THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 191&. PAGE FIVE. AH Aromidl Town i . I to boy liberty bonds. 205 Oregon building. w ,. tf CITY NEWS COMING EVENTS : - 41 Sept. 22-27 Orego- state fair. 4c Sept. 29, Monday Opening of public schools of Salem. 4c Oct. 1 Oregon Methodist 4c conference. 4c Oct. 26 Turn time back one hour. One marriage license was issued Man day to Osburn P. Bond, 42, of Salem rural route 6 and Miss Annie Him of 4S6 North 14th street. 4c Dr. Mott. Bank oi Commerce, 407-8. ....:-.v. -. v ' tf Will H. Bennett, s'.ate superintend ent of banks, accompanied by Mrs. Bennett and infant son and Mrs. E. J. Burchell, Mrs. Bennett's mother, re turned Tuesday morning from a two weeks' visit at Pendleton. ; Jerry Busk of La Grande, speaker of the house of representatives during , tne ivu session of the state legisla ture, was a state capitol visitor Mon day. - . ... The Giese method of sinsrin? tauffht by Lueile Barton, especial attention given to fundamental principles of music. Voices tried free of charge. 598 North 17th street. Phono 1588. Try Northern Flour. It's a Bear. Every , sack guaranteed. At your gro eers. , tf - The Southern Pacific railroad Oregon is short 252 cars of meeting its demands, according to a report receiv ed iby the public service commission this morning. The 8. P. & S. is short zl2 cars, a similar report shows. Artificial teetn, nave expert plate man, with over 35 years experience, at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den tist, 302 U. S.. Nat. , bank bldg. tf Dance M. B. A. hall near Chemawa Bat. nick Sept. 27. 9-26 School credits piano course. Lucile Barton, 598 IN. 17th. Phone 1588. Lena Belle Tartar, teacher of singing 132 Liberty St. N. Phone 334 or 1615. ' Three army discharge were filed yesterday those of It. B. povis, B. E. Sparks -and O; E .Netee!-- - . . - ; Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your repair work. Phone 1668, 220 N. Com mercial street. tf W. M. Hamilton, local superintend ent of the Portland Railway Light & Power company, left this morning for Seattle to attend the Northwestern Electric Light and Power association. tie will return Monday. Selling Pordson tractors by phone is a new experience of the Valley Motor Co. Mr. G. W. Thnrman of Waconda phoned in bis order. As Watt Shipp says, "there is a reason." Mr. Ohas. Kirk of Klrk-MeKern, Al bany representatives of Fordson trac tors, is attending the' tractor show. The Oherrians. will put tho new Au tmrn dance pavilion, on the map the sight of Oct. 4th. ThiB dance is free to the public. Dr. G. E.Prtmo in Dr. O. B. Miles office, Ladd & Bush bank bldg. 9-25 Dr. J. A. Rcuter of The Dalles was a visiter at the office of the state indus trial accident - commission, Tuesday morning. , . J. W. Hilbraid, salesman for Bried- wcll & Tiilbury, lYamhill representa tives for Fordson tractors, is attending the Fordson exhibit in the interest of his firm. Printers and pressmen . employed in the state printing house have been granted the same scale of wages as were accorded employes in private plants in Salem, according to State Printer Bosshard. The new scale calls for $6 for day work and $6.50 for night work with a seven hour and 20 minute day. We have the new 1920 Ford with ex press or panel side delivery 'bodies for immediate delivery. Valley Motor Co. ; 9-26 CARD Or THANKS I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their help and sympathy in my recent bereavement and also the Masonic lodge -No. 4, A. F. A. M. for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. S. F. Walters Notice: All members of the Elke en tertainment committee are requested to meet at the Elks lodge promptly at 7 .o'clock Tuesday evening. Business of the utmost importance. Wharton L. West, chairman committee. 9-23 Wednesday morning at 10:30 0 'clock all stores in the city will elose as this lias been agreed upon iby the Business Men's League of tho Commercial club. Beginning tomorrow for three days, all DanKs win close at noon. And as Wed nesday ia Salem day, there will Be but one delivery of the mail. At noon to day the barometer needle was still pointing towards fair weather, not changing to any extent in its indica tions for the past four days. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the Degree of Hon or, A. O. U. W.. I. O. O. F.. Silver Bell Circle and our many friends for the beautiful floral pieces and many acts of kindness bestowed upon us during the illness and death of our beloved mother Walter . Warner, Mrs. May Roberts, Clara E. Warner. "Forget If-Buy At Home Anticipating a recurrence of an in fluenza epidemic, many directors of rural schools are including in' the con tracts with teachers a provision cov ering the possibility of the school be ing closed dining the term. In general, directors agreo to pay the teaeher for one month even if the school is closed this length of time on account of the flu. In some contracts it is provided that should the school be be closed more than one month, the teacher will be permitted to make up the time. NOTICE Lloyd E. Ireland wishes anyone he ewes an account to, to send the bill to him at .313 West Court St, Pendleton Oregon, and the same will be paid. 9-25 The watermelon season is gradually coming to a close and fruit men say now is the time to eat as a pretty fair sized melon may. be had! for two bits. A few local melons may be on the market for some time but no more will be shipped in. And the same is true of cantaloupes. A small building entirely of tile will be erected adjoining the meat market on Liberty street between State and court by Bay S. -Cooper, .formerly of the fire department, at a cost of about .$400. It will be used for a eonfoetion- m err store. The building adjoins the one owned by Dr. Mark S. Skiff, former ly used by him for a dental onipe. Stopping for the week to attend the state fair in Salem i John Hollings worth of "Sdlverton. For the past few months Mr. Hollingsworth has been em ployed in a logging camp in Washing ton. He is a student at the University of Oregon and will return to Eugene ior the opening of the institution next week. Stjejnwgraphers who take pride in their work always want a Royal type writer because their efforts show to best, advantaee. and another reason is they can turn out more work with less effort on the Royal than any other timnwritnr made. For sale bv Graham & Wells. Corvallis. Or. tf "Without a doubt the fair this year is to fle twiee as large and mueh more interesting than even last year," opin ed C. T. Mudgo, secretary of the Farm Utilities company, of Portland, who has an exhibit on the grounds. Mr, Muds?n'. who was formerly an instruc tor in the Eugene Schools, now resides in Portland. Dont r FAIL TO SEE THE Fordson FARM TRACTOR FAIL TO SEE THE State Fair The" final account of Jos. J. Keber of Mtr Angel, executor of the last will and testament of Kasper Meier, has been approvedi by the county court and the executorship closed. Included in the bequests paid was that of $2000 to St. Benedict Abbey, Mt. Angel. Fordson tractor is showing a rubber tired tractor for road use. This model is creating a great deal of attention. This model in being used to harrow and scrape the race track as 'woll as hauling wagon trailers, etc. With such a model it is easy to realize the many uses a Fordson tractor may be put to, Western Conservatory of Music of I Chicago, 111., "Trunk E. Churchill rep resentative, of Salem branch.. Fall term I begins Bept: 15th.' Complete course in piano and theoretical subjects. Studio I suite 1-2 Odd Fellows bldg. .rnone 1671R. 10-15 ' Geo. C. Will wont to Portland Mult nomah hotel banquet for Edison deal ers, given by Wm. Maxwell, vice pres ident Edison Phonograph Co. Mr. Maxwell is touring the U. S. in inter ests of his firm.Mr. Will reports a fine time and that Mr. Maxwell is a 'goer'! In his suit against E. D. Berry for $30 involving the value of two hogs, George W. Eyre has filed an undertak ing of appeal from the justice of the poace court to the circuit court, with R. M. Hofer as surety. The case was 4MHTtMMtM 4t Vnr consideration of $10,500, Aug nut Rahlfeld and wife of Mt." Angel tinvB old to Marcus N. Wampaeh their 89 acre farm, about half way between Mt. Angel and Monitor. The deed filed today describes the farm as a 50 acre tract and also a 38.x6 tract, part of sections 34 and 35 of township 5 south of range 1 west of the Willamette me . ridian. John F. Keller has brought suit against J. A. Webber and wife to quiet title to 30 acres in sections 28 and 44, T. 4 S. R. 1 W. In the complaint, it is al leged that the plaintiff is the sole own er and in possession of the tract, but that the defendants claim some inter est, thereby depreciating its value. Mr. Keller asks for & decree of court that Tie be the owner in fee simple and that 11 other be debarred from an inter eat in the land. SCHOOL SHOES MEET ME AT MEYERS Store Will Close at 1 0:30 a. m. Wednesday, Salem Day Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists ii - or -' I I tfrar -- : km . ' " ii - i : n - The garments we offer this season possess a certain INDIVIDUALITY and CAHARCTER which imparts to the wearer that Desirable dis tinction so dear to the heart of every woman. Fashioned from the season's popular mater ials in the very heart of America's high art workshop by skilled tailors no wonder we are doing a substantial business. . COATS FROM $19.85 to $115,09 WAISTS FROM - $4.95 to $iq.qq PRESSES FROM $18.50 to $60.00 SUITS FROM : $28.50 to $135.00 Fair "week is Salem's gala days' of the year. You can look just right in a Meyers Suit and the price is consistent with the quaity. Aditorial Salem is at the threshhold of a won derful irosperitv. It has the possibil ities of being one of the most beauti ful cities 6f America. A city unequal ed for its geographic location, its di ed for its geographic location, its bcaur ty and prosperity. If we do not grasp our opportunity now, we shall loose that which is ours. We prate of, Americanism, which is loyalty and common sense in active ex pressionbut we do not practicalize onr Americanism. Americanism is the elimination of self for the benefit of the whole, and to repeat a truism used in the late war community interest la the basis of American liberty." How many of our good citizens are guilty of neglecting their own home merchants ana buying away rrom oa lemt As the Aditorial writer it is my duty to investigate, and my investiga tions thus far have surprised me. I have found some of our leading citi zens who have made their money here in Salem, now taking it, or sending it awe- for purchases they eould make, in their own "Home town." There is enough none" going out of Salem every month that if spent here would make Salem a busy center, start into activity needed Improvements, and as we keep tne money in tne H-arcie we eould not only develop our beautiful Salem, but trradually reduce our taxes. and make living cheaper. PLAID SKIRTINGS 38 inches wide. Just the things for neat, service SchoelWear $1.50 Yard TAFFETA SILK AH colors; extra quality 36 inches wide $1.98 Yard envelope ; chemise Embroidery trimmed. Made of soft, dainty Nainsook $1.19 OUTING FLANNEL Stripes and Checks, in pink and blue. Fine ma terial for gowns. 27 inches wide 19c Yard IMPORTED SUITINGS 56 inches wide. Donegal tweed effects $3.85 Yard LONG CLOTH A very fine cotton fab ric. Especially adapted ; ;for under garments 36 inches wide 29c Yard HUCK TOWELS . Plain hemmed towel, Soft finish. Very Serviceable 18x36 23c Each HUCK TOWELING Soft finish, bleached. Good Quality 17 inches wide 19c Yard TWEED COATINGS Mixed and plain effects 56 inches wide. . Just' the thing for Motor wear $4.85 Yard for Boys for Girls A big showing WOOL POPLINS 98c Yard You Can Always Do Better At CONVENIENCES: PHONE; ICED WATER; REST ROOMS-ALL YOURS TO USE REMEMBER OUR PUBLIC "A LITTLE EBOTHEB, BBOTHEB OF THE BICH Lion Special An animal omedy for kids of all ages W. T. BIGDON CO. Undertaker 252 North High Street lc Word Class Ad WiH Sell U ll7-MfMlk t Report for School Monday, September 29th ' With Shoes from Buster Brown Shoe Store 125 N. Commercial St. Shoes that wear arid fit and are fit to wear Novelties for the Children docided against Mr. Eyre in the justice court and he appealed. Th estate of W. W. Lander has been appraised at $2570.25 by Hugh Aspin- wall, W. 1. VtUBKcn una uign urfj. farm is in section 22, T. 0 8. R. 2 W. was given a valuation of $2000. Tuition at the Ca-pital Normal is very reasonable because we pay no rent, no interest, and no water bill. If you wish to take the teachers ex amination in .December, J. J. Kraps can assist you in reviewing the new text books. Anvone having accounts "against Lloyd B. Ireland please mail same to him at 315 W. Court St. Pendleton, Oregon, and payment will be made at once. Will Haves, a sopnomore at the Uni vorsity of Oregon, is spending the week in fiiilom attendine the tte fair. He expects to return to the Eugene school: for the reopening ot eouege nexi ween. Laree erowds gathered near the en trance to the fair g-ounds this morning where Tommasino's Dana or UMew xorn offered musical selections during the, morning. Among Portland visitors who are en joying themselves at the fair, is O. J. Hull, a business man of that city. Mr. .null formerly was proprietor of a drug store in Eugene. Very much impressed by the automo bile show at the state fair grounds, Walter McCornack a well known citi zen of Eugene, was a visitor at the grounds today. eased, it was found that lie had a ono fourth interest in lot 62 of tho Capital City fruit farms. This interest was ap praised at If20() by Robin Ihiy, Max Uehlhar and Haaello (.Icaihart. WILSON STUDIES STRIKE DETAILS ABOARD TRAIN (Continued from page one) r Otho Boberts, a prominent resident of Eugene, is spending; the week in Sa lem and was at the fair grounds this afternoon. Mr. Boberts was formerly associated with Huberts brothers cloth ine store in Eugene. A petition has been filed with the county court for an order f adoption wherein Mr. and Mrs. 3. H. Mack I. wish to adopt Esther Agnes Laviguer f and to have her name legally ehanged 1 1 to Esther Agnes Mack. - A A A A A. LLL4 i si n - : l.j - i - j "v.. " ", ''TCTgd; The case of the city of Salem against Paul do Autremont. charicd with as saulting William Johnson, a, bootblack on State street, which was to have been tried this morning betore city itecora1 er Rnce, was postponed until Friday, due to the illness of attorneys. The greatest number of ' campers ever gathered in tent city t the state fair grounds are at the fair tnts year, according .to officials in charge. Jester day the reeeipts for tents and season tickets issued to the campers amounted to $751. 5, it was announced this after noon. Miss Janet Frasicr and Miss Brown ell Frasier of Eugene are spending the week in talem attending the state fair Miss Brownell raier is is eharge oi the information desk in the educational exhibit of the University of Oregon. Both are students at the University of Oregon. . Elks To Complete Plans At Session This Evening Members of the Elks' entertainment committee will hold a meeting at the lodge this evening to complete final ar rangements for th tag Elk day, Thurs day, at the state fair. The neeting is called for 7 o'clock. Prom some inside information given out, the impression in given that not only will the Elks put on some fancy stunts about 12:30 o'clock .Thursday at the coliseum, but chcre is likely to be some real genuine actors and actresses take a.rt in the program. Then there is the ladies Elks"! lace three times around the arena of the coliseum. PORTLAND MAN ADMITTED Edgar Fred of Portland was today permanently admitted to the practice of law in Oregon on an order issued by the supreme court. Permits to practice in Oregon for the probationary period arc granted to Oscar G. Iarson of Silvnrton who comes in on a Montana certificate, end Ancel C. Jones of Portland, who is admitted on a certificate from Indiana. sk t DIED .... .... :Jt ordinary Order through of regulation i ; sizes, let alone something special. Tho rnco snoo company sent in a special order for three pairs and inslead of receiving a courteous lotter of thanks from tho manufacturer, ho got the fol lowing letter: "Leather has been ship ped abroad tho last few months ut an : alarming ftit.n and it makes a great I scarcity here, to say nothing Of the very high prices. Our works are so crowded that special orders, are not likolv i V.o nuf until TWom. I ber or January. If you wish tho three dwyn Earl, 19 years of egej Lillian pairs of Bhoes made under these condK ILuclla, age 11, and Eugene Franklin, 7, tions, please let us know and the order, aI of wnom live to mourn ,,; at,ftth- win nave our best attention." ' Samuel F. Walters, was born Septem ber 2, 1877. His boyhood days were spent in Sioux Falls, S. D. Later go ing to Brookiiigs, S. I)., where in 180 he was united in marriage to Miss I.uella Loveland. To them were born three children, Until 1911 ho had a cigar factory in Klamath Falls Is tho latest Oreiron uroomngs, out Ins Health failing 111! town to report to the state scaler of move(' to Balem Oregon, and later en weights and measures a complete ex- in the eigtr business again, haustion of the gasoline supply. I In Oetober, 1918, he bought tho Salpni mmmmmm , wigd at,tuijr, wui:n nu TU Pllll rilll- A forestry airplane from the Eugene headquarters will be present at tne Hood River county fair to participate in maneuvers over the city and fair grounds. An Appeal For boarding places. The Capital Business College will have a large number of pu pils from out-of-town next week and has no place for them to board and room. Most of them prefer room and board at tho same home. A few house keeping rooms will be needei. It is impor tant that those out-of-town young people shall be cared for. It means much to the business interests of the city. Telephone information to the school on Thursday or Friday. Telephone 388. nine at the time of his death, Septem ber 17, Funeral services were conducted by the Chrisitun Scientists in tho Webb & Clough undertaking parlors at 2:30 p. m., September 11). The Masonic Loilsjti No. 4, A. F. & A. M., having charge of the services at the grave in City View cemetery. Besides his wife end three children, ho leaves to mourn his earthly departure h'H father, J. F. Waiters of Snlem and iiree sisters, Mrs. W. W. Boone, Salem; Mrs. W. H. Powell, Sioux Falls, 8. I)., aid Mrs. J. K. Smith, Seattle, Wash., and two brothers, O. D. Walters of Sau Francisco, C'al., and A. W. Walters, Chi cane, III., and many other relatives. Mr. Walters was a member of the Mn irmic Lodge No. 24, Brookings, 8. D.f also of the Maeeabeea Lodge No. 40. : LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS . Xew York, Sept. 23. Liberty boinl) quotations: 3 Vs. 100.06; first 4's, 05.10 second 4's, 94; first 44's, 95.20; second 4V, X 64.25; third 44 's, 96.0fij fonrth 44's, 94; victory 3's, 99.98; victory 4 's, 99.90.