PAGE SEVEN. Albert Stastnyj -unmarried, deeded to' W. N. Thomas and wife, 52 cres, part nP 1. . rt- wt i no 1 il nil a 1 i nil Ignil plnim f .&4nt tf-trAnltAK't Whrt tfllfl ftrirlfl 111 k"'ll3,"l,,""l f hpir urk jdiKaVt-iitaiit a.JLuual tVDe- BriM ikii!BA their effort ii Rhow to James M. Bates in township 10 south best advantage," and another reason is own or. ran.70 o wesr. .ibim-'Ids improw merits, this places ft valuation of $134 an acre. The farm is about 15 miles di rectly south of Salem.,... , they can turn out more work, witn iess afftit-t An th :"RnifA,j than, juiv other typewriter made. '3?' sale by Graham 4 Wells, Corvallis, Oi .. .tf THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919. -: . .7 1 CITY NEWS Trv JsoTthem Flour. It's a Bear. , famiH are for'dlal, y inrited t attend Svery sack g laranteed. M your gro-;the adversary meeting Monday eve- j n in?, Sept. 22, at the Odd Fellows hall State Fair Exhibitors Notice Order COMING EVENTS ill " Dest work at reasonable prices. Phone ' 756 or call Seley at 417 Masonie your signs and snow cards now. me in Salem. Sept. 22-27 Orego- state fair. Sopt. 29, Monday Opening of publie schools of Salem. Oct. 1 Oregon Methodist conference. 1 ; Oct. 26 Turn time back one hour. : ' Attorney F. A.. Turner arid daughter, Miss Joy, Mrs. Fannie B. Burgess and bldg, . 9-20 j her daughter, Miss Pearl, motored to ' I Portland yesterdav, returning nome in John Fonwick. son of Mr. and Mrs. thn vcnini?l ' Mr. Tamer renorts the road, via St. Paul and New-berg in fine Frank Fenwick, and Ernest Lester, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Lester, are iwo Hood River boys who have just arrived home afteT being discharged from the navy. ife CLARA KIMBALL .YOUNG. ; '" IN 'THE BBTTEB WIFE' LLOYD COMEDY. '' PATHE tag Wanted Girl to work in parlor, Ap ply The Spa. tf , Wanted Girl to woTk in parlor, Ap ply The Spa. tf 1SW Snlrt rkvorlnnd PiitipI BeliverV. 1918 model, excellent condition, runs hue new. Wood-Kose Motor company, 248-ptate street, rnoie an. condition, with the exception of a short stretch of about two miles this side or St. Paul, and that is not tad by any means. (Ftortlm Jim Tarhv. 679 ST. Cottaee. Phone 1950IVV, teacher of piano, theory, uarmony. Tim noArlla in .tlin HflTnm f AT ift nttint- ing high today noon all of which indi cates a continuance or tair weainer for this evening at least and possi'Diy tomorrow. Vnl!fa Rov.rl arnnd TWljntioilM Awn for girls that want steady work, 8a-1 icin xaunary .o. F.lVnf All Elk in thin viein- itv with their todies are requested to meet at the saiem ioage rooms on usd day, Thursday, September 25, 8:3P a. m., where a light luncheon wfll e wrvWL At 10:30 a. m. all will join in mi. anTA jinnifiR hi un hihlh i .1.11 rrrnnnita Anil Tll'W Coliseum.. WheTfi & grand vaudeville performance and the latest iew loret -suecaso, ihuicd- bhj show, will take place 'between 11:30 . m. and 12:3ft p. m. In the evening. there will ibe a high class musical entertain ment in the coliseum. Remember this is Elks day at the state fair. Big time Glad time! Wharton L. West, chairman. 9-22 .' In an' Attempt to escape' from an of- fini. .Tnhn Nnser who claims to oe 10. jumped from a train near The Dalle and was seriously tinjured. He had been arrested at Pendleton charged with theft, i,.,. Troy .Branson was yesterday given a divorce from Luella Branson. He al leged in -hw-complaint that they were married in 3898 dn Sheridan county and that in 19i6 aha deserted. They have one son and the father was willing that he should remain with his mother. Dance at armory tonight. ':' Dr; Mott, Bank M Commerce, 407-8. tf Wanted, man or wpman to assist cook. Apply at Spa Confectionery, tf ' 'Teacher of violin, best of methods, orchestra training, Elizabeth Levy, 563 Court street. Phone 244. It has 'been definitely decided by the business men that all doors will close t 10:30 o'clock Salem day of the alate fair, Wednesday, the 24th. The closinz reposition was diBeusBed at a recent .meeting of the Business Men's league and it was thought that by re maining open until 10;30 o 'clock, alt clerks would have an opportunity to observe the day. ;' '.; ; . ' '7 Dance at armory tonight. '"J- Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your repair work. Phone 1008, 220 N. Com mercial street. Wanted, man or woman to assist cook. Apply at Spa Confectionery. - tf Dr. O. E. Prune in Dr. O. B. Miles office, Ladd & Bush bank bldg. : 9-25 Danee at armory tonight. ' . r The Oicse Method of Singing taught ! by Lmcile Barton," especial attention giveu to fundamental principles of music. Voicca tried free of charge. 598 North 17th Street. Phone 1S88. Wo buy liberty bonda 205 Oregon building. ... '-. ...... " : tf Artificial teetn, nave expert plate man, with over years experience, at mv ofrfen. ' Dr. D. X. Beechler. den tist, 302 V. S. Nat. bank bldg. tf Tn tinva' -llliio-illfT ftnTltftHt of live- Stock at Medfdr4 recently ,the Phoenix team won, which gives them the oppor tunity of judging in the interstate con test in Portland in November. State Fair Exhibitors Notice Order your signs and show cards now. The best work at reasonable prices. Phone OS or can oeiey ai i auuonm Western Conservatory of Mnsic of Chicago, 111.,. Frank E. Churchill rep r!cs8ntative of Salem branch.. Fall term ho(riiit pnt' liith.. omnletfl course in piano and theoretical stfb.ieets. Studio suite 1-2 Ddd Fellows Diag. rnone 1671E. .,. 10 15 Perry D. ' Smith has- Ibrought suit against Laura E. Ellis and John W. El lis, and Frank W. Banna and wife for the collection of a note of $200 and in terest. The note waa originally given Lby. Mr.- and Mm. Ellis and leenred by , a mortgage tm lot 1 Block 23 of lew Parlt annex. The complaint also asks for a -foreclosure of the mortgage and judgment also for $50 attorney's fees. The lot is on ine west siao or souxn 12th street adjoining, Lewis street. School eredits piano course-rLuile Barton 598 N. ,17th. Phone 1588. ' ' -rt..aifo -will VnCAl mmnln uviflnjr ind Snturdav of each week. Btudio'2d floor Derby ibldg. The Ford belonging to G. W. Cool- ltin(T vmith ftf tho ' W8S found yesterday along the side of the road near uregon luuy. it was stuibu a fnur rtavtt Atrn while -narked in the bus iness section of the. city. The thieves who. mado wav with tne car nave noi been found. ' J. T. Hunt, W. J.' Colver and J. H; Dunlap have been appointed by the county court as appraisers of the estate nt Inn T Whin ThR court also clos ed the estate of Benjamin P. Daven port and the executrix, Jjucretia juaveu port, relieved of further responsibility. (By a decree of the circuit court, Mi randa McDonald is the owner in lee B-miiln at lot No. .17 McDonald Fruit nvA in 'tna aflmh vniil: order it is stipulated ithat F. V. McEoynolQs, w. J. iay, rienry :AiiuerB imu mauuo Mnv Johnson have no nue nor inter est whatever in tne tract. - Hear! Hear. Dr. George H. Parkin son, 11 a. m. James Elvin 7:30 p. m. Leslie Methodist church : Sunday. T f. XSgTiai ha fhronirht. unit -ncrainst w .T T.infnnt. ni otherst.- Ha alleaes Xl.n ra.avanToanntfttinnfl wprA mflde tO htm by Mr. Linfoot in an exchange of hn deeded hio 320 acre farm near Alberta Canada, for a Polk county i arm. sie as a uecree re scinding all transactions between him and Mr. LinfoM ana aiso lor oou and also the sum of $1920. G. B. MdCullough, bridge engineer, anil .T. M. Devera. attorncv for the state highway department, returned this morning arter an ausence ui uuv eral days during which they have been at Arlington, The Dalles and Heppner in attendance upon. hdarings before the puoiio service coumuasiun nun reference to highway crossings .'over the tracks of the O.-W. railroad. Lena Belle Tartar teacher of sing ang, 162 Liberty street North. Phone 334 or 1615. Work 'wmrlt wrvrk-rem(im-her able bodied boys over 18 years old and un der 60, the Crown Willamette Pulp JLiUs at Oregon. City and West Linn wjjll need men in .October or November for the winter season. Just keep thera in mind when arranging your winter work schedule. They have a live hotel just fbr employes, nt low rates. A reception was given Friday eve Tiirwr tn thn Riiv and Mm. Gcorire B Abbott, at the home of the Rev. John Woodfin, 1565 North Winter street. Mr. Alihntf ha !bemi anointed castor oi the- First Methodist church at Des Mn,ii,ps Wm.. near Seattle and will Iddva Dnnn . fnr tHAiv new Tifiin or la bor. Tho evening's entertainment was in charge of the Rev. John Woodfin an1 .Tinliirlpi nrlH rp.Rfipa of annreciation ov UT. n. it, laa-uin, xr. j. jtuiumuui i vr l.'ilwin Hherwnod. The urogram nf. mimin for tha evenine include vio lin Kolos. . readings, niano duet and vocal solos At the close of the program Ti fthpTwnnii'rtTesentp.d Mr. and Mrs. Abbott a silver sugar and creamer. . . V ;. .Tn m m Klsin will brinir a thrilline message to you Sunday evening at the Xieslie-Methodist chureh. 'ifilniinnt BALEM'8 TAVCSITE CHARLES RAY IN "BILL HENRY" aiX.VMt 4TTTO T? ADTATOR SHOP Radiators, fenders and gas tanks repaired. Tractor radiators a specialty.! a real erate transicr inviuviug ti,- me inir were wen j.n-oacii. Tori radiators for sale. 190 S. 12th 000 was filed today for record in the fact that the band gave them plenty Bt Salem 'Or. 8-22 offiee of the county recordor with of music and piayea wnat mignt oe ' ' ' ' - in revenue stamps attached in which termed a maximum program both days Oscar Steelhammer director and John Graber, manager mid others of the C'herrian band are home from St. Helens where -they furnished (music' for the -Columbia county fair. Mr. QfnnllmmniM a VB tllA hflTlfl Sfl TVlPPa iade a fine impression from a musical nnrln.:t AIka tnat hty clirpp.tnrs flf $7,- the fair were well pleased from the tVrt mnnpr mnv YlA UPTlt -fhtniUyh DOSt nrrlnrtt tn nartdes living in n.armnnv .nftnia. Austria or Rou- mania 'but money may ne sent tnrougu. banks to theso countries except bol- sheviki Huss-ia. Toe nome service de partment of the Red Cross is in re- cepit of a 'bulietan stating tnai ir aiun air ia tn no .ant to these countries, ex cepting Eussia, it must be done thru the banks. JNo instructions nave uren received at the Salem post office to rpunmn mnnpv order business with Aus tria, Germany or Rourhania. rvim tn ttiA faet that, an entirolv new i;Ma nf tavt ihnnka -will bA used in all public schools, CoMftjf Superintendent omitn 18 senaing out iiuiacoo iu county teachers, urging tnem to aneiiu 'MFlan day," to be held Saturday Sept. 9.7 4n tna ftfllpm niirli nihonl building. hannninii nt. 1f O'clock. Th TJUrTJOSe nf tho mpnri-nir. Mr. nmiia amies. b iv discuss plans for ths school year and to call attention to tne many wihukct in teaching that will be necessary, due tn th fact that many: aubioets will be presented in a different way. One method of teaching remains inwmo, and that is in handwriting. ' 9 Rev. George H. Parkinson D. D will oronch at the Leslie Methodist church Sunday morning. IN THE SQUARED RING . Baltimorej Md., Sept. 20. Joe Lynch New York featherweight and Frankie Mason of Fort Wayne, Ind., fought a 12 round draw here last night. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 20.Middle weight .champion Mike O'Dowd out classed Soldier BartfieW in a ten round bout here last night. O 'Dowd oimiHiBf.ififi tomnfl TuiniNtimeui:. xiuri- Iieid was groggy in tne last, vwu iuuuwb nTotit VnrV Sont 9.0. Bennv Leonnrd is willing to moet Lew Tendlo in a 15 or 20 round bout at 135 pounds ac cording to Billy Gibson, manager of tho lightweight champion. He says he is ready to guarantee tne j-uimuuipiu. ngntwejgnt T'tiwv- San Francisco, Sept. SO. ' ' Goat " Idtnn an A .Tnk Knnvpn feuont to ft draw last night. Tho "GoatV friends av hn wna in nruir condition. .... "r-- , . i Jimmy xrarcy was tuo iur . Norton, but Referee Irwin awardod a 50-50 decision, ' lc Word Class Ad Will Sell I! c Word Class Ad Will Sell It 5. 4- nhtndriAoro Gouorryrrlervt 'PcoL at C&& 33 & fin; I Xf( ourWant Ads-Tl.eyvvillbrin ypuTwantmay bof: A Utile "Waul": Ad Sells I Use The Journal Want Ad ? J l - Hill U i: mi . n -vr hr JZarvPP Spring Jiote.L constantly heatinff vast quantities of water in its (ieptha ana impreR nating it, with sulphur and other minerals beneficial to man. Con stantly, too, it expels the heated sulphur water and part of the flow eagres of the .mountaujs . . - by Sulphur Mountain r. . -, r-"-..- mpnt at a cost ha thousand feet above tne pic- Thrown the summer lureaque vmrej v" -f v.. visitors from all over L.anaaa which, . tan. bot feVtuniUd States bathe in thi; TbB avraee man's idea of a vaca tion in the mountains does not in clude the pleasure of aquatic sports. but Banff, Alberta, in we neart in .i T7 nVica nfTpra PWl TT1- jning in addition to the ordinary pleasures oi tne mouiiuui. feet wide and from 2 to 9 feet deep. The pool is leo irom ww springs, in nearly cav spring na a now oi lb,vvi b y an hour at a icmperatuiw u 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The Dominion government of Canada maintains another pool on the wooded slopes of Sulphur Moun tain, into which the water pours at BOO lit lr vauic - Banff Springs. Hotel likewise has f sulphur pool, and, in addition, a Voluntary Mediation Between Capital ' and Labor. J V The Church and Social Reconstruction FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sunday evening at 8 o'cloci Employers and Employes and the Gen eral Public Are Invited to Hear This JSubjcct Presented by Representatives of MANUFACTURERS ORGANIZED LABOR and the ; COMMERCIAL CLUB REV. W. C. KANTNER, Pastor Chinese Pheasants October 1 to October 31 Peters N Winchester U. M. C. SHOT GUN SHELLS Remington and Winchester SHOTGUNS Anderson & Brown The Sporting Goods Store Formely Watt Shipp Co. . 126 S. Com'l. St. 1 na SAVE MAIL ORDER POSTAGE-BUYING AT HOME You See What You Buy Before Paying-Buying At Home V. T. RIG DO If & CO. Undertakers 252 North High Street The ARMCO IRON Advertisement . In this week's . Saturday Evening Post Is a reminder that ARMCO IRON is used in the construction of , GASi RANGES ARMCO IRON Rrnints Rust. It really doutili- the life of a Gas Range. tm ana w Mlw Vj - M Auk to ce the Wedgewood Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. HEAR S. E. RANGER OF PORTLAND ON THIS TIMELY SUBJECT. AUSPICES I.B.S.A. SALEM ECCLESIA The Ratification or Lasting Peace Assured', Moose Hall, Sunday, September 21, 2:30 p. m. SEATS FREE . . NO COLLECTION 85 1 fresh water pooL