Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 24, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    1 All Around Town ji
Artificial teetn, aava expert plkte
man, with over 85 years experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den
tist, 302 U. a Nat. bank bldg. tf
'Ml M M
Sept. 22-27 . Orego" , state
fair,. v., .'
. 8ep 29, Monday Opening
of public schools of Salem.
Oct. 1 Oregon .Methodist
.. conference. - ; ' -
Oct. 26 Turn time back one
: .-hour. - ., -,. v. , .: ,
Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8
, Try Northern Floor. It 'a a Eeax.j
Every sack guaranteed. At your gro
ers. tf
Dance M. B. A. hall near Chemawa
Sat. night Sept. 27. 9-26
Captain H. J. Bberle. who served
with the forestry division of the Am
erican army in Prance, Tuesday re
sumed his position es deputy is the
state torester'g omee wnicbi pontic
he relinquished in order to enlist. .
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your
repair work. Phone 1668, 220 N. Com
mercial street. tf
Dr . E.- Prime in Dr. O. B.
office, Ladd & Bush bank bldg.
Porter J. Nef f, attorney . for the
Rogue .River Canal company was a
state capitol visitor from Medford,
We buy liberty bonds. 205 Oregon
building. tf
B. N. Dooly, Jr., and Arthur M.
Mccrg of Portland transacted business
with the state insurance department
Tuesday. .
Miss Hattie Flemming of Portland
is .in Salem this week attending the
fair and visiting relatives.
Mrs. J. W. Ferguson arrived Tuesday
evening from Portland to spend the
week with her husband, J. W. Fergu
son of the industrial accident commis
sion, while taking in the state fair.
E. A. Taylor of Astoria a native
Oregonian and now a retired farmer,
dropped in on Sam A. Kozer, deputy
secretary of state, Tuesday afternoon
while in Salem doing the state fair.
Elks attention. Have your auto ready
for Elks parade and fair ground trip
tomorrow morning at -It o'clock in
front of Elks club. We need you. Whar
ton jj, west, chairman.
G. W. Allen, deputy state fire mar
shal, left Tuesday for Hillsboro where
he will conduct an investigation into
the tire hazards at the invitation of
the mayor of that city. Allen will tie
joined in his survey by G. "W. Stokes
later on the week.
Lloyd E. Ireland wishes anyone he
owes an account to, to send the bill to
him at 315 West Court St., Pendleton
Oregon, and the" same will be paid. 9-25
SteJioeraphers Who take ride in
their work always want a. Royal type
writer became their efforts show to
best advoBtage,-aud; another reason is
they can turn, out mare work with less
effort en the Royal than any other
typewriter made; For sale by Graham
& Wells, CorvaUis, Or. tf
Newton Van Dalsem, recently ap
pointed by Superintendent of Instruc
tion Churchill to the newly created of
fice of state director for vocational
education, arrived ' in Salem Monday
evening from Fort Collins, Colo., ae
eompanied by Mrs, Van Dalsem and
hia three children, s r :
J.-.M. Schaefer of Forest Grove was
a state capita visitor Tuesday, calling
on State Engineer Cupper relative to
some improvements under contempla
tion in drainage district Mo. 7 in Wash
ington county. .
Major Albert B. Smith, in command
of the airplane forest patrol in Ore
gon, expects to make a ilignt from
Boscibnrg to Portland accompanied by
his wife October 1, according to in
formation received by State. Forester
Elliott. This will be the longest flight
evtr taken by a woman in Oregon, it
is stated.
Special meeting of Pacific
lodge (No. 50 A. F. & A.-M.
this evening. Work in the :E..
A. degree. Visiting . brethren
welcome ; '
Now is your opportunity to learn
the truth what future holds for you.
See this wonderful Crystal Reader at
2439 E. Center St.. this week onlv.
Joseph Richardson, deputy Btate
treasurer, -'returned, Monday evening
from Portland where he had undergone'
a minor operation, which necessitates
his absence from his official duties for
a few days this. week.
We have the new 1920 Ford with ex
press or panel side delivery bodies for
immediate delivery, valley Motor t;o.
- 9-26
'- ,. sTS. vrC
faVee jWed
iix, America
IHEN Lafayette- put aside the pomp . and
ruffles of the French Court, and became a
fighter for your liberty and mine, he brought
with him' his beautifully chased set of razors.
As a soldier, he realized the part; they would play in
keeping him fit But after he was wounded at
Brandywine, the young general found it was not so
'.' easy to shave unaided, for in spite of their sweetness
cf balance and true French temper, his razors lacked
the common sense element of safety. What Lafayette
needed was the doifble-edged, detachable, guarded
blade of the - "
In general form, exactly the same as
Lafayette's own -exquisitely balanced
razor, but with these extra advan
tages: (1) Absolute safety. (2) Long
est, strongest, keenest blade on earth.
(3) Double-edged, -detachable blade,
allowing you either a fresh edge or a
fresh-stropped edge at a moment's
notice.. Go to your nearest dealer am
lay the long, safe blade of this realrazor
with the old-time shape and balance
against your cheek. YouH see why
thousands of shavers are making the
Durham -Duplex their razor every
month in the year. Seven million have
changed already from otlier razors to
this real razor made safe, Make
vpur change today
.; '
Geo. W. Steelhammer, Silver ton
Elmer O, Olson Silverton f
Ames Hdwo. Co., Silverton
O. M. Wray, Hdwe. Co., Silverton
Hicks Hdwev-Co., Silverton
Bed Cross Pharmacy, 886 State ,
... M. Neimeyer, 444 State
Ray L. Farmer Hdwe. 201 N. Com'l
J. i". Tyler, 157 S. Commercial
Capital Drug Store, W5 State
Brewer Drug Co 405 Court
Central Pharmacy, 410 State .
Hauser Bros., 372 State
Anderson & Brown, 126 S. Commercial Fuller Pharmacy, Dallas
Salem Hdwe. Co, 120 X. Commercial staffrin Drug Store, Dallas
Schaffers Drug Store, 135 N. Com'l to,. tw.ii.. -
Daniel J Fry Drug Store, 310 N. Cornl Irmacy, Dallas
Perry's Drug Store, 115 S. Commercial Lilly Hdwe. Co, StaytOn
Crown Drug Store, SUte street Sloper Drug Co, Stayton
Opera House Pharmacy ' Beanchamp's Drug Store, Stayton
If you are a Durham-Duplex dealer and wish to have your name added
to the above list in subsequent advertisements, send your name and address
to this newspaper and write the Durhaam-Duplex Razor Co. for a free window
display.- ' - ' ' --- .
Greatest Shaving Mileage at Any Price
This set contains a Dnrham-Dnplex Razor with an attractive
white handle, safety guard, stropping attachment and packago of
S Durham-Dopier doable-edged blades (Sabavingedges) all inm
handsome leather kit. Get it from your dealer or from as direct.
Additional blades 50 cents for .
a package of 5 ; . "
Canada England
HVictorlaSt 27 Church St.
A. Phwo & C. Andre Constantino Ettorl
SS Eu de Paradia. Parlg Vial Magenta 5. Milan
B. W. Bates RosAurc newsoaner
man, is in the city today.
Judge Thomas P. Rvaa of Orecon
City was a visiter in the ef tie of State
Treasurer Hoff, Wednesday morning.
John P. Hall of Marshfield,' district
attorney of Coos county, and Glen H.
MotsKer of St. Helens; district attor
ney for Columbia county were " among
ino visitors m the governor's .office
Elizabeth Edwards has been granted
a ..divorce from Leroy Hollia Edwards.
She was granted the custody of their
one child and cost s of the suit.
Btate Senator C. M. Thomas of Med
ford, attorney for the Talent, Gold Hill
and .Eagle Fomt - irrigation districts
was a business visitor in the office of
State Engineer Cupper, Tuesdny. Sen
ator Thomas states that Medford, as
well as all other southern-(.h-egon cit
ies are noy enjoying a full measure of
prosperity with many new. people flock
mg into the Kogue river, valley from
the middle west and, east. . . .
William Youne. i' student "at the
Oregon Agricultural college is visiting
tne state iair. u.s acme is u Eugene,
H. 8.- Brvson, a prominent resident
of Eugene, i in Salem, attending the
state fan. Mr.- Bpyson.ie county clerk
o,r ljane eounry, j , .
' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hendersliott
are amoitg the ont of town vuitors at
the fair.- Mr, nendersbott is manager
or me raigeae wnn. company. .
Katie ikix was granted the right to
her. maiden name und an nbsaluto di
vorce in her proeoedirgs against Glen
E. Cox. She i now entitled legally to
the name of Katie May Savage.
W. A. Rutherford has sued W, H,
Sellwood and J. A. Seflw.ood for the
payment of the balance duo "Bfl ' ii note"
of $500 dated Oet. 2, 1911. The amount
is placed at $339.25 with an additional
$50 for attorney 's-fees. -
A Cedar Chest
, .
I f That's what Reefer'i
.yj Moth-Proof Ctdsj
's "Mo-Moth" is. Deciu'Umaks
Ctdat Chsrt out of any clothes dowt'
Hesfet's"Ko-MoA" Consists of small han&OT, which is easily stttched to
th floor board of yourcloaet with screw or nail, nd a small amber felaM
jar, contsinird) concentrated essence of cedar which evaporates throoMi
a patent porous cap. J.
Saves packing, unpack
, cleaning and presun)
- woodsy cedar oaor.r
,' Gat ont fitr evary dodiat clout. Protad yourl
valnabl clothinfc, fun and wookiu from mothj
tavakaa. "No Moth" savar namls anannon. Sa;
ink ont sann.nl nayafbr "No Moth ' twanty Umaa '
evar. Comparaprioa of "No Molh" wilh coat or.
fixt chatt. Tatrinoniak from Adanoc toPanBe
oT'NoM9lh' mjinotktroabla. Oats No. I
State fair Specials in
You can always do better at
, 1 v HooodIoood g
Dr. Lucas, .the . noted mental and
psychical specialist of Portland, will
be in Salem one week oeginning Sept J
22, He requests the parents or relatives
of such children or adults, , respective
ly who are suffering with neuronic,
mental or psychical disturbances .ex
treme nervousness, melancholia, acute
and secondary mania, halueinatorinA
fearar.worrie or sorrows about troubles
to write or phone to the iBligh hotel
or see Mrs. Lucas at her booth (fair
grounds) for consultation and exami
nation. Dr. Lucas will leave for Port
land Sunday at 4 p. m., Sept. 29.
Those who apply for jobs as enumer
ators, will not receive the appointment
at once but will receive a letter trom
OonsuB Supervisor Crawford as tfol
lows: "The receipt .of, your application
for appointment or census enumerator
is hereby acknowledged. As "soon as the
subdivision of this district into enum
eration districts is completed, and the
'boundaries thereof fixed by the di
rector of census, the matter of appoint
ment of enumerators will fee taken up
and vour application will receive care
ful consideration." ,
Western Conservatory of Music of
Chieago, 111- Frank' E. Churchill rep
reaontative of Salem branch. Fall term
begins Sept. 15th. Complete'; course in
piano ana theoretical sirbjeets. Studio
wite 1-2 Odd Fellows bldg. Phone
1071R.- ; . : V' .v.', "10-15
Paul Schmidt left - yesterday for
Olympia, Wn,, called there by the death
or his lather t,ouis U. Schmidt, who
died on a train between Olympia and
Auburn. Mr. Schmidt was an uncle of
Frederick Schmidt, Frank Schmidt
and Leo Schmidt of the Phez com
Every D
Judge John L. Childs of Creseent
City, who defended George Chenowith,
acting member of the. legislature from
Curry county, during the latter 's re
cent trial in which lie was acquitted
for the murder of the betrayer of his
daughter, is in 8alenti: in th&4nterest
ef Chenowith, who was ordered "to the
asylum, tho his attorney declares that
he is not insane. 'S
The foot of Trade street, along the
river bank, once a landing place for
barges and for tho past few years over
grown with weeds, is now building up
to a level with the surrounding coun
try. The Oregon Pulp' and Paper com
pany has been fillingaip the low spots
and building up by Jags and lumber
the river bank, similar to that done uy
the Spaulding Logging "company on its
river ibank property.
William Rerahart, well known ath
lete and graduate of the Salem high
school, was elected physical director of
the high school at the meeting of tho
school held last evening. After gradu
ation from the Salem high school, he
attended the Oklahoma Wesloyan uni
versity and later the Lmvernity of
Oregon. Ho enlisted in Company M,
162d infantry in 117 and went with
the company oVersi-as in December,
1917. His service in Frame covers It
months, is discharge is dated March
14,, 1919. While in the service he was
active in athletic work.
With the announcement by the Phea
company of its plans to build a cold
storage .plant in the city to cost $165,
000, comes information that the com
pany is erecting a largo cider compress
ing plant at Wenatchee, the center of
the apple growing industry in Wash-,
ington. The largest jam and jelly 'man
ufacturing plant in the United States
west of the Mississippi river is owned
and operated by the Phez company in
its buildings opposite the Southern .Pa
cific passenger dspot.
Ferry I. Reigclman, well known in
newspaper circles in Salem, yesterday
Hied for record his discharge signed
at Camp Lewis and dated September
18 1919. He was a member of the phot,
tographie division. .Notation is mad
that ho left the V. 8. July 1, 1918,
that he served in France and returned
to the U. 8. Sept. 3, 1919. While it
docs not appear on the discharge pa
pers, the fact is, Mr. Reigelman had
the pleasure of living for seven months
in Paris and was there during the
great armistice lemonstrationn,
.Walter C. Eberhard of the-fire de
partment, was run-into .and injured on
the hand this morning 'by a Chevrolet
driven Iby A. H. Camanada of . Forest
Grove, the ear having a dealer's license
Wo. 171. Mr. Elberhard was standing on
Court street between Liberty and High,
close to the sidewalk, talking to a par
ty in a car. The Chevrolet drove direct
ly towards him, throwing him over the
radiator and against the side of the
car. A warrant was sworn out charg
ing Mr. Camanada with reckless driv-
; with orders to appear at 10 o clock
tomorrow morning to answer to the
charge. '"' f- ' : ' ""
E. T. Busselle is an engineer and
electrical expert. Hence, to guard his
home at 575 Center street from burg
lars, ho has awmt every - thing .m
sight attached to a burglar alarm.
Last evening -along towards the mid;
die of the night he. lieafd a terrific
crash in the basement. With a neigh
bor he investigated but found noth
ing. However, this morning he found
a basement door open, rather indicat
ing that a real burglar had hidden in
the basement, and due to tho fact that
he had made a lot of noise and dis
turbed things, decided to remain hid
den until there was a convenient time
to make a get away. Mr. Busscllo is
now preparing to electrify till the base
ment entrances.
- W. T. KIGDON & CO.
252 North High Street
. Animal Comedy
While the mercury in the thermome
ter was reachinjr up to the summer
mark of 81 yesterday in Salem, it was
climbirg elsewhere. At Los Angeles the
maximum was 9.0 and even at Marsh-
field tho record wns 88. , Medford run
true to form tor' high j temperatures
this Bunnner with 96, but at Roseburg
the maximum was only two degrees
higher than Walein. Sacramento wns the
hottest spot in the U, S. with 98,
Phoenix came in with no, Man I ran-
ciseo tlio samo as Salem, while in !Sew
York it was chilly with a maximum
of 64.
Arthur Landers and Ralph W. Land
ers enca have on. deposit with the Ma
rion county treasurer tho sum of $5. By
an order of the eonrt issued this mora
ine, the executrix of tho W. W. Land
ers estate was authorized to deposit
this amount to the credit of the two
sons of W. W. Lander's. In a recent
suit to break the will, the two sons
claimed that an agreement had been
madii with their father years ago that
if they would help in clearing a tract
and establishing a home, they each
should have an interest in the farm.
The court refused to accept their claim
and ruled that the farm should go to
the widow as willed and that each of
the sons was entitled to $5 as provided
in the will. ' - v - -
Tho estate" Of Ralph Edwin Merrill
has been closed and the administrator
W. A. Wiout, received the approval of
the court and relieved of further lia
bility. The final- report showed a bal
ance of $2848.02 In the hands of th
administrator.. . ,
. Word has gone out from polico head
quarters to officers to keep a close
watch for speeders, and whom such on
offender is captured, to bring him at
once to the police station where he is
promised troatment that is coming to
any one who will exceed the legal lim
it during the present crowded spell.
A survey of the apple crop in the vi
cinity of ,Dall:is showg that there, will
be 20 to -j carloads of choice-fruit iuf
tiHpinent. ' s " " '
me help you.
Hotel Marion, Saiem, Ore.
447 Morgan Bldg., PorM.m Ore.
MHIttltlUHttttttH -.e.a,a.,a...,.
The High Price
Of Coffee
never troubfes
" the users of
Still selling a
price as before
. the war.
With a quota of 30O given Capital
Post No.-9, American Legion of Sa
lem, Oregon, this membership has not
only'hee.n signed, but indications are
that fully another 100 will lino np with
their comrades within month. The
campaign for members closed last week ; X
but this fact has not prevented me
workers from looking after new mem
bers. By those interested in the wel
fare of Cpital Post No. 9, it is thought
that the membership may reach close
to the SOfrmark before tho close of the
year. Women who served are eligible
but as yot no' applications have been
received for mnnwormp irom iws
branch of the service. - .
. Snendine his time in pdol'.ha'ls short
ly after their marriage, getting liquor j
in pool halls, getting drunk and then
coming homo tot Slap and abue her,
are the grounds on -which Zona FVazer
Stowasser asks for a divorce from arl .
C. Stowasser. She alleges they ., were
married in Portland March 25, 1917.
Yesterday wa another busy date H
the office of the county recorder. The
records show that 12 deeds were filed
for record, 9 satisfactions of mortgages
five mortgages and two army dischurg
I will sell at public sale to the highest bidder at the
farm known as the old John Humphreys farm 11
miles east of Salem, on the state prison road, 7 miles
south of Silverton on Silverton-Stayton road and 1
mile west, "'
Monday; Sept. 29th
' Commencing at 10 o'cock sharp
HORBKR 1 bay gelding, weight 1500; 1 bay gelding, weight 140Uj
1 buy gelding, weight 1350; 1 browa gelding driving horso, weigh; 1013.
CATTLE I Jersey cow, freshen' in 1st part of October; 1 Jrs;v cow
freshen in first part of Dei-ember; 1 Jersey and Guernsey heifer.
LIVESTOCK 25 head of stock ewes; 1 registered Berkshire I oar,
5 months oldl S dozen White Leghorn Chickens. ' '"
MACHINERY 1 McCormiek buider, 7-ft. cut, complete, new this
senflon; 1 twelve-hose double disk Mgnitor drill, used one year; 1 sprint;
tooth harrow; 1 two-section steel hai.-ow; 1 Oliver plow No. 00; 1 steel
beam plow No. 40; 1 seven-tooth cne-horao cultivator; t ' three Inen
I' Mitchell wagon; 1 two-s tod surrey ; 1 onc-scnted hack; 1 U. S. croam
separator; 1 Del. aval jiarntor, nearly new; 1 ten-gallon cream can, new;
1 five-gallon cream cru; 2 sets orty; 1 oneseutod husk; 1 U. S. ercain
singletrees and log el::in. ,
FURNITURE-, Household, furnltiire
1 lounge. ' ' "
-1 dresser, 1 lienting stove and
TERMS-A:.l sums of $10 and under cash; over that
aniOuntX year's time with 8 per cent oh bankable
notes wilf be given. ' " " - ,
kILMYERS, Auctioneer F.E.CALLISTER, Clerk
t t