Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 17, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade
For AUTUMN 1919
"ids ) fx I ?
Our stocks have never so clearly reflected the spirit of the time as in this
Peace Autumn of 1919. The luxurious, the beautiful, the artistic are ram
pant. Colors vie with" fabrics and rich furs to claim yourpleased attention.
Best of all, the fabrics that fashion these : garments, the workmanship
that makes them are as nearly perfect as garments can be. We believe that
we have gathered the best and most beautiful stock of fall wearing apparel to
be found in Salem. ; - y .
These and many other popular fall fabrics are found in our large and
carefully selected stock of coats, suits and women's ready-to-wear.
Silvertones, Tinseltones, Delphatines, f ricotines, Bresilian Peachbloom, Pop
lins, Broadcloths, Almarettes, Mixed Velours, Chameleon Cord,. Beaver For
tuna, Beaver Melange, Velours in all the popular shades and patterns, Silk
Dresses in Tricolettes, Taffetas, etc. v
4G6-474 State St. C V
Men's Store
416 State St.
Supreme Court Hears First ,
Arguments Since Vacation
Tim first hearings before the sup
reme court since its summer vacation
were up Tuesday when arguments wore
presented in the case of Kunlss vs. the
Kihoiroii Hardware company, a personal
injury suit from Multnomah, comity,
and Kroner vs, Brooks, also from Mult
nomah county. Attorneys here appear
ing in these cases were Cheater IShop
purd, (. M. Mleiiinn, P. H. Henu anil
Norman (). KiuhardH, all of Portland.
- 0. .T. Hull, prominent Idaho stoek
Jimu, has sold 12."( acres of deeded land
together with 3SIH) head of sheep, and
lu camp equipment on the upper Snake
Tiver for lOl!,7,"iO.
Apply tew drops then lift sr;
touchy corns off with
fiugw No pain I
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop little
Froeaune on an aching corn, instantly
that com stops hurting, then you lift
it rijht out. Yen, ningiel
A tiny bottle of Freeione cosls but
a few cent at any drug store, but it
sufficient to remove every hard eorn,
soft corn, or corn betwcei the ton,
end the calluses, without aoreneaj or ir
Vreeione is the aengational discov
ery of a Cincinnati genius, It ii wonderful.
Commercial Club Takes
Up Problem Of Securing
Cars For Fruit Shippers
The Salem Commercial club in 'doing
nil possible to secure a supply ,of re
frigerator ws for the northwest nnd
especially Oregon during the coming
fruit and apple season.
Senator McN'ary wired the other,
day that lie hud 'brought the matter
before the railroad administration and
that tho Khorlge of refrigerator cars
ws receiving serious consideration. '
Congressman' Hnwley has also been
nppealed to and reports that he is do
ing all that can be done to have the
'railroad administration understand the
I emergency that exists and the ncecsai-
' f i... ..n..n.,. .... .vtf II n
proper quota of cars.
A telegram received yesterday from
Congressman Hnwley addressed to Kob
ert ('. Pa ulna, president of the Salem
'Commercial vlub is as follows:
" Have conferred personally with
railroad administration relative to
more refrigerator cars. Am assured by
administration it will do all possiblo
to furnish cars as needed. They any
that chief difficulty is that consignees
delay unloading refrigerator cars for
many days, sometimes amounting to 10
days, and if -onsl'nors would urge
prompt unloading, it would help very
'Have you at present sufficient
carsf Can you make any estimate as
to number of cars needed weekly by
fruit growers of western Oregon t Have
also presented suggestion of faster ser
vice. That problem being investigat
ed." Federal And State Experts
Discuss Topographic Work
Thomas K Oerdine of the Cnited
States geographical survey, was in
consultation with Xtnte engineer Percy J
A. Cupper, Tuesday, relative to the re
sumption of topographic work (n the
Hwhutcs cunty in order to complete
tho Deschutes quadrangle. Gerdine.
who is in charge of topographic oper
ations m the west, ia now engaged in
making a map of the Deschutes coun
try for general uses.
. j
yi f r
! ,
i .....
1 ::;.,''
I "'
1 Step Up, Gents! Don't Crowd
o -o -o ;- o o o o o
Olcott Plays Cupid for "Liz"
! Boy, page the best looking bachelor in
Oregon. . t '
Governor Olcott has a job awatinj for
this particuttr individual as soou as he
can be located.- (Don't crowd ihtro,
plisise.' One at a time. Take ytmr tura
' in line for Off jcial inspection.)
I Yes, it's a state job state of matri
mony and all that the lucky (I) ap
! pointce' will have to do is to taEe uuto
'himself, for better or lor worse, te loye
nnd cherish, etc., etc., one petite, brown
eyed, 'music teacher ''who never did' a
bad deed before God in uer whole lif e-
1 however' many years that may be; In
J spite of the fact that she lives in rueb
: leyiColorodrt, and comes from one -of the
best families in that state-r-on her own
admission. ' ;"'.
I Applicants for the position in order
to receive favorable consideration from
the governor who has been impressed
into the' service as cn aid to U.ipw
j must bo tall," possessed of blue eyes,
j have 'lived and experienced fifty j eirs,
land have access to a bank account ol
not less than a million dollars tile last
qualification being underscored,
If you're that kind of a bachelor
meet Lizzie Leslie who. thinks that it
would be possible for her to marry such
a man and love him wuh all her heart
and soul.
In her appeal to tho governor of Ore
gon, which "she heads, "Hunting fcr
Happiness, " Lizzie gushes thusly:
"I nin looking for a tall, blue eyed, 50
your old husband. He must Have a mil
lion $. I am small. Called -pretty.
Rrown eyes. Sfusic teacher. I never
did a bad deed before God in my life.
If I find a person I can love wi'.a all.
my heart and soal better tthan J.fc and
nm sure he loves me (he same I ""ill
marry him. We are one of the Best Fam
ilies in the state of Colorado. Please
send photo" and full particulars. -...
"185 W. 12ta St., Pueblo, Colo.
"Please give this to the best leoklag
bachelor. in... state of Oregon.. .-Thau
yon." - " -
Locatica Of Stores To
Sell Scrpks Supplies
Of Amy Are Announced
Washington Sept. 17. The war de
partment announced the cities in Si inch
urmy retail stores will be opened tiip
tember 25. The cities are: .
Atlanta, El Paso, 8t. Louis, San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, tjaa An
tonio and Newport News. ..-;.-
The department announced a partial
list of commodities to be sold li
stores. - .
Some of the articles offered are: VSool
blankets at $6 each, cotton ai.d wool
blankets, $5 each cotton blankets, $3
a pair; wool underwear, $2 a suit,, i-ain-eoats,
$3.23 each; socks from la teats
to S5 cents a pair, and towelo at 20
cents to 43 cents each. Renovated ar
ticles will be cheaper.
Goods will be sold both over the coun
ter and by parcel post, with the depart
ment paying postage.-
"Get this straight"
says the Good Judge .
The tobacco that give
you the most lasting
chew is the kind that
saves you money. You
don't have to take so
many fresh chews. The
rich tobacco taste stays
right with it. -That's
why you take a smaller
chew.- " :
'. put up in two- styles . i
RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco '
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
I " - I
Paris, Sept. 17. The supreme iCanedl
of the peace conference lodav dcfnittlv
approved the Bulgarian treaty which
will be handed to the Bulgarian dole-
frctoa at. V Pi.AnAl. rAnn:n J'Ji n.: I
hhvh iv .mo a.vuku xuiviju viiiw in
day morning.
No ceremony will accompany the
Miss Violet Neitt Who Plan a iad
ins ol with the Boward roster
ruyers sow Playinc at the Riga
A little "Wist" Ad Sells It Use He Journal Want Ads
this Is What Mrs. Campbell
says uf Tamac Suffered
Six Years.
'Of all tho medicines and treatments
I have taken during the past six years,
Taulnc is the only thine that has done
me a iy good at all," suid Mrs. Sadie
Campboll, who lives at 1353 Geary St.
San Francisco, Cab, tho other day. -
' ' I had suffered so much from stom
ach trouble," coutinuod Mrs. Campbell,
"that I was in t very weak, run down
condition." When I betan taking Tan
lacj' I had such little stiength and en
ergy about me that the least exertion
would almost prostrate me. Everytime
1 ate anything I would have bad spells
of Indigestion, nnd whut I ate would
sour nnd cause pas to form which made
mo miserable for hours afterwards.
had a dull headache neaiiv all tho time.
My liver didn't seem to net well, either,
and I suffered a lot from biliousness,
and would often Ret so- dizzy tht;t I
could hardly stand on my feet. My
nerves were in bad condition, loo, and I
Imrdly ever got a good night's sleep.
"Then I heatd about Taulac, and
thought I would give it a trail, and it
certainly proved to be a godsend to me,
I have only taken three bottles so far,
but I feel like a different person alto
gether. Why, I have actually gained
eight pounds already, and feel so well
a:id strong that I can easily do all my
housework, and get about as well f. I
ever did in my life. My appetite is
?ood, nnd what I ent agrees with me
perfectly, and I never have a sign of
indigestion or sour atomnch any more.
My nerves seem to bo in perfect condi
tion .and I sleep soundly for eight or
ten hours every night. I think Tanlac
is the best medicine on earth, and I t.m
so hnpuy over what it has done for me
that I just talk it to everybody I meet."
Tanlnc is sold in Salem by Dr. S. C.
Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug
Co., lu Mt. Angel h- Ben Gooch, in
Gervnis y Jol.n Kel-y, in Turner by
H. P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by Ly
man H. anorev. in Silverton by Geo.
. Steclhnmmer. in Gates bv Mrs. J.
P. McCurdy, in atayton by C. A.
Henuchamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
More, in St. Paul bv Groceteria Stores
Co., in Donald by M. W. Johnson, in
,iefferson by Foshav & Mason and in
Mill City by MarKoteria Gro. Co.
Monmouth Grange Takes Up
BeautihcatEon Of Roads
Monmouth, Or., Sept. 17. The Mon
mouth grange met for its regular busi
ness and social scssiou Saturday after
noon. Owing to i.ie busv season the
attendance was not large. As had been
previously arranged for the summer
months, there was no morning session,
the "family" gathering at noon and
enjoying a bountiful meal together. In
couise of the afternoon session several
interesting suoieoM were discussed, the
name of a new applicant for member
ship was presented and other matters
of business attended to. It was decid
ed that the question of beautifying the
new state highways would be taken
up at the October meeting.
With regard to the state fair, it
was decided that it would not be ad
visable to undertake a grange or com
munity exhibit tins season.
Monmouth, Or.. Sept. IT. The Ore-
Hon Normal school opened Monday with
a much larger enrollment than last year
The exact number cannot be given at
this time as students will continue to
arrive throughout the week."
A Little Tast" Ad Sells It
American Legion Assured Of
Support Of Public Service
No aliens whose names are on the
objectionable list of . the American
Legion, will ho employed in the grain
department of the public service com
mission according to instructions is
sued by IFred J. Buehtel, chairman of
the commission, to J. W. Church chief
grain iuspector, Tuesday. A letter was
also sent to James O. Conville of the
employment . committee of the Ameri
can Legion, Portland, assuring him of
the complete sympathy of tho commis
sion in its action against those aliens
who renounced American citizenship in
ordered to evade the draft.
"The undersigned, writing for the
'commission and for himself, directs
your particular attention to the latter
portion of the enclosed letter from,
which we quote 'that you watch your
payrolls diligently and see that none
of these . men or others of the same
stamp, are employed by' the grain de
partment," reads Buehtel 's letter to
inspector Church.
' ' Prompted by our love of country
and tho worthy example of those who
cheerfully sacrificed their personal am
bitions ana opportunities upon the al
tar of patriotism, we wish to most em
phatically reiterato and endorse the
sentiments expressed in the enclosure
and to assure you that you will have
the full support of this commission
and of every true American,"
In his letter to Conville. Chairman
Buehtel conveys the assurajico of the
sympathy of the commission with the
course which is being pursued by the
Legion in its fight on objectionable
aliens and assures him of the coopera
tion or the commission in enforcing the
Legion's suggestion so far as emploves
in the jurisdietion of his department
are concernea.
Seattle Divorce Mill Works
Thorough Exceedingly Fast
Seattle Wash., Sept. 17. Here is the
way the King county divorce mill
4AiuT my husband stole my baby
and took it to California, leaving me
without cent '
"Divorce granted."
" and she flirted with a gob right
under my nose. God knows where she
is now; she left me a year ago"
'Divorce granted.
" and mv husband simplv up and
left for Montana. I support my baby
and myself not a cent of nlinionv
never want to see or hear of him
again " .
Divorce granted." .
and I married her up in Nome in
1906: picked her up to give her a home
more than a year ago your honor, and
after I gave her almost all I had '.'
' ' Divorce granted. "
"Yes he's just naturally shiftless
and no good. Well, the last black eye
was simply over nothing, judge "
"Divorce granted."
American Association Win
ners To Battle On Los
Angeles Diamond.
Chicago, Sept. 17. (United Press.)
Champions of the American Associat'on
and the Pacific Coast league wiii play
a series in Los Angelas, beginning Oc
tober 8 for the :inor league champion
ship of the. woild, according- to -,.,
lion acer. ent here today, - - ,
President Thoir.as Hi-irey of tio tgso- "
ciation sjid the agreement was rcaehed -after
six weeks of ncx"tiation. Tho
teams will figh for five out vi nio
St. Pa d with i lend ' :' bix and : l-silf
f:a:nes over Kaunas City ! the t.n.rftrent
winner ol the as&ociatio i title and prob
ably will make ihe trip to bat '9 l oj
Angeles mi Vcrvm of Coast le.-iiw.
The Inriia;ioni.. li-ji: seiiei, a fea
ture in previous years, was abandoned
this year on the ground that a series on
the coast also would uecome too be
lated. '
1c Word Class Ad Will Sen It
Plumbing ond Water Systems Installed
by OKABE& BBO&, 141 South Iabsrty
St, Phone 650, AIM agent fur Faix-banks-UorM
Qaa Engines.
of tin caw.
Every grocer everywhere
sells Kellogg's everyday
Friday, September 19, 1919
At 1:00 p. m. Sharp, at the Twin Maple Fruit and
Poultry Farm, 1 mile east of Macleay, the following
described property:
Thrco head of horses: 1 brown gelding, 8 years old, weight 1330; i
brown gelding 12 years old, weight 1250; -1 dapple grey mare, 0 years
old, weight 1200; 1 cow, 8 years old, fresh ,a good milker; 1 pure Dred
Duroc Jersey sow, 1 year old; 7 pigs two months old (these are good pigs)
Machinery 1 3-inch Baino Special wagon and box, nearly new; 1
carriage; 1 buggy;" 1 new Superior double dise drill, 7-foot; 1 8-feot
Deering binder in A No. 1 shapejl No. 50 Oliver plow, 16-inch; 3-scetlon
spike tooth harrow; 1 2 section lever spike tooth harrow; 7-foot spring
tooth harrow; 1 single garden cultivator; 1 good gravel bed and patent
engate; 1 7-foot scraper; 1 heaiy set work harness; 2 sets single work
harness; 2 sets single driving harness; 3 20-inch work collars; 1 20 inch
buggy collar; 1 18-inch work cellar; 1 DeLaval cream saparator, us good
as new; 1 Empire separator; 1 No. 1 Boss washing machine; 1 hay car
rier and fork; 120 feet Manila rope, all new; 2 pulleys; 2 oak barrels; I
scoop shovel;' 1 straw fork 2 hay hooks; 2 merry-go-round circles; 1
scythe; 2 hand corn planters; 1 10-gallon can; 1 5 gallon can; 1 14x16
tent; 1 5-gnllon gas tank; auto pump; 1 30x3 Goodrich tire; hoes and
potato forks; 2 pairs sheep. shears; 2 lanterns; bolts and strap irons and
other articles too numerous to mentien.
TERMS :-All sums of $10.00 and under cash. All
sums over $10.00 six months time will be given on
notes, at 8 per cent interest, with approved security.
TheroaM. Russell,
124 S. Commercial St Salem, Ore., Phone 937 or 1211