Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 19, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    FAGH ETWO Mrif
r society 1
: . v., !
TONIGHT the wtjjnen'of Salem will
entertain the publie-with, an - in
formal dance at th armory. The
s;''ct of the affair is to raise fundi
for the women ' building at the Uni
versity of Oregon, and the cause for
which- the da nee is- given- is- reason
enough-that it should be an unrivalled
access.'' Aside from . the educational
sts id point- the-. fa.t that it. is the first
big affair of th season will; in itself,
draw a record crowd. Competent com1
mittees have been at work all week ar
ranging the details, and under the ablo
direction of : some of the city's most
prominent social leaders the most in
significant items have been cared for
with nicety characteristic of feminine
skill. Decorations and music will be the
. test that the Capital city affords, and
congenial floor committees will see to
if that every ono in attendance has as
enjoyable time as possible. Unlimited
credit is; due to Miss ilaijorie Kay
and Mis Marie Churchill who, togeth
er with Mrs. Frank Spcarg and other
prominent women, have made the
dance this evening an assured success.
The following men and women, mem
bers of the city's most exclusive sots,
are acting as patrons and patronesses,
Governor and Mrs. Ben "W.XMeott, Ir.
and Mrs. 0. H. Robertson, Mr. and
Mis. T. B. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Meyers,' Lieutenant and Mrs. Robert
McMurray, 'Miss Margaret Cospcr,
,Jndo and Mrs Charles H. Johns, Mr,
and Mrs.; Clifford Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Eyre and Dr. and Mrs. H.
-. dinger.
(lovcrnor and Mrs. Ben "W, Olcott
Flour Re-Sale
Announces that it will sell
"Straight "grade" flour to all
purchasers, in carload lots,
in 140 lb. jute sacks, gross
weight, delivered to any rail
way station In zone 10, com
prising' the states of Oregon,
Washington and Idaho, at
not to exceed $10.00 per bbl.
.net cash; Purchasers will be
supplied' from, nearest avail
able mill, which may result
in slight Baving for. buyers'
Wholesale and jobbing
profits . on such flour must
not exceed 75c per febl. and
retailor's profits must not
exceed. 41.25 per bbl.
Vddress nil communications to
510 Board of Trade Building
Portland, Oregon
I Big Boys
Wearing Sizes 2 1-2 to 6 Read
When Buster Brown paid us his last visit, he left a
tremendous large stock of Growing Girls' and Boys'
Shoes. This was more than a year ago. You can
now buy these shoes for less money than Buster
himself could sell them for. If you wish another
pair of the good old Blue Ribbon quality, at a price
' that is so generously kind to the purse, don't put it
off another day because your size might then be
gone..., ., ;--:-7
Tho girl that wears a woman's
sise but doesn't like a woman's
shoe will find lu ihis Guu iletul
Button the biv,t for. school nd
Welted sole, only ?4.25
McKav solo, only j.'j5
Here you have thf choice of Pat
ent Leathers wih kid or 'loth
top, plain or tipped toe, lues or
button. AUo a splendid kiu but-
ton with patent toe cap, all fr
growing gi'ls, wearing ty to
BC j .... ..,..3 3o
Splendid Buys In
left last evening for Pendleton where
they will attend the annual Boundup.
While there the governor will inspect
the eastern Oregon state hospital and
other , public institutions.
... ' -
Mist Elizabeth-Fox, dean of women
at the University:' of Oregon, will ar
rive ii Portland tomorrow morning on
hex way to. Eugene,- where she-will re
sume hci duties.. While in Portland she-
will be the guest of Mrs. George T.
Gerlinger. Miss Fox was given a leave
of absence 'fronr the- University- of
Oregon early in. December, 1918, to go
to Iranes to do Y. W. U. A. work, l'rc
vioua. to her connection with, the uni
versity she had been northwest secre
tary for the Y. W. Miss Fox work in
France took her among the telephone
girls who were "doing war work. She
aided in organizing hotels and rest cen-
ters'for them.
Members of the Salem Dost of the
American' Legion who are attending
the convention in Portland are Dr. W,
Carlton Smith, H. D. Byrd, M.E. Mc
Gilcbrist, Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Lamport
and C. A. Abrams.
Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris is a Port
land visitor, being a gnest at the Im
perial hotel.
. (Continued from page one)
regarding the telephone situation. In
general these mayors were not in favor-
of the new- rates' but at the game
time did not show a disposition to com
bine with nny city in fighting the tel
ephone company or to be properly rep
resented at the Aug. 27' hearing in
: j.mong those who favor a municipal
telephone and those opposed to the pres
ent rate, there is a disposition to lay
low until the public service commission
acts. If there is no reduction of rates,
then the municipal telephone proposi
tion in Salem will 'become a live one.
Parties interested in circulating a pe
tition, in order to get a show down
from the city council, say the matter
will hot be delayed a day, should the
public service commission refuse to re
lieve present conditions.
E. T. BusscJle, engineer, who at one
time proposed to put a municipal tele
phone in the city 'for about $200,000,
knew nothing of the proposed petition.
B. W. Macy, city attorney, who is un
derstood to favor municipal ownership
for telephones as 'well as waterworks,
was unaware that any effort was be
ing made to "brin) the municipal tele
phone question before the city council.
However, when the public service
commission makes its ruling on the lo
cal telephone situation and if this rul
ing is not satisfactory to those favor
ing municipal telephones, tho follow
ing petition will be circulated for
signers and after a sufficient number
have affixed their names, the petition
will be presented to the city council:
"To the Mayor ahd Common Coun
cil of the city- of Salem, Oregon;
"Gentlemen: We, the undersigned
telephone users in the city of Salem,
Oregon, do hereby respectfully petl-
and Girls
Large Boys' Shook in Gun Metal,
button, full toe 4 shoo of Hardy
proportions. The same thai in
lace also, and another belt of
heavier stock, all at
The shoe built on gentium m'y
lines for a "Buv i Best" Uun
Metal, lace wilt - modified Jdog
lUli. toe, leather or Ncolin iole.-.
Some si"CS are - h isaing bat you
ma-v still be fitted at ?1.95
Boys' Hcayy Hi-Tcps
tion your honorable 'body and most
urgently request that you call a special
election in said city of Salem. at the
earliest opportunity and as soon as is
possible and. consistent -with the best
interests of the city, for the purpose
of voting upon the question" of "install
ing nd maintaining, a municipal tele
phongystei( in Salem, and -bonding
the city; therefor. . '' . ?
" We JurflJer state and hereby agree
that if a municipal telephone system
is desired by the voters, as may be determined-at.,
said, election, and if such
a system is installed and maintained
within this eity, then and in that event
we will subscribe for. and use such mu
nicipally owned telephones in our
homes and business establishments:
and we agree that we will supiant the:
present privately owned telephones tyi
such municipally owned telephones.!' i
t . .. . - i., '
. Blackheads,': blotches - and pimples
are generally caused by improper ac
tion of the bowels. Hollist'er's Rocky
Mountain .Tea Regulates .the -t. bowels,
cleans the stomach, clears the com
plexion from the inside nature's way
"Get that healthy, happy look.". D. J.
Fry. -
"Two years ago my stomach. trouble
got so bad that I was almost consiantly
filled with gas. This- made ine .very
dizzy at times. Last fall I was almost
overcome by one of these dizzy spells
while driving my car, and ran it into a
telephone pole, badly ;wrecking the car.
A friend recommended Mayr's Wonder
ful Bemedy for my trouble. Since tak
ing the first dose I have steadily im
proved, and feel better now than ever
in my life." It is a. simple, harmless
oreuaratlon that removes the catarrhal
I mucus from the intestinal tract and al
lays the inflammation which causes prae
tically all stomach, liver and intestinal
1 ailments, including appendicitis. One
;doe will convince or money refunded.
J. C. Perry and all druggists. (Adv)
(Continncd from page one)
'Mrs. Wilson is easily embarrassed
and 1 am hot," the president said smil
ingly and then shook hands with several
near the platform. ' - 1 .
A few minutes later the president and
Admiral Grayson left the, car and took
a short walk through the railroad yards.
As they passed groups eof Mexican sec
tions hands working along the track, the
Mexicans quit their work and cheered
lustily, t6 the evident enjoyment of the
The train left about noon for San
Diego, where it is. due at 3:30 p. m.
San Diego on Edge:
San Diego, Cal., Sept. 19 With flags
flying everywhere, a half holiday de
clared and. business- scheduled to come
to a complete standstill at 3 p, m. to
day,, San Diego is. on tip; toe awaiting
the. coming1 of President Wilson and
his party this afternoon. . . ..
Upon his arrival at 3:30 p. nr., the
president will be escorted up Broad
way to the Grant hotel, where he will
rest for a short time. Later he will be
taken for an automobile trip about the
city and at 5 p. m., he speaks at the
stadium. Tonight he is the guest at a
banquet given by Mayor Wilde and
later leaves for Los Angeles.
(Continued from page one)
strike ut this critical economic period
is apparently not a matter of concern to
Rubins or Fitzpatrick. Bubins is a for
mer criminal lawyer nnd says he has
won more homicide enses when public
opinion was against him than when it
was with him.
Fitzpatrick declares that all newspa
pers are controlled by capital, that they
never print the truth about labor any
Chicago Workers Split.
Chicago, Sept. 19. Steel plants in the
Chicago district will be closed if the
workers strike Monday, officials said
today. No effort will be made to use
strikebreakers, it was reported.
Plans to this effect were being work
ed out by corporation officials. They
believe that it will tend to prevent
A canvass of tho Gary, Ind., plant,
officials of the company said showed
that 8302 out of 13,125 men interviewed
expressed tho opinion that they would
not walk out Monday.
Uuion officials answered this with the
declaration that 98 per cent of the work
ers voted to allow-the, national council
to call a strike in case they could not
reach an agreement.
South Chicago steel workers wero in
structed today to remain away from the
plant after thev had laid down their
tools. Pickets sent out from union head
quarters, they were informed, will take
care of the picket work.
health by $y"
,for breakfast
Guardian For Children. To
Act In Suii Is Appointed
In the suit of Annie M. Busby against
Delbcrt A. and Veda E, Busby the eoun
tv .'.ourt. has annotated Daisy M. Wilsrn
urn irmrdian ad litem for the defendant::.
who are children.- They live witn tntir
mother in Minnesota and each own. an
undivided one-twelfth interest in it
mm Sn section 27. townshlB a SOUtn
range 2 wests The plaintiff in the suit
a We. that she is the' owner of five-
sixths of the property and that as it.
cannot be divided, asKS ior a saia or iu
remaining one-sixth interest owned, by
the two children.
Frank R. Gooding, ex-governor of
Idaho, announces that he is a candidate
for the United States senate to take
the sent now held by Senator Nugent.
Fire in Lonr Island Hy ' Saturday
niirht resulted in injury to more than
twe score persons and did damage
amounting to millions of dollars to the
ounaara property. ,
Alittle "Want" Ad Sells It
for skin trouble
For over twenty years, physicians have
r lie n Resinol Ointment in the treat
ment t many skin and scalp troubles.
The, prefer it because it so quickly stops
itching an ! burning, and clears away
red :ics- riwn ss, crusts or scales They
know, too, that it contains only the
genllts 'of haling materials, which cou Id
not injure or irritate the tenderest skin.
Why not try it lor yjur skin t ..' -
Rnisol OiiM u Rnlaol SM m hU Inr mM
o'9t for wwla ts wit. lev. 1-N. Rr.
Oregon State Fair
; September 22 to 27th
Women's, Misses and Children's Ready-to-Wear
and Ready-to-Use Articles.
Coats, Suits, Dresses, Blouses
Borne, Sept. 18.-(United Press.)
"Calm and harmony" in dealing with
the situation wkieh the poet Gabriclle
D'AnnuBiiC' has- created in occupying
Fiume, was urged today by Premier Wit
' The moment is grave," he said,
"and. it is improper to add difficulties
to the situation by useless excite
ment." Nitti was speaking before the cham
ber of deputies.
Th reply of D'Anounaio. to the pro
clamation that every soldier refusing to
leave Mum would be considered an en
emy of Italy, has been received here.
"An infamous order, worthy of vile
government," was D'Annunzio's ex
pression. He reiterated that ho would
defend to the death.-
The city of Fiume is bedecked, with
flags and placards aro posted in promi
nent places bearing the inscription
"long-live King Victor Emmanuel."
Italian citiiens go about the streets
wearing brassards reading "Fiume or
Admiral Casanova, aboard the Dnnte
Alighieri, hoisted his flag, in a futile
signal to his officers and men to rejoin
the vessel and leave the harbor. They
refused to obey, according to advices
received here, and the admiral has been
unable to maintain discipline.
Nitti told tho chamber that strong
language in the communique of last
Saturday was necessitated by the atti
tude of vubhratioBS in other eountries,
which questioned, the good faith of the
Italian government. He pointed out
also that the allied governments might
otherwise have believed Italy a silent
accomplice of D'Anuuuzio.
The 10-flOO ton steam; Elktoni
just launched at Seattle, is the sixty
second hist carrier added to the fleet
ef merchantmen built ' by the Skinner
ft' Eddy corporation.
St. Salem, Ore.
Shortage Of Teachers Not
Affecting Marion County
While reports are coming from, Cali
fornia that there is a scarcity of teach
er and while California is advertising
in Oregon for teachers, this part Of Ore
gon and especially Marion eountyis well
County Superintendent Smith today
said-that all schools had contracted ex
cepting six and each of these had. a
number of applicants. . Several rural
schools are already in session, a number
begin next Monday and'by Monday fol
lowing tho state fair, more than half of
tho rural schools will have commenced.
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names,
Salem, Oregon, Boarding
and Day school
Most Approved Methods
Primary, Grammar and
High School Departments
Complete Courses in Harp,
Piano, Voice Culture, Violin
t.;" and Harmony
: Elocution and Physical
v Culture Classes
Modern Conveniences And
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
September 8th
Sister Superior
when it rains is
made sure
look Far the
Keflex Edge
AJ. Tower &
Established 1836
Boston. Mass. y
The JoLu-Jones Coal company, with a
capital of 100,000 and offices in Eu
gene, has been incorporated. The .nines
are near Coquille and the output is l'iO
tons s- day.
I : s
unexcelled for
mayonnaise, French
dressings, sauces,
shortening and cook
ing purposes.
Ask for
Peanut ' "
L Oil