Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 24, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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f Bjr Henry L. Farrell .
r (United-iPress staff. correspondent) .
, New. York, Sept, 2Jl. -Gleaspn has a
better trio patrolling his garden, tkaa
Moran can produce. - - -
The outer -de-feust , of -the- White. So-x
doesn 't, ran It with the greatest of the
gume, nor has it the smashing attack
of the .Tigivr. otitfieldiirs. But in Jack:
son, Felsehy Lielmld aai . X.'Collins, the
American. Icngiuyf have a more for
midulIe array of talent than Round)
Neale. Maacc and Duucan,
As in the. case of their infields,
where they have a pair that fairly
moots its class, . both the. Reds and
White Sox have 111 the gardens n bul
wark 'of strength in Kousch. and Jack
son. This pair embodies almost .'the
maximum smithing power with the lint,
while in Kousch and Felsch there ia a
pair that is out classed only by the
great Tris Speaker in the range of op
erations. . .
The most glaring . weakness of Mo
"ran'a club in in left field. t has both
ered the great Red leader all season.
In the last uumth the problem seemed
solved with the arrival of Pat Dun
can from the Southern league. His
work has been close to sensational. But
it is not Bitre fkaf Moran will try a
green youngster in the liig series.
'. A smashing hitter. The league 'a lead
ing -batter and a fielder who covers
acres of - ground, Eddie" Kou.-ch out
classes Happy Felsch in ceuterfield.
He has a -fifty point advantage over
the White Sor star in batting, has
scored more runs, poled out more hits
and is faster, on the base.
The afternoon 'sun which floods the
right field of the' Cincinnati yard will
drive Joe Jackson to left field for the
series. Oompared to Sherwood , Magee
he lowers in strength' over the pro
tector of the Red left garden. Jackson
is having 'one of his best years, bat
tin? around .iHtT while Magee 'a stick
work amounts to". US. Morau has been,
resting" the" veteran tor several weeks
and he'may come back to participate
in-his first world's series with a new
lease on iTfe. Lhincau has not only plug
ged up the hole admirably, but he has
been somewhat sensational in -his work
fu 24 games he has batted .241! and
proved himself lol able in pinches
; "Nemo" t,eibo!i! and "Shano" Col
lin loth gr. the call over "Oreaay1'
Xcaic. liaffiiig only .248, Nculg falls
behind both "A'eino" and Collins, who
have made their .sticks, work for .298
and .2.-iN, respectively.
The quartet of Reds, have stolen .ri2
basts aguiust 4J for their opponents.
Jn litting the American leaguers have
a vntt average of .29", tie Keds, .261;
the Wlrte Jiox have scored 235 runs,
the H.ds H'i, the Sox fielders have
knocked out 402 h'i.v the Reds 325.
School Librarian Divides
Books Among City Schools
Miss Lottie Peters, the school librar
ian, is now arranging the mass of litera
ture in th school library for distribu
tion among the various' schools of the
city. There are between 8000 and 9000
volumes, including nriiieipally reference
books, travel and' fiction. It is plan
ned to have -some one teacher in each
building to have charge of the books
and arrange for the "traveling libiar-
jies" to be used in each grade, as well
,as to have oversight of the children's
reading. Included in each collection of
books is a group of "best books" which
the children are encouraged to read,
those who read at least eight of ties.;
books being awarded a star at the end
of the term. The school library has re
ceived, about 400 new volumes this year.
Remove .blackheads, gnften rough
skin, clear the blood, brighten the
eves.- sweeten the whole, 'system.
Nothing helps make a pretty face, win
some smile, as Hollistor's Bocky Moun
tain Tea. Try.it tonight. 3c. D. J.
Fry. (Adv.)
Twenty-five thousand dollars worth
of bonds of the Gold Hill irrigation dis
trict were certified to by the irrigation
securities commission at a meetng Tues
day.' This issue will be used in paying
off obligation incurred and money ad
vanced sin construction work, akcadv
comnletfd. The district already ha
$60,000 in bonds outstanding. .......
I - The certification of $15,000 worth of
bonds for the Squaw Creek irrigation dis
tnct in Deschutes county u also au
thorized by the commission. This money
will be used to build a permanent head
grte and make other improvements in
the system which the district acquired
some time ago at which time $94,000
worth of bonds were issued. .
The payment of interest on bonds of
the Uehoc.o irrigation district m the sum
of $1,250,000 and on the Warm Springs
irrigation district on bonds in the
amount of $1,350,000 was considered by
the commission. Judge Dalton Biggs of
Malheur has been asked by the com
mission to act as appraiser of lands In
the Warm Spi'ings district and K. A
Ward of the First National bank of
Bend has been asked to act as appraiser
of lands in the Ochocho district.
la aa opinion given by Attorney Gen
eral George M. Brown to M. A. Biggs,
district attorney for Harney urnity,
titer shooting season for ducks, geese aa,
other migratory waterfowl has been def
initely settled. Confusion has existed in
the minds of many shooters on aceount
of a difference in the federal and stftte
seasons. The state cannot legislate with
l in the closed season of the federal regu
lations, but it con legislate within the
open season.. The federal open season
is three and one-half months, but the
state, if it care- to, may close any por
tion or all of this federal open season.
The Bhooting season, therefore, which
must be observed by hunters throughout
Oregon Is. as follows:
For Multnomah, Clatsop, Columbia
For Fair Visitors at the
Clothlncf ' " ' . ..lotions .
I- e 9 .
Buy your fall and winter supplies in lime. Never was it so important to be pre--;
- pared than now. Our special prices apply in all departments:
DOUBLE COMFORTS ... ............ .":. $2.79
Visit our Store, you will benefit by taking Advantage of our Many Bargains
18 cents a package
Cm., mold nryirA.r to
tetontMctllf mJf p.ok.4. of 29
tifrltn; or (u pcjm (300
JJarvM.) in t tlntitn-ptptrP
orrd otrtan. W. itronily no.
mmW Mu etrtm tor th aam
trolfiot luppfyor whtnrwttnrtL
They Win You On Quality!
Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great
because their refreshing flavor and fragrance
and mellowness is so enticingly different. You
never tasted such a cigarette ! Bite is elimi
nated and there is a cheerful absence of any
unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or any un
pleasant cigaretty odor 1
Camels are made of an expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are
smooth and mild, but have that desirable full
body and certainly hand out satisfaction in
generous measure, You will prefer this Camel
blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straightl
Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then
compare them with any cigarette in
the world at any price for quality,
flavor, satisfaction. No matter
how liberally you smoke
Camels they will not tire
your taste!
Wintton-Sftlem, N. C
ifiains Nineteen Pounds "Just
Seems Too Good To
Be True.
"T am so hatipv over the. wonderful
improvement of my health since I com
menced tasing Tanlac I just want to
tell everybody I meet about it," said
Mrs. H. H. Harner who lives at 736
West -1st place, Ios Angeles, Cal., the
other day.
It seems too good to be true," con
tinued Mrs. -Harder, in speaking about
her recovery to health by using Tan.
lac, "for 1 was in wretched health for
about six -ears, nnd everything 1 had
tried in the way of medicine and treat
ments had failed to do me any good at
all. lii fact, J had about given up all
hope of ever fimlin a medicine- that
would overcome- mv trouble. What 1
suffered during these years on account
of the . awful condition of my stom
achy sir- , cannot be told ia words.
hvery Jimf 1 ; nte anything I would
have temple cramping spells alter
wards. 1 was nervous, too, nud such a
thing as a good nights sleep was out
of the question with me. I just geeuied
to loso all my strength and energy and
finally got so weak and run down that
1 could liardlv "ct.ai-gut at all. I went
down iu weight from one hundred and
seventy seven to, one hundred and for
ty nine pounds, and you can imagine
how much I must have gono through.
' ' Well, about five weeks ago 1 de
cided to give Tanlac a trial and see if
it would do me any good, and just in
that short space of time 1 have actual
ly gotten back nineteen pounds of my
lost weight. Why) I .bogan to pick up
before I had finished my first bottle
of this wonderful medicine and 1 just
continued to improve until 1 am as
well and heartv now as I ever was. I
never have a pain or ache of any kind
and my stomach trouble has been so
completely overcome that I can eat
just anything i want and I never suf
fer afterwards. AH the nervousness has
left me nnd I sleep like a child every
night. In fact, I just feel perfectly
well all the time, and I never lose nn
opportunity to say a good word for
Tanlac." '
Tanlac is sold in Salem bv Dr. S. C.
Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug
Co., in Mt. Angel b- Ben Oooch, in
Clervais y Jo.'.a Kchy, in Turner by
H. P. Cornelius, in Woodburif by Ly
man H. onorev. in Silverton by Geo.
Steclhammer, in dates by Mrs. J.
P. McCurdy, in otayton by C. A.
ueaucnauip, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
htorc, in St. Paul .by Groceteria. Stores
Co., iu Donald by M. W. Johnson, in
Jefferson by Foshav & Mason and in
Mill City by MarKcteria Gro. Co.
Ethel Clayton's
Beautiful Complexion
That splendid actress now appear
ing under the Paramount banner is fa
mous for her beautiful complexion. 8he
attributes her wonderful skin to the
use of a simple toilet article called
Dewillo There U nothing like it for
lau, freckles, shiny nbse, saUow, dark,
rough skin. It takes the place of face
powder, stays on better, as perspira
tion does not affect it, and it instant
ly beautifies the complexion. One ap
plication proves it. If you want a nice
lily white skin with rosy checks, get a
bottle of IVrwillo today; you will be
delighted. Perwillo ia sold at all up to
date toilet counters. Be sure to read
large announcement of Miss Clayton's
soon to appear in this paper. It tells
bow to instantly have a beautiful com
plexion and a soft,' white, velvety skin
everyone 'just lovea to touch."
Hot water
Sure Relief
and Tillamook counties, the open season
begins on October 1 and closes Decem
ber 31. In all other countries of game
district No. 1, which comprises all that
portion of Oregon lying west of the
summit of the Cascade mountains, the
season opens on October 16th and closes
on January loth. In all counties of
"ame district No. 2, which comprises all
that portion of Oregon lying east of the
summit of the Cascade mountains, the
open season begins on October 1 and
ends on December 31st.
County Fair At Lewiston
Lewiston, Idaho, Sept. 24. (Unitee)
Press.) There is no" excuse for anyone
in Lewiston being hungry or thirsty to
day. '
This is 8hriners'- day at the county
fair, and local nobles started in this
morning with a supply of 300 gallons.of
free cider, 1000 dozen doughnuts and
500 pies, expecting to give away all of
I these "drinks and eats" before night,
land get more if necessary;: . ,
The Shriners furnished many forms of.
I novel entertainment for fair visitors
I here during the day. They will give
! formal bull this evening. ' '
Tobacco Habit
soys Dostar Connor- formerly of Joh
Hopkins hospital. Thousands of me
suffering from fatal diseases would b
in perfect health today were it not for
the deadly drug Nicotine. Stop th
habit now before it VJoo late. It's av
simple process, to rid yourself ot the
tobaceo habit in aBy form. Just go t
any nn to date drusr store and set soma
Nieotol tablets; take them as direeted
and 1o; the- pernieioua-habit qmcaiy
vanishes. Druggists refund the money
if they fail. Be- Bure to read large and
interesting- announcement by . Doetor
Connor soon to appear in this paper.
It tells of the daager of mcotina poia
oninid bow to avoid it. In the mean
Itime wy Nieotol tablets; yon will be
'surprised at the result. D..J. FVv-
MISSES' and WOMEN'S COATS $31.50 to
Look where you will, you'll not find another such stock of hand-
. J n 1 y-i , n 11 , i. -
suure new coais, in aaiem. uoats ior an occasions ana ol every
desirable material direct from America's foremost coat makers
including wool velours, plushes, burellas, velvets, broadcloth,
Kerseys, Silvertone and kindred materials. Belted or'semi-fitting
models. We have them in browns, greens, taupe, navy, burgundy,
plum and other leading colors specially priced at ...$31.50 to $90
New Fall and Winter Coats Special. $29.50
Smart new belted models, some with large convertible collars,
round or square effects. New plaited styles and military models.
Cheviots, velours, meltons, burrellas, broadcloth and velvets, in
all the leading colors. Sale price $29.50
Women's New Fall and Winter Suits
Now Arriving With Unceasing Regularity
There are so many beautiful new models that it is impossible to
describe them in detail suffice to say every new and popular
style for Fall and Winter is represented. Suits of burrellas
serges, .velours, velvets, broadcloths, poplins and novelty mixtures'
$32.50 to $75.00
Misses' and Womens New Autumn Suits $37.50
Handsome suits embracing desirahlp stvlp fpntnvoc 0 j u
devotees' of fashion these splendid garments, so skillfully design
ed and carefully tailored, will win instant approval from women
desirous of adhering closely to the prevailing modes'.
' Mezzanine Floor, Where Low Prices Prevail
' . Nothing Over $25 . ,
Special attention directed to our showing of one hundred new Kersey and Velour
Coats, Misses, Young Ladies' and Women's sizes. Some lined throughout belted
and semi-fitting models, in a good assortment of colors, specially selected and pur
chased for our lower price mezzanine flo or. y
Regular values $30.00 '.
Regular values- $32.50........'
Regular values $35.00
SPECIAL $24.75
Amtumn Millinery
An exposition of autumn styles in dress hats
neatly trimmed portraying the newest creations
from the foremost artists. ,
Many of those' beautiful new hats will be
shown for the first time tomorrow.
: Various, styles to select from all new and
different, some are faced with Satin or Georg
ette Crepe, large, small and medium shapes, m
all the prevailing colors. Ranging in price from
$4.50 to $25
Just Received An Express Shipment Of Misses AndiYomen's Sweaters
White Corner Building
, Salem's Greatest Women s Apparel Store