Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 22, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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1 i " 1 - ' - ' " " ' . T 1 - -. " ". . ' ' ' 11 " a " ? "I" T V " T ' i-fi" ii i .,
Bate per word New Today:
ach insertion
Ob . week (8 insertions)
i On u.onth (20 insertions)
1 Jt Capital. Journal will not be .re
y sponsible for more than one- insertion,
i for errors in Classified Advertisements.
Bead your advertisemei t tie first day
it appears, and notify us immediately
f error ooenrs.
Minimum charge, 15e.'
." " FOB SALE "
1 ' '"ii
WOOD for sale, fine ash and fir. Phone
1090M.. tf
FORDSON tractor for sale, nearly new
extension belt pulley and belt. Fred
Meeker,. Gorvais, Or!, Kt, 2. - 9-23 .
. t
PEACEf season nearly over," Ferfec-.
tions now ready, last call; bring box
es. M. C. Petteys, Wallase road. '
Phone 50F14. : tf J
FOR SALE--By owner, a eoruer store
building, 24x60, with 11 living rooms :
3Snn, terms, H. Klender, Kt. 0, .box
HSC.- 9-24
FOR SALE Drag saw, also one Over
land 1-ton truck, chain drive; will
lake Ford on a trade. C. T. Bine,
" Aunisville,. Or.. , 9-23'
FOB SALE Weaning age pigs $6
i' each." Delivery Oct. 1st. C. P. Hig
"tee, Turner, Or. 9-24
FOR SALE $2900, desirable residence
.in best location.. Inquire, 1343 Court .
. -et. i 'J -
6HEEP I have 18 head of Shrop
shire ewes to let out oa shares to
some responsible party or to sell for
cash. For information call at 580 N.
liiberty, F. L. Tieesh, 103(V1I phono
after 6 p. m. 9-24
WILL sell pigs, all sixes' all prices, all
month, near Waconda. Ella M. Fin
ney, Rt. 2, Gervais,. Or. , 9-22
FOR SALE-i-6 room, housei 4 lots, all
kinds of fruit, barn and chicken
houses, good drilled well. Apply own
er 2S0 Pine St. "' " 9-20
FOR SALE Loganberry wire. Phono
112F3. - 9 24
FiOR SALE 3 (baiby calves;Barrcd
Rock and White Leghorn pullets.
Phone 78112. r : 9-20
FOR SALE Brass fire sereen.; Phone
..isroR. -'' ' ' v "1.- -22
FOR SALE One sorrel inare 8 years
old. weight 1000 pounds; also 75
sacks of chieJwn feed, wheat and
' Joats; 1 springrooth harrow nearly
new., P. J. WoU, Rt, ,- o 13. , 9 22
TOMATOES for sale, 8F23; Call eve-
FOR SALE 10 tons loose clover. $14
; per ton at barn. F. N. Bassett, Silver-
ton Road. tf
KAfRBITS for sale, 3 does and one
.Flemish Giant ..buck.-, 783 -N. Winter
' Ht. ,. ' . '. . . 9-22
HOUSEHOLD goods for sale, including
furniture, carpets, dishes, etc., at
1720 Court St. 9-22
40 ACsRES all cleared 6 miles north of
..Salem, good location, 'improvements,
Rtock and implements, family orch
ard, good buildings, $10,000. Write
"40" care journal.'" ' tf
FOR SALE 1 pure tired Duroc sow
and 11 pigs. Bt. 7, tox XI. 9-24
IP vou want a house and 2 lots cheap,
fall at- 485 S. 22d St. between 9 a.
m. and twelve. V . 9-27
FOR SALE Key check lag stamping
outfit, with iblanks. Box 222, Salem,
i 923
GENERAL merchandise store for sale,
15 years establishment in a good live
ly' town of over 5000; Small rent and
good "business. Reason for sale, oth
er business interest. Will sell or trade
!or property. Writo G M 4 care Jour
nal. 9-22
NUTRO Malt and Hop Extract, the
iiest home beverage, an absolutely
pure concentrated extract of Barley
malt and hops, $1.50 per Can, makes
6 gallons. If your grocer cannot sup
ply vou, write for directions. J. L.
Selden, 208 Glison St. Portland.
J? .Ml.
t 205 Oregon Builng "
FOR SALE May hatched pullets 80
each. Alto tomatoes. Edna Daily, Rt.
3 box 279. I'hone 40F5. . 9-23
WOOD for sale. Will fill orders fir or
ash. Phone 911 'between 9 and 5. tf
FOR SALB Wild'Mnlla'rd ducks. 544
Union St. '.,,., 9-22
WANTED J'uI for house work, or
high School girl for board and small
' wages. Mrs. C. B. Harper, 1325 Pair
mount Sf. . 9-23
WANTED Experienced maid for fair
week,, good - pay -.and- luneh. Apply
Housekeeper, Hotel Mariuu. 9-23
WANTED 8 waiters or waitresses,
must be-professionals; also 2 dish
wasborsj one lady cashier, first clans
, references. Apply H. J. Bilkiss, fair
grounds, care secretary's office. 9-23
WANTED Girl for hand ironing. Sa
lem Laundry Co. tf
WANTKD--Clirl for marking or bun-
die room. Salem Laundry Co. .,. tf
WANTED Oirl for shirt, machine. Sa
lem Laundry Co.
WANTED High school or Willamette
university student fofwork after "'4
p. m. Apply circulation department
of Capital Journal betweeu 0 p. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Monday. ?. 9-22
WANTED 'Experienced- apple packers
Phone 10 .or eall at 100 S. High St.
' . , 9-24
MRN rwanted, Salem Tile works, near
fair grounds. Apply - Salem Tile t
Mercantile Co. , . tf
.WAVTUrL l.oltp vnihitu on li'oli.'
,: washer, good wages, zss jn. Com 'i.
.. 9-22
WANTED Capable girl or Woman for
general '. housework. Phono 1290 or
' call 890 Oak St. forenoons. 9-22
Wanted Man for general farm
work at - Oregon state tnberculosis
hospital, steadv- position. Phono 433.
: , . 9-22
4-iuP pickers wanted, 50 acres good
hops, will .pay $1.50 per 100 pounds,
. beginning today. Five, miles north
on river road; Lee Hing, Bt. 8, box
.' 98., : '"V. 'i.? ' -' ('' '. 9-2
WANTED House maid state school
for deaf, phono 640. 9-25
WANTED Prune pickers, a family
preferred. Phone 2303. . . tf
W ANTED 41irl to work- in parlor. Ap
ply The Spa.. . , : . . tf
WANTED A " messenger, good wages.
Apply Western Union. . . tf
HOP pickers 'wanted; will haul you
out and iback-every day. Car leaves
Willamette Valley Transfer's office
every mofhing at .7; .good '. picking,
$1.20 .for 100 lbs.. .. tf
WANTED Laborers for concrete
work at Independence. Wages $4.50
- per day, will take you 'back and
forth by automobile,, leave 6:50 a.
m. Masonic building. Erixon & Joues
''....- - --.'.' tf
WANTED Hop pickers and day help
7ne per .box. . Tents, wood and straw
furnished. Have ranch work for men
and men with, teams during winter.
E. O, Horst Co., Independence, Or.
- -: '- . , ."v 9-22
WANTED Dining room girl at school
for the iblind; must be over 18 years
ot ago. Apply to superintendent, tf
WANTED T rent, '4 room furnished
house. Address Salem, Rt. 6, box
7A, or phdna 90F12. 9-22
WANTED Small housff or apartment
for family of two. Address H N Y
cane Journal.. . 9-24
WANTED Side car for Harley-David-
son motorcycle. Lloyd E. Ramsden,
Court St., or 1325 N. 15th, give ad
dress.. 9 22
WANTED, to purchase: modern resi
dence from owner. Not over eight
rooms, Give location, age, size, price
and terms. X433.
WANTED Girl- to care for children
and do light house work. Phone
1592J. tf
WANTED A woman to care for iu
. ralid, permanent position. 209O Fer
; rv St. 9-23
. .,- WANTED; '
WANTEft'-To ' exchange .talking ma
chine for piano. Address .11 M are
, Journal. '-.-.' tf
WANTED Contract to cut 1000 cords
, of wood. Call 2640 Brooks 4ve. 9-23
i i i 1 1 i ' i i " i"
WANTED Two furnished living
rooms close to Journal office. Phone
82. ' ' - - tf
1. v , , .,- ,
APPLES -APPLES-- :.--'- N ' '' i.
Wo want Tour-apples. Must be' free
from worms and' scale.- No1
wanted; Phone 10 for- prices.
WANTED To lease a 5 or 10 aero
tract- with chicken houses for 600
to 1000 chickens. Rt: 6, bos 22, J. E.
. Kirkpatriok. ,: : . : 9-28
FOR SALE 10. acre tract, 3 miles from
Dallas, good fruit land, at present "
covered with oak timber; will trade
for auto. Address J B C care Jour-,
nal. ' . .. : . . ,' .9-24
jANE county farm of -180 acres for .
.trade for. property in or near Silver
.. ton. Thai. Soieim, fit. 2, Springfield.
.:."-:':.' '' " . ' ' 9-23
FOR SALE Choice acre tract, modern
) houser bearing fruit, on paved street
and. ear. tine- also,-fine"B acre trscf,
goodr bnrldiitgs, 1 acres loganberries.
P. ;Ia: Wood, Borae Wdg. . 9-22
. .w;.'-:;New Bungalow- ""r '
5" rooms; plastered electric lights,
bath and toilet-, improved strect,two
blocks - from . Capitol .building. - $1750,
one; half eashi John H, Scott Realty
Co., 404 Oregon bldg. - ' ;
We have a larr likt of Bood- Wil-
lame'tte valley farms, stock ranches, 1
prune orchards, 'flganberry ' tracts,'
close in acreage traets, nice city j
homes, cheap house and lots.
B-4-U-uy-ft-lists. ' '
All we ask Is a fair triairPerrine &
Marsters,. 306 Hubbard bldg; ; - -; tf
3 ROOM house fer sale 803 N. Liber-
ty St, Inquire Wier SFennoll. 9-26 ;
FOR.. SALE i I Iaarge -6 room modem
bnugalow, full ibasement, furnace,
laundry, -trays, hot; and cold water,
built- in features, garage, large lot,
well located, payed street, close to
oaf line, store, school; Price $4000.
Owner, box 222, Salem, Or. 9-27
LOST Army discharge on North Coin.
.St.., Phono.: 1048W.. Reward. , 9-24
POUND Ring) eatl (Sam ColnM-'rt
Central cigar s?oro; '. t, -'fS-: 9-24
LOST A'Teddy Bear from the ft Coin-
mereiAl street ear. Phone 1141 K. 9-22
IX1ST Basket containing four sheets
and portieres. Reward. iReturn- to G.
W. Johnson & Co. 9-24
LOST One leather case with ring of
keys. Return to Pacifie Tel ft. Tel.
Co. Reward. ' 9-23
Look this list -of houses, farms and
simall acreage .tracts ver carefully,
you will find real bargains here: ?
7 room modern, close in, lot 60x273,
all kinds of fruit and English walnuts,
improved streets, garage; .this is a real
bargain $4000.
6 rooin cottage, modern, large lot,
some fruit, concrete " walks, close in,
$2250. ..
5 room modern bungalow, close in,
Improved street, $1750.
4 room cottage, modern, large lot,
good chicken house; a snap, $1500.
5 room cottage, bath, toilet, electric
lights basement, close in on improved
street", $2000, ,
5 room modern bungalow, 2 lots, $2,-
300. , .,'-.'.:; .
- U rail buy any property we offer on
good terms. . , --
46 acres of fine bottom land, 25 in.
cultivation, good 7 room house, good
barn, silo, chicken house and large
j shed, some stock, tools and grain go
With this place; fine pasture laud for
ranging cattle, also joining property;
this is one of the best farms in the
valley, $200 per acre.
62 acres river bottom, 30 in cultiva
tion, good house, ibaru and wood shed,
2 wells, family orchard good heavy
team, 1 cow, 3 shoats, 50 chickens, all
hay and farm produce, also the farm
machinery goes with place if oId soon,
20 acres, good house and tiarn,
good family orchard; get busy on this,
$2250. .
14 tu-re. small house and barn, fino
spring, 200 o-year old prune trees, 1
acre losjans, 4 acres in cultivation, bal
ance in timber, stumps and pasture; its
a snap at $2-"00.
10 acres, 8 in cultivation, 1 in
tine, oak aiid .tir timber, l acre in
fruit, a fine olastered 7 room house!
good barn aud.chiclten house, running
water to houie and -barn, $3000.
10 acres mostly in prunes, fair house
good ibarn and chicken house; this is
a real buy at $4000. "", '.-. ' . "
-5 acres oh hard' surface ' close in,
good 5 room cottage, barn, tosl house
and chicken house; you'll have to hur
ry, $3000.
10 acre, small eottage, large barn,
fine chicken houses, 1000 chickens, aU
farm implements, brooders and' hatch
ing machinery go with this, $5000; two
miles out.
3 acres on hard surface with fine
5 room cottage and good .barn, young
orchard; this is a real bnv, $1800.
7 3 acres joining city limits on Slough
road, modern house, burn, chicken
house and gnrage; a fine place. We are
offering this for quick sale at a real
bargain, $2200.
404 Oregon building-
- " .
Expert machine shop service by Mi
Bergman at high' school machine shop.
12 year experience. Gear cutting
specialty. High elass machine tool.
Quick service. Phono 446. J ,
PHONE 1090R. Our prices art'' rigHt
W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N.
Summer street, 'Salem, Or. "
FOR SALE My farm of 117 - acres
about 13 miles south of Salem and
2 miles from O. E. depot. . Very
bost of river bottom laud, 4teai?ly
& in cultivation, rest timber and
pasture. Good orchard, fences and
buildings. . $75 per- acre. J-40 care
Journal. . , . . .1015
. . - - , : . .
FOR SALE 5 room house, bsth, toilet,
electricity, 1 block south of Yew
Park school, 1 block-from street car
line. Enquire .586 , Trade St, 9-24
FOB SALE 7 7-8 acres east of fair
grounds; Rt. 7, box 50, Scott. Price
' $1500. (Salem Or, . 9-22
FOR SALE f acres green coin. In-
quire John Flachscl, Rt. 1, Turner.
- 9-25
FOR BENT Farm 372 acres. Mostly
bottom land. About" 175 under plow
balance timber, and pasture. Good
buildings. T. P. Farriugton, owner
Elks' club.'""!?-- - ' 9'2S
: property, good farm. -"Inquire of own
er. Address 9, care Journal 9-23
1 , , , ' . "
iWK SAUK J acres ail in cultivation
on hard surface road, -good family
orchard good'?; room house, all' good
oufbuildings, high pressure automatic
water system and electric lights, 10
minutes- walk from street car;: will,
sell right and give good terms. See
A. E. Peterson, 404 Oregon bldg -
HALF block on 14th and Waller St. 3
Woeks from Vow Park school, 8 room
house,"' chicken 1 house, yard and
brooder house; wood house, garage,
for sale, or Will trade on small fruit
tract, '"Call ,1,505 ' Waller St. ' Phone
1537M. : ,V . - 9-24
FOR SALE 10 acres 'of bearing Ital
ian prunes, 8 and 9 years old; trees
in first class condition, rock road,
fine tluilding site, ,14 acre family
orchard. Price $5500. W. H. Graben.
horst; Co., 275;Statev8trect. 9 23
2 acres, Va mile- on'fcl) ioom bunga
low, -family fruit, $2009, t
2 acres, 1 togans,' tamny orcnara, a
room honse, $2300, easy terms.
10 acres, oV, iognns. 'Balance cner-
ncs and prunes, closo jn. $4o00.
10' acres, 8 beariug filberts, close m.
$2500, terms. . - ,- ,'
20 acres, all cultivated, some logans,
fair improvemcntSj -close in, hear
school, graveled road. $6oW, easy terms
4 acrBS,.oii paved r)aa,jeitse in. si
200, ;tcrms. ::- '
41 acres aU cultivated; a acres ever
greens, family- orchard, fair improve
nients. $o400,- terms. ,,;"
18 acre chicken ranch, good improve
ments, 2 miles Salem limits. $5300.
64 acres, 52 cultivated, 12 brush, 50
acres bottom," good modern .improve
ments, 4 miles out. $250 per aero.
320 acres fine grain or. fruit lands,
4 miles good-town, good improvements,
$125 per acre. ; - '
383 (feres, well .improved!, fenced,
tiled, best of soil, at station, $100 per
acre. '" ' ' ' - , "'
600 acre, ' 150 cultivated, old im
provements, paved road 3 miles town,
mail route, electric line; well fenced;
for a few days, $30 per acre.
20 acres' near Broadacres, foi Salem
residence: price $4a00..
40 acres- near Woodburn: for. Salem
residence; price- $600 :-- -
5 acres,. Salem limits fer Salem res
idence not over, $2500., ' , ' : '
70 acres. 3 mile casf of Mulino, Or.,
for liberty bonds or Salem property.
not over $3500; will sell on easy -terms
5 acres all fenced, family orchard,
for Salem residence; sauuu.
10 acres all cultivated, -some build
ings, Vi utile from Salem, for Salem
residence or will sell on , verjr easy
terms. ""' " "" : ' r
279 acre Stock ranch with good im
provementa, 5, miles from Summit, for
Salem or k income; price i.j,uuu.
6 room modem, good condition, gar
age, east front, north east JSalem; juw
cash. . ,.. . , "
5 room modern, east front, southeast
Salem; $2300, $800 cash, balance 6 per
cent, ' i '
10 rooms modern, some, friiit, east
Salen naved street; $1000;- terms,
5 foom modern, bungalow, some put'
buildings, east front; $1500. terms.
5 toom - strictly modern : bungalow,
closn in; 2900. easy tcrms
7 ;room" strictly modern 'bungalow,
close in, paved street; $3o00, easy
terms. ' .
7 rooms, lot 140x125 feet, a lot of
fruit,: walnuts; a dandy home; priced
$4000, $1000 eflfh balance 6 per eent
Have a large list of them at '. very
reasonable ' prices from $130 to $500
per acre. The fcest buys or exchanges
are always, found at
, Uayne building
Use JThe hvsM Want Ads
A Little "WanRAd Sdls Jt
Keep Them Hssie $$$
REPAIRS and supplies.- Office- appli
ances. We make rabbet stamps, turns
143 N; High Phorie 840. H i - 10-10
FOB SALE .1920 Rtudcbaker Six.
' Been driven 1300 miles. Terms-. Tele
phone 1384. .- -i -' ' 9-23
FOR SALE 7- passengcr-.Cadiiluc 274
3f. Summer. . 9-24
fOR SALE Maxwell par, five passea
: get,, 1917 model; new tires, one ex
- "tra. Phone 33F22. ,..U
h i ITU ,1 -Tov,v..11 n.f.'...t
1 at $R9"T; 2 late model Fords. Cherry;'
' City Garage- 170 "S; 12th. St.' ; 9-24
:, , . SEE US! ' . . -
Chalmers) A-l'-condition, $285- -Almost-
now Buiolt 6, $li!o0 : :
1917 Velie $825 ; . t.- ii
1915 Qvorlaud $350 -.,.,'- r'Sf
Studobaker bug (200 ; . .
Hudson Snpor Six $950 , ,4
1917 Saxon six $700 .
We sell oils, graas3,. gasoline,, 'used
auto parts, tires and (.oc nodes.
349 COM. T. M; C. A. BLOCK
FOB SAIE Floor show case, ice box,
oil tank and, counter -with bin, .'Call
FOR SALE Modern. 7-room house- pa
paved street and car lino. Ijot J5x
150, Terms if desired. A.-Y., Jour
nal.'"" . .... 9 u
TAKEN" under mortgage. Will, sell for
- 11 . 1 1. .. .. a . 1 , -
. lue loiuinucrHiice. wo u ruum uuuao
, a . . 1 . j . 1. A
,j "vyi ana.' mowwu, pavtsu sireet uu
fon CT llllt4 - a at rnin vuujjniuw,
I modem just-off paved street. 2 six
room houses, good location, new and
? part moderns You ean get the abovo
' properties , 'by paying a reasonable
payment,-'balance- on easy terms.
1 3'i acM-of fine land just out side
' of the? city limits on Riverside drive,
j will exchange -f of city property and
' pay cash difference or sell on install
nient to? suit.' Ijst your property with
me. H, 8. Radcliff, Room 4 Bayne
' buildiag. '-, . v , -. 9-22
10 acres of bearing Italian prunes,
six and nine years old; orchard in first
class condition. Rock road. Price $5,
500. , , v ' ,?: ;
68 acre farm, first class prune and
berry land, rock road, 6 room house,
good barn. Price $8000.
5 acre tract, house and barn, well,
cherries, loganberries. Price $1H00. '
10 acres of good bottom land, small
house, bain, some "bearing apples. Price
20 acre tract, eood plastered cottage,
barn, chicken house, 4 acres bearing
loganberries, 10 acres cherries and ap
ples, good road, close to nignway.
Price $7500. ' .
2V2 acre tract, good house, barn,
fruit, good road,' close in.. Price $2500.
4.i acre tract, good logunoerry or,
strawberry land. Price $1200.
8 acre tract, all. in bearing fruit, ap
ples, peaches and loganberries, bunga
low not finished. Price $1300,
363 acre farm, 200 acres under cul
tivation, (balance timber, buildings,
best of soil. Prico $100 per acre.
29 acre tract located north or n-
lent, best of soil, 4 room house, barn,
water system, 6 acres apples, cherries
mid walnuts, good road, 21 acres un?
der cultivation, (balance Btump pasture.
Price $7000.
20 acres located east of Salem, good
buildings, all cultivated, best of prai
rie soil. Price $7000.
2 acre tract close to carline, bearing
fruit, gravel street. 5 room house.
Price $2300.
10 acres of good land all cultivated,
guod road, 3 miles out. Price; $1500.
19 acre tract, all cultivated, prunes
and loganberries, two sots of good
buildings, good road, 4 miles out. Price
$10,500. ' '
6.67 tract, all cultivated, good house
and barn, 6 acres of prunes. Price $3,
500. 7!4 acre tract located on carline and
paved road, bearing prunes and cher
ries, good house, barn, right at the
school. Price $7500.
5 acre tract all cultivated, honse and
barn, IOO 'bearing prunes, family or-
hard, close in. Price $2750, $750 down
balance $300 per year, 6 pereent int. '
4414 acre tract, nearly all cultivated,
house and barn, orchard S miles X. E.
of Salem. Price $175 per acre. eash,
balance 6 percent interest. -
4rf5 vr land iloeated. 'n; jtoweu
prairie. Frice lo,!w.
Good 8 room modern house located
at 465 X. Commercial street. Pries $4,-
100, cash, balance 6 percent int.
Good 6 room modern home at 137.0
State street,' furniture goes. Price $5
275 State street 9-23
You betfcrAd acquainted with
ourWbnt Ads-TheywillbririA
you results nomatter whS
yo&r want may be
Use The Journal Want Ads
FOR BENT Good 120 acre farm with
. 80 acres fine level land in cultivation
.good set farm bldgsi Good family or
. chard, good road near school, good
, location. All good deep loam soil.
i Either cash or share rent. Perrine ft
, 'Marsters 306 Hubbard bldg. 9-22
FARM EXCHANGE 160 acres good
farm land, 100 acres in cultivation,
buildings, in Clarkounty, Washing
ton, to trade for smaller farm in Wil
, lametto Valley. .Owner, Hi R. eare
'journal. -2
FOR SALE By ovrtier, 9 room honsv,
: 2679 Oak. Am leaving town will sell
cheap. 9-26
FOB SALE 7 room house, 2 lots, fruit
A real snap. B. W, Macy, 202 Gray
block, ' - tf
LEAVE your children with me while
you work. 2751: Laurol Ave. 10-22
EMPEY Transfer Co. moved from 124
8. Liberty to 143 South Liberty.
. Phone 998, after 6 p. m. phone 679J
All kinds moving, hauling and trufek-
- in?. at jeasonable price. 9-24
DEKOEATO sanitary wall tint, bast
made: beautiful n$w colors. B ureas
Ooatl St.. - tt
fAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone
T04. : ,-.
WOOD SAVfED-Sproed iboys will saw
your wood, , in 'town-and out.lPbene
.1678W evenings or mornings. .10-8
AUTO PATNTI-NiG 4 Fords repainted
$14, and up; other cars In proportion.
All first class work 'guaranteed. J.
E. Johnson, 220 S. liberty, 10-11
I AM-aow booKing orders for shrub
; bery, vines d peTennialw for fall
' planting. I do all kinds of landscape
fsrdening. J. W. Maruny, 811 Miller
1. Phone 918. 10-8
POR quick servlee truck hauling,
phone 1608J, or 1170 N. 15th St. A.
H. Biederman, 10-6
STRAYED .from' sate-fair grounds
Sept. 19, a iblack Poland China sow,
with undorbit in right ear, weight
about 240. Notify Barn 7 on fair
. grounds, or phone Blaek 241,-Silver-''
ton, E. O. Loe. .Liberal reward, 9-24
TWO slightly used pianos, like new in
every respect, a .very low price for
- quick Bale;- these are' bargains. The
, Wiley B. Allen Co., - 519 Court St.
near High. ; " '; i 9-27
PIANO for sale, sweet tone and beau
tiful case, looks like new, a real bar
gain for part cash, 519 Court street
near High. 9-27
FOB RENT Five sleeping rooms for
fair week. 1207 Marion street. Phono
1390R. 9-22
FOR SALE 1920 Studebaker six, been
, driven 140O miles. Terms. Telephone
1384. 9-24
" 7 room modern home at 1030 Hood
street. PriVe $3200, cash, 3 years 6
percent interest. .
8 room modern home located at 4oa
North Commercial street. Price $4500,
Vj cosh, Ibalanee 6 percent int.
6 room modern homo with furniture,
located at 1370 State street. Price $5,-
000. .
7 room modern home located at 1031
Union street. Price $2500, $1500 down
balance 6 percent interest.
SI room modern home at 1U 10 uaK
street. Price $3000. ;
8 room modern houso at 743 Ferry
street, close dn. Price $3500.
5 room modern hornet at 620 south
18th street. Price $1050.
6 room modern bungalow at 1353
State street. Price $6000. .
8 room modern houso at 73a Ferry
street. Price a-2000. '
Pino residence lot close to stato
house. Price $2500.
Flue residence lot located on Fair-
mount hill. Price $1550.
7 room modern home located close
in. Price $4000.
6 room modern home at 944 North
Cottage street. Price $2500.
7 room modern home located at 4n
North 13lh street. Price $4000. $1500
down, oalance 3 years 6 percent int.
5 room house at 1223 South 12th
street. Price $950. cash.
4 fbom: modern 'bungalow located
175 South Church street. Price $1500.
If you want to 'buy a houso sec
275 State street 9-23
Dr, L. HALL WII.HON-fipe-cialist
in the Modern Scientif
ic Application of Glasses for the aid
of vision and the relief of Eyestrain
and Headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. 8. Bank build
ing. Phones, office 145; res. 1244.
RUGS cleaned 40c each. Phone 16. 10-6
W. BEAVER well driller. Phone 827J.
1105 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 10-9
VALL PAPEB 15 cents per double roll
npward. Bnren 'a Furniture ' Store.
179 Commercial. tf
eorner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly ia advance
Phone C0U. - - -
roa BB
ROQXIS suitable for nOHsefce'-linj;. oea
u. a. caser, sa . uiDeiTyi'; or
flail 2456R. . -U
BOOMS Have nine vacant rosas for
anyone who wishes to furnisk taem
for fair week. Will take whole charge
of them for half. 359 Center. tf
ONE set of large unfurnished keaeer
keepiag rooms for rent, 359 Coster.
' . - ' tt ,
3 LAftGB furnished heusekeepiaf
rooms on first floor. Also furnished
sleeping rooms, 574 K. 15th St. tf
BOOMS Three nieely furnished rooma
in modern home on car line, fer fair
week. 1780 Center St. 9-23
ONE furnished sleeping room, suitable
for two, 3o9- center. tt
ROOMS to rent, 3 comfortable- renins
: to rent during fair week,, 4 blocks
from Hotel Marion on car Has. 095
S. Commercial St. 9:2a,
FURNISHED rooms to fair - visit era.
- Clean beds, direct carline te fo.it
grounds. Close in to city. BeSweea
Bush and Owen, 100$ S. Commer
cial. tf
MALEM Electric Co., Masonic Tetania,
127 North High. Phono Meja J2t9.
aOTBRNlfENT fosns at Gft persent.
W St. Smuti, tialem Bank of Voss
eree.. - , -'. , . tf
On good real estate security
Vi THOfife. K. POBD 3
Over Ladd. Bush Bank; Safem, Ore.
ZVx per cent interest. Prompt service..
34 V. year time. Federal: form his
bonds for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401
Masonie Temper Salem, Oregon.
Office 124 South Liberty Street,
Phone 987, 1211. Real: Bst aad
Stock Sales. .
W. F. WIBHGT. Turner auotiaaeer.
Why not get him lie only charges
2 percent.. ;. a v tf
Call 398. Highest prices- paid Dei ja'nk '
second hand goods and. maehineiry. Be
snre and eall 398, get the right "prices.
The square deal house.
271 -Chemefceta St. Salem. Ore.
Wo will pay you more bask fer
your household goods. Oct ou "bid
before you sell. Peoples Jurai
ture and Hardware Store, 271 .N.
.Commercial Street. Phone 731.
No Cash RequiredGood oveuoats,
shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
instruments, shotguns, rifles heating
stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000
other useful articles to sell or trade.
What have yout The Capital Bx
ohange. 337 Court Street. Phone 493.
Your used furniture, stoves, aarpets
and tools, as wo pay fair prise, for
everything. Call 91.
. 285 North Commercial St.. ,
yy, CHEMEKETA' lodge IKo. 1
"J meets every- Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. Ball.
McCornack hall on every Tuesday
at 8. Walter Lenon, C. O.j P. J.
Hunts, K. R. ft 8.
ROYAL Neighbors of. America, Dra
gon Grape cemp INo. mho meets every
Thursday evening in McCornack kali.
Elevator service. Oruele, Mrs. '
rie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.; seeorder
Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 N. 4th
St. Phone 1436M. , '
L.vITED ARTISANS Capital Asdesa- ,;
oly No. 84 meets first Thursday ot
each tnonth at 8 p. m, In Masonie
Tomple. Glenn C. Nile), M, Aj O. A.
Vibbert, socrotary, 340-Owens street.
-Oregon Cedar Camp No. 8246 meets
every Thursday evening at 8 o "stock
in McCornack building, Court had
ljfterty streets. W. M. Pewons, V. O..
Frank A. Turner, clerk.
Stoves rebuilt and repaired. 50 year
experience; Depot National and, Ameri-.
can fence, sizes 26 to 58 lnebs high;
Paints, oil and varnish ete;, logan
berry and hop hooks.
250 Court Street, Phone 184
Salem Scavanger Garbage and. refuse
of all kinds removed on monthly con
tracts at reasonable rates. Cess pool
cleaned. Dead animals removed. Gffiea
phone Main 167.