. ...r THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13; 1919. PAGE FIVE. I OREGON n- o SALEM September 22-27 The government's giant . . "Victory Show,r Composed of trophies captured on European battle fields by American soldiers, and exhibits from the agricultural, naval and war departments, will be shown for the first time. The greatest horseshow ever staged in fhe Northwest will be held evenings in the new coliseum. There will be a colossal array of magnificent exhibits ' representing the state's great industries and resources, a superb racing pro- gram, and the best of amusements and attractions. Remember the dates September 22-27. HOP PICKERS STRIKE FIZZliyilTTM Yards Resume Harvest This Morning Short Handed la Most Places. With the advent of fine weather, and fine picking conditions, it is understood Uhat part of the hop troubles in the valley have subsided. In all of the 14- vesloy yards, a number of pickers are at work, although many have quit and are returning home, just on genera! principles." , As far as can be learned, a number ot agitators from the Liveslcy yard' at Ijvesley Btation. went into the Lake Brook yards two days ago and when tno picking was going on, made talks to the pickers, saying otner yaras were oeing paid higher prices. With nothing to do and after waiting for favorable weath er several days, it is understood these agitators found many willing hearers. . At the Liveslcy office this morning, those who wanted their pay were being quickly cared for. ; With the picking season barely commenced, no fear is ex pressed by hop men as to the outcome of the strikes as there is time to find ti1ovv nf Yiip.kp.rfl. riv"lJ " t . a. One Portland man who was m the Lake Brook yards, said several agitators had made talks a few days ago, -and this caused number to quit work. 3ohn Charlesm, a foic, was arresteu yesterday and brought to town, charged with interfering with the work of pick ers. He was bound over ana reieasea 20 bail. It is under- stood he is from Portland and was ac tive in urging pickers to strike. a !. Wnlf vnrd in the north mis sion bottoms, about two-thirds of the pickers were reported a.t worK toaay. nlan rnnnrtnd smo little trU- ble at the Bishop yard yesterday, as the strike news had spread. , , FIRST OF UNIVERSITY orir news. -: COMING BVBNTS Sept. 15, Monday (Fhll term Willamette university begins. Sept. 22-27 Oregon state fair. Sept, 29, Monday Opening of public schools of Salem. Oct. 1 Oregon Methodist conference. Oct. 26 Turn tine back one hour. MEET ME AT "MEYERS" Wanted Girl to work in parlor, Ap- dit tub ana. - . Wanted, ladv clerk, must play aianbi experienced preferred. Geo. C. Will, 432 State St. 9-13 The Lberty setion as far south from the city as the F. L. Scott farm is now receiving electric service. Several pros perous fruit men have put in electric pumps and not to be behind in the "atest deas of doing things, a number f housekeepers have installed electric ranges. Although nothing , is now being Anna n pvfftTir) the line bevond half a mile south of Liberty, it is understood, the residents as lar souin as nosonuie are lookinb with covetous eyes on those with electric service around Liberty ad that efforts will soon be made to have the line' extended to the Bouth as far as Bosedale. i ' Artificial teeth, nave "expert plate man, with over 3! years experience, at my office Dr. D. X. Beachler, den tist, 302 V: a. jsai. oanK oiag. w ADITOEIAL DEHYDRATION We buy liberty bonds. 205 Oregdh building. tf Wanted Girl to work in parlor, Ap ply The Spa. tf I T T.oupia- nffinn lTiflnaffer and pub .licit? manager for the Oregon Grower morrow to judge the horticultural ex hibits at the Washington state fair at Yakima. STUDtNTS COMING IN What is it! What docs it meant Briefly,' it means the highest art of evaporation; all moisture removed, leav ing the real thing. Dehydration would be a good thing if it eonld be applied to the H. C. L. and evaporated the high prices from the necessities of life and bettor still if "Dehydration" could be applied to some advertisements, and evaporate the "hot air," the public would not be led ottrny and buy sad experiences a's they do now but, while "Dehydration" can be successfully applied to vege tables and fruit, it won't apply to shop keeping, and tho public's only safe guard lies in giving patronage to those houses that have established themselves through years "of test, and won the dis-' tinetion of "Dependability." It did not take us forty yoars io win that distinction, but after forty years continuous business in Salem, 'Meyers1 still wears the undisputed title "Dependability." STATE FAIR. SEPTEMBER 22 TO 27 Are you ready? The town will be filled with vis itors and every one should appear at their best. Don't delay that SUIT, COAT OR WAIST But do your shopping this com ing week Early in the week that our fitters and seamstresses can have time to nicely adjust the garments to your figure. Suits from ........$28.50 to $135.00 Coats from $19.85 to $115.00 Presses from ......$18.50 to $60.00 Waists from $4.95 to $20.00 I Secretary, Salem. We have just received a shipment of CORD TIRES FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED! United States Tires ARE GOOD TIRES Monty's Tire Shop 154 South Commercial Street SAVE MAIL ORDER POSTAGE-BUYING AT HOME Yon See What You Buy Before Paying Buying At Home Many Returned Soldiers On Willamette List; Registra tion On Monday. Tho vnnunard nf students for Willanv nfn TTnivflraifv nrp now arrivinff on ev ery train and tne old campus nag tantm nn mbliinca of its former life. A .nmmitta fmm t.lifl University Y. M. C. A., headed by Ralph Barnes, are meet in ti-nina n si nt.in o the newcomers in finding rooms and in locating possible ..... . i i e i poitios wnere tney can wum a iw uuura nW in lioln b Inner their exnense ac . -- r count. A large number of young ladies will be looking for places where' they a nart or all of their board irr.rnA hv work in the household. In order to heln i'n the mnttcr 01 iinumg nm-,ir,mniit the Y. M. C. A. members have opened a room at the university whore tney wiu conauct. an impromptu employment bureau. A large number of calls have come in from about the city offering students odd jobs. Among tho familiar faees on the cam pus today are Bryan McKittrick, Mer rill OhlMg, Jfnilip unrtnoiomcw, rsiu Brown, Victor Collins, Bryan Conley, B. Jackson, Kobcrt Btorey, aaipn luom- as and Wapato. Kegistration will Degm Monoay ana tlm Totriatror Miss Benedict, suacests that all local students register on that day, leaving Tuesday ana weunesuuy for the late comers. Following iB an approved list of the returned soldiers who have aprjicd for admission to the university under the soldiers 'aid provisions: Harold V. Km- mel, Sherwood; lelanu A. Austin, nooa burn; Henry B. Spiess, Canby; Bryan McKittrick, Sjlem; OWn V. Campbell, JUmmett, ioa.; w. w. ceiiy, viuioivaniB vfinr f!nllis. Hiiirerman. Ida.: Ken neth Iegge, Salem; llein Jackson, Em- mett, Idaho; Vlarenco jarpenicr, Jo seph; Bryan Conley; Donald Karcy; Ta couia; William Sherwood, Salem; Edgar Attcrbury, Everett, Wash.; Keith Har ris, Salem; J. B. Bedingfield, Bandon; Bobbin Fisher, Salem; Bulph Curtis, nnr.ri. Pfinlf RuniipH. (rnndiiiir. ladho: ' Luther Cook, Salem; Edwin Socolofsky, 8nlcm; ieslie liaiiey, Kvcnuung; jmerrui Ohling, Albany; Loren Basler, Urant I'ass; uavia ana uiyue .m, bib; Leslie Day, Grants Pass; Norrii McKay, Madras; Floyd Mclntire, Balem; Harold Dimmick, WoodDurn; Jay uouer, im Tonl Dntipv. Ralpm: Robert StoreT. Wolf Creek; Bernard Uummiy, Madras; Bodncy Alden, rsaiem; n. a. mmam; Oscar Payne, Hermiston Vernon back ett, Salem; E. N. Branson, Salem; F. Aldrich, Sulcm; JJ. L.. aanaaii, oa- lem; George E. Lewis, Salem; Euward Nelson, Hcppner; J. F. Brown, uauas; A. W. Irvine, Portland; Everett Craven, Salem; Bufus Boatwright, Salem; Pean Pollock, Joseph; Frank Hathaway, Sa lem; Philip Bartholomew, Portland. Rnmli Wonld Wreck Instead Of Amend League Covenant rtmnhn. Neb.. Sent. 13. Wreckinff, not mere amendment Of the league 01 nations eovenant, is tne proposal 01 Senator Borah. Borah left today to follow the trail of President Wilson still farther. He re ferred to the president last night u "dodger and tool, to whom England need only make suggestions to seeure compliance, lie aiinresaea a large crowu. ... A.'ft. View in Polk oountv. a meet ing was recently held of growers in-foi-natnil in frnitjt and berries and all voted to sign up with the Oregon Grow ers Cooperative association. tfneijt Pnr iha fiances to 'bft held at I the Linn county fair to be held at Scio will be furnisneainy vvorren nunt unu his "rinock 'em aeaa' jazz oana, nr. Hunt announced today. The band will be accompanied by Vernon Suckow, the premier xylophonist. . And now comes the sad news from wiMiminnnf rlrir ' fVrmrlft merchant, that t " - . J n . ttflt finfliorv tnr wnniPTI flTfl JllmOst OUt of the market. That is, aftcT the pres ent stOCRS are exnausiea, many ueai- era win una 11 auncun w piace ur deri. One big .manufacturing concern of a well knownbrand has withdrawn all its silk hose from the market. . Tia Vn.Vnrv ornnurr nn Oourt street AJIV . .-.J 6-v J opposite the Meyers department store, v..o A.inJ Viiiaihoua iinnrli f.innH in the IUH J.UUUU WMH-M " " city such that it has been obliged to do consideraDi cupanaiug, umu uuw i'l almost double the.t occupied wien the store opened for business 1 irt May. They have includ A.l oaamnf miilfip tnA entira build int n vho nvnii uilin ff. for carrvintf re serve gtoc s. The firm is composed of Remple & Working. Mr. Kemple came n Clnri .ivnif trnrn AnRkflt.nnn. ('fin- ada, and is interested in shipping fresh fruit- to ;liat pan or uunaau. Timi a WnDnn naaliiAi nf tho T.nrlfl & Bush bank, and August Auckestein, Dostma.tcr. nave receivcu uiviwuuub frAm f 4 .rnfksnn rf Pnrthind to meet the president and Mis. Wilson and to atter.d the dinner to do given mem 1 at tie rortland hotel Monday aftet- noon at l o'eloek. The invitations are engraved, simply stating that an. invi tation is extended to meet the presi dent and his wife at the dinner, and . "T ,T there is tne customary a. a. v. . Mian Mnflv Talmadire left for Port land ifViday morning to begin rehears als with the concert company wira which she will open a season October 1 under the Ellison- White manage ment. She will be musical director of 4-l.a nam. Tfllmn.rlrA ilflH beCH vxi... e- ---- spending a vacation of several weeks in- Salem at the nome or ner parems. A peculiar and very painful -accident bcfoll John Alhrich and Fred Arm priest, two of the workmen in the Barr plumbii hop, yesterday afternoon. They were repairing an empty gaso line tank, which proved to have just onmirfli nf ihfl Kniiirl left in it to form an explosive. The heat of the soldering torches set it orr ana -Dorn enas vi the tank were blown out by the force of the explosion, severely burning both men about the face. Fortunately their eyes escaped. Armpriest came back to the shop this morning ana onereu m go to work but the aoctor aavieea against it. VlnvA Vnlknl fin ARniflt:int nrpsflman in the Capital Journal office, suffered a painful injury yestcrdy afternoo while running the regular edition of the paper. In working about the heavy frtiel Tollers that make the final fold 1 ' 1 I l - - A SCHOOL OPENS SEPT. 29 Are your boys and girls ready? It is not only books and pencils, but cloth ing and dress that is required. We are prepared to correctly and eco nomically outfit boys and girls thor oughly and completely Shoes excepted. Just Received By Express wonderful line of "KNIT GOODS" for Infants and Children. These are the product of the great est knit goods" firm in .'America, "ASCHER'S" THE LABEL OF THE LAMB" Quality guaran- I teed. I Indian Baskets Big shipment from the lar gest distributors in the world. You Can Always Do Better At LLV iiboaIcooD G J. R. Horner, who has been serving with the 7th regiment of tho U. S. ma rines in Cuba during the past two years, arrived in the city yestoruay, having just received his discharge from the service. Ho will return to his home on the ranch near Salem for tho pres ent. In Cuba he spent a large part of his time on patrol duty, in course of which he had opportunily to see all parts of the island. Personals 1?nhin T)nv socht Thursday in Port land on matters of business, Miss Dorris Churchill left yesterday for Portland for a visit with friends. Lloyd Hauser of Ktigcno spent Fri day in Salom, visiting at the oomo of ois brother Paul. Manser. Mis Margaret Thrall of Tho Dalles is visitinir in Balem over the week end with Mif Velma Mitchell. J. iB. Stinnetts, Paul M. Smith and H. E. Bvan were among tho recent arrivals in Aalem. Ir. W. I. McMillan of La Grande, secretary of th state dental board, is in the state eopitai toaar on ousiness . .... .1 . 1 .-. 1L. 1 .,1 connected wit.ii tne uuwes 01 m vum Telephone Company files Protest To Suspension Of . Burleson Scale of Rates Vigorous protest against the suspen sion of the Burleson made telephone rata, at thin time, is mado i i t brief BLBt; i um-k ...- I . . - .. . . . n ... 1. i I . . . . 1 . . 1. ....1.1 1 .. u..p. ii.i or tho paper tne pngers ot ais rigut suomittuu w nia bvixlc jmunt hand were caught between the Tollers commission this morning by Cuiey & nanA vfii drawn into the nd-,if.w inrnA nftnmevfl. renrescntins the Paeif ie Telephone & Telegraph com pany. The pre-war rates could not and ought not to Be restored, the nncl con tonil A order ausnendinir the present rates would practically eurtail activities an demoralize service, it auus. io uyv) Hlllh All nrHor wonld menn an imtnedinte reduction of wages followed by strikes and a paralysis of the business or tiw fata ha lariat Aoa.TMi. The Bttomevs for the telephone company ' insist that if the commission finds, in making the inquiry that the company is coueeunj; more than the rates ultimately aeter Private Spruce Producers CouMHaye Saved Country $50,000,000 Is Assertion Portland, Or., Sept. 13. Had the gov ernment bought airplane spruce and ecdnr from private operators lather than permit tho $50,000,000 investment of the spruce production division, it would have saved from $2IJ,70),OGu.D to 3i),7!t6,32.70 for tho United States, Great Britain, France mid Italy. That is the substance of testimony submitted to the congressional sub-eom-mittuA of itu Friilav afternoon hearing by Guy (leorge Gubrielson, investigator for the committee. The estimated 35,796,322.70 loss was computed on ft salvage basis of ten per cent and the smaller estimated loss was determined on a basis of 40 per cent. 'Tlin oniiirrnHHinnnl COrtlmittCO COlll- pleto Its hearings in Portland this morn inr. nnrl'will linvfl for California to- Oregon Athlete Breaks Old American Javeiin In East Philmlnliihia, St'pt. 13. One record was lowered in the junior events nt tho national A. A. U. meeting here. Arthur Tuc-k, Multnomah A. i, Portland, Or., hurled the javelin 17S feet, four inch es. ... . ...! DIED TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORE National. First Gttuu! B. IT. n Philadelphia 1 2 0 Pittsburgh .. 8 1 Smith and Clark; Carlson nnd Schmidt. B Vi..taoinshrdluetaoin Second Game , B. If. E. Philadelphia .. 0 8 1 PittHburgh 2 2 Hogg and Adams. , Adams and Schmidt. mnA tii band was drawn into the ma ehine several inches, stripping- ths flesh from the bones. The physicians who attcnoco nim state iam n may be a day or two before the extent of the injary ean be ascertained, but it is believed there ia no damage to the bones. Wm. Schiltenhart, a member of the Southern Pacific construction gang that has been at. work in Salem during tho pest week, had a bad fall from a sxffn'd upon the pavement at Trade and Commercial treet thia forenoon, landins in such a manner that both landing in sucn a manner tnat ommmore man ine rsB uiuinjijr umui- n .rntttn tf a wa talran frk 1..m flift f lTiflln l.ion till .i n uliw . . .v uiiiiku uuuu n '"- , ' ' l tfce eaiem nosjiuai ior artenuon nu ntRred into nn tne commission on tne km 1 n 11 mil P 11 Ti rT- Byrd 'a'e thlLt wiu roqurre an ! hearing, St will also refund for such WOrd UaSS Ad Will &eil It'X-y examination to determine just from and ftftcr Angul,t 1, 119. t-""" how badlv the bone, are fractured. WABNEB At her residence on South Liberty street, Sfipt. Id, Mt. Phillippina Warner, wife of the late James Warner, at the go of 72 years and 13 days. SI... it.?,, fhn ilauirhter of Mont J! Brer and was born in the state of illi- "nois Aug. 31, 17. She leaves three children, Walter vvarner ana mn. juuy Roberts of Portland and Clara Warner of this titv. A brother George E. Brey lives at Independence, a sister Mrs. George W. Chanrn of Por'iand and a sister Mrs. Ulara u um nuam. Mrs. Warner wn member of the Jc- ggoe of llonor sud Sih sr Boll circle. The funeral will be from the Webb & Clough parlors Moniljy at J p. K. AustraiaRsBeslYankes In Doub' s Title Matches ri.i,.n.in Rent 13. William M. oJhn- slon end Clartnee M. flriffin f San ! AfL", Frnncnco, former national uouui ( - "7 chnmpions, were defeated , here in j OUTVwuTU. and Norman Brooites, AustraliAa sham pions. Johnston today. K. IT. E. Brooklyn .. - 1 8 1 Chicago ; 2 ' 8 1 Maimiiaux and Kruciter; Alexander and Killifer Boston - 2 7-4 Cincinnati 3 8 0 Scott and O'Neill; Keutber ana Bar- 1 if n .' ..vew York 2 6 1 St. Louis ....- i t iNehf and Gonzales: Jacobs and Clemens EiHv Sundav Picks White Sox To Take World Series Chicago, fkyt. 13. Hilly fluaday b vnm th White 8ox hs've tho cd2 as ti fam ,in the coming world's scries. ' ' But the Weds have a shade on pitca rrr:. " ho added. Sunday said he was en Touts to "Itlci tho devil out of Bock Island, Davenport iaa Moi" 1 ji .1 rv .1 r m wrrt) tai'nfx! With UUi vsutiv.1 tu "- ,1 1 1 wit rteii1fe!rnmATTfrwn.'tL ioes, AustraliAa sham i-.ICJWW"hw.. .-. was to meet Brooke j yOCCTWanT VCQJ DC