PAGE NINE. 1HHMHES PI CIRCULATION BEING BY FA B THE LARGEST OF Jfll PAPER IN MARION COUNT V INSURES THOROUGH D1& TRIBUTION OF YOUR ADVERTISING. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1919. (BE H CLASSIFIED AD BATES Rate per word New .Today: Each insertion ! le One week (6 insertions) 5c One month (26 insertions) 17c The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than oue insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements. Bead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 15c. FOR SALE C006 team for sale. 69G Trade St 913 HAY for sale. Phone 103F11, 9-13 flHAWPOttD eanninS Deaehes 75e per li.'isliel. Rt. 1. 'box 21C. 9-10 iK SALE Milk cow. Phone G94. 9-13 FOR SALE 7 room modern, house at 390 Hovt St. . 9-12 GROCERY, store and fixtures for sale. .Write J. X care Journal. an FOR SALE Mallard ducks, finb for decoy purposes. Phone VMU. -lo FOR SALE A team C ami 7 years old, weight 3000. Rt. 7, 'box 11. 9-13 FOR SALE Scotch Collie pups, $2.30 ... each. Call evenings after 0' p.- in. -S. START selling noodles tomorrow at 439 Porrv street. Hone. ... . 9-13 IV1H S14T.K A, Wni l; v -built iln-nwn team,, weighing 2900 lbs. Also a 1000 lb. gray gelding.- JU. Cunningham, Phone 21F2. - 948 WANTED Waitresses and kitchen help at the Cherry City restaurant, j IKli B. iiieh St. . . 9-15 FOR SALE year old Jersey cow. FieJi next month.- Also 5-year old horse, 1300 lbs. Phone via rriR SALFSt-ir i-nam modern house Call at owner's' No. ,1085 3T. Cot taee. 9-13 FOR SALE Cow giving milk; will be at Farmers Feed slied Sat. and Bun day,, across from Oregon Electric de - pot. "': ';."' . - 9-13 iFOR:H&A'LE White Rocli cockerel, Oiaut rabbits 6 months old, good ..strain; Rt. 2, "box 81. ' ' - 9-12 'RESTAURANT outfit, for Call J737W or. 399. " .. 9-12 FOR SALE Dappted 'gray Shetland, ' " -welgh'f 430, 1720 Lee StJ .' . ?-12 ''&QR' SALEii-Fumiturc.:' V$W 'W TV S AT.R Wiiviiff lyhmliuA biinih and tank, at a bargain, guaranteed.Phone .198,-. 271- Chemeketn, Capita Junk FOR ' SALE 8 room modern cottage, . two thousand, nan ttown.. n.a u care '.'GB'dW.'Vonr own "prune trees. Order v--. ...onV '..Ua :,n1 rirnlifipil- " " ; ists, Pearcy Bios., 810 Oregon bldg. "(FOR ; SALE 1 doe, .8 months old; 1 buck 7 months old; 5 babies 2 months old. All thoroughbred New Zealand ,ra'bjilt: jAVla 3 pens '(fitted with ; padlocks. Plioae 1432, or call 335 ' H. Winter. 9-12 "Vl)R. SAIjI' Oood work horse 9 years old. weight 1500, sound and true; 1 3i -wagon, almost new; I set. heavy work harness, good shape. W. B. Farrier. 6 miles south on Pringle road. ' 9-17 GENERAL merchandise store for sale, 15 years establishment in a good live ly town of over 5000. Small rent and good business. Reason for sale, oth 1 er business interest.- Will sell or trade for property. Write 0 M 4 care Jour nal. ; 9 14 BOARD AND BOOM S. io'ttae. 9-12 GOOD room and boarftmay be had close in at a reasonable price; gentle m preferred. Phone 783. 9-13 i i LOST AND FOUND LOST Hand grip on the river road between Lonis hop yard and Salem, return to Journal,, receive reward, r . 9-13 1XXT Thursday Sept. 4, man's' wal let containing $11 and valuable pa . ... ...... pers ana pnotos, unaer Keep money and return wallet, papers and photos to G. L. Snook, care of sheriff's of - 5! WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Building HELP WANTED PRUNE pickers -wanted, good picking. Phone 121-So. Ay ANTED Prune -pickers, a . family preferred, l'hone 2Jb.i. , WANTED 40 hop pickers at the Gil bert and Patterson yard at Lola. Call SF2. . 9-12 WANTED Teamster for road work. Phone 8F2.; tt WANTED 1(1 ill to work in parlor. Ap ply The Spa. , v WANTED Cook during prune dry- 1 ti H11.W- nil? lag, goua wugesv i-noue -j: -j. PRUNE pickers wanted at Sunny Red- lands rami, mono .soi'i.i, eo. w More. 91o WANTED A messenger, good wages. jvppiy western union. iWANTED--Two dining room girls nt state school tor oiina, appiy 10 su perintendent. ; 913 WANTED Experienced man ior. mens furnishings aim general -store worn. Gale & Co. - . . 9-15 WANTED A bright, len office girl. Apply, supt. H. . ana m. ij. jucy crs. . tf PRUNE pickers register at 141 North High St. Good camping grounds, large orchard. Phone 340. 9-13 INTELLIGENT Christian woman for very light housework. Call alter t p. in. 173 S. Cottage. 9-12 WANTED A laundry woman and a house maid. State school for deaf. . 9-16 HifvP iiiiOicrs wanted: will haul von out and back every day. Car leaves Willamette Valley Transfer's office every morning at 7; good picking, $1.20 for 100 lbs. tf EXPERIENCED scliool teacher, univer sity graduate, win give msni wgauus in "English or mathematics. Apply box S-12 Journal office. 9-13 HOP pickers wanteil, an usual accom modations furmshea, Vau H otnee of Willamette Transfer Co., High and Ferry Sts. Phone 1400. tf WANTED .Berry piclters. at once, good picKing. i-none iun. y. Taylor,. Jefferson road., . 9-13 " LX"S0KER8 wahted for paper ' f '-nill.l' "STEADY WORrJ. Splen-. , " did hw hotel, pool room, bar- ' " ber stop ih lobby. Free baths." ' Rooms 20c to 35c, meals 35c. Beautiful little city on the banks, of, .Columbia river,. 20 ,' miles from" Portland, 8 boat - lines, bus . UnOj-and railroad connections. Apply Crown Willamette- 1'aper Co., Camas, ' : Wash or 510 Oregon bldg, -- Portland, Or. Fri. tf . WANTED i WANT RD To btiv six or seven room house. Phone 1024iW, evenings. 9-16 WANTED To rent, farm. What have ' you! E. L. Welch, Macleay. 9-12 WANTED 5 or 6 room house or apart mont furnished or unfurnished. 'PhmiA 12!W. . 9-11 WAJTTED To rent five or six room ..,.in, limmn ,lv Oct. fir&t. Write p n imx 19G. Salem. tf WANTED To ouy strictly modern hnmo frmn nikiifr. AildresR X Y care Jnnmal. . -' 9-15 WANTED. To rent, small modern house, best of , references. Phone 105UW. 9-13 WANTED By September 15th furn ished house; no children.- Address S2 care Journal. - , tf 1 WANTED To rent 6 months or long a. f'.va nt. air -mnm house with ear ag'e, close in. Lock box 184. 9-11 EXPERIENCED man warta to rent j prune orchard aal bcrjiesv 330 Di- vision St. i APPLES Choice appl s wanted, any quunuiy, uiust wo esse or worms; no colls wanted. Phone 10. 9-2 - .$50 A MONTH is what I will pav for a - .furnished house, 5 to 6 room bmiga- ' , c ..... hava Yin phlldren! r iow pmn', " i ibest of care taken of furnishings, 1 lawn etc references exchanged. Au- LOAKS-6 ' WANTED WHITE Leghorn pullets wanted. Phone 210 or call at 302 U. S. bank. C. -W. Beechler. - WANTED Two unfurnished living rooms close to Journal ottice. mono 82. tf WANTED Good farm within 20 miles of Salem, cash or share. Rt, 6, box 146, Salem, Or. 9-13 WANTED To rent one to five acres with house and barn, close to car line. P O box 155, Wooitburn, Or. 9-11 COMPETENT woman with ono child desires position as housekeeper, ua II charire. Nine years experience. Wages $30. Phone WiOTRTl -Furnished house or apart n,m,t Phone 1540. 9-10 WANTED Party with tractor to plow 57 acres near Crabtrcc; sandy loam. F.. P. Farrington, Elks club, Salem, - 9-12 watei1Ai nnne. a. chambermaid at the lanital hotel. Miaaie aguu ..v r irtv rvrprprroii.. r-none oou. v-" nPT.Vfl iiPPTFS l- ., . ..,... n,m aa lVTnct ha trRfl from worms and scale. , No culls rtn,-l -Phone 10 for nruces. ii WANTED To lease a 5 or 10 acre tract with chicken houses for auu to 1000 chickens. Rt. 6, box 22, J. E. Kirkpatrick. , 9-26 FOB RENT ; FURNISHED 5 room house for reht. Call 1979. ' ' 9-12 FOR RENT House, 'barn, eight' lots, near school, seven , dollars monthly. (Box 5, Turner, Or. , ' 9-12 FOR RENT Or said; my homo place of ltd acres 0 nines v 01 oiayion, about 175 under plow ' 75 acres tie stuff and piling, balance pasture and timber. F. P. Fa'rrington, Elks club, Salem, or. 9-12 FURNISHED sleeping rooms for rent. At 749 N. Com'l. tuACE for rent and equipment for sale. T. in. Shearer, Gervais, Or., Rt. .2, box 11. ... .... :, .8:13 REAL ESTATE HOUSES 5 ROOM plastered house, bath, toilet. .fiuo cash, terms, ipiuuu. sa. a. ura benhqrst, 2,u State St,, , .9-12 156 ACRI3 fine bottom laud suitable for loganberry culture. Price $llt) r per-aere.- S. !B; -Of auhbr, f ZTS State St. . v iz A BARGAIN (i rooms, bath, lavatory, electric lights, a large iors, ana oui buildings. Address E care Journ al. . ' 9-18 FARM 4 SALE CHEAP 80 neres 6 miles out, 35 in cultivation 20 in valuable timber; stock and im plements go at a real bargain. Get busv on this deal, $80 per acre. John II. Scott Realty -Co., 404 Oregon bldg. FOR QUICK SALE Bargain, 160 acre farm. Phone bzOA, or call 84 Ma rion street. 9-16 FOR SALE Modern house, desirable, close in location. Inquire 1345 Court St. 9-16 WANTED To buy from owner, terma casli, O or tt room oungaiow. jvaaress M care Journal. 9-13 PEACHES for sale,' Crawford and El linrfnu IV- miles from bridire on Wallace roaa. rnone ooiio. v. v Chaffee. 8-18 FOR SALE- heap, house at 780 N. Cottage St., also lot 12, block 17 in Yew Park. Write Mrs. J. Knapp, Rt. 5, Aurora, Or. 9 20 14 ACRES 1 acre logans, 200 pruue trees 5 years old, nice family orchard, some timber and stump land, fair improvements; 7 miles out, $2500; don 't miss this chance John H. Scott Realty Co. 404 Oregon building. 'FOR SALE In south Salem, beauti ful five room oungaiowi two large lota, fruit and flowers, one block from carline. Call 2281R. tf HRRF'S rniir nnnortunitv. Beautiful 5 room modern .bungalow including furnishings complete, woou ana gar den, $2.00. won't aoiay it you wani it. H. E. Bolinger, 328 Oregon bldg. tf BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE We have a large list of good Wil lamette valley farms, stock ranches, prune orchards, ioganberry tracts, close 111. acreage tracts, nice city homes, cheap house and lota. B-4-U-4my-R-ists. All we ask is a fair trial. Perrine Marsters, 306 Hubbard bldg. tf TOR SALE Oood room modern bungalow, 3 block from university, 3500. - . Two 5 room bungalows with slecoing porch, on paved street, near carline, 210A eaeh. (1 acres wit' 8 room house near city limits, for $3500; W. A. Listen, agent 4H4 Court. . 9-13 FOR SALE Or exchange, good house ana 1 acre mna in goon town nu far from Salem, lots of work. R-9 eare Journal. 9-12 214 AC ERSon Garden road, close in, house and barn, some fruit ana 10 cans. See Fred W. Durbin, 275 State REAL ESTATE HOUSES MODERN 5 room house located in east Salem, a good buy at 10U, ouo down, monthly payments on balance. See iErcd W. Durbin, 275. State St. 9-13 4 ROOM plastered house, 8 lots, close to car line, sis.iu. n. a. uraoennorsi, 275 State St. 912 4 ROOM plastered house and 5 lots on car line. Price $nuu. a. liraoen horst, 275 State St. . . 9-12 'DO YOU want a dandy little farm of 57 acres near Crabtrcc, no improve ments. Sandy loam. Address F. P. Farrington, Elks club, Salem, Or.; 9-12 FOR SALE 6 room modern residence largo lot, fruit anrt barn; 'Pest Dtiy in Salem, price $2000. Phone 14S1R. . 9-15 BARGAIN 23 acres bottom land, new buildings, close to amau town .iiwo. 8 acres bottom land partly improved. $650. F. u. Wood;, Bayne'-blag. 9-15 HILL FARM 118 acres, -60 in. cultivation balance in valuable timber; good improvements 9 milk cows, 3 heifers, four horses, 1 brood sow, 8 shoats, 12 tons hay, all farm machinery goes for $C250, cash look this up its worth ' your whir. John H. Scott Realty Co., 404 Oregon building. FOR SALE 30 acros, 20 acres bearing prunes, heavv crop this year; 6 aeres ' loganberries,' acre R. A. cherries, A. anraa nnnlna 91. nirPa Crnrrlpil And corn; 4 room house, barn, 2 chick eni houses, good drier, 4 miles pavea, ' road, 4 miles rock road, 8 miles from Salem. Priee $15,000 with crop anl $10,000 down, or $1,000 without crop and $5000 down, balance at 6 percent. J K, Rt. 4 box 70A, Salem, Or. ". 915 4 ROOM HOUSE Close in On Liberty St., bath, toilet, electric lights,' fruit aiid English wal nuts; for quick sale $301)0. cash.John H Scott Kealty vo., vn Oregon unig. . 5 ROOM Modern-bungalowj two lots, $2500, $800 cash, balance three years. John H. Scott Realty Co., 404 Oregon bldg. fi ROOM Bungalow oh hard surface St. near school and street car, a lots, oata, iui let and electric lights, for quick sale $2150. U can move right in. John H. Scott Realty Co., 404 Uregon uiug. BEST gUYS rt26 acres of the vary best loam,' good btiHdings, btvngalow acres tearing water. 8 acres uasture; rock road, 2 miles city limits; $10,500. 10 acres in fruit, 6 logans, 4 cherries, rnik rnnil. rinse town: $4260. .40. acres of 'best logauDerry laoa m fine location; $10,500. 375 acrewoll equipped dairy, mile to station "on gooa"r(jad; big incunie. 20 acres, all in cultivation 10 acre 7-year old prunes, 1 acre logans, good buildings, 4 miles. from center of city; $10,500. . :. . . 40 acres with 30 in .prunes and lo gans, on pavement, close to school; $300 per acre. '."'. i 6 acres with family orchard, good buildings, 1V4 milcs. from city limits; i$4000. , I 10 acres in logans on good road 3.H miles Salem, well and shack; $5000. I on v.. nlpnreit. fnmilv Orchard. buildings, spring water, y4 mu cuuw and utation: $3250. . 160 acre grain farm, family orch ard, house, 2 barns, running water, 5 miles from Salem; lOf per acre. I 220 acre farm, 130 cleared, buildings $22,000. -iaa akvaa 1 mill, town. 7 room houKe. large barn, 6 acres in fruit; only. $125 per acre. 24 acres 5'4 miles from Ladd and Bush, mile school, well improved, I 13 i.r nmt. outside eitr limits. 10 aeres bearing prunes, good buildings, Aura watin- nv.stem. $12,000. 10 acres 2 miles from Salem, fair buildings, 4 acres fruit, stock and equipment goes at $6500. .We have several farms to trade for city roperty S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St. BIDS WANTED I Notice H hereby given that the un dersigned will receive roias up 10 live o'clock p. m., September 15, 1919, for ho AnnatrlH'tinn of B 5 foot Wide CO- ment sidewalk on the west side of Commercial street, beginning at the in tersection of the south euro line oi Kearney, street and extending south u8 feet. Plans and specifications are on file at the office of the city recorder. EARL RACE, 9-12 Ciy Recorder. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "Always at Yqoi Swicr Help of all kinds Furnished Free to Employer j iBPtnau, lautu worn, tiu n wwn. X f. mm, lmtm. KMH aniaW Strwt Partbu Tanner .T. Mess seed 58. committed suicide iu a Yakima hospital by shoot ing himself tnrougn tne neau. While firing at the McLane Lumber k Shingle company's mill at Kelso, William Elliott was severely scalded 0" I " 11 I T ' when the steam gange Drone AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE icany new Maxwell truck. Price $1100 for quick sale. Phone 160SJ. A. H. Bicderman. 9-20 POR SALE Maxwell car, five passen ger, 1917 "inodet; new tires," ono ex tra. Phone 33F22. ' tf FOR SALE Ford A-l condition. Ad dress 1625 Oak St., call, after 5 p. m. .'9-13 riVE' passenet Overland car; three ' Jersey cows, four pigs, twenty Whits Leghorn pullets, apples and potatoes for sale, at E. C. Baker's farm two miles west of b.ayton. 9-12 OVERLAID for sale or trade cheap. Small' pavment, balanco; ; monthly. : Salwri . Velie Co., 162 :'N. Com '1- or 473 Cottage after 3 p. m. 9-13 DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A USED CAR? If soSee Us. 2b second hand automobile's; come and 5 passenger R.' C. H. $22a Studcbaker bu? $200 ' ' . " Hudson Super Six $950 '- 1917 saxon six 91W We sell oils, grcas3, gasoline, used auto parts, tires md acci isories. OLESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. COM. T. M. O. A. BLOK MISCELLANEOUS RUGS cleaned 40c each. Phone 10. 10-6 W. BKAVER well driller. Phone 827J. 1105 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 10-9 r ALL PAPER 15 eents per double roll apward. Hurens rurnuure cnore. 179 Commercial. tf 0BKORATO sanitary wall tint, best made: beautiful new colors. Bnreni Ooml St. , WK make the best power prune dippers. Eiem Mig yo.t iouo fxuub w . fAS. I.YONS nraetical ealnter. Phone TIM. ' . . ' tf MCLAUGHLIN, utility , man, wants work. Address M. u care journal, v ia Wnft Ota beat ulio reDairine BO to N Brueek. 163 8. Com'l St. 9-13 WOOD SAWED Sproed iboys will saw your wood, in town, and out. Phone lovs w evenings or mornings. xvo I HAVE removed my ; shoe repair .sljop. from 424 N. Com'l to 143, . 14 Deny Loilioa liulf anlnn !t.t. G.' (!. Pat- tcrson. :.v '.' " . , 9rl7 itTJTO PALVTl-N'O ii. Forks' repainted ; mi ana up; otner cars in pruimrnuii. ' AM first class work auaranteed, J. ' E. Johnson. 220 8.' Liberty. ' ' , 1.0;11 t AM now ' booking orders for shrub bery, vines, and perennials tor tan planting. I do all kinds qt landscape gardening. J. W. Maruny,, 211- M411or St. .Phone 916. ' ', . 10-5 FOR quick service truck hauling, phone JtJWM, or ixw. xn. row oi. a. H. Bicderman. . jO-6 SELL FOR US We have choice trees of varieties greatly in domana now. Liberal commission with cash ad vance. Secure copy of contrast at once. Salem Nursery company, 130 Chemeketa 8t, Salem, Or. 9-16 EST R AYED On my farm-near East , Indept'Bilcnce, one thoroughbred : Hereford bull, eighteen months old. Notify Mrs. L. M. Lnnkford, Salem, Rt. 3, box 212, Phone 25F3. 9-15 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SALEM Electric Co., Masonic Temple, Hi ,ortn nign. t none maiu FINANCIAX. amntBXVRWT Inana aut RU, TJprC.ent w. u. smitn. isainm jaanit 01 vom- nu. - tf WHEN V R buying, selling or exchang In rl nroDertv tT our non-commis sion system. It works to perfection . . r , I. and saves u money, uregon jveauy Exchange Investment Co., 407-40? Hubbard building. tf Flour Re-Sale THE UNITED STATES uRAIN CORPORATION Announces that it will sell ".Straight' 'grade flour,-to ail piirrih'aserR, in carload lots, in 140 lb. juto sacks, gross weight, delivered to any rail way station In zone 10, com prising the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, at nut to exceed $10.00 per bbl. net cash. Purchasers- will he supplied from nearest avail able mill, which may result in slight saving for buyers' account. Wholesale and jobbing profits on such flour must not exceed 75e per -bbl. and retailer's profits must not exeecd $1.25 per bbl. Vdilrs nil communications to UNITED STAiES GRAIN HOR.PORATION 510 Board of Trade Building Portland, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN ? On good real estate security . THOR. K. VRD Over Ladd & Bush Bank; Salem, Ore. ; FEDERAL FARM LOANS .-' ititprpBt. Prnmnt service. 34 4 years time, Federal farm loan bonds for sale.- A. u. oonrnsieiu, ui Masonie Tempcl Saloni, Oregon. OUTOMETRISTS Dr. L. HALL WIIXON Spe VgyS" cialist in the Modem Scientif ic A nniieat.lnti of Glasses for the aid of vision and the relief of Eyestrain and Heartache, uince onsen smiur days. Office 210-2U U. S. Bank build ing. Phones, office 145; res. 1244. . AUCTIONEERS : G. SATTERLEE Office 124 South Liberty Street. Phone 937, 1211. Real tstato anu Stock Sales. .- - Why not get him He only charges 2 percent. tf JUNK WANTED Cull 398. Highest prices paid fot junk second hand goods-and machinery. Be aura an A call 398. stet the riffht prices. The squaro deal house. CAPITAL JUNK lU. 271 Chemeketa St. Salem, Ore, WHY SELL FOR LESS? ' We will pay you- more cash for your household goods. Get our bid before you sell. Peoples Furni ture and !Hardware Store, 271 N. Commercial Street. Phone 734. SECOND HAND GOODS No Cash Required Good overcoats, shoes and suits, all Kinus oi mumum instruments, shotguns, rifles heating ...,. ... .tnvma tmit insc and 1000 bwtw, fcwo - other useful articles to sell or trade. What have yout The Capital ex change. 337 Court Street. Phone 493. WE WANT Your used furnituro, ..stoves, 'carpets and tools,., as we pay tair prices iur everything, iu ' CAPITAL HARDWARE & FURNI TURE CO. . 285 North Commercial St. . HATS BLOCKED V- .renovate, block and trial .ladies and men' hats at IVll prices, anu wi STOVE REPAIRING Stoves rebuilt and repaired. 50 years experience; Depot JNationai ana Ameri can fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high; Paints, oil and varnish ' etc; logan berry and hop hooks. SALEM FENCE AND STOVE WORKS 250 Court Street, Phone 124 . n1 In RaoI FcfafA IVIU9 SU UVUI liU""v rr- V' nM-M n VArflA .Tones, lots . X. womjui 1 ' ' . , t and 8, and part of lot 3,fclock 2. Wal- DUD VIUYB aviv.-i -r- mi U" 1 11 iTnnarrtrP .TO 1 QUI Euchs, 46.2(1 acres in section 34-5-1 W W. C. Hubbard to Phez irarms (. o., 245 acres in section J-d-3 W, $18,000. u. n ;;i., ,t tn I'hp?, rnrms .o., i title "and interest in the Bill Hub- v, A fn.rn nt Oifi ncrps. T. 5 R. 3 W. W. W. Martin to Phca ir'arms w., 12.34 acres in section 1-6-3W. v Mii-kenhnin to Ford Mickenham, 54.4(1 acres in section 31-8-2 W. Ceo. Wolfbrnndt to Jennie inatcuer, half interest in lot 11, block 1, Ambarii addition, Salem. I). C. Henny to i. i. mtwcimu, 1, block 2, W. Btayton. Mary Mullen to ' Luke iBrown, BO acres in 0. Weston claim 4:2 W. $3000. D. I), and Hazel Keeler to C. E. Pear son, lot 11, Hunnyside Fruit farm No. 7. .1. Steininger to W. L. Tnpper, lot 8, block 17, Depot adilition. i T Hinka tn C. W. Kceno and M. . Woodward, 12550 acres at internee- tion of 1, 2, 11 ana iz i . ii,uuu. i v., in North, Side Invest ment !o., 'block L, North Side addition Milverton. V..,k TnvpRtmlllt Co. to E. A .laiikson, lot 9, bloek M, North Side ad dition, Silverton. v..ii. ui.ia intAbtmint Cn. to D. L. Taney, lot 8, block A, North Hido ad dition, Wilverton. Alex Rowland to w. r.. ingnis, ii 111 a Unqnlwnnrl W H Ilalrvmnlo to Mary Lombnrdt, lot 5, ibloclc 'i, uanuaus luumon. F. E. il'otter to Hunt Bros, vo., pari n 1.. 1 Wlfaa nililitinn. A1000. L. L. Oearhart to ilatuua llignn, 101 17, block 2, Mill addition. Dora Williams to Frank Bcllo, lot 3, l, 11 .t fivpra nddition. Olive 1'ederson "to I'aul Simon, 19.19 acres in sections 2(1 and tl, I. a n. t w i.. Tomml tn C. A. Johnson. 54.40 acre, in F. N. Woodworth claim 7-2 W. $70(X). - thirtvfive iras workers, including engineers employed by - the Seattle Lignting compauy went out on strike Saturday. I.. i,o nnntnat for nueen of the work; material is scarce, pensive what's the answer! C. B. Wis wortli, 495, Court Street, Salem, Ore,, prune festival at Vancouver, Frances WaatHDir. union moor cnmuuo.v leads with a vote of 17 !W9. ii$J$Keep Them Home-$$$ - UNDERTAKE B W. T. RIGDON CO. " Undertakers - 253 North High Street ' MACHINE SHOP WORE Expert machine shop service by Me, Bergman at high school machine shop. 12 years experience. Gear cutting a, specialty. High- lass machine tools. -Quick service-. - Phone 446. , . SCAVENGER Salem Scavanger -Garbage and rofus of all kinds removed on monthly eoa- tracta at reasonable raies. vess pum cleaned. Dead animals removed. Offie phone Main 167. 1 : WOOD SAW PHONE 1090R. Our priecs are right. W." M. lianaicr, ' proprietor, im Summer street, Salem, Or. . : WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANiV Office corner Commercial and Trade stroet Bills payable monthly in advtncew 'Phone BOU. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS' MEET AT . McCornack hall on every xuosaaj at8. Walter. Lenon,- C. C; P. X Kiintz, K. R. & 8. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon wupo camp ino. ioou menj ov. 3 Thursday evening In MCornack halL Elevator service. Ornclo, Mrs. Car-: ri E. Buna, 648 Union St.; recorder Mrs. Melissa Persous, 1415 N. 4tk St. Phone 1436M. . UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets txtn xaursoay nr. . each month, at 8 p. m. in MasonM , Temple. Glenn C. Niles, M. A.j O.-A. . Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. MODEiRN WOODMEN OF AMERICA ; Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meet ' ovory Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ., in McCornack building, Court and ijiliertv streets. W. M. Persons, Y, C Frank A. Turner, clerk. the Cacital Journal Daily Market Kepsrt 85 .:......i...8 ,- r ..... . oraa Wheat, soft white N. 1 Feed oats Milling oats ......i... Hay, cheat, m Hay, ati new .,......i....v.. 1T . $lSfe2 Mill run Butterfat. Butterfat' 67 Creamery butter 7fe)6e . rum. VNI Mutw 17i iuijk gu xvxv maiLm Veal, raney -""-'. Steera , : Cow. oviYtm Spring lambs ..-....-- ' Kwet r..-. ....... "-fi ns iid rotntrf Eggs ash Hens, live , Old roosters .- . 53 22(ffl34 . ...156tt . ' - 22e Springs . Vegetame New Botntoes .8 orewn omwiia - H t. A-m 400 Onions, per sac j-" Celery doa lUIUUvVCB Stan Potatoes Sweet Potatoes 3 So ltf 5.7BJ.5 , $7.50fe.'8.5O , J0 $1.50 . 45e , 3 3 4 DO m 4S j Watormclons .......... uranges Lemons, box . Bananas Hsoer, extras ted Cantaloupes Bunch beet RnhbaM Head lettuce . Carrots Grapes, Molagns Grapes, Tokays - Jj uetui r-ncaa. t'... jn.n - 600 Creamery butter - Country butter - " "; Flour, hard wheat ..JJ03.8 Portland iCurket Portland. Or. Sept. 12. Buttei, city creamery 06c -. tiggs seiectea iocbi uok-"" Hens, 29 30c. Broilers 2'Se , Geese 15e Cheese 3fi38a DAILY LIVE BTOO KMARKET Cattle Receipts 781 Tone of market steady . Oood to choice steers $9.5Ol0.Jj , Fair to good steers $7.608.5O Common to fair steere $7 Choice to good eow and heueie "7-50 , V ,a. Medium to good cows ana ueumw $0.50a7 banners $3(a4.jO Bulls $5&.7 Calves, $814. Bog! Receipts 624 - Tone of market steady t Prime mixed $1819 Medium mixed $17.50(3)18 Rough heavies $1610.75 Pigs $i5.5oi8 ;; Bulk $18.50g 18.75 . Receipts 714 ' 1 To i0 of market steady Prime lambs $12.5013. . Fair to medinm lambs $1112 Yearlings $7.509.50 , : Wethers $7.508 J Ewes 5ai7.9 St. for price