PAGE EIGHT -SUED SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919. ECHOES OF OLD LAND DRitiT cm mm - - VIUUII VI IVbV 11L.IIIUS Briefs Of Governaient In Suits To Recover By Innocent v Buyersruea '" Briefs prepared by S. W. Williams, , jpecial assistant to the attorney gen : eral" of the United States, in defense -f the government in actions brought ' iby Andrew B. - Hammond, Charles J. ,iWintou and 'the Booth -Kolly , Lumber Company to ., recover approximately 300,000 aid to be due 'because of al ' leged illegal contracts conveying to the plaintiffs land formerly owned toy the lOregon & California Railroad company, Jiav been received-by Attorney Gen eral iBrown for filing in the Oregon ! supremo cotfrt. ' - Because the state of Oregon and each ounty in which the lands -involved are "located are' interested in -the outcome (of -the action to the extent of $76,942,--40 Attorney General Brown appears amicus curiao. In other words the at torney general will not be allowed to argue the case before the court, but bis contentions will be given considera tion through briefs filed in conjunc ition with those of the government. The case originated in the Multnomah coun ty circuit court, when Messrs. Ham knond and Winton and the Booth-Kelly . Iumbor company , (brought joint pro eecdings, the former two men asking for the recovery from the railroad com The two cases came on for hearing to gether in the circuit court on demur rers filed by the, defendant, and by di rection of the attorney general of the United States, a memorandum was pre sented to the court suggesting the in terest of the federal government in the subject . matter. ..of the . controversies. The circuit court sustained the demur rers and the plaintiffs eued out on these appeals. ' For a Weak Stomach The greatest relief afforded by Chamberlain's Tablets in a multitude of cases has fully proven the great value of this preparation for a weak stomach and impaired, digestion. In many cases this relief has become per manent and the . sufferers have been completely restored to health. Warrant For Deportation Of Emma Goldman Issued fit. Louis, Mo., Sept. 18. (United PreRB.) A warrant for the deportation of Emma Goldman, anarchist leader serving a term in the- Jefferson City penitentiary, was executed last Friday, it. was learned here today. , Miss Goldman has completed a two year sentence , for- opposing the army draft but is being held in default of 10,000 fine. Her release ha been set for September 27. AWAIT DISTI Prisoners In Vancouver Jail Escape Over Vancouver, Wash., Sept. IS. When jailers took break fast to the prisoners at the Clarke county jail here this morn pany of ill4,932.0O and the lumber cor- ing they found they had four meals too Jioration the sum of Ia,S37.ll. Ham nond and Winton claimed they , paid (to the United States under an act of 1 (congress approved August 20,1812, the amount sought in their complaint, ' iwhile the Uooth-Kclly company charg ' 'ed that their recovery wag based on monoy paid to the railroad corporation pursuant to an alleged illegal contract. many, i uoya noicomn, aims nogan; joe Brennnn, alias Lane: Fiord Baxter. alias Hamilton, and Harry Gregory, ac cording to Sheriff Johnson, had sawed their way to fredom during the night. In the boys' judeine contest of live' stock at Medford recently, the Phoenix team won, wliich gives them the oppor- State Hatchery At Bend Is Wefl Stocked With Trout Clanton Reports. there are more than 1,000,000 young trout at the state hatchery at Bend ready for distribution, according to the report of B. E. Clanton, master fish warden, Covering hip work If or the month of August, and filed with Gov ernor Olcott thig morning. ' A similur , number ti young trout were also found by the warden upon his recent visit to the Crooked river hatchery in Klamath county. These trout are now being fed in the ponds and arrangements Save been complet ed to have them distributed in me va rious streams and lakes of that sec tion. - IWhile in Klamath county Mr. Clan ton made an inspection of the propos ed egg station location on . Diamond lake and at Fresk lake, also on Spring river, and plans were outlined with the superintendent in charge for next sea son's work. If no unforsecn difficulty arises, Mr. Clanton says the establish ment of these plants should materially increase the state a output of Kainoow and cutthroat trout fry. i ,i- Surveyors have established a line and bench for the now pipe line at Klaskoninp hatchery, and material for the work hag already been o'btaiend. Other improvements there, including protection of the banks which were washed out by the spring freehets, are progressing satisfactorily. ; The new dam on the ealmonberry river is now under construction, and rapid progress is being made. Improvements at the Oregon City fishery, under supervision of Captain Sweeney are now completed, and the 'workers have been transferred to Des chutes jriver to remove obstructions in that stream. ' "uA J"""i SiSS unlt7 of judging in the interstate con 1 iim saonnjjip uufl -sjuas m, 'um Jt , tOBt in Portland in i ; tjuao on 'pnwiu paxnk jo roods pug eipaen , , 111 PUMiS ..'Jioew uo sins uia an mt o j0hn Fenwick. son of Mr. and Mrs. w'Vifa ' ; .Frank Fenwick, and Krnost Lester, son , niu3'iaot i!6"3' ' au(l - Sr Ij0Btpr' ro two I jumped from a train near The Dalles ' mSSi'mi V J""L ""Ll 'Iool Riv" T who have just arrivod and was seriously injured. He had been 2V1HX .... ' om after .being discharged from the arrested at Pendleton charged with ! 1 - service. , , ,' theft. ' Constitutionality Of r Hyde Inspection Bill Is ? ' Attacked In Court The constitutionality of " the law law passed at the last session of the state legislature providing that cattle hides offered to common carriers for shipment must first be inspected by a duly authorized agent of the state, will be attacked in the case of the state of Oregon, appearing in relation to Kis singer & Company of Portland, against walker v. nines, director general or the United States railroad administra tion, . which is scheduled for hearing before the supreme court tomorrow. The suit is the outcome of tne rail road's refusal to accept hides consign ed to Kissinger & Company for ship ment to Portland from Pendleton and Eugene. Under the law the inspection of hides pertains to all counties in the state except Multnomah. It is charged by attorneys for Bissingor & Company that the act discriminates against cer tain sections of the state, namely, those counties outside of Multnomah, and consequently is unconstitutional and without effect. Rotary Club Organized And First Directors Elected The Salem Botary club was officially organized at a meeting held at the Mar ion hotel when a number of Portland men came down to confer. The Port land visitors were taken about the .city and to the fair grounds. The directors chosen at the meeting yesterday wcro Theodore Both, F. B. Thiclsen, F. G. Deckebach, B and H. S. Gilo. Another mooting will be called at ah early date to diacuss plans for future work. This is the second Eotary club in Oregon. '. "BLOOD TONIC I SAYNUMBER 40 Frank P. Skaggs, prominent drug gist, Harrigburg, 111., writes: "(Num ber 40 is still going good. If a custom er says 'Blood Tome," 1 say 'Number Tn an attempt to escape from an otnio as it irives the best satisfaction of ficer, John Ncscr, who claims to be 16, anv blood 1 have over sold." Fair Week Sept 22 to 27th You Will Always Create Get st Values In th e i I Prom the J. C. Penney Co., who are well supplied with a fine stock of shoes which were contracted for before the recent big raise in price. This fact, to gether with the many other reasons why we can sell cheaper, will enable us to save you lots of money on shoes whether it be for : Just note the few mentioned here as a Sample v , .Employed in blood -poison, chrome rheumatism, and catarrh, scrofula, mer curial and lead poisoning, constipation, malaria biliousness, liver and stomach troubles. Under its use, nodes, tumors, glandular swelling, pimples, skin erup- 'tions that have withstood all other ! treatment disappear as if by magic. , Wold by Sschaeteis drug store. Fordson Dealers Co-Operate On Tractor Exhibit At State Fair Children's Foot Form Shoes In black, or brown, or witch elk. Sizes 5 to 8 $2.49 and $2.98 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11 , ..$2.98 and $3.25 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2 .......$3.50 Men's Dress Shoes Ve have the best of style and quality $3.98, $4.98, $5.90, $6.90, $8.90 Women's Brown Calf Shoe Military heel, good shaped toe with a tip. A very dressy and durable shoe $4.98 Women's all grey kid shoe with Goodyear welt sole, French or mili tary heel. Here is one of the best at $10.90" Women's All Black Kid Shoe with Military or French heel, plain pointed toe. It is a good -one, dressy and a bargain $6.90 Girls shoe in gun metal calf, low heel, English last. An excellent school . shoe ....$4.50, Do Not Overlook READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT It is becoming more popular all the time due to the wonderful values"" give. We continue to get new arrivals in this department each day, which w.itJjS... COME AND LOOK THEM OVER Incorporated NOTE: We have engaged Mrs. Lester, who is an expert fitter of 20 years experience, to take charge of our fitting department. You can be assured of every attention and the first class service of the J. C. Penney Company. Both farmers and dealers, will flntt themselves intcvested in the big display of Fordson tractors, and implements to be put on at tho lair by the Valley Wa ter company under the direction of Watt tihipp. i or tins purpose Mr. Blupp has tf eVred the co-oporation of tho principal dealers of western Oregon from Portland to Rosoburg, all of whom will coitributo to tho exhibit. ' This will be installed in a special tent 3Cx70 in dimensions, in wliich will bo found every typo of tho i'oidsou truelct and implement, among which one of the most interesting features will be a "cut-away" tractor showing every de tail of the mechanism in operation. Ex perienced demonstrators will show tho capacity of the machines on the grounds and plowing demonstrations will alsj be made on land outside the grounds. In theso tests it is expected to duplicate or exceed tho records previously mado in Salem, and which secured for the 1'ord- son tractor its acceptance oy tao state for the institution farms. Mine Workers Convention Kills OneKg Union Plan Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 18. Tho' Uni ted Mine Workers of America conven tion here today stood strongly against all radical organization of workors. A resolution calling for endorsement of the one big union was defeated by an over whelming mnjority; This followed do- fent of the proposal to have the orga nization withdraw from the American Federation of Labor. L,- LIBERTY BOND QUOTATIONS ROAD COMCTSiDERWAY 380 Miles Of Paving Being Laid By State And 200 Miles Of Macadam. Highway improvements representing a total cost of $18,015,000.68 are now under contract in Oregon, according to a report issued by tho state highway commission today. The contracts include 380.95 miles of paving, 197.50 miles of macadam .and 567.9 miles' of grading, and in most instances the work 1b ow well .under way. The improvements, together with the price bid on each follows: Pacific highway, 118.8 miles paving, 44.0 miles macadam, 103.7 miles grading 4425,320.75. Columbia Kiver highway, 105.85 miles paving, 69.5 miles macadam, 142.4 miles grading, $4,104,079.21. West Side Pacific highway, 49.8 miles paving, 14.6 miles macadam, 4(i.7 miles grading, $1,383,118.30. Salera-Dallivs highway, 13.1 miles pav ing, 13.1 milcB grading, $320,742.50. xainlull-JMcstueca highway, 8 miles paving, 19.1 macadam, 17.1 grading, $426,602.11. John Day highway, 11.1 macadam, 31.9 grading, $339,913.65. La Grando-Enterpriso highway, 9.6 miles grading, $42,370. Portland-Forest Grove-Mc Minnville highway, 31.4 miles paving, 6.7 miles macadiim, 18 miles grading, $817,502.oO. Ashland-Klamath Falls highway, 19 miles grading, $177,9o7.50. Oregon-Washington highway, 27 miles paving, $036,076.25. ' Old Oregon Trail, 6" miles paving, 13.6 miles macadam, 42.5 miles grading, $475,866.97. Bukcr-Cornucopia highway, 4.7 miles macadam, 27.1 miles grading, $178,411.75 . ' McKenzio River highway, 19.8 miles grading, $268,136.44. - : Crater Lnko highway, 22 miles grad ing, $246,000. . : , Flora-Entorpnso highway, 13 miles grading, $73,560. Coast highway, 19 miles pavmg, 8.8 miles grading, $601,0u4. Mount Hood Loop highway, 12.2 miles grading $227,567.60. Giants Pass-Orescent City highway, 2.3 miles grading, $62,985.35. Central Oregon highway, 36.7 milea macadam, 16.7 miles grading, $197,967. Dallas- California- highway, 2 miles paving, 2 miles grading, $ Ten per cent contingencies, $l,50t, 250.05. Ten per cent engineering, $1,501, 250.05. - MM MM t ' '- New Silks And Dress Goods Chiffon Taffetas in every wanted shade. New Georgettes and Crepe de Chines in all colors. A splendid selection for your choosing. Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & CO Commercial and Court Streets Formerly the Chicago Store furnished serum for use by the heal'th authorities of the city. . New York, Sept. 18. Liberty bonds i quotations: SVj's, 99.98; first 4's, 95.10; I second 4's, 93.16; first 4H's, 95.06; sec jond 4&'s, 93.34; third 4V's, 95.30; fourth 4'-t 's, 93.32; victory 3 a, .w; victory i 'a, 99.92. 1919 i Importation POMPS1M3 OUVEOIL "edwoyt fresh" Packed in Light-proof r. Caaa Sold Everywhere National Billiard And Pool Champions Will Be Decided By Tournaments - New York, Sept. 17. (United Press) Tournaments to determine the na tional billiard and pocket billiard chain pions of America will tako place this fall.- Tho tournament for the 18.2 balk--lano billiard championship will open here Oct. 20 at the Astor hotel. The en tries will be limited to a field of six players with an entrance fee of $250. The gamos will be 400 point affairs. The first pri?.o will be $2500, second $1750, third $1250 and fourth $750. In addition the winner will draw an an nual salary of $4000 as long as he holds the title. The three cushion championship tour nament will be held at the Moose audi torium, Cleveland, starting November 6th. It will be contested by ten play ers for prize money aggregating $4500. To the winner goes $1500 and an an nual snlarv of $2400. second prize is $1250, third $1000 and fourth $750. Tho pocket billiard series will be hold at the Parkawny auditorium, Phil adelphia, starting Nov. 1. Prize money runs the same as the other series with an annual salary of $2400 to the win ncr. The three champions decided in the tournament will then 9tage an eithteen weeks tourney for which they will re ceive $100 per wek and up. Columbia University To Have Strong Aggregation New York, Sept. 17. (United Press) --4'olumbia's football candidates were called to report today by Coach Fred JJawson. Kven better results are expected for the coining season than last year, when the eleven, crippled by losses of regu lars to the army, went through the season with a lone defeat and that to the unbeaten Syracuse team. Houlnkan, t anapary and Shaw, last years back field, are expected to re turn to the university as well as tne" following linemen, Eccles and Scott, of last year's freshman team, Robison, Modarelli, Kienntnger, Grace, Parks aud Tower. Joe Brown, center and Jack Kennedy, end of the 1916 team, will probably be out of the service in time to tram with tho squad. Tne loss ot.l Kobb, last year s captain, and Half back Collins" by graduation will be felt keenlv. CHOLERA1 RAGING IK RUSSIA The Western Lumber 'Export com pany of Cottage Grove has purchased from the federal forest service 2,500, 000 feet, board measure, of Douglas fir in the Umpqua national forest. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy This iB not only one of the best and most" efficient medicines for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, but is also pleasant to take, which is im nortant when a medicine must be civ- en to young children. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been in use for many years and has met with much favor wherovor its "ood qualities have 'become known. Many mothers have given it their unqualified endorsement Wm. Scruby, Chillicothe, ito., writes, I have raised three children, have al- wavs use'd Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy and foun dit to De tne nest lor coughs, colds and croup. It is pleasant to take. sotn aomts ana cnuaren ime it. My wife and I have always felt safe from croup with it in tho house, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy contains uo opium or other narcotic. L.M.HUM Keen Them Home! lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It care of YickSoTong Chinese Medicine and Tea O. 7 Has medicine which will eure ny I known disease. Open Sundays from 10 A. M. I - until B V. M. 153 South High St. Salem, Oregon Phone 282 MMMMM APPLES We are in the Market for all va rieties of Late Apples. Call np MANGIS BROS. Warehouse, High and Ferry Sts. Phone 717 Office 542 State St. Salem, Or. For Long Distance Auto Trucking Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Phone 1400 AUDITING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BYSTEMATILINQ Is Your ACCOUNTING SYSTEM on a FEDERAL TAX BASIS. If not, let me help you. ORVILLE C. HENDERSON PUBLIC ACCOUNT AST INCOME TAX SPECIALIST , Hotel Marion, Saiem, Ore. 147 Morgan Bldg., Portland, Ore. No)i-orislBli. Kussia (iBy courier to Constantinople) An epidemic of Asi atic cholera is raging in this city. . Durinjr the past week the death rate from the disease has averaged 120 per day. Sixty five percent of the case prove fatal. Shore leave from ships in harbor has beeu discontinued. Instructions against the use of un boiled water and uncooked food have 4een issued, hut careless living habits of tho people render them averse to precautioliary measures. Physicians of ' the American Red 'Cross are treating the rcws of foreign ships with anti-cholera serum and have NEW AND SECOND HAND A Store Full of Bargains Ranges, Heaters, Dishes, Graniteware, Beds, Spring; : : Mattresses,'Chairs, Tables, Rugs, Sewing Machines, : : etc. Trade in your old furniture. - - ' WE SAVE YOU MONEY Peoples Furniture Store 271 N. Commercial St Salem. i HtMMMUM M 1