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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1919)
UNI TO SEE FIRST TWO 111 Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 22. The first two game of the world series will be plnyed in Cincinnati; the next three in Chicago if the White Sox win the Amer ican league flag; the next two in Cin cinnati, the eight in Chicago, if neccs- . : sary to determine the championship, the . iational commission announced here to ; lay- s : - , - ' '- ": If a ninth game is necessary, the city in which it will be played will be deter-1 mined by the flip of a coin, previous to tho eight jrahie. The first game will be played October 1, weather permitting. No off days are provided in the sched ule. Cincinnati won tho right to stage the first two games on the toss of a coin, .'.puis Comiskey, son of the owner of tio Chicago White Sox, tossed a half Ullar, while President August Honnann if the Rettds; called the toss. President -Heydler of the National 'cnguc named Charles ltisjler and Ernest Quigley as National league umpires for the series, while Ban Johnson named ' Billy Evans uud Dick Nallin as the American league umpires. Leslie Constans of .Pittsburgh and Wllilam Harridge, Johnson 's secretaries, were named as the commission' business representative. Official scorer for the world series will be Joe McCread'ie of Philadelphia, secretary of the Baseball Writers' asso " ciation, J. E. T. Spink, of St. Louis, who is named by the national commission ami two representatives of the Chicago ltd Cincinnati chapters of tho Baseball ' Writers ' association. The local official scorer will beJacfc Ryder. The Chicago official scorer has not vet been selected. :. President Hedler' of the' National league drew from a basket containing ten thousand -letters, one containing tho application of Wilbur Bagau, Clarks ville, Ohio.' for four seats for the world's " series. Ban Johnson, drew the second letter. The two presidents drew one hundred applications fronCtba basket.' I At Redland field either Tuesday or Wednesday other letters will be drawn ' from the basket until applications equal the seating capacity fcf Sedland field. The remainder will,bo"lreld foT future drawing for the later 'game's. 'Queen Mother? Of Oreeon Pioneers Dies In Portland Portland; Or., Sept. 22.MrB. Rebecca jjr. Barger, "queen ihwitfheT f the pio OfPiron," iflisd here today afr " thl age oi 94, . " She is survived bv a son, C. W. Ber er at San PranciscO; a daughter, Mrs. R. W.-'Helm of Salem. Or., Trd a sister, Mrs. Mry A. Davis of San Fraitcisco. Fireman POiNANTGAMES v Apply to feupt. "Stanton at our Warehouse. Trade and Liberty Street . - .. ..... . , . . .. ., .. . -. Portland Railway Light And Power Company At the Market Price Ripe Italian Prunes for Dehydration iSalem - Steeplechase To Be Held On Thursday Afternoon i The sh-eyleehase to lie staged by the Portland Hunt club at the state fiur v.iL K put on Thursday afternoon, i. was announced for the first time by A. , H.-l-cu, secretary, of the fair associa tion this afternoon.'. " "Considerable -interest has been shown in ihis event," Mr. Lea further ! f'm-iilnti d., Manv hi-vo inquired, as to the day on which it was to be pulled ofu , ': ' ' . 1 ' T1!)". fctoepleehnse, in which -several well known blue' bloods from Portland have boon entered, will be run imme diately in front of th grandstand. Ticket Sale Fa? First- Day Of FairfSets Record "Although I am unable to give vm statistics at the present time. I can eon scrvatively say that today's ticket sale I far surpasses that of the intial day of lat year's fair." I Such was tho statement this afternoon 'of J. E. CTintock, who has charge of the auditing and disposition of tickets at the state fair. Season tickets are also being sold much more quickly this .year than last, Mr. MeClintock ex j plained. m " ' Prize Winning Display At Lane Fair Is Shown Here - The prize-winning display of farm products from the Wilakeuzie grange at the Lane county fair will be taken to the state fair at Salem next week and the non-perishable portion of it will be 1 sent on to, Portland to form a perma nent Lan county exhibit in the Oregou building on the exposition grounds, nr- cording to action of tho county court yesterday. - ' '- - ) This exhibit was pronounced by the judges at the fair and by Mrs. Winnio Braden, of Portland, who was here in the interests of -the Portland exhibit, to be the best of its kind ever seen in the valley. ' ;' ' Lane County Stock Men Organize Association A county pure bred stock breeders association was organized at the county fair yesterday forenoon with 25'inein- .bers to begin' with, and prospects for a much larger-membership in the future. I The following officers were elected for the coming year: G. M. Young, presi- -dent; -John Bogart,' vice-president; W.; A. Ayres, seeretary ; O. L. Dunlap, treas urer. Directors, " L. D. Griggs,: J. R. Maben, Prank Needham, D. C. Evans and W. L. Parker. -Register. Switzerland believes in ' advertising, even in Salem. A sheet' in colors has been received at the Salem Commsrcial club.' calling soccial attention : to the docking facilities at; Basja, Switzerland. and' to tie fet. that ;theicity has di rect t pomimiuication iwitn ithe-- ea . by.j tfay of the Rhitfe fives '-as well as rail-i roads, and that the city has special means for quick communication witn Antwerp Rotterdam and Amsterdam. King's 4 "T f I " ' T Go - SALEM, ORE. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, jo:;it mm not MMD, OHiOH The swfrons of the general election laws providing for tho holding of city and town elections in connection with slate and county elections and the' use of the same election machinery for all elections in which the boundaries of the precincts are identical, were not repealed by the. amended act relating to the acceptance of nominations by candidates defeated on their own par ty ticket. This is the gist of an opinion prepared by Assistant Attorney . Gen eral Van Winhie, Saturday, , for " the guidance of Sam A. Kozer, depnty see rotary of Btate.- The opinion . instructs Kozer to publish iboth ' acts the one specifying the use of the election ma chinery and tho other prohibiting a candidato defeated by on political i party in the primaries from accepting the nomination of another party. - ;. Personals r ....:.'..-'.-..., .i-.......... r , A few of the Oregon people register ed todajf at the Marion hotel .are C. C. Cate of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. ID.'G.: Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Straw and Wallace- M.. Cmaant of Portlands C. S. Bowne of- Aumsvillc, H. A. Howard, Corvallis. ' ' " Carl A. Barnes of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. John Anson and'danghtor Edith, A. A. Disquc, A. A. Courtney, B. Lewis and party, Mrs. Emma Scott and Son of Portland. Robt. Allen of Brgoks, H. C. nnd C. A. Witham of Albany, Mis. L. Galbreath of Independence are among the guests at the Bligh hotel. Will T. Powell and Addison Bennett of the Oregonian staff are among the arrivals in the city yesterday. Among the visitors at the Capital hotel today are 'Frank Bishop of Gaiblcs Oregon, A. L. Senders of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hecht of Portland. THOMAS OPPOSED TO in TREATY Washington, Sept. 22. Senator Thomas, Colorado, democrat, today came out. definitely against ratifica tion of the peace treaty in its present form. ' - i ' Thomas was known to dislike some features 6f the treaty bui he was .ei pected to stand by i,presi(lent. ; ..' , :' In si letter to the Ootorado -state - ecutive comnritte which Thomas put into the record today, he said: I cannot tinder my oath of office, cast my vote for the ratification of this treaty in its present form. -- ''1 cannot perceive the wisdom of ratifying a "treaty '''so? pregnant with strife and conflict. " PUTER & SONS ARE San Francisco, Sept. 22. Five de fendants in the Oregon land fraud ease were fined today by United States Iis--trict Judge looling as follows: 8. A. D. Putcr, $1500, his sons,-H. D. and W. A. Pu'teiy $500.' each, J. S Van Woermer, $500 and J E Baker, $250. ' 'i 'W. A. Murray, who has jumped -his bail, has not been Sound. . -. I'A viators Make Fast Time In Flight From Eugene Making excellent time through & fair ly', clear sky; 'Cecil Wooley and Curtis Peterson, of Eugene, arrived at th0 fair grounds this morning in "Eugene No. 1," a "Curtis airplane which is owned' by a Eugene man. - Mr, Wooley, who is assisted by-.Mr. Peterson, will be engaged all during the week in taking passengers for sight seeing trips in the clouds. Both men are former lieutenants, Mr, Wooley hav ing been commissioned in the aviation section. . SaJemV is contributing a large - body coiiege. Among tuose mor- vnllis, this morning were Whitney Gill, L. Nutting, Edward. L. Clark, Geo. Croisan, Lloyd A. Lee, The Capital Journal Daily Market Report - Orals Wheat, soft white No. 1 2 Peed oafs I 80c Milling eats w ..86c Hay, cheat, new A $17 Hay, oats, new . , 1820 Mill run i44 Butterfat Buttcrfat 67. Creamery butter ..6;68c Fork, tmi aoa Mutton Pork on foot ...., 16'4c Veal, fancy 22e Steers : 7($9f Cows , i 57!ic Spring lambs . , 10 Ewes r f?5c Sheep, jcarlings ..i..';-.'....' -i.- It ,,: SsMi -'sma Vmany - Eggs cash , ; - 57c Hens, live ' 2224 Vitnea Onions, per sack Celery dos .. ' , .. Tomatoes .143.25 ' -41.00 ! . 0e Trnit i'otat-oos ... .... Sweet Potatoes Watermelons Oranges Lemons, box ..... ,:: It,.- .3.:sfi..".0 $7..WS.50 s,'jc : J(k - 1.50 . . 5t 3 3-4c i . 60e i . 45c 10c. 23e. " i 6-,ri 70 - . 75c ............... 67c $3 10 3 23 Bananas ETaaisy, xtrted Cantnloupea .'........ Bunch beets Cabbage. . Head lettuce Carrots - , Grapes, Malagas Grapes, Tokays . .. Retail Price. Kggs dozen ;crunmcry butter-i::.. ?ntry butter IXi: , Flour, hard wheat .... Portland Market - j oruand, or., sept. 2-'. Butter, city creamery 63(366c Eggs selected local ex 5tfiG2c.' Kens, 2930c. ' Broilers 252Gc Gecse lSe ' ... Cheese 3C38c . . " DAKY MVB STOO KMARKBT .. Cattle .Receipts 1734. -y Tone of market steaily - Uood to choice steers .1iil.30IO-25 Fair to good stoers $7.50(5)8.25 Common to fair steers $C7 . Choice to good eow and holfeft $"7.30 Medium to ? good cows and hcifer $6.507 banners '13(5)4.50 Bulls $5(a f . ' Calves, $814. : Hogs Receipts 468 ' Tone of market steady . .. . . Prime mixed $17(5)17.50 Medium mixed $1717.25 ' Rough heavies $1015.50 . Pips-$14.5015 : , Bulk 17.25(;jl7.r0 . . . -' sueep Receipts 1799 . Tono of market steaa Prime 'lambs $12(o)12.30 Fair to medium lambs 1112 ; Ewes S9 Wetheis 78 Yearlings $57.,'50 .-fV"'-. t"!f'.'' V i A Live sical Treat" A ARTISTS OF SYNCOPATION, FEATURING J SYLVESTO, PREMIER ACCORDION PLAYER OF THE COAST ADMISSION 25 CENTS TO ALL THEN 10 CENTS PER DANCE DANCING FREE FROM 8 TILL 9 Salem AirmoryEvery Might fair: Wee!: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER ENGLISH AND FRENCH TONGUES IN QUEBEC fc, 0 . UNITE TO ACCLAIM THE PRINCE OF YALECj i. 'K iiT t-" Cdbiwdtr ' , , , MijisiS'ters' I r.J "1 ,-. " Prince 4- srs- Ons hundrc ifv years at;o., In 1759, French ntij. ifntish armies joined in epic combat on the Plains 6f Abraham, before Quebec. The heroic General Wolfe and the equal ly heroic Montcalm both lost their lives and did net see the ancient stronghold of the French in Cnnarln pass under English rule. The old crdt nasses. and in this vear of 1911) ""tttit descendants . of the ; gallant French defenders, although still French in language, united with the English speaking part of . Quebec's OH! REAL Cole McE!roy, Of Foi tland, Oregon I 'mi mm r- :s: ,0- 22, 1919. population U) pay nomttue to the young mun wh;, will one day rule the British Empire. The mingled eries of "Hurray for Wales!" end "Vive le Prince!" expressed in an un mistakable way that Canada has been welded into a nation. His Royal Highness visited the historic Chateau Frontenac and other points of interest in Quebec and was received everywhere? with an en thusiasm which was as much ' a trihute to his own attrnrrive per sonality as to the fact that he is a living symbol of the Empire's union. 1 PAGE FIVE. Itostiio lSli' Oft! .... - C Gpecidl r He was the guest of the Dttke e l.'evonRhire, Governor - Gei.einl o Canada, nt the citadel and'frot there sturtei out on his tcurf th Dominion jn a . special train - pr vided by - the Canadian Pacifii Arthur B, Calder, Assistant 6eri Passenger Ajrent of the rosY wl (ct as host . for President E. V lleattty. Altogether he will taper seventy days on the train ami wi cover the breadth of CanadaAe Vm couver and, return and then eem 1 . the United Stules on a flyir-vis before .eturnmg to England Q . i ssea It' the Real 'Pep' el PHONE 830 Old roosters Springs - 1.3y.l5 , 22c