Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 15, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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' ? I' '
to &
Elimination Series
Fighters To Meet
Various Weights Set for February
New York, Sept. IS. Elimination
cries which will determine the fighters
to meet the present erowu holders of
, the various divisions, will be started
iere the night of February 3, when the
newly organized International Sporting
elub will hold its imuigural show. ...
For a heavyweight army champion
belt,' six round bouts will be fought on
the. open ig night betweeen Captain
" Bopcr and Sergeant Al Boberts; Ser
geant Krohn and E. Lincoln; Sergeant
Jack Burke and Sergeant Bob Aim tin;-i
Private G. Tunny and Jack Clancy. The
winner will be staeked against the Brit
ish army champion for a belt donated
ly Major General Wood. A s.milar
weeding out process will be conducted
among navy contestors for the AdniiTal
"William Sims belt.
The first heat in the middleweight di
. Tisio:i will be held Tuesday night, Feb
ruary 10, "for "8 belt' presented by Ine
elub. ; ' '
In six round bouts Mike Gibbous will
fight Jeff Smith; Jimmy Clabiy will
mix with C." Wiggins; George K. Blown
against J.' Clarke and Battling Oietga
against a selection. The second heat
will be fought on February 17, the semi
finals on February 24 a.nd the survivor
will be pitted against the champion,
Mike O'Dowd, in a 10 round Lout on
March 2.
The battles in the welterweight divis.
ion will start February 17.
Semi-finals will be reached February
24 and the winner will meet Clumpfon
Jack Britton i:i a 10-round bout March
The lightweights will get iu cction
February 24. Semi-finals will be iouglit
March 16 and the winner will be stack
ed against Champion Benny Leonard in
a 10 round mill March 30.
The first in the bantamweight divis
ion will come March 16. Pal Moore will
meet Frankio Burns in a six round bout
and Joe Lynch will go against Joe Bur
man. The'final bout with Pete Herman
has not been arranged. --'
The flyweight eliminations, starting
March 23, will bring together Frankic
Trcmain and Frankie Mason; Joe Dillon
President of the " Honey Bee
Sweets Co."
Love, Romance and Business
As a gTeat Wild West Two Gun
I. $ I
a v ers
-", Presenting
To Determine
Title Holders of
against a selection. The winner may
meet Jimmie Wilde, champion of the
Wildo has agreed to meet tho most
formidable bantamweight in America
on the night of December 3, Major Irex
cll Biddle, president of the Interna
tion Sporting club announced today.
Sept. -22-2T Oregon state
fair. ' .
Sept. . 29, Monday Opening
of public schools of Salem. .
: v Octi 1 i. Oregon Methodist
Oct. 26 Turn time back one
Wanted Girl to work in parlor, Ap
ply The Spa. . tf
Wanted, lady clerk, must play piano;
experienced preferred. Geo. C Will;
432 State St. 9-13
The Business Men's League of the
Commercial club will meet at 8 o 'clock
Tuesday evening at the auditorium of
the Commercial club to discuss closing
of stores Salem day of state fair and
to also take up important maters. This
will bo the first regular monthly meet
ing since the summer vacation period
and a number of matters that have
needed attention, will come up for dis
cussion. - . .
Artificial teeth, nave expert plate
man, with over 35 years experience,
at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den
tist, 302 U. S. Nat. bank bldg. tf
We buy liberty bonds. 205 Oregon
building. ' tf
Wanted Girl to work in parlor, Ap
ply The Spa. tf
The Spaulding Logging company will
open another camp next month on the
Luckiamute river. By opening a fourth
camp, the company hopes t get out a
good surplus or loss an order tnat tne
camps in the higher altitudes maf be
closed with the coming of snowy weath
er about Christmas time. The company
now operates camps at Mary's River,
Black .Rock and on the lower Luckia
The shipping proposition for grains
has not eased up to any considerable
extent, although a few cars are mov
ing into Portland. Hence there is no
general buying in Salem of wheat and
grain for i'ortland shipment.
All Elks owning automobiles have
been requested to ibe on hand Thursday
moraine of state fair week and to line
their cars on Liberty street between
Ferry end Chemeketa. Th.eTe is tn be
a big Elk parade on that morning, as
soon as the Portland delegation and
the Portland band arrives. George t
Halvorsen is chairman of the commit
tee in eharge of Elk auto for the day.
Dr. R. P. Hills, university lecturer
in law from WinniDetf. was in the city
Saturday, lookin" around. He has sold
his practice in W innipeg and will pro
aibly locate somewhere out west.
fo- Tw fillpr ihe, ttirpe months
jold babr of camain and Mrs. r. a.
I Miller of the Salvation Army, died
! Saturday evening. The funeral services
jwere held this afternoon and ibnrial
was in the City View cemetery. j
! - '" I
A. N Arnold, recently elected1 mner
Ivisor of the county schools succeeding
1 J. W. L. Smith, has assumed his duties
!ty Superintendent Smith. His work will
cover tne scnoois in ine souin nair i
tho eanntv. For the past four years,
Mr. Arnold has been teaching at Liberty.
The demand for prune pickers is now
on. The municipal bureau y the city
hall reports calls for 60 pickers. The
universal price is 15 cents a bushel, an
advance over that paid one year ago.
Lloyd Lee, who has spent the sum
mer nn his homestead near the town
of Darrington, Wash.;, returned home
recently in company with his young
brother Paul. On 'nig return from
France some months ago he learned by
acciaenr oi ine .existence or an un
claimed homestead at that point and
immediately filed on it. According; to
tho provisions of the federal law the
amount of time spent in military ser
vice will be deducted from the regular
term of residence required on the prop
erly, so mar, ne win secure the land
with only a few months of residence.
He expects to enter school at Cnrval-
lis, taking a course in agriculture, with
some study in poultry raising on the
side. , . ' . 4
X X. "Needham of the Washineton
hotel, is among the Salem people trans
acting business in Portland. He has re
cently taken over tho agency for the
Chautauqua Industrial Art Desk in Ma
rion and Polk counties. This is am jn-
genius rolling chart arrangement in
tended for the use of school children
in the home, covering all branches of
Dwight and Vernon Kloster, two Port
land boys who saw service . on . the,
rrencn iront, are among the latest ap
plicants under the soldiers' aid law at
Willamette university.
The last vestige of "'military occu
pation" is disappearing from the uni
versity campus today. A mfcving firm
is engaged in transporting the 24x36
frame building, erected by the govern
ment) at the rear of the science build
ing, from' the campus to a site in the
east part of town. The building was
purchased by T. G. Bligh some months
ago and will be placed on a vacant
lot iu the suburbs where it will eventu
ally be made over into a neat cottage.
So word has been received of the
thieves who stole the Dodge automo
bile belonging to L.-H. Aldrich last
Wednesday evening from in front of
the Graybcllc. The sheriff's office is
getting out a circular .describing the
ear and. sending to 600 points in the
northwest and into California. There
is a reward of $25. ,
The Fourth Street Improvement club
will fee organized this wek. Members
are to be only those who live on Fourth
street and who have an interest in the
paving of the street Ind in the efforts
now planned to make this street one of
the most artistic ones, from a land
scape standpoint, in the city. The
street is 66 feet wide, a-nd the present
plans include a paving of 20 feet,
with a parking on each side of 23
feet. Efforts will also be made to have
the residence owners plant the parkings
in walnuts. Those who have signed the
petition for pawing will meet this week.
and do all that can 'be done towards. I
getting things under headway. The
proposed paving is to begin on Fourth
street at Market and extend to the city
limits on the north.
Ben F. West, county assessor, was
again elected secretary and treasurer
of the state association, of assessors at
their meeting held Friday and Satur
day in Portland. Jasper Wirirham of
Hood River was elected president and
U. G. Couch of Union county; vice pres
ident. At this meeting it was decided
to assist G. E. Spence, president of the
state grange, and William McMasters
of the Portland chamber of commerce
in compiling statistics to aid the state
grange in preparing a bill to be pre
sented to the people for a state income
tax. It is understood that the state
grange, through C. E. Spence, will pre
sent to he people for a vote in 1920 at
3tate income tax bill, aimed especially i
at those who are not paying their
share of taxes.
At the noon day meetinor of the Sa
lem Ministers' association the follow
ing resolution was passed: "We en
dorse the principal of voluntary medi
ation now being worked out in this
district and express our hope that the
citizens become interested in this move
ment, and we also pledge our cooper
ation." It is understood that several
ministers have offered th nse of their Tho resolutions were adopted by the
pulpits tor those who wish to talk on Portlasd branch of the Chinese Nation
mediation, al Welfare society.
Johnson Charges President
With Making Treaty By
"Stealth Methods.
Bes Moines, Iowa, Sept. 15. Ameri
ca receives nothing but burdens as its
share of tho league of nations, Senator
Hiram Johnson, declared after his ar
rival here to speak against the treaty
and league tomight with Senator Borah.
'President Wilson," Johnson said,
"made the treaty in stealth and is try
ing to get it ratified before the people
learn what it contains. "
-Every .allied and associated nation
profits from the league and treaty with
the exception of the United States,"
Johnson declared.
"It is obvious from the response of
the people to the issue I am presenting,
why the administration insists .upon
such haste in disposing of the treaty,"
said Senator Johnson. ' ' Its proponents
desire to have it hurriedly approved
before our people can find out what it
really means to, them, me senati has
had the treaty just two months, while
the president spent seven months witn
it. while the Eiiropeaiiand Asiatic pow
ers pieced their secret agreements to
gether, as tho Dasrs or tne document
now presented. -
"1 do not consider that there has
been anything personal in the crowds,
or in the demonstrations that have
marked the meetings. It is merely that
what the great mass of the people have
in their hearts has been expressed, and
the response has been immediate."
City And State Officials Strict
ly Ref use To Reinstate
Boston. Mass., Sept. 13. While unions
throughout the city were voting today
on tho question of a, general stne in
sympathy with the striking policemen,
prominent labor leaders had a confer
ence with Police Commissioner Curtis in
which the situation was discussed.
The labor leaders present were; John
F. Mclnncs, president of the police
men's union; Guy oyster, personal rep
resentative of Samuel. Gompers; M. J.
O'Donnell, of the central labor union;
Frank H. McCarthy, of the American
Federation of Labor,, and Mai tin T.
After being closeted with the coiumis-
ioner for half an hour, the labor men
declared they had no statement to make.
Commissioner Curtis likewise declined
to talk.
That Curtis reiterated to the labor
men his refusal to reinstate any of the
police who went on strike was assumed
in view of the fact that Curtis an
nounced that twenty candidates for
places on tho: new police force were
ready to be sworn .in. The majority or
the applicants are war veterans it was
stated. ";
This conference whs believed to mark
the end of negotiations between the au
thorities aud the labor leaders, iuusmuch
as both Governor Coolidge and Commih-
sioi.er Curtis have stated that the strike
ors will not be reinstated and thai fur
ther discussions would be futile.
Southern Pacific Seeks
Change Of Venue In Case
For Damages Done Howard
In the suits for damages filed by
Silas E. Howard against the Southern
Pacific and the Marion hotel company,
the Southern Pacific lias filed notice
that it will file a petition for the re
moval of the suits to the federal court
in Portland.
The grounds on which this petition
will be argued is that the amoiuita sued
for are in excess of IJ000 and that they
are of a civil nature.
; Alleging that Silas , E. Howard,
through his attorney, wns fraduicntly
attempting to prevent the Southern Pa
cific from having recourse to the fed
eral courts by joining' the issues with
Marion hotel, the petition of the rail
road alleges that tho Southern Pacific
was not operating the street car and
had no control over the car when Thep
dere Howard met his death.
That the street car which was bciny
operated at the time of youni Howard'?
death was not operated by the Southern
Pacific, but by Walker Hines, di
rector general of railroads and that the
petitioner knew of this fact when the
two suits were filed.
The Southern Pacifie also claims that
the cause of action in which the Marlon
hotel end the Southern Pacifie aro join
ed, are entirely separate matters and
canrot be joined together in a suit.
The petition of the railrond to have
the suits removed to the district court
of the United States a Portland, will
be argued Tuesday before Judge Bing
ham. -
Dt'L.-J rLw D
Hearing Bv WHson Today
Portland, Or., Sept.- 13. Chinese res:
idents of Portland will attempt to se
cure a hearing before President Wilson
during his visit to Portland today.
They desire to present resolution
protesting- against the award of Shan
tung to Japan, to the nation's chief
,We intend this comer, which wo
have called " Aditorial," to be one
wherein we have a brief personal tulk
with our customers and the public
'We shall TALK PLAIN, on every
subject we toueh. Our talks must of
necessity be brief, therefore we shall
waste no works in fine phraseology
but use such language as best .express
es the thoughts we would convey.
There is so much ' ounk" in tho
majority of advertisements that it has
become nauseating it is an insult to
the intelligence of the public, and we
propose to "go to the bat" against
"fa.e advertising" and point out the'
fallacies of such.
You can read our "Aditorials" with
benefit they will be prepared by an
expert on psychology and will' be most
interesting and. instructive.
School Opens Sept., 29
Is that boy and girl rtady ? For forty years we have been
I the acknowledged outfitters of the Boys and Girls
Salem. "XTRA GOOD" Clothing, the product of the
greatest manufacturers in America. You don't go wrong,
when you pin your faith on the best. .
, Shop mornings, if possible, we can. give better service.
Express Shipment
Just received a wonder
fulline of knit goods
for children
WAiNTEDSalesman to sell auto pol-
ish, good commission, every demon
stration a ale. 102 N. torn '1 St. 9-ltt
WOOD for sale. Will fill orders fir or
ash. Phone SHI ibetween and S. tf
PREHII home grown mushrooms.
5 ACEES, 1 mile from Fair
grounds on paved rond; no im
provements; land level; , $900;
some terms.
5 ROOM cottage, bath, toilet,
good basement, 5 minutes walk
from town; $2200.
5 HOOM cottage Week off
Court Bt. For quick sale, $2200.
GOOD 7-room house, close in,
on paved street ; all modern con
venience; 4 blocks from P. 0. If
sold by Wednesday $2350.
300 ACHES fruit land, 7 miles
from ftalem; good bldgs. If sold
soon will let it go at $75 per acre.
665 ACHES 10 miles west of
Salem; 450 acres in cultivation;
good bldgs. and one of the best
lying ranches in Pollc county.
Land all aronnd it priced around
$200 per acre. This one at $113
per acre. ,
406-407-408 Oregon Bldg.
When Tts Insurance, See Us
We Insure Anything.
These three points are the Consideration of
Every Buyer.
Inspection is all we ask, and thereafter, like the
Majority, you will
State Fair, September 22 to 27 1
Next week the fair opens. Shop this week and be
prepared to not only appear at your best, but free
to entertain and enjoy the visitors.
You Can Always Do Better At
1 - Pl- .booaoG I
from pago nine)
. WANTKD Boom and board for one!liko th war department, gives a one-
or two gentlemen, room with steam
m-ni, mn mm coiti waier preiorrea.
Address M enro Journal. 917
TAKEN CP Aug. lli, l!l!t, sorrel
mare, star in forehead', weight about
000 pounds, no shoes. Owner please
call and pay charges. F. M. McLx-nch,
lit. 1, box. 07. Phone 7'F12. 9-16
WANTED -Bright girl for dork at
Western Union. tf
FOB BALETorfectlun peacheB, 1 per
hunhl delivered. Phono 1FU, D. B.
Ruble. , 9 17
Christian Scientists Of
Silverton Form Society
Articles of incorporation have been
filed with the county clerk by the
Christian Science Society of Silverton.
Tho trustees and directors are Ocorge
Cusiter, Ed Hnmrc, ficorge I. Barr, Cor
ina B. t'owden and Emmett De Sart.
It is stated that the "object and pur
suit ot the society shall be tho promul
gation of religion, science and health
in accordance nit h the tenants of tho
First Church of Christ, Scientist, of
Boston, Mass., ami tho teachings of
Mary Baker Eddy." , .
The estimated valtio of the property
and money possessed at the time of the
filing of the articles is $500, The
sources of revenue aro from the pledges
of aid and voluntary contributions.
Chamberlain Answers Taft's
Defense Of Courts Martial
Washington, Sept. 13. Senator Cham
berlain. Oregon, author of a court-martial
reform bill, today replied m the
We say home m le because it is jnct like the v00'' hrcad you would
make in your or n heme. Our bakery is a model of oleanlinoss and neat
ness, open for y ur inspection at any lime. Using as we do only the
best ingredien t, baked in our bi- electric ovens, why should we not
turn out a perfect loaff . ' .
457 State Gtreot ,
Coats and
We wish to emphasize the fact
that we are showing the most
complete line of
That will find favor and please
the most exacting dresser.
senate to an article by former President
Tuft in defense of tho court-martial sys
tem. "Mr. Tuft says he is satisfied with
the system," said Chamberlain., "Ho
may bo, but the American people and
the men of tho A. E, F. are not. Taf t,
1 sided story of the case."
McNary Answers Complaint
Of Oregon Fruit Growers
In answer o the complaint made ts to
the shortago of refrigerator cars in th
northwest just "as the apple and pear
season wus on, the following tetcgriiin
has ben received from Senator McNary:
"Director Division Traffic Edward
Ohamljero iirtvises quickening of sched
ule would not bring greater efficiency
of refrigerator equipment but wotiid re
sult probably in unfortunate consump
tion of motive power. To shorten trains
at fast speed would increase difficulties
on row! by reason of greater number of
train!. Suggest growers can help by
reducing delays at destination to a min
imum. Admits discontinuance or diver
sion of cars in transit would avoid some
delay but hesitates to take this matter
up at present. Administration giving
matter serious consideration With view
to furnishing equipment."
Restaurant Employee Found
Dead, Apparently Murdered
Portland, Or.. Sept. 15. Miko Apos
tolu, 40, a dishwasher at a loc ' -taurant,
was found dead, lying lb a
pool of blood, in the basement of the
eating place today.
The police believe Apostolu was mur
dered early this morning. He had been
shot through the head at close range.
There is no clue.
. Washington, Sept. 15; The export em
bargo placed by Great Britain on Amer
ican eotton has bcon lifted and exporta
tion U free, as commencing Septombor
l'i the department of eommerco wns ad
xis'd today.