Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 13, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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By Gertrude Robison
nivjs or tne smartest events of the-j-Season
is thft Wlk end nnrW flt'L
j -- f - j -
. the W. M.- Hamilton residence,
honoring a number of cut of town
guests who motored from Portland this
afternoon for a short visit in the Cap
ital city. This evening Mrs. Hamilton
will be hostess at a beautifully arrang
ed and conducted dancing party com
plimenting the visitors. Tomorrow the
guests end thmr gracious host and
The North Salem Women's club met
at the home of Mrs. Boy Shields last
Wednesday and enjoyed a delightfully
informal afternoon. The rooms were
gayly decorated . with the club eolors,
whito and yellow dahlias being used
in combination with Lady Hillingdon
roses. Mrs. F. i, Toothacre spoke in an
interesting manner on her trip to Cas
cadia and Mrs. Shields told of an en-
Hostess will wind up the affair in a ijoyabie motor trip to Tillamook from
truly enjoyable manner by gypsying j which she has recently returned. ..A
in the up to date, twentieth century number of beautiful selection on the
fashion through the valley; making the Sonora and an hour of social converse
trip by automobile. , - rounded out the' afternoon which cul-
Those in the party are Mr. and Mrs. minated pleasantly around the tea ta
tataey Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. K. .Fan fx Me. Tlie next meeting of the club will
Mr. and Mrs. L. Harwick. Mr. mid ''be held t tm Vinmn nt Vfro p;i pn.
Mrs. W. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. W. lr
win, Mr. and Mrs. 8 Parks, Miss Car
rie Straub, Mrs. B. Carroll, Mr. and
Mrs. F. Hamburger, Messrs F. Reardon,
K. Hc.'irdon and Kundolf Carroll, Mr.
and Mrs. Jackson, Miss Laura Hiley,
Miss Pearl Emkin and John Scott.
Mrs. T. A. Livcsley'has as her house
guest her molher, Mrs. E. W. DeBeck
of Vancouver, B. C. Mrs. Dc'Beck will
remain In the city for about five weeks
on Cottage street and will bo followed
by a visit through the Wittenburg
Iving plant. .
- '
That, the attitude taken by a part
of the Portland press on the suffrage
ratification is in" keeping with the
"Portland spinster" atmosphere which
too long has hindered growth and ex
pansion, is the opinion voiced today
'uy vamous locaii sutrrage leaders.
Oregon, they say, is avowedly a suf
frage state, and as such should take
and during that time will be honored the lead In the ratification of the suf-
with numerous social compliments.
. Honoring her sister, Miss Buth Pear
ion, whose wedding will take place
next Tuesday, Mrs. Carl Pruitt spon
ored a prettily arranged miscellan
eous shower at hor home on Myrtle
. avenue, last Wednesday evening. Ja
: perfect keeping with the season the
homo had been decorated with a pro
fusion of autumn leaves. The bride-to-be
was the recipient of numerous
munuui gins, uunng tne evening a
frage amendment, nottair nlnmr be
hind the non-suffrage .states. Kansas
caned a special session of her legisla
ture for the ratification. Other states
hovr. followed her lead. Now it is "up
to Oregon."
"The good of " the whole country,
should be thought of now," said Mrs,
J. W. Hawkins, one of the leaders of
Oregon's equal suffrage workers. "It
has taken 70 years to get where we
are today on the suffraee ouestinn.
and five years of terrific work to get
delightful program was rendered, the tho ftndment through congress and
principal feature of which was the
i mock wetting. (Daimtiy re)frefmeoits
. wore served at the close of the evening.
t Among thoae' present were Miss Kuth
fearson, Beulah Presnall, Mary Rug.
'.glee, Winifred Trazier, (Florence Fra
' aier, Ethelynne Armstrong, Olive Arm
, trong, Mrs. Hurl Pearson, Mrs. Clif
ford Armstrong, Mrs. Harry Pearson,
' Mrs. Mark Klliott, Mrs. R. C. McMil-
Ian, Mrs. C. E. Pearson, Lucille Tuck
;r, Gertrude Tucker, Melva Tull and
.'..Gladys Scott.
ready for ratitication. The country
is ripe for it now, The women arc
organized and full of interest and en
thusiasm. What a pity it would be to
wait and lot their enthusiasm cool!
The work would practically all have
to be done over. ,..
"The women of America tood bo
hind the country as a solid mass dur
ing ihe war. There was no task too
hard flor them or hours too long.
wuroiv they have earned the vote. Is
uregon going to do her part "
One of the prettiest events of the
week was the silver wedding anniver
sary, celebrated 'by Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
jO. Kumrow at their home on State
street, Saturday, " September 6. . The
rooms were beautifully, decorated in
pink and white astors, ferns, ewect
peas and gladiolus. ' j
Little Irene Blaesing of Portland
niece of Mr. and Mrs. Kumrow, attend
ed the door and admitted all the guests
for the evening. Amid profusions jof
flowers forming an archway, stood two
kewpics, bride and groom, surrounded
by the many -beautitul girts of the ec
casion. The dining room was- attract'
ive in pink and white, crepe paper in
termingled with gladiolus and fern
where the guests passed for refresh
ments. Miss Hthel Blaesing of Portland
poured and Misses Florence and Sclina
Kumrow cut ices.
Immediately following tho sumptu
ous luncheon the mock wedding was
performed during which time, soft
strains of music were heard. After the
ceremonies Charles Lislo read the fol
lowing pioce of poetry of which he is
composer, dedicated to Mr. and Mrs,
Robt. Kumrow for their silver wedding
unuiversary: :
Your silver wedding day has come
with memories so dear
Of other days, and other friends.
Than those who greet you here;
When hope looked out from- silv'ry
And' called with silv'ry tongue
For you to go to that fur land
Where love as always young.
Mrs. A. K. DoWitte who has been
visiting m Portland as the gueat of
. ' The Woman 's Relief Onrp Aid soci
ety, met at the homo of Mrs. N. C.
Kafoury, 840 Union street, Wednosday
r ftornoon. ' Assistant hostesses were
Mesdames Vera Glover, Mary Hallev.
Mary Howd, Linnio Hewitt, Ella Hunt, . Mm winon Kico, a charming mem
Aylin, Talmadge and Sarah (Peterson. ' er of tlie 1)811,18 younger aoeial setj
no anernoon enterainment was in tho vimr mis ween..
her children, Miss Lucille DeWitto and
'Verne DeWitto, has returned homo,
Miss Winona Rico, a charming mem-
or a Kensington, interspersed
a short business session, solee-
, with
: Jions on the vietrnla and several mus
1 numbers by Mrs.-C C. Clark. . '
-Nasturtiums and seasons blossoms
(, wi-ib ariiaiicauv arranged about the
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Carrier enter
tained as their guest during the week
Mrs. 8. W. Bell of Bickreall.
Mrs. ffnniegA. Gray of Portland re
living room, yellow boine the nredam' turncd ,0 her home Wednesday after
juaiing color, jjuring the refreshment . s 1 0 lno "-"me 01 jur.
our Mesdames Ackermnn and Clark aild Mr B Stoeves. ,
yresidod at the urns where a color '.,
aiheme of old rose prevaded. Carolyn Mrs. W. E, Vincent of Jefferson
Testoit roses, prettily shaded candies wa" Snlom visitor during the week,
nd the general tintina- of the dlninsr- "ein 8cst at the T. 8. Golden resi-
oom added to the effect. Fiffy Indies aenrm-
wi'iu presenr, ,
' Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Basey have re
, turned from a mouth's sojourn at New-fort,
Horlick's the Original
Malted Milk Avoid
imitation &Subtitutes
I Guests at the HonryBolingor homo
during the wock wore Mrs. Earl Hurr
and baby. .
. ''''
I Mr. and Mrs. George P. Griffith
(Ruby Cornell) whose wedding was an
event of recent data, have returned
from their honeymoon through Wash
ington and British Columbia.
t At present they are domiciled in tlie
WeslBBott residence on Court, street.
In buying our Jewelry Stocks we keep this thought
ever in mind QUALITY, the best.
Jewelers and Optician
Northwest Corner of State and Liberty Streets
You took the road with eager feet; I
You've marched for manv vears.
Came storm and calm, came light and
Came lauuhter and came tears.
iBut love outlasts all else; it lives
rorever ana tor aye;
And now you've come to celebrate
lour silver wedding day.
We join with all who hold you friends,
. tin wisinne tnat each hour
May bring to you such happiness, "
Ana nentnge, and dower,
As comes to those who life 's best debts
In coin of friendship pay;
And that you live to celebrate
Your golden wedding day;
The following were present, Mr and
Mrs Aug Kumrow, Mr end Mrs Otto
Kumrow, Mr and Mrs Will Kumrow,
Mr and Mrs Carl Kumrowj Miss Emma
Kumrow, Robert Frankel, Mr and Mrs
A Pagenhopf and Esther Pagenhopf,
all of Warsaw, Wisconsin; Mr and Mrs
H J Blaesing, W F Blaesing, Miss Le
nora Blaesing, Misses Ethel and Irene
Blaesing, Herman aaid Walter BlaeB
ing, all of Portland; Mrs Viola Smith
and children and A D Otto of Laurel,
Oregon; Mr and Mrs A Southwick, Mr
and Mrs C Brandt, Mr and Mrs Will
Wilson, Mr and Mrs Chas Wilson. Mr
and Mrs Otto Wilson, Mrs Minerva
Wilson, Mr and Mrs Bavmond. Mr and
Mrs Chas Lisle, Mr and Mrs Chris La
chole, Mr and Mrs Mastcn, Mr and
Mrs T Woolpert. Mr and Mrs SFredi
Thompson, Mr and Mrs L B Davis, Mr
and Mrs Arnold, Mr and Mrs Cheno
weth, Mr and Mrs Ed Lane. Mr and
Mrs Arthur PetorRon, Mr and Mrs Al
bert Jairl, Mr and Mrs Hiedo of Port
land, Mr and Mrs A Stanke of Milwau
kee, iWisconsin, Mrs L Cupper, Miss
Lolite Dairs, A Kellogg, Bill Do Piano
of Philadelphia; Little Margaret and
junior wuson, ilobart and Donald Wil
Mrs. w. j). jampDeil entertameenno
missionary societies of the Jason Lee
church at her home, I860 North Sum
mer street, Wednesday, making it an
all day affair. A goodly number of the
members 'being present, the social pro
gram of the meufing was carried out
before the noon hour. Mrs. Campbell
served a , delicioug luncheon, after
which the business of the two societies
were taken up. Heretofore the Home
and Foreign societies have -been com
bined, working in unison as one con
cern, but it was thought that by act
ing as . sepajate organization they
could 'become more efficient and more
good could be accomplished. Accord
ingly (hey were reorganized and the
following officers elected: Homo mis
sionary society, Mrs. J. F. Dunlap,
prciuient; ;Mr. this lieuschor, . vice
president; Mr Charles Hagerman, scc
retaryj Mrs. S. W. Drake, treasurer.
Foreign missionary society . Mrs.
Warrell, president; Mrs. Snyder, vice
president; Niri Phiil Aspinwtall, ref
cording secretary; Mrs. W. F. Camp
bell, secretary; M'iss Ellen Currin,
treasurer. ,
Charles H. Halston, Jr., of Lebanon
and Mrs. Jessie Campbell Cromwell of
Salem were quietly married in Portland
Tuesday evening by Rev. W. S. Me
Cullah, pastor of th eSollwood Presby
terian church. The ceiemonv which was
witnessed by a few friends took place
at the parsonage. ,
Mrs. Halston, who recently returned
to Portland after a sir months visit
in Washington, D. C, and other east
ern cities, is a daughter of Finley
t.ampbell of Salem, and is well known
in the Capital city where sh.e taught
in mo ciiy scnoois lor several years.
-nr. luuston ig one ot liebanon's lead
ing ibusiness men. He was formerly
maaager or tbo paper mill at that
place, but is now encaged in the auto
mobile 'business , there.
Mr. and Mrs. .Ralston will be at
home in Lebanon after October 1st.
Despite the inclement weather, a
very enjoyable silver tea wes held
Thursday afternoon at, the h
Mrs M. J. Hunt by the Loyal Wbinens
class of the First Christian church.
The regular business was transacted
followed with roadine9 ibv Mrs. Will
May and Miss Thelma Reed, and an
aluminum demonstration by Mr. Ran
dall, after which' ice cream and cake
were served. Mrs. Hunt was assisted
n serving by Mrs. W. H. Cave. Mrs,
George Downing, Mrs. George F. Reed'
and Mrs. Iola Gleason. Those present
were Mesaames JNora White. U. u. Dim-
stead, John Humphrey, W. E. Thomas
Arthur Welch,, W. A. Pennoy, T. E.
MeC'roskey, Guy E. Wilcox and Bmall
daughter, VtUl Ma)y, Serahi Biggs
unmipoeii, i5en.i. w. waichcr. J. F.
McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Porter
and daughter Miss Aline and tho Miss
es Thelma and Leona Reed.
Mrs. J. H. Bernnrdi was hostess at
a charmingly conducted shower at her
home on South High street Thursday
evening, honoring Mrs. Ada Zosel. The
rooms were prettily decorated with
tho season's flowers and the evening
wag pleasantly spent with music and
' five hundred." An elaborate lunch
eon was served the guests at which
the hostess was assisted bv Mrs. George
Hurley, Mrs. ,Fred Bornardi and Mrs.
Ellis Cooloy. Gueets at the pretty af
fair wero Mrs! Ada Zosel. Miss Mabel
IHrassfiold, Miss Marie ' Cook. Mia
Stanis Andresen, Mrs. A. A. Guoffrov,
Miss .Bertha Waldorf, Miss Joy Tur
ner, Miss Echo Hunt. Miss Dora An
drogen, Mrs. -Frank Tyler. Mrs. Fred
Bornardi, Mns, Ellis Coolev and Mrs.
George Hurley.
ipNp si M tTTii
1 I i I is j
We have plenty of Edison Disc
Records now , and got assurances
yesterday that we will have enough
of the late models Diamond Disc
Machines in 6 or 8 weeks.
"Salem's Phonograph Dealer"
"Women have so proved their worth
n the business world of England that
they are 'being retained in govornment
unices ana win tie given positions in
mem neneerortn uy means of competi
tive examinations," gays Miss Margar
et. Williamson, I,iy;tional secretary of
me .roung w omens onnstian associa
nun, wno arny(t rrom .England, re
eniiy on tne .wooraam. "More B12-
nificant than anything else ia the mat
tor of fact way in which women have
accoptod the fact that they are a part
of business,'.' she says. Miss William
son attended the fiftioth reunion of
her alma mater, Gerton college, and
feiuid that among her classmates, manv
of whom are holding responsible gov
ernment positions,' it was an accepted
fact that women , should and are play
ing an important part in all .English
life political, social and 'business. Uni
versal suffrage, after their long figjit
ur it, uas 'oeen accepted very calmly,
many of the women's organizations
are not yet demobilized. Women are
still running tramcars, automobiles and
doing many of the things which they
did during the war, although military
uniiormg are tout .disappearing off Lon
don streets. v-
"All English life is in a state of
flux, as is naturn) after the war con
anions when soldiers fought for so
little money and men at home receiv
ed such high wages. However, all clasa
os in the country seem to -be honestly
aim uuuscit'uuousiy try-iner to ffet to
gether on the question affecting labor
and -industry, and the government is
trying to be the third party. Some
thing good is sur to come of it be-
causo of the way everyone hna been
drawn into it, just as they were ty the-
war. a lew women who employed num-
"bers of servants feel resentful because
they cannot get women to work in their
homes and (because of - the demands
that domestic service toe recognized as
a profession with stated hours and
conditions of work. However, most of
them are looking at the matter in a
sonsible light and see that these prob
lems are tne same that are stirring all
England. Of course thre wore strikes
everywhere. The police were striking
when I left and every industry has
had its turn. Indications seem to bo,'
though, that everything is going to
om out all right. England lost many
of her old customs aud her antiquated
Miss 'Williamson was home on a
three months furlough the first visit
to her native land since the beginning
or tne war. hhe spent part or her time
in recruiting women physk'ians to go
to English and French ports for the
Y. W. C. A. to examine the brides
which American soldiers and sailors
are bringing home with, them, prior to
their debarkation. She will resume her
work as assistant secretary for elty
associations for the national hoard of
tlm Y. W. C. A.
. 7t fi I
An Influx of New Outer Garments for
' . . - - t
The very smartest and latest fashions in Autumn garments have arrived
presenting hundreds of styles that portray their inception by master de
signers and tailors.
Every fashionable fabric and coloring contributes to an unusual presen
tation of tailored wearsuch a collection as enables the women of Salem to
select the smartest fashions of the moment at extremely reasonable prices.
SEPT. 22 TO 27
11 ljtplpy (&0.
One of the merriest affairs of the J Mrs. W. I. Pooler and smaH son, !
past week, was the informal party giv-1 Frederick, of Wallowa, Oregon, ' are
en at the iFirst Baptist church under
the auspices of the Young Peoples so
ciety. It was in the form of a welcome
for the boys who have returned from
service in the army, navy or marine
house guests at the home of .Mrs.
Pooler's parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. E.
. '
Mr. and Mrs..J. H. Nicholson and
little son Jimmv. have returned from
corps and also served as a farewell an outing at 'Newport. They have been
favor for those young persona of the gone several weelis.
parish, who are leaving in the immcdVf
ate future to attend the various col- 1
leges in the state during the coming !
school year. The church" parlors whero I
Mrs. Mark D. McCallister has re-1
turned from Corvallis where she was ,
the- guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
H-. M. Finley. ' . . : t .
- ' i' ...
Mrs. Sarah E. Oliver has left Salem
for a three months visit in the east,
She will stop at Columbus, Ohio, to
attend tho .G. A. R. conference in that '
ty. . .
. ' ' 1
Miss Gertrude Hartinan; accompan
ied by her (brother, Otto Hartinan, 'will
(Continued on page three)
the affair took place wes artistically
decorated with screens, vines and au
tumn flowers, while flags and pennants
dded to its gala tone. The evening
was pleasantly passed with; original
games, two of the most enjoyable of
which were the "birthday of the sea
sons" and a mock auction sale. Music
and a general sing, and some beautiful
solos toy Archie Smith, who has re
cently returned from the service, add
ed to the evening's entertainment.
Dainty refreshment wero served.
The committee, in charge of the af
fair, to whom a great deal of credit
is due for its -undeniable success, was-
composed of Mum Grace Fnwk, Miss
Eva Roberts, Geore Holt and Glenn
Gregf. A larfe number of guests were
A gnst at the home of Professor and
Child welfare work has made little
progress as yet- in Uruguay, aecord-
ng to Dr. Alice Armond I'gon 01
Montevideo, Uruguay, whe has just
arrived in New York city a a dele
gate to the international conference
of women physicians being called by
the social morality committee of the
Ycnn? Women's Christian association
for September 15 and continuing' for
six weeks. . .
Dr. Armond Fgon is an expert in ehil
dren's diseases, peig a practicing" phy
sician in the children's hospital in
Monteviiteo, head lf the jchildSren 's
eliuie at the university and in charge
of the welfar of girls attending the
secondary schools in Montevideo, in
ndition to being a profes'-or of chem
istry in the secondary school there.
Dr. Ugon arrived early for the con
ference in order to study the work of
the children's bureau in Washington,
under Miss Julia Lthrop. She is doing
this work at, the request of her gov
ernment, that she may -be prepared to
organize a child welfare bureau on her
return aud for. this reasau. will stay
on six weeks after the conference
closes 111 order to ituilv methods used '
..AAA.AA i i A. 4 11 1 1 . i ill 1 1 1 1 1 iliiiAi
i: We Have
That is necessary to insure you as a good, hearty
boosting customer of this establishment.- .Owing to
the strike in Portland we have obtained several high
class tailors and can handle any kind of rush tailoring.
D. H. Mosheri
High Class Tailor to Men and Women
Mrs, Florieu Von Eschen is Mrs. Fan,-! in children-' riinics in New York city.
me rcun or Tacoma, a former Salem
residant. Old friends are welcoming
her during her visit.
Miss Edith Hazard is the house
pnest of Mrs, Edward Sawyer in Seat
tle. She will remain in the Sonnd citv
a fortnight.
Mrs. Hal Patton and children ar. in
Poriland enjoying week's visit with
Miss Mildred McBride. who was the
house guest of Miss Lena Cherriugton
Mrs. W. C. Kantner and daughters.
Miss LaVerne and Miss Constance, will
return home from Seattle this week.
They have been visiting Mrs. Kantners
other daughter, Mrs. Thomas.
Th many friends of T. B. Jaeksou
will be grieved to hear of his serious
illness, and that little hope is being
held for his recovery.
F. X. Wco1ry and family have just
returned from a foar days trip from
southern Oregon. They report the roads
las returned to her home in EddyviUo. i a very toad condition.
No Store Room Space to
Be Had In Salem
We have decided to dispose of our Billiard room
equipment, thereby releasing splendid space with
both street and lobby entrance for some one of many
new enterprises being attracted to Salem. r