moved to Stayton. :, - 1
Harry Humphreys, manager of f.-
Star theater, hr.s bee,ri":xhibiting a por
cupine in front of his theater the past
few days. It was captured near Salem
and is auite a curiosity to many.
Mrs. W. F. Goodman amved Monday
from Tacoma, Wash;, and ahe and her
hoshand will make their home here.
North Howell. Or., Sept. 25. Mr. una
Mrs. K. D. Coomler, Mrs. C. A. Sawyer
and Mrs. William Oddle returned this
week from a pleasant visit with Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Eaggleson of Eddysville, Or.
Isaac Stevens of Estaeada is visiting
relatives here this week and attending
tho state fair. ! '
E. G. Wiesner and Walter 8nrith, who
have had Ford ears ordered for several
months, received them this week.
Mrs. S. M. Ciitsforth. of Soda Springs,
Idnho, is visiting her parents hore.
Mrs. E. C. Y lesner and Isaac Stevens
attended tho M. E. quarterly conference
at Brooks Saturday.
C. A. Bump of Portland spent the
week-end at the home of A. Bnmp.
A. B. Wiesner and Leslie Dunn have
each acquired a Fordson.
A lot of real estate is changing hands
in North Howell. Mr. Thurman has sold
his farm to a Mr. Johnson of Silverton.
Steve Schmidt has sold the Liston place
which he got last spring. A. Bump has
sold his farm to Thomas Bump.
C. E. McElwnin had a Wg erop or
clover seed. The Millers were there
three davg. He got about 100 sacks.
.School here begins Monday, Septem
ber 29., .
Tho oiggest apple crop ever grown
in the valley is now being harvested
with an estimate of 325" cars from the
Willamette valley, Robert C. Paulns
said today. And with the orchards now
coming on and the general improved
methods of handling, he predicted that
by the fall of 1921 the valley would
ship a total of more than 1,000 ears.
Beginning next week apple picking
will be in full operation at all tho
plants associated with the Willamette
Valley Fruit Exchange, which is having
its business operated this fall through
tne oaiem j;Tuit union. Earlier var
ieties are now being packed, such as
Kings, Grimes Golden, Jonathans, Wag
ner and Winter Bananas.
It is estimated that the Willamette
Valley Fruit Exchange alone will han
dle this season fully 250 cars, amount
ing to 200,000 boxes. This is about five
times the crop harvested last year.
With all growers in the valley ui
ciated with the Oregon Growers Coopi
orative Association, it is confidently
predicted 'by Mr. Paulus that another
year shipments will be made to all
parts of Europe, as well as Australia.
It was but yesterday that Mr. Paulus
received a telegram from a broker in
San Francisco askinig for quotations on
20,000 boxes of Jonathans or Rome
Beauties for shipment to Australia dur
ing the coming three months. And in
the mail yesterday was an inquiry as to
whether the quotations could" be made
ror shipment ot apples to Norway.
Yesterday Mr. Paulns turned down an
order for five ear loads of Kings as
the. price offered was not jip to pres
ent values. - .
Shipping is already going forward.
Today one car load of Grimes Golden
was also shipped from Corvallis by
the Willamette Valley Fruit Exchange.
A. car or wagners wag' shipped trom
Corvallis Wednesday and next week
shipment of Kings will be made from
Salem. . - . ' , "
' A car load of mixed pears was ship
ped this week to New York, This ship
ment included Bnerre D'Aniou, Buer-
re Bosc and Buerre Eastcrs.
One car of Grimes Golden extra fan
cies will be shipped from Salem noxt
week and a ear of mixed including
Kings, Waxen and Oregon Beauties
this week from McMinnvilIe.. A straight
car of Winter Bananas was also shipped
this week frojm McMinnvilIe. From
Alvador, a car of Jonathans was ship
ped Wednesday. ,
One car of Gravensteins.will go east
from Myrtle Point this week and a car
of Jonathans from Eugeno next week.
One car of Kings has been shipped out
of Monroe this week.
The packing of apples, Mr., Paulus
sayB will commence nejfVweek at Sher
iden Ncwberg, Dallas and Crcswell and
will include the varieties known as
Kings, Grimes Golden, Jonathan, Win
ter Bananas and Wagner.
The Salem Fruit Union -received to
day a telegram asking for the ship
ment of a car of peaches, but duo to
the fact that the peach growers arc
not organized, the other could Tiot be
filled. The inquiry was from San Fran
cisco. -
In spite of the agitation against the
high cost of living and the investiga
tors of the government, the final lot
of dried loganberries owned by the
Salem Fruit Union- has been sold at
72 cents. . . - .
And for a slight' rift in the cloud
of high prices, Mr. Paulus announces
that the price on. sulphur lias dropped
about $15 a ton from the quotations "if
last year ana that nitrate of soda is
also coming down.
The exceptional qual .
ity of our profession
al conduct matches
the up to dateness of
our equipment. We
serve with an exper
ienced discretion.
I There Is No food like
t L I M
These crisp, brown gran
ules come to. you full of
sweet health-buildirigf
Ask the grocerz
There's o Reason"
Smartest Fall ,
Dress Fashions
Tor Women
and Misses
f W mi
Fall dress fashions are particularly lovely so much
newness in line and cut and detail.
Sperling models are quite the smartest you-will:
see. , We are proud to. offer such excellent dresses
for your inspection. -
Individuality is charming
ly displayed in every one of
the many models youthful
misses' types and distin
guished styles in .women's
Fine materials and dainty
care of finishing indicate ex
ceptionally high quality;
tin ;'; .
- Z7 M
Any dress may be supplied
with a Sperling model eith
er for practical or dressy oc
casions. You will enjoy wearing
such unusually smart frocks.
Be sure to' see the displays
now at the height of their
newness and variety.
- $19.75, $24.75 up to
Quality Merchandise Popular Prices
Zerolenels made in various consistencies '
to meet with scientific accuracy the lubri
cation needs of each type of automobile
engine. You have the benefit of experts'
advice when you consult our Correct Lu
brication Charts. Get a chart for your car.