PAGE NINE PJ1 BEH CIRCULATION BEING BY FAB THE LARGEST OP MI PAPER IN MARION COUNTY INSURES THOROUGH DISK TRIBUTION OF YOUR ADVERTISING. . ; . THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON,' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919. h n n n r n n w CLASSIFIED AD RATES Rate per word New Today: Each insertion , lc .On week (6 insertions) .,, 5c Oui-'.onth (26 insertions) . 176 ,9 .e Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements. P.ead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if error occurs. Miuiiuuin charge, 15c. , FOR SALE WOOD for sale, fine ash and fir. Phone 1090M. tf FORDSON tractor for gale, nearly new extension belt pulley and belt. Fred Hecker, Gcrvais, Or., Rt. 2. 9-23 PEACH season nearly over, Perfec tions now Teady, last, call; bring box es. M. C. Petteys, Wallase road. I'lume 56F14. tf BELGIAN hare does for sale cheap. 1541 S. HighA -' ' -2tt FOB SALE By owner, a corner Btoro building, 24x60, with 11 living rooms ' $3900, terms. H. Klender, Ht. 2, box 14SC. 9-23 FOR SALE Drag saw, also one Over land 1-ton truck, chain drive; will take Ford on a trade. C. F. Hine, f AonisviUe,' Or. 9-23 FOR SALE Weanin age pigs $0 each. Delivery Oct. 1st. 0. F. II iff bee. Turner, Or. 9-24 FOR SALE Buick 4, perfect condi- . Hon. Nelsons Auto Exchange, North Commercial. .. 9-20 FOR SALE $2900, desirable residence in best location. Inquire 134o Court St. " 9-23 FOR SALE Half interest in new saw mill doing good business. " Cause of sale poor health, will taKe residence in Salem as part pay. F. L. Stephen. NashMlle, Ore. 9-20 SHEEP I have 18 head of Shrop shire ewes to let oat on shares to some responsible party or to sell for cash. For information call at 5S0 N. Liberty, F. L. Treesh, 1030M phone after '8 ."m. "-" " '" ' 9-24 WILL sell pigs, all sizes air prices, all month, near Waconda.' Ella M. Fin- FOR -SALE 6 room house, 4 lots, all kinds Off fruit, barn and - chicken houses, good drilled well. Appljj own ef 280 Pine St:- "9-20 X)R SALE Loganberry wire. Phone ' 112.F3. 9-24 FOB SALE 3 toby calves;Barrod Rock and White Leghorn pullets. Phone 78F12. 9-20 FOR SALE Brass fire screen. Phone - JS70R. . , 9-22 FOR SALE One sorrel mare, 8 years Old, weight 1000 pounds; also 75 sacks of chicken feed, wheat and oats; 1 springtooth harrow, nearly new. F. J. Wolf, Rt. 9, 'box 13. 9-22 TOMATOES for sale. 8F25. . ii'ings. Call eve- ' tf FOR SALE dO tons loose clover. $14 per ton at barn. F. N. Bassett, Silver ton Road. tf R.MBRITS for sale, 3 does and one Flemish Giant buck. 783 X. Winter . St. ' 9-22 FOR SALE 1 cow- with calf, been fresh a few days, has given .1327 lbs. of milk in 30 days. Price $125. 1 eow to farrow in next month for $35. , 26 vear-old White Leghorn hens at ' 1.25 per head. Call at 725 South 13th St. 9-20 GENERAL merchandise store for sale, 15 years establishment in a good live ly town of over 5000. Small rent and good business. Reason for sale,, oth er business interest. Will sell or trade for property; Write G M 4 care Jour nal. ) 9- NUTRO Malt and Hop Extract, the best home beverage, an absolutely ! WANTED to purchase: modern rcsi pure concentrated extract of Barley I deuce from owmr. Not over eijjlit malt and hops, $1.60 per can, makes i rooms, Give lodation, ag, size, price ? gallons. If your grocer cannot sup- a:id terms. X433. ply vou, write for directions. JL. Soldon, 268 Glison St. Portland. 9 20 mkm If if WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bufltfing TOR SALE WOOD for sale. Will fill orders fir or ash. l'hone .911 between 9 and 5. tf FOR SALE Floor show case, ice boat, oil tank and counter with bin. Call 770. ; 9-22 HELP WANTED WANT ED G itl for house work,, or high school girl tor board and small wages. Mrs. C. B. Harper, 1325 Fair mount Sr. - 9-23 MAN with experience wants perma nent position in groe.ory or men '6 furnishing store. Phone 226. 9-20 WAITRESSES at' fairground. Apply y 20 World's- restaurant. . PRUNE pickers wanted. Phone 49F5. Roy V. Olimart. au WANTED Experienced apple packers l'hone 1U tr call at 100 . mgn at. v, 9-24 - ' , i : : fi HOP nickers wanted in West Salem yard, -milo from end of bridge. Begin picking ' Monday morning. Phono 2510W1. . ' 9-20 MEN wanted,' Salom. Tile works, near fair grounds.' Apply Salem Tile & Mercantile Co. tf WANTED Lady waitress and dish washer, good wages. 223 N. Com'l. ' - 9-22 WANTED Capable girl or woman for . general housework.- iPhone 12wb or call 890 Oak St. forenoons. 9-22 Wanted Man for general farm work nt Oregon state, tuberculosis hospital, steady position. Phone 433. a j-njP pickers wanted, 50. acres good hops, w.fll pay i.ou per iuo pounos, beginning today. Five miles north on river road. Lee Mug, Rt. 8, box 98. '" - 9-26 WANTED House maid state for deaf, phone 646. school 9-2o WANTED Salesman man who has had some" experience in selling fruit preferred. Telephone 1928, Mr. Cra vatt. " ' " ' ' 9-20 ANTED Prune pickers, ; preferred. Phone 2363.' a' family , tf MAN with experience' wishes perma I hent position in- grocery store. Ad dress H-12 care Journal. 9-20 W A-NTEmrl'w'iirfjal'torr- Jtp- ply, The .Spa.:-, jr, .-:,- . M WANTED A messenger, good wages. Apply Western Union. tf PRUNE pickers register at 141 North High or after 7p . m. phono 1435W. . -V 9-20 HOP pickers wanted; will haul yon out and back every day. Car leaves Willamette Valley Transfer's office every morning at 7; good- picking $1.20 for 100 lbs. tf WANTED Laborers for concrete work at Independence. Wages $4.50 per day. will take you back and forth bv automobile, leave 6:508 m. Masonic building. Erixon & Jones tf WANTED Hop pickers 2nd day help 70c per box; Tents, wood and Itraw furnished. Have-ranch work for men and men with teams during winter, L. O. Horst Co., Independence, Or, 9-22 WANTED FOR truck hauling Phone 629, H. A. Bailey. - 9-20 WAXTED To rent, 4 room furnished house. Address Salem, Rt. 6, box 7A, or phone 90F12. ' 9-22 WANTED Small house or apartment -for family of two. Address H N Y care Journal. - 9-24 WANTED Side car for Harley-David-son motorcycle. Lloyd E. Ramsden, Court St., or 1325 N. 15th, give ad dress. 9-22 WANTED TO B17V Bay horse. 1 100 to 1500 lbs. fiTare preferred, (live des cription and price White M". Lien, McLeay, Or: Use The Journal Waot Ads wis WANTED WANTED To rent 5 or 7 room mod ern house, close In". Call 642R. 9-20 llttGH schrto-1 boy, aged la, -wishes to work for room and board. Address H S B care Journal., 9-20 APPLES Choice appl J wanted,1 ny quantity, must be free or any ais ease or worms; no culls 1 wanted. Phone 10. : 1 9-20 WANTED To '. exchange talking . ma chine for piano. Address M M care Journal. '. , - tf WANTED Contract to cut 1000 cords of wood. Call 2640 Brooks ave. 9-23 WANTED Two furnished living rooms close to Journal office. Phone 82. tf APPLES APPLES " We want your apples. Must be free from worms and scale. No culls wanted. Phone 10 for prices. tf WANTED To lease a 6 or 10 acre tract with chicken houses for 500 to 1000 chickens. Rt. 6, box 22, J. E Kirkpatrick. flr-26 REAL ESTATE HOUSES FOR SALE 10 acre tract, 3 miles from Dallas,s good fruit land, at present covered with oak timber: will trade for auto. Address J R O care Jour nal. 9 24 FOR SALE By. owner, 7 lots, 6 room modern house, large 'barnr 6b Dearing fruit trees. A bargain if taken at once. Call evenings after six, 2015 N. Com'l. , . .. 9-20 FOR SALE heap,' house at 780 N. Cottage St., also tot 12, block 17 in Yew Park. Write Mrs. J. Knapp, Rt 5, Aurora, Or, . 9-20 FOR SALE My seven room house at 340 Union street, between Commer cial and' Liberty. 'Half 'block from Mnrioh square. Gas, bath and base ment. Price $1750, small payment down, balance 4 dollars a week. Ad dress L. F. Hill, Rt. 8, box 125. Phone 59F4. ' - 9-20 LANE' county farm1 of 180 actes for ' trade for property in or near silver ton. Thos. Soleim, Rt; 2T Springfield ". - . -.. 9-23 FOR SALE Choice acre tract, modern house, bearing fruit, on payed ! street : anil car- Iinet aisot finer 5 ere; tftct good" b tivl dings, 4 acres loganberries. F. L. Wood, .Bayne Ibldg. V. 9-22 BARGAIN A nice IT room cottage. ; 'corner lot, good: location, all f iirnish ed, SlOOO. U wood, 'itaylie Picig, 9-20 New Bungalow 5. rooms, plastered, electric lights bath and toilet, improved street, two blocks from cnpitol building. $1750, ono .half cash. John H. Scott Realty Co., 404 Oregon bldg. . ; ,' COTTAGE 6 rooms, plastered, electric lights. 'bath, toilet, full basement, large lot some fruit, a good concrete walk, 1 block from streetcar, close in on Ferry street. This is a ifine property. $22o0 one half cash. John, H. Scott Realty vo., 404 Oregon bldg. A GREAT HOUSE BARGAIN new 8 room residence on pavei street, full cement basement, good fur nace, electric lights, bath, toilet, large closets, and sleeping-: iporch.- This is beautiful, well built home that would cost $6000 if built today. Price $5000, $2500 cash, remainder $25 month. You have to see this home to appreciate it See John H. Scott realty Co., 404 Ore gon bldg if interested. ; FOR SALE, 7 room house, two lots, garage, fruit Near school and ear line. $1500, terms. 6 room modern Cottage, No. 2o5 8. 14th street, 3 00. 6 room dwelling, two lots with fruit, Near school and carhne. $1400. 7 room house, large lot. Good buy at 2700. ' Good' lot on paved street, near car line. A snap at $400. 18 acres with 4 room cottage and barn. Some fruit, good well. All in cul tivation. Priced at $3;00. 5 acres near Salem with good build iubs. .Near school and car line. 3uou, I buy liberty bonds, and lend money on approved security. ' W. A. LISTON, Agent 484 Court Street ; . 9-20 ' BARGAINS IX REAL ESTATE We have a large list of good Wil lamette yalley farms, stock ranches, prune orchards, loganberry tracts, Wo haic a Ir l!.t nf nnnA Wll. close in acreage tracts, nice city homes, cheap house and lots. B-4-U -ibuy-C-R-lists. AH we ask is a fair trial. Perrine & Marsters, 306 Hubbard bldg. . tf 3 HOUSES for sale. S03 N. Liberty St. Inquire Warner Fennel!. 9-20 FOR SALEA swell little modern 4 room house for $1200, $100 down, balanco easy monthly payments. A beautiful 5 room bungalow, com pletely furnished with excellent fur niture, modern except furnace; $2500 takes it.. What else could you ask. I write insurance on anything insur able and loan money on easy pay ment plan, H. E. Bolinger, 328 Ore gon bldg. ' i)R SALE 8 room house, garage, fruit trees, chicken yard, Jiloek to on-paved utreet at 1160 8. 12th. J. R. Palmer. Call Sat. or Sunday, or af ter 6 p. m. week days. 9 20 MACHINE SKw WORK Expert .machine shop, service by Mr Bergman at high school machine shop. 12 years, experience, Gear cutting specialty. "Jligh class piuqfiine tools. Quick service. Phone 446. ; " v - WOOD-' SAW PHONE 1090R. Our prices aro right. W. M. Zandler, proprietor. 1255 N. Summer street, Salem, Or. ; ' " - REAL ESTATB-HOUSES - FOR SALEMy-'farm of 117 acres about 13 miles south of Salem -and 2 miles, from.- O, K. depot. Vory best of river bottom laud, . noarly in cultivation, " rast timber and pasture. Good - orchard, fences and buildings. $73 per acre. J-40 care Journal.'-" ' l ' - - -10.-15 FOR SALEi-3. rooni house, bath, toilet, electricity, ri diock aoutn - or new Park school, 1 block from street car line. Enquire 586 Trade St. ; 9-24 FOB SALE ,7 7-8 acres east, of fair grounds Rt,-7, box 50, Scott. Price $1500. Salpm, Or. r, ., ',. . :; 9-22 EXCHANGE 160 acres well improved $85 per acre; will take good city property part ,payi,F: L. Wood; Bayne bldi. ' " V- : v -9-20 FOR SALE 4 acrcs-giwu oorri. ln- quire John- Flaohsel, ; Ut.. 1,' Turner. J:r--f'n-'i-'-' -.' ' 9-25 40 ACRES f irst class, prune land, roll ing, water, cnougn timDer to cover cost of land; Mrs,-- ioas, state hos pital. .,:,.-:..;-.,.. 9-20 FOR 8ALE'5-nc,re. bearing cherry or chard, 3 -1-2 Jiules south ot Salem. mile east . of .Jefferson' . Highway. Rock road past south trout, - Price $15000,- T-riH8.-..If interested- sec owner, 555 N. 14th St. Phme.34l - ' - .. ' , 9-20 FOR RENT Farm . 372--acres. Mostly - bottom . land. About 173 under plow- balance timber a id 'pasture. Good buildings. T. P. Fariington, Owner Elks' club. ' ' 9-23 FOR SALU'-r OR - TRADE For City ' property, good farm. Inquire of own- pr; Aaaress , care journal. v-zo PROPERTY to Trade for Auto. In good country town, gpou price year round. It' will pay you to investigate this. RR, care JolirhaK FOR SALE 10 acres of bearing Ital ian rirunes,'ti and jjgijrs old; trees in ftrsV-cUtsa-. eon jit 'uii.i-m- li-.-jund. fine building site, acre family orchard. Price $5500;-W. H."Grabcn horst & (.lo., 275 State street. 9-23 BEST BUYS 2 acres, mile out, 5 room bunga low; family fruit, $2000. ; a aeres, 1 logans, family orcliaril, o room house, $2300, easy terms. 10 acres, -0 logans, 'Daianco cner- ries -and prunes, close in. $4000. 10 acres, 8 Dearing tuoerts, cruse in, $2500, terms. 20 acres, all cultivated, some logans, fair, improvemeuis, close in, near school, graveled road. $0500, easy terms 4 acres, on paved road, close in. 1200, terms. 41 acres all cultivated, & acres ever greens, family orchard, fyir improve meats. $5400, terms. - 18 acre chicken ranch, good improve ments, 2 miles Salem limits. $0300. 64 acres, 52 cultivated, 12 brush, u acres bottom, good modern improve ments. 4 miles out. $2;0 per acre 320 acres fine grain or iruit lands, 4 miles good town, good -improvements, 1189 per acre. . t . 383' feres, well improved!, fenced, tiled, best of soil, at station. $100 per acre. , 600 acres, 150 cultivated, old im provements, paved road 3 miles town, mail route, electric line, woll fenced; tor a few - days, $.i0 per acre. ' FOa EXCHANGE 20 acres near Broadacres, for Salom residence: price $4oOU. 40 acres near WoOdburn for Salem rtsidence: price $6000 5 acres, Salem limits, for Salem res idence not over $Z0U. , 70 acres 3 miles cast of Mulino, Or for liberty bonds or Salem property, not over $3500; will sell on easy terms 5 acres all fenced, family orchard, for Salem residence: '2TO0 10 acree all .cultivated, 'some build- ings, mile from Salem, for Salem residence or will sell on very easy terms. - . I 279 acre stock ranch with good im- iiprovements, 5 miles from Summit,' for Mnlm hr' If incnnin: Price A15.000; i TU.TIHP. BAUOAIN8 6 -room modern, good ..condition, gar age, east front, north east Salem; $3000 cash. 5 room modern, cast front, southeast Salem; $2300, $800 cash, balance 0 per cent. 10 rooms' modern, some fruit, east Salen paved street; $4000, terms. 5 room modern, bungalow; some out buildings, east front; $1300, terms. 5 room strictly modern bungalow, close in; $2900, easy terms. 7 room strictly modern bungalow, close in, paved street; $3500, easy terms. , 7-rooms, lot 140x125 feet, a lot of fruit, walnuts; a dandy home; priced $4000, cash balance per cent. PnUNE RANCHES Have a large list of them at very reasonable prices from" $150 to $500 pet acre. -The best buys or exchanges arc always found at . S0C0L0FSKY ; : Wayne building Use The Journal Want Ads T I PE WRITERS REPAIRS' and supplies. Office appli ances. We make rubber stamps. Sims 143 NIIigh. Phone 310. 10-10 AUTOMOBILES FOR-" " SALE 1920 Studeliaker Six. Been driven 1300 miles.-Tprins. Tele phone 1384. , -, . 9-23 FOR SALE--7 passenger Cadillac,- 274 jn. Bummer. '. v-s GOOD second- hand cars on hand. Ovcr- - kind, . Buicky Qldsmobile,. Chevrolet, - 'Buick, See' theso at t ..the .Marion. Garage. ; ..';';, .', 9-20 FOR SALE, lveany new-: Maxwell rrucKr rnce uiiu . ror guics. suie. PhOBO. 16Q3J. A. H. Biedermun. 9-20 TOR SALE Maxwell car, five: passen gerj 19J7 model;, new tirea, one e : tra. Phone 33F22. ' - , tf : FOR . SALE-)nc 5 passehger Ford, new top 'and new tires, .A -1 condi tion, $400. Highway Garage,- 100; S. Com'l.- " - - - " w-20 IF ITS USED GARS- ':W:K' SEE US!" v iChalmors, A-l condition $285 Maxwell roadster. $75 Almost now Buick; $1350 5 ' ' :i . J91.T VeliB- $825 -x- '.; ? - -.;1915. Overland. $350, ', . . K I 24 - second hand automobiles' ' - . Studebaker bus $200 ; .'V'v ; Hudson Super Sir $930. - f; .': I 1917 Saxon ix $700 .,';. , ': ..We sell oils, greasT, gasoline, used auto parts, tires ind Rocmoriet." ' OLESDN'S AUTO EXCHANGE 349 COM. T. M..C. A. BLOCK REAL ESTATE HOUSES' TWO ACRES' of fine land and. large ftQUse nt M'onnwurii,- near tne setioois for sale at very reasonable-price or will trade for small ranch on coast. Sec j. II. Monmouth. 9-20 j- . , .' : EANCH WANTED Wasted to. hear from- owner of good ranch 'for sale. State cash price,. full particulars. 1). - F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn. t FOB SALE Modern 7-room house on paved street nnd car line. Lot iox 350. Terms if desired. A.-Y., , Jour nal, 1 , 0 24 TAKEN under mortgage. Will sell for : the incumbcrance. One 6 room house new and modern, paved street and on car line. A - 5 room bungalow, modern lust off paved street, a six J rqoin houses, good location, new and part modern. You caii get the above properties by puyin? a reasonable s, payment,- balanco on easy c erm.j , ay-2 acres or line liino juv mn nm f of tho c-itv limits on Riverside drive, ,, will exchange for city property and oav cash dittcrence or sell on install ment to siiitt List your property with me. Hi S. Radcliff, Room 4 Bayno -building. , 9-22 GOOD BUYS . 10 acres of bearing Italian prunes, six and nine years old; orchard in first class conditio. Rock road. Price $5,- 500. " . , ' 08 acre farm, first class prone and berry land, rock road, 6- room house, good barn. Price $8000. : 5 aero tract, house and barn, well, cherries, loganberries. Price $1600. 10 acres of good 'bottom land, small house, barn, some bearing apples. Price $2000. .20 acre tract, good plastered cottage, barn, chicken house, 4 acres bearing loganberries, 10 acres cherries and ap ples, good road, close to highway. Price $7500. 2 acre tract, good house, barn, fruit" pood road, close in. Price $2500. 4.81 acre tract, good loganberry or strawberry land. Price $1200. " 5 acre tract, all in bearing fruit, ap ples, peaches and loganberries, bunga low, not finished. Price $1300. 363 aero farm, 200 acres under cul tivation, balance timber, buildings, best of soil. Price $100 per aere. 20 acre tract located north of Salem,-best of soil, 4 room house, barn, water system, 3 acres apples, cherries and walnuts, good road, 21 Vj acres un der cultivation, balance stump pasture. Price $7000. , 20 acres located east of Salem, good buildings, all cultivated, best of prai rie soil. Price $7000. 2 acre tract close to carline, bearing fruit, gravel street. 5 . room house. Price 2.100. ClO acres of good land all cultivated, good road, S miles out. Price $1500. , IH acre iraci, an cumvaitsu,. pruuvs and; loeanberries. two sets of good buildings, good road,-4 miles out. Price $10,500. 6.67 tract, all cultivated, good house and barn, 6 acres of prunes. Price $3,- 500.- - - ... - 'c 7 acre tract located on. carline and paved road, -bearing prunes and cher ries, good house, barn, right at the School. Price $7500. 't 5 acre tract all cultivated, house and barn, 100 bearing prunes, family or chard, clrfse in. Price. $2750, $750 down balance $300 per year, 0 percent int. ' 44V4 acre tract, nearly all cultivated, hrnse and barn, orchard 5 miles N. E. of Salem. Price $175 per acre. tth balance 6 percent interest. MM "1 Hand Jocatrd on Howell nrairio. Price $10,500. ' rj (iood 8 room modern house located at 465 N. Commercial street. Price $4, 500, JA cash, balance 0 percent ittt. lood 6 room, modern home at 1370 State street, furniture goes. Price $5,- 000. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street ' 9-231 :,i REAL ESTAT-dUSEa ' ; FOR ' BENTMjteod 120 acre farm- with SO acres fine level land cultivation good, sot farm bldgs. Good family orchard,-good, road nijar school, good location, .All, good deep' loam. soil. Either cash fer' share rent.' Perrine & Marsters- 306 Hubbard -bldg. . 9-22 FARM, EXJHANGE 160-: teres good- farm land,, 100 aerea in cultivation, buildings, in Clark county, Washing ton, to trade for smaller farm in-Willamette Valley., Owner, H.; R. care Journal. : . , . 8 26 FOR SALE By owner, 6 roonv house, 2679 Oak. Am leaving towu will sell - cheap. . .. . , ? .,- ..- 9-26 FILBERT orchard,, 1ft acres near Sa . lem; 3 acres heavy bearing; Fine lo , -cation;. $250 ail' acre. Also good list of prune, walnut and apple orchards. Pearey Bros., 210 Oregon bldg, Sa ;i lem. Phone 663. -: ; , . -. 9-20 FOR SALE 7 room house, 2 lots, fruit A real simp. & W.- Macy, 202 Gray block: - . -'.'.' - .' . : t? FOR SALE 6-room. : house, electric lichts, toilet, 2 largo, late.' bearing fruit trees, chicken pard, bloek to carline. See owner, 960 Highland avenue. ' - 9-20 T MISCELLANEOUS . ' STORIES, articles, poems wanted for ".; publication in 'new magazine. We pay -cash on' acceptance. . tf ami written MHS.. acceptable. MBS. to National Stoty Magaaitie, desk 14, Vanderbilt Bldg.; ,New;York.:- EMPEY Transfer Co. moved 'from 124 ;8. 'XTberty to 143 ' South , Liberty. . Phone 998, after p. m. phone '679.1 All kinds moving,- hauling and truCK-ing- at- reasonable price. - : 9-24 DEKORATO sanitary wan tint, best - made; beautiful new eolora. BureM Ooml St. tf IA8. LYONS practical painter. Phone T04. - . tf MARRY IF LONELY For results, try me; best and most successful "Home Maker;" hundreds- rich with- mar .riage soon; strictly confidential and -reliable; years of' experience; de scriptions free. ."The: Successful Club," Mrs. Ball, Box 650, Oakland, Calif. YOUR future foretold. Send dime, age, birthdate for truthful, reliable, con vincing trial roading. Hazel Hause, , Box 215, Los Angeles, Cal, . WOOD SAWED Sproed boys will saw your wood, in town- and ut. Phone 1678W evenines or mornings. ' ' 10-5 AUTO PAINTING Ftfrds repainted $14 and up; other cars in proportion. All first class work guaranteed. J, E. Johnson. 220 S. Liberty. 10-11 I AM now booWnz' orders for shrub bery, vines and perennials for fall planting. I do all kinds of landscape Hardening. J. W. Maruny, 211 Miller St. Phone 916. . 10-5 FOR 'quick service truck hauling, phone 1608J. or '1170 N. 15th St. A, H. Biedornian. ' 10-6 STRAYED from ittate fair grounds Sept. 19, a iblack Pidand, ;nina' sow, With underbit in right oar,, weight about 240. -Notify Barn 7 on tair grounds, or phone Black 241, Silver- ton, E. O. Loo. Liberal reward. 9-24 ABOUT magazine subscriptions, never trust strangers with magazmo money, The country is over run with smooth talking, honest looking, subscription swindlers, with clever schemes for defrauding the public,. Some pose as scholarship workers; some present dishonest credentials and forged re ceipts. The only snfo plan is to place your orderB with a subscription spe cialist who lives in your own com munity. J. R. Payne, Hank of Com merco or 143 S. 13th St. -Phone 348. 9-20 D. H. MOSIIEB DOES HIGH CLASS LADLE D TAILORING OUTOMETRISTS Dr. L. HALL . WILSON Spe cialist in tho Modorn Scientif ic Application of Wrasses for the aid of vision and the relief of Eyestrain nnd Headache. Office closed Satur days. Office 210-211 U. S. Bank build ing. Phones, office 145; res. 1244.' MISCELLANEOUS ' RUGS cleaned 40c each. Phone IB. 10-6 W. BKAVEK well driller. Phone,827J, 1105 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 10-9 WALL PAPER 15 eents per double rol upward. Buren's Furnituro Store, 179 Commercial. tf FOK SALE Practically new 6 cylin der roadster, model 1919; run 3000 miles, new extra tire, good rubber all around, clock, bumper, motometer , spotlight and other extras. Owner will sacrifice at $1325, cost about $1635. Write to M. 8. Taylor, Amity, Oregon, for full information. Terms if wanted. . - . " 8-20 WATER, COMPANY SALEM , WATER COMPAOT-Offiee corner Commercial and Trade strecM Bills payable monthly in VB Phone 000. TOR RENT BOOMS- suitable-for houku.r isg. Sea J. A. Baker, 393 N. Liberty t-t,, or eall 2456R. . 1 ', Mi FOR RENT Nice front room upstair - for either ono.or two gentlemen. 71S . South 12th. - 9-29 TWO ladies Cah' Kave nicely-furnished room, in modern home-daring fair week j 1225 Shipping St.: : 8-20 ROOMS Have nine vacant rooms for anyono who. wishes to furaiah them for fair week. Will take whole charge of .them for half. 359 Center. t ONE' set of 'large unfurnished house keeping rooms for rent: 358 Center. 3. LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms on first floor. Also furnished sleeping rooms, 874 IN. 16tV St. tf FOR RENT Apartment to party with out children. 152. 8. Church 9-20 ROOMS Thrco nicely furnished rooms in modem home on car line, for fair week.. 1780 Center St. , 9-2J FOR RENT During fair week furn ished sleeping room; close in. rnooe 1432. . .... 9-2(1 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SALEM Electric Co:, Masonic Temple, 127.N'rth High. Phone Maia aaw. FINANCIAL 90VERNMENT loans at 6 percent. W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com merse. ,. . - tt ; : MONEY TO LOAN On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd Bush Bank; Salem, Ore. FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5Vi per eent interest. Prompt service. 34' years time, Fcdoral farm loaa bonds for sale; A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Tempol Salom,- Oregonv AUCTIONEERS G. SATTERI.EE ' Office 124, South Liberty Street. Phone 937, 1211. - Real Estate- ana Stock Sales. W. F. WIRHGT, Turner auctioneer. Why not get him He only charges 2 percent. - . , tf JUNE WANTED flail 398. Highest prices paid im junk second hand goods and machinery: Be sure and call 398, get the right prices. The square deal house. - CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemekot St. . Salenr, Ore. WHY SRL FOR LESS? Wo will - pay you more cash, for your household goods. Oct our bid before you sell. Peoples Furni ture and Hardware Store, 271 N. Commercial Street. Phone 734. SECOND HAND GOODS' No Cash Required Good overcoats, shoes and Biiits, all kinds of musical instruments, shotguns, rifles heating stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell or trade. What have youf - The Capital Ex change. 337 Court Street. Phone 493. WE WANT Your used furniture, stoves, carpets and tools, as we pay fair prices' for everything. Call 94?. CAPITAL HARDWARE & FURNI TURE CO. 285 North Commercial St. LODGE DIRECTORY GhEMEKETA lodgo No. 1 meets every Wednesday evening at 7:JO at 1. U. O. F. hall. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS M BET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. Walter Lenon, C. O.j P. J. Kunt, K. R. & S. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon Grape camp No. 1360 moots every Thursday ovouing in McCornack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. Car rie K. Bunn, 648 Union St.; recorder Mrs. Melissa PersonB, 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. . UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assein oty No. 84 meets first Thursdny ot each month at 8 p. m. in Masonii Temple. Glenn C. Niles, M. A.j C. A. -Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meet every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets. W. M. Persons, V. O. Frank A. Turner, clerk. STOVE REPAIRING Stoves robuilt and repaired. 50 yenrs experience; Depot National nnd Ameri can fence, sizes 20 to 58 inches high; Paints, oil and varnish etc;' logan berry and hop hooks, SALEM FENCE AND STOVH WORKS 250 Court Street, Phone 124 SCAVENGES Salom Scavenger Garbage and refus of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals removed. Office -phone Main 167. J