Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 25, 1919, Image 1

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    : 5250 ORCULATI0N
Only Circulation in Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
Oregon: Tonight and Friday
fair; gentle northwesterly winds
For the 24 "hours ending at t
o'clock this morning: Maximum
86; minimum,-49; no rainfall;
river .6 foot.below zero, statioa
Thousands from Portland Add
to Big Crowd; Lodgemen in
Full Control of Stunts.
Belief held yesterday that Salem day would be the
oiggest iinanciauy, oi any aay at tne iair tms week, was
laid to rest about 9:30 this morning when a string of auto
mobiles and pedestrians almost twice as long as that of
vesterdav. bepan filinpf into t.hp o-rnnnHs.
Salem Day Crowd
Smashes Record
For A t tendance
Approximately $28,000 in cash
was taken in by ticket sellers
at the state fair yesterday, ac
cording to an estimate given
out this morning by A. II, Lea,
secretary of, the fair associa
tion. This exceeds iby several
thousands of dollars any day
in . the history of the Oregon
state fair. .
' It is 'believed that between
37,000 and 38,000 persons yes
terday visited the grounds, a
number which is, at the lowest,
5000 in excess of any previous
record. ' '
The Rainbow garage at Klamath Falls
wastotally destroyed by fir0 Monday,
caused by an explosion in which three
men were seriously injured.
Gaily, and with much gusto," as is the
wont of Elks, the lodgemen took charge.
It is their day and if the opinion of
those who are there counts for aught
it is quite some day." .
Quite likely, business is still going on
in Portland, but the casual observer
would opine thnt most of the metropolis
is in Sclera. Hundreds of cars have ar
rived from that city and up to a late
Jiour this nftornoon machine's were still
coming. All through the day it has been
difficult to find ft parking place on Sa
lem 's business streets. .
Early this morning activities com
menced in the Elks' temple under the
direction of Cooke Patton. Lunches were
Census Expected to Reveal
Salem s Population at Over
20,000; Rapid Growth Noted
Strike Cannot End Until Con-
' ference Arranged Says
senate investigation
Yorkers Will JJot Return to
Jofes Until They Get Jus-
tice, Is Qaim.
City Gay :.-:1if A??11!
Welcome to Elks, Rosar tans
And Rose Society Members
Now that arrangements- arc
made for the official census of Salem,
beginning the first week in January, the
big question among those interested In
served many guests and lodgemen In totafwil, come to 25 o00.
various costumes extraordinary brought A business and professional men,
forth comment. 4.. ..5.4i ..'. mn hm I.
At the last moment a strikebreaker , Hlo ,;..: !. 4i,B T,onllit.i,m
will run easily over 20,000, while a few
vnnl utntn man ara .tnnfijlnnt lin finilra
rather grotesque shape which wasj iU nm losto 25 000-
Twenty, years ago Salem was a typical
appeared in the shape of this young
lady," Mr. Patton explained, pointing
to a
making its way about tho rooms, "and
so we will be nblo to go on with our
Bhqw." : !
- At 11:30 this morning a special from
Portland bearing bearing hundreds of
visitors, rolled into tho city and the
crowds were taken almost immediately
to the fair grounds where a jam, bigger
even that of yesterday, is present.
Surrounded by thousands, a Concert
was offered near the gates this morn
ing by the Multnomah guard baud, of
Portland. Cheers wore given by the 40
musicians for A. H. Lea, and a word of
thanks was spoken by the secretary.
Perhaps tho chief feature of the day
was the Elks' vaudeville show an .v
termiiigling of comedy, satire, and aius
ical numbers par excellence., Staged
shortly before one o'clock this afternoon
before an audience that packed the
large livestock spectntorium, the eight
acts offered apparently pleased the
crowd crcntly. Music bv the Rosarian
land, a parade of the Baby Elks, songs
by Meadows and Esmond, songs and
dances by Stilwell Bisters, an act by
Bray and Hooligan, a solo by O. L. Ms
Donald, appearance otVarney and Ever-
so it, an a grandp finale by Moore and
. Moore, saxaphone artists, made up the
Much comment and speculation on the
grounds today made apparent much in
terest in the steeplechase which will bo
run this afternoon. Early this afternoon
the bigirest crowd ever known on the
local ground began making its way to-
Ward the grandstands. . The course is iu
jerfeet condition. . '
At 4:30 this afternoon in the live
stock pavilion, a special concert will be
given by the Multnomah guard band
Tonight at 8 p. m. a horeeshow will be
offered in the eoliseum which, it is be
lieved, will draw many Portlandcra.
Music tonight will be furnished by Tom
uasiuo's band and a violin solo will be
mud village, an old timer said this morn
ing. The official cersus of that year
gave the city a population of 4258.
Within, a few years after the 1900
census, there" came the great western
boottH the srrent impetus for god roads
and the" development Of the? prune -hidiis-
trv, besides the assurance that the Ore
gon Electric would break the freight con
trol of the city How uy tne rcoutuern
Just before the 1910 census was taken,
part of Chemawa precinct and part'of
east Salem were taken' in to the city, and
the official census record for 101SJ, gives
Salem u population of 14,094.
According to the school census and
figures based on other estimates com
piled bv W. M. Hamilton, the city reach
ed a population of about 17,500 along in
1914. Then came tne war uuu mi.-
berny: city , dropped back almost to tho 1910
About one year ago, conditions began
to materially change in the city. AU
business houses vacant during the slow
years soon were occupied and within a
short time almost every house worth
while was rented. Real estate men who
are familiar with conditions note the
wonderful growth of the.'citv but regret
to some extent that the census could not
bo postponed for one year.
With the completion of the Oregon
Pulp & Paper company's mill, to cm--ployed
between 125 and 200, tho Valley
Packing company 's plant to employ
about 100, and-King's Products com
pany employing already about 2"0, those
'interested in P hie showinc for the city
feel that ali2i Census 'will show a mii
tcrial growth over that of next January.
The 1910 census show tho population
of Salem as follows: First ward, 1250;
second ward,. 2O03; third ward, 1020;
fourth ward, 2423; fifth ward, 1028;
sixth ward, 4041, and seventh ward,
1369. ' .
Tho population of Marion county in
1890 was 22,934. By the year 1900 it
had grown to 27,713. The following ten
years allowed a rapid increase in popu
lation With a total of 39,780, and now
tho most optimistic real estate man thnt
With ElkB day, Royal (Rosarian day
and Portland Rose society day, and all
members of these organizations congre
gating in the city today, and with the
weather man playing 100 per cent per
fect, the business section of the city
this morning wag suggestive of big doings.
At the Elks club 100 Kosanans ana
their wives were served a luncheon
and as many more Elks from Portland
and surrounding towns were passed the
sandwiches, doughnut a, coffee and otn
er eatables generally included . in a
stand up luncheon. . . .
At the Commercial club, V. B. Clan-
cv entertained 95 - members of the
Portland. Rose society with a luncheon
served in the auditorium. Following
the luncheon, they were taken for rides
about the cur as the guests of Mr.
Clancy and then to the state fair
grounds. - ..... ,
Two or three dozen Elks who belong
to the baby class, having just recently
' Washington, Sept. 25. '(United
Press.) Samuel Gompars will be
called before the (senate committee
investigating th iteel strike tomor
row morning, Cta rman Kenyon an
nounced this affe! noon. -
ing of the rtty ot nunaicus yx - C0ui4 be foulld p,nced Ms 1920 0stimnte
attracted by high wages i .8V,P'?I at clo to GO 000 -and
elsewhere. The estimate is that the at close to 00,000. .
(Continued on page five)
Treatv Must Be Accepted Or
Rejected "Without Amend
. ment Declares French Pre
mier In Address Today.
Italians Occupy
Dalmatian City
Tuesday, Report
Belgrade, Sept. 24. (United Press)
An Italian detachment with several
armored cars passed the line of debar
carion and occupied Toguire, a Dalma
tion city, Tuesday, according to an of
ficial statement here. A handful of
.Tugo-Slavs offered futile resistance.
Two . American warships have left
Spalato for Toguire, the announcement
said. ' '" . '
The Italian admiral, Milo, i quoted
as having informed the American corn-
Paris, Sept. 25. (United Press) mandor of the vessels that the detach
Says Giarge Of Ignoring The
uvil Service Regulations
Is False.
Washington, Sept. 5. Charges that
he has violated civil service rules in
election of postmasters are unfair, un
just and without foundation of fact,
Postmaster General Burleson asserted
today in a letter to Speaker Gillctt of
the house. ;
The letter was in response to the
house resolution asking information
about filling of postoffice vacancies.
Burleson says the position of post
master at offices of the first, second
and third classes is not within the clas
sified civil service, and that civil serv
ice rules do not apply in such eases, as
. a consequence of which it is not within
the jurisdiction of thp house committee
on reform in the civil service to make
the inquiry contemplated.
Burleson said that notwithstanding
the fact thnt the committee is without
jurisdiction he would transmit the facts
requested in order to correct 'alleged
Premier C'lcinenceau, answering inter
pellations in the chamber of, deputies
today with regard to the pence treaty,
told the chamber it only had the right
to accept or reject the treaty as a
" Sou only have the right to accept
or reject it "as a whole without amend-
ing it," he said.
The treaty as a whole is a good one, '
Clemenceau said.
"I am giving my fullest thought to
the society of nations, because I be
lieve absolutely in its efficiency," said
Clemenceau.- -
"I would reproach myself if I ac
cepted the slightest criticism of Presi
dent Wilson-. 1 am in a 'position to de
clare tha't we can count absolutely up
on America' ratification of the treaty
and tho league covenant. Our greatest
desire is that the society or nations
shall sueceed."
The premier then explained the agree
ments regarding the Monroe doctrine,
freedom of the seas and Slmutuiig,
which he was obliged to accept.
"You have pointed out many de
fects in the treaty, yet there are oth
ers which I know, but you have miss
ed," said the premier, provoking 'an
outburst of lauehter.
" Xevcrtheless, the treaty as a whole
is good. It creates a new world, ealls
minorities into life, institutes new leg
islation for the workingmen, liberates
nennles who did not even participate
in the war, and protects oriental minor
it, wlm were formerly subjected to
The Indian trr.inine school at Cliff
mawa expects tn. enrollment of 600 stn-..
ment occupying was composed of wan
dering mutineers acting on their own
Police Have No Trouble
In Handling Fair Crowd
Despite Big Attendace
"Despite the huge crowift, there has
been less trouble this year than at any
fair during the last five years," de
clared Chief W. H. Oolct of the fair
grounds police force this afternoon.. A
few psrsons who had been apparently
near, intoxicating liquors were among
those present on Salem day, but they
were easily handled, the chief ; '
"No accidents have occurred and my
men have been chiefly concerned in
assisting people," Major William White
in charge of the Oregon guardsmen
stated. A few automobiles were thought
by owners to have been lost or stolen
yesterday, but all eventually showed
up, Major White said.
; By Raymoid Clapper
Washington, SeptJ 25, More than the
promise, of a conference with steel of
ficials is now necessary to get striking
steel workers back to the 'plants, John
Fitzpatrick, strike leader, told the sen
ate labor committee today.
Fitzpatrick, the fifrst wtness in tlio In
vestigation authorized by the senate
Tuesday, declared that the refusal of 4
conference was the cause of the'strike.
But the workers now will not go back
until thev get justice, he added.
Fitzpatrick made his statement under
questioning by Senator Kenyon after he
had told the committee that the steel of ficials
took every means to prevent un
ionization of tlieir"&uts and Heclareo
bad conditions hi jths steel industry
were used in preventing the securing of
improved conditions elsewhere.
W. B. Rubin, steel workers' counsel,
told of events leading tip to the strike
"Would the strike be called off if you
had the consent of the officials sor
conference?" Senator Kenyon asked.
"I don't think so," Fitzpatrick re
"There is now ground on which we
ran set together, but the mere fact of
caning or a niuifn-iico o
ficient to recall the 350,000 workers who
have left their jobs. ' They have been
subjected to brutality and murder. They
resent that and they will not go back to
the mills until they get justice.
"They are going to ask the United
States government to give them ordi
nary justice and until that is accorewit,
they will not go back to the mills." -
''Then the real reason for the srrjse
was the failure to grant a conference! ''
Kenyon suggested. .
" Yes," Fitzpatrick replied, and said
if Judge Gary had consented to n con
ference the strike would not have been
called. ' '
Fitzpatrick declared that to go back
until justice is assured would result in
the workers "being shot to pieces."
Fitzpatrick told of the slaying of Mrs.
Fannie Sncllings.
"Our information is that the killing
was done by a mill guard," Fitzpatrick
"Do these men act for the steel com
pany, rather than tho public t" Sonntor
Walsh, Massachusetts asked.
" "That's the system of terrorism they
usi," the witness replied.
"Then made f.n example of Mrs.
Snellings to put the fear of God in the
hearts of the strikers," Fitzpatrick add
ed." ,
been initiated, were togged out as cow
boys, dancing ladies, policemen and
hicks and other fantastic costumes and
were obliged to take part in the down
town doings, as well as exhibit them
selves in the arena of the stadium at
the fair grounds.
And with members of the three Port
land organizations coming to Salem
was the Multnomah guard band and
the Royal Rosarian band.
iRoyal Rosarians are to 1e entertain
ed Iby the local Elks lodge 'this eve
ning at the dining rooms of the First
Congregational church and members of
the Portland Rose society by members
of . the Salem Floral society at a din
ner to be sorvod at the floral display.
The special program this evening to
be put on !bv the Elks will be given in
the auditorium under the direction of
John W. Todd, including demobiliza
tion of 'the .Elks service flag, selections r'
oy the jsiks band and several voeai
solos. . . ,,.!;'
mm m i
Police Raid House Used By
bmpers; Riobng In Other
Close Guard Kept
About President
In Strike Region
Pueblo, Colo., Sept. 25. Extraor
dinary precautions to Safeguard Presi
dent -Wilson in Pueblo, steel strike cen
ter resulted this afternoon iu aban
donment of plans for hig attendance at
the state fair. Secret service operatives
, . trr , j n .who have been, in Pueblo several days
OUlKe AlieCteU dCCUOnS IS advised the change of program. The of
ficial announcement of the change
Opposition To Pact OxZdtz Cf
Congress fees Frca Pi
Gercass, Cfeb.
TRET;ii,wUS ovAira
Refusal To Accept Ccvcrrl
WEI Force Eardsa Cf 1
Aryupsn kzt
Less Today.'
Farrell, Pa., Bcpt. 2.1. Ono striker
was killed and one seriously beaten in
gun fight with state pohco here today.
The polioc raided a house from which it
was declared men Were J.'. wiping i! at
the steel plant. -.' 's !" '' ,..': .'.. -,
Gary, "IndTrH9ept.M5-f'enty4ive
striking steel workers were injured in a
head-on collision of two streetcars at
the gates of the American Sheet & Tin
Plate plant hero today.
The cars, crowded with workers en
route to the mill .to receive their pay,
collidod under a subway. . t r . ,
Many of the injured wore badly man
gled, and according to the notice,- five
may die.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Sopt. 5. A score or
shots were fired today at three employes
of the Clairton steel -plant and a police
man en route to the nulls. The men
were 'carrying $200,000 in wages to be
paid workers. No one was Injured. .
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 25. Absolute
quiet prevailed in the vicinity of tho
closed steel plants here today. Enforce
ment of order by the state police, pro
hibiting more than two persons to con
gregate upon tho streets kept ncdes
trian on tho move.
Idnest this school year.
Astoria To Get Largest
Sawmill In Northwest
Astoria. Or., Kt. 23. A syndicate
hea.ded by Max H. Hauser grain mag
nate of Portland, and C. II. Davis, Jr.,
of the same city, has purchased a tract
of 33 acres on' Young's Hay, near As
toria, and will there erect the largest
saw mill ii the Pacific northwest.
The Weyerhauscr interests are re
ported to be represented in the svndi-
jente. .
loo Mrr I
Sharon, Fa., Sent. 23. Barring the
firing of a few shots near tho North
Carnegie works in Sharon last night by
men apparently intent on frightening
others away from the tilat, there was
no disturbance in Shcnango valley, in
connection with the stool strike.
L W. W.'s Plan Invasion
Of Spokane To Attend
iTrial Of 29 Brothers
Spokane, Wash., Bcpt. 25. Fifteen
hundred I. W. W. plan to invade the
city, defy city laws and attend tho
trial of 29 members now' held in the
county jail on charges of wearing I.
W. W. buttons, according to reports to
oafcty Commissioner Tilsley.
The trials are scheduled for October
6. ,
The city is prepared to march tho
entire "army" to jail if it persists in
wearing I. 'W. W. buttons.
Astoria Newspaper Sold
To East Oregonian Today
Astoria, Or., Spt. 25. J. E. and Wm.
Gratke have sold the Budget, Astoria's
afternoon daily newspaper, to the own
ers of the Pendleton East Oregonian,
who will take possession October 2.
Thi paper's name will be changed ti
the West Oregonian. It is reported here
that C. S. Jackson, owner of the Port
land Journal, is interested in the new
deal. Gretkc brothers have no definite
plans for the future.
Chenoweth Admitted To
State Hospital Today
Gcoru!. B. Chenoweth, member of the
1919 legislature from Curry county,
whoso nlea of insanity resulted in hi
acquittal on a manslaughter charge for
killine George Hytlhara, was received at
What's become o' th' ole fashioned the state hosptinl for the insane here
haunted housef Music soothes th' sav- Wednesday night. Chenoweth will be
age breast, an' that's th' reason ther kept jn the -receiving ward of the hos
not afraid t' charge you a quarter fer pital until officials have determined his
ice tea in a cafe. mental condition.
gave "latigae" of the chiet executive
as the reason. A group of known rad
icals in ,this city has boon under clos
est ' possible surveillance. Wilsolu ar
rives at 3 p. m. and his public appear
ance will now be practically limited .to
his address. A downtown parade also
has been abandoned. ., ..i
' ; ' ' 'f
Northbound Trains Still .
Delayed By Tunnef Wreck
Due to troubles in repairing a tunnel
at Kennett. just north of Redding Cal.,
the Southern , Pacific train from the
south has been late several hours for
tho paHt two days. The northbound
train due at 6:55 o'clock this morning
did not arrive until about noon. Ac
cording to reports from Konnett, dam
age to the fctnnel was caused by tim
bers falling from a freight train pass
ing through, causing tho timber braces
of the tunnel to give way. Assurance is
given that with the wrecking forces of
the Shastaidivision of the Southern Pa
cific concentrated on repair of the tun
nel, that north bound trains will soon
bo moving on schedule time.
Schwab, Returning East,
Silent As Regards Strike
Chicago, Wept. 25. (United Press)
Without a word as to plans for meeting
any crises at the Bethlehem stool
plants, Charles M. Schwab returned
east today. In an address here Schwab
did not refer directly to the steel bus
iness or the strike.
Schwab told the Institute of Mining
Engineers that tho high cost of living
will disappear when "we get back to
tho practice of giving hn honest day's
work for an honest day's pay."
'Captain Assumes Entire
Blame ror Steamer Wreck
Eureka, Cal., Sept. 25. Captnin John
Nelson, 84, who lost his steamer North
Fork off Shelter Cove, is attempting
today- to salvage what he can of her,
She is practically a total loss.
When the INorth Fork's bottom was
ripped off on a reef, Nelson closed his
sea career. This docs not deter him
from taking all blame.
"I took a chance once too often,"
he said.
Auditorium Denver, Colo., Sept., 2&
"Hyphens are the knives that are be
ing stuck into this document," Presi
dent Wilson charged today in spceek
demanding acceptance of the peaed
treaty. ' - ,' , ' ) .t.
He made with emphasis the accusa
tion that "outside legislative halls,"
the only organized opposition to tha
treaty came from the same forces that
favarod Germany in the war. i
There is no question of reservations
or amendments to the treaty, he sai4.
The issue is flatly acceptance or re
jection.1 -
Acceptance means insurance against
war, ho declared, "and that's wortn
the whole .game." ,. .-
There was a tremendous demonstra
tion when he said he was under bond
to the mothers, -wives and sweethoarta
of America to 4 all possible to pre
cerit another war, in the noxt genera
tion. .r..,:..A' :,.,.' ..;-....; f
"The children arc my clients," ha
cried, . ' . " v
. Declaring the league Of ition w
98 per cent insurance against war, he
said: . V "-'V
"That 's what I wont over to Europe
to get; that's what I got; and that's
what I brought back." '
If America stays out of the treaty,
this country must have the largest army
in the world with huge taxes, univer
sal conscription and a military goveraT
ment ''because you can 't run such
machine with a debating society."; V
More applause 'broke out when ha
confidently, with a wave of his hand,
declared, America never would stand
for such a condition.
' ' If wo don 't have this treaty, labor
will be regnrded as a purchasable com
modity throughout the world, " 1 snki
the president, drawing attention to the
labor provisions.
" We haven t done our lull duty witn
regard to bettering labor conditions in
this country " he admittcd,bnt added
American conditions wero better ithan
those in other countries and should be
extended to tho world as a preliminary
tn general betterment of conditions.
Homo men he knows, Wilson said, ara
very good talkers "and its a pleasure
to hear them when they are honest ami
know what they are talking about. But
time for debate has passed, he said.
The peoplo know what is in. the csve
nant and refuse to be misled with re
gard to it.
If the treaty is turned down, Ameri
ca will deserve to forfeit the confi
dence of the world, he asserted. '
''I challenge tho opponents of the
treaty to show cause v,-hy it should
not be ratified," he exclaimed. ; '
He said he wanted the senate to flat
ly accept or reject the treaty, "not lesva
the issue in doubt with reservations.
'And in making this demand, Wilson
ntnted he believed he was speaking for
the peoplo of the United States. ,
. Bishop Hulsc of the Episcopal diocew
of Cuba is attending the annual convo
cation of the eastern Oregon diocese at
Hood River.
Italian Crown Council Will
Take Drastic Action to End
D'Annunzio 9sReign inFiume
By Camillo Cionfarr
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Rome, Sept. 25. With all parts of the
country aroused over the tenseness of
tho Fiume situation, Italy is nervous.v
awaiting tho decisions of the crown
council, which meets today for the first
time since 1882.
Apparently only Premier Nitti ant
Foreign Minister Tittoni know the pro
posals which will be made for the pro
gram to suppress Gubrioffi D'Annuuzio,
but it is generally believed they will be
Nitti 's adversaries assert that his res
ignation will solve the Fiume crisis and
quiet the country
nnd we are not overtaken by famine,"
says the Corriere Delia Bcrra. "The
only alarming thing in the whole situa
tion seems to be the government'! ner
vousness." ; ;
Government leaders, past and present,
have been invited by Nitti to partici
pate in tho crown council meeting.:
Those who will meet with the eoun
cil, include the former premiers, Banelli,
Giolitti and Orlando, General Diaa, th
president of tho chamber of deputies,
and the president of the senate.
Reports of D 'Annuftzlo 's sueeesn and
popularity continue to reach Rome. A
dispatch from Trieste to the Messaggcra
reports that D'Annunzio's forces have
occupied Toguire on , the Dalmatian
"We are not on the eve of revolution; Jfoast. Toguire is 140 miles from Fiuma
wo arc not on the verge of bankruptcy by land and still farther by sea.