Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 20, 1919, General News Section, Image 19

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-News -Section
V Xy I II 111 K 1 I I! II II II M II 1 1 ffi, W AiM Mi 5 Hi
One Store To Handle All And
Make Exchanges On Basis
Of Old Values
The 'book stores of Salem, as well
. aa the three thousand or more pupils
ia the city schools will be spared the
fcnnlial rush and jam and confusion of
coring school books at the opening of
t As this is the year once in every
sir that new. text books will be in
troduced in all grades, it has been de
cided to open in the Argo hotel on
Ohemeketa -street what will be known
. aa the Salem book store for the handing-of
school books only but no sup
plies whatever. 4 ."'
School books are sold at a price fix
" ed between; the state school book com-.
anmion and . the. publishers, The .. price
: at which old books will .be exchanged
has also, been fixed by ' the commit:
: aion. -;
i As many rural schools, are opening
next woek,-the Salem bookstore opened
today will carry a complete supply of
- books used in rural schools. By next
'week, those used in the higher grades
will have been received and those who
kaow what, books ill be needed are
nrgrd .by- J.' B. Bedingfield to come
aawly and avoid the usual rush which
ia Malem will be Monday and Tuesday
following the. state fair. .
t. In exchanging old . school books
. a eredit slip given' the-' pupil for all
, returned. With this credit' slip, the pu
pil goes to the departments marked
primary, intermediate or high school,'
and selects the necessary books, which
are charged at the prices fixed by the
state commission.
" Then with the slip showing the total
cost of. the new books and the credit
Kjr, tt is easy to determine the amount
of money due.- All business will be on
a rash basis.
For the primary and intermediate
grades, the following credits will be
allowed for old books: ,
. .... ,.. ,, .. r , ' " ,'.
Fireman Wanted
: Apply to Supt. Stanton at our Warehouse. ;
Trade and Liberty Street
Portland Railway Light And Power Company
At the Market Price
Ripe Italian Prunes for
I Salerii -
Products Co.
.. . ' . " '; ' Cents
Sloan, .book 1 ... 07
Sloan, book 2 ... 07
Wheeler, primer '. 10
Wheeler, first - 11
Wheeler, second 13
Wheeler, ; third I....... 15
Wheeler, fourth 17
Wheeler, fifth ; 19
Elson, book 3 ;.. li
Elson, book 3 1
Elson,.. book 4 , 16.
Hicks speller ; 1
Kimball, bpok 1 '.'...........'...........;.... 11,
Kimball, book 2 Vi.......:..;.......:....:..:.. 14
Rigler, Step by Step 02
Watson & -White, complete 03 i
Ritchie,', sanitation i.-.....;....... :.. 21
Kohrn, graded lessons 21
Burkett-Steyens-HiU: ...;.:.....;..'.........:., 1?
Reiasehe. .'. .:. 32
Bourne.:' Benton 22
New JSduc. Music, one 11
New Educ. Music, two :.".;...;,..;....'...... 12 j
New Educ". Music, three ; 14 i
New Educ. Music, four ....r..'..............: 20 1
In order that the family may -esti-j
mate just how much ready money it .i
will take-to equip the children all with
now books, there may te deducted' the
above exchange jriees from the follow
ing prices of new 'boks for the primary
and intermediate departments: " ';'
- "-:'- ' ' ' ' Cents;
Beacon, primer . 36
BccOn,, first 4- 3 J
Natural Method Reader, primer.... 32
Natural Method Reader, first 37
Natural Method Reader, second 44
Natural Method Header, third v... 50
.Natural Method Reader, fourth .. 56
Natural Method Reader,' fifth-v....'. 6
Baker-Thorndyke readers, sixth Hi 68
Baker,Thorndyke readers, seventh.... 72
Baker-Thorndyke readers, eighth 72
Now World speller, book one 36
New World speller, book two .... 36
iiew World speller, book three 36
Ki ng'
Potter Jcshke language, book 1 56
hotter Jeshke language, book 2 72
Hamilton . arithmetic, bok 1 , 52
Hamilton arithmetic, book 2 68
Winslow, healthy living, book 1 52
Winslow, healthy living, book 2 ...... 64
Davis, productive farming . ............ 96
Hughes, community civics $1.32
Gordy, American beginnings 75
Gordy, American history . 75
Progressive music, book 1 36
Progressive music, book 2 40
Progressive music, book. 3 .................. 44
Progressive music, bok 4 i 64
Mace, school history U. S. $1
Webster's dictionary 32 to f2
This is the year that the young mem-'
berg of the family will not be obliged
to use those of an older brother or
sister. There- is a new deal all around.
The. state law provides that the school
book commission, -may select -the text
books, of the public: schools. A general
new line of tiook has been chosen for
the reason-that, educators believe text
books of a few years ago are not up to
the times and that improvements are
made in school books. as well as in bus
iness methods! "'. '
Fall Tournament Of Golf
Glub To Open Sunday
With ' th summer , vacations, which '
have - kept ' many of ' the' local ' golfers
away from the links for the past three
months, now a' thing of -the past, the
lllihee Country club has announced the
first" elimination matches for the annual
fall tournament will be played on the
club grounds Sunday morning, beginning
at 8 o'clock... - j:
The matches will be handicap affar
with the 'president's enp going to the
winner.- -Unusual interest-is being at
ti.chod to the play because of-the large
number of members who will partici
pate. Dark horses, developed from the
Tanks of. the novices through the play
that has been going on at the course
during the Summer months, are expected
to spring some of -the surprises which
ere expected-. ' , '
Jefferson Cannery Now
Operating To Capacity
. The cannery is running, with more
fruit being received than it can handle,
showing" that our people appreciate the
worth of this institution and intend to
give it a liberal support. Review.
Much baled hay is being shipped from
Umatilla county. The price f. o. b. Is
$25 a ton. , .
... m
J .
When the 1919 legislature passed a
law requiring county assessors to secure
statistics as to the acreage planted tn
grains, fruit and berries,' it afforded
means whereby each county as well as
the state would know 'its . standing In
agricultural and horticultural products.
This 'law was formulated and offered
to the legislature by the Marion county
delegation. Knowing that . California
was sending Oregon's finest products
under' ' Del Monte ' 'and other labels,and
with no statistics j(o. show eastern buy
ers that Oregon was really a great fruit
raisin state, it was -decided at a state
meeting of horticultui'tilists about one
year ago to favor the passage of a law
by which county assessors should com
pile exact statistics! and that the fig
ures from each county should be filed
with the off ice' of. the .tax commission.
In Marion county the total acreage in
farms as assessed , by Ben West, cou
ty; assessor, totaled 324,505, Of ; this
acreage, there Was in- all kinds of grains,
fruits, berries ''and vegetables 188,850
acres, showing that more than half of
t ho farm' ' land assessed iii the ' county
was under cultivation this spring. '
Marion county 1 is! Btrongly an oats
producing 'county, as tlie total acreage
as shown bv Mr. West's official report
is 64,413. Wheat' ranks second in acre
age with $$,255 planted in winter wheat
and '12,435 in ' spring wheat, 'a "total of
Next in importance to oats and wheat
is the hay crop which totals 25,598 acres,
with an. extra 1202 acres in wild or
marsh hay. .. , '.
. About one year ago Robert C. Pautus,
manager of the Salem Fruit Union, esti
mated tho prune 'acreage in this valley
tit. something over 70Q0 acres. Statistics
1.9 gathered by the assessor of the coun
tyand now a" part" of the official coun
ty records show that-iKTMarioli , county
alone, there is 6611 acres in bearing
prunes and' 1695 acres no-bearing. Not
withstanding the fact that prune :trocs
for planting arc selling all the way from
50 to 75 cents each, it is understood a
large acreage will be planted this com
ing winter and spring.
The following is a copy of the sum
mary of acreages in Marion county 63
compiled by" the county assessor:
' .'Acres.
Winter wheat 35,253
Spring wheat 12,435
Oats 64,413
: Barley ..... .. - 1,967
! Rye ....I,...... ..:..... - 2,590
Corn 9,664
Clover . - 9,165
Alfalfa . 175
Wild or marsh hay .,... , 1,202
Cthor hay crops ...:... 25,596
Potatoes .... 5,768
Other root crops 472
Pield peas .' ..... . 65
Field beans 620
Other crops 3,103
Apples trees, bearing 2,124
Applo trees, non-bearing 507
Cherry trees, bearing 512
Cherry trees, non-bearing ... 456
Peach trees, bearing S19
Peach trees, non-bearing 44
Pear troes, bearing 433
Pear troes, non-bearing .a 191
Prune trees, bearing 6,661
Prima frnoa. imti.hAniMTMr 1
v , . c -
Walnut trees, bearing .. ..... 257
Walnut trees, nOn-bcanng 421
Loganberries 1,922
Blackberries and raspberries 321
Strawberries 386
Other fruits and nuts bearing 97
Other fruts and nuts, nonbearing 61
. Oingham dresses will cost more, next
spring than .they do today. This is the
disturbing news brought to the mer
chants of the city in today's quota
tions. The" big manufacturing plants
in the east have already established
prices for well known brands of ging
ham and as these prices are- maintain- i
ed, there isn't any doubt about it. ' 1
- Oingham that cost about 12 cents
during those happy - years known: as
before the war," tvill retail on Sa
lem drygoods counters at about 40
cents a yard. Theso same ginghams are
now being sold at from 30 to 35 cents.
It is on samples for spring shipment
that the manufacturers announce the
advance in price.
And- even that old standby, known
as standard colored table damask, or
as the past generation knew it, "tur
key red tablecloth," will take an ad
vance in price that is suggestive of
silk, ".before the war." Manufacturing
plants iii -the east controlling" the out
put of colored table damask are al
ready quoting 90 cents a yard whole
sale with tho disquieting news that
tho market is firm . and advancing.
These fitfui-os are vouched- for bygone
of the leading drygoods merchants of
Helix, in Umatilla county, with two
paived streets, is the smallest city in
Oregon to boast such improvements.
Indications point to heavy planting of
nursery stock is said to be exceedingly
short. - - ' ' .'
Latest and Greatest Feature Comedy
in Five Parts
Yankee Doodle In Berlin
athing Beauties
Students Arriving Early
Indicate Big Attendance
At Agricultural College
Oregon Agricultural College,' Corval-
lis, Sept. 20. Prospective students are
arriving in Corvallis by every train de
spite -the fact that registration will
not begin until next Monday. Dr. D.
V. I'oling, yv M. C a. secretary,, re
ported that he had assigned rooms to
at lenst 500 persons. Even mail orders
for rooms including deposits are being
received. "
' H. M, Tennant, registrar, reported
that 1054 prospective students had
turned in their credentials in compari
son with 500 in round numbers in 1910
when normal .conditions prevailed. In
addition 146 old students not tin attend
ance last year have signified their in
tention of returning, and notification
has been received from thev federal
baord of rehabilitation that a minimum
of 200 service men will be sent through
that board. . 1
Pastor Explains Check
Given Him,For Work In
Mexico By Oil Company
Washington, Sopt. 19.-r-The Rev. Dr.
Henry Allen Tupper, pastor of the First
Baptist church of Washington, today
appeared as a voluntary witness before
the senate committee investigating Mex
ican affairs, to tell of his work in Mex
ico. .- - ; . ":
- Tapper's name Was brought into the
hearing when a draft was submitted
which lie had cashed in New York. The
draft, paid to the ' Mexican : treasuror
general by the . Haustora Petroleum
Coal company was given Tupper by the
treasurer-general. .
Tupper said the draft was in payment
of actual expenses during the years
1913, 1914 and 1915 and that he repeat
edly refused personal remuneration.
$14,622 Paid For 70-Acre
Just Out Of McMinnville
The McMinnville Land Co., sold the
past week the . Isaac Newton place oi
70 acres 'to Toncy Cluplnger for a con
sideration of $14,622. The place is
known as the Conner farm. Mr, Clup
inger takes possession in a few days,
and gets stock and implement with the
place. This company has also sold the
J. B. Snyder property in Cozirio'g sec
ond addition west of tlio college to Isaac
Newton, who will live on tho place. The
property consists of an acre and a hall
with buildings. Telcphone-Refristcr.' .
Tho Western Lumbor Export company
of Cottage Grove has purchased from
the federal forest service 2,500,000 foot
board measure, of Douglas fir in tho
Umpquai national forest.
lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It
H. R. Crawford, census supervisor for
the first congressional district of Ore-
gou, has opened headquarters on the hoc-'
oml floor of the postofflce building. .Of
fice supplies have been received and he
is already organizing his forces for enu
merating the population of all that int
oi Oregon west of the mountains, with,"
the exception of Multnomah county. - 1
" While no definite instructions have
been received, Mr. Crawford estjm:;tei
that it will require batwen 200 and 300
(.numerators, all of whom will go on'
the job January 2, 1920. A force will'
be employed in the' Salem office suffi
cient to do the clerical work necessary
for the territory covered by the first :
congrssional district. - . H.
The district will be subdivided and
deputy supervisors appointed by Mr.
Crawford. These In turn will be-in
charge of certain specified districts, and
everything in readiness in order that ,
biiu jujjuiu'uuu u ..cimcs ui -more man .
5000 may be enumerated within two
weeks and the rural districts within 30
days after January 1. ' ;
' No instructions havo. as yet been ro-'
ceived frem the census bureau in Wash
ington as to what qualifications will be
required of . enumerators, but ' it isr
thought that Bonio form of civil service"
examination wili dctcrniiuo whether, au.
applicant has the proper education to
I'ndortake any work assigned.
Compensation' has been fixed by law
but. as ye.t the census department has
not made known tho figures that wilt
lVPP'.y 0 this district. However, It Is
known there in a price fixed for em'V
name, with a minimum numbor. to. be
enumerated, and, also a' maximum .num
ber to which tho figures will apply.
Strike Halts Shipments
Of Better Cigar Bramls
And now comes troubles for the man
who has u favorite brand of cigar. Ci-
! gar dealers in the city today rccolvod
notice from . one of the biggest eigur :
factories in the 'country as follows: -"Owing
, to ( strike conditions at the
factories, we aro .shipping' it' very lim
ited quantity of 'our , special brand,,
Until we aro In -a position to fill ordewf
promptly, our selling representatives
will not make their usual trips. "
Stay ton School To Close
On Friday Of Fair Week
- Professor Ford of the Stayton schools,
announces there will be no school Fri
day, September 27th. This will fivo tlio
teachers and students a chance to attend
the state fair the last two days. Mail.