Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 20, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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s- St. Paul, MinnV Sept. 30. (United
Press.) Senator Hiram Johnson today
announced definitely, his abandonment
o'. a stumping trip to the Pacific coast.
He planned to end his journey in oppo
sition to the league of nations covenant
T.-ith speeches In the Twin Cities today.
, Johnson's vigorous attacks on the
league of nations agrement met. with
hearty response here.. Before a joint
session of the legislature; which Inst
winter approved tho Wilsonin idea, he
drew members to their feet time after
time for long sustained applausp. "
At Duluth last night Johnson repeat
ed his set speech, ironically commenting
on the vl4 points pf the president 'a
eariy program and the Innalied pro-
gram; the manner in which. Enzland.
VrsMn. .! .Tnnnn W1 fa. I. !.
covenant to their likim, and hau.lJ
to America for adontion."
The moeting at Duluth was attended Sa'cm district mediation council corn
by 5000 persons who jammed the armory ! posed of three employers and three rcp-
in which the senator spoke.
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Stayton, Or. Sept. 20. The Murphy-
i u V, ' X
U0..1..T. uumura company nave ineir .
saw mill nn t.li a CmhtroA ni... Mt,t
town about in running order. This com J
pany has made arrangements with the
Brown-Petrel Lumber Company of this
w. taivc iuc enure output or t-neir
Tin ill All l....ltn. :n J '
mill. All lumber cut will be delivered
to the mill here where it will be sur
faced and prepared for local' sale or
shipment. The Brown-Petzel Compcny
las a number of large orders on hand,
and the product of the Murphy-Gardner
Company will be of considerable
advantage to them at present.
J. B. Miller has completed his work
on the new residence of Mrs; Susan
Fenton, at Mehama, and is now at the
Johnf Bobertson place, east of Kingston;
. . 1 " ""."
where he has coramenfted a large house ,
ior Mr. JtoDertson.v k . i
The Howard Montgomery - family,
from near Scio, Tiave movod to Stayton .;
wjiere the children will have the ad-
' vantage of our schools. .. -
jvirs. jj'ranK Uaspell and children,
who have mado their home here the
past few months, have returned to As
toria, where they formerly resided, and
where Mr. Caspell is employed.
Mrs. T. W. Creech and children, of
flalem, were in Stayton On ..business
Thursday-Mk-s. - Creech will teach in
the Palem schools. She gave excellent
satisfaction in the Stayton schools last
year. ' '
Mr. .Kamer and family, of Kansas
7, I'l Te VlZ h? JTphi
Lambrccht home. Mr. Kamer is a bro-
rlea5ed:with thbpart orOr j Augnst having had the misfortune to
Norval Pishor has gone to Pendleton, I !ose bo?h eyes in a- premature explosion
where he will take n the Bound-up and i ln a mln0 in Idaho a htt,e over Tcar
visit -friejids. . j,' aga anjl Joseph being mentally deficient
Mrs. Emma Hammanef Salem, was a T" resutl of injuries received In a
visiting in town Thursday. ' j train . wreck near Black Bock several
Tuesday morning, at -' the - Catholic years ago. Another brother of the two
church, in this place, Bev. Father , men, Bene Fritz died last winter during
Lairck united in marriage Miss Anna i the epidemic of influenza in Dallas.
BoidE and Herman Foltz. The brides- The men will bo acomcpanied to Al
maid was Miss Ida Goedigheimer and 'sace-Lorain by Joseph Glath, one of the
the groomsman'Vas his brother Edward
Foltz. The brides parents reside near
bneuiurn anrt the groom's near Jordan.
ney wm mane ineir nome m mayton,
. , . ,
ding dinner was given at the home of
the groom 's parents and in tho evening
o danee at the Jordan hall. They went
to Portland for a short honeymoon tnP:iphaBized bv the fact that no family
,, 7 """"" w"K,r "
pens ine past coupie or days, owing
inv ihvi ximr a new- iiume ar. tno
jumping plnnt became, necessary.
Several hundred feet of new water
An All-Purpose
Power Plant
The Beeman Garden Tractor and Walking En
gine actually is a walking engine. It is more than ai
. portable engine it carries Jtself to any spot on the
farm where there is work" for it to do. It can be
. run up the back steps, into the kitchen, down into
the cellar, into the workshop anywhere that there
'is work to be done. . A belt pulley accompanies each
machine. '
When, properly connected up will do all of the
following and more:
Milking Machine .
Cream Separator
Fanning Mill
Feed Grinder
Pump Jack
Washing Machine
See this One-Horse Tractor. On Display at
444 Ferry Street
. Salem, Oregon. -
mains are to be laid soon, extending the
water Service, and bids will be let for
excavating up to the 26th of September.
Mrs. Bice and family, of Lyons, aiv
occupying the Andy Cornish house, hav
ing come here forjschol advantages. -
B. Q. Calavan, of Oregon City, was
visiting relatives in town the first of
the week. . '
A small party- of lady friends was
entertained at the home of Mrs.-E: D.
Alexander Friday afternoon in honor
of her birthday. It was a surprise giv
en by her daughter, Mrs. Parry. lee
cream; cake and punch were served.
During the past week several, steps
"have' been taken in the establishment
of the newer and better way of adiust-
.. . . - .
aiereM0S - Between emp.oy era
;8nd .employes voluntary mediation The
I rcsentr.tives of organized labor consld
jerod the printing trades controversy
jtna-t naa oeen nanging nre ior several
months and adjusted the same satisfae-!,lti
oruy, giving a suosranutti "
Mnr TirintnTH a month mm hut had heen
- , -o
leiceted by the unions.. ,
The new mediation plan was present-
ed to the Salem ministerial union and
endorsed unanimously by the organiza-
ljuu. iu vuuicjiub an? iu uu mrumi uuu
r j: : . : (
iur uwcuamou m me uuKico.vu jno- "preparedness is the one means of
gram, and the first public, service will dofenge aud concrete examples could be
bn hold at Dr. Kantner's churchSun-cjte(j and evidcnce 8h0wn where-corn-day
evening at which four speakers will munities realizing the need of co-opera-
u.scuss me suoje. xnere wiu e
. " 2 "V , :
v.. "-6ft""
of tho Commercial club; and. for the
inanufacturers. , , -
Employers and employes and the bnsl-
ness and civic organizations are espe-
!n ..a 1 U 3 j 1..
vu lfnu BUU umM
movement lur M-ie. ettjr - uev -
capital and labor are mutually protect-
d n.d. wdeomcd o equal terms, ' grea
Dallas Brothers Returning
To Home In Alsace At Once
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
TtalW Dr.. Sflnt. 20. .Toe and Autrast
Fritz, two brothers who. have made their
home in this city for a number. of years,
will leave next month for their old
home in Alsace-Lorain where they in
ten dto remain the balance of their
TI, mn T,olrA ,t, n nrtfli a..!.
'. ,i.
dents since coming to this country
'which incapacitates them for work,
Tiroprictors o fthe Dallas Iron works,
who will viist at his old home which Is
1 ,. ll... mamw MV HI-! h QTlWlttl I
fo retnrn to Dallas about tho first of
IU tUab WIUI1WI' ."1 I
the new year.
The healtifulncss of the Dee orchard
;i;ofrfi' in TTnml RivAr ftniintv is em-
there has ever had a death, ana tno
district lia8 n0 cemetery.
'Use The Journal Wait Ads
Circular Saw '
Emery Wheel
Corn Sheller
Onion Topper
Electric Lighting
Feed Cuttera ,
. " . . -7 t j n 'ial effortt o enter all exhibits Mon-
lamettte chapter, American Bed Cross, fla mon,illJf
has issued a general warning to aU Bed ,f aid in ;olle.ting potted Iants for
Cross auxiliaries to prepare for a pos-! ext&Ut - arrangements have been
sible , returning of the influenza this for mi mm& at the
winter. - J i following places: ' v '
It is well known among Bed Cross ;.. MrSi l,.rank L-. purvine, 1009 North
workers that , when the influenza wag pifth gtreet Mra- Boss Mo0 517 N
ragmg m the city last winter there was, Front gtreet Mrg Q Pc m
a scarcity of nurses and that in many N.rlk w- , ' -t,; . "a nr.- w r.
7 J M t. t..;J
u, y
service. It is also known that many
professional nurses have moved from
the city since last- Winter and that many
who did go into the service, do not cara
to 6gain volunteer or even to accept en-
There are today but few trained
nurses in the city and those available
arc with the hospitals. It is felt at
, , , .. . ., .. j i memoers oi me jrorunna xiorai SO
Red Cross headquarters that thecity Is ciet wiu visit ;the fair Thurada 8n(1
not prepared to withstand another In-, . ..,, . , , .
f, situation in the city and to
, tM. . ' ,v-
sued the following to all auxiliaries:
''T.nBt wfi rnrfrpt. T neem it. nerr.inent -
L ..... . " ' ,r -
,al mis um0 us J"ur cuairman ,io urgo
,, .AmKn. . .n.K.tt). h. a A
djsease known as the 'flu.' ,
. A wave 0f tllig piasue j8 inevitable
C6 it tag appea.red in Chicago and when
comes toll is taken without recard
. L .... - -b - .
- ,tioB by prompt action and . organiza-
luu" "BV-uuuu um ,uuuKw. w mio
jopuiemic una. in some instances, enureiy
-eradicating it. .'.-.' '',
:The Bed Cross has-in. a, measure
,;driven the gloom out of this trouble,
and it is. an instrument for vour wel-
. . - . . . ... ... .
tare by. its position in being able .to be
ftt your service at all times through the
bureau of home service' or department
of eivUian relief and is ev.er ready to
servo and assist you. ,,, . . . . .... j
" Every branch and auxiliary of Wil-
lamotte chapter and also every commun-
ity, is -earnestly ' requested to organize j
and should have listed with its secre
tary or sonic prominent person the name
Mu . ",m "" "Ve.jr
available nurse-and volunteer helper,
This list should be sent to the chapter
headquarters without -delay,
. Salem is expected to respond. We
want to register the names of all help
ers now. Do not wait. The call may
come anytime and we must be pre
pared." BOUND
(By United Press.)
Yesterday's -winners: Sacramento, Los
Angeles, Vernon, Seattle.
Home runs: Spencer, Bees; Fisher,
Tigers, Blue, Beavers,
A v,iti In ) Barnnfli wnn fnt 1, 11
1. 1. ... Vl'l'I.M nUU 1111
Angels over the Seals, 3 to 2.
Fisher's circuit clout in the seventn
stanza scored three runs and the Tigers
.squelched the Bees 7 to 5
The Yippers bagged another win from
the Commuters, 9 to 4,
The Beavers dropped a 9 to 7 contest
to the Bainiers.
Selected Boy Scouts To
Be Guests At State Fair
A select platoon of the Boy Scouts ot
America are to be the guests or the
state at the state fair next week, where
they will demonstrate to the visitors to
the fair just what it means to be a
scout and to live up to the principles
and ideals of the movement.
Tho boys who camp at the fair next
week will be picked from those belong
ing to troops under the jurisdiction ot
tho Salem council. The camp will be
under tho command of Scoutmaster
Glenn C. Niles, however, it is expected
that all of the scoutmr.sters of the city
willp articipate.
Upon the advices of the' .outmasters,
Scout Executive Harold L, Cook will
select the members for the camp upon
their merits as scouts.
Pastor Explains Check
Given Him For Work In
Mexico By Oil Company
Washington, Sept. 19. The Bev. Dr.
Henry Allen Tupper, pastor of the First
Baptist church of Washington, today
appeared as a voluntary witness before
the senate committee investigating Mex
ican affairs, to tell of his work in Mex
Tupper 's name was brought into the
hearing when a draft wag submitted
which he had cashed in New York. The
draft, paid to the Mexican treasurer
general by the . Haustcra Petroleum
Coal company was given Tupper by the
treasurer-general. .
Tupper said the draft waa in payment
of actual expenses during the years
1B13, 1914 and 1915 and that he repeav
rdly refused personal remuneration.
Strike Halts Shipments
Of Better Cigar Brands
And new comes troubles for the man
who has a favorite brand of eigar. Ci
gar dealers in the eityNtoday received
notice from one of the biggest eigar
factories in the country as foflowa:
"Owing to strike condition! at the
factories, we ere shipping a very lim
ited quantity of our special brands.
Until we are in a position to fill orders
prompily, our selling representative
will not make their usual trips."
Premium List Of Floral
Exhibit At Fair Will Be-
Closed Monday Morning
If exhibits are. brought to the floral
section . at the state fair before 10
o 'clock Monday, morning, no entrance
fe will be required. It is hoped by those
in charge of tho exhibit that the Sa
lem people who have flowers for exhibit
will not only: show an interest in this
display, but that they will make a spo-
. -.v., ,,,,
L ord 786 gouth High gtreet
Mmw f , im pi., ;
urge their friends to, aid in putting on
an exhiibt that will be a credit t the
city: Oregon has been taking premiums
at state fairs and even in Chicago and
members point out that the exhibit next
week should be representative .Of Ore-'
gon.' v.. ' ... '.-:
Members of the Portland Floral so-
- " .1Z "L7' Z Vw
at noon and m the evening. Mrs. E. W.
Wallace- is in charge of the commitee
' with Mrs. W. P. Lord as chairman, as-
by Mrs. J! ran 1j. Corvine, Mrs.
D j Frv jr Qdii Ohf-iimm. nj
J' ry "''. M18S uaa P
Miss Mabel Robertson.
: ..
Deals In Real Estate t
: J.H . Bobbins to J-. W. Savage, part
pf lot 7, block 6, Worth Salem
i , jeB8ie Kobe t0 C. W. Stewart, part of
block 5. Koberts addition
G. L. Adams to H. W. Cooley, part of
lots 3 and 4, Cartwright 'a addition.
Minerva Reynolds to George Wincholl
part of block 8, -Bobcrts addition. '
Y :
A. :C. , Anderson to Georgo Mutt, . 24
acres in A.' F. Palaqiiin claim, 42-5-2 W,
h. C. Kaup to Marie Karv 3 acres
in s! Pe'uter claim 52-7-3 W. " ' . ;
.... Aumsville State Bank to J T " Lin-
ville, 5 acres in J. McHally claim 44-
g-x 'Vf . . . .. ... .
p, S. Keefer to E. A. Slover, lot 8,
block 69, North Salem.
H. W. Blair to E. M. Croisan, part
of block 24, Capital Park addition,
P. W. Lafferty to E. M. Croisan, part
of block 24, Capital Park addition,
J. H. Scott to J. M.' Bush, lot 9, block
27, Capital Park addtiion.
E. M. McKee to May Pontious, lot 11,
black 6, Richmond addition; $2250.
A. L. Hayes to JameB Clubb. 10.50
acres in BE parter section 10-5-1 W.j
$2000.- ; -. :
Henry Loro'tz to Oliver Beers, 60.30
acres in W. M. McKinloy claim 55-10-2
W.; 9000. :
2 Days 0nly-Tomorfow--Monday
You'll Laugh
And Thrill
And Glow
Like Any Kid
At a Circus
When You See
Charles Ray
As .
"Bill Henry"
A Lloyd Comedy
: Since May 21, when the law became
effective requiring that a certificate of
the cohnty clerk be filed with the sec
retary of state where a chattel mortgage
covered a motor vehicle or migratory
chattel, as designated in tho act; notices
havo .been received at the offices of tho
secretary of state of the filing of ap
proximately 3840 chattel mortgages in
tho, various counties of Oregon' 1
Tho purpose of the law is to provide a
central clearing house for chattel mort
gages on motor vehicles, and provides
that upon the filing of a chattel mort
gage by the comity clerk, he shall certi
' fy to the secretary of state the names
of the parties to the instrument, with a
description of the property mortgaged
and pay a fee of oO cents therefor.
. Since' the law went into effect tho
secretary of stato has collected $1920
in fees which have been turned over to
the state treasurer for the credit of tho
goneral fund, tojae used in the payment
of governmental expenses.
Statement of the number of mort
gages on motor vehicles filed in the var
ious counties and certified by the coun
ty clerks to the secretary - state. fol
lows: . Baker, 04; Benton, 63; Clackamas, 93;
Clatsop,- 31; Columbia, 28; Coos, 41;
Crook, 22; Curry, 2; Deschutes, 107;
Douglas, 155; Gilliam, 16; Grant, 14';
Harney, 19; Hood Eiver, 35; Jackson,
219; Jpscphinc, 23; Klamath, 45; Lake,
30;. Lane, 86; Linn, 64;. Malheur, 112;
Marion, 89; Morrow, 62; Multnomah,
1644; Polk, 43; Sherman, 57; Tillamook,
38; Umatilla, 159; Pnion, 185; Wallowa,
100; Wasco, 44; Washington, 50; Wheel
er, 11; Yamhill, 63. , .,
Falls City Youths Will Be
. Stock Judges At State Fair
1 (United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Dallas, Or., Sept. 20. L. J. Allen, pig
club organizer from the Oregon Agricul:
ttural college, was in Falls City this
week selecting a number of membors of
the pig club in that city to net as judges,
during tho state fair in Salem next
week. A pig judging team will also
judge the stock at the Polk county fair
next month.
'. Tho many friends of Lieutenant
Brnce McDaniel are welcoming him
home after his two years of service in
foreign lands. Lieutenant McDnniel,
upon doffing his army uniform with its
four gold stripes plans to return to
Stanford university where he will re
sume his studios which he dropped at
the time of his enlistment.
Five more teachers are needed for the
schools of Umatilla county.
Tractor or Pleasure
in 30 Minutes
See this lightning change tractor attachment at the
fair next week. See this tractor plow with two 14
inch bottoms just like the larger tractors and all for
Oleson's Auto Exchange
349 N. Commercial St.
Job Printing
'" ' '- "'..!' '.'"'..''.' '' '
Capital Journal
Office j
ItllMHtlMHtlHUtttlHtnttfttlt'"""1" I
"Bill Henry's'
And Be
Jazz Act