Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 13, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Every Day Is
into ljjuWm J
i A-11 a ; i m . i
i ii m m
Ail Aroima town
of citizonship. It is understood that the
federal government will take action re
garding those undesirables and that all
will have a chance at deportation.
, ' JN '" X
' r" PATHS 1
Tonight, dance at armory.
Big bus leaves at 8:30 for Lakebrook
Bay Clark and H. H. Harris, formerly
of John Maurers are now ready to help
you out with all kinds of auto and gus
engine repair work. Drop in and see
us at 252 State St. or phone us your
troublo, 793. 9-13
Tonight, dance at armory.
'"Motorlifo," tho gasoline saver and
caroon remover, cleans vour enitine and
gives you more power. Will save you
) percent , to au percent gasoline.
Clark's Tire House, 319 N. Commercial
3'.roet. 9-13
.Electric lights are wonted by ..the
people living on the , Portland road
just out of Sulem. A few days ago nine
rcsidonts along this roud filed a peti
tion with tho iPortland Kailway Light
and Power company, asking .for costs
to extend the electric line a few miles.
Wlootric lines out ihto the country ad
jacent to Salem are handled iu this
way! Those who want tho service pay
for the wires and polos. The light com
pany puts in tho service and instead
of collecting monthly, each one having
service is credited with tho amount of
their bill, until at tho end of two
years, thoso who advanced money have
, Dance at armory . tonight. .
. Dr. O. E. Prime In Dr. O. B. Miles
ftffiee, Ladd & Bush bank bldg. 9-25
' Try Northern Flour. It's, a Bear.
Zvery sack guaranteed. At your gro
. Dance at armory tonight, ,
Fancy Madronotto overdrapes,
Kne of eolors, regular 65c and
pecial 49 c Hamilton'.
Mr, and Mrs. , Melbln Johnson of
'Winner, 8. D., hove been visiting durj
ing the past week with their former
?astor, Kev, J. R. Puyne In this city,
Having recently for other points in
. tho west. Tlicy have 'been so much
pleased with Salem as a place of resi
dence that they have hud their house
hold goods shipped here and will re
turn later in the fall to moke their
permanent home. Mr. Johnson has serv
ed for Keven years as county clerk In
South, Dakota,
Dance at armory tonight.
Cull Patton Plumbing Co. for your
repair work. Phone 1G08, 220 N. Com
mercial street. v tf
Auburn Haired Lady
Mary H. Bucker has broughTsuTT
for a divorce from John B. Rueker. She
alleges they wore married in Salem in
1912 and that within two and a Half
moths after this event, he deserted his
home and has not 'been heard from
since. There is. one child and in her pe-,
tition .for a divorce she asks for the
custody. '
Cigarette papers cannot Ibe sent by
parcel post to Macedonia, nor to Sa
moa nor the Island of Crete nor to any
of the islands of the Wegan sea. Such
are instructions received today at the
postoffice in the official bulletin.
Floyd M. Scott, whose parents live
on rural route 7, Salem, is just home
from some very interesting experiences
at the front. He enlisted in the regu
lar army three years ago. His first real
war experience was on the Mexican
border, where ho lost a finuer at Lure-
jrto, Texas. While in France he went
through some of the big actions and
was gnssed. He will visit a while with
his parents.
All the way from southern California,
just to have a talk of one hour, came
a representative of a Chili Nitrate
company to discuss with U l. Jjewis,
of the Oregon growers cooperative as
sociation, the results of several nitrate
experiments in the valley, ilnis man
came not as a salesman out as a cnem
ist to consult with Mr. Lewis as to
experiments that have been carried on
for several years past untler tne Qirec
tion of Mr. Lewis while with the O.
A. C. He was told that the use of ni
trates had wonderfully increased pro
duction and that experiments are be
ing tried on one prune tract near oa-
lem and on some apple tracts.
Marion county will produce more
than 200 carloads of apples this season
and they are said to be of excellent
quality. . -'
The estate of James W,' Taylor and
Raehacl Taylor has been appraised at
5505. Included in this sum is the ap
praisement of the 115 acre farm near
St ay ton at $5000. Three lots in Stay
ton wore appraised at $500.
In tho circuit court, P. L. Blackorby
on default, has been given a decree
against Elvin A. Ames for $104.5;- and
$35 attorney ' fees. Tim Rn ii If nf hlini.
euiis uquui to mo amount rirst paiu, wood nan also been given a default do-
The lines then beoome the property of
tho Portland Railway Light and Pow
er company, although the title ig in
vested in the company from the start.
Tonight, dance at armory.
A first class restaurant space at fair
grounds for ront. Address A enro Jour
nal. . tf
Dr. Mott, Bank ot Commerce, 407-8.
; . tf
Dr. Morehouse the veterinarian, has
returned trou his. vacation. Anyono
wishing his services can obtain them
(by phoning his office 2199 or resi
dence 1510. 915
Sheriff Geo. W. Lewis and County
Clerk E. L. Ooburn of Josephine coun
ty, arrived in the city this morning.
Sheriff Lewis bringing in three pris
oacrs for the penitentiary, one of tlioin
being charged with arson end tho oth
er two for larceny.
Ijftkcbrook dance tonight for a good
Tonight, dance at armory.
Work Work Work Roinonnbor
able, bodied boys over 18 years old and
unuer on, tne njrown Wit nmetto Put
ills at Oregon City and West Linn
will need men In October or November
for the winter seftson. Just keep them
n mind when arranglnir vour winter
work schedule. Thev have a fine hotel
just for employes, at low rates.
Bnnio pop, same music; Lakebrook to-
Wght. t
Talmadge jaza maniacs lnkobrook to-
Lukrtirook dance tonight, same pep
litid Stewart has an aunt whoBO name
he does not now know, living in or
far Salem. He desires to communicate
with her and if she sees this notice
aslt her to write to him at Lewiston,
Idaho, R. F. D. No. 1, box 75,
Viavi, tho' old oriainal home rome-
uy, ror men, women and children, pro
.vents operations. Mrs. Foor, represent
ative, notoi Ainnon. 9-13
Tho government's food sunnlv rtmwt
at Fort Mason has not as yet sent out
any of tho foods ordered of the Salein
postoffico. At least, none of the or
dors for bacon and other food supplies
nave ooen received by tho local Dost-
office. Since the orders were triven,
the price of bacon ha materially de
cree in their suit against Roy S. Blod-
Two suits and two atachments nirainst
C. E. Reinhnrt have been satisfactorily
settled out of court, according to papers
filed with tho county clerk. In the suit
of G. Edwin Smith Shoe company
against Mr. Rcinhart, the record shows
that as tho defendant has paid the
amount of money in dispute, the suit is
withdrawn and the atachment released.
Hhe' snmo record is made in tho suit of
W. A. Knoor against Mr. Reinhurt.
Our conduct is de
corous and polite.Our
services ,are effi
cient ana ' satisfac
tory. Our
t fairness1
Dnuce at armory tonight,
In rearnrd to the navinw tW th
North Salem nennln wmil.l iil in hiu
started at once, Walt S. Low, street
commissioner, says that it Is a -pretty
difficult Proposition to MVO In wint.tr
as it is difficult to properly prepare
"' u luunnaiona. nowever, he says
that curbs may be put iu during tii
winter months and that all prepara
tions can bo made in order that as
soon as fair weather arrives in the
spring, paving con be coniinencod with
no delay whatever.
Business at tho marriage license
counter in the office of tho county
clerk continues to be good and already
so rar this month la licenses have been
issued. Those receiving licenses to mar
ry, issued yesterday are as follows:
Joseph W. Fitts, a farmer of rural
route 9, Salem and Gladys Browning
wood, a teacher of Salem; Jumps Rue.
a fanner of Silverton and Lillian Hoit
of Stayton; Bert Swnnson, a laborer
nt rortlaud and AIico Gustafson of
Lloyd Holdiman, who has been in the
service overseas is visitieor relatives in
the cty. He wns will the Sth r miliars
anil saw fightinir on five different
fronts. After visiting a short tima herej
and with Trends m Portland h will
go to California for a vsit wth hs
I Remember These Dates 8
Portland, Or., June 14, 1919.
To Whom it May Concern:
I have been a constant sufferer of
stomach troubles for the past six years.
Have suflerca untold aaony ana mis
ery and spent money doctoring with
first class doctors. Have been told by
them that I had ulcers, cancer and a
growth in the stomach. Have tried so
many kinds of patent medicines and
remedies which, heipett otners. was on
diets, lost my appetite, broke down in
my nervos, couldn't eat, driuk or sleep
in a minute or peace was a wrecit in
fact all over. I finally lost in weight
from 160 pounds to scant 124 pounds. I
lived and existed on cold, fresh, sweet
ilk to which the doctor ordered me to
add one teaspoonful of malted milk in
glass of milk I drank. I suffered no
one knows but myself the unKnown in
ward misery with that constant nag
ging, burning, throoDing sensation in
my '.stomach. At times I would get per
fectly despondent ana earnestly pray
to die. So over a year ago I heard of Dr
S. C. Stone's Stomach Powders and
Blues Relief and thought I'll take an
other chance, and thank God, my heav
enly Father, it did and has proved my
relief and help and l Delieve cure. J.
eat and drink anything I see I want
and crave at any time. As I say it is
over one year ago bn 1 constantly
keep the powders in my house and
when I feel tho least distressed or any
one of my family or friends complain
I am only too glad to mix them a dose
and see how quickly they are relieved.
I can 't recommend it to highly, neither
can I say by writing and make one
know and understand the relief it has
given me from suffering untold agony
and I say to each and everyone who is
suffering with indigestion and stomacn
troubles this powdor is worth'its weight
in eold. Am only too glad to tell oth
er sufferers what tolieved me and
truthfully believe will relieve them.
491 Williams Ave., Portland. Or.
Manufactured by Dr. S. C. Stone, Sa
lem, Oregon. Prico 50e. For sale by all
Monday, Sept. 15r 1919
1 0-30 a m fW Mil Fact nf WW Stavfnn 1
Ul vuw iauw MV V m ww -
Consisting of 1 sorrel mare, age 12 years, weight 1300 lbs.; 1 chest
nut horse, age 10 years, weight 1200 lbs.; 1 grey horse, age 9 years,
weight 1350 lbs.; i Jersey and Holstein cow, age 3 years, milking, 1 fat
hog, weight 200 lbs.; 1 new 3-inch wagon complete; 1 8-ft. Deerlng
binder; 1 5-ft. Deering mower; ltop buggy, nearly new; 2 Oliver chilled
plows 14 and 16-inch; 1 5-shovel cultivator; 1 set double breeching har
ness; 2 sets singlo harness; 1 sot heavy single harness; about i tons
loose oat hay; 1 6-hole range; 1 grindstone; 1 scythe, forks, shovels, block
and tackle, hoes, rnkes and other tools.
TERMS: All articles under $10.00 will be cash,
over that amount, 6 months time will be given to
parties furnishing approved bankable notes at 8 per
cent interest.
Fred Anderson, Owner.
Aumsville, Oregon,
Route 1, Box 59.
' F.N.W00DRY,
The Auctioneer,
Phone 510 or 511
A Little "Want" Ad Sells It
li r Grvia, fVje GUftonjcxjj
We are in the market for all vari
eties of late apples. Call us up.
Thoae 2194 10100 N. Com'l St.
Dii You read This Advertisement f
Radiators, fenders and gas tanks
npairca. Tractor radiators a specialty
ott radiators for sale. 190 8. 12th
Salem, Or. o.gg
The Americau Legion recently issued
the list of names of those who can
celled their applications for citizenship
in order to avoid (lie draft. The Oregon
list includes 157 names and in all this
list only one hails from Salem. His
name is given as. Anton BarnnHit. Sil
verton comes in for the names of two
men who in order to avoid serving in
uie army, cancelled their dec arat on
? MM '4
car of
Chinese Medicine and Tea Oa.
Has medicine which will enre any
known disease.
Open Sundays from 10 A. II.
until 8 P. M.
153 South High St.
Salem, Oregon Phone 282
I wish to state thut I a in ntw lo
cated in Portland with oftices
at 4H Fulling Building. My now
offices are fully equipped with
all modern applumcvs foi the
sciuntifie fitting cf giassc and
correction of eye, troubles. Sa
lem people are eoruiaiiy invited
to call on me when m Portland.
414 Failing Building
Portland . . O'rgoa
"Forget It" Buy At Home
Wo nro in the Market for all va
rieties of Late Apples. Call uj
Warehouse, High and Ferry Sts.
Phone 717
Office 542 State St. Salem, Or.
Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1919
10:30 a. m. One Mile East Of Rickreall
Consisting of 1 Jersey cow, ago 6 years, freshened July 26, i'i gal
lons daily, test 5.7; 1 Guernsey cow, ag 7 years, freshened J uly 9,
4 gallons daily, test 5.4; 1 Jersey cow, age 9 years, to frosh in Jan
uary, now milking, test 5.5, 1 registered Birkshire brood sow, weight 500
lbs., 3 years old ,extra fine; 1 6 ft. McCormick mower; 1 12-ft. McCor
mick rake; 1 iron edge potato planter; 1 2-section spring tooth harrow;
1 3-section drag harrow; 1 iron wheel "roller bearing" wagon; 1 com-
pressed air spray pump; 1 2-horse reversible disk harrow; 1 12-inch steel"
beam plow; 4 bottom 14-inch gang plow; 1 International 20-40 gas trac
tor, fine shape; 1 bull hay rake; 1 open buggy; 1 double harpoon hay
fork; 1 5-shovel cultivator; -ton Lincoln truck; 4 full blooded Bronze
turkeys 1 full blooded Bronzod gobbler; 2 100-gallou gasoline drums;
3 tons oat hay, baled; 6 tons stra.w, baled; 1 stack straw; 1500 feet
Ixfl 16 ft. fencing; 1 good flat' top dosk; household goods, rakes, forks;
shovels and other things too numerous to mention.
TERMS: All articles under $10.00 will be cash, over
that amount, 6 months time will be given to parties
furnishing approved bankable notes at 8 'per cent
H. B. Thielsen Estate.
The Auctioneer,
Phone 510 or 511,
Salem, Oregon
Do you want your Freight and Ex
press out of Portland to arrive quicker?
Willamette Valley
PHONE 1400
You are only- as efficient as
your eyes Better take care
of them.
204-5 Salem Bank of Com
merce Building
You need Shur-ons
if y ou nekf Glasses
Heater Sale
Heaters as good as they make at f rom .... $1.75 up i
Complete assortment of Mrro Aluminum warev
Matress from $5.00 to $24.00
. We wilf Save You Money.
Peoples Furniture Store
271 N. Commercial St Salem.
Wednesday, Sept. 17
10:30 a. m, Eight Miles South of Salem
One-half mile south of Sunny Side School House, on
- T. H. Robinson farm
One bay horse, 10 years old, weight 1400 lbs., sound; 1 grey horse,
12 years old, weight 1500 lbs., sound; 1 grey mare, 10 years old, weight
1300 lbs., sound; 1 sorrel mare, 12 years old, 1100 lbs, good driver; 1
bluek mare, 10 years old, 1200 lbs., good all around; 1 Jersey cow, i yeai,
old, will freshen about October loth, gives 5 gallons daily, test b per
cent; 1 Jersey and Holstein cow, 3 years old. will freshen about Jan,
loth, gives 4 gallons daily, test 5 per cent; 1 black Jersey cow, 3 years
old, will freshen about Feb. 1st, gives 3 gallons daily, test 6 per cent; 1
black Jersey cow, 4 years old, now giving 3 gallons daily, test 5 per
cent; 1 yellow Jersey cow, 4 years old, will freshen Jan. 1st, 5 gallon
cow, teat 6 per cent. Note All the above cows are first class dairy cows.
8 fat hogs, weight 200 lbs. each; 1 Chester White sow, weight 200 lbs.,
will farrow at time of sale; 1 Chester White sow, weight 400 lbs., will
f arrow about November 1st; 150 mixed hens and' chickens; 1 14inch
Syracuse plow; 1 6-ft. Champion binder; 1 4-inch Deering mower; 1
10-blade disk harrow; 1 60-tooth lever harrow, 2 sections; 1 30-tooth.
lever harrow, 2 sections; 1 single cultivator; 1 new ZM Mitchell wagon;
1 hay rack; 3 sets double breeching harness; 1 single driving harness;
1 hack; 1 top buggy; 1 steel wheelbarrow; 1 new American- cream sep
arator; 1 new United States cream separator, 750 lbs. capacity; some
household furniture, tools and many other articles. . ,
TERMS: All articles under $10.00 will be" cash,
over that amount, 12 months time will be given to
parties furnishing approved bankable notes at 8 per &
cent interest.
P. H.Trigg, Owner. F.N. WOODRY, '
R. F. D. 2, box 57 The Auctioneer,
Phone 510 or 511,
Salem, Oregon.
NOTE : List your Auction Sales with Woodry,
Salem, for results.