THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1919 .PAGE NINE CIRCULATION BEING BY FAB THB LABGE6T OF AWB .PAPER IN MARION COUNTY INSURES THOROUGH JM TBIBUTION OP l'OUB AD V E ETB3BG. -V .-. iv i':;. 1 'L CLASSIHEU AD BATES Bate per word New Today sfeacn. insertion ub week IB insertio'as) 5c 17c 8c On u'.onth (26 insertions) One year, per month . ,. Minimum per ad 25 cents. FOB SALE 1K)K good Uvered. spuds enll .. 1404;. 3c de-1-26 GOOD FARMS for sale ou good terms.'' : . i i FOR SALE By owner, a corner store j omitting, Z4xttu, witn ll living rooms 3900. terms. H. KtendeT, Rt. 6,, .box ' .14SC. . . . 9-24 FOR SALE Weaning age pigs $0 , each. Delivery Oct. 1st. -0. IV Hig : liee, Turner, - Or. V ... ; 9-24 SHEEP I have 18 .head of SUrop shire ewes to let lout on shares to r eoine responsible party or to sell for ' cash." For information call at "580 N. - -;- Liberty, F. L. Ticesh, 1036M .phone ' after 6 p. m. 9-24 FOR SALE 6 J-oom house, i lots, all kinds of fruit, barn and chicken - oan.K,.. ci A1-, n on hi -ji a :l , FOR SALE-Logariberry wire. .-Purine ; 112F3. '..'. -: J. 9-24 FOR SALE 3 ibaiby , calvesjBarred Rock and White. Leghorn .pullets. i: Phone 78F12. ?J' . 9-20 TOMATOES, for sale, nings. 8F25. Call eve r'tf FOR SALE 10 tons looso clover. 14 per ton at barn. F; N. Bassett, Silver v ton Road. -. , tf 40 ACRES all cleared 6 miles liqrth of Saleui, good location,improvements, : stock and implements, family orch ard, good 'buildings, $10,000. Write "40" care Journal. tf FOR SALE 1 pure bred Duroc sow and 11 pigs. E.t. 7, "box 11. 9-24 IF yon want a house and 2 lots cheap, call at -485 S. 22d St. between 9 a. ni. and twelve. . ; . , r" 9-27 FOR SALE Coming 4 Pets Papy, reg Jisteiod Jersey. 'bull, fine -individual, from Frank Lynn herd; also 4 heif "ers coming yearlings eligible to reg ister. A. Sunyners, Dallas, Bfc; JZ. i923 fOMf 'SALE New modern 5 room bun alow by ownerj fire, place, bath nnjl i . t toilet, not Witt eom,, -iHaw -wile 9-26 FOR SALE At a hacgnin, 5 passen ; ger Ford first class oouditiou,.' only '. $450. Enquire at Salem Velio eom Iany, -188 N. Commercial. 9-25 Ft)R SALE Heating stove No. 2Q, on lv used three months. 1020 -Center. Phone 1192. . tf JVKR SALE 7 room house, 1 acre ' ground, lots of fruit, city water, and well and toilet; winter wood supply, chickens, Jersey cow; all at a liar Rain. 504 Belmont St. 9-24 LOST AND FOUND LOST Armv discharge on 'North Coin. 5t. Phone 1048W. Reward. 9-24 a'OUXK Ring, call iSam Central cigar store. Colman at 9-24 LOST Basket containing' four sheets nnil portieres. Reward. Return to G. W. .lohnson & Co. 9-24 LOST Cameo 'brooch between State and Commercial St. and 1745 N. ;, Commercial, or on street car, going ..north. Return to Journal office. Re ' ward. ; . 930 LOST 'Pocket . book upstairs in new . -pavilion. Mrs. Elton Jones. Shaw, Or. care A. W. King. Beward. 9-23 MM 11 VXierAMia. jMXa-j-ton IftjJ ' WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. 'WE "CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. " HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bnilng FOB BALE JFOR.SALE 1 donblo harness, nice team horses, weight .2700 lbs., 5 years old; 1 Birdscll -wagon almost new; "Monarch" 1 liorso power gasoline engine,. good condition; niower, hay rake and 12-in. Moline steal plow with two chilled shares, ' all in ibest condition; 1 Empire sepa rator. Will sell .the whole for $600 cash or will -sell separately. Enquire for sale at L. A. Goldnde, Kt. 5, box 157, Salem, Or. 9-29 FOR SALE- Registered Lincoln buck. . iPhoiio-m . 9 2.) FOB SALE Three stands of bees. 9 23 Phone 1204. FOR SALE--Or will take a good 3-ton truek as vp:rrt payment on 103 acre's, 60 in cultivation. Price $85 per acre. . A. Weinert, Salem, Or. Rt. 9. 9-20 FOR SALE One twenty horse pow der upright steam-boiler with stack - and trimmings. ' One thirty, horse power . horizontal "tubular 'boiler with stack and trim mings. .'. '- . ... Both of these boilers are in first class condition. Capital City Laun dry. Phono 105. 9-25 ROOM , .plastered house 'for sale, on Hoyt and RexSts. $SM). Write H B T .... 1 ' n oo caro Journal. FOB SALE Sow with 7 pigs, renay to wean. J. R. iChtipinan, Rt. 2, box 101 . "Phone 17F2. ... - 9-25 1 OOW. 3 year old. giving 3 gallons milk day. 1770. Broadway; can be Roen morning or evening betweon" 6 and 7. 25 HELP WANTED WANTED Girl for house work, or high school girl for board and small wages. Mrs." C. B. Harper, 1325 Fair mount St. - 9-23 WANTED Man for orchard work. Young married man preferred. 'Phone 65F5, Dr. O. B. Miles ranch, 9-26 TWO waiters, good .pay. call or phone imperial 4,ate, Albany, or. w--o WANTED Girl for diet kitchen work at Oregon state tuberculosis hospit al. Pay $35 per month with iboard, room and laundry furnished, Phone 433.- ; .u - - , . 9-26 SVISH to employ some motherlv'aU kinds of frulf and English walnuts, lady-to oaic for my ono year . old i improved streets, garage this is a real 1...K..' .i. . bnt-rruin )l4000. .:';- . ; ("''" ?' --v"" -while l am attending business coir I'ffe -MimlA l 44-'llnv. nr 141I1L ftVfl- nine. - 8-24. 25- PBUiN.Fpicir" wanted.' truck ' at Bush 'bank corner mornings. Phone 1435W, J;30 9-29 WANTE1 Girl for hand 'ironing. Sa .Jem Laundiy 'Co. itf W ANTED 'Girl -tot' marking or bun- die room. Salem Lanndry Co. ' itfl VVANTED-nGirl for shirt machine. Sa lem Laundry Co, . tf WAITED Experienced apple packers Phone 10 or call at 100 S. HiBh St 9-24 MEN wanted, Salem Tile works, near fair crounds. ' Apply Salem Tile Si Mercantile Co. tf j.P pickers wanted, 50 acres good . hops, will .pay $1.00 per 100 pounds, beginning today. Five miles north on river road. Lee Hing. Rt. 8. box 98. 9-20, WANTED House maid state for deaf, phone 646. school 9-25 V ANTED Prune pick ers, preferred. Phone 2363. family tf WANTED A messenger, Apply. Western Union. good wages, tf I HOP pickers wanted; will haul you out and iback every day. ar leaves Willamette Valley Transfer's office every morning at 7; good picking, $1.20 for 100 lbs. tf WANTED WANTED Small house or apartment for family of two. Addrees II N Ylry care Journal. 9-24 ; WANTED JGirl to care for children house work. Phone tf and do 1592.T. light lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It Use The Journal Want Ads LOANS-6 WANTED WANTED Willamette university or 'high school students, i with, -bicycle preferred, to carry paper route.. Cir culation Dept. Capital Journal. ... tf WANTED From 2 to V aeres . near the city. .AddroNi P O Box 473 Sa lem, Or. -"- ' 9-24 WANTED it'nivcTsity' or business giri to share small apartment. $7.50 each per month. For particulars call Y W fecrotary. . '. . 9-26 WANTED To cichangc talking ma chine for piano. Address M M care Journal. , ' tf WANTED -pwo luinislied living rooms close to Journal office. Phone 82. ,.. . tf WANTED To lease a 5 or 10 acre tract with chicken houses for 500 to 1000 chickens. Rt. 6, box 22, J. E. - Kirkpatrick. . .- 9-26 BEAL ESTATEt-HOUSES FOR feALE 10 acre tract, 3 miles from Dalian, good fruit land, at present covered with oak timber; will trade for auto. Address J E C care Jour nal. ; - - . 9-24 FOB SALE Yong 'blaek team more, harness and new 3 wagon. Harry "' Pearson, Phone 12F5. . ' , ; ; 9-29 FOR SALE Or rent, 15 acre ehicken ranch, joining city. Phone 2509J2. . -' : ' 9-25 TO EXCHANGERS- acre stock ranch in Benton Co., Ore., and some eash for a stock of mcrchanjlise. O.-- B. - Durdall, Salem, Or. tf FOR SALE A 6 room modern bunga low with garage, ekise in and good ' neighborhood. Phou;2144. 9-25 ROOM house for sale 803 N. Liber ty St. Inquire Warner Fenncll. 9-28 FOR SALE Largo 6 rofiin modern bungalow, full 'basement, furnace, laundry, trays, hot 'and Cold water, built in features, garage, largo lot, well located-, paved street, close to car line, store, cbool; Price $4000. Owner, 'box 222, Salem, Or.. 9-27. Look this list of houses, farms and mall acreage tract, lover: carefully, you will find real-bargains here.: ' 7 room modern.- .(Inne in1 lot. .-60x275.' room cottage moderniarge lot. J""'. Jl'Mlf tcuBCVC '.JmiAa. t "do in, $2250. tijjoom .modern; ,ungaTo.w, ' close in, uuj'ruvra siruet, pu-. , v J ' T . 4 room cottagi, mbd4n' largo lot, good chicken liouse;':ai.napi $1500. 5 room oattage, ibath. toikst, electric lights basement, close in on improved street $2000. ; " 5 room modern bungalow, 2 lots, 2 &0O." - ' u " "y "ny property we offer on good terms. Farms'. " - " 46 acres of fino bottom land, 25 in cultivation, irood 7 -room 'house, erood ,barn, silo, ehicken house. , and . large "'Cj ""TO oiuvu, owl. tu.. .with this place; fine pasture land for ranging cattle, also joining property; this is one of the best farms in the valley, $200 per acre. 62 acres river imttom, 30 in cultiva tion, good house, tiarn and wood shed, 2 wells,- family -orchard good heavy team, 1 cow, .3 shoats, 50 chickens, ail hay and farm ,-produce, also the farm machinery goes with place it oid soon, $5500, 29 acres, good house and barn, good family -orehard; got 'busy .on Jliis $22;0. 14 acres, small house and 'barn, fine spring, 200 5-year -old prune trees, 1 acre loaans, acres in cultivation, cai anoe in timber, stumps and pasture; its a snap at $2'ou. ... I 10 acres, S m cultivation. 1 W ifine oak and fir timber, 1 acre in 1 fruit, a fine plastered 7 room house, good barn and chicken house, running witter to house and 'barn, $3000. 10 acres mostly in prunes, fair honee good ibarn and chicken house; this is a real buy at $4000. 5 acres on hard surface close good 5 room icottage, barn, tool house and chicken house; you 11 have to bur $3000.. 10 acres, -ainalLcottage, large barn, fnve chicken houses, 1000 elackena, all tarm implements, brooders and hatch ing machinery go with this, $5000; two!10 m"om .u" J1'" u" ",c Ipaved road. Oood terms. 3 acres on hard surface with fine - room cottage and' good barn, young, orchard; this is a real buy, $1800 3 acres joining city limits on Sough road, modern house, bam, chiekeu house and garage; a fine plaee. We are: offering this for quick sale at a real bargain, $2200. !0HN.H,SC0nREALnCO. 404 Oregon building "Forget It" Buy At Home Vtubbard T -I ylicliAm I (yy VNoodlxmiJ I O As,rtm led I I li Jefftnan. I I rooks)i C I H VV Salem. MACHINE BHuf WORK Expert machine shop service by Mr. Bergman at high school machine shop. 12 years experience. Gear cutting specialty. High class machine tools. Quick service. Phone 446. WOOD SAW PHONE 1090R. Our -prices arc Tight. -W. M.-Zandler, proprietor, 1255 S, Summer street, Salem, Or. BEAL ESTATE HOTJBE3 FOR -SALTS My farm -of 117 acros , about 13 miles .south of Salem and 2'j miles from "O. E, depot. Very , hoot nt .Ivsr hnt.tnm ln nwitlv in cultivation, rest timber and pasture. Good orchard, fences and buildings. $75 ' per acre. J-40 care Journal. 10-15 FOB SALE 5 room house, b th, toilet, electricity, 1 block south of Yew Park school, 1 block front street car line. Enquire 586 Trade St. 9-24 FOR SALE 4 acres green corn. In quire John Flachsel, Rt. 1, Turner. v , 9-25 HALF block on 14th: and Waller St. 3 blocks from Yew Park school, 6 room house, chicken house, s yard and brooder house; wood house, garage, ' for sale, -or will trarle on small fruit ' tract. Calf 1565 - Waller St. Phone i 1537M.' ..' , ' 9-24 $30,000 Ranch To Go At Once For $22,000 $7850 will handle ' the deal. This land is "cheap . at J$100 per acre Ibut is going id.. this sale at $73 per aero. 315 aeres, 200 Acres cultivated, 115 timber, well fenced, running water, all the best of fruit land; 22 acres bearing prunes,. 8 room modern -residence, on. Jiard surfaced a-oad, close .to Salem, a fine subdivision propo sition, see mo-at once. S0C0L0FSKY - ... ... 341 State street . .-. : $7500 Fine Modern Residence To Be Sold at Once for $5000. ? Owner Leaving The City 7 room modern homo, finished inside like your piano, beautiful beamed eoiliags, lot 100x200 ioet, 'beautiful lawn, ahrubbery, fruit, garage, cOops for ipoultry, all 'buildings electrically lighted; this place 'Will comparo with any of thorn, u you want a nome you Will greatly regret 'it if you don't See this before you 'iiv. - 1 S0C0L0FSKY 341 State street Bargains In Real Estate F1!NE 24 acre tract 1 miles from town. Good 8 room 'bungalow, good 'barn. 17 acres bearing prunes, 2 acres cherries, family orchard, .good prune " dryer. Snap price for few days $8500 $3000 cash, balance. $1000 ipe year. EXTRA nico 5 acre trnpt close to Sa lem. on fine road and first .class gar den land some fruit. Price $2500. MODERN 5 room house close to state house. .Sacrifice price -$1600. Terms. 32 ACRE tract 4 miles from Salem all in high state of cultivation, good house, large barn and other build ings. 2 ACRE tract well unproved with nice orchard, close to Salem. $2.i00, easy terms. 28 ACRES 1 miles from town. 20 in cultivation, fair buildings, $4:0tl. 180 A QUE farm 8 miles from Salem, good road, about 100 acres ibottom land in cultivation. Form buildings. Fine buy at $110 per acre. NICE 10 acre tract, close in, all in cul tivation, farm buildings, ( horse, 3 cows, fowls, feed, hay,, tools; snap $5300. . . . . ... IF you want a good home at right price, G-R-List of good buvs and exchanges. FERRINE & MARSTERS 306 Oregon building LAND BARGAINS 10 acres three miles cast of Salem, all tillable No. 1 Mack loam soil. Price $2000. 44 acres three miles cast of Salem all in cultivation splendid land, close .. 'It .1 ts:t ... , ." " . " ,v , ,k ' . '"l"" h.!:0?: ?Ll' ,. ,, .i,hl lnon. , h . " 7. ..," ftn acre. 137 acres in Polk county on tho Sa-lem-Independonce road. 105 acres in cultivation and one half river bottom lal.' Oood improvements. 8:ock and equipment goes at $140 an acre. 54 acres east -of Salem three miles. 8 room house, bam, silo, hog house and other outbuildirgs, small fruits and running water. This is the -best of black loam soil. . Acreage to suit in small farms. Pos session given at oiue on any of the above properties. HAWKINS & ROBERTS g05 Oregon Bldg . 9 27 I Notice to our friends and patrons. We will be closed Thursday and Fri day. Sept. 25 and 2 on account of Jewish (New Year. We. wish you all a prosperous and happy new year. Capi tal Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa. Phone 3!ia. ' . 9 25 $1000 to loan for 1 year at 6 per cent on good real, estate Security. G. E. Cnruh. Phone 815. tf A little "Want" Ad Sells It : TYPEWEETEBS BEFAIBS and supplies. !Office appli ances. Wo mako rubber stamps. (Sims 143 N. High. Phone 340. ' 10-10 AUTOMOBILES 5 PASSENGER Ford for sale,' 1918 model, condition first' class, run only ' about 6000 miics and never abused. Address W K Care Journal. '' 9-24 TOR SALEU91.7; Maxwell In first ' class condition and five good tires. Run lcs3 than 900 miles, $500 -'cas'h,-550 terms. Telephone 1131B evc uiugs. . - 9-25 : ; O'''' Baby Grand Chevrolet roadster for sale cheap. 171 8.' High St. W. C. Wright. : : ', : 9-25 I FOR SALE 7 .passenger Cadillac. 274 N. Summer. 9-24 f FOR SLE Maxwell Car,-five -passenger, 1917 model; hew -tires, one ex tra Phone 33IF22. Moore Bros., Tur ner, Or. tf 1 LATE model Maxwell, perfect shape at $695 ; 2 late model Fords. Cherrv Cttv Garage 170 S. 12th St. 9-24 FOR SALE 1920 Studebaker six, .been diiven 1400 miles. Terms. Telephone i 1384. . ' r.. , ,.- .. . 8-24 IF IT'S USED CARS SEE US! Chalmers, A-l condition, $285 ' Almost new Buiok 6, $1350 1917 Velio $825- 1 , 1915 Overland $350 ' Studebaker 'buir $200 I Hudson Super Six $950 j- 1917 Saxon six $700 jiuto parts, tires Had acoi tsories. lESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE 49 N. COM. T. M. C. A. BLOCK BEAL ESTATE HOUSES fOR SALE Modern 7-room -house oh paved street and car, line. Lot -75x 150. Terms u desired. A.-Y., Jour nal. 9-24 FOB BENT . ROOMS suitable for !iouseTic;crg. ec j J. A. Baker, 392 N. Liberty ..;.. or sell 2456R. - . B-l.J lj HAVE a good '. unilii-nishcd 3 room i apartment for rent. Will E. Pirrdy, r 407 Oregon hide. Phone 1644. 9-24 ONE furnished sleeping room guitaible i'for two. 359 Center. tf GOOD ,6 room louse- 'for ret,-- $' luniisijLMi, t uiocit- ii-oiii , putn ui ui-.e, $37.50. Laflar & ,Laflar,vi J-25 TJIRKR nnfuiTmhed housekeeping ileeping room i rooms, ai-o motiein and garage street. , ? for rent. 1020 Center tf FURiNilSHBD rooms to fair visitors, i Clean beds, direct, carline to fair ; grounds: Close in to city. Between I Bush and Owen, 1068 S. Commcr ! cial.- " tf Solar Observatory Upon Mount Wilson In Danger Of Destruction - By Fire Monrovia, Cul., Sept. 24 (t'uited Press.) Constable James Quigglc and a force of 60 men left Monrovia early to day for tho region of Mount Wilson fol lowing receipt of reports that the Mount Wilson solar observatory, containing one of the largest telescopes in North Amer ica, is threatened by the forest fire in the Angeles national forest. During the night the wind drove the fire to the west side of the Hun Ga briel canyon and the Monrovia water shed is now threatened from both the east and the wist. About forty families were driven out f the fiio one durmg the early morning hours. Bayonet Applied To Tire Cures Obtrusive Aatoist Vancouver, B. C. Sept. 24. A bayo net with a determined soldier behind it came into action during the reception to the Triiiec of Wales at victoria last night.. One daring auto driver endeav ored to i-lit in ahead of the procession. An officer of the guard of honor or dered the car to the side .lines. The, driver persisted at the head of tho pa rade. A jdiarp order to a trooper of the guard, a flash of a bayonet and the ex plosion of a rear tire on the automobile followed in quick succession. Tho bnyonetted tire stopped the ear effectively and the lamed motor. had to pull to one aide. : - Grants Pass Man Faciig : Trial For Murder Today Grants Pass, Or., fcept. 24,-Albert Ziiver in oil trial in eircuit court hore to day on a charge of murdering Philip Friiiney near Waldo, Or., several months ago. Zuver is alleged to have burned Frainey to death, witting firo to the lat In.'. ,.nliin. Many witnesses have been subpoenaed and the ease is expeeted to occupy sev eral days People f Mlvcrton. Woodburn, Oer . 1 . . ... vais ana Aurora are duck hi M,t to MtallUh a eountr If rary fys (em In Mariiin county with hin'l(l"i'tersl nt the Salem public library. BEAL ESTATE HOUSES FARM JEXCHANGE 160 acres good fatin land, 100 acres in cultivation, -buildings, in Olark county, Washing Aon,, to trade for smaller farm in Wil- Mamatte "Valley. Owner, H. B. care -.Journal. . -2 FOR SALE By owner, room home, 2678 Oak. Am leaving town will sell eheap. 1 628 FOB SALE 7 room house, 2 lota, fruit A seal snap. B. W. Maey, 202 Ory block. . - - . - . tf MISCELLANEOUS LEAVE your children with me while you work. 2751 Laurel Ave, 10-22 EMiPEY Transfer Co. moved from 124 8. Liberty to 143 " South Liberty. Phone :98, after 6 p. m. phone 67BJ All kinds moving, hauling and truck ing at reasonable price. 9-24 OEKOBATO rnniUry wall tint, bast made; beautiful new color. Bureui Ooml St tf IAS. LYONS practical fainter. Phone 704. tf WOOD SAWED Sproed boy will saw your wood, in town and out. Phone 1678W evenings or mornings. 10-5 .UTO PAINTING Fords Tepainted $14 and up; other ears in proportion. All first class work guaranteed. J. E. Johnson, 220 S. isiberty. 10-11 I AM now tootling orders lor shrub bery, vines and perennial tor toil planting. I do all kinds of landscape gardening, J.- W, Maruny, 211Millor St. Phone 916. " ' 10-5 FOB quick service truck hauling, phone 1608J,. or 1170 N, J5th St. A. H. Biederman.- 10-6 STRAYED from .';sH ate ftt'ir grounds Sopt. 19, a Ibluck Poland China sow, with ' undorbit in right ear, weight about 240. Notify Barn 7 on fair grounds, or phone Black 241, Silver ton, E. O. Tioe. Liberal reward. 9-24 TWO slightly used pianos, like new in every respect, a voty low price for quick sole; these are bargains. Tho Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. near High. ' 9-27 PIANO for sale, sweat tone and beau tiful case, looks like new, a real bar gain for part cash. 519 Court street near High. "' 9-27 FOR SALE My eld blue Locomobile, want to sell it quick. Lar.ry Hofer, .314 XL Wdg., Salem. 9-851 OUTOMETBISTS Dr. Li HALL WaSON Spe cialist in the Modern Scientif ic Application of Glasses for the aid of vision and the relief of Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed fctatur' days. Office 210 211 U. 8. Bank build ing. Phones, ornce lJ res. MISCELLANEOUS RU08 cleaned 40 each. Phone 16. 10-6 W. BEAVER well driller. Phoae 827J. 1105 N. 19th St. Salom, Or. 10- WALL PAPER IS cents per double rnli upward. Buron'i lurnituro Btore. 179 Commercial. ' tf WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Offfte corner Commercial and Trade street! Bills payable monthly in udvanoe Phone 000. "Gob" Returns After 11 Years to Thrash Prof, Portland, Or., Sept. 24. (United Press.) Neal Campbell, eight years ago, was 1 1 years old. Ho attended the tail ing grammar school in Portland. And Neal threw spit balls in the class room. One hit Marjorio Brown. The 10-year-old girl cried. H. J. Boyd, the principal, investigated the cause of her grief. And, as a result, Principal Boyd ap plied the traditional birch rod to the culprit. Neal grew to young manhood and left Portland. He enlisted in the navy. But, the intervening years and war service didn't obliterate Ncal's recollection of the licking administered by Principal Boyd. So, when Nea! returned to Portland h- planned to gratify an eight-year-old desire to lick his former teacher. He walk to the Failing school and an nounced his intention. But the city schools have telephones. So have the police station. Just as Neul was about to get revenge the cops ar rived on the scene and blasted all no fond hopes. Campbell returned to his ship at Bremerton with the avowed intention of returning some day to "get even" ! with Principal Boyd. He says he won "t ! announce what he Intends to do the next me. The road building program of Crojk county and an odditioual bond issne of - $50,000 will M sunsets ror ' U unno.iul meetine of tnxDft.vers at Prine- - 1 - -y- - , " - ,"e September 26. i BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS MISCELLANEOUS : WILL pay $2 for some one to stay . with elderly lady tomorrow Sept. 24 from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Phone 2499 : W. . '. '9-34 - FOR SALE-"20& acres, 130 in -cultivation, good buildings, family orchard. Price $90 per acre. A. Weinert, Sa lem, Or., Rt. 9. . - EVEKTTHINQ ELECTMOAL SALEM Electric njo., Masonic Tewple, 127 North High. Phone Mais 1319. FINANCIAL 90VERNMENT loftm t 5Vi IJereeat. : W. D. Smith, Sah-m Bank of otn ' merta. v - - - -it MONEY TO LOAN On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD Ovor Ladd & JBush Bank; Salem, 'Ore. FEDERAL FAEM LOANS 54 per cent interest. Prompt scrvica. 34 years time, Federal farm ' loan . bonds for sale. A. C, Bohrnstedt, 401 ifnDAu a..iAn. rwnw. T ' wanwtG X k in ...a Ai ui, v'.i if.i. . AUCTIONEERS O. SATTERLEB Office 124 South Liberty Street. Phono 37, 1211., Real - Jsstat an. Stock Bales. ' . - W. F. W1RHGT, Turner aucticnecr. .' Why not get him He only charges '2 percent. i tf WHY SELL FOR LESS? We 'will' -pay you more cash for your household goods. Oet eur bid -before you 'sell. Peoples Furni ture and Hardware Store, 871 N. Commercial Street. Phone 73. SECOND HAND GOODS No Cash Required Good overcoata.' shoes and -suits, U kinds of musical instruments, shotguns, rifle beating stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What have yout The Capital Ex change. 837 Court Street. Phon 493., WE WANT Your used furniture, stoves, sarpeta and .tools, ink wo pay fair prieesi fo everything, can 4f. , CAPITAL HARDWARE FURNI-H . 'TUBE CO.. 285 North Commercial St. LODGE DIRECTORY PjQlEMiSKJil'AJodgoJKo. l. ""rs" ' nreets - every Wednesday , veng at 7;0 at L b. O. B. ball. KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS MEET AT! McOomnck hall on every Tuesday at 8. Walter Lenoa, C. O.j F. J. Kuntf, J. a. m a. - -I ROYAL Noighbors of America, fcr-i gon Grape camp No. 1360 meets srery ' Thursday evening in McCornasi hall, Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. rie B. Bonn, 648 Union St.: recorder Mrs. Melissa Parsons, . 1415 , N. 4tk, St. Phone 1436M. LndTED ARTISANS Capital An oly No. 84 meets first Thursday .t each month at 8 p. m. in Masoni . Temple. Glenn C Niles, M. A.j . A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. MODEJIN WOODMEN Of AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 824(1 meets every Thursday evening at 8 'clock: in McOornack 'building, Court and Liberty streets. W. M. Persons, O. Frank A. Turner, clerk. STOVE REPAIRING Stoves rebuilt and .repaired. 50 years experience; Depot National and Ameri can fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high; Paints,; oil And varnish etc; logan berry and hop hooks. ' ' SALEM FENCE AND BTOVE WORKS 250 Court Street, Phono 124 BCAVENtiER Salem Scnvanger Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals removed. Office phono Main 167. , f- LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS - New York, Sept. 44. Liberty bonds quotations: 3's, 100.10; first 4's,i5.l second 4's, 94; find 4's. 95.24; second 4V4', 94.20; third 4'i 's, 96.06; fourth 4!4 's, 94.06; victory 3 'a, 99.96 ; 4 'a, 99.92. Use Tbe Journal Wait Ads g Gorvis. r, (ot4r-ton If