Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 20, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THE principal -.social event of the
week, was the meeting of the
Bridge luncheon club at the beau
tiful home of Mrs. John J. Roberts on
State street, "Wednesday afternoon. As
is customary, the prettily appointed
luncheon was served at one o'clock,
and was followed by a pleasant after
soon of bridge. The luncheon tables
were artistically, centered with, ornate
.season flowers and the hostess was as
sisted in serving 'by Mrs. Fritz Hlade,
Mrs. Dan IFry, Jr., Mrs. Frederick
Thinlsen and Mrs. William Lytlo.
Additional guests of the club were
Mrs. W. E. De Beek of Vancouver, B.
C, Mrs. William Ball of Portland, Mrs.
Milton Meyers, Miss Margaret Oosper,
Mrs. Zadoc iRiggs and Mrs. William
Walton. '
. This was : the , last meeting of . the
season series. A week from Monday
the members will meet at the home of
Mrs. Henry W. Meyers for the distribu
tion of prizes and a new series will be
gin. '
; Honoring Mrs. Fritz Slado, who left
for San Francisco Thursday, Mrs. T. A.
Livesley Bpntertained a coterio of
One of the prettiest affairs of the
past week was the informal party giv-.
en at the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday night
for the members of the association and
for those girls in the city who axe in
terested in the wonderful work that
the Y. W. C. A. is doing. The guest of
honor for the evening was Miss Fake,
the new girls and club secretary who
has recently token np her new duties
in the city. The attractive living room
was gayly decorated with Japanese
sun flowers, and the tables in tht din
ing room were daintily centered with
marigolds, lending a cheery effect to
the pleasant surrounding. About 40
guests were present.
Before the war interrupted the social
activities-of the Y. W. .'.- A. and filled
the members' minds and lives with the
responsibilities of patriotic work to be
accomplished, it was customary for 'the
sociisl committee to sponsor an infor
mal gathering once every month. These
little social events added to the con
genial atmosphere of the association
and enabled the young ladies to muke
interesting and beneficial acquaint
ances with persons of educational and
friends with, an informal dinner party social standing. The committee plunB
Wednesday .night. The table was at
tractively centered with variegntod au
tumn flowers and covers were laid for
Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts Mrs. Fritz
Wlade, Mr. and Mrs. J. it. Van Dorcn,
Mr. Van Dorsn, Mrs E W. De Beck of
Vancouver, B. C. and Mr. and Mrs. T.
A. Livcsley .
; The first meeting of tho P E. 0. Sis
terhood was held at the home of Mrs.
W. F. Kirk on Piety Lane, Thursday
afternoon. Tho house was prettily dec
orated with season 'a flowers, and a
pleasant afternoon was spont, culmi
nating with the serving of dainty re
freshments, -Plans were made for the
to resume these activities and the de
lightfut" party last Wednesday was one
of a series that will rival each other
in pleasurable enjoyment.
Murray Wade was responsible for a
delightfully informal luncheon at the
Marion hotol at noon, Tuesday, honor
Although the engagement of Miss
Marie Chittendan to Archibald M. Jer
man has been an open secret "among
her intimate friends, the forsial an
nouncement is causing quite a-. Btir
I among the members of the younger so
jcial set. Miss Chitte'ndan is one of the
most universally popular young women
'in the city. She is the daughter of
Mrs. F. M. Chittendan of North Water
street and a graduate of the local high
school, and during her attendance
there was a leader in school activities.
She was later a student of Herolda col
lege in San Francisco. Mr. Jerman is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Jerman
and well known in the city. He is a
graduate of Willamette university and
Mt. Angel college. The wedding will
be an event of early October.
Mrs. John Carson will leave tomor
row for Washington, D. C, where she
will represent Salem at the first an
nual convention of the American War
Mothers which opens in that city on
October 1st. She will be joined in Kan
sas City by Mrs. A. A. Lee who is vis
iting there and who will also attend
the conference. Before returning home
Mrs. Carson will visit in Toronto, Can
Mrs. E. (Fritz Slade (Marjorie Mar
vin) left Thursday for San Francisco
where she will make her home. Mr.
Blade is now connected with the fed
eral reserve bang of that city in the
capacity of examiner.
Organized women are asking them
selves whether they have the right, as
federated bodies, to take formal ac
tion on the league of nations and the
attendant peace treaty which involves
tho far east. Individually the women
have their opinions, just as the men
of the Btate have, based on more or less
serious study. Only a few of Oregon's
women g organizations have gone on
record as approving the league of na-
'publisher of the Daily Capital Journal,
and -Charles H. (Fisher, who has gone
to Eugene to reside. ' Nearly all the
guests at the luncheon are at present
engaged in newspapor work, or have
been connected with it in past yenrs.
Short speeches on Vital subjects were
made by -Mr. Fisher Mr. Putnam, Mr.
Beckebach. Colonel Hofer. Mr. Hend-
waring season, which promises to be ,ncks Mr. McC'roskoy and Mr. Upjohn.
oa replete with interesting gatherings.,11. was the mo8t successful affair of its
Mrs. II. E. Bolinsnr will .hn linstnu. tn I kli ever given in the city. Covers
ing Coorge; Putnam new editor and tions. Among the first was the Progres-
the members at the next meeting.
' Newcomers in the city are Mr. and
Mrs, T. M. le
have- come from
10 taKe up tnoir permanent residence in
wore laid for Charles H. Fisher, George
Putnam, . Frank Davey, Rv J, Hend
ricks, A. L. Llndbnck, 8. A. Stone, Lau-
Long and daughters who Tenee Ht,for Muray Wade, Mr. Pres
om St. Paul, Minnesota, cott "ry Cram, Colonel Hofer,
ir .permaiiont residence ini.PrBult Dockebaoh T. E. McCrosltey, D.
u, tpjolin, Kicnnrd Hansen, Mrs. Hy
ron F. Brinik and Miss Carol Diblo. '".
HorlickY the Original
Malted Milk Avoid
Imitations &Substitute8
Miss Stnnis Andresen and Miss Thol
ina Blessing returned from Portland
Thursday night after sevoral days vis
it in the metropolis with relatives and
friomls. '
wlifiiwwB yawWa,li.il.J..i.u,auii,l1J
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f li'few'l V1
' . 1'- M-a
Mr. B. Fnti Slado (Marjorie Marvin) who has gone to Sun Francisco.
' 1 " to reside. , .
sive Woman's league.
Whether the state federation, to be
held a Corvallis October, 13 to 16 in
clusive, will act on the subject, is not
yet known. Whether an executive
group of women could assume the pow
er to speak for tho whole body of the
state's club women, is a matter to be
thought out carefully.
Child welfare, Americanization and
educational subjects will be thrashed
out during the convention. Among
those heading the work will bo the
president, Mrs. Charles H. Castner,
Hood Kiver, Mrs. Millio I. Trumbull,
Mrs. J. A. Pettitt, of. Portland, Miss
Alattie Beatty of Salem; Mrs. A. B.
Uordley, Corvallis. Among the . noted
speakers will ibe President Kerr of the
Oregon Agricultural college.
The opening moeting will be held in
the club house of the Corvallis Wo
man's club. All other meetings will bo
held in rresbyterian church.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Lytle are in
Pendleton attending the Roundup. Mrs.
Lytle is the sistor of James, George
and Dr. David iB. .lill of that city.
Mrs. Edward Waller was gracious
hostess at a meeting of he Woman's
auxiliary at her home yesterday after
noon. The rooms were prettily decorat
ed with "pink roses and dahliBS. This
being the regular monthly meeting of
the society tho usual business session
was held followed bv a social hour
and the serving of delicious refresh
ments About seventeen women were
present, additional guests of the aux-.
iliary Jbeing Mrs. Sarah Rogers of Bv-'
anston, Illinois, Mrs, Van Winkle and
Mrs. Edward Lord.
The many friends of Viola Vercler
Holmnu will -be deeply interested to
learn tf her departure for China,
where she plans to remain a year while
her husband fills a professional .en
gagement. Mrs. Holman is a noted vio
linist, and has won laurels for herself
in San Francisco, Salt Lake, Chicago
and a number of targe eastern cities, j
and she intends to engage in solo
work, with both her violin and saxa-
phonc, during her stay, in the orient.
Mr. and Mrs. Holman sailed for the
far east during the latter part of Au
gust, and their numerous friends are
Usngprly awaiting news of their arrival
and 'settlement.
Tuesday will be Woman 's day at the
state fair and special attention will
bo given to women's clubs and soci
eties on that day. Tuesdnv, Wednes-'
day nnd Thursday are likewise tho
days of tho horse show and as usual
the affair-will toe. decidedly a social
one, niBiiv "of the members of the smart
sets of Portland and Salem being in
terested in it. The names of the local
women who will act. as, patronesses on
the various evenings have not yet been
made public tout the .Portland women
are Mrs, James H. Murphy, Mrs. Ralph
H. Jenkins, Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur. Mrs.
W. W. Sanderson Mrs Matt MeDou
gnl and Miss Carrie Flanders.
1 Mrs.- David -Eyre and children are
spending tho week end in 'Portland,
i ' Ii '.
i f ... -j
JJ-NSraiBLE-omposcd of violin students 'of Mi.. Elizabeth Levy, who will appear at state fair, Tuesday rve
n.uff. Last ; year when these young musie'ans played tho new anditorin m was taxed to capacity ,,d the ren-t-
ditum ol thetr selections wss praHfd by jromiuent musin critics of th e state.
rHE official call for the- nineteenth
I annual convention of the Oregon
ederation of Women s clubs,
wnicn win De Held m Oorvallis October
13, 14, 15 and 16, was issued Wednes
day by the president. Mrs. Charles H,
Castner, ef Hood River. Following is
me can; :
"The opening meeting and reception
will be held in the club house of the
Corvallis Woman's club Monday eve
ning, October 13, at 8 o'clock. All other
sessions will he held in the Presbyter
ian church. , ;
'"Delegates leaving from Portland
will take the 1 o'clock p. m. red elec
tric train Monday, October 13 which
leaves from the Union station and ar
rives at Corvallis at 4.35 p. nn Dele
gates rrom south of KoseDurg may ar
rive in Corvallis from Albany at 1;20
p. m. over the Southern Pacific. No re
duced rates are obtainable.
"Each club in the federation shall
be entitled to two delegates, one - of
whom shall tie the president or her ap
pointee. Clubs of 50 shall be entitled to
three delegates. For each additional 50
members, clubs shall be entitled to one
additional delegate. Every eity, coun
ty or district federation having lu
clubs shall be entitled to two delegates
one of whom shall be the president or
her appointee, and one additional dele
gate for every 20 additional clubs.
"Only one federation shall bo rec
ognized in city, county or district. No
delegate may represent more than one
club or have more than one vote. The
delegates, executive board, past pres
idents and chairmen of standing com
mittees shall constitute the voting
oody. .
"Club reports will be given Tuesday
and Thursday at noon luncheons. Pres
idents will respond from where they
are seated at the table, telling in three
minutes only the most important activ
ity of their club for the past year. He
ports of clubs having no personal rep
resentative will be filed with the re
cording secretary.
"Ten minutcswill be allowed for the
reports of standing committees.
"Beports of all clubs and chairmen
of committees must foe . type written
and filed with the recording secretary.
"Eesolutions will be read and acted
upon each day. All resolutions must ibe
in the hands of the resolutions com
mittee 'before noon Wednesday.
' All officers, delegates or alternates
and chairmen of. standing committees
will be provided with rooms and break-f
fasts by the hostess chisb .
"It is important if the delegates
wish to be properly cared tor, that tne
names be sent as soon as possible to
the chairman of,the credentials com
mittee, Mrs. A. B. Cordley, Corvallis,
and to the state corresponding secre
tary, Mrs. J. A. Pettit, 879 East Tay
lor street, Portland. .
"The program committee has fleem
ed it wise to make some changes in re
porting the activities of the past year.
Owing to war conditions standing com
mittees were able to do little worn ana
this 'being a year -for a change of ad
ministration, with possible changes of
committee chairmen, it seemed best ta
eliminate committee conferences and
give more time to speakors who have
vital messages for club women. We
will therefore Uav a- speaker from the
state board of vocational education,
one from tho national "social service
bureau upon Americanization and one
from the newly created child welfare
commission. Ample time is to tie giv
en for delegates to inspect the Agricul
tural college -and .dclighttui mncneon
followed bv convocation on the earn-
pus is to be given for the delegates
by the college faculty. President Kerr
will deliver an address at this session.
'The musieal features promise to be
delightful and. will give the club, wo
men an opportunity to learn of this
phase of life at the college.
'This year bids fair to eclipse any
former year in attendance. See that
your club sends a full delegation and
let us turn onr eyes toward s renewed
activity in clubdom."
Tho call also contains the amend
ments, to the constitution, which will be
offered. The most vital of these asks
that the federation meet annually in
the spring at a place and time desig
nated by the board of directors, that
tho dues be increased from 10 to 15
cents and that five cents per capita be
set aside for the president's traveling
fund; that the section be struck out
that provides that no menvbeT shall be
eligible to the same office for more
than two coneeentivo years.
A prettv weddinar took place Tues
day evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ellis Me-MilKn of rioseoaie, wnen
Mrs. McMillin's sister, Miss Rnth Pear
son, became the bride of John Zei'-
flouh. ilievercmd Cliestcr liadley, ot
the Rosedale Friends church officiat
ed at tho ceremony which was perform
ed in tho presence of a'oaut 41) guests.
The 'bride was beautiful in a lovely
gown of white crepe de chine and car
ried a shower bouquet of brides roses
and fern. She was attended by little
Miss Blanche Rujigles -who acted as
ring bearer. ;?
The rooms were .artistically decorat
ed with white roses, asters and grace
ful asparairus fern. Following the eere
mony a dainty wedding luncheon was
served the guests, at which two
nephews of the bride, Eldon McMillin
and llarvev I'ruitt. assisted.
The bride is a daughter of Mfnd
Mrs. C harles Pearson, formerly of Sa
lem, 'but 'iiow of Tillaittook, and is a
former . student of Salem, high school.
The" young couple will make their home
in Tillamook.
With the openinir of the school term
at Willamette university, the . regular
round of informal social events is be
giiminr. This afternoon the annual Y.
VV, C. A. picnic, honoring the new corn
ers of the university, was held. The
young ladies .motored to Chestnut
Farm where the hours were spent in
ideal picnic fashion, and the strangers
be?ame acquainted with their class
mates and school friends.
This evening, at the Philodorian and
Websterian halls, ths boys of Willam
ette will hold thair annual "Stag
Mix." This affair is under the aus
pices of the Y. M. C, A.
Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Bennett and
small V'hild arc :a Pendleton. Mrs.
Bennett is a former Pendleton woman
and a sister of Mrs. Charles Bond of
that city. While there they re attend
ing tho annual Roundup. -
I Philomath, Ore.,' Sept. 19. (Special)
A home wedding was celebrated Sun
day afternoon at the? home "of Rever
end T. W. Jones, a former pastor of
the church here. The youngest daugh
ter. Miss Mabel Ji Jones, was married
to Harold E. Welcome of Los Angeles
by Professor C.. T. Whittlesley of Phi
lomath college. Air. and Mrs. Welcome
both graduated from tho Pbilemath
academy, in the' class of 1918, tooth
taking high rank in the class. Mr. Wel
come was in -the United States govern
ment service for a time and more re
cently had been in the drug business
m fiiigene. Mrs. Welcome taught school
last year very successfully at West
Chehalem, Yamhill county. They left
Portland on the boat for Los Angeles,'
where they wili- make their home.
Miss Elizabeth Bayne will leave to
morrow for Corvallie where she will
enter the Oregon Agricultural college
for the school, term.
Mrs: W. C Kantner and daughters,
Miss La Verne and Miss Constance, re
turned last week from an enjoyable
visit in Seattle.
Miss Alta Jones left yesterday for
the east where she will spend the win
ter visiting friends in Chicago and
ii ew York. She will also stop for a
while in Cleveland and Cincinnati,
where she will 'be the euest of friends
during brief visits. Her mother Mrs.
T. B. Jones, accompanied her as far
as Portland.
Miss Jessie Miller and Miss Eva
Miller are spending the week end in
Mr. and Mrs. Carol Taeue of San
Francisco left for Portland this morn
ing after a dhort stay in Salem.
The members of the S. C. circle of
the First Methodist Episcopal church
had a very enjoyable meeting at the
home of Mrs. Frank Myers on South
Commercial street, Wednesday after
noon. Plans- were made for the years
work, "The Vision of Christ m the
Poets" being chosen as the study tor
the year. The initial . lesson was given
Dy Mrs. r. W. Bolee, who chose .Long
fellow a the poet for discussion dur
ing the first lesson.
Mr. and Mrs. John H." Albert return
ed the first of the week from Seattle
where they have 'been visiting for a
period of ten days.
Mrs. Jane Cooder of Wichita, Kan
sas, who has been spending the sum
mer in Oregon as the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles C Cooder of Coneomley
and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Prunk of Sa
lem, returned to her home in the east
during the first part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Conklin of Med-1
ford stopped in Salem Thursday en'
route to their home trom Seattle,
and were guests at the C. B. Webb and
Hugh Elliott residences. -
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Denton are en
joying a weeks outing at Gearhart.
An interesting out tif town visitor in
Salem during the past week was Mrs.
M. L. Hamilton of Portland, who was
a guest at - the beautiful E. Eckerlin
residence .on North Liberty street.
School Children
Often Require Glasses
Without Knowing It
Have the childrens' eyes examined be
fore they start to work.
Bring them here for a careful examin
ation and learn for a certainty whether
their eyes are in need of glasses.-
Much suffering and harmful effects
are avoided by BEING SURE on this point.
DR..A. Mcculloch, optometrist
204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg.
Laurence Hofer is in Pendleton as
the guest of Captain and Mrs. Allan,
Bynon, (Florence Hofer.) While there
he will attend the Roundup.
ft -
Dr. and Mrs.. J. iN. Smith and Miss
Lois Smith have returned from an en
joyable vacation along the McKenzie.
Miss Harriett Criffith is among the
Salcmitcs who are studying music un
der Professor F. X. Arens of (New York
city. ' . ' ' '
-Professor and Mrs. Florian Von
Esch returned Wednesday ; from an ex
tended trip in the eastern states.
A cuest at. the Walter Skclton resi
dence is Mrs. E. Marcellus of Bismark,
North Dakota. Mrs. Marcellus will re
main several weeks.
Mrs. W. W. Rosebraugh, her daugh
ter, Miss Ruth, nnd son Frank, left for
Corvallis Tuesday where Frank and
Ruth- will attend the Oregon Agricul
tural college during the winter. Harold
Rosebraugh left on the following day
for Eugene where he will attend the
University of Oregon.
. " -
Mr anA frs Cnpl Rnf fFlnrence
Flia-Vinth 'Iiphn nrft hnnio from an
enjoyablo visit in Portland where they
.. . i a r 1 tir-l.!....
were me gnosis oi ivir. oaimim u uiuuu
fnmiatv nP KnlpTii. TWv ''hrnmfht with
them as their house guest, Miss Doro-
toy iiawson. ,
Miss (Freda Young was a Portland
visitor Friday.
Mrs. W. H. Lytle is among the Sa
lem society folk -who are attending the
Roundup in Pendleton. ;
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names,
Salem, Oregon, Boarding
and Day school
Most Approved Methods
Primary, Grammar and
High School Departments
Complete Courses in Harp,
Piano, Voice Culture, Violin
and Harmony
Elocution and Physical
Culture Classes
Modern Conveniences And
. Domestic Comforts
. Scholastic year begins
September Sth
Address: '
Sister Superior
Our Bread, Cakes, Rolls and Pastry
will compare with the best of Home
Baking. Our methods are Cleanly and
You can buy our goods fresh from .
' the ovens .
Bake-Rite Sanitary
.457 State Street
r7 t?
u w
n r
M 1 I W 1
Novelty Singing and Dancing"
De Lux
Comedy Songsters
Nippon's Foremost Equilibrists