Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 20, 1919, General News Section, Image 20

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Church Notices
All church notice intended
far publication in the Saturday
issue of The Capital Journal
must 1e in the office hf 3
o'clock Friday afternoons.
Church of Christ Scientist
First Church of Christ (Scientist, Sun
day service is held at 440 Cbemeketa
street at 11 a. m., subject of Bible lesson
"Matter." Sunday school at 0:45 a.
nt. Wednesday, evening testimonial
meeting at 8 p. m. Beading room, SOS
.Masonic temple, open every day except
Sunday end holidays from 11:13 to 3
p. n. Allnrc invited to our services and
to our reading room.
ular serviees Sunday. C T. Doty will
conduct Sunday school at 10 a. m., new
scholars present last Sunday. The pas
tor, P. W. Launer, will preach at 11 a.
m. on the subject, "Getting the House
in Order," Isi. 38:1. At 7:15 p. m. the
V. P. .A. will bo led by Linden Launer.
Sermon at 8 p. m.
Jason Lea Memorial Church. ,
Corner Winter and Jefferson streets,
Thomas Acheson, pastor. The program
for Sunday, September SI, is as follows:
Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., Charles Hage
nmn in charge, classes for all ages under
the care of capable teachers. A spe
cial Invitation Is extended to all who
are looking for a congenial Sunday
streets, H. C. Stover, pastor. A combined
service of the Sunday school and morn-1
ing worship at 10 a. m., Mrs. Burton
E. Edwards, superintendent of Sunday !
school. Christian Endeavor at 7:13 p. t
in. Evening service at 8 p. m. -
- - : .- . ! . : .
Evangelical Church. , ''
Cottage street, near Center. Sunday j
school at 10. a. m. Divine worship and !
preaching at 11 tiv m., subject for the
sermon, "Man's Part in God's Work."
There will be no church in the evening,
the congregation will unite with the
Baptist service. O. L. Lovell, pastor.
Court Street Christian Church.
Corner of North Seventeenth and
Court streets. Remember everybody,
there is only one more week of the cam
paign against Mr.-Summer Slump, Bo
on hand Sunday and next time every
body and we have him licked. The adult
classes are in chargo of the Bible school
Among theVal
ley Pioneers r
NOTE Brief new notes concern
ing and of Interest to the pio
neers of tba Willamette Valley :
nill hereaftef be a regular fea
ture of The Capital Journal.
Contributions are Invited.
'Findley Party Reports
I Hunting And Fishing On
Upper Umpqua Good
Hopewell Church Scene Of
Double Wedding Sunday
Dr. M. C. Findley, who has been on
a hunting and fishing expedition, in
company with . his two sons, Albert
Pressley and Darwin Ingalls, of Grant)
Pass, returned to. the city this morn
Hag. They report a- grand time on the
Upper Umpqua river, where they found
. Old Residents Are Dead!"cellent huutiue-' baeine such nu
; . ; . . '.. jber of deer that it was difficult to
:".;,. ' " I take care of it. Their trip took them
David Walker Scars, a former resident '57 miIc8 from the raiiroad and Within
of Polk county, , died September' 9th 20 miles of Diamond Lake, where t.e
near nuerwooa, at the age or iv years "t oux us wiia as ii was ion
Three Of Polk County's
and three days.
First United Brethren Church.
Yew Park. Bible study at 10 a. m.
J'uMie worship at 11 a. m, subject,
"friendship for the Friendless."
Young People's meeting at T:30 p. m. ' features
Joltu r . Thompson, leader. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all who desire
to eonfti and worship with us. C. W.
Ovt'.v, pastor.
Evangelical Church.
The Evangelical church, Seventeen!!
ind I'hemeketa streets, will hold its reg-
meeting, 7 p. m. A special rully pro
gram will be rendered. Voting people
of North Salem cordially invited. Even-
ng servico, 8 o'clock, subject, "The
Man Whom No Man Helps." Special
Music by the chorus choir
led by Professor Clark j sermonette for
children at morning service. Wo cor
dinlly invite the public to.worship with
us. . Don't forget prayer meeting Thurs
day, 8 p. m.
in the original chaos. They made the
trip without mishap, the only exciting
moment hptnir wh,n nnn t Ho naul?
Mrs. Baeliel Todd, ft widow, died at horses with two doer carcasses across
Come and -bring someone with her home on Leveson street, September 'the saddle, lost its footing on the trail
held Sunday ,ancl "'1 11110 d"cp ravine, landing in
hancl unit mi- i b,u,"P"-u neap wiiu ji neau unuer lis
soloist and graduate of the Eugene I ' , .
Bible university, will sing a solo. This' "' 7Z ' ., ' """"
U her laHt !,,. with .he .t.,rn lBr0WI1 llcd at th fan",.T hom Just
scnooi nomc. j-uonc worsnip, 11 a. m., :you. unite s-iiuvi promptly in iv a. m. io.i, Plnrtli ,;., ,-
u.l.i.,, Tl,n t"7.i r.f Antin. , ' TWn ,ill l tnr Hw. .I, il.l r.. ., I " l Vl 9 Wl re
Vnl'e nf Wnrda'" Plua merttnir 19-ls'liV the. MMiar. Kiiul nmi rtnrino at H a. m. at Chapman's c
tv m -Rnwiivtl, Lesatln iWntliutol hnn,. nf wnrah'.n. Mi. haJtii. Miteliell. 'I""""1' was ill L O, O. F. ce
body in a pool of water. Had tne
parry not been on the spot to render first
aid it might have been a serious matter
for the animal, which escaped without
any great injury. Dr. Findley will make
V, . ZL tiiia ,Ti, ; . ; 'orth of Dallas, early Sundav morning,!""' - '"-,a -' maley wl," mttKC
?.UBC.ag!1V.ll8.fu11 Kttend ?''e. I September 14. after a linwrine illnesl.' "' " tuwu' PeudiuS 10
The morning
Central Congregational Church.
Corner South Nineteenth and Ferry
The Hishtst Clan Talking Machint in thi World
The Choice of Experts!
AT the close of the Panama-Pacific .
JTjL Exposition, Mr. O. H. Fernbach,
Secretary International Award
System, wrote the following from
San Francisco: ;
w "I beg to inform you that the only
Jury which heard and tested all the ,
Exposition recommended that
theSonora be given a marking fortone
quality higher than that given to any.
Read this over again. Note the
words "all of the phonographs," "tone
quality," "marking" and "higher.".
Then hear a Sonora (which plays
ell makes of disc records perfectly
without extra attachments) and find
out tor yourself why expert judges
gave the decision which they did.
. f
Superb models $50 to flOOO
n ti.rMT.".-:i
";vi"; I : HI
LaL , , '
MV:J 1 f B f'JtJ'J'l"Ti'JVVKI I Irt" V "f!l HMV
t Iff
While you are visiting the 58th
Annual State Fair we would he
pleased to have you come in and
hear the Sonora Demonstrated.
Myrtle Knovland
415 Court Street
University of Oregon.
YouiLg Peoj
Song service aim sermon, s p.
jeet, "The Leading Question.' There
will be no prayer meeting this week on
account of the' 'Mate fair. Remember
.... , .,.: w, i,i,i t rinn "i"v iureuouu ai me xseaconess n OS-
"The Supremacy of the Bible." "noral seTueos were held at Ump. ,
ri.u:o vAnvr. t, man's chapel Tuesdav afternoon and in- J " ' , 1 wave ior a
Christian Endeavor, 6 p. m. , , J" . D n .---t- Ttm 'further outing with his family, not re--eople's
society meeting, 7 p. m. J1 WM ln D"lla8 ""etery.Item-, to . uuti, fmt o
rviee and sermon, 8 p. m.. sub-, ' - ' ' October. -
Mrs. Margaret Williams.
In Yukiina, Washington, on August
the Bungalow restaurant at the fair -"' '1' ' , """um
Mounds .nd be mv hand, tor aitn.i,uK ui Vi'Hun auu anmn
end support. W extend a cordial wel
come to students in our city to worship
with tis. Friends always welcome. H. L.
'Putnam,' pastor.
: ' " j
St. Paul's Church.
Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity:
7:30 n. in., holy communion; 9:45 a. m.,
church school; 11 a. in., morning prayet
and sermon, "The Law of Increase";
7:30 p. m., evening prayer and address,
"Sabbath Best and Worship." Every
body welcome. Charles H. Powell, roc
tor. ' . .
Handley, early pioneers of Oregon and
residents of McMinnville for years.
Margaret Alice Handley was born on
the old donation claim home near Dun
dee on January 11, 1859. She was a stu-
"New Map of Africa," a history of
Tirst Methodist Episcopal Church.
Corner State and Church streets. Class
dent in the McMinnville college for 11'" P"s"n auu uipio-
ome years; she was married to W. T.T!Z bytHoi'bert Gl,b,boDS- .
Williams f Pullman, Wash., on October ' tlu " "f tra
il, 1882. She was the mother of seven ve b 7 Low' . ' '
children three of whom preceded herL. "o -Kico, past and present and
tf the better lnd.-Telcphue-egistcr. vtT"18 ' 7
George Allen ' I " t!ncn,ica seovery and invention of
Oregon City, Or., dept.. 20.-Punerl i" lw"uut cenxury, uy xv, a. tu
services for the late George Allen of
this city was held Monday at 2:30 from ''Automobiles, Vol. I, "of the Inter
file Allen home at 1006 Jackson street, llatl0aI Correspondence Schools refer
i .i.. xir xb i.ji . in i-nce library, meluduiir sections on easo-
meeting at 8:15 a. m .Sunday school at . hXm ;itB, ' t Sat- ii,le automobiles, electric ignition, trans-
u.l.i n. in . .Intin w. 'Indrl. umiiti-intnntl- .
ent. The pastor will speak at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. The young people's or
ganizations will meet at 6:30 p. m. This
is rally day, let every young person ral
ly. Music at both gorvices by the chorus
choir directed Uv.Prof. John R. Sites.
, u, ii. an iLk t th. .,. t As' mission and control mechanism, bearing
years. He is survived by his widow, jBlld lubrication and automobile tires.
Mrs. Kate Allen of Oregon Citv, and1 "Design motifs" of the I. C. 8. ref
it, . i-niinwi..,, .hiMroi.. m,. .. k. wf. !" "biary which contains also sec-
Kazarena Church,
Nineteenth and Marion streets, one
block south of Cheineketa car line on
Nineteenth. Sunday school at 0:45 a.
in., W. B. Hurdy, superintendent. Preach
nig services at 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. hi.
Young People's Bible study at 6:30
p. m. Midweek prnyor meeting Wed
nesday evening at 7:30 o'cluck. One
week from Sunday thore will be a Sun
day school fiilly with a surprise pro
gram. Come over and see wlint we ar9
doing. A. Wells, pastor; 1'lorence Wells,
deaconess., . " -'.: i
the following children :; Mrs Eva Wal-1
lace and William Allen of Oregon City,
and Mr Maude Pendleton of Wood
burn; also by eight grandchildren. Joe
Allen, son of deceased, died in France
April 2i of thisycar, while in the
Service of his countrv.
Mrs. Olive Winton
' Astoria, Or., Sept. 20. Mrs, Olive
tion on design composition, space fill
ing, color in design and historic Btyles.
: "Pive plays" including "Gods of the
Mountains" and "King Argimenes" by
I,ord Dunsany.
"Toward the gulf," poems by the
author of " The Spoon River anthology"
K Ii. Masters.
Such nonsense," an anthology tv.
Winton, widow of the late Judge Fred-' 1,u"1,Jr. hl Carolyn Wells.
crick D. Winton, and one of the best' "Htoi de France," a simpl,
known residents of western Oregon, died i r,onrch1 hito b' EJnf8t 1
f,.,.,i r... iKt,ij x. .'.,..' "International who's w
ho in music
lerer from diabeteV-for-inorc than four1,1""1, musical gazetteer," a reference
ears - ioook.
Three daughter, all born in this city,!. "ca of Barnigat," a sea story
and including Mrs.;W.t J. Bohon, of Port
land, survive.
, . first Presbyterian Church.
Thoiima 8. Anderson, minister. 8ub
bnth school at 0:45 a. m., Jos. II. Albert,
superintendent, classes for all. Morning
worship at 11 o'clock, theme, "Pro-
Kurrouuding Mountains." Young Pco- .Covenant; A Lasting Peace Assured."
r,le m.i vi,.,. t 7 n. ... nil the vnlIn "onus no puoiic re cormauj inviieu.
I people invited. Evening worship et S Boats free, no collection.
o'clock, subject, "How to Troperly
Measure Time from livening to Morn
ing" Everybody cordially welcome
Tirst Christian Church.
Corner Center and High streets, two
blocks north of the Court house. Bible
M'hool nt 0:4.i a. in. Church services at
11 a, in., closing promptly at noon.
Fvi'iiing seivecesst 7:3(1 o'clock. Please
note the earlier evening hour This is
common xvitli all the other churches of
the city. Mrs. Byerly will sing nt both
services nnd tho orchestra will be hoard
at tho Sunday school hour end the even
ing service. Morning sermon, "A Little
Child Shall Lend Them"; evening,
"The Cross We Bear." There will bo
no midweek meetings tlio coining week.
Lelnud W. Porter, pastor.
by Russell Smith
"Amnlia, " a novel of South Amer
ican setting by Jos MarmoU
For the Children.
Happy tales for story time," by K.
L. Skinner.
"The banner of the white horse," a
a. m. to 12 n. Study in Sixth Vol. and
Tabernacle Shadows. Junior class, 10 f
a in. to 11 a. in, S. E. Ranger will .
snenlc in the hnll nt. .2;30 n. m. on the!
. - . 1 B l i. .. ni r
subject "The Ratification of tho New , ""c vl " '"'l11"' ) w"
"The Mystery of Rain Island," a
story by Joseph B. Ames.
"The sandman's fore-st," a story for
Inrgc person to read to smnll persons,
by Louis Dodge.
Stayton Lumber Firm Gets
Contract For State Work
Froo Methodist Church.
Sunday services: Sunday school nt 10
a. m.; preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:4." p.
m,; prenclnng Wednesday night at 8
o'clock by Rev,' V. I Burns prayer
meeting Thursday, 8 p. m.; cottage pray
er meeting nt 1463 North Winter street
Wednesday at a p. nt.; ioung People s
meeting Sunday at 6:45 p. in. All are
welcome. W. J. Johnston, pastor.
''AU maladies of racking torture
qualms, iut raking rheuiiys fierce
catarrh, intestine stone and ulcer chot
ic, piiugs, nmrusmus, dropsies, asthmas,
pining atrophy, moping melancholia,
moonstruck madnesa, what miseries"'
This is the stntoiof man or woman
suffering from poiaoued blood. Read
what theU. dispensatory and other
authoritative books sny in -regard to
the ingredients entering into "Num
ber 40 for the 'Blood": "Employed in
diseases of the glandular system, in
blood poison, mercurial and lead pois
oning, rheumatism, catarrh, constipa
tion, diseased liver, kidneys and spleen.
Under its use nodes, tumors, sores, ul
cers, mucous niches, copper colored
spots and scrofulous enlargements dis
appear us if by magic." Insist on
' Number 40. " made by J. C. Menden
hnll, Kvausvillc, Indiana, 40 years e
Sold by Schacfers drug store.
'New Methodist Church Is
Proposed For Silverton
Catholic Church,
On Sunday morning at the 10:30 mass
There is a possibility that a nMt
Methodist church will be erected in
Silverton during the coming year. In
the pastor, will speak on a subject of (fttt,t it is very probable that such will
lntcrcstt o everyone, "How tho Bible i, the ense. Rev. XV I,, i'lcnner has
Clime into Kxistence." At the snnie'i,,,,,,. ,i,! f .. ,;,,. it s.
time he will explain just what, position 'lrarnii ,!,, the Tlm mission of the
the Bible holds iu tho Outholic church. Methodist ehnrph h. offered to nav
Fveryone is most cordially invited. Low 'aoiiar for dollar toward an edifice in
mass with sermon by-Rev. Father De-. Silverton. In nthnr words. If the wonle
rouin at 7:30 a. m. Benediction follows f thi. ..,mmn;i. aio mift the
Inst mass. Choir boys 0t the sanctuary xrnm ,:;,, w:i'B.i,n ,ntribute a like
will practice on Saturday afternoons at ',,. mnkhiir it nossible to secure a
o ciock, nun catecnism will De taucht -n nnn i.n.ii,. M,.tu,Hrf :
at 8 o'clock the ssme day. Rev. J. R. pr011rtv.!Thi8 U the plan now in !WM wwkinK n" tlle fr"8nCT- Ju
Buck, pastor. 'progress and Rev. Flenner belie that!80"'" "'"f'. f roek ! from
it can be consummated during the com-'. . k , , '
ing conferenee, Appeal.
The Brown-Petzel Lumber company
of Stnvton were awarded the contract
to furnish the lumber for the buildings
at the camp that the state is putting
up on the old Porter place near Auras
ville. About 10,000 feet will be useu.
The big truck from the penitentiary is
here today after some of the material.
The camp is being established for "the
purpose of cutting a large amount of
wood for the state institutions. The
work to be done by convict labor.
Popular Youne- Pwinle Of
Polk County Are Married
A pretty homo wedding was solemn
ized Sunday, September 14, at the home
f Mr .and Mrs. I. F. T&tom, of Rick
rcall, when their only daughter, Elta
M., became the bride of Clarence R.
Brown of Dallas. The parlor was beauti
fully deeorated with bows of walnut,
sweet peas and ruses. The bride wore a
beautiful gown of blue taffeta and car
ried a boquet of Madam Caroline Test
cut roses. After the ceremony, whieh
was. performed at high noon by the
grandfather of the groom, Rev. W. Bar-
ham, a delicious chicken dinner was serv
ed. Itemiser.
Art McKenzie suffered quite a pain
ful accident Tuesday morning while he
Associated Bible Students.
Meet at Moose hall, Sunday from 10
i -v
This most nnurkablc remedy tL ; .
causes tin stomach to act nam- fci -v
rally and keeps the bowels open,
13 purely vegetable, producing
only highly beneficial resjuta.
Vi Muk' rf ChUn.'. hnk
Absolutely lurmleaa eomptet for
Bala ea evary botilcily very beat
innndients uL At U atfaawa.
Prominent Silverton Girl
Is Bride Of Portland Man
tting a large gash. He was brought to
the offioe of Dr. Brewer where the in
jury was taken care of. Mail
J. O, Perry ',
Miss Mae Scott of this city, daughter
of Mrs. W. W. Scott, and one of the
prominent society Indies of the city, was
trarried in Portland . on Wednesday,
September 10, to A. E. Smith. The
wedding took place at the home of the
groom's parents,
A. E. Smith" is a son of Mr. Smith one
of the owners of the Grant, Smith &
Porter shipyards in Portland. He is a
graduate of the Monmouth Normal, and
Is now employed at Urge Portland
factory as assistant foreman. Mr. nn
IMm Smith wilt reside at 224 1 4th street
I ortls nd. A ppesl.
tvi3 rapidly Improve your
connexion by arousingtha
fiver and petting stomach
and tlood In good order.
Unaet Sat f AT MeaViM fca the WarUL
aaasaa. iw. a.
A double wedding was solemnized on
Sunday at the Hopewell church, when
George Dewey WolfcT and Florence May
Mishler, both of Hubbard, and Simon
M. Hochstctler of Woodburn, and Min
erva Herschberger of Hubbard , were
married by the Rev. C. P. BontrageT,
pastor of tho Albany Mcnnonite church.
The Walla Walla city commission has
passed ar. ordinance fixing "the penal
ty for automobile speeding at 41 a
mile. ." .. .. .... . . . - '
Salem Masons Assist In
; Initiation At Turner
The Masons held forth at their hall ia
Turner Tuesday night, having on hand
the iniation of a Mr. Wallace from near
Aumsville, members from the Salem
sudge putting on the work which was
done in a verv creditable and impress
sive manner. A banquet' was served la
the hall below, consisting of sandwiehc
peaches and cream, cake, ice cream RnS
coffee, ladies of the Eastern Star assist
ing the Mason brothers in serving their
guests. Several toasts were given and a
splendid time enjoyed until a late horn.
--'Tribune. -- -. . . ... . - .
1 - "i . .it
State f Mr
September 22-27
The government's giant
"Victory Show"
Composed of trophies captured on European battle
fields by American soldiers, and exhibits from the
agricultural, naval and war departments, will be
shown for the first time. The greatest horseshow
ever staged in the Northwest will be held evenings '
in the new coliseum. There will be a colossal array
of magnificent exhibits representing the state's
great industries and resources, a superb racing pro
gram, ancfthe best of amusements and attractions.
Remember the dates September 22-27.
Ala H aLja.
Secretary, Salem.
Job Printing
Capital Journal
w t I M4 it . t tttW"