Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 24, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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To the music of Touimasino'g Ital
ian band, the parade of blooded horses
round the arena last night marked the
first practical use of the new stadium
at the state fair. Thousands were at
he home show to view the best the
Pacific eoast has to offer and consid
erable enthusiasm wa9 manifested by
: the spectators.
' Congressman !. X. MeArtliiir, intro-
duecd by Kred Lodtley, I'ortland jour
nalist, made a short address. Lauding
the splendid exhibit to be found on
the grounds, Mr. MeArthur praised
the otoc-kmcn for their intercut in the
fairs and their habits Of encouraging
tho ibest efforts in pure stoik breed
ing. . IJrawn (by 'blue blood that drew
much applause from the crowd, many
smart ' coaches were paraded around
the spectatorium. In the initial parade
a few pure strain cattle were included.
With Mrs. J. H. Murphy . driving
Brigadla, securing first honors, a dem
, orstration in driving singles to light
four wheelers was given. Second place
was given C. W. Bowers who drove
8t-irnett and W. J. Burns and Dancing
Uirl received third.
Despite tho fact that, in the heavy
liarness class, the onlookers obviously
favored All Glory, Strawberry receiv
ed first place. Later it was made known
that All Olory was not entered as a
contestent, 'being introduced ns tho fa
mous winner of the San 'Francisco ex
position. . Perhaps one of the most interesting
features at the show last night was
put on bv the ladle of the Portland
W'-nt club. For the showing of good
judgment and capable mount, first hon
ors were. givn Miss Louise Flanders,
M Mowntha.1 Second went to Mrs. J.
H. Murphy and third to Mrs. Nicol, I
Tiding Firelock.
. Spectator were of the opinion that ,
the show held last night was one of
the most Interesting of any kind ever
men at tho state fair. Tho show was
tirought to an end with an artillery
Brill which proved worth viewing.
Frank L, Arniitnge, federal labor
ftpvnt in Eugene, snys lie lias places for
100 men In the different mills and log.
ping camps. Wages range from $4 to
f a lay. ..'...'
' George H. Baxter, formerly publisher
f the Crcwell Chronicle and lntor of the
Gardiner Index, has fnrchased a, half
Interost In the Kllonslmrg Captlnl at El
lenslurg, Wash.
f till inn j lntf ifTnfr J(t -- -frT. ? - --x 1
, 7''' Jjyt5r5S,i . .. iiawiii4gTi' -i"iiiiiT.iSuM.t
What's A Broken finger
Compared With A Merry-Go-Rcund
Ride Says Lad
" "And then can I ride on the
merry -go- 'round ? "
- Sobbing from pain of a broVen
little finger . of his left hand
which had been badly mangled
when accidentally caught in an
electric wringer nt the fair
gTounds yesterday afternoon,
the question was put by Bex
Copeland, nine years of age, to
his father, I. H. Copeland, of
-'Albany when he had been told he
must o to the doctor rffico.
, ' "Yes," he was told and, stilt
'trying to stifle sobs, the young-
ster was taken reluctantly from
the grounds." ..
- The boy had been toying with
- the apparatus when he accident- -
ally set the wringer In motion. -
4?v,l Mlnre HnUe Ma f tndn-v in of " '8
n . , A pi. nl the- Llgm company Uatly deny
' ,UUUU1 UVCI JUXiU 1 lain; accusation
"The Kluin Six 'Jji .maaiifnc a
. Answering raise rumors sain to nave ; ly 'oy tne nigin Motor Jar cor;
'been circulated latelv to the effect that I which is controlled absulBl el v
. - the Klgin-Motor 'ar -corporation is a and is not dominated by any otl!
A reward of $106 has been offered by subsidiary, or controlled by the Gcncr- ( sont or company," fays C. 8,
William Burger for any information .nl Motors corporation, Lie L. Gilbert, president -and general managerj
In "A Widow By Proxy" Coming to the Oregon Sunday
and Monday.
Heattle, Wash., Hept. 24. Wilhelm
Von Briai'ken, ex-attacho of tho former
imperial Geinnan consulato at Ban Fran
cisco, now completing a two year sen
tence in McNeil's Island prison for par
ticipation in the notorious Gormnn-rrm-
duo conspiracy, has thrown himself up
on the mercy of the United States gov
ernment and toctuy is awaiting decision
of the' secretary of labor as" to his de
Von Brmi-ken was the go-between for
the German government in tho conspir
acy-which resulted in the outfitting of
a munitions ship at Bnn Francisco which
was to have been sent to India for the
Hindus to fight tho British in that thea
ter of war. Tho vessel, however, was
seized near Anacortes and Von Brinck
en, Fraim Bopp, the German c'onsul, find
a large number of other Germans, Hin
dus and a few Americans arrested.
Von Brincken and Soutokh Eingh, an
other of the conspirators, wore Served
with & warrant of arrest in deportation
Couple Arrested Upon
Bootlecgin? Charge In
Hotel Forfeit $75 Bail
The first arrest of tho week for wnat
that h,i had been more than once sen
tenced to more than ono year imprison-1 lookcd fik bootlegging was made last
',...,..,,. - . . 'ovenlng by the police nt a rooming house
ment in the United States for acts of n ...s.i . t
muraT lurpitiide.
Elks Face Strike .
of Feature Trio;
Archer d to Act
The Klka have a real strike on hand.
For tho past week the lodge has been
advertising for throe hefty women who
would take part in tho style show to be
given Thursday noon in the stadium.
After taking a look at the eostumcs
and hosiery and such, K. Cooke Patton,
who has been taking applications re
ceived the Had news that Bamantha
Tubbs of Hopmore simply will not actt
And now conies Josicbcl Tripp of Meha
ma and goejs on a strike and to cup the
climux, Lucy Bones of Talbot writes
that Bhe has decided not to appear.
However, it is thought that the cos-
! tunics prepared will fit Exalted Buler
Charles B. Archerd, and that by a little
padding out, ono suit will fit B. W.
Mi'cy and that another can be fixed so
on North Commercial Btrect
While the two arrested were not
caught in tho act of selling booze, there
was found a suit case in rfioir room pret
ty well filled with standard brands of
The man arrested had on his person
$183.27 and the woman $29.47. They
that will lead to the arrest of th. par
ties who assaulted and shot him three
times a few evenings ago ils he was
crossing the foot bridge" ever Mill creek.
This offer of Mr. Burger comes
through the police department and any
one having this information is given
the assurance that such will be treated
as confidential bf both Mr. "Burger and
the police. . , ."'.'"
Due to the fact that the assailant
threw a strong flashlight in his eyes,
Mr Burger has been unable to give a
very definite description of the threo
men who did the shooting. .
If the information leads to the ar
rest of the right parties, the $100 -will
be paid over und no outside information
given. Mr. Burger rested well last night
and reports he is feeling better today.
Elgin distributor for western Oregon, company, in the telegram.
Be Bubbed Away
Th's is u typical case, and cv!
n ho has had the slightest cxpj
with rheumatism will continuo j
for and ffrow worse nntil thr-v m
You who are afflicted with this most I ally Dracticallv helnless. miles!
painful disease who know from ex-j realize that the diseaso must bi
penence Just how excruciating its
pangs arc get tins fact fixed firmly
in your mind, and it wUl nid you in
finding a way to complete recovery.
ttneumatism cannot be ruobed away
with liniments its pains and pangs
' . . 'cannot be wiped out as if by magic. A
the first time in the history Of .,lis,,asix that U an full nf tmture nnd
Portland Rose Society
To Visit Fair In Body
the organization, the Portland Rosai ! UnaW renders its victims so helpless,
sowety will visit the state fair in ;s a 9Cute(j one. it ;s
not on the
body, and during their stay in the SHrfflcei jienec it cannot be reached by
v.,., luuuu.,, win ue ui-ai in . ". external, surface 'remedies. This is no
theory, for your own experience doubt
less has shown you that you can never
expect to rid yourself of the disease
in this way.
batted at its source. Rhenmatii
often a diseased condition oj
blood, the disease attacks the!
through the blood, hence tho
can bo rid of Us pains only aft
blood has been cleansed of the
of tho disease "
Lotions, liniments and ointirtt'n
plied to tho surface may in sonu
deaden the pain for the time took
until you attack the disease,
foundation, you are making
gress toward a. cure, and you aij
n.itting the trouble to got a !
hold on your system every dayi
is one reason wny rheumatism h
proceedings in McNeil's Island prison M to toWte Ajaerman A. n. Mooro pro
on August 20. A hearing was conducted BontaCle la the m lauics- costume,
before Deputy Immigration Commission-1 Hut the Bnby Elks will appear as
er W. I". McCalnhan of Seattle which that is an assured fact, guaranteed by
lustod two days. Wharton-L. West, It is all to tako
The charge against Von Brincken was place Thursday noon in the stadium.
Clancy and of the Salem Floral so
Arrangements havo been made by
Mr. Clancy to entertain at luncheon J
nr ,hA I Anilllannnl n hih lllll r V h n I . ... ... I
were allowed to proceed on their way I tland guests and to give tliem a thousands of other suffe rers. have been itJ.ttl' ki''
upon depositing $7o bond for, their ap-1 JVr m if- h0pf- V?' l0" 'of the -V
pearanco in court at 10 o'clock thlsilnB stte r grounas. tl0"8 d other applications would cure treating it intellicentlv Knowin
morning. They failed to appear. ! 1, ZLTJr rheumatism But what has. l,n jitannot le "3 'bv TxterZ a
Salem F.oraliety and wil be"en , fZZ tlC'bcSTbS Sff " 58 t0 S
7 : i Tit 1 I,orul , have they not promptly returned, often . w s g i. without nuestinn tU
me fn Mem on WJ cr ?d f though bToo'd 'medic Z eve V
thJ;US whlrt UKXI'f!."!,"'' CUr6 h8B trlmi it cleanses the blood of evel
, . . iuu cprraimv are nor. ana vou nftVfir
.... t (r-uuvY aim uiofiis
Carson Estate Opens Suit
Upon Alleged Gaiin Due
Helen F. Carson, as administrator of ,,"n? Elkl 8nd OM"'n which is sched
the estate of John A. Carson, has filed, u'ed arrive about 10:30 o'clock in
suit against Grace T). Barnes for $1500 Ith lnig-
it is alleged that .loan A. carson
and George G. Bingham, collaborating
together, rendered protestuonal serv.
ice for the defendant in 1913 at her
special request and that she agreed to
pay a reasonable compensation. That
the-'sorvices were worth $1500. "
That the defandant has not paid the
amount nor any part. That John
Bar Silver Lost In Bay
will lie as lor.? as you-rely upon treat- it seldom faijs to givo satisfacto
ment that at .'best is merely a make-1 , - , )
auiie . in , bvuii- rue severesi casi
See what Mr." J. h. Agnew of Mt. rheumatism. Being purely veg
Vernon, Ohio, says of what 8. S. S. did without a particle of mineral or .
for his rheumatism: Meat in its composition, it worf,
"hor ten years I was 'badly afflict- i;,;(! , . . .. .!
ed with rheumatism, the pains in my !f . "g Ut fi
..i. i u ! i l . Jul nod nil imnnritifia . oTiti h'o nt
iu -ri a L At t ' l-niiuvoi iubs mm hhrh;s locuitf uiiuuni tin- r .
aV rueco. -invers were .bearable. I tried various remedies with- to the. entire system at the same
A. bar
busy today off pier 42 picking up ten out results until a physician advised,, has keen in 90 fof more than!
bars of silver that alinned intn the Imv me to use 8. S. S.. stntinc that the dis- .... i
Carson died Dec. 6. 1916 and that let-!i.;i . .C-. ease was in tne V.W.H Afte, , Kears anu sanas of suKerersi
.... . , . ."line a fni.uw.uuu Hiiiiuiti'iir ui UUiU . ' . " " " " . .. ,. .
d silver bullion was born loaded tew bottlcs ' ' paina'and soreness were ""-uumi.sm give it unst.mea pr;
t H Pr! t Minilrn!LS greatly lessened. I continued this ined- T : You are invited to write our
ienvm nrlminintrntinn wptb ihriiaI trt !
i-i.- mi,..i - Anm. ! an
r." ffX '".T Z. the Pacific M.U liner Columbia.
t , 3 -ii t.:- i.jt The ten bars are worth $10,000.
uum iiuu u8iineu. nit iiib uuc wr. -i , .1 xiammarion
and interest in the amount. ' ?",PVA.?.0"?ne?.to ,ne Pletely cured.
uinufc uty wail 1 mnriscu lUUUIlS.
Mrs. Carson asks for judgement for
$1500, together with interest from Oct.
27, 1913.
A Little "Want" Ad Sells It
lcine until all pain, soreness and in-,ical department for full inform
1T,Bra Fe so, ana i was com- aml advi. .hnnt f. t,.imM1,
J. J.. A'GiNBW iown caSi' or wni-n no charge is j
806 E. GamWer Street, 'Address;; Swift Specific Co., 27 i
. Mfc Vernon, Ohio Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. (
Heater and Furnace demonstration at Oregon State Fair, September 22 to 27. in the New Pavilion. When visiting the fair don't fail to see our
Demonstration as it will be the greatest display ever placed there of its kind.
As illustrated this heater is made in four sizes to meet every demand.
Priced within the reach of every purse. The construction is first
class. It has full cast bottom, top and high linings. The nickle is smooth
and easy to care for. The body is made of the best grade of polished steel.
One dollar down and the balance monthly places one of these fine heaters
in your home. We guarantee all of our merchandise.
Simplex Universal Combination Range
Absolutely no parts to change.
Not even an oven Rack or Spreader to move.
Burns natural or artificial gas and coal and wood.
It is three ranges in one AT ONE PKICE and so simple and safe
that a child can operate it.
Fuel changes are made instantaneously and automatically by the
merest twist of the wrist.
A twist of the key in one direction, elevates the gas burner from
flush with the bottom of the oven, opens the exit in the top, turns on
' Pffig-L COLD AIR. -
. mifX:ffA.mmim. UPPER ROOMS RE-1
k; icr 'MB 4
mm v ' msmm
' jlggy CHAMBER j
, -r S mm J
f ill I
....... - ;B
...;ir,3at. - T
. hi ' ''?i
the gas All Au-
tomati c a 1 1 y. A
turn of the key
in the opposite di
rection and the
gas is turned off,
the burner lower
ed, the exit closed
and the range
ready for coal or
wood. Nothing
could be more
simple. Made in
black biue and
Burns either coal or wood.: If you want a stove to meet all
the requirements that is expected of a combination heater
this one will surely do it. It is constructed with Duplex -
, grates, full cast linings top and botton. The nickle is plain
and easy to care for. Body is made of best erade polish steel, i
TJ ..... . - ' V
ii you want tne best combination heater that money can buy
'. ; ; " ' ' -
Glory Universal
Wood and Coal range. The body is made of cast, finished
in black, blue or grey. The oven is full 18 inches wide, well
ventilated with spring balanced over door, has large roomy
warming closet with full drop door. Pipe is. on back of warm-
' : 4 STORES
ing closet, thus
giving m.).o
room in the clos
et. The nickle is
plain and smooth.
Top is full polish.
The fire box lias
.heavy linings and
ventilated' to in
sure lasting qual
ities.' Let our
salesmen demon
strate. "