Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 18, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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I All A
Sept. 22-27 Oregon state
fair. ... ,-
Sept 29, " Monday Opening
' of public schools of Salem. .
0t. 1 Oregon .Methodist
Oet. 26 Turn time back qne
Southern Pacific Bailroad company,
was a visitor at the eapitol yesterday.
He conferred with Attorney General
George M. Brown and other state of
State Fair Exhibitors NoUce-Order
your signs and show cards now. The
best work at reasonable prices. Phone
7o8 or call Seley at 417 Masonic
bldg. . ' . , , 9-20
Lena Belle Tartar, teacher of sing
ing. 12 Liberty St. 31. Phone 334 or
Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8.
Wanted, man or woman to assist
cook. Apply- afc Spa - Confectionery, tf
Mrs. E. P. Slade, whose husband re
ently resigned his position as exam
iner in the state banking department,
left today for San .Francisco where
she will make her home. Mr. Slade is
now connected vfith the federal re
serve bank of San Francisco, in the
capacity of examiner.
This week's drapery special. Fancy
White Curtains with Valance, regular
$3.75, $2.23 pair.-'-Hamilton 's. - 9-18
Special meeting of Salem
lodge No. -4, A. F. & A. M.
Thursday Sept. 18, at 1:45 p.
m. to attend the funeral of our
late Bro. Thomas B- Jackson.
Visiting brethren' welcome.
Cretonnes,- values to $1, 47c yard.
Hamilton's, i,. 9-18
IF.. A. Elliott, state forester, passed
yesterday at Eugene and other Lane
r county cities looking after business af
fairs connected with bis office. Mr.
Elliott is now checking up the state
forest fire losses in Oregon and hopes
- to have the task completed within the
next 60 days. Thus far, the repors in
f ,J 'tiicate that thef otaf -losses will-be lcsst
lan in previous seasons.
! Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your
repair work. Phone 1668, 220 N. Com
mercial street. ' tf
Wanted Girl to work in parlor, Ap
ply The Spa. tf
Colonel Garle Abrams left here yes
terday for (Portland where he is par
ticipating in the festivities attendant
to the visit of Lieutenant Colonel The
odore Boosevelt who is touring the Pa
cific coast in the interests of the Am
erican Legion. From Portland Mt.
Abrams will go to Camp Lewis where
he expects to get his discharge from
the army. Prior to -entering military
service Mr. Abrams was a member of
the state accident commission., He re
sides in this city.
Wanted Girl to work in parlor, Ap
ply The Spa. tf
School credifs piano course. Lucile
Barton, 598 N. 17th. Phone 1588. .
The Giese method nf singing taught
by Lucile Barton, especial attention
given to fundamental principles of
music. Voices tried free of charge. 598
North 17th streot. Phone 1588.
Governor and Mrs. Olcott leave here
tonight for Pendleton where Mr. Ol
cott will inspect the eastern Oregon
state hospital and incidentally attend
the Roundup. They expect to return
her? next Sunday -night.
We buy liberty bonds. 205 Oregon
building. tf
Artificial teetn. "nave -expert -plate
man, with over 35 years experience,
at .my office, in. D. x. Beechler, den
tist, 302 U. S. Nat. bank bldg. tf
Claud Leech of Sacramento, arrived
in Salem last night to pass a few days
visiting' with Russell Smith. Mr.- Leech
was a visitor at the eapitol this morn
ing and inspected the several state institutions.
State Fair Exhibitors iNotice OrdeT
your signs and show cards now. The
best work at reasonable prices. Phone
75b or call aeley at 417 Masonic
bldg. 9-20
Fred A. Erixon .is laying down a
short stretch of paving at Independ
ence and even in that community ean
find but few who are willing to .worn
for $4.50 a day. For the past week or
two Mr, Erixon has been advertising
that he will pay unskilled labor at this
rate, .but so far has found but few
willing 'to accept the offer.
The funeral services for Samuel
Frank Walters who died Wednesday af
ternoon will be held at 2:30 o'clock
Friday afternoon from the chapel of
Webb Clough. Burial will be in the
City View cemetery.
J, W. Devers, attorney in charge Of
the legal work for the state highway
commission, k'ft Salem last night for
Pendleton where he is attending the
annual Roundup and visiting with
I v-..
- m9u
B. B. Goodin, secretary of the state
board of control, was among the offi
cials who left the eapitol Tuesday night
for Pendleton to attend the Roundup.
While at Pendleton Mr. Goodin will
inspect the eastern Oregon state hos
pital. ' .
Banish dull care and help the ladies
too, dance, armory Friday.
' W. T. Jenks spent Wednesday in
Newberg visiting the packing plant of
the Willamette Prune association at
that paint. With regard to he prune
crop in .that .section, he reports the
rain damage very spotted, some of the'
orchards showing very little loss while
others will suffer very heavily.
Wanted, man or woman o assist
cook. Apply at Spa Confectionery, tf
Dr. G. E. Prime in Dr. O. B. Miles
office, Lsrdd & Bush bank bldg. 9-25
' Try Northern Flour. It's a Bear.
Ivery sack guaranteed. At your gro
cers, tf
Dr. Lucas of (Portland will arrive in'
Salem Monday, September 22, and will
not leave until- Sunday afternoon, Sept,
28. Phone Bligh hotel or see Mr. Lucas
in our booth, fairgrounds for appoint
ment. . 9-20
Joseph Richardson, deputy state
treasurer, left here yesterday afternoon
for Portland iu connection with the
transfer lof approximately $1,000,000
worth of highway bonds authorized at
jthe last session of the state legislature.
A first class restaurant space at fair
grounds for rent. Address A care Jour
nal, tf
Cretonnes, values to $1, 47c yard.
Hamilton's. 9-18
This week's drapery special, Fancy
White Curtains with Valance, regular
fi.75, $2.23 pair. Hamilton's. 9-18
" 3. W. Stewart, general agent for the
West Coast San Francisco Life Insur
ance company, with headquarters in
Portland, passed yesterday at the cap
ital conferring with State Insurance
Commissioner Barber end other state
officials, i
Special meeting of De
Moky-iCommandrey No.
5, fe. T. -this evening.
Works in the Temple
Visiting Sir Knights welcome.
John F. Reilly, representing the
Radiators, fenders and gas tanks
repaired. Tractor radiators a specialty.
Tord radiators for sale. 190 S. 12th
Bt, Salem, Or. . 9-22
The barometer today noon was ris
'ing, indicating fair and pleasant
weather for this evening and tonight.
Go 4 miles south tomorrow night and
you will be at the big- hop yard dance
at Livesley. j
Make a hit with your sweetheart by
dancing with her 'Friday night, armo
ry.' .. . ..' . , ' ..... , ,. .
N D. Elliott, former alderman from
the seventh ward, is home after spend
ing six weeks in Indiana visiting rela
tives. He notes that the Indiana towns
are booming and those that he had not
sen for 27 years had taken on a gener
al new industrial appearance. Marion
and Fairmotint, Indiana, had almost
doubled in population during the quar
ter of a century, he said, and this was
largely due to manufacturing interests.
iBig hop yard dance at Livesley sta
tion, -4 miles south, Friday night.
Salem always ahead, help her raise
funds Friday night,- armory, TJ. of O.
Dr. P. W. Byrd, of the hospital staff
and J. W. Irwin, supervisor at the hos
pital Jeft Salem this morning for the
Roundup city where .they will pass a
few days. . . '
Dance at Livesley Friday night, 4
miles south. Talmadcre iazs band will
Play. : .
Dance and be happy helping
worthy cause, armory Friday night.
Tr. T. L. Griffith, who is in charge
of the state hospital here, departed for
Pendleton last night where he will ati
tend the Roundup. While an Pendleton
Dr. Griffith will "be a guest of Dr. Mc
Nary, the latter of whom is at the
head of the eastern Oregon asylum.
TTln rt lfidipjl And tliA Mmmnnitr
by enjoying a wonderful dance armory
fTiasy nigni.
Needs Men, Women
and Girls
For the Fruit Preparing room Good Pay, Sanitary
; H Factory,- Light Work. T ' ;
' : S. P. Warehouse. "y
Probably a number of high school
students have been doing work during
the vacation -for which they can obtain
credit in the regular school course.
These students should report for ex
amination at the office of Supt. Todd
at the high school building before the.
opening of school September 29.'
B. J. Miles has sold his 50 acre
prune tract four miles south of the city
in the Liberty neighborhood to James
G. H. Wolfe, a farmer who recently
moved to Oregon from Illinois. The
consideration was $15,000 cash. The
tract includes 20 acres in prunes, five
acres in pears and a desirable home
and farm buildings. Mr. Miles has own
ed this, tract for the past -20 years. The
sale was handled by W..H. Grabenhorst
The family of Frank S. Ward, ?who
have been living in Corvallis' during
the summer months, have arrived in Sa
lem and will make their home in the
city this winter. It is understood that
If- TT7 J 1 . 1 " .
izir. vvu.ru naa auuei'ieu a. position m
the city for the winter.
After the present Commercial club
drive is all over and the list of mem
berships has been made out, it da the
intentions of the directors to publish
monthly in the ealem papers, a list of
members. - This list will be arranged
alphabetically and again arranged ac
cording' to the occupation of the mem
bers It is thought that by this means
all srho are .members will know who are
supporting 'the lub." They .will -also" be
well informed as to who have refused
to' support the organization. This list
will be published first of October and
then monthly. '
A canvass of the little army of stu
dents registering t the- - university
this week shows that out of the sever
al hundred there are 66 coming from
the Salem high school. About 50 of the
number o far registered come -from
Washington, California and Idaho,
with a small group from the Philippine
SPENCE To Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Spcnce of 2600 (North Liberty street
Sept. 14, 1919, a son.
-LEWIS To Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lewis
ot 1495 fckmth llr street, Sept. 16,
1919, son.
BARTRUFP To Mr. and Mrs. John R.
J&rtrnff of rural route 7, Salem,
Sept. 15, 1919, a son.
J. D. Duncan and family of Chico,
California, are among the guests at
the Capital .hotel today.
-Arthur Dunne of Grants Pass, was in
the city this morning on his way-to
Kickreull where he will visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bartlctt.
R. D, Baskin and E. M. Purley were
among the Mill City people stopping
in Salem today.
Thomas Ives of Independence was
one ot the recent guests at the Bligh
tiful display. The Portland society will
send a delegation of 60 members to the
fair on Thursday, September 25th,
when they will be the guests of " Mr.
Llancy and the Salem Floral society,
and will be. entertained with a lunch
eon and a joy Tide about the city.
A movement is on foot among the
returned soldiers and sailors at Wil;
laniette university to organize an army
and navy club similar to those organ
ized in connection with some of the
larger institutions of the east.
C. B. Clancy, who returned recently
from attending a session of the Port
land Floral society, states that they
ar'e taking much interest in the floral
exhibit at the state fair, and will
bring to Salem a monster display of
flowers for both professional aiid ama
teur entries. The dahlias and chrysan
themums will make an especially beau-
NptLce is hereby given that the fin-,
al account of George F. Guerne, admin
istrator of the estate of Charles A.
Guerne, has been filed in the county
court of Marion county, Oregon, and
that the said court has duly fixed the
20th day of October, 1919, at the hour
of 10 o 'clock a. m. thereof, at the
court room of said court in Salem, Ore
gon, as the time and place for the hear-'
ing of objections to said final account
and the settlement thereof, at which
time any person interested may appear
and file objections thereto and contest
the same.
Administrator of the estate of
Charles A. Guerne. 10-16
In three hilarious act3
Real estate continues to move an Sa
lem and the abstract firms as -well as
the office of the county recorder are
kept busy earing for transfers and ti
tles. Mrs. May Pontious has thought
from E. M. McKee a home located in
Richmond addition. The consideration
was $2250. Mr. and Mrs. Pontious are
recent residents of Salem, coming from
Washington. J. .R. Snyder, formerly
of Corvallis, has bought a home at 1595
South Commercial street from H. G.
Campbell for a consideration of $2500.
Ho is associated with the jewelry firm
of Gardner & Keene. -
Those who took advantage of the
government's sale of food and ficrured
on saving e Jot of money, are still
waiting for the delivery of their or
ders. As no food station had been open
ed at Portland the postoffice here was
obliged to send all orders to Fort Ma
son, Calif. All orders received were
filed in the order , of their receipt and
o itar, that part 6f the records -which
contain orders from Salem has; not
been reached. At least none of the food
ordered has reached the Salem nost of
fice- .. . t .-
The pork market is down again with
quotations today at 16 cents. It. was
thought a few days ago that the north
western martret quotations would jus
tify a price of 17 Yt cents for several
weeks, tout woftk marked conditions
have brought the price a cent lower
than it was the first of the week. How
ever, prices in the northwest have not
shown the same five cents a pound de
cline as quoted in the Chicago markets
Many are called but few are chosen,
when it comes to getting a job unload
ing brick from a flat car. A few days
ago the Portland Railway Light and
Power company advertised for labor
at &4 a day. Eleven men responds! to
the ad, calling at the office or the
light plant. After the nature of the
wort was explained, that of unloading
brick from a freight car to be used in
building a foundation or a new ga
generator, only three of the ten showed
up at the gas plant on Front street.
After these three took a look at the
brick and thought it over, they also
"Everyday is Bargain Day.1' Purely
a catch penny phrase, without any con
nection to the real meaning of "BA.w
GAIN DAY." The truth of "Bargain
Day " is simply this: The merchants of
Salem recognizing two fundamental-,
principles in business, "team work''
and "season clearance of stock" col
lectively adopted a given day to offei
the public the "Season's Clean Up,"
of stocks and by having one set - day,
make it worth the public's effort to
shop on that given .day.. By combining
on advertising it enabled the newspa
pers to thoroughly acquaint the public
of this move, and also by each merchant
paying his share of the advertising les
sen the cost to each.
For that event all legitimate mer
chants carefully examined their storks
and put on special tables all odds and
ends and broken lines, marked at a
price that would quickly close them out,
leaving the stock clean with full and
complete lines.
Of course, we grant the accusation
that some of our merchants took advan
tage of . the public, or tried to, and got
long profits on "inferior merchandise,"
but on the whole tho merchants played
the game square.
The difference in legitimate profits
and losses was charged against adver
tising, which all stores must do, but
such bargain can not bo given every
day, no business can do it and exist.
A bargain is understood to mean " some
thing sold at a price without profit, ot
even less than cost."
Question Can every day be Bargain
Day, and a merchant even live, let alone
make a reasonable profit on hid turn
over 1
Men engage in
business with one
point in view
In order to" achieve success it is
necessary to have the merchandise.
Beyond question we have the mer
chandise. Those natty garments
that give distinction to the wearer.
It is blanket time
now. .
These chilly nights
and mornings make
one realize the need
Our stock in
cludes the full all
COTTON to the
fine soft all WOOL
in the most pleasing
insure Your
"NO-MOTH" Is cwnwit
insurance. It offers real
moth protection the beet
you can buylt rarrowida
your elothea cloaeta with
aaearity that ia absolu
tely guaranteed. -Inaure
your elothea today by
burins No-Motn"
No-Moth lea very araall and almplede
vloe. conaistine of a metal hanser. 6x2
rnehaa, which holda. la an inverted neei
tion. 4-ounce bottle tilled with con
centrated eaaence at the richest and pur
eat ot cedar oil and aealed with a, natent-
ed abaorbajit cap. The ell aetpeout Into
the poroua cap and produces a constant
evaporation, nankins of your ordinary
clotnea cleeet a moth-preof cedar cheat.
bees Mo-Moth" Many.
. Our umbrella stock is
complete from the plain
black to the colors, with
fancy ivory handles.
You Can Always Do Better At
Charles Kupper, manager of the Ore
gon theater, is in Portland today com
bining business and pleasure trip. '
Bud Steward has an .-aunt whose
name he does not o know, living in
or near Salem. He desires to communi
cate with her and if she sees this notice
asks her to write to him at Lewiston,
Idaho, B. if. D. No. 1, box 73. .
In a telegram from Senator McNury
prompt unloading of cars is urged as
the most effective weapon in prevent
ing a shortage of ears during the crop
moving season, : ,
Tacoma wall build a 100,000,000 gal
lon reservoir and reserve against any
interruption in the Oreen river water
supply. The reservoir -will be of con
crete and will cost $175,000.
J. J. oerfler of Silvcrton took oc
casion yesterday to drive his auto on
High street between the Oregon Elec
tric depot and a train with passengers
going aboard. This is contrary to a city
ordinance, f ormerly such a thing cost
$5 but this time Mr. Doerfler was giv
en a lecture and told about the ordi
nance and no fine exacted.
$5.50 Luggage earners ..44.50
50c Auto polish 35c
1.50 Spoke Tite .. $1.10
$1.50 Wind shield cleaner $1.15
$7.50 Vulcanizer . $3.50
32x312, 31x4, 32x4 nd33x4
"Motorlife" the gasoline
saver and carbmt remover.
319 N. Commercial street
Salem, Oregon 9-20
252 North liigh Street
The Capital Journal
Daily Market Report
Oram -
Wheat, soft white No. 1 ... $2
Peed oats . 80c
Milling oats . 86r
May, cheat, new .. $17
Hay, oats, new $18(S20
Mill run $4344
Buttcrfat '. . . 67e
Creamery butter 6i68(
Fork, Veal and Mutton
Pork on foot 16V&C
Veal, fancy . . 22e
Steers 7(fii
Cows 5QfVs
Poring lambs '. 10'
Ewes . 4(35
Sheep, yearlings - It
Bggs and, romtrr
Egg cash
Hens, live
Old roosters
.., 15&16C
.. , 22(
7 miles north at Livesley's Big Hop Yard
SAME - -": sf,T.Tf,, UT ' BIG BUS
(And Again Saturday) DEPOT 8:30
Onions, per sack ..... .....
Celery dos .........................
Tomatoes . . ........ ....
Sweet Potatoes
Watermelons ................
Oranges .
Lemons, box .......
- 90e
Hsney, extracted
Cantaloupes .........
Bunch beets
Head lettuce
Carrots -
O rapes, Malagas
Grapes, Tokays
.... i 3c
. $7.5O8.50
Al. -
v riv
J......Z... $1.80
. 8 8-4e
IT J!ZZ. 45c
Retail Prices.
Eggs dozen
Creamery butter ....
Country butter
Flour, hard wheat
. 67c
Portland Market
Portland, Or., Sept. 18. 'Butter, city
creamery t)3tilie
Eggs selected local ex D502c.
Hens, 29:t0c.
Broilers 25(u)2(5c
Geese 15c .
. Cattle
Beceipts 136 ;
Tone uf market steady
Good to choice steers $9.5010.23
Fair to good steers $7.5068.25
Common to fair steers $C7
Choice to good cows and heifers)
Medium to good cows and heifers
$6.50(0)7 :. . w
Canners $34.50
Bulls $57
Calves, $814. j ",;
Beceipts 460 ' - : 1
Tone of market steady
Prime mixed $1717.50
Medium mixed $1717.25
Bough heavies $1515.50
Pigs $14.501)15 -.
Bulk $17.2517.75
Sseep .
Receipts 560 ,
'i'ono ot murket stoaaj ,
Prime lambs $12.50(313.
Fair to medium lambs $1112
Year'i ins $7.5C(S.9
Wethois $7(S)8
Ewes fffi7.50 '
1 I
f U I IjJ
If : ' . X i
Aadgb Kemnedv.
There is rich comedy
and a string of novel
situations in the play. A
village Morals Commit
tee attempts to "re
form" the "perfect
lady" and she turns the
tables and reforms the
Madge Kennedy
And She Proves it
In a Special 2 Keel Comedy
"BimiS and ECARDERS"
IinrTlW Mack Sennett's
I KKK I Y "Yankee Doodle in Berlin"
Starts Sunday J
Bligh Theatre