Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 17, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Colon Is the Home of
Health Keep It Clean!
LL HOUSE CLEANING is at UanJ. It's a hard
job, at best. But consider what an impossible task it
would be if the house hr.dn't been eettiner its retmlar
' daily cleaning all these months!
' ' Long before thijnoonecould have lived in it. The accumulated
dust and dirt, which is fairlyxasy to down day by day, would
have so clogged the quarters that they would be uninhabitable.
Yeur Colon is the house where your health lives. It ha
different "rooms" in which your daily physical welfare "lives". ,' "
These "rooms"'are long and narrow. So they are easily
co;rg?d. And when constipation clogs them, your health has ;
to get alqnrj the best it can in a home that isn't fit to live in, any ' ? .
more than a house, clogged-up with dustand dirt is fit for you"
and your family to live in. - ,
Nujol is the broom that will keep this "home of health" in perfect ' '
. order all the trac, ; ,;
Nujol h the only helper that will do this without turning things topsy
turvy and upsetting all the "rooms" just as house-cleaning does.
By daily use of Nuiol yo- r-n fr-e ynursclf from all the disease-risk, '
discomfort and inefficieni'y tint come frc-m a clogged colon.
, Nujol is rot a medicine. Not the least particle of it is absorhed into the
system. It is a dear, tasteless, odorless, absolutely HARM LESS softener
and lubricant. A baby can take it with perfect safety. It doesn't upset ..
the stomach or anvthmg else. It simply keeps the home of your health
Get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist to-day, and send for free
booklet "Thirty Feet e Danger.'; '
Nlljol Laboratories, STANDARa OIL ca (NEW JERSEY), iO Broaihray, Nev York
Insist on XlI'-.I
uiol Mi l onlr In vnld '
ittbi bearing tno Nuiol
Trade Mark. All druiauu.
Vnu may mffir from lubstiiutei,'"
- For GonsMpation
Sickness Prevention
Improvement of the entire Columbia
highway, except a gap across Wusco
county, is now provided for by the st&te
highway commission.
Two discovories have added greatly
to human welfare, ;
In 1835 Newton originated the vac
tnim process for condensing milk with
cane sugar to a temi-tiquid form.
In 1883 (Iorlickat Racine.Wis., dis
covered how to reduce milk to a dry
'pcriziler form with extract of malted
grains, without carie sugar.
This product MORLICK named
Malted Milk. (Name since copied
by others.) Its nutritive value,
digestibility and case of preparation
(by simply stirring in water) and the
fact that it keeps in any climate,
liar, proved of much value o mankind
as bu ideal food-drink from infancy
to old age.
Aifs far MM.tCX'fl-.f.voM ImlUtian
Arbitration Board Gives .
Ruling Upon Demands Of
Printers Of Salem Today
- Actum ou ttiei aomatia or te mem
bers of the Capital Typographical Un
ion and tho Halcm Printing Pressmen's
union for a new scale of wages and
hours, tho'.local Industrial' welfare com'
mission, acting as a board of arbitra
tion, have awarded tho printers a 44
liour week and a pay scale of a
dti" for day worklind $6.50 for nights.
The new arrangement gives the
printers a working day of 7 hours and
20 minutes and increases tho pay of
night workers $1 a day, ,
Head pressmen who are to receive
! for day work and $J.50 for night
work. Other awards to pressmen aro:
Cylinder feeders, $4.68 for day work
and $3.18 for night work; platen. feed
ers 1(13.60 per day for day work and
4.10 per day for night work. Press
men also aro allowed . the 44-hour week
Tho arbitration was in a joint case
of Mio Capital Typographical union
and .tho iSilem Printing Pressmen's
union vs. the Daily Capital Journal
and tho Oregon Htatosmnn.
Big Boys and Girls
Wearing Sizes 2 1-2 to 6 Read
When Buster Brown paid us his last visit, he left a
tremendous large stock of Growing Girls' and Boys'
Shoes. This was more than a year ago. You can
now buy these shoes for less money than Buster
himself could sell them for. If you wish another
pair of the goojl old Blue Ribbon quality, at a price
, that is so generously kind to the purse, don't put it
. off another day because your size might then be
gone. , ';; . '-.'.
Largo Boyg' Shoes in Gun Metal,
button, fuli toe a shoe of sturdy
proportions. The same thiiiji in
lueo also, and another bu.lt of
heavier stock, ali at....... H.T.:
, The girl that wears a woman's
s;wi but doesn't like a woman's
.shoo will find m ,his Gun Metal
Button the be.;t for scheXil jnd
Welled sole, only ................. ?4.25
MeKnv sole, oniv .o.jo
Here you have the choico of Put
cnt Leathers with kid or -loth
top, plain or tipped toe, lace or
button. Also spiendid kiu but
ton with patent io eap, nil for
growing fii'ls, wearing SMi to i,
at - ... 83 3;-
ess I
Tho shoe built on gontlom inly
lines .for a Bov Best," Cun
Metal, laee with modified tlng
lish toe, leather or Noolia eolos.
Some she are h issing b.it yt.u
mav still bo'fitud exJ. .?i95
Splendid Buys In Boys' Heavy Hi-Tops
KEEN interest is centering on the
informal dangto be given at the
armory Friday evening for tho
benefit of the fund for the Women's
building at the University of Oregon.
Miss Marjorio Kay and Miss Doris
Churchill, popular members of Salem 's
younger set and prominent in social
circles at the university, have been ap
pointed by the university to take
charge-' of the detailsj and in turn,
have appointed their" committees to at
tend to the various mattets of import
ant, dependant upon 4he affair.
i t he dance wilt be the first big event
of the season and no efforts are being
spared to make it a stupendous success.
Trc eause for which it is to be given
H one that is dear to the hearts of all
thoso interested in educational mat
ters, particularly those for whom the
University of Oregon holds tender,
school day associations. One proof of
the importance, and. -worthiness ot the
undertaking is in the following list of
prcmiueut. men and women who are
n .'ting as' patrons and patronesses for
'he affair: Governor and Mrs. Ben W.
Oicott, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Robertson,
Mr, and Mrs. T. B Kay, Mr and Mrs
Heavy Mevors, Lieutenant and Mrs.
Hobert McMurray, Miss Margaret Cos
per, Judge .niid Mrs. Charles A. Johns,'
Mr. and Mrs.' Clifford Brown, Mr; and
Mrs. Dave Kyre and Tar. and Mrs. H.
H Olinger.
Tho Oregon Congress of Mothers and
Parent-Teacher associations will meet
at Medford October 8, 9 and 10. The
delegates will leave here Tuesday eve
ning, October 7, and arrive at Medford
Wednesday at 9:30 a. m. Mrs. E. V.
Mnddox is ax'ting as general chairman
at Medford. Mrs. D. C. Thomas of Seio
is chairman of the credentials commit
tee. Mrs. John Waldron will act af
song leader and Mrs. J, F. Risley will
sing a group of songs nt the soeial eve
ning, to 'be held Wednesday. Mrs.
George AfcMath will act as transporta
tion chairman, Mrs. F. Or. Schicke is
arranging an excellent program along
lines of coordinating all the child wcl
tare work of the state. Tho film of
the" Oregon-'Hygicne society, "The Be
ginning of .Life," wUl ce shown as ,a
specinl feature of Hie convention Thurs
day night at one of the 'theaters at
Medford. At the meeting of the board
held last, week, it was decided to rec
ommend to- the convention that the
name of the organization be changed
to Oregon Parent-Teacher association,
Branch of Notional Congress of Moth
ers. .
.Brest is now the official port, from
which French brides sail for their. new
oniC8, Tho barracks which the Y. W.
C A. maintained for brides in Bor
deaux and St, Xazaire aro closed after
brief and iiiteuse life when hundreds
of torideg and their children wcro bil
leted thero awaittng transports and
learning something abotit Amorican
geography, customs and cooking under
the direction of tho Y. W. C. A. hence
forth all brides will sail from Brest.
Livernool Is atlll the official sailing
port for English bridos of American
sailors and soldiers. All brides, on ar
riving ia 'New York, are taken 'by the
Red Cross to tho Y. W. C.A. hostess
house at Lexington avenue and East
f orty rust street, where they stay un
til their husbands are demobilized, and,
can accompany them to their new
Oao hundred seats for Theodore
(Roosevelt 's speech to be given' in the
Auditorium in Portland this evening,
have been reserved for members of
the auxiliary of the American Legion.
The American Legion is rapidly
becoming a recognized power, comprrs-
niir as it does, the very best of Un
country's manhood. The. stand that the
organization has taken in the matter
of those aliens who surrendered their
naturalization papers to escape mili
tary service, and the drastic measures
used in combatting bolshevism aro fair
samples of the immense good the order
has set out to accomplish,
Vioiids of Sergeant' Harry Hoxio
will be glad to hear that he has laad-
ed in New York and has been sent to
Camp Merwtt to receive his discharge.
Sergeant lloxie, before his enlistment
was cashier in the state insurance de
partment and his position as an out
ploye of tho state has been roserved
ror him,
Mrs. John Carson has been selected
as delegate from Salem to represent
tho Capital city at the first convention
of tho American War Mothers, which
will be held in Washington, 1). C, on
Oetoiier 1. Mrs. A, A. Lee, who is at
present visiting in Kansas Citv, Mis
souri, will also attend,, joining Mrs.
Carson in the east.
Miss Genevieve Potter, after spend-
il.g two months with her parents, Mr.
oral Mrs. L. . Potter, left a few days
afto for New Haven, Connecticut, whero
she will take up pupil dietetics in a
meal hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L.' Somior and lit
tlo son are here from Falls City, Ne
braska, for a two weeks visit with
their sister, Allie Harrold, and mother
ami brother, at J.u riusti street.
Tho P. E. O. Sisterhood will resume
its activities for the season beginning
with a meeting at the home of Mrs.
W. P. Kirk, on J'ietv Lane, at .two
o'elock tomorrow afternoon.
" A party i-omposexl of Mrs. Rose Gage,
Mia Rett Gage, Mrs, E. M. Paxton,
irs. 'Lewis Mishler and Mrs. S. A. Mc-
Elvaia motored to Portland yesterday
ana spent the day.
Miss Ruth SehulU will leave Satur
day for Corvallis where she will enter
the .Oregon Agricultural college.
Governor ami Mrs. Ben V. Oleott
returned yesterday from Portland
where they welcomed President Wilson
during his brief stav in the metropolis.
Fashionable Women
Wearing Fall Models
The name SPERLING stands for
correct style, high quality and true
economy in women's and misses' ready-to-wear
dresses. ; " ' . -.'
That is why we are showing them in
so complete a variety of fall styles a
more extensive and interesting display ,
than ever before. '.
A glimpse of the new models will
convince you how distinctive they are.
It is an easy matter to select your
hew frocks from ' so "many"' tasteful,'
smart and becoming models.
And with SPERLING makers, qual
ity is as important as style. Both must
be the best.
A close inspection will convince you..
" how good the materials. ' and linings
are; ho 'wthorough the making, stitch
ing and finishing of details throughout.
Because they assure correct style
and give lasting service, SPELLING
Dresses are economical to buy at their
moderate prices.
$19.75, $24.75, $29.75, $34.75, $65.00
UbertyStreet, Salem, Oregon
Present Fiume Revolt Was
Formed In Venice, Rumor
r "'
London, Sept. 17.- The plot which
resulted in Gabrille D'Annnnaio's seiz
ure of iFiimie was organized in Venice,
according to advices : rccoived here.
The perfect of Venice, has been dismiss
ed. .. ...
Itumc is isolated today and little
news of the recent developments there
hf reached the outside world.
Six regiments of artillery, it was
learned were about to join the raiders,
but returned to their barracks upon
the advice of their officers.
Plumbing Firms Comply To
Law Requiring Licenses
of light rind scores of sahers came to
salute. Tho foot escort was dropped
and the run io the hotel was made at
a fast clip, mounted police, motorcycle
I policemen, and automobiles filled with
All plumbing firms of tho city have secret service agents jockeying around
( ' 0m J
Poor tea costs more per
cup than good tea.
That's the' money cost
Poor tea has a health'cost
too it's full of tannin
which is all right for
tanning leather, but bad
for the stomach and1
Good tea Schilling
Tea is the tea for
enjoyment, health and
economy. .
Thcr art) four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon-India, Oolong,
English Breakfast. All one quality. In
parchmrn-lined moisture-proof packages.
At grocers everywhere,
A Schilling & Co San Fmncisca
now .complied with the ordinance pro
viding a license fee for plumbers of
20 a year. That is, the eight firms
liavo paid to the. city treasurer the
semi-annual license of $10 rather-than
have action token against them.
The ordinance that provides an an
nual license fee of $i!0, also provides
for the appointment' of a city plumb
ing inspector, as n protection to those
plumbers who do work that will pass
inMievi-ioii. .
A tho matter now stands, tne piumo-1
thft -i'iffii-lnr. H enr Onfi mritfircvcle of.
fieer fell and an automobile struVk his
machine tint he was not hurt.
Arriving at the hotel, Wilson went
to his-roum to rest preparatory to at
tending a women 's luncheon at the Pal
ace hotel. No speech was scheduled
but it was expected the president prub
ably would make one as this was t1h
first opportunity he had had to talk
directly to women with regard to the
treaty. ,
ers feel thev are doing their share and yvfUTU TAI I ADAITVIl )Cft
paving, whilo at the same timo they lLAltl 1ULL AAUUftl dU
have no protection from inspection.
Any kind of plumbing may be done
now, as has been the ease siuoe a plumb
ing inspector was dispensed with about
four years ago.
The firms that have paid the license
fee since ordered by the eity coimcil
about one month asro, and the dates are
as follows: kelson nros., Aug. - to;
Gr.-vber 'Bros., Aug. 2.'!: Pntton Plum
nig Co,
30; T
haupt, Sept.
. (Continued from page one)
that tho dead probably will not total
mofo than 2D0. ' '.- 1'
Bcports from Diivall and Jimm Wells
counties which reached here today iicdi-
-cate no lives lost in that section, out
three towns damacetT, the cotton crcp
rained and many baildiKgs . wrecks."
Two aviators patrolling the border Re
lieved lost in the gule, were reporled
safe. They landed north of Laredo a-rnT
proceeded back ia their plan to Eagle
1'a.sB ' . " ; ' -
Koy Brown, former mayor of C'orjrus
Christi and chairman of the relief com
mittee, today issued an appeal thjjugh.
the United Press for financial aid.
ans from whom most or them aro des
cended, they were alrcalj planning the
rehabilitation of tho city.
Aid had begun to pour iu froiu the
u i state, lour relief trams brouht adui-
M Marr, Sept. 2; J. H. Muel- i blankets. Tho military is piepannfi to
Suit A I. Vim Hent 1(5 re for the rcfuees iu a systems uitally
and Purvine Pump & Implement Co., operated camp.
c1M1. 17 f United Press reports from throughout
the stricken counties, however, in.die.ited
Prcpcsed General Strike
Fizzles; firemen Stick
(Boston, Mass., Sept. 1". Although
voting on the qnesuon of a general
strike mi sympathy with the striking
police was continued today, it was be
lieved in many quarters that action of
city firemeu. in refusing to join the
movement, may cause auaiittonment or
the plan.
(Continued from pago one)
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
I I 1 XT'A --? IVW ,r BIT iW Fir
II v
only a moment, to glance over the
.Htiv.l A Ka KtmM.tt in tho ilewatk
a naval baud played "The Star Spang-1
led Banner." Then he reentered his au
tomoaile and rode slowly past a eav- I
airy escort. There wag a Jong f lieker
r tfi piezion irora me nisiar--naiire 8 v
lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It buy in salem always r?!' that heal,h?' kapprr " a
Blackheads, b'otehes , and pimples
are generally caused by improper ae
tion of the bowels. HoUister'a Rocky
Mountain Tea regulates the bowels,"
eleans the stomach, clears the eom-.J
plexion from the inside nature s way
rotects the Leather
In Any Weather:
tt y
11 Li