Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 13, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Cincinnati Worried Over
Prospect Of Havinf Hard
Fight For World Series
1920 Oakland Sensible Six
The high power and rugged strength of the Oakland Sensible Six make
it the choice of persons, whose journeys run over many (liferent kinds of
routes. And their appreciation is heightened by the economy in use of fuel,
oil and tires for which this automobile is noted.
Take advantage while they last.
First come first served.
Open all day Sunday.
Come in and let us demonstrate.
American Automobile Co.
185-197 South Commercial St.
Tires, Accessories
and Vulcanizing
Phone 66
219 North Commercial Street
It s Little But Mighty
Ran Once- Well, Read It
Every now and then wo hour
of little things possessing power
.far hi excess to their propor
tions. Capital Journal want a Us
a in ono of the m, as is demon
strated, in the following letter
just received in this officii:
Gentlemen: Our ad in your
paper teams wanted got quick
results. Have replies for as many
teams as we will need. Di -.continue
our ad on receipt of tills
letter, send statement of your,
account to us and we will remit
by return mail.
Yours truly, .'
New York, iiept. 13. oinoinnati has
practically cinched the National league
pennant, but there are a lot of fans
in "the Ohio city who arc worried
aboit the world's series.
There isn't a fat who doubts .that
the Reds will cop the .flag, but there
ure hundreds of them who are fo.rful
that they wiH not get to e tha ser
ies. Rediand field, the home rounds of
the Moron crew will not hold the
crowds, they claim. The park is far
from a "cheese box" affair, as it has
a seating capacity of about 25,000.
Hut it has been filled to overflowing
with Sunday crowds during every big
seies since the Cincinnati prides be
came a contender. In view of this fact
the yard will never hold the world's
series throngs, the bugs howl.
Suggestions were made to August
Herrmann, president of the Cincin
nati club to stage the scries in the
mid field of the' Sharonvillo auto
speedway, aibout fifteen miles outside
of Cincinnati. It was pointed out that
the stadium with a capacity of about
100,000 would be just the thing to ac
commodate every fan who wanted to
see the big setto,'
'But the plan did not meet with the
favor of the Red chief. Lack of suf
ficient transportation to tho speedway
and the difficulty of laying out a
field perfect enough for the playing I
of the big classic wero given as grounds
tor nis disapproval.
Herrmann as yet hasn't claimed vic
tory for tho team. "But if the Reds
win they will play on thair own
grounds?" he said. ,
(Continues from page one)
12-20 KeroseneTractor u with 16-vatve engine
ope and Asia, or refusing to be a party
to such "nfamy."
"The president says we must make
the supreme sacrifice and throw our for
tunes with tho rest of the world. What
he means is we must throw our fdrtuncs
to the Test of the world," snidiJolinson
at one point. Other fighting plraaes of
tho senator were:
"I never refused to accept a chal
lenge from any man president or other
wise." ,
"This issue is whether we shall do
our duty as we see fit, or whether we
shall do ovr duty jit the order of Great
Britain and Japan."
North Salem Residents
Plan Improvements: To
; Petition For Pavement
Friday, September 19, 1919
At 1:00 p. m. Sharp, at the Twin Maple Fruit and
Poultry Farm, 1 mile east of Macleay, the following
described property:
Three head of horsea; 1 brows gelding, 8 vest's old, weight. 13"0;
brown gelding IS yours old, weight 1250; 1 dupple grey ninre, 6 years'
old, weight 1200; 1 Cow, 8 years old, fresh a flood milker; 1 pure bred
Duroe Jersey sow, 1 year old; 7 pigs two months old (these are good pigs)
Machinery I 3 Mi Inch Bains Special wagon and box, nearly new; 1
carriage; 1 buggy j 1 new Superior double dlso drill, 7-foot; 1 Sfuot
Doe ring binder in A No. 1 shnpo;l No. 50 Oliver plow, 16-lnch; 3-sectton
spike tooth harrow; I 2 section lover spike tooth harrow; 1 7-foot spring
tooth hr.rrow; single garden cultivator; 1 good gravel bed and patent
engute; 1 7-foot neraper; 1 lieaYy set work harness; f sets tingle work
harness; 2 sets single driving harness; 8 120-inch work collars; 1 20-inch
buggy eollnr; 1 18-inch Work cellar; 1 DeLaval cream separator, us good
fin new; 1 Empire separnter; 1 No. 1 Boss washing machine; 1 hay car
rier and fork; 120 feet Manila rope, all new; 3 pulleys; 8 oak barrels;. 1
scoop Dliovel; 1 straw fork; 8 hy hooks; 2 merry-go-round ciitios; 1
scythe; 2 hafod corn planters; 1 10-gallon can; 1 5-gallo'n can; 1 14x10
tent; 1 5-gnllon gas tank; auto pump; 1 30x3 Goodrich tire; hues and.
potato forks; 8 pairs sheep shears; 8 lantern?; bolts and strap liens and
other articles too numerous to mentien,
TERMS: All sums of $10.00 and under cash. All
sums over $10.00 six months time will be given on
notes, at 8 per cent interest, with approved security.
Plumbing and Water Systems Installea
by QEABEB BROS, 111 South Liberty
St., Phono 550. Also agent for Fair-banks-Morse
Qaa Engines.
. IV or th Salem mado its first step in
civic improvement at the meeting culled
last night at the Highland school when
plans were discussed for securing addt
tional paving and' when a committee
$ was appointed to nrrnnge for another
It was unnniniously agreed tnat to
place North Salem streets in proper con
dition, at least 1800feet of paving is
necessary. And to bring this matter to
tho city council, it is probable that a
number of citizens will appear before
the city fathers next Monday evening
and petition for paving.
E. L. Tillinghast, superintendent of
tho Oregon state school for the deaf,
presided. In the several talks made, it
was explained that this move for better
conditions was practically unanimous.
That with the changing industrial con
ditions, North Salem, was entitled to
better paved streets nnd that the citi
zens wero willing to do their share in
civio improvement.
Another meeting will be held in a few
days and to mnko proper, arrangements,
a committee was appointed consisting
of August Huekcstein, Ward K. Rich
ardson and J. A. Carpenter.
Emmeline Pankhurst Back
. Again; Fights Bolshevism
New York, Sept. 13. Anioug passen
gers arriving here today on the Ad
riatic was Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst
who is hero for a tour of the United
States and Canada.
Her mission will be to urge Ameri
can and Canadian women to get be
hind the men ''in killing bolshcvism."
ThercnM. Russell,
124 S. Commercial St. Salem, Ore., Phone 937 or 1211
You See What You Buy Before PayingBuy ing At Home
It Plows. It Harrows. It Prills. It
Cultivates. It Hauls Mowiug Ma
chines, Lawn Mowers and Loads of
all kinds It does tho farm work
ordinarily dou by one horse. It
. will cultivate onions, carrots and
other vegetables grtwu lu rows
as narrow ts 18 inches S rows
at a time, if desirid. It's a
Portable Gasoline Engine
that will trot from job- to
job under its own power;
runs the pump, saw, wash
ing machine, feed grinder .
' and any other machiua
capable of being oper
ated by a four horso
power engine. Afo .
you interested? Full
. inforwMioit cheer
fully glveu oa
' ' For Rale Bv
Distributor for Marion udPi!k
. Counties
444 Ferry Street Salem, Or.
Berli, Sept. 13. Gambling in public
places nnd societies and club9 will be
prohibited in Germany after September
14, nceordng to a ruling issued today
by Minister of Defense Noske.
Twenty years of growth have made the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery
Company the largest machinery manufacturing organization in the North
west today. '
The fabricated steel work for many great buildings and bridges, the large
Corliss steam engines that turn the wheels of factories throughout the con
tinent, as well as heavy duty Muenzel gas engines, were designed and built by
this company.
All this broad, practical experience, with expert knowledge of stresses
and strains, metallurgy and internal combustion, engineering is now concen
trated upon the manufacture of TWIN CITY Tractors and Threshers.
Communicate with, our office for daily demonstration.
Oregon Traction Co.
173 South Commercial St.
Railroads Show Profits In
July; First In Three Years
Washington, Sept. 13. For the first
time since 1918, the railways under
government control showed a profit
instead of a deficit in July, according
to the final report for that month, is
sued today by the railroad administra
tion. Tho profit, which was $2,316,501, was
indicated last week in -the preliminary
National Organization Of
Employers Formed In East
Chicago, Sept. 13. A national union
of employers, embodying all that the
trade unions do for labor, was organiz
ed here today with Charles Piez of the
Link Belt company as chairman.
:Fif teen employers' organizations, in
the conntry are represented. The or
ganization, when completed, will pre
sent tne views of the managerial in-
report. llie report covers 2J2.004 miles terests collectivelv at Washington, it
of railroad. i was stated toy Piez. ;
New Today
(Continued from page nine)
COW for sale, giving milk. Route 3.
box bo. J. W. Dame. 9-16
WANTBD man for general work on
farm for 2 weeks. Phone lifliFS 9-16
PRUNE pickers wanted. Call
fonry Bros., 466 State St.
at Ka-9-15
leaving. Rt. 5
first class
, box 11.
; am
FOR SALE No. 6 Birdscll clover hull-
er, also fresh eow. Phone 43F5. 9-16
ONE tny and one brown mule strayed.
raider please notify iwhelan Bros.,
Rt. 4, box 95. Phono 12F25. 8-13
WANTED At once, girl or woman for
general house work, good wages. 890
Oak St: Shone 1296. 9-16
MAXWELL runabout for sale. Inquire,
rowa juaenine shop, 2o2 Uhemeketa.
. 9-15
RANCH WANTBD Waited to hear
rrora owner of good ranch for sale.
State cash price, full particulars. J).
F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn.
8PIRELLA corsets sold by Alice A
mhos, line Leslie Rt. Measures tak
ea. f't guaranteed. Home Thurt. af
ternoons. Phone 1425B,
Use The Journal Want Ads
Ic Word Class Ad Will Sell It
11 vjELvv
lc Word Class Ad Will Sell Ii
A Little "Want" Ad Sells It
MARRY IF LONELY For results, try
me; Best ana most successful "Borne
Maker;" hundreds rich wish mar
riage soon; strictly confidential and
relnaible; fears of experience; de
scriptions free. "The Successful
Clnb," Mr. Ball, Box 556, Oaklarid,
LOST-HCheck book, ibnk book and
some notes, between Oarden road
and S. P. depot. Return to Journal.
- 9-15
CHARLOTTE aud Elbert peaches for
sale tonight and. Sunday. Bring
boxes. M. O. Pettyg, Wallace road.
WANTED 2 more whistle punks, or
signal boys, over 16 years old for
logging camp work, good wages and
good eats. Spaulding Log. to. 913
WANTED! Experienced typist to
make out monthly ' statements. Can
be done evenings. One who can use
Oliver typewriter p'refered. Write
T-6 care Journal. , 9-16
WANTED To meet good, honest,
working woman or widow, for friend
ship and pastime; no flirt or spend-
. thrift need apply. Address A-4 care
Journal. 9-13
FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow
well located, close to carlino, store,
school; furnace, basement, payed
street, etc. Also furniture for' sale.
Owner,, njti mgents. - Address Homo
4 A care Journal. .. - 9-19
WANTED .Woman for housework in
country, or man and wife, if man ia
good milker. Phone F24. 9-15
FOR 8AL-E River bottom ranch, of
151 acres, 40 acres cleared, house and
'barn, hard Cottonwood timber, the
finest kind of loganberry land at
$65 per acre. Will take some city
property in trade. Terms on balance.
Merlin Harding at Salem Hardware
l'o- 9-16
IF its a swell home you want, one in.
the ultra class I have it, 9 rooms,
with every convenience, look at thia
'before you buy. The location superb.
A beautiful 5 room bungalow, email
lot, almost new, $2500, good location
Modern 4 room house, a good looker,
$1150, terms.
Yes, I write insurance, automobiles
too, lots of 'em, the new rates are
so reasonable you can 't afford to be
without the insurance, crooks are
stealing them every day, let me pro
tect you 'before they get yours. H.
E. Bolinger, 328 Oregon blrtg. tf
FOR SALE 6 room house, 4 lots, good
oarn, uhicKen nouses, cherries, grapes
apples, plums, prunes, currants, rhu
barb, gooseberries and good garden.
Applv 280 Pine St., br owner. 9-13
Escaped from. Oregon state training
school, Aides Zachery, ege 19 years,
height 6 ft, weight 160 lbs., 'blue eyes,
liirht hair. Escaped from the La Fol-
lett peach orchard; going up river to
ward South Bottom. Was wearing kha
ki clothes and wide brim grey ihat.
Five dollars reward for information
effecting his capture, -i hone 1257, T.
X. Gilbert, sunermtendent O. S. T. 8.
This being. the first instance of any-.
one escaping while helping a farmer
save a crop, we-are especially anxious
to find him and will approciate any
information whatever concerning his
where abouts.
Job Printing
Capital Journal
5 ACRES, 1 mile from Fair
grounds on paved road; no im
provements; land level; $900;
some terms.
. 5 ROOM .cottage,' bath, toilet,
good basement, 5 minutes walk
from town; $2200.
5 ROOM cottase a block off
Court St. For quick sale, $200.
GOOD 7-rooin house, closo in,
on paved street; all modern con
venience; 4 blocks from P. O. If
sold by Wednesdav $2350. i
300 ACRES fruit lar.d, 7 milet
from Salem; good bldgs. If sold
soon will let it go at 75 per acre.
665 ACHES 10 miles west of
Salem; 450 acres in cultivation;
"good bldgs. and one of the beat
lying ranches in Polk county.
Land all around it priced around
$200 per acre. This one at $113
per acre.
406-407-408 Oregon BIdg. , ;
When Its Insurance, See TTa
We Insure Anything. '