Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 20, 1919, Image 1

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; (25 000 READHBS DAILY) ,
Only Circulation ia Salem Guar-
anteed by the Audit Bureau of ,
mil i mem wroi? i
Oregon: Tonight and Sun
day fair; gentle northwesterly
winds. i
1 VLiLi laUnOLiU IIMUj I
For the 24 hours ending at 8
o'clock this morning: Maximum
temperature, 75; minimum, SO;
no rainfall; river .5 foot below
zero; falling.
fj .ij ; giijyi i "ft --- -- rt . I
Detail of Pennsylvania Sta
Police Jo Strike Duty In
dicates Disturbance
By Fred S.
I r (United Press Staff Correspondent) . .
Pittsburgh, Pa. Sept. 20. Prospects of trouble with
, possible clashes, began, to grow this afternoon as plans
and preparations tor the big
With two companies of Pennsylva
nia 's famous state police loyally hated
by every union man ordered but, and
ten thousand deputies being sworn in by
the steel corporation, borough presidents
iu the steel towns about Pittsburgn an
nounced that , steps will ,be taken to
prevent mass meetings of the steel' work
era, called for Sunday.. .
Local ordinances require that permits
be obtained for all public . meetings' or
gatherings. The call for mass meetings
lias gone out from national headquar
ters eto U points. Permits will be re
fused and the borough, presidents de
cline thoy will order the arrest of per
sons attending meetings without per
mits. ' ' ;
Mayors or borough president of such
towns as McKeesport, Clairton, Home
stead, Bnnkin and other big steel cen
ters issued proclamations or statements
this afternoon declaring all gatherings
would be prohibited and that they would
see that life and property were protect
ed.. V-.,
Steel comoariies wore reported today
to have rented all the halls in Braddock
and Homestead In the hope of prevent
ine luPtiiMis of workers after they., strike,
on Monday Union officials, metonwhlte
assert that , tho men will insist upon
their right of assembly and will .find
places to meet.
In the absence of positive develop- j
ments in the impending strike, aside stock on the New York stock exchange
from one or two mills closing tempornr- by certain officers and referred to tele
ily, all manner of reports and rumors 'gram and letters contained in the in
of preparations being mode by the com- jtelligence bureau report. His testimony
panies floated about Pittsburgh. These . however( contained no direct charges.
had to do with stringing of barbed wire
and alleged arming of plants, but all
were beyond verification. -
The Allegheny and West Penn mills
at Brackenridge suspended operations
today to enable the men to hold a meet
ing at which they will consider the ac
tion they will take wtih regard to the
strike. The company, at the same time,
issued Si statement asserting its opposi
tion to the closed shop. In event of a
closed shop, it was stated, the plant will
endeavor to continue to operate with
loyal employes.
Secretary Foster of the steel workers'
committee, claims several independent
steel plants are already beginning nego
itatiou.3 for settlement.
All companies iu the Pittsburg dis
trict profess little concern over a gen
eral walkout and declare their plants
will open as usual on Monday.
Women Will Aid.
- Washington, Sept. 20 (United Press)
Women will be relied on to help win
tho nation-wide strike against the Uni
ted States Steel corporation, scheduled
to begin Mondnv, according to uaet
urs-anizer jonn r-ltzDairicK. t
Women investigators will sent Into 1 lives with his mother at 1645 Chejiieketa
the homes of strikers and see what help I r w wl'en returning from his confec
ean be given by the union organizations tionery store at Seventeenth and Cen
eml to keen UD'the morale of the wives ter strets to his home that he was St
and daughters of the strikers." Fitz-1
patrick said.
Five Cars Of Timber And
Lumber Derailed This
Morning In Tunnel.
Bedding, Cal., Sept. 20. (United
Press.) The Sacramento canyon rourn
nf tha Hmithprn Pacific n-n.q ilnjkpfl to.
iiv and the tunnel two miles north of ,
Kennett was practically destroyed by
a freight wreck.
Five ears of timber and lumber wcr?
derailed in the tunnel it 9 . m. I.um-,
oer was pncu lor two car irngros. np-
ping away iimoers tnai supported ine
tunnel. The tunnel is full of wreckage,
smashed timbers and dirt from carve-in.
No one was hurt in the wreck. . The
morning northbound express is held at
Kennett. Number 15 passenger train ia
on the north side of the tunnel.
Public sohoo!s,of Wa-hington county
will have a holidav Thursday and Fri-
day to allow the pupils to attend the
. .. .. 1. ..1 fnim a H 1 1 ! .. 1 .
Winn, biuuwi .M.i ...up.
steel strike progressed.
Officers Of Spruce Division
Profited Through Deals
Hawes Claims. .
San Diego, Cal, Sept. 20. Carefully
avoiding any direct charge of graft
against officers of the spruce produc
tion division but hinting strongly that
certain high officials had benefitted.
I Major Frederick Hawes, former chief o
the army intelligence bureau in Port
land, today corroborated testimony pre
viously gathoredby the congressional
committee investigating aviation expen
ditures. Wholesale waste and negligence
and petty thievery are charged in con
nection with spruce production in the
Major Hawes testified that Iris report
to the army ". intelligence department
opened the investigation of the aetivl
tW of the spruce division"
" Asked by newspaper men if he had
evidenco that any officer of the spruce
division had received a direct bribe the
major roplied that he could not say that.
He admitted hearine of the purchase of
It is charged in testimony previously
obtanied by the coinmitte and corrobo
rated by Major Hawes that miles of
railroad were built in Oregon at a cost
of from 80,000 to $120,000 a mile and
that roads costing from $12,000 to $15,
000 a mile would have snf ficicd.
Victim Of Unknown Thusrs
Resting Easy Today; No
Trace Of Assailants Yet
William H. Burger, who was shot
three times by unknown parties Thurs
day evening whije crossing a foot bridge
on Mill creek, is reported today to have
nassed a comfortable night. No ef
fort has as yet been made by the physi
cians to remove the bullet that entered
his right shoulder and -lodged just In
front of the breast bone.
From police quarters comes the report
that no clue has been found. One young
man was brought into the police station
yesterday and questioned, but nothing
was learned that would inicatc ho knew
anything of the assault.
Mr. Burger is an unmarried man and
tacked and shot three times. It is un-
derstood that Mr. Burger has no idea
as to who his asasilnnts were, due to the
fact that they threw a strong flashlight
into his eyes when he turned after they
had attempted to strike him with a
Postal Station Will Be
Maintained Upon Grounds
A postal station will be established
Sunday at the state fuir grounds and re
main in operation one week including
September 28. Tho office will in the
northeast corner of the pavilion in the
Mime location as in former yer.ni. Mail
service from this postal station will re
the same as that down town, with all
the facilities for doing a postoffice busi
ness. Those receiving mail at the fair
grounds should have it directed in eare
0f the state fair grounds. Arthur E.
Gibbard, superintendent of mails of the
Sulem postoff ice has been placed in
charge of the station
Chicago, 'Sept. 20. The end of
Chicago V building strike, which
been in progress for more than
weeks, today was in sight. Representa
tives of union ecrpenters and employers
met and reached an agreement. The
unionists wan their point 1 nn hotiri
as a min:mtira and a new wage scale will
V. . . .. .. y .. i ! C 1 .. . A'
uci - uiue cticL-uvir ccyit-HiuiT
The stage was set today" for
what may -prove one of tha
greatest industrial dramas ' in
American history, s
.... Every, preparation had been
made both toy employers and
employes for the nation wide
strike at dawn Monday.
Union leaders reiterated. their'
confidence of closing down ey-
ery plant in the country con
s trolled by or affiliated ; with
the United States Steel eor
" poration. Officials of the corpo
ration were equally confident
that the great majority of their ;
" workmen would- remain loyal .
and enable the plants to con- -
tinue operation. - -
State and citv authorities ibe-
gan to take, nrecautions to pre-' "
vent possible disorder . .1
In toe-Pittsburg district two .
companies of state ', constaibu-
lory were ordered out to pa-.
trol steel towns' iu" that vicin-
ity." Eeporta were circulated
that the steel -corporation was
organizing ton thousand depu-
ties to guard its plants. From
practically everr steel center
charges were repeated toy union ;
men that the companies had ,
armed their plants with rifles '
and machine guns, ibut in no in-.
stance could this be confirmed.
$ ,
High Offer . ; On $2,000,000
Tssue Taken ! Under Ad
visement By Board.
Portland, Or., Sept. 20. The state
highway commission today opened bids
for an issue of $2,000,000 bonds out of
the $10,000,000 authorization. .
The highest bid received was that of
an eastern syndicate, $1,905,000, or a
discount of $34,400, The commission
took it under advisement.
Bids for two construction projects in
eastern Oregon wore opened. '
' For nine miles of graveling and grad
ing in Malheur county, between iCarlo
and Nyss-a the lowest bid was that of
Porter and Connolly, $09,277.
.For grading 24 miles of The Dalles
California highway in Deschutes coun
ty between .Bend and the Jefferson
county line the low ibidder was E. F.
ljogan of Bend, $89,736, -
The bids were referred to the cngin'
ecr with power to act.
Salvation Army Asks For
Aid In Assisting Needy
The Salvation Army is making an
urgent appeal for clothing and shoes
for the poro. Captain Mitcneii says he
is in touch with several families who
are unable to purchase wearing mater
ials on account of tho high cost. He
to get all old clothing out o'f closets, moro than 40'000 ia the 8on Dl08 8ta
roll them up and leave them at the , "'"V, ... . ...
Salvation army headquarters "at 241 1 Wilsqn was much interested in the de
State street, or telcphono 1820, and vicc which carried his voice to most of
they will be tailed for. .the great throng. It was the biggest
La Grande Asks For Wats'
Permit For Local System
The city of La -rande has filed with
State Engineer Cupper an application
for permission to appropriate 30 second
feet of water from Lookingglass creek
for a municipal water supply. The con
struction of 'a pipe line . 35 miles long
at a cest of $)OO,000 is contemplated
in the plans for the new water supply.
Troops Raid Sinn Fein
Newspapers In Ireland
Dublin, Sept. 20. (United Press)
Troops raided Sinn Fein newspapers
throughout Ireland today, suppressing
publication and seizing type and ma
chinery. Among the papers suppressed
were the official organ Nationality and
the organ of the (iaelic League.
Fair Weather Forecast For
Pacific Coast During Week
Washington, Sept. 20. Weekly fore
cast: Pacific coast states: Generally fair
weather with nearly normal tempera
tures. Hood River groeers are limiting in
dividual purchasers of sugar to 50 cent
worth, which is affecting the canning of
fnrits and vegetables.
ta & ejegram irom senator aic.ary
prmpt unloading of ears is urged as week before he remembered t ' gi ve it t
. I r- . ....
ioe moil eiiecnve weapon in prevent-
Big; Crowd Greets President
At Station ; Sunday To Be
Spent In Rest.
Members Of Party Declare
Ovation Greatest Shown
" Anywhere On Tour.
By HOga Balllir : ' .
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Lot Angeles, Cat., Sept. 20. -President
Wilson arrived in Los Angeles shortly
after 9. a, m. today after having spent
the' night on his special train which was
placed on a siding at Del Mar, a few
Lmilcs from San DiegoJ ' There was a
big crowd at the Santa Fe station to
meet him, but, Wilson was not ready to
leave the train untH some time after he
had reached the city.
Through three miles of streets with
cheering itrvwds massed on both sides
made to ring with their applause, "Wil
son received his official welcome to
Los Angeles this afternoon.
Wilson was kept on his feet practicab
ly .the whole time. Three hundred in
fantrymen marched ahead of. him,. and
the presidential automobile wars sur
rounded by police cars and guards that
Wilson could not be seen unless he stood
Along' much of the route, ' windows
were filled with people waving hand
kerchiefs, and the edges of the roofs
were lined with them. -
""Members of the weJciit 's pairty said
it was one of the' greatest ovations he
has received. i ;
Many placards bearing slogans onp-
porting the league of nations, were dis
played. -: '
On East First street hundreds of Jap
anese cheered the president. They pre
dominated in the throngs for a distance
of several blocks.
A terrific din was raised by the peo
ple who had packed, jammed and fought
their way- into the principal streets of
the business district. Straining against
the ropes, .pushed and jostled by police
trying to keep them from overflowing
and interrupting tho procession, those
spectatijrs maintained an uproar of yells
and shouts that was intensified as the
sound echoed and rcchocd against the
buildings. ;
The president's train pulled out of
San Dipgo at 11 o'clock last night. A
small crowd was on hand, all that cou:d
get through the police lines to see bim
off. They chered as the train departed.
A few miles from San Diego the presi
dential special was placed on a siding
for the night. This was done so that
Wilson could get & good night's sreep.
Sunday was set apart for a day of
rest. Sunday night the president ttH
leave for Beno on his eastward swing.
The presidential party was very much
pleased with the reception at San Diego.
Wilson addressed a crowd estimated ct.
;crowd Wilson had met on the. trip so
One good thin', it actors' strike
couldn't tic up norhin but a few hun
drcd thoiwlm' folks that can't bear t'
istav at home. Tipton Bud got his wifeli
mail th' other day an' carried a twelve-
pound piece o army bacon around a
Huge Trees r TreafeneJ "
Flames Sweeping Through
California Redwood Park
San- Francisco,. Sept.' 20. (United
Press.) The fire in Kedwood Park that
for a time today threatened destruction
of giant, redwood trees there, was -believed
Under control, at 11:30 a. m. to
day. . " ,
state Warden Dool, in charge of the
Park,, informed the United Press by
phoh that the wind had died down and
that the fire was practically at a stand
still. , ' '
The entire pork was threatened with
destruction by the fire, according to an
appeal for holp received today.
The appeal is signed by Andrew P.
Hill,. president of the Sentcrvirens club,
who U at Big Basin.
.Kedwood Park is one of the oldest
and largest parks in the state. The
trees there aro among, the largest in the
world second only to the Soquoia trees,
Relief Work In
Corpus Christ i
Is Speeded Up
' Corpus Chriati, Texas, Sept. 20 (Uni
ted Press.) The transportation tangle
in the Texas gulf storm district began
to clear today. Bocedinir floods, cessa
tion of the rain which followed Sun
day's hurricane and tidal wave, enabled
railway men to rush reconstruction of
their crippled lines. Boad gangs began
repairing the water-swept highways.
Officials said today the whole story
of tne death toll never will be known.
Aviators reported seeing many swollen
bodies carried out into the gulf.' Others
were buried by tho shifting sands. '
Observers who have worked through
the stricken area today placed the fig
ures.at from 500 to 700. .
Famous Redwood Forest
Saved From Fire After
. Hard 'Battle Yesterday
Ran Francisco. . Sent. StOr The Muir
woods, famous redwood" forest, and the
towns of Mill Valley and Sausaltto were
belioved saved today from the forest fir
es that swept Mount Tamalpais slopes
yesterday. .
Desperate work by all available ei-
vilan fire fighters, 350 soldiers and fire
men from Man Francisco, .halted, the
The los about the towns is estimated
at ovor $300,000. Fire burned a wide
area, at the southern entrance to the
Muir woods, and destroyed some brush
within the grove itself. -
Husband Who Shot Masher
Facing: Charge Of Murder
" ,: '
San Francisco, Sept. 20. Edward
Woodcock, a chemist of the state mining
bureau, will be arraigned today, and a
preliminary charge of murder will be
placed against him for the death of
Kdward Kelly. , ..
Woodcock, who confessed fo shooting
Kelly when the latter was alleged to
have accosted his wife on the street is
held at the city prison without bail.
Kelly died late yesterday.
Strike Call Of 'Frisco
Shipbuilders Is Issued
San Francisco, Sept. 20. Three of tho
largest shipbuilding companies in the
bay district have refused to sign the
new wage scale and working agreement,
and all their men will be called oui
October 1, according to a sttacment is
sued by the Pacific CoaBt Metul Trades
The three companies are Pacific Coa,st
Shipbiulding company, Bethlehem Ship
building company and the San Francisco
Shipbuilding company.
Allied Commanders Demand
D'Annunzio's Evacuation
London, Kept. 20. (United Press.)
Dispatches received by the Wireless
Press from Berlin today quote reports
from Munich cud Laihach, Austria, as
saying the allied commanders have with
draws their warships from the harbor
at Hume and have issued an ultimatum
toGabriefle D'Annunzio, demanding his
evacution of the port within 24 hours.
If D'Annunzio does not accede to
their demand the allied commanders
threatened to bombard, the message
San Francisco Ready To
Welcome Hoover Sunday
Han Francisco, ' Sept. 20. Herbert
Hoover, former federal food administra
tor, will arrive in San Francisco tomor
row afternoon. A delegation of promi
nent Han Franciscans will escort Hoover
to the city from Sacramento. .
A dairy demonstration will be given
ht the Hoir and Lairy show at Hermis
ton in October.
which are tho oldest living things. '
W. H. Dool, state park warden at
the Big BaBin, said over the phone that
the fire was within a mile and a half of
the center of the camping district, waurs
the biggest trees are located.
He said several gigantic redwoods al
ready have fallen before the flames,
but that theso are located in tho Hollow
Tree tract recently acquired by the
The flames have been smouldering at
the outskirts of the park for two weeks.
This morning they were fanned into a
raging inferno by a strong north wind,
said Dool. . . ' , . . ..
. Twenty -eight Palo Alto men and 00
Stanford students under the direction, of
Professor Wing of Stanford, have start
ed for' the park to help the fire fight
ersi ' v ,. ... - . ,-. .i-s"
Clanton Leaves To Make
Final Selection For Loca
tion Today.
Master Fish Warden Clanton, after
spending the night in Salem, left thU
morning for a trip up the Santiam river,
where he will make the final selection
of the site for the now fish hatchery
to be located upon that stream.
The two best sites for tha hatchery
have alroady boen selected, according to
Mr. Clanton, and the task before him is
to select tho best of these two. . One
is about a milo and-a half below Me
bama and the other at the mouth of
tho Brackcnbush, bolow Detroit, Of- the
two, -the location at the mouth of the
Bruckonbush is tho more desirable bo-
i. a too of the abundance of water, but
tfio absence of roads, or other, means o
transportation to this point oporate to
make the location near Muhama the
more practicable, Mr, Clanton thinks.
He will, however, go over the situation
thoroughly beforo making his final rec
ommendations to the fish and game com
mission, with whom the final decision
rests. .
Tho hatchery, construction work up
on which ha been delayed by the scar
city of deputy wardens to superintend
the work, will be completed by spring,
Mr. Clanton says. One warderf who ha
been doing other work on the Bracken
bush will be available for this work
With only the $5000 apropriated for
this project by the last legislature avail
able, the hatchery is to bo so built as
to provide for further units to be con
structed as the money is secured.
While the Suntiam plant is to be pri
marily a salmon hatchery, trout will
also be handled and Mr. Clanton is of
the opinion that the fish thus secured
will go far toward stocking the streams
in this part of the state as they should
be stocked and th0 loss of tish, through
long hauls to the planting grounds will
be minimumlzed.
Wrecking Crews Survey
Steamer Swamped During
Storm Off Cuban Coast
Koy West, Fla., Sept. 20. (United
Press.) Wrecking crews and (livers left
here today to examine tho wreck of a
sunken vessel reported to bo the Span
ish steamer Valbannra. It is believed
that the ship went down in the hurricane
thr.t swept Cuba ten days ago.
The Valganera carried 300 passengers
and a crew of 150 with a valuable car
go and had been missing slnco Septcm
ber 9, when sho arrived off Moro Clastic,
Havana, communicated by wireless with
the shore and put to sea again because
she was informed it was dangerous to
enter tho harbor during the storm.
Nothing was known of tho fate of
the passengers and crew. Diver to
day were to enter the ship and search
for bodies. The passengers were be
lieved to be entirely Spanish or Cuban.
The Valbanera was bound from Spain
for New Orleans via Havana.
Australia Ratifies Peace
1 Treaty By Viva Voce Vote
Melbourne, Sept. 19. By a viva voce
vote the Australian national assembly
today ratified the German peace treaty
and the defensive alliance between
France, Great (Britain and the United
States. .
Life Sentences Passed On
Participants In Rioting
- Chicago, Sept. 20, The first eonv
tion on charges of participating in race
riots here in July were life sentence
imposed today on Walter Colvin, 10, and
Charles Johnson, 18, negroes. They were
charged with having killed a peddler.
Coming Week To See Most
Extensive Exhibits To Be
Found Says Lea. .
Horse And Stock . Shows To
Be Among Banner Events .
".Of Lengthy Program. .
"From all viewpoints the fair this
year will be bigger and better than any
of the preceding fairs, ,r said A. H. Lea
secretary of tho state fair board to
day in eommeutlng on the; forty eighth
annual Oregon state fair, which will
open here Monday, September 22, for
a week, ' , . , -, .
"Special featuros this year will be)
the giant government exbuoit, and th
big horscshow that WiH 1b staged
Tuesday, Wodnesday, Thursday!; ano
Friday evenings in the new eoliseum."
continued Secretary Lea. "The gov
ernment exhibit is known as 'victory
show,' and is composed of exhibit
from the war, naval and agricultural
department. Of transcendent interest
will be the trophies and enemy mater
ial captured on European battlefields)
by American soldiers. There will also
bo on exhibition the implements of,
war with which tho Americans stop
ped the German onslaught. The exhibit -from
the navy department will be ex
ceptionally Interesting and that from
tne agricultural department verjr in
structive to farmers and livostock men.
"There will 'be a colossal di solar of
exhibits representing the state's great
industries and resources, a superb ras
ing program, and the , best of amuse-
montfr and attractJowC. Mortf than 20 ;
counties will be represented by hand-'
some agricultural ethvpits, and most
of the state institutions will have ex
hibits representative of their land pro
ducts. The agricultural pavilion wilt
be full to overflowing with agricultur
al exhibits. . '; ,. :
"Always the livestock show' h
been a feature of tho 'air, and this
year it will bo greater and better than
ever. For tho first time in the history
cf the fair the big show herds from
'.lie middle western states will be on
eihibition. There will be a large poul
try and dairy exhibit. ,
"All of the old machinery pavilion
has been appropriated for the automo
bDe show, and there will.be more than
00 tractors entered. Daily demonstra
tions in llowingt harrowing, seeding
mid rolling." ,
At the suggestion of Oovernor 01
cott Monday, tho opening day, ha
been set apart as Governor Wlthy
combc day, and in tho evening there
will be of a patriotic character, and
late governor, and the soldiers who aid
ed in winning the war. The services)
will be fo a patriotic character, and
will the both "beautiful and impressive.
Besides Governor Ben W. Oleott, ad
dresses will ibe delivered by Chester
Moores, private secretary to the lata
Governor Withycombc; Judge Wallace)
McCamant and Judge Geo. A. Staple
ton, both of Portland; Dr. P. L. Camp
bell, president of the University of
Oregon, and Dr. W. J. Kerr, president
(Continuod on Pngo Ten.;
Senator Declares Choice!
Must Be Made Between
Europe And America.
PRESENT NO TIME ..... .... ..
St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 20. (United
Press.) Senator Hiram Johnson told
crowd of 2000 persons at tho Metropoli
tan t lnH.ter today "this is a time when
men cannot halt, licailuti) or pussy
foot.'" V
"We are now facing a situutiou
where wo .either must yield to the sin
ister Asiatic or European diplomacy oi
where wo will stand out for 100 put
cent Americanism," Johnson stated.
' The path of 100 per cent American
ism is that which some of us at Wash
ington have taken and we are going for
ward on that path until, in tliis ia
famous thing, the Auierkun people ora
fully protected." . ;
Senator Johnson declared President
Wilson forgot "the great principle of
self determination" at Paris.
"You remember he talked of freedom
of the seas," said Johnson. "One men
tion of that and the British lion roared
and f redom of the seas was never talked
again. All Americun principles wen
iorgottcu nt the Paris conference."