Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 12, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade
Wirthmor Silk Blouses
Make their Debut today, and Fortunate will be Those Who Come in Time To Buy
In the Blouse Making World as well as "with the hosts of women through-
out America the word WIRTHMOR has come to have a wholly unique,
definite and distinctive meaning. It is a symbol always of quality; an un
failing sign of merit; a certain indication of Style Attractiveness and in
built goodness ; a positive assurance of complete and lasting satisfaction.
To that great Wirthmor following, as well as to the women everywhere
who spend judiciously, who insist on the greatest return for the expen
diture, the fact that Wirthmor Blouses are hereafter to be obtainable in
beautiful Georgettes and Crepe de Chine and wash satins of exceptional
quality will come as a bit of most welcome news.
In this new group of models (four of which are above
i illustrated) there's a pleasing diversity of Style. Some of
the models are handsomely embroidered, others are Filet
lace trimmed, while others depend on an attractive ar-'
rangement of tucks, pleats and buttons for their appeal.
r$ ' 4j? '
The Same Price the Nation Over
Sold at Just One Good Store in Every City and Sold Here Only
Ladies' Store
466-474 State St.
Men's Store
416 State St.
ITH the meeting of the Salem
Woman's club tomorrow, at the
Commercial club auditorium,
the .club season will officially open.
This organization is undouotedly the
mo9t influential fcody of women in the
city and includes in its personnel some
of Salem's most prominent social lead
ers. It's-influence has often been
'brought to bear on important civic and
social questions, and the reputation it
has won for itself in the past, promises
to De augmented and accentuated by
ine comprehensive program to be car
ried out during the coming season.
Th officers of the club are Mrs.
iadoc Kiggs, president: Mrs. W. I.
fotalcy, vice president: Mrs. W. E.
Kirk, recordins socrctarv: Miss Krtith.
inazara, imancial secretary: Mrs.
Utrover, C. Bellinger, treasurer: Mrs.
U. K. Shipley, auditor.
. -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. -Fisher left
last evening for a short visit in Eu
gene. '
Mr. and Mrs; John Albert have eone
to Washington where they will visit
with friends in Seattle. They will also
spend a short time in Vancouver. B.
C4 planning to bo gone a fortnight.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Evre and chil
dren have returned from an enjoyable
outing at Newport. They were gone a
An interesting visitor in Salem is
Mrs. C. C. Cory of Portland, who is
the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
lory. She plans to remain several
months. "
Miss Mary Findlcy who has been at
tending the conference of the Y. W.
C. A. nt Seabeck. Washington, has re
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson (Ella
Rugc) whose wedding was an event of
last week, have returned from their
honeymoon and are now at home to
their friends at their home near WeBt
Salem, Mr. Gibson is manager of his
lather's immense fruit ranch on the
Oak Grove road.
Crisp Autumn Air
the Call to New
You are investigating safely when you consider the assemblage we
- . . .offer for Autumn. '
The woman who thoughtfully expends her money and who makes sure of pur
chasing quality as well as style, will delight in the Autumn garments we have
assembled .; u iViiSlffHSSICSHI"
Buying the garment, that is correct in style and that is so well tailored that it
holds its trim lines through hard wear
You will be pleased with the reasonable prices on our garments.
Where Shopping Is a Pleasure
at (Ha
You See What You Buy Before PayingBuying At Home
For Street and Home
The acceptable substitute for
high priced leather and assured
ly a fashionable adjunct to wom
an's street apparel, are the
Spats. For a well rounded sea
son's wear of Oxfords-Spats,
colors to suit the occasion.
Our stock consists black, white
and several shades of brown and
grays well fitting styles of the
proper height $1.50 to $2.85
.r a eaJIy nice LounSing Robe be sure to see these
Minnehahas. They are peculiarly distinctive in tex
ture and finish as well as pattern. A Minnehaha
Kobe has that downy softness you love to touch.
Our assortment consists of many charming pat
terns from the light, pleasing soft effect to the
darker, more colorful designs. They have cords to
match and are modestly priced ...$4.75 to $6.35
.1 genuine S. O. S. call has gong out
for men to man the great dreadnaughts
now at anchor off Seattle.
"The Flying Y" crack recruiting
team of the Pacific fleet and winner
of tho navy department's coveted
"Recruiting Trophy." are now in tha
city, enlisting men, to go directly to
any of the 'big ships they may select.
Milistinonts are for ", 3, and 4 years.
The recruiting situation has become
serious, duo to the fact that 90 per
cent or the men in the Racine fleet
are east ooast men, who will return to
the oast when their enlistments have
expired and re-enlist in the Atlantic
The party which- was sent out by Ad
miral Coontz of tho super-dreadnaught
Vvyoming is composed of tho fallowing
men, all of whom spent la months with
tho British, guard fleet: L. J. Dooley,
editor'of tho fleet magazine "The
Fighting Eop;" H. M. Bennett, light
weight boxer; W. 3ish, singer; J.
A. Vales, i J. Dees, O. A. Strong, J
A. Pierce, lightweight boxer.
Tho -mirty will work in eonjunetion
with, tho local recruiting office and will
man their Headquarters at the Hotel
(Capital Journal Speeiul Service.)
Mrs. A. K. Fellers left Monday for
Port Huron, Michignn, to attend tho
supreme review of the Ladies of the
Maccabees. Four other liulios joined hoi
in Portland and they will make the trip
Mr. and Mrs. Simmons of Nebraska
reached Donald on Tuesday. They have
bought a home near Buttevillo and ex
pect to beeomo permanent citizens of
Mrs. J, , Hyan was in Portland on
Air. and Mrs. J. L. Reesbech came out
from Portland to spend tho week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Losee, -
Mrs. Beu Guinn of Portland spent
tho weck-cni in Donald and with her
mother, Mrs. Mitt hoi t of Butteville.
Mrs. C. J. JCsney rt-turued from Port
land on Wednesday. Sho was accom
panied by her son, Qussie.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and mother of
, viirsimm, urcgon, stopped over night at
'41.- T 1 V...-1 r.--. - .1 . ..
uip iuiitiuw uuici on rmmrany. xney
were moving to a farm near Donald and
had trouble with their truck on the
muddy roads betwen Aurora and Don
ald, hence were delayed.
Miss Marguerite Muller of Portland
spent the week end with Mrs. 8. A,
S. W. Johnson and O. O. Freeman
made c trip to the St. Paul peach or
chards on Wednesday and brought horn-1
several bushes of fine peaches. They
Soap should ibe used vcrv carefully.
if you want to keep your hair looking
us Dest. Most soaps and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali. This
dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle,
and ruins it.
The best thing for steady use is Mul
sified cocoanut oil shampoo (which is
pnre ana greaseless), and is 'better than
anything else you can use.
; One or two teaspoont uls will cleanse
the hair end Benlp-i thoroughly. Simply
moisten tho bail" with water and rub it
in. It makes an abundance of rich.
creamy lather, which rinses out easily,
removing- every particle of dust, dirt,
dandruff and excessive oil. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves
the scalp soft, .and the hair fine and
silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy
You can get Mulsified cocoanut oil
shampoo at any pharmacy, it's very
eneap, ana a few ounces will supply
every memoer or rue family for months
report peaches wasting in the orchards.
They are selling them at 50 cents per
bushel if one will pick them themselves.
'' Mrs. Charles Hoskins and sons. Scott
and Charles of Portland wore in JjonarJ
Tuesday. They are camping oi. tho
Frank Gergen place for awhile.
Delbert DcSart came out from Port
land to remain over the hop picking
season. He and Vern Hoskins are batch
ing at the DeSart home.
Mrs. Osborne. Mrs. Bittoch and Mrs.
Mercer were in Portland to seo Mm
Feller off on her journey to Port Huron
Chicken Pickers On Strike:
Asking Five Cents Per Bird
San Francisco, Sept. 12. Eizhtv
chicken pickers went on strike here w-
dav. -
Commission men cltaim the chicken
pickers were making as much rs S49 a
week at four cents a ehieken. In the
commission house ' district they are de-
ronnuing rive cents a chicken.
The market is flooded with live poul
try is a result of the strike. The chick
en pickers are not organized.
Tho final chapter in the failure of
the Independent Meat Market last De
cember, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. P.
O. Bogoway, was written this morning
when a decree was entered by tho court
releasing and discharging from further
liability in the matter, F. N. Derby, who
had been serving as referee.
The Independent Meat Market was
open on South Commercial street about
opposite The Capital Journal office last
fall, and was conducted by P. 0. Bogo
way and wife, At the time, Mrs. Itogo
way claimed to be the only real woman
meat cotter in the city. , .... , , ,'
The firm, did a big business and it was
a general surprise when- the doora were
closed aaiid'Mr. Bogoway went into the
court in a suit against his wife, asking
for a .receiver, alleging that his wife
as partner refused to longer work for
tao iirm.
Tho liabilities of the firm figured
$10.15.16, and at the close of tho receiv
er's sale, there was found receipts of
$534.23. After the expenses of the sale
and receivership were deducted it was
found that the firm would pay oui 37
cents on the dollar, and on this basis
that claims were paid. Shortly after
the failure, it was understood that both
Mr. and Mrs. Bogoway went to California.
Labor dplegates to the meeting last
night blamed officialdom for the po
lice strike. ' ,
The governor is in full control of
the situation, in his capacity as- com
mander in chief of the state militia.
Tho. city officials and the striking po
licemen apparently were no nearer an
agreement today than when the strike
started. No concerted move to end the
strike had been made 'by Mayor Peters
or Police Commissioner Curtis, pending
tho complete restoration of ordcrthru
out tho city. -.. ?
A machine gun and a full crew were
stationed at Scolly Square today, the
scene of most of the rioting.
Street cars in the South Boston sec
tion ran with double crews last night
and early today, on half time schedule.
The city hall today presented the ap
pearance, fit a miitary 'barracks. The
old council chamber was filled with
army cots on which state troopers, were
sleeping with full, equipment beside
thorn. These men are part of the forces
that are patrolling tho business section
of the city.
During the night pedestrians are re
quired to keep three paces out from
buildings. Anyone who stops to look in
shop windows is orderod away. Prac
tically all of the large shops have arm-,
cd guards pacing back and forth in
front of the buildings, while many
owners have taken the precaution : of
placing powerful searchlights in alleys
behind the 'buildings.
Up to early todav the death toll
since the strike began was seven. ' I
was estimatod that more than 100 per
sons of 'both sexes were seriously in
jured while hundreds received minof
injuries. . ' .
' Richard X. Rceints, a striking police
man, who was shot yesterday in an-.attack
on two volunteer policemen, died
durinsr the. uight, : t s
Don't be discouraged
Resinol Soap
will clear your skin
Many and many a g irl has a clear,
liealthyeomplexion today because some
friend cam to her with that sound ad
vice. Resinol Soap not only is delight
fully cleansing and refreshing, but its
daily use reduces the tendency to pim
ples, offsets many ill-effects of cosmetics,
and gives the chance she needs to
make ted, rough skins white and soft
WtreM.. s an), iUaiml Oiramrt should
at nil to uetf with ihar Ki.
not Scmip, to batten the ntvrn
to an leoftditwoa, Keriwl
Sn las' RmomI "' nin
m hM r ail 4rani.
Monday, September 22 has been eet
as the date on which the public service
commission will hear arguments on the
application of the Portland Railway,
Light & Power company for an increase
11 fares on its city lines in Portland.
The hearing will be held in the court
house at Portland.
(Continued from page one)
Doctor Tells How to Detect
Harmful Effects of Tobacco
New York. Dr. Connor, formcnv ox I up three flichts of stairs al. i, r.-mlr
Johns Hopkins hospital, saya: Hundreds pace, then stop. If you find that you
or tnousanas ol -men who smoke and are out of breath, if vnnr lipnri hcot to
would be prevented from doing by the
President Wilson returned to his train
at Bathdrum after the Coeur D'Alenc
speech ready to start for Spokano at 1
P- in. . '
The return drive was at a fast clip
over muddy roads and-the cars wei-e be
spattered and dripping when they dret
up besido ihe train. The weathtr peo
ple who live here said it was the coldest
ij. years for this season.
Scores of school children with fh:gs
met Wilson at the train on his icturn
and four mounted deputy sheriffs es
corted him to his private car. He turn
ed biiekr however, and- stood amontr the
children for some time shaking hands.
Much interest was aroused in Wii&on 's
declaration in his Coner D'Alcuo ad
dress that he did not object to a state
ment of interpretations of the treaty
but opposed reservations or qualifica
tions in tho treaty itself. This m the
first time he has made himself so clear
on that point.
(Continned from page one)
chow ' and who believe themselves
healthy aro suffering from progressive
organic ailments. They would never
have been afflioted had it not been for
the use of tobacco and most of them
would soon get well if they would only
stop the UBe of tobacco.
The best known habit forming prln
opal of tobacco is nicotine, but the
most deadly and demoralizing is fur
fural. Both are deadly poison, which,
wnen aDsoroea By tho system siuw.M
but surely, affoct the nerves, mem
branes, tissues, vital organs and vitality
of the body.
Tho harmful effect of tobacco varies
and depends on circumstances siul the
individual. In some it causes general
debility, other catarrh of the t hi out, in
digestion, constipation, extreme nervous
ness, sleeplessness, loss of memory, iack
of will power, cowardice anu fear, men
tal confusion, etc.; m others it causes
heart disease, bronchial troubles, hard
ening of the arteries, palpitation of the
heart, tuberculosis, blindness, c.nce'r
and the common affliction known as t6
bacco heart.
If you use tobacco in any form you
easily tctect its harmful effects by mak
ing the following simple tcstt: Read
aloud a full page from a book. I your
voice becomes muffled, hoarse id in
distinct and you mnst frequently tlcu-r
your thKiat the chances arc that your
throat is affected by catarrh and it may
be tho heginning of very serious ca
tarrhal trouble. Next, in tike morning,
hoforo 'nkiig your usual smoke, walk
forced, trembling or irregular, ypu may
be tho victim of a functional or organic
heart trouble If you feci that you must
smokq or chew to quiet your ntrves,
you are a slav8 to the tobacco habit and
are slowly poisoning yourself with tha
insidious deadly drugs, nicotine and fur
fural. In either case, you have just two
altvnatives; keep on with your solf
poisoning procoes regardless of the dan
gers, and suffer the consoquencis, or
rid yourself of the habit and escape,
the dangers.
You can overcome tho craving and
stop the tobacco habit in a very thort
time by using the, following inexpensive
formula. Go to any drug stoie and ask
for Nicotol. Take one-tablet af tcr each
meal and in a comparatively shoii, time
you will have no desire1 for tolinee.
The craving will have left jou. Witn
tho nicotine poisoning out of your sys
tem your general health will quickly im
ote: When asked about kicotoi, one
of our loading druggists said: Nicotol
is truly a wonderful remedy for the to
bacco habit. . It is way ahead of any
thiuk we havo ever sold bcfo.e. We
are authorized by the manufactuicis to
refund the money to every dissatisfied
customer and we "would not permit the
use of our name unless tho remedy pos
sessed unusual merit." Nicotol is sold
in this city under an iron-elad . meney
back guarantee by all up-to-dato drug
gists, including D. J. Fry and other
good druggists.
that under no conditio '.s could the"strik
insr policemen retnrn to the force
Thwe was no rioting during the
wight. In .laumica Plains,. Henry
Orote, 18, was shot and killetT by sol
diers in a raid on a dice game.
Whether a eenerat strike of all la
bor will -be railed in sympathy with
the striking police, was still uncertain
early today. iK-h-spe representing all
trades unions voted on the : general
strike question at a meetinr of the i
central labor union last night 'but the)
result of the vote was not made public.
No Store Room Space to
Be Had In Salem
We have decided to dispose of our Billiard room
equipment, thereby releasing splendid space with
both street and lobby entrance for some one of many
new enterprises being attracted to Salem.