$ 5250 CIRCULATION t sit. , Oregon: Tonight and Satur day fair; gentle southerly wind. , . T . (25 000 BBADEBS DAILY) 4c Only Circulation in Selem Guar- anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. For the 24 hours ending 8 -O'clock, this morning: ; Maxi- '. ' mum temperature 71, minimum ' - 51. : No rainfall; river .4 foot . below xeroj failing. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE : VALLEY NEWS SERVICE PRICE TWO CENTS 03KTBAXNB 4KB 1 FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 222. TEN PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1919. BTANDS-l STRIKE PLANS f SFEELHEN All DDFDADPn i HLL I IlLI HIILI "No Labor Without Repre 1 sentation" Is Slogan Of I U invito iinviTm EMPLOYERS SAY FEW WORKERS WILL DESERT Strikers Will Remain Out r Until Recognized By liary, Leaders say. Washington, Sept 19 (United Press) ''The steal strike decision is unchanged," said John Fitzpat rlck, head of the steel men's or? ganizatlon committee, today, fol lowing a two hour conference, with Samuel Oompers, president of the American Federation of Labor. ..... s ' By Fred 8. Ferguson (United Press Staff Co. respondent.) Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 19. Labor 'i challenge, and announcement of its in tention to fight for democratization of industry, made in a solemn letter ud dressed to President Wilson, resounded through the country today. "No labor without representation, is the slogan of the leaders of 24 unions whose members are employed in the steel industry, and who on Monday are scheduled to walk out of the plants. Their strike is to be continued until heads of the steel companies consent fo conference with the labor loaders, M which the grievances of the men can be discussed and adjusted. : How effective the strike will be Is entirely- bevorid aeema.ta forecast. The steel corporation claims, that not more than fifteen per cent of their employes r.re organized. The labor leaders r.e sert Judge Gary will be surprised at the number of his men who are organized and claim that, in addition to tins, non union as well as union men will respond to the strike call. Leaders for every strike district had been appointed arrangements for picket ing have been made, and only Monday is awaited to throw a large section of the country into a titnritic industrial struggle, as the labor leaders claim, or reveal that the voice of the workers cs expressed through the union heads Is not the voice of the.maioritv.- John Fitzpatrick, chairman of the committee, and W. B. Rubin,' general counsel, draw a distinct line between "representation" and "participation Rubins declares the fight is strictly for democratization of the steel industry through representations. This can be gained only through organization and recognition of such organization, per mitting trained representatives of the workers to speak for them, he asserts. The leaders arc obviously prepared to fight to the limit, and declare that the spirit of the women would not permit of a postponement. Whether public opin ion will snport or be hostile to a big (Continued on page two) MUNICIPAL PHONE Petitions Calling For Vote , On Installation Of City System Are Ready. Should thi public service commis sion fail tu relieve thj -present condi tions a? to telephone charges,, the peo ple of Salji'i.wil! be given an oppor t:u ity to sisn a petit en wherein the city council i requested to i-ult an elec tk-n for the 1 urnsoe of voting npon the tyifsHon of iiF tailing and maintaining v municipal teicpaoii in the city and bonding the citr for the payment there of. : At the time the federal administra tion ia:sed rates, June 30, 1919, and on the following day turned the tele phone system over to the original own ers, there was . much discontent as to telephone charges. The matter had been taken up sever al months previous bv the council and telephone men from Portland and else where produced their evidence to show that the company was losing money on the old rates. -When the public service commission met in Portland August 27 to consider the telephone situation and to hear evidence on both sides, Salem was not represented as the couneilmen refused to pay the expenses of an ex pert or anyone else to attend. . t'ity Attorney Macy wrote the may ors of several cities about a month ago (Continued on page two) William Betger Attacked inrf ot By Unknown Men mr Mill i.Li ii lr William H. Burg 9 proprietor of the confectionery store- J'nter and Seven- teenth street, wb.1 eturning home about 9:30 o'clock-la i. gening wast shot three times by an unn.?.ro party as he crossed the foot' bridge over Mill crece. The first shot entered his right shoul- der, the second lodged in the fleshy and in the confusion, he was unable to part of the thigh and the third entered note carefully their appearance. How t he flesh of the right leg just below the ever, he is under the impression that knee. It is thought that none of the wounds are serious. The bullet that entered his right shoulder has been lo cated in, front of the breast bone,' but has not been removed. Mr. Burger lives with, his mother at 1645 Chemeketc- street and is in the habit of remaining at the store until 9 or 10 o'clock, and occasionally carrying linma u: 1 1 1 1 li i 711 t Ilii 1I1117 ' imAu-inta I Last night just as he started across . , 1UU. uw uuj a , . .- - jj u the foot bridge tover Mill creek, he saw three men. . As he passed on the other man who saw early in the evening two side of the bridge, one of the men either ' thl'ee mon standing on the bridge. Mr. attempted to strike him with a club, or Burger is of the opinion that the high threw it at him, Mr. Burger not betng way men were well aware of his habits ouite sure how it happened. He dodged ' the dub and turned around, asking what they wanted. . i .'.... Ono of the men then jumped from OTHER OF Dead Now Estimated From 350 To 425; Property Damage $20,000,000. Corpus .Christi, Texas, Sept. 19.; .United Press. 1 The toll of Sunday 's , tidal wave and hurricane was today 3 -u o , i , ' placed at between 3o0 and 425 dead and property loss of $20,000,000. - . AlinosCJntmuotts-iI: fnwr.Py'aoy has made difficult the problem of tak ing oar of 3,000 homeless. Authorities hoped te complete the tent refuge city tonight. ! Former Mayor Roy Brown again ap pealed for outside assistance today. - "Dozens of once prosperous citizens have been made penniless, many of them actually losing the clothes from their backs, " he said. ' ' Financial assistance is what these people are going to need worse particularly the men with fam ilies." "The people have not lost their. cour age. All they want is money to work with and the city will be rehabilitated quickly. Plans for a sea wall, such as saved Galveston from the terrors of Sunday's storm, already are . under way." Johnson Lost Now; Don't Know Where He Goes Next Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 19. Sena tor Hiram Johnson, on arrival here to day, was undecided as to his future plans. I may return to Washington, stay here for a rest or go to the coast," he said. He had not received a telegram from Senator Borah, hig colleague in stump- iug against the league of nations cove nant, urging him to xeturn to'Washlng- ton, be said. "I assume I mar go to Washington, although I would like to go to the Pa cific coast." Wilson To Be Introduced By Woman In Los Angeles Los Angeles, Cnl., Sept. 19. Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles, president of the Oeneritl Federation of Women's clubs, wil lintroduce President Wilson when he speaks in Los Angeles Biiturdny night it was announced today. Arriving at 12:30 tomorrow afternoon the president will devoto much of the afternoon to rest after a parade through the city to his hotel. In the evening he speaks at Shrine auditorium. Chicago Grocers Confess -Resale Of Beans Bought Chicago. ' Sept. 19. Three Chieago grocers admitted that they sold beans, bought from left over army stores, at 100 per eeut profit. - They purchased the beans for 1U eents a ean ana soia them for 20. The grocers testified be fore the city market bureau regarding their operations. Commander At Alcatraz Is Placed Upon Retired List San Francisco, Sept. 19. Colonel Joseph Garrard, commandant of the mil - itnrv diiu.inliiinrv- Itftrmok on Alcatraz Island, was retired today by the war dc-; brought new. society dancing to San Apple Grovc nehool, has resigned t' be partment after 50 years' scrviee. Briga- Francisco when the Maxixe was popu-come th janitor. Speakin' o'. profit itirr Gonprnl John B. McDonald, post lar. and conducted Inside Inn daneine cers. who remembers th' ole song commander at the Presidio, succeeds him. Creek Bridge the bridge and fired. Mr. Burger then fired two times at the highwaymen be- fore his -gun jammed He started to run and as he fled three shots were fired after him, each taking effect, When the highway robbers first stop- ped him, Mr. Burger threw his riasu- light, but they also naa a strong iigni two wore khaki clothing and caps. Although shot, Mr. Burger was able to tun to the home of a friend at Seven teenth and Chemcketa., The police were notified and Mr, Burger taken' to his home. L ,; ' S"Wtflk The police have but r. slight, clue to work on. A boy by the name of Yarnell was passing on Seventeenth street and when he heard the firing, ran home, as he thought the shots were intended for aim. There is a slight clue of a young and "that ne occasionally carried with him "l0", takf .dltrin ,th" d?- here are other clues being worked oh entirely different, - from the robbery idea, but as yet nothing definite has developed. Arrested For False Debt Man Confesses To Murder Of Daughter 23 Years Ago Urbana, Missouri, Sept. 19. (United Press.) Brought back to his old Missouri- home because of a debt he says he does not" owe, Robert Hicks, former ly a farmer of Hickory county, today stands accused by his own voltitary con fession of the murder of his 19-year-old daughter, twenty-three years ago. While en route hero with the slieiiK 01 mcKory county trom Uheualis, Wash., e T Hicks unfolded the story of how on a i0n9omo pwfof his farm, December 7, 389 v. -straied ku damrhtet. Luellen. wit, jMrtort piece ar heavy twine,: be- cause in a fit df rage the daughter had threatened to-shoot her father. ' .; I just thought, as they were taking me back to Missouri, I'd tell 'em about it, " Hicks said; ' Portland Asks More Time To File Brief In Phone Rate Increase Hearing A-lotter was received at the offices of the Oregon public service commission this morning frsm the city of Portland asKing that the municipality be granted an extension of 10 days in which to file its brief in the case involving an in crease of rates sought by .the Pacific Telephone 4 Telegraph company. Aduitonal time in which to file the brief is asked, because of many legal actions now in the hands of the city at torney for disposition, according to the letter received here. .Although no order had been issued by the commission today the request prob ably will be granted. . Thomas Ratcliff Dies At Home Here, Aged 77 Years Thomas A. Ratcliff, of Morningside, Salem, died, this afternoon at 12:33 c 'clock, at the age of 77 years. Besides his widow he is survived by the follow ing children: Mrs. Mary McReynolds of Salem. Mrs. Rae E. Bates of Elgin, George I. Ratcliff of Enterprise, Mrs. Rose Voris of Salem and Charles A. Ratcliff of Salem. The funeral services will be held from the chapel of Webb & ClougU at & o'clock Saturday afternoon and will be conducted by the Rev. I.eland J. Por ter. Tho services at the Odd Fellows cemetery will be in charge of the Odd . Fellows. Accomplice Of Bola Pasha Promises More Sensations Paris, Sept. 19. Pierre Lenoir, sen tenced to death by court martial for complicity in the treason cases of Bolo Pasha and Charles Humbert, former French senator and proprietor of Le Journal, received a postponement of his execution today. Lenoir was to have been shot this morning. His request ths-t the authorities postpone his death was granted when he declared he wished to make sensational revelations which haa not been brought out at his trial Engagement Gay Lombard To Stage Dancer Announced San Francisco, Sept. 19. Engage ment of Gay Lombard, capitalist and club man, formerly of Portland, Or., to Mrs. Ivy Crane, noted stage and sociefv dancer has been announced, bnt the date of the wedding is being kept secret. 1 - Mrs. Crane with Douclas Crane, her : former husband nnd daneincr riArtner. at the exposition. She also appeared in .several of Otis Skinner's productions. set u;iir r: HER CONTROL No Definite Pate For Re turn Of Shantung Will Be Designated. ACTION DEPENDS ON CONFERENCE RESULT ' - . .' Washtagtori Officials Are Silent Regarding Tokio " Answer To Request. By H. H. Klnjron (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Tokio, Sept, 16. (Delayed.) Japan will not make categorical statement regarding return of Shantung to China, despite- hints from Washington that such a statement is desirable, according to an announcement the foreign minister iti reliably reported to have made to the diplomatic cOuncilJ i r1 - .. Foreign Ministter ITchida Is reliably reported to have told the. diplomatic council," says the Jiji Shimbun, ."that Japan cannot predict events "Which de pend upon negotiations between Tokio and Pchking, which will be opened at the earliest opportunity.'. Washington, Sept. 19 (Ifnitea Press) Officials here today maintained si lence on Tokio dispatches' saying Japan will not make a- categorical, statement on the return of Shantung. ; ; I-, " This is in lino with the pflfey of not commenting on Shantung In.-aSny way un til Japan makes some def imte tnove;; " it, is known, however, itho official and administration Benairors ha'rt'l4 hopeful that Japinould make, some statement. Thev believe it, would con siderably lessen opposition to the peace. treaty. Tokio, Sept. 15. (Delayed.) Govern' or Siuto in a proclamation addressed to the Koreans declares that his adminis tration, from the outset, will be based upon universal brotherhood and tee maintenance of eastern peace, says dispatch from Seoul to the Jiji Shim bun. ' - - Old Korean institutions and customs Will be adopted, says the proclamation as befitting the new scheme to lay a foundation for a local, autonomous gov ernment for Korea, 11 't '. ' A ; f air aud just administration Is promised. " Forest Fire Sweeping Muir Redwood Forest Summer Homes Burned San Francisco. Sept. 19. The Mill Valley forest fire was entering the fa mous Muir redwood forest at 11:30 a. ni. today. It had traveled two miles to wards these woods in the p"ast sixty min utes and was going fast, urged by a bcavy wind. These statements were made to the United Press today by Martin W. Kile we, fire agent for Mill Valley, who is stationed at West Point Inn. The fire at that hour had destroyed iix or seven summer homes on the out skirts of Mill Valley, he said, bdt had not entered Mill Valley. Two hundred men are fighting the fire and others arc being hurried up on the ridge. The fire is located above the Mill Valley reservoir. - - - ABE MARTIN Sud 'rintendent'-Alex Tansev "When th' Harvest Days Are Over, Essie Dear 1", o th' ISO New Members Secured By Commercial Club Teams So Far; 300 Is Indicated . With an estimate ol close to 150 new mcn'bcrs signed with the Salem Com- mercial ctub; the active' workers re ported at the luncheon held this noon that prospects were good for an addi tional 150 which would enable the club to take up new work in new in dustrial lines. - . In: a few instances, the workers re ported 'business men .as somewhat dis satisfied with the club and this was es pecially with, those living in the out skirts of the city. To some extent these men felt they had been overlooked and that their individual business had not received much encouragement from the club. .- But in eeneTal there was the same feeling expressed the first day of the dfiv, that of acknowledging the good' being done the city.' Many of tho cap- tains found those to whom they had be4i assigned were out of town. This will ; necessitate some work next week and for this reason the teams will re' main intact and will continuo on the job until every name assigned, has been approached. 1 , . A numtoer or nrms nave mcreasca their membership and taken out the quota assigned. Individuals who were not very well informed as to what the club was really doing, subscribed for memberships upon being informed tnat Lone Highwayman Holds Up Train Within Limits Of Seattle And Escapes Seattle, Wash., ' Sept. 19. Binding, gagging and forcing Harry Mero, mail clerk into a locker, a lone robber, still at liberty, rifled the mail car of North ern Pacific train No. 4 this morning while the train was still within Scattlo's city limifsj bound for St. Paul. 'A pack age of Currency consigned to the Boslyn taiik.w&s in the mail car, and with oth er, ieglsthrod mail, was includod in tho Iobt' Tho value is not known. . Tlie-ti-aiTt left Seattle at 8:15 o'clock ll?i.v f w w.ww. . 'this meriting. The robber is supposed to . . - -... , a have boarded the'rain" here and. mado his. way to the mall car by way of the baggage coach. ', Just after the train had picked up speed the robber came Huto the mail car, compellod Mero, to throw up his hands, by sticking a revolver in his fnee and then bound and gagged him. . ' "";' ', " ' .. Frank Sweet Recommended As Successor To Deposed State Pilot Commissioner The commissioners of the Port of As toria, through B. F. Stone, president of the body, today urged Governor Olcott to name Frank W. Sweet, harbormaster, to succeed Thomas Nelson as member of the state board of pilot commissioners. In a letter to the governor Mr. Stout wild: "Mr. Sweet is eminently qualified to act, is thoroughly practical, and is a person whose advice, I believe, would be consistent aud valuable." Mr. Nelson was recently removed as a memoer ot tue state ooara or piioi commissioners by Governor Oloott, fol lowing charges that he refused to dis miss from his employ a man been denied citizenship because of his disloyal ten dencies. Bank Robbers Shoot Man Trying To Make Escape Grand Hapids, Mich., Sept. 19. Four men heia up tno yranvme avenue branch of the Grand Rapids Savings bank shortly after 9 o'clock this morn ing. When Gerrit Streetman, a huckster whe was in the bank attempted to es cape, the robbers sliot him dead, weioro escaping in a motor car, the robocrt secured 3045. Oakland Woman Intent On Seeing President, Killed Oakland, Cel., Sept. 19. Tntcnt upon gaining point of vantage for the rtish when the doors opened, Mrs. Belle Tay lor, a widow, was struck and killed by a streetcar last night, in the sight) of thousands of persons waiting to hear the president speak. The woman was decapitated. Several women fainted. '' Big Klamath Falls Mill Destroyed By Fire Today i ' Klamath Falls, Or.. Sept. 19. The im mense sawmill of the Pelican Bay Lum ber company here was destroyed by fire this morning, It had a daily capacity of 300,000 feet., , .. . A mill of this company on the same spot was burded in June, 191J. The Pelican Bar lumber company is a wey- erhauser interest. ' , New South Wales Favors Irish Self Determination , Svdney. X. S. W, Sept. 18. By a vote of 29 to 28, the assembly of New South Wales todav expressed itself In favor of self determination- for Ireland. every member was put to work and that the old days or the "cnair warm ers" were gone. .. , Following the suggestion of Roy Wiso .of the Cherry ;. City bakery, it was voted to hold the luncheons dur ing the winter at the -plants of the va rious industries of the ' city,' that ' the Commercial elub workers as' well as others might become Acquainted with the city's industries. ' Special attention - was- called to the Salem Tile & Mercantile company, and it was voted- that the club do its utmost-to assist the company and bring the matter of tiling--to the- attention of land owners. - It was reported that 90 per cenl of the output of the tile works was. shipped outside of the val ley; while- there was a need in the im mediate; vicinity of Balem of more tile than the company could produce. Lu ther J. 5hapin spoke of the wonderful rosults of tiling and said that he hop ed the farmers would soon begin to understand . what proper tiling would do for them.- . - ' - ' . The captains and their Workers will continue on the work of soHciting sub scriptions until the necessary- number is signed up. The next monthly meeting of the club will be announced at an early date. . . , , PERSHING'S VIEWS ON ARMY ARE ASKED General Requested To Ap , pear Before Committee , And Explain Ideas. Washington, Sept'. 19 (United Press) With the official ceremonies in his honor practically over, ' congressional leaders now await ' .General John J, , Pershing's recommendations for he fu- t.tcn tn41ii-tf nrnirram nt the eountrv. - turo military program of the country, Pershing has been asked to appear be fore a joint session of the senate and house military committos, at a date con venient to him, to give his views on universal military training, maintenance of a largo standing army, military jus tico system and army reorganisation.. Representative Julius Kahn; chairman of the house unitary committee, stated today that Porshing probably will not appear for a month, as congress desires to give him every opportunity lor a icst after his labors abroad and a chance to visit his old home at Laclede, Mo. So far, few inklings of General Per shing's views on tho big military ques tions have come to congressional mill ttuy experts. , Ho carefully avoided mention of them In his addreas to congress yCBterduy, The only statement that could bo construed to affect future military policy was hiB hearty indorsement of the draft law. Masher, Shot By Husband Of Woman Whom He Accosted Near Death San Francisco,. Sept. 19 Edward C. Kelly, circulation employe of a local newspaper, is in a precarious condition at a local hospital today, the result of a shot Edgar Woodcock, head of the state mining bureau exhibit, says he fired when Kelly insulted his wife. Mrs. Woodcock, who was formerly Miss Alice Harris of Taeoma, has been frequently accosted and insulted on her way to her home alone evenings, ac cording to Woodcock, and last night he put a revolver in his pookct ana want ed a few feet behind her with a friend. Mrs. Woodcock says that Kelly, a stronger, approached her, tipped his hat and iinled money. When she told "her hudbandj he became enraged, and in tne muiuu; oi a sentence uouiauuuig an apologv, fired his pistol, tie torn po lice later the shot was accidental, due to his excitement. Coast Fire Chiefs To Meet In Los Angeles Next Year Portland, Or., Sept. 19. L6s Angeles will bo the scene of the 1920 convention of tho Pacific Coast Association of Piro Chiefs, having been chosen at the clos ing session of the Portland convention last night. Los Angeles won out over San Fran cisco and Fresno. Chief Elliott Whitehead of Oakland was elected president of the association. Harry W. Bringhurst of Seattle was re elected secretary, a position which he has held for 22 years. Portland Contractor In Automobile Smash Killed Baker, Or., Sept. 19. G. II. Bush, a Portland contractor, was instantly kill ed near here last night when a train hit the automobile in which he and William Hermiston of Baker were riding. The accident occurred at Wing cross ing. Hermiston was not seriously in CAKB F! ,:, - :. r : ' , - - " i Oakland Crowds Shout Ap-. proval Of Direct Hit At . "Hi" Johnson. SHORT STOP MADE IN : LOS ANGELES AT NOON Party To Reach San Diego This Afternoon Where President Speaks. . By Hugh Baillie (United Press staff correspondent) Aboard tho President 's Train in Cal ifornia, Sept. 19. President Wilson to day campaigned through California laj behalf of ratification of - the peace i , ATEMoTO treaty. He was en route to. wan Diego, where, he was to make 'a speech lnte'j , this afternoon. i j ' Traveling through tho state the pro j ident met many, crowds at small town, handshaking and talking to , ! toiks." ' ' .; " :. ' Wilson's slogan, through "California was "we are not and never will b J quitters," and "any man who tries to i defeat the peace treaty will be ovei- ; whelmed." " r ' : 1 The treaty, the president claims, is "an organization of liberty and merejr ! for the world.". ., 1 . Wilson 's voioe showed improvement in his speech at Oakland last night. la ! the latter city the president received , more shouts of support from the audi- ehce than at any other time on his trip, j When ho said '"If you have a friend who is a fool, encourage .hint to hire a ! hall," there were cries of "Oh, yon Hiram." Wilson's special train arrived in San- . fa-Barbara shortly after 8 o'clock fhia morning. ' big crowd was on mnnd to cheer the president during the brief stop. , I President Wilson passed through Lois ', Angeles at noon whilb his special train was tranferred from the Southern Pa- , cific to the Santa Fe for the, 125 miles t run to San Diego. The president was well received at s stations aloug the route aproaching Los Anircles but few had a BmPu of him. On account of the dust, which might af- , ftiet his voice, he remained off the rear platform except at towns where the, train stopped. Tho special went through), many places without slackening speed, ' but the people always cheered and waved anyway. Wilson will not remain overnight at Diego as had originally been planned. His . altered . program requires that ha attend the mayor's dinner after his speech. At tho conclusion of this din ner he will return to his train and de part for Los Angeles. . At some secluded spot a stop will be made for several hours. Wilson will arrive In Los An geles about 9 a. m. Saturday, wher he will spend the week-end, A crowd of several hundred peopo was in the Santa Fe yard here to greet , tho president and cheered" heartily when ; lie appeared on the rear platform of hia " car. There were shouts for Mrs. Wilson. ; (Continued from page two) NS GIVEN 25 DAYS TO SIGN TREATY Frontiers Readjusted And Big Reparation Payment Required By Terms. Paris, Sept. 19. Without any eere mony, the Bulgarians were handed tho pence treaty at the French foreign of fice today. They were given twenty fiv days to make a reply. L. L. Thcodoroff, head of the Bui-( gurian peace delegation, made an ad- . dress in which he urged that mitigations be granted in the peace terms. He adjustment of frontiers, aiming to promote tho peace of the Balkans and rneomiition of a now state, form tho leading features of the Bulgarian treaty,. which follows the Austrian ireaiy is general outline. ', . The most important territorial changes provide: First, that Bulgaria moony ner boundaries in four places in favor of Serbia. Second, that Western Thrace be eeded to the allies for future disposition. Tho frontiers with Rumania and Greece re main practically unchanged. Other provisions of the treaty ar that Bulgarian reduce her army to 20,. 000 men, pay a reparation bill of $450, 000.000. recoznize the independence ot Jjugo-Slavia and renounce the treatiea el iJrest-Litovs ana ucuure. .