Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 18, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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BEGIN-viNG1 with the September
term, the public schools of Sa
lem are introducing for the first
" time in tlie state of Oregon, part time
echool. The part time school i to pro-
iride for the education of all children,
between the ago of fourteen - and
eighteen who are employed, tout have-
aot completed the first eight grades 01
if echool. The law provides that all such
children employed must attend the part
time echool at least .- five hours per
-' week, and the hours' ef attendance at
echool, are to be counted as a part of
the hours of their employment.
. A thorough canvass rt all factories,.
' business houses, etc., is being made at
the present time, and all omployers ore
" pledging their cooperation so the part
' time school : is destined to become a
great success., ' ' '
; The most wonderful feature of the
. part time school, is that courses are
open to these students, that will aid
in making them more efficient in their
present employment, so that each stti
., dent may take- a special line of work,
Slid will not be compelled to take reg
ular grade work. -
The work is being.hoartily indorsed
1y all those who have 'been asked to
cooperate, and as this is the first
school of its kind that has been open
ed iiv this state it is hoped that the
Jfoii will at all times
hear fnvorable com
ment about our pro
fessional conduct;
Wo have a thorough
understanding otf our
business and give to
those who, employ us
all, the benefits of
our wide eiperiencc.'i
part time school will open in September
with a record breaking attendance.
" All eyes in clubdom are turned to-
wurAo ffia frmVfmtvmvn to "be held in
southern Oregon in October. Prom Oc
tober 8 to 10, inclusive, ino vreguu
f... a9 Mr.fhAi will ennvena in
Medford. Mrs. Frederick. Schilke, pres
ident; wHI work in cooperation with
Mrs. E. V. Maddox, of Medford in
if - rf-i nr
preparing a program, hits. ueurj;u ...
McMatb, will act as transportation
h;.nii 1WV .Tnhn .Waldmn will be
song leader and accompanist. Mrs. J.
. ... ! w n r mi
r , Kisioy win sing. jurs. is. v.
of Scio is Chairman of the credential
The Oregon 'Federation of Women's
clubs will meet at Corvallis, October
13 ti 1A itiAlunivn Tatita delegations
trnnt oil AVAi ttlA ntfltA AT6 eXPected
to attend. Aside from other state bus
iness, the need of completing the re
.i4(iittib inM nrhtatAm for Oroiron
makes this gathering of Oregon women
the most important held In years.
At both conventions child welfare.
nrnb will nMiinT tin - important l)lace
on the .programs, as wilt Amerieaniz
tion subjects. Mrs. A.' Bayley of the
parents' educational 'bureau will be an
ardent worker for the Congress of
Mothers convention. Other women who
,:n i. 0-n Vr. A. P. TMeeel of
Multnomah county and Mrs. W. 5. Me-
Nary of Pendleton, mo women oi
southern Oregon are entering into the
worn wnoie neaneuiy.
Witfc rto nnnninir of the school year,
activities of more than 3,000,000 young
members in the United States of the
innI... Vonltti nrniuifln are looking to
their laurels. This movement was or
ganized by the Junior Bed ross anu
n;n,.ai ivKni.ititni0 nfutnniation. Each
member enrolled in the movement has
to conform to certain simple ueaiin
ilia, mnwt tmnnrtant rules
call for clean hands and face, ten
hours a day in bed, and slow eating.
1.! l.ia i,t ha mnst hurtful ir-
iUCIW UiV ,t.-u v.
regularities of children. Those who try
to mane tne ten nour .mum by jihjuf-
inrt nvdi IITAIIK rat time net a black
mark n the school attendance record.
Friends of Mr. 1 and Mrs.! 'William
Thielsen will be interested in learning
that shortly after the 15th of October
thev will be domiciled in the attract-
ive resilience or miss: -uuum iltuui.,
south of town. , '
Miss Boot left recently for Califor
nia whore she will spend the winter
with relatives and friends in Wan Jose
and Other cities. Miss Soot is well and
favorably known in Salem and her ab
sence during the winter will be re
gretted by a host of friends.
'' - -..,
Mr. and Mrs. !Lcnry Lee are being
showered with felicitations upon the
arrival of a daughter, born yesterday
at their country home east of Kalem.
From toe to heel
From toe to heel
the Buckhkcht Army Shoe is every inch
a man's (hoc! Worn by men in all walki of life
t all times, in all climci. A shoe built for unusual
comfort and extra service. Get a pair today I
Exclusive Agent
357 State Street, Salem, Oregon
Manufacturers BUCKINGHAM ft HECHT San Tranclsco
i ' i
FIRESTONE records show
that mileage adjustments
were so few and trouble
came so seldom that a new basis
of "adjustments was arranged:
FabricTires,6000 Miles
Cord Tires, 8000 Miles
Vour dealer knows that the
Firestone Gray Sidewall Tires
have delivered such mileage as to
make this new standard adjust
ment more conservative than the
old standard was for ordinary tires.
Most Miles per Dollar
The little- girl is the only grand
daughter of Mrs and Mts. H. C. Tarpley
of this city.
- : -
Mrs. Edward Weller will Joe hostess
to the woman's auxiliary of St. Paul'
parish, at her lovely home, 165 Norti
17th street, Friday September 19 at
2:30 p. m. All ladies-of the church are
most cordially invited to be present
at the informal'gathering., . v
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Clark of
1160' South -Ommereial ' - street, " an
nounce the engagement of their daugh
ter iTWnicA HTba. to William H.' East
of PertJaBd...The .-wedding- -will, take.'
place in octooer.
.,-- - -
Mr. and Mrs. . Walter Buchner," Miss
Dorothy BuChner and Miss Buth Buch
ner spent the day an Portland yester
day as the guests-of friends. The trip
was made y auto.- '
' t , .
Mr.' and Mrs. Alee. Thompson ere
entertaining as their guest Mr. Thomp
son's mother,, who Is here on a visit
of indefinite length : from panada.
Miss Marie Briggs andr Miss Emma
Snook are spending an enjoyable vaca
tion in Portland as ; the guests of
friends, '
Mr, and Mrs. C. Kafoury were
Portland visitors yesterday.
Mrs. George Pearce is in 'Albany as
the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. G.. Hopkins,
(Continued from page one)
the process by which Shantung will be
presently returned to her in full sov
ereignty. In the past there has been
no tribunal which could be resorted to
for any of those purposes.
4 Is there anything in the lenguc of
nations covenant or the peace treaty
which directly or-indirectly in any man
ner imposes on the United States an ob-'
ligation, moral' or otherwise, of the
slightest character, to support England
in any way in case of revolt in Ireland?
Answer There la not. The only giidr
nntee, contained" in the covenant is
against external aggression and thosb
who framed the covenant were scrupu
lously careful in no way to interfere with
what they regarded as the sacred right
of self determination. 1
3 What efect, if any, -will the league
of nations covenant have in either hin
dering, or furthering the cause of Irish
Answer It was not possible for the
peace conference to act with regard
to tho self-determination of any terri
tories except those which had belonged
to the dcleated empires, but in the
covenant of the league of nations it has
sot up for the first time in article 10 r,
forum to which all claims of solf-doter-minution
which are likely to disturb the
peace of the world or the good under
standing betwoen nations upon which
the peace of the world depends, can be
brought. -": ' ' ' " " . '
If you want plcuty of thick, beauti
ful glossy, silky hair, do by all means
get rid of dandruff, for it will starve
your hair and ruin it if you don 't.
It doesu 't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff is to dis
solve it, then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvonj apply it at night
when retiring; use enough to moisten
tho scalp and rub it in gently with the
finger tips.
By morning, most, if not all, of your
dandruff will 'be gone, and three or
four more applications will completely
Idiissolve nnd cfntirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it.-
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging nf the scalp will stop, and
vour hair will look and feel a hundred
times better. You-can get liquid arvou
at any drug store. It is inexpensive and
four ounces is all you will need, no'
matter how much duudruff you have.
This simple remedy never fails.
Good for BUiousnesa
"Two years ago I suffered from fre
quent attacks of stomnch trouble and
biliousness. Seeing Chamberlain 'b Tab
lets advertised I concluded to try them
I Improved rapidly." Miss Eiflma
Verbryke, Lima, Ohio.
By Three Generations
(Continued from page one)
It is the little things in life
that make us happy
are created for pleasure tc
give a man a rich smoke and
a mild smoke, a pure smoke
and a good smoke they fill
the bill always.
f 10 for 13c :
Tho John Bollwan Co. Eraucl.
passed the buek4 ' to the president.
.Wilson made no attempt to speak for
a considerable period. " .
There was evidences ' that persons
surrounding the shouting men were
taking measures to silence them indi
vidually. Starting againee this, handicap- of
din. that kept hi voice from reaching
more than scant third, of the crowd,
Wilson gradually -overcame, the diffi
culty, and before his speech was half
done had : the. close attention of the
vast throng. '; - ' .
He went deeper into the matter of
self determination for subject peoples
than in any previous speech. The crowd
facing him was largely of' "Irish extrac
tion and listened' intently. -
In diplomatic language, Wilson ut
tered what- many considered an inti.-.
mation that the United States might
intercede for Ireland 's cause after the
league of nations becomes a fact.
- Explaining it was not within the
province of the peace conference to act
upon the right of self determination of
any peoples except, those included in
the territories of the defeated empires,
Wilson asked: -
" What does the league of nations
do for the right of self determination f '
"The moment th covenant of the
league of nations is adopted,' 'he said
"it ibecomes the business of the league
to the right of any member of the
league to call attention to the desire
of self .determination or any people, if
such desire is likely to affect the peace
of the world or the good understand
ing between nations."
The last clause "or the good un
derstanding between nations," was
brought 'out slowly and with, great sig
nificance. Wilson had ' just asked
"Where' before have some of my fel
low countrymen, who want a'forum up
on which to conduct a hopeful agita
tion, been offered the opportunity to
"bring their case to the judgment of
mankind." .
Intercession by any nation now for
a subject people of another friendly
nSfion might be considered an tfhfriend
ly act, said Wilson. All this would be
changed, he explained.
Whether rightly or not, a large por
tion of tho erowd; seemed to read spe
cial significance t into the president's
statement, and. a "volley Of cheers re
sulted. .
The throng was swept by emotion at
one point in the speech. The president
was speaking of the, terrors of war and
how wars would not end without "the
league of nations. The trembling voice
of a man rose above the president's:
"God bless- yu Woodrow Wilson;
God bless you," he eried.
The president poke for an hour.
, Diarrhoea in Children.
For diarrhoea in children one year
old or older you will find nothing bet
ter than Chamberlain's Colic and
Diarrhoea Remedy, followed toy a dose
of castor oil. It shtjuld be kept at hand
and given as soon" as the first unnatur
al looseness o5 the bowels appears.
. (Capital Journal Special Service) '
(Jloverdale, oept. IS. Miss lorena
Fa iris left last Wednesday for Alber
ta, Canada; her brother Grant and his
wife accompanied her as far as Port
land where they remained a few days
ibefore returning home.
Prunes arc ripening fast in this vi
cinity and all dryers are now running
night and day. '
U B. Hcnns has just completed a
new prune dryer for H. Wiper and is
now drying for J Schifferer.
W. H. Wilson now the owner of a
nice little Ford car.
-Ars. G. W. Farria has a cousin vis
iting her whom she had not met for
about thirty six years.
Mr. and Mrs. tvunke left Wednes
day for a short visit with their son
and family in Portland.
Mrs. Kay Farris, who hag been visit
ing at Eugene for the past few weeks,
returned Some Friday.
Miss Ada Wall of Doty, Washington,
spent the past week visiting here at
tho M. Fliflct home. ......
Victor Fliflet was a Portland visitor
last Thursday.
Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark,-
etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka, removes
all foul, accumulated poisonous mat
ter from BOTH upper and lower .bowel
and prdveuts appendicitis! Believes
AXiY CASE, gas or stomach or consti
pation. The INSTANT pleasant action
of Adlcr-i-ka surprises both doctors
and patients. A business man reports
great benefit in a long standing ease
of indigestion and sour stomach. J. J.
Ferry, druggist 115 South Commercial.
(Continued from page one)
problems which effect'their lives, their
homes and 'their future."
'Washington, Sept 19. Surprise that
the steel strike, set for September 22,
had not been called off at the meeting
of 24 -union heads at Pittsburgh, was
evident today among government and
labor officials here. '
Previous to the meeting, officials of
the . American Frdnatioa of Labor had
clearly indicated a belief that the walk
out would at least be postponed until
after th "tiroud table" industrial con
ference October S. -! . '
The ain hope for postponement now
remaining lice in the; possibility that
Samuel Uompers, head of the A. F. of L.
may yet attend tho Pittsburgh meejinc.
He has steadfastly denied that he would
do thi - . ,
Qompers again tedav emphatically de
clared he would not to to Pittsburgh
and refused to diaAisa the threatened
steel strike.
Richard Cayrer. a graduate, ef Cm-
'bridge in England, ha entered the
a; ate normal school at Monmouth to
fit himself as a teacher in Oregon. .
I m i in) I
'Why willlwomen continue to drag around in
misery, suffering with the ailments peculiar to their
sex, that drag them down to misery and despair,
with backache, nervousness, the blues, derange
: ments and irregularities, when there is a proved
remedy for just such conditions?
For more than forty years Lydia EL PmkhamV
Vegetable Compound has been overcoming these
ailments until it is now recognized everywhere
as the standard remedy For woman s ills.
ForTwenty Years the Friend
of This Woman
Akron, Ohio. "I am fifty-one years
old and going through the Change
of Life, and Lydia EL. Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound fe doing me
lots of good. 1 felt run-down and
weak but since taking the Vege
table Compound 1 am much
stronger and better. 1 can eat
and sleep, am gaining flesh and .
can do more work than I have for
some time.Twenty yearsagoyour
Vegetable Compound helped me
during childbirth. i wish you
would print this in your paper
so that other women may read it.
There is nothing .better, for the
relief cf suffering womanhood
than Lydia E. Pinkhanfs Vege
table Compound. It does away
with sickness and nervousness
which is very often responsible
for the lack of perfect harmony
in the home."
840 Elmore St., Akion, Ohio.
If you need a medicine of
this kind you may
depend upon
1M P8k
1MB 1 R I r
8f7TSSjiiJi ! TTTilHiTmZftunXmtw iimiiiMi ii I i Mnmrr-I '-- " --r
1 1 i
Horl.Ck'S theOrigina!
Malted Milk. Avoid
Imitations and Substitutes.
Representative Lea of California was
at Grants Pass this ireek aud said he
would urge the immediate, starting, of
work by the. government oa the Cres
cent City harbor. ' , -
If you air troubled with pains or
aches; feel tired; have headache,
trxligeat Km, insomnia; painful pass
age of urine, you will find relief in
The world's standard remedy for Udosy,
1itt. Maddtr and uric acid troublM and
Nauoml Rassady of Holland sine 1696.
Tbn aina, all dracgists. OuaranMsd.
Room For St. George
In Westminister Abbey
London, Sept. IS". Famous Britishers
will have to- hurry up and- die if they
want to be buried ia the nntiona! Val
halla, Veftmin9ter abbey. There is ab
solutely onlv room for six more, and
they will have to 'be cremated first,
aeeordinjt to Kev. Canon R. H. Charles,
who is in charge of abbey graves and
The suggestion cabled from Austra
lia, that the abbey should be the last
resting place of a casket of bones, al
leged to be those of England's patron
saint, St. George of Cappadoeia, which
were ereavated, by Australian troops
in Palestine, finds little favor with
Canon Charlca. "I don't care 'tu
ppence' about his hojics," he declared
emphatically, "just now l am mote
concerned about the remains of r.ng
land, if the labor troibles don 't cease.
Anvway, there is only room for
the remains of six more famous peo
ple in the abbey, I am trying to secure
additional ground! rtor moments;
there are some old houses behind one
of our Xorman walls which have to
eome down some day. I want the space
reserved for the interment of the fa
mous men. There are so many great
men, nowadays, and there will be so
many in the years to eome, that space
for six seems inadequate. If w get
this spaec we might have room for t.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Dallas, Or., Sept. 18. State Deputy
A. P. Martin, of Portland, is in Dallas
I this week assisting George h. Cooper la
tne organization ox a new camp oi the
Modern Woodman lodge, in this city. A
large number of applications for mem
bership in the order have been secured
rand it is the intention of the organizers
to install the camp here on tho evening
of October 6th., A Salem degree team
will put on tho work of the evening.-
Pa Says the Pass
word to my lodge