Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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As FairWeek ADoroaches I
1 t 0 UcCAl-b
(Bjr Lucy Carter)
LaU Fashiona for all Ages Color
Schemes that Stretch the Allowance
' late fashayone! for all ages, oolor
schemes that stretch tlio' allowance.
. Now York (By mail) No sensible
person underestimates the importance
of good dressing, and every mother de
sires .this advantage for her children,
rat only the few know how to attain it
at a moderate expenditure.
Single Oolor Scheme
, An individual color scheme is a great
aid both to economy and good dress
ing. Usually children, as well as older
people, look their bent in some particu
lar shade or color. IBy adopting this as
Jhe basic note in the outfit, a becom
ing background is secured and every
article in the Wardrobe harmonizes, in
' wav that mnkeg for good dressing,
individuality and style,
This doea not mean that a note of
contrast may not bo indulged, on the
contrary the dash of contrasting color
i particularly effective, against a
background of monotone tint.
: Line and Trlninesa
Stylo and good dressing demand that
clothes shall fit the use to which they
are put. Wardrobes should ha built up
and not down. Substantial necessities
first aud ornamental things later, if
the money holds out.
Tho other way round always produc
es a ridiculous tacky appearance. A
handsome coat and poor 'hat, a fussy
frock and poor shoes, or a thousand
and one other distressing incongruities
that put their wearer at a disadvantage-
Style and attractiveness, are based
on line and finish. Neatness and good
grooming are essential and without
those no dressing can be good. Care
fully fostered habits start the child
out toward the success that everyone
covets and can attain in some meas
ure. 1
It is not the woman who spends most
whose family is best turned out, but
the one who keeps informed of the gen
eral trend of Btyle, and adapts her
means toward the end she desires to
attain. Clever management and nttou
fion to details are quite as important
in the home as in the factory.
Ready to Wear
for Men, Women and Children from
us at prices that willplease you
WOMEN'S COATS . - $18.50 to $59.00
dresses .. ........:.......................... $i4.75l0 $32.50
skirts.......... .$4.98 to $9.90
petticoats...:.... ............... ?125 10 H98
$1.98 to $6.90
$1.98 to $8.50
HATS . ........
Our Dress Goods Department
Is well supplied with the newest and foest to be had.
Inspection will prove their value.
French serges $1.49, $1.98, $2.25, $2.49 and $2.98 yd
Storm Serges ...... ........;:..;......98c, $1.49 and $1.69 yd.
Shephard Checks ..:.....:...98c, $1.69, $1.98 and $2.98 yd.
Plaids $1.15, $1.49, $2.49, $3.98 and $4.25 yd
Wool granite cloth . 98c yd.
Danish Poplar cloth ............49c yd.
Mohair .. ...... A.-..98c yd.
Wool batiste 79c yd.
Tricotine, 54-inch ... $4.98 yd
Jersey Cloth, 54-inch .......;...$3.49 yd.
Broadcloth, 54-inch .:.....$3.98 and $4.50 yd.
You will find us well prepared with a good line of
prices. (They are the lowest).
.Bud Stewart has an aunt whose name
ie does not now know, living in or
ear Salem. He dosiros to communicate
with her and if she see this notice
sk her to write to him at Lcwiston,
Jdnho, R. P. D. No. 1, box 75.
A first clues roatnurant space at fair
(rounds for rent. Address A care Jour-Mi-
Karl TVaroy, assistant secretary of
tie Oregon Growers Cooperative asso
efatdon with offices in the Mnsonlc
Temple, will be in charge of the dis
play of fruits and vegetables of tho ,
association, to be shown at the state I
fair grounds in a special ibooth. Mr. j
I'earcy will give his special attention
to this tiooth and be ready to answer
all sorts of questions and give all kinds
.of in format ion regarding the Oregon
i Growers Cooperative association. Dur
ing the st bo fair, it is pliinuvd to give
away 3000 copies of tho Oregon Grower
a monthly magazine published by the
Mrs. Frances J, Smith, who has been
visiting at the home of her daughter,
Call at Warehouse Trade and Liberty
or Phone 55
Mrs. Carey p. Martin, re; !!s tho time
in her early life in the. pioneer lnvs of
the elity when tho people from miles
around came to the citv to
li hanging. With, a crowd of young
folks, she ilrOVft tl tli fittr f...n. A I
bany prairie. Mrs. Smith left this ruorn
illir for Iter homn ai (1,-in.r.iu;il. u..
- "'j"Mit,
ho, accompanied ns fur as Portland by
hit iwo uaugnrers Airs. lrey Alar
tin ami Miss -Bose C. Williams. Mrs.
Martin and children will visit in Po
land for a few days.
Georgo F. Kuerne, administrator of
the estate of Charles A. Ouerne, reports
a balauce on hand of i23t3.l. Aa ad
ministrator he has petitioned the court
tor a distribution of this amount
I among the two heirs ami II.a eUmna
of the estate.
For Long Distance Auto Tnickinsr
wwamette Yalley IransierCo. ,7
Lieut. Oscar WVJames 0f this citv,
who returned to (New York recently
with a wound in his knee and expecting
to be discharged from the service, se
cured through Hep. Hawley a position
in the bureau of war insurance and re
mained in Washington. Later he learn
ed that temporary officers aro allow
ed to remain with the army to the end
of he fiscal year, and asked to bo as
signed to Camp tiewis.
Special meeting of Multno
mah chapter No. 1, R. A. M.,
this evening,. Work in the R.
A. degree. A full attendance
is .requested by order of the
E. P. Visiting companions
Radiators, feaders and gat tanks
repaired. Tractor radiators a specialty.
Ford radiators for sale. 190 8. 12th
3t, Salem, Or. j-8
-gxjffi.s..t war
of Women's
Suits, Coats, Skirts,
Dresses, Blouses
and Millinery
Such a brilliant gathering of Ladies' ready-to-wear
as Salem has never seen before. The cleverest ideas,
of both American and Foreign designers is to be
found in our great exhibit of new fall styles for
women. Every conceivable style that has found favor
for Fall and Winter wear finds representation in
our superb stock.
Distinctive New
New Fall Coats
We have them in every new and desirable style for
street wear, for motoring,, for school, for
- dress occasions.
Latest designs from the
fashion centers of the East
and exclusive models from
our own workroom
Beautiful New Blouses
An unusual showing, of blouses in stylish models.
Made from a variety of fabrics and priced
within reason.
Mill --
All Around Town
' " Cherriuns attention. sDccinl meetinz
at Commercial club tonight at 8
o'clock. Be there by order of King
Bing Fullerton.
Young man wanted at GreyBelle 9-16
Dr. Q. E. Prime in Dr; O. B. Miles
rffice, Ldd & Bush tank bldg. 9-25
Try Northern Flour. It 'a a Bear.
Every sack guaranteed. At your gro
wers. ,4 . tf
Young man wanted at GreyBelle 9-16
Twenty women and girls wanted at
once to stem prunes. Apply Oregon
Packing company. 9-16
Young man wanted at GreyBelle 9-16
The regular meeting of Chadwiek
chapter number 37, Order of the East
ern Star, will be held Tuesday eve
ning, September 16, at S o'clock. It
wiili be a social evening, with an en
tertainment by the brothers of the
Eastern Star.
Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8.
' tf
Twenty five women and girls want
ed at once to peel pears. Apply Oregon
Packing company. . 9-16
Tne Y. C. T. U. will have a silver
tea tomorrow afternoon at 8:30, in
their hall. .
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your
repair work. Phone 166S, 220 N. Com
mercial street. tf
C M. Huddleston of Wasco, district
attorney for Sherman eounty, was a
state capital visitor Saturday in con
sultation with Attorney General Brown
relative to the issuance of 300.000 in
road bonds wHeh- lave already been
voted by his county.
Cherrians attention, special meeting
at Commercial eliib tonight at 8
o'clock. Be there by order of King
Bing Fullerton.
Mrs. W. C. Kantner and two daugh
ters,. Constance and La Verne, return
today from Seattle where they have
been visiting with relatives since the
fore part of July.
Dr. Morehouse, the veterinarian, has
returned, from his vaontion. Anyone
wishing his services can obtain them
by phoning his offiee 2199 or resi
dence 1510. 9-15
With, T. B. Jones, Gabnielle Clark
and Ronald C. Glover as appraisers,
the estate of Clifford Jones Summer
has been appraised at $592.16. Almost
all of this amount was invested in lib
erty bonds.
Reports are coming in from various
sources that no special damage has
been done to prunes by tho late rains.
In some localities, there was consider
able damage from cracking, .but to a
large extent, it is thought that the
damage has been exagerated. .
Salem is sending a large delegation
to the welcome festivities in honor of
President Wilson in Portland today.
Among those who will have places at
the presidential luncheon at Hotel
Portland are Governor Olcott, Chief
Justice McBride and Justice Bennett
of the supreme court, President Carl G.
Ooney of Willamette, Attorney John
McXary, Attorney General Brown,
Supt. J. A. Churchill, Ralph Glover
and Georgo Putnam.
In the suit of the Salem Tacoma Lnm
ber company against Mrs. J. M. Brown
and others a record has been filed stip
ulating that the suit has been setled
out of court.
Franklin B. Launer, music teacher,
formerly of Portland, will accept pia
no pupils this winter at 26S 3i. 17th St.
in Salem. Phone 1415.
The floor covering for the hall of
representatives, for which the last ses
sion of the legislature appropriated
$1500, is now being laid. The covering
is an inlaid linoleum of the best grade
obtainable and will cost the state
$1554 laid on the floor including trim
mings. Western Conservatory of Musie of
Chicago, 111., .Frank E. Churchill rep
resentative of Salem branch. Fall term
begins Sept. 15th. Complete course in
piano and theoretical subjects. Studio
suite 1-2 Odd Fellows bldg. Phone
lbilR. 10-13
Ho&ert L. Daue has . brought suit
against J. A. Mot horn and others, for
the payment of a note for $ti50 dated
Feb. 16, 1914, and the foreclosure of
mortgage on lot 5 and the E of lot
6 in block 4 of the Southwest addition
to the city of Salem. In addition to
the $650. there is $100 attorney's fees
asked. The lots are on Johns and M fi
ler streets, close to the Oregon Electric
tracks, in the Southwest addition ad
joining Fairmount on the north.
To give her son Kenneth the advant
ages of the Salem schools, Mrs. Zoe
Farley has moved to this city for the
winter, coming from Conrad, 'jfcmtana.
Miss Marion Johnson, also of Montana,
will be in the city this winter, making
her home with Mrs. Farley.
Thirty five articles were, filed for
record Saturday in the office of the
county recorder, showing an unusual
activity in real estate as well as other
lines. There were 13 deeds filed for
record, one power of attorney, no chat
tel mortgages, 6 real estate mortgages,
10 satisfactions of mortgages, four ar
my and navy discharges and two affidavits.
It pays to advertise. The style ehow
committee of the local lodge of Elks
has been advertising for models to as
sist them in putting on their style
show Elks' day at the state fair. A...
jioml father from Hopmcre telephoned
jiu to tho chairman of the style show
committee, saying that his daughter
had taken par in several church en
tertainments and school district affairs
I That she now had a taste of dramatic
work and wanted to appear in the Elks
style show. The only thing he was in
doubt about was her size, as she was
about medium and the Elks had ad-
.vertised for hefty ones. However, by
i drinking lots of buttermilk and not
I working too much, he hoped she would
j weigh enough to secure the approval
jOf the style show judges.
Mrs. W. ' W. Rosobraugh, with, her
sons, Frank and Harold, and daughter
Euth, leave tomorrow for Corvallis,
where they will spend the winter,
Frank and Ruth taking courses at tho
Agricultural college. Arthur Rosebrugh
goes to Eugene to take a course at
the university.
can of
Yick So Tong
Chinese Medlelnn and Ti
I Bag medicine which will eure any
Known disease..
Open Sundavs from 10 A. M.
until 8 P. M.
153 South High St. .
Salem, Oregon Phone 238
We are in the Market for all va
rieties of Late Apples. Call up
Warehouse, High and Ferry Sts.
. Phone 717
Office 542 State St. Sulcm, Or.
Use Ilie Journal Want Ads
Heater Sale
Heaters as good as they make at from $1.75 up 1
Complete assortment of Mrro Aluminum ware.
Matress from $3.00 to $24.00
We will Save You Money.
Peoples Furniture Store
271 N. Commercial St. Salem.