THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919. New Today (ontinnod from page niBe) A DEMOCRATIC TRAIN FOR A DEMOCRATIC PRINCE Q686dB86868686S68688888B8f? 98S68B$B869B8S868686SB8688 : 7 - c - jW to Carry t'PnitCeof'Wa.le ikfcnOmgM fjl5H I 1 7 1 Jf.' I ,,, ftt I if' ' 'Jr-' ' . ' K Tj I U J V FOR Wild Mallard ducks. 344 Caioa St. 9-23 3 IWOM house for sale 803 f. Uber- ty St. Inquire Warner IFennell. 9-26 i 1 ' 1 " 1 THROUOHBKBD Chrvstal White Leghorn cockerels, breeding hens and cock Ijird for sale. 695 8. Com mercial St. Salem. ' : - - , 9-20 WAiNTED High school or Willamette university student tor work atter p. m. Apply circulation department of Capital Journal between 6 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Monday. 9 22 WAiSTEI Girl for hand ironing. Sa lem Laundry Co. tf WAITED Oirl for marking or bun dle room. Salem Laundry Co. tf WAXTBD Oixl for shirt machine. Sa lem Laundry Co. tt TOR SALE May hatched pullets 80c each. Alto tomatoes. Edna Daily, Bt. j 3, box 279. Phoiy 40F5. 9-23 ! FFTRiNilSHED rooms to fair visitors. Clean beds, direct carline to fair grounds. Close in to city. Between Bush and Owen, 1060 S. Commer cial. . tf With the exception; of two private era, "Killarney" and "Cromarty," which are loaned by Kord Shauirh nessy, chairman of the Canadian Pa cific Railway, and Commander J. K. L. Ross, respectively, to the Prince of Wales, there Is nothing out of the Ofdinary about the enniprnent of the distinguished visitor's train except that it is brand new from engine pilot to observation platform, and is manned by the most efficient train crews on the railway. When these cars have served their purpose of housinc the Prince for two month on his trip across Canada, they will e put into the regular service the " of waits' same it my other equipment maJe at Anpu Shops, the bipr Montreal cur factory of the Canadian Pacific. Besides the two private 'cars, the train iB made up of conipurtment car "Empire"; dining car, "Cunadu"; two sleeping cars. "Ciirnurvon" nnj "Chester ; :ar "Chinook," and two steel haffcage oars that house cold storage plants, shower baths, sleep ing quarters and a photographer's dark room, drawn by one of sixteen new 480.000 pound plant locomotives. The private car "Killarney" is the royal car. it has been decorated with the Prince of Wales' feathers and embraces a sriall observation platform, observation compartment, secretary's bedroom, shower bath, dining room seating six and fitted with writing desk and library, kitchenette and chef's bedroom. The train is equipped .with all mi-dern devices for efficiency and comfort. Ray To Attempt To Lower ; Present 100-Yard Record ynrd record in a special race this af ternoon at Pershing stadium, Jersey City. Tho event will 'bo one of the fen 1uns of the nntionnl A. A. U. all around championship meet, in which' work by the government on the Crescent WIDOW worth $50,000 income $300 monthly, anxious to marry honorable gentleman. Write Mrs. Warn, 2216 Temple 'St., Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED 2 or 3 rooms, modern apts. in a modern elm. tan home. Best ref erences. Call 1821 or write John Troy 63 N. Winter street. - 9 20 New York, Sept, 20, Joie Ray, na tional mile champion and record hold er of the Illinois Athletic clnib. will t,y to lower Melvin Sheppqrd'a 1000 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS A Little "Wailf Ad SrflS It eight of Amerien't star athletes will City harbor. compete. Representative Lea of California wasl Sergeant Harry Hoxie, who prior to Grant? Pass this week and said he h's enlistment was cashier in the state would urge the immediate starting of 1sur"ce u"Pn"uu'1 "t,aicm, nns nr- Morritt awaiting dichargo. - - s ic Word Class Ad Will Sell It' Wood and Combination Heaters s MASCOT Wood Heaters With cast Bottom, Top and Front with large opening in the front and top giving ample space to take in large chunks. Neatly trimmed with , nickle making a very durable stove throughout. Priced from $18.00 to $22.50 See Window Display COMBINATION HENBS COLD BLAST IA1J This is the heater that gives com fort during the long winter evenings. It burns either wood or coal with a Duplex grate. The draft regulating system is complete, making it possible to get most any heat desired. Nickle plated, fire place front. - $33.50 to $40.00 (See Window Display) Perfection Florence $ 6.50 - $12.50 OIL HEATERS VIGTROLAS . Those long winter evenings are not far off. Have you bought that Victrola to entertain your family and friends? Do not wait longer, but' buy it today. Complete list of new Victrola Records. YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT MOORE'S GOOD BUYS ffl HOUSES T room modern home at 1030 Hood street. (Price $3200, cash, 3 years 6 percent .interest. 8 room modern home located at 465 North Commercial street. Price $4500. Mi cash, balance 6 percent int. 8 room modern home with furniture, located at 1370 State street. Price $5,- 000. ' s ' 7 room modern home located at 1031 Union street. Price $2500. $1500 down balance 6 percent interest. & room modern home nt 1010 Oak street. .Price $3000. ' 8 room modern -house- at 745 Ferry street, close dn. Price $3500. room modern home at 620 south 18th street. Price $1650. 0 room modem bungalow at 1355 State, street. I'rice $6000. .. ' 6 room modern houso at 735 Ferry street. Price 2000. " ;-i ... Fine residence lot close to state house. Price $2500. fine residence lot located on sFair- moiint hill. Price $1550. . t room moderil home' located close in. Price $4000. '. 6 room modern home at 944 North Cottage .street. Price $2500.! . . .. 7 room modern hfme located at 496 North 13th street. Price $4000. $1500 down, jalnnce 3 years 6 percent int. 5 room house at 1223 South 12th street. Prico $!50. eush. - 4 Hiom modorn tmngalow located 1675 South Church street. Priee $1500. If you want to 'buy a houso see IW.H.GRABENHORST&CO. WANTED Middle aged woman to keep house for mn and wife, both . working. Good place for right party. Call 675 any time before 6 p. m. 9-20 WANTED Man of good habits neat appearance and pleasing personality between age 21 and 40 to take per manent paying position in Albany, Ore:,. For particulars phone 811 be tween 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sunday. 9-20 SALESMEN Establish yourself in business. Hell our products, get the benefit of our permanent re-order business. White for full particulars. . Sunset Machine Co., 247 Golden Gate Ave., San" Francisco, Calif. 275 State . street 9-23 A REAL FARM . ' : If you desire to purchase 46 acres of the very best of sandy loam, 25 acre's In cultivation, IS in stump pas ture, the remainder in timber, see the John H. Scott Realty Co. at once. It will raise the very best 'of crops with out irrigation during dry seasons like the one just past. You can see 8 acres of corn on this land that will go 80 bushels to the acre or better. You can raise from 200 to 50O bushers of pota: toes per acre. It now has several acres, of the very best of kale,' stock beets, and carrots. There is no tbetter land for strawberries, loganberries, raspber ries, filberts, walnuts, or any kind ot fruit. It has one acre in full bearing family orchard good six room house, good barn, and running water. It is suibirrigated and will insure a heavy crop, everv year. The price of $200 per acre may seem high, but will not seem so when you see what the land produc es. $3500' cash, remainder on long time at 6 percent. This land will pay you wages and pay the incumbrance in two years if you handle it fight. Will put in for the above price a good team, harness and wagon, good cow. full "blood brood sow, 75 bushels of pota toes, o tons of nay, all tools ana ma chinery, and enough corn to fill a 40 ton silo. See us at one, if you are interested. Rugs Chevrolet Model 490 NO CHANGE IN PRICE SS57o20 With a number of improvements. Pantisote top, improved springs, pivo.ted head lights, more room front and rear seats, more clearance, and most im portant of all every improvement does not affect the interchangeability with previous models. You are not buying an experiment when you purchase a Chevrolet for it is the product of years of hard grinding tests. WE MAKE THIS STATEMENT AND CHALLENGE ITS CONTRADIC TION: "NO AUTOMOBILE FACTORY EVER BUILT A NEW CAR IN DE SIGN THAT WAS PERFECTED THE FIRST YEAR AND THEY NEVER will." v . ; They always find a lot of weak spots that have to be strengthened and it takes years to accomplish this. . '" You never fii d a complete stock of parts canned by the dealer on a new designed car. It takes years to get parts into the hands of dealers to properly., service the car. When you own a Chevrolet the item of service does jiot' enter into the transaction for you know the dealer carries all the parts, hence your service is assured. Meet us at the fair. We will be there with the improved Chevrolet at the old price $857.20 and the service also. F. G. DELANO A. I. EOFF SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. Distributors of Chevrolet and Scripps-Booth Cars and Republic Tires SALEM DALLAS. In these days of high pri ces it is good to know' there are rugs of sterling worth that can be used to good ad vantage to take the place of the high priced article. Wool fiber rugs belong to this class. They are good oking, furnish well and give very good wear. -We have them in the standard sizes, 8x10, $15.75 to $18.00; 9x12, $16.75 to $21.00: Ask to see them. t or bed room use we have a fine assortment of rice grass and colonial rugs. 6x9, 8x10 and 9x12. Very attrac tive designs, in blue, green, tan, pink, and mixed colors. Just the thing to furnish nicely and at a low cost. In tapestry Brussels and Axminsters we have a good assortment. 7.6x9, 8.3x10.6 and 9x12, sizes. These goods were bought months ago, and are priced fully twenty, per cent less than the same quality will be next season. If anyone reading this add think they will buy for less within the next year or two, they are very much mistak en. If in tha market for rugs see our , stock before you purchase. Our rugs are priced as low as quality will let them go. Chambers Ml 1 Chambers 467 Court Street i. Home of the Victrola 1 . . MrrriTf. HMttMHM