Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 23, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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O H W fl R tnnFarK An n n
i-nttt a
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- 1 Capital Journal will mot be "re
sponsible for more than one iuscrtion,
for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Bead your advertisemei t the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
it error occurs.
Miuiniuin charge, 15c.
FORDSON tractor for sale, nearly new
extension belt pulley and belt; Fred
Hecker, Gervais, Or., Rt. 2. 9-23
FOR PALE 5 acre bearing cherry or
chard, 3 miles south of Salem,
..- mile east of Jefferson highway. Rock
; ' road past south front. Price $1,100.
, If interested see owner, 555 SS'. 14th
St. Tlione 341. . "9-23
FOR SALE By owner, a corner store
' tfnilding, 24x60, with 11 living rooms
3iKl. terms. H. Klender.Rt. 0, box
J148CV ..' .. .. 9-24
1'OR SALE Drag saw, also one Over
land 1-ton truck, chain drive;' will
:.' take Ford on a trade. C- F. Hiue,
Anmsville, Or. - 9 23
FOR SALE Weaning age pigs $0
f. eacji. Delivery Oct. 1st. 0. F. Hig
i bee, Turner, Or. 9-24
SriEEP' I have 18 head of Shrop
shire ewe's to let out on shares to
; some responsible party or to sell for
i cash. For information call at. 580 N.
. Libertv, F. L. ' Treesh, 103M phone
after B p. In. : "" . 9-24
FOR SALE 6 room house, 4 lots, all
- kinds of fruit, barn and chicken
:- houses, good drilled well. Apply own
er 280 Pine St. 9 26
FOR SALE Loganberry wire. Phone
112F3. 9-24
TOR SALE 3 Ibaby" calves ;Barred
Rock .and "White Leghorn pullets.
Phone 78P12. v 9-26
EOMATOES for sale; 8F25. Call eve
nings. . tf
FOR SALE-V10 tons loose clover. $14
' per ton at barn. F. N. Bassett, Silver
, tou Road. . tf
' 40 ACRES all cleared 6 miles north of
i'Salem, good' location,- imirovements,
stoek and implements, family" orch
Hard, good buildings, $10,000. Write
H' ' 40 " care Journal' t ,. V ' ' tf
HOT? , SALE 1 m& Jbredl Jufoc sow.
- and It prgs.Bt: f, box 11. " 9-24
IF you want a house and 2 lots cheap,
call nt 483 S. 22d St. between 9 a.
to.' and twelve. . 9-27
FOR SALE Kef check tag stamping
outfit, with blanks,. Box 222, Salem.
.',- . 9-23
FOR SALE Coming 4 Pets Papy, reg
istered Jersey " (iill, fine individual,
from Frank Lynn herd; also 4 heif
ers coming yearlings eligible to reg
ister. A. Summers, Dallas, Rt. 2. 925
FOR SALE 'New modern 5 room bun
pillow by owner; fire place, bath and
toilet, hot and cold water, 1820 Che
' meketa and 19th St. 9-20
FOR SALE ffwo second hand tents,
good as new, and many other articles
of value. 415 8. 12th street. Plione
960. Harry M. Cannm. 9-29
TWO acres of fine land and larse
house in Monmouth, near the schools
for sale at a very reasonable price,
or will trade for small, ranch on
roast. See J. H. Moran, Monmouth.
Or. , - fi-23
; ;-; ATTEE'V; ,
State Fair
rv i
- V ' " r .
if ""- ' '"lc '- " : I v" '
205 Oregon Building
FOR BALEMay hatched pallets 80c
each. Alto tomatoes. .Edna Daily, Rt.
3. box 279. -Phone 40F5. 9-23
FOB SALE 1 double harness, (nice
team . horses, weight 2700 lbs., 5
. yours, old; 1. Bjrdsell wagon, .ahuost
new; "Monarch" 1 horse power
gasoline engine, gjood condition;
mower, hay rate and 12-in. Molino
steel plow with two chilled (shares, i
all in best condition; 1 Empire sepa
rator. Will sell the whole for $600
cash or will sell separately. Enquire
for sale at L. A. Goldade, Rt. 5, box
157, Salem, Or. 9-29
FOR SALE Registered Lincoln buck.
Phone 1 15, -.;..' 9-25
FOR SALE Three stands of bees.
. Phone 1204. 9 23
FOR. SALE Or will Jake a good 3-ton
truck as part payment on 103 acres,
00 in cultivation. Trice $S5 per acre.
A. Woinert, Salem, Or. Rt. 9. 9-20
FOR- SALE One twenty horse pow
er upright steam-boiler jvitk stack
and trimmings.
One thirty horse power horizontal
tubular boiler with stack and trim
mings. . . - . , : - .
Both of these boilers are in first
class condition. Capital City Laun
dry. Phono 163. , 9-23
6 ROOM plastered house for snle, on
Hoyt and Rex iSts. $30. Write H R
caro Journal. 9-29
FOR SALE Sow with 7 pigs, Teoy to
wean. ,1. l(. Chapman, Kt. 2,, box WW
Phone 1JF2. . , 9-25
1 COW, 3 years old, giving 3 gallons
milk day. 1770 Broadway; ean be;
seen' morning or even iiig between 6
and 7. " 9-23
WANTED -Oirl for house work, or
high school girl for board and small
wages. Mrs. C.'B. Harper, 1323 Fair
mount St. " 9-23
I WISH to employ some -motherly
lady to care for my.' one year old
baby during the day, at their home,
while I am attending business col
lege. Phone 1644 day,, or 1410 eve
j n i I
WANTED Work on farm iby 16 year
: old lioy. Write Salem Gen. Del., MrsJ
B. R. Smith. 9-23:
25 . PRITiNE pickers . wanted. Meet
truck at Bush bank corner 7:30
movniligs." Phone -1435W. .... :. 9-'2
- week, good pay nd lunch. -Apply
Housekeeper, Hotel Marion. 9-23
WANTED 8 waiters or waitresses,
must be professionals; also -2 dish
washers; due lady cashier, first class
references. Apply H. J. Bilkiss, fair
grounds, caro secretary's office. 9-23
WANTED Girl for hand ironing. Sa
lem Laundry Co. ' ' ', tf
WANTED "Girl' for marking or bun
dle room. Salem Laundry do. tf
WANTED Girl for shirt machine. 6aj
lem Laundry Co. tf
WANTED Experienced apple packers
Phone 10 or call at 100 S. High St.
' T
MRN wanted, Salem Tile works, -near
fair grounds. Apply Salem Tile .&
-Mercantile &'o. . '- tf
.P pickers wanted, 50 acres good
hops, will-pay $1.50 per 100 pounds,
beginning todav. - Five miles -north
on river road. Lee Hing, Rt. 8t box,
WANTED House maid
for deaf, phone 646.
." 9.-25
WANTED Prune pickers,
preferred. Phone 2363.
WANTED A -messenger, good wages.
Applv Western- Union.
HOP pickers wanted; will haul you
out and iback every day. Car leaves
Willamette Valley' Transfer's office
every morning af 7; good picking,
$1.20 for 100 lbs. tf
.WANTED Small house or apartment
! for family of two. Address H N Y
! care Journal. 9 24
'WANTED C.irl to care for children
and do light hiiuse work. Phone
WANTED-A woman to care for in
valid, jiermanent position. 2090 Fer
rv St. , . 9 23
WANTED 'Willamette university ' or
tiigii school students, with, -bicycle
preferred, to carry paper route. CiiS
culution Dept. Capital Journal. : tf
WANTED To exchange talking ma
chine for piano. Address M M care
Journal.- ' '' tf
WANTED-Contract to cut 1000 cords
-of wood, fall 2940 Brooks avc. 9-23
WANTED pwo ru; dished living
rooms close to Journal office. Phone
82. -- -. ... I .- 4 tf
WANTED To lease. a 5 or 10 acre
tract with chicken houses for 600
to 1000 chickens. Rt. 6, box 22, J. E.
Kirkpatrick. ' 9-26
FOR SALE 18 aero tract, 3miles from
Dallas, good fruit land, at present
covered with oak timber; will trade
. for nuto. Address J R C care Jour-
nal. , ' - 9-24
jANE county farm' "of 180 acres for
trade for property in or near Silver-
ton. Thos. Soleim, Rt. 2, Springfield.
FOR SALE Young black team marej
harness and new 3 wagon. Harry
Pearson. Phone 12F5. . 9-29
FOR SALE Or rent, 15 acre chicken
ranch, loiuing city. Phone 2o09J2,
- 9-23
FOR SALH; 7 hogs, . can be seen at
JMOo Broadway evenings after
o'clock. , . 9-23
BALDWIN and SpiUerebm-g apples for
, sale on trees, 60c. per box, 50c per
, sack for windfalls; also tomatoeB.
, Mrs. Oscar Myer, Rt. 1 -box 28A.
Phone evenings 64tF31. - 9-23
TO EXCHANGE-()73 acre stock ranch
iri Benton Co., Ore., and sonrt! cash
for a stock of merchandise, O. B,
: Duidall, iSalem, Or. tf
FOR- SALE A 6 room modern buiiga-
.How with garage, close in and good
neighborhood. Phone 2144.- 9-25
3 ROOM house for sale 803 N, Liber
ify-St. Inquire Warner Fenncll. 9-2tf
"'"'FOR SALE Large 6 room "moderfl
bungalow, full 'basement, turnacei
laundry, trays, hot and cold water,
built in features, garage, large lot,
well located, paved street, close to
car line, store, school; Price $4000.
Owner, box 222, Salem, Or. . 9-27
L(T AirnvrdTschargo on iforth Com
- St. Phono 1048W. Reward. 9-24
FOUND Ring, call iSum Colman
Central cigar store..'- ''" " 9-24
LOST Basket containing, four sheets
j n ,ivt-. -i
Willi jioiueieB. ntiviicu, nt'iuiu-iu u.
:W. Jolinsou & Co. . ." . 9-24
LOSTOue leather case with ring of
keys. Return "to. Pacific Tel & Tel,
Co. Reward. 9-23
Look this list of houses, farms and
Small acreage .tracts lover carefully,
yon will find real bargains here:
7 room modern,, close in. lot 60x275
all kinds of fruit and English walnuts,
improved Btreets, garage; this is a rca
Dargain $4000,
6 room cottago,r modern, large lot
some fruit, concrete walks, close in
5 room modern bungalow,, close in
unproved street, $1750.
4 room cottage, modern, large lot
good chicken house; a -snap, $lo00.
5 room cottage, 'bath, toilet, electric
lights, basement, close in on improved
j 5 room modern bungalow, 2 lots, $2,
I' can buy any property we offer on
cqou terms.
1 Farms
46 acres of fine-bottom land. 25 in
j cultivation, good 7 roonwhouse, good
oam, silo, chicken nousc and large
shed, some stock," tools and grain go
with this place; fine pasture land fir
ranging cattle, also loining propertv
this -is one of tlte. best farms in the
valley, $200 per. acre.
fi2 acres river bottom, 30 in cultiva
tion, good house, tarn and wood shed
2 wells, family orchard good heavy
team, 1 cow, 3 shoats, 60 chickens, all
hay and farm produce, also the farm
machinery goes with place if sold loon
$.'"00. :
20Va acres, good house and barn,
good family orchard; get busy on this,
. -cs. mall house and barn, fine
spring, 200 .p-year old prunetrees, 1
acre logans, 4 acres in cultivation, bal -
auic in tinker, stumps ami pasture; itfl
10 acres, f in cultivation, iYi in
fine oak anil firt timber,. 1 acre in
fruit;-- fine jdasrered' 7 room hou,se,
gTTod' b&r'n and cluckeri "Kouse. running
water to house and barn, $3000.
.10 acres mostly in prunes, fair house
--good ibarn and Vhieken house; this is
a real buy at $4000.
5 acres, on hard surface elose in,
good 5 room cottage, barn, tool house
and chicken houso";-you "11 have to hur
ry, $3000. .
10 acres, small cottage, large barn,
fine chicken houses, 100O chickens, all
farm implements, brooders and hatch
ing machinery go with this, $5000; two
miles out. '
-3 acres on .hard surface, with fine
5 room eoittage and good barn, young
orchard; thfi ift-a real buy, $1800.
3 acres joining city limits on-'Sloiigh
road, jaoilern house, barn, 4 chit-ken
house and garage; a fine place. -We are
offering this" fur quick sale at a real
bargain, $2200. .
404 Oregon building
Expert machine short service by ' Mr
Bergman at high school machine shop
12 years experience. Gear cutting a
specialty. High class - maqhine tools
Quick service. ' Phono 440. "
PHONE 1090R. Our prices are right.
W. M. handler, proprietor. 12oo J.
Summer street, Salem, Or.
FOR SALE My -farm of 117 acres
about 13 miles south or balcm and
2Vi miles from O. E. depot. Very
best of river bottom laud, nearly
in cultivation, rest timber and
pasture. Good orchard, fences and
buildings. $75 per acre. J-40 care
Journal. - V 10-13
FOR SALE-4-5 room house, b th, toilet.
electricity, 1 block south of Yew
Park school, 1 block from streot car
line. Enquire 586 Trade St. 9-24
FOR SALE 4 acres green corn.' In
quire John Flachsel, Rt. 1, Turner.
s 9-23
FOR RENT Farm - 872 acres. Mostly
bottom land. -About 1(5 under plow
balance timber a::d pasture. Good
buildings. T. P. Farriugton, owner
Elks' club, i in 9-23
property, good farmi Inquire of own
' er. Address 9, care Journal., 9-23
HAIiF block on'14th and Waller St. 3
'blocks com Yew Park school, 6 room
house,, chicken . house, yard and
brooder house; wood housi, garage,
for sale, or will trade on small fruit
tract. Call 1565 Waller St. phone
1537M.- . ; -, " B-24
FOR SALE10 acres of bearing Ital
ian prunes, 6 and 9 years old; trees
in first" class condition, rock road,
fine 'building site,,', acre family
orchard Prico $3500. W. H. Graben
horst & Co., 273" State street. 9-23
$30,000 ftANCH TO GO AT ONCE
FOR $22,000 $7830 will handle the
deal. This land is cheap at $100 per
acre tout tWMsjjk Uu sale at $73
per acre.
315 acres, 200 acres cultivated, 115
timber, well fenced, running water,
all tho best of fruit land; 22 acres
bearing prunes, 8 room modem resi
dence, on hard surfaced road, close
to Salem, a fine subdivision propo
sition, see me at once. Bucolofsky,
341 State St. .. t'
$7500 fine modern -residence to h
"sold at once for $5000, Dwnet leaving
the city.
"viT room modern home, finished inside
- like vour niano, beautiful beamed
ceilings, lot 100x200 feet, beautiful
'' lawn, shrubbery, fruit, garage, coops
fof uoultrv. all buildings electrically
lighted; this place will compnre with,
any of them. If you want a home you
will greatly regret it if you donH
sec this before you buy. Socolofsky(
341 State St. "
Bargains In Real Estate
FlIN'B .24 acre tract 1 nules from
town. Good 8 room ibungalow, good
. liarn. 17 acres hearing prunes, 2 acres
cherries, family orchard, good prune
dryer. Snap price for few days $8500
$3000 cash, -balance -$ 1000 .per year.
EXTRA nice 5 acre tract close to Sa
lem on fine road and first elasH gar
den land some fruit. Price $2500.
MODERN 5 room house close to state
house. Sacrifice price $1600. Terms.
32 ACRE tract 4 miles from Saleui.all
in high state of cultivation, good
house, largo barn and other buildings-
2 ACRE tract well improved with
nice orchard, close to Balom, fzjou,
easy terms. .
28 ACRES 1 miles from town. 20 in
cultivation, fair buildings, $4500.
180 ACRE farm 8 miles from Salem,
good road, about 1,00 acres bottom
land in cultivation. Farm buildings.
Fine buy at $110 per acre.
NICE 10 acre tract, close in, all in cul
tivation, farm buildings, horse, 3
cows, fowls, feed, hay, tools; snap
$5300. - .... -
IF you want a good homo at right
price, . ,'
C-R-LUt of good bnvs and exchanges.
300 Oregon building
TIia Utntii Tor enmm! hu'i nn will ftt-
d s tt board ot eqiwliwition it tie
;caitoV in Mf,m, )rcgnf on tho third
1 M' da in October. 1919. -end public-.
ly examille the assessment roll by it
made, and review the same, and cor-
rect all errors in valuation, description,
quantities or qualities of property by
it assessable and in apportionments of
assessments made by. itr and it shall
be the duty of the persons and compan
ies interested to appear at tho time
and place appointed.
Petitions or applications for tho re
duction or change of apportionment 0f
a particular assessment shall be made
in. writing, verified by the oath of the
applicant, its president, necrctary, man
aging agent or attorney in fart" and
be filed with the, Commission during
the first week it is by law required to
be in session, and any petition or ap
plication not so madiy verified and fil
ed shall not be -eoWitiercd or acted up
on bv the eommiwion.
' By FrankKr well, Secretary.
Sept. 23 30, C5t; T-14
A Little "Wanf Ad Sells It
Keep Them Home $$$
REPAIRS and supplies. Office appli
ances. We -make mbber stamps. Sims
143 N. High. Phone 340, - 10-10
FOR SALE 1)91? Maxwell An- first
class condition and five good tires.
Run less than 9000 miles, $500 cash,
$350 terms. Telephone. 1131 R eve-
nings. 1 ' ' - '" 9-25
ONE Balby Grand Chevrolet oadster
'tot ale cheap. 171-8. -High St. W.
' C. Wright. : ' .9-23
FOR SALE 1920 , Otudebaker Six.
Been driven 1300 miles. Terms. Tele
phone 1384. s 9-23
FOR SALE 7 : passenger Cadillac. 274
N. Summer. ' . ', . 9-24 J
- 11 1 . 1 , ,1 t 11 !
FOR S.4 LE Maxwell Car,1 f ivo passen
ger, 1917 model; new tires, ono ex-
, tra. Phone ZSFii. Mooro .Bros., Tur
ner, Or. ' " ' ' . "tf
1 LATE model Maxwell, perfect shape
at $695; 2 late model Fords, Cherry
, City Garage. 170 S. 12th, St. " 9-24
FOR SALE 1920 Studebaker six, been
driven 140Q miles. Terms. Telephone
1384, " , 9-24
Chalmors, A-l .conTition, $285 ,
Almost now Buick 6, $1350
1917 Velie $825 ' . . '..;. ''
"1915 Overland $350 ;
Stddebakor bu? $200 ' "' ' ' :
Hudson Super Six $950 v.
1917 Saxon six $700 - - -We
sell oils, greasT, gasoline.,1' tried
auto parts, tires md ficci 1 sories.
349 N. COM. T. M. O. A. BLOCK
FOR SALE .Modern 7-room houso on
, paved street and car line.' Lot 75x
; 150. Terms if desired. A.-YV Journal."-'
' '' !::' - iS..,:.. 9-S4
10 acres of ibearing Italian prunes,
six and nine years old; orchard in first
class condition. Rock road,. Price $5,-
500. ; i
68 acre farm, first class pruno and
berry land, Tock road, 8 (bom house,
good barn. Price $8000, V
5 acre tract, house and barn, well,
'Cherries., loganberries. Price $16001
10 aees of good ibottom . land, small
house barn, some 'bearing apples. I'meo
$2000. '".' ' ',, "' : ',' '
20 acre fntcr?-good platcred-otrage,
barn, chicken house, A acres bearing
loganberries, 10 acres cherries and ap
ples, good road, close to highway.
I'rice $7500.
2.'4 acre tract, good house, barn,
fruit, pood road, close hi. Price $2500,
.r acre tract, good lognnDerry or
strawberry land. Price $1200.
5 acre, tract, all in boaring fruit, ap
ples, peaches and loganberries, bunga
low not 'finished. Price $1300.
363 acre farm, 200 acres under cul
tivation, .balance timber, buildings,
best of soil. Price $100 per acre.
29 acrf tract located north of Sa
lem, best of so.il, 4 room house, barn,
water system, 8 acres apples, cherries
and walnuts, good road, 21 acres un
der cultivation, balance stump pasture.
Price $7000. ., - , .;
20 acres located east 6t Salem, good
buildings, all cultivated, best of prai
rie soil. Price $7000.
8 acre tract close to carline, bearing
fruit, gravel street. 5 room house.
Price $2300.
10 acres of good land all cultivated,
good road, 3 miles out. Price $1500.
19 acre tract, a cultivated, prunes
and loganberries, two sets of good
buildings, good road, 4 miles out. Price
6.67 tract, all cultivated, good house
nnd barn, 6 acres of prnnes. Price $3,-
i00. .
714 acre tract located On carline and
paved road, bearing prunes and cher
ries, good house, barn, right y at the,
school. Price $7500. '
5 acre tract all cultivated, house and
bnrn, 100 bearing prunes, family or-
hard, closo In. Price $2750, $750 . down
balance $300 per year,' 8 percent int.
44'A acre tract, nearly all cultivated,
house and barn, orchard, 5 miles N,. E.
of Salem. Price $175 per acre: cash,
balance 6 percent interest.
MA: XI land ncatca on Jiowen
prairie, t rice f iu,aou. , v1. j -. ,
wood room modem nouso located
at 405 N. (Joinmnrcial street. Price $4,-
500, cash, balance 8 percent int.
Good 0 room modernhome at lJo
State streot, furniture goes. Price $5,
000. ' . -
275 State street ., . .9-23
10 acres three miles cast of, Sulem, ail
tillable No. 1 Iblack toain soil. Price
$2000. - - ,
44 acres three miles east of Salem
all in cultivation splendid land, close
to school and lust off the. Bitvorton
paved road, flood terms. ;
4.1 acres of river bottom land, over
half m cultivation, three fourths of
mile from Independence an.d in the hop
center. Tins land is suitable tor iogan
berries and .is ft bargain at .$12.1 an
137 acres in Polk countv on tho 8n
lcm-Indrpcndence road. 1Q.i acres in
cultivation and one half river bottom
land. Hood improvements.? 8tockand
equipment goes at $140 ah acre; '
54 acres ast of Salem three miles.
8 room house, barn, silo, hog house and
other outbuilili'igs, small fruits and
runniuxr water. This is the best of
black loam aoil. -t
Arronea to ttrL' in mall farmsPos-
einn ffivehat once on anv of. the
above properties.
205 Oregon Bldg 9 27
FARM EXCHANGE 160 acres good
farm land, 100 acres in cultivation,
buildings, in Clark county, Washing
ton, to tradfi for smaller farm in Wil
, lamctto Valley. Owner, H. R. care
Journal. 9-26
FOR SALE By owner, 6 room house,
. 2679 . Oak. Am leaving town will sell
' cheap. - ' 9 26
FOR SALE 1 room house, 2 lots, fruit
A jreal snap. B. W. Macy, 202 Gray
. block. tf
LEAVE your children" with me -while
. you work. 2751 Laurel Ave. 40-22
ejjPEY Transfer Co.
, Liberty to 143
-t., tina c a
moved from 124
South Liberty.
Phone 998, after 6 p. m. phono 6(9J
All kinds moving, hauling and truck
ing at reasonable price. 9-24
0EKORATO sanitary wall tint, bast
mad; beautiful nw color. Burena
Com'l St. . tf
IAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone
704. tf
WOOD SAWED Sproed boys will saw
your wood, in town and out. Phono
1678W evenings or mornings.. 10-5
aUTO PAINTING Fords repainted
$14 and up; other cars in proportion.
All first Class work guaranteed. J.
E. Johnson, 220 8. Liborty. 10-11
I AM .now booking brders for shrub
bery, vines and porenniale for fall
planting. I do all kinds of landscape
gardening. J. W. Marnny, 211 Miller
St. Phone 910. " 10-5
FOR quick, service truck hauling,
phone 1608J, or 1170 N. 15th St. A.
H. Biederman. ,' - 10-6
STRAYED from tate' f,air grounds
Sept. 19, a Iblack Poland China sow,
with underbit in right ear, weight
about 240. Notify Barn 7 on fair
grounds, or phone Black 241, Silver
ton, E. O. Loe. Liberal reward. 9-24
TWO slightly used pianos, like new in
every respect, a very low price for
quick sale; those are bargains. The
Wilev B. Allen Co., 519 Court St.
near 'High. 9-27
PIANO' for sale, '.sweet tone and beau
.tiful ense, looks like new, ra real bar
gain for part cash. 519 Court streot
near High. . ; j v 9-27
MUST GO AT ONCB2 4-room- plas
,'tered cottages on D St., .bath,rtoilot,
electric lights, 'improved streets, 'eon-
' ; crcte ibasfments, S$1B00." '4 tfash,
you'll have to hurry. John H. Scott
Realty Co., 404 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE My old bluo Locomobile,
want to sell it quick. Larry Hofer,
314 U. S. bank bldg., Salem. . 9-251
WANTED Auto truck at once, to haul
filing from ithrcii, miles outh of
iHofvain in H. .P. rnilrnnd nt Cervnis.
Address Geo, Bevens, Gervais, Ore
gon, u--a
7 room modern home at 10.10 Hood
street. Price $3200, . cash, 3' years 6
percent intorost.
a room modern home located at "
Xorth Commercial street. Price $4500.
14 cash, balance 6 percent, int..
0 room modern homo with rurnituro.
located at 1370 State street. Price $5,
000. 7 room modern home located at 1031
Union streot. Price $2500, $1500 down
balance 6 nercent interest.
9 room modern home at 1010 uaK
street. Price $3000.
8 room modern houso at 745 Ferry
street, close in. Price $3500.
5 room modern home at 020 soutn
18th street. Price $1050.
6 room modern bungalow at 135o
StatO street. .Trice $0000.
0 room modern house at 735 Ferry
street. 'Price 2000,
Fine residence lot close to state
iiolrse. Price $2500. -
Fine residence lot located on i air-
mount hill. Price $1550.
7" room modem home located close
in. Price 4uou. -
0 room modern home at 944 North
Cottage street. Price $2500.
7 room"moflorn home located at 4o
North 13th street. Price $1000. $1500
down, iialanco-& years 6 percent -int.
0 room house at !-- oouiu J-in
street. Price $950. cash
4 rponi modern bungalow located
1073 South Church street. Price $1500.
"If you want to buy a houso see ,
........ . 273 Slato street 9-23
$s5 cialist in the Modern Scientif
ic Application of Glasses for the aid
of vision and tho Teliof of Eyestrain
and Headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 V. 8. Bank build
ing. Phones, office 145; res, 1244. ,
KUCS cleaned 40c each. Phone 10. 10-0
W. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827J.
v. 1 10 N, 1 ltt St. Salem, Or, v , 10-9
WALL PAPER IS cents per doable roll
upward.- Buren 'i Furniture Store.
' 179 Commercial. .'-"M
I corner Commercial and Trade streets
I Bills payable monthly in advance
Phone 600. , .
ROOMS suitable for nousekerfi'iig. Sea
J. A. Baker, 392 N. Liberty or
call 2456R. 9-H
I HAVE a good unfurnished 8 room.
apartment for rent. Will E. Purdv,
407 Oregon bldg. Phone 114. 9-2
ROOMS Three nicely furnished roonig
, in modern home on car -line, for fair'
. week. 1780. Center St. , ; 9-21
ONE furnished sleeping room suitable
for two. 3.)9 Center. tf .
ROOMS to. rent, 3 comfortable rooms
; to rerlt during fair week, 4 blocks
' from .Hotel Marlon on car line. 6!Ji
S. , Commercial St-V ; " 9-21
FUR1N1ISHED rooms to fair visitors.
Clean beds, direct carline t fair
grounds. Close in to city. Betwcea
Bush and Owen, 10t8 S. Comer
cial. - tf
WILL pay $2 for Some one" to stay
with elderly lady tomorrow Sept. 2
from 9 a. m. to' 7 p. i. Phono 24
W. ', .- . r 9-3
FOR SAL1V-200 acres, 150 ia miltiva-
tion, good buildings, family- orchard.
Price $t."pct arte. A. Weincrt, Sa
rcui, Or,, ,RHr 9. ' - 9-2
tlAIiEM Bleotrie Co., Masonic Templa,
m North Jiigh.i Phoao Main J89.
90VERNMJJNT loans at 5 percent
w. Smith, Salem Bank, of Com
wer. . . tf .
On good real estate security
Over Ladd & Bush Bank; Salem, Ore. -
3 per cent interest, Prompt service.
34'j years time, Fcdornl farm loaa .
bonds for sale, A. C. . Bofarnstedt, 401
Masonic Tempol Salem, Oregon. 4 '
Office 124 ; South : Liberty Street
Phono 937, 1211. Real .; Estate an'
Stock Sales. , .. :i :.-'"'
W. F. 'WIRHOT, Turner auetieneer. ;
Why not get him He only charge
8 percent.. " . tf
JUljfK WANTBb ..;
Call 398. Highest prices paid for junk
second hand goods and machinery. Be
sure and call 398, get the right prices.
The square deal house. .
271 Chcmeketa St. Salem, Ore.
We will pay you more cash for
your household goods. Get our bid
beforo you 'sell. Peoples Furni
turo and .Hardware Store, 271 N.
Commercial Stroet. Phone 734.
No Cash Required Good overcoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical '
instruments, shotguns, rifles heatiof
stoves, gas .stoves, suit cases and 1000
othor useful articles to sell or trade.:
What have .you! The Capital Ex
change 337 Court Stroot. Phone 493.
Your used furniture, .stoves; carpels
and tools, as wo pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947. ,
285 North Commercial pt,
jk. Cil'EMHKETA lodge 'o. t
meets everv Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at. I. O. O. F. hall.
McCornack hull on every Tuesday
at 8. Walter Lenon, C. C.j P. J.
Kunt, K, R. & S.
ROYAL Neighbors Of America, Ore
gon G rape camp no. l.ioo meets every
Thursday evening in MCornaek hall.
Elevator service. Oracle, Mr. Oer
" ric E. Bunn, 618 Union St.; resordor
Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4tk
St. Phone 1438M.
L.tlTED ARTISANS-i-Capital Asio
ly No. 84 meets first Thursday ot
. each month at 8 p. ni. in Masoni
Temple. Glenn O. Niles, M. A.j O. A.
Vibbcrt, secretary, 310 Owens street
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5240 meet
every Thursday evening at 8 o 'cloak.,
in McCornnok building, Court and
Jiiberty streets. W. M. Persona, V. O.
Frank A. Tumor, clerk.
Stoves rebuilt and repaired.' 50 year ,
experience; Depot National and Amori-.
can fence, sizes 20 to 68 inches high;
Paints, oij and varnish ttcj loatt
berry and hop hooks.
250 Court Street, Phone 124
Balcm Sea vaager Garbage and refns
of all kinds removed 00 monthly eon
tracts at reasonable rates. Cess pool
cleaned. Dead animals removed. Offiii)
phone Main 167.