Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 11, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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mtMvfHpl Journal.
What Factors Do You Consider
when deciding where to buy your
Clothing Shoes and Dry Goods
Do you buy'for cash to save the difference between Cash and Credit Prices?
IF YOU DO J. C. Penney Co., can serve you to splendid advantage. -Do
you prefer to buy where Everybody pays the Same Price?'
IF YOU DO-the J. C. Penney Cov store is the one you are seeking.
Do you desire to buy where the Prices a re all marked in Plain Figures ?
IF YOU DO remember every article in the J. C. Penney Co., store is so
Do you believe that buying for 197 stores makes it possible to buy at lowest
IF YOU DO-you will be inclined to expect lowest prices at this store.
Do you prefect carry home the articles you buy to save paying delivery
charges? ,
IF YOU DO remember nothing is added to our prices for delivery ex-
pense. We do not deliver, the saving is yours.
Do you know that you are required to pay the added expense where collectors
are employed?
If you desire to'avoid paying such unnecessary
expense buy at our
Do you wish to avoid buying "seconds" or other defective merchandise?
IF YOU DO be assured no such undesirable goods are ever bought by us.
Do you prefer newest merchandise to select from when you are buying?
' IF YOU DO our rapid selling assures you newest assortments at all
Do you desire the assurance that every purchase will prove satisfactory to
you? ;,.. ,
IF YOU DO that is sufficient reason for you to buy constantly at this
, store. ,v . '
Many Other Reasons Why You can Buy to Best Advantage at the J. C. Pen
ney Company Store will be Apparent to you Beginning With
Your First Purchase. ; 1 '
ing prune section. Crooked Finger is
also the name ibv which, the prairie
around Crooked Finger school house is
known. According to the best of author
ity, this name is taken from that of a
famous Indian that lived in those
parts years ago. He had a crooked fing
er and hence his name.
Lucile Barton, teacher of voice, pi
ano and harmory. "Quality as well as
quantity, quality preferred." 9-10
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your
repair work. Phone 1668, 220 N. Com
mercial street, tf
A naval discharge was filed yester
day in the county recorder's office
toy E. F. Andrescn. Army discharges
were filed for record toy F. Bello and
N. W. Kennedy.
Dr. Morehouse the veterinarian, has
returned from his vacation. Anyone
washing -his services can obtain them
'by phoning tig office 2199 or resi
dence 15 A. 9-16
Two attempts were made this morn
ing at the marriarge counter in the of
fice of the county clerk to secure mar
riage licenses, but both failed. In the
first ase, the ibride happens to live in
Luna county and the prospective groom
had-to be shown the real law "to con
vince him that he must go to Albany
to secure his license, as a marriage li
cense can 'be issued only in the county
where the prospective bride lives. The
second attempt was when a party was
informed that one must secure the li
cense in the state in which 'the wed
ding is to take place.' He wanted to
know if a Washington license was good
in Oregon,' or whether, if he took out
the license in Salem, he could get mar
ried with it in Washington. He was
told that a license must be taken out
in the county where the woman lives
and then the marriage may take place
anywhere in this state, 'but in no other
Buy Clark and H. H. Harris, formerly
of John Maurers are now ready to help
you out withi all kinds of auto and gas
engine repair work. Drop in and see
us at 252 State St. or phone us your
trouble, 793. t 9-13
The hoe market is in rather a de
clining position, although the 'Portland
quotations today are 18 cents per
pound. In St. Louis reports the lowest
known for many a year, 16 3-4 cents
and Chicago was off more than a cent
yesterday. The sudden decline in price
in Salem has not been very satisfac
tory to the farmers and as a result,
there has been no offerings and in,
fact scarcely enough pork brought in
to supply the local demand.
Umbrellas Covered. Anderson &
Brown, formerly Watt Shipp Co.
'Motorlife," the gasoline saver and
carbon remover, cleans your engine and
gives you more power. Will save you
25 percent to 50 percent gasoline
Clark's Tire House, 319 N. Commercial
s'.rcet. 9-13
J. Warner and daughter wish to ex
press their gratitude to the ninny kind
friends who administered to Mrs. war
ner during her illness. Also for the
beautiful floral offerings.
All Around ! own
' t m 1 1 1 1 h i 1 1 1 1 h
tinueB through Sunday evening, Septem
ber 21. The sessions will bo hold in the
iirst Baptist church. All Christians in
Sulem und vicinity are invited to par
ticipate. Tho conference, under the au
spicies bf local pastors, is intcrdonmui-
uatlonal. The speakers renrosont snv.
oral denominations. : ,-, ;
Dr. O. K. rnme in Dr. 0. B.
office, Ladd & Bush bank bldg.
Br, Mott, Bank of Commerce, 407-8.
. ri-.. - iss'si
The program for the couforonce on
Christian Fundamentals will soon ' be
rendy for publication. Tho arrangoinoutg
for the great eonferonco that will bring
otod scholars from the cast to Salem
re nearly completed. The speakers will
.include Dr. A. C. Dixon of London, Dr,
"W. L. Pottingill- of . Philadelphia, Dr.
Henry Ostrom of Pittsburgh and Dr. W.
Leon Tucker of New York. Dr. Feilinan
of Iowa will be present during part of
the conference to lead the singing. The
eonfereuco begins at 7:30 o'clock Fri
day evening, Koptembor 19, nnd con-
liadiutors, fenders and gas tanks
impaired. Tractor radiators a specialty.
Ford radiators for sale. 190 8. 12th
Bt, Salem, Or. ' o.gg
We aro in the market for nil vari
eties of late apples. Call us up.
K-.i8194l 1010 7i. Com'I St.
DM Ton Bead This Advertisement?
Try Northern Flour. 'it's a Bear.
Every sack guaranteed. At your gro
cers. . tf
All who became members of tho Elks
lodge this year aro requested to be
present at tho chub rooms Friday evo
niug Sept; 12 at 8 o'clock sharp. Bus
iness o fiinportunce. No initiations,
kntertainmout committee. 10-12
Fancy Madronctto overdrapes, full
lino of colors, regular 05c and 75c,
special 49 c Hamilton's. 9 11
Bay L. Smith, who occupies nn im
portant position with tho Standard Oil
company in Portland, came in vester
day for a brief visit with, his father,
Attorney W. D. Smith, returning to
Portland this evening. The young man
has recently suffered a severe attack
of Internal trouble growing out of tor
rible injuries received in an automo
bile accident at Arbany last year. He
is now looking robust, and hearty.
Wanted: To borrow or rent, 25 pairs
ladies silk hose extra largo sizefor
the Elks stylo show Elks day at the
state fair. See Eiastus Cook'o Patton
or telephone 17. jj
Wanted at once, ho'p pickers, Hurt-le-
& Craig's yard, Minto'e Island, 10
minutes walk from street car. Phone
1757 or 1510WV , 9-11
wn8 fireman on several big 'battleships
firing for 10 months 011 tho battleship
Missouri, which was doing coast guard
and transport duty.
Fancy Madronctto overdrapes, full
line of colors, regular 65c and 75c,
special 49 c. Hamilton's. - 9-11
Notico to auto owners: H. Dean of
Dotroit, Mich,, is an auto expert trou
ble1 man, has opened the Guarantee
Auto Inn. All work taken by job; all
work guaranteed Or no charee made.
Shop 244 S. Liberty St. 9-12
As an instance of what the Home
service section of the Red Cross is
now doing for soldiers and their de
pendents, the records show that during
the past week three women wore aid
ed in securing compensation from thp
government. One woman with three
children received $150 after consider
able correspondence. Another received
437 and another $275, all in tho way
of back pay that had been due the
husbands of theso women, now widows.
Many women who were left widows do
not understand what the government
will do for them and is this ork
that is taking part nf tlio time of the
Homo service in the post office build-'
ing. I '
Wanted: Young Indies, 25 of them,
between the ages of 18 and 25, to pose
in Elks style show, Elks day at state
fair grounds, Sept, 25. Must weigh
more than 195 pounds. Telephone 17,
or apply In person to Erasmus Cooke
Patton. 24
This week s drapery special, Tapes
try Tnbto Scarfs 20x54, regular $6,
$3.59 Hamilton's. 9-11
The Crooked Finger school district
will be the last in tho county to open
school as the date is set fur Monday
Nov. 3. This district Is up in the Cas
cade mountains about seven miles
southeast of Scotts Mills and is a com
"Paid in Advance" with, Dorothy
Phillips at the Oregon starting Sunday,
It's a big picture, don't miss it. 9-12
Umbrellas repaired. Anderson
Brown, formerly Watt Shipp Co.
From the police standpoint, Goldie
Gidlcy of Waller street has a vivid im
agination. She is about 13 years old
and is the girl who claimed that a ne
gro out off one of her braids of hair
about two or three months ago. Then
yesterday, or the day before, she claim
ed tihat the same negro with a beard
and wearing no shoes, robbed her of
her shoes. However, a little later, the
shoes were found whero they had 'been
thrown behind ibnsli. From fche police
standpoint, the aged negro with long,
whiskers and wearing no shoes, who
appeared twice in two months, is one
that was entirely imagined by tho lit
tle girl, and not a reality.
Friday night' big time at Stnyton
dance; nuto truck leaves O. E. depot
7:3U. . .
V iavi.
Special meeting of Salem
lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M.,
this evening. Work in the F.
G degree, Visitinjg brethren
St. Paul's Guild will hold a cooked
food sale at the Salem Hardware store
on State street, Saturday, Sept. 13th.
Pies, cakes, baked beans, etc. 0-12
Hiram B. Cooper, who went into the
army shortly after he was married
Aug. 11, 191 7( and who returned just cn
short time ago, has filed BUit tor a di
vorce from ihis wife, Annabello Coop
er, alleging that her real name is Apna
belle Lott. In his complaint' he alleges
that the pretended marriage took place
in Portland August 11, 1917, and that
he believed that Annabelle Lott was
a widow and capable of contracting a
marriage. He alleges that he was a
dutiful husband and that tehre are no
children or property rights. That at
the time of their attempted -marriage,
she was the lawful wife of Frank Lott
and that therefore, tho mnrriago was
void. That she claimed to him she had
been divorced from Frank Lott and
that he did not discover the real sit
uation until about September 1, 1919,
He asks for an absolute divorce,
Wm. A. Marshall, chairman of the
industrial accident commission return
ed this morning from Portland where
last "night he attended a meeting of
the county and city medical society
Among the spenkers on the program
was Dr. James McBnde of Los Angc
les, Calif., a brother of Cheif Justice
McBnde of this city and well known
to many Salem people, who spoke on
tho "Conservation olf human life."
Dr. Me'Bride is president of tho Ameri
can Neurological institute and a mem
ber of the housing eommittee of Cali
fornia. . ' .'.'...'.
' Harold L. Cook, of -the state engin
eer's office returned this morning from
Grants Pass where ho was a witness be
fore the Josephine county grand jury
at the hearing in which George E. San
ders, president of the, now defunct
Bqgue River public service corpora
tion, was alleged to have embezzled
$2281 from the corporation.
Ladies' Fall Hats
The Biggest and Best Assortment in town at
Popular Prices. Ladies Hats direct from the fash
ion centers of New York and Philadelphia. Also
trimmed models finished in our own expert work
rooms. LADIES HATS ....................$1.98 to $8.50
CHILDREN'S HATS ........:...$1.49 to $4.75
Commercial and Court Streets
v Formerly Chicago Store
William A. Dalziel, deputy state seal
er of weights and nioasures, left at
noon for Portland whore this afternoon
he expects to confer with the heads of
all oil companies represented in Oregon
with a view to remedying the gaso
line shortago which is reported from
various sections of the state.
the old original home romo
dy, for men, women and children, pre
vents operations. Mrs. Foor, rcpresont-
Charged with stealing 1 pound of
potatoes, 1 cucumber, 20 carrots and 1
watermelon, all of the value of 50
cents, Charles W. Hawley, Jr., was ar
rested on complaint of John .N. Davis,
and in the absence of Judge Unruh,
was brought before Earl Race, city re
corder. He pleaded not guilty and was
released on depositing a bond of $2
vith the city. The case is set for trial
next Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'elocR
It is understood that Hawley claims he
was just passing through the Davis
place with three other, fen when he
was taken and hold until the sheriff
arrived and that he is not guilty of
taking any vegetables.
The Knights & Ladies of Security
will hold their annual election of of
ficers and a class initiation this eve
ning. All members urged to be pres
ent. Umbrellas covered. Anderson &
Brown, formerly Watt Shipp Con,
- Glenn Loney, who recently received
his discharge from thn nw. ni-rionJ :
the city yesterday for a brief visit I
with friends, leaving for his home
near Portland tolay. During most of "VlfffC VTA WAT
his two vears service In lha ,,,. k. . VArUll
It VapoRub In
spoon and inhale
the vapors.
An inheritance tax of $14.19 will be
paid to tJie state by the widow of E.
T. Moores, who at the time of his
death was superintendent of the Ore
gon stato school for the blind. The
net value of the estato was $12,838.41,
of which the widow, according to law,
was entitled to one half, .making her
snare M1.:!0. Before inheritance tax
is paid, there is a legal exemption to
a widow of $5000. This loft a balance
of $1419.20 on which the inheritance
tax was 1 per cent, or $14.19.
I'uibrellin nmaired. Anderson
j Brown, formerly. Watt Shino Co.
Do you want your Freight and Ex
press out of Portland to arrive quicker?
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1400
High class furniture auction on Fri
day, Sept. 12, 1 :30 m. 929 N. 15th
St. Don't miss it, N. B. Brovn estate.
Confirmation of the sale of real es
tate m tho matter of the estate of Ar
thur U. Dalrymide was entered of rec
ord today by the county court. The
sale included lots 21 nnd 22 of the A.
C. Bohrenstadt company orchards.
They were sold to Edward Tooker for
285, he assuming the $730 mortgage.
Every article in the K. B. Brown
auction sale for 'Friday is jnst the
same as new.
Lena Belle Tartar, teacher of sing
ing, tt2 Libertv St. N. Phone 334 or
IP. G. Deckeibnch left today on a bus
iness trip to Portland. He notes that
the Portland and Seattle dairy prod
ucts dealers are contemplating further
advances in the price of butter and
butterfnt on account of tho incrensed
demand, though no increase has been
made at this point. It is expected that
the continued rains throughout the
northwest may affect the situation con
siderably later on, through increasing
the fall pasture.
Mrs. M. J. Hathaway 'of Portland
was among the recent visitors at the
office of Dr. Doney, preparatory to
placing her son in the university.
Attorney V. A. Turner, state lectur
er for the Modern Woodmen order, at
tended a meeting of the organization
in Albany Inst evening and delivered
an address. He reports a very good at
tendance and much interest in the
movement for increased membership.
Kesidence propertv continues to
change hands in the city as in many
instances the only ehance of getting a
house is through purchase. W. H. Gra-
benhorst & Co. report tho sale of a
house on Lincoln street in which Mrs.
.1. B. Cox pays J. H. Albert $1000. Mrs.
When the body begins to stiffen
and movement becomes painful iy
is usually en indication that th
kidneys are out of order. Keej
these organs healthy by takin,
The world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, btaddet end uric ecid troubles.
Famous since 1696. Take regularly end
keep in good health. In three sizes, ell
druggists. Guaranteed u represented.
k fee tb um CU MxUI a fcel
Ethel Folgcr of Silverton bought the
John P. Robertson property at 1132
Center for $4500. G. L, Anbuckle of the
Buster Brown shoo store has thought a
house from Luella White on .court and
18th street for $2000. Clarence A. John
son has bought from Peter Tweed, a
oo acre farm on Howell Prairie for
$7500. J. N.Haton has sold his 57 acre
fruit ranch about 1 miles west of Sa
lem for $9000 and will move to Astoria.
The Cottage hotel house, so famous
about 15 years ago as tho finest eating
place in tihe country, has finally be
come the property of Claude Johnson,
who bought it for $1600 when the Stai
ger estate was closed by order of court.
The house is on Court and Front streets
and for many years when in charge of
Mrs. Staiger, was headquarters for
traveling men working tiho valley.
Milton L. Meyers, who was seriously
injured when he fell from a ladder in
the store several weeks ago, has mode
such a satisfactory recovery at the hos
pital that he was taken to his home yes
tcrday. Until the several bones in his
upper right arm and shoulder have en
tirely knitted, the shoulder will remain-
in a plaster cast. However, yestertiay
he was able to take a short automobile
Evergreen Qc
Blackberries, &h.
Bring them In even if you have only
a few pounds. We furnish boxes and
Warehouse High and Ferry Street.
Phone 717
Office S42 State St.
Salem, Or.
for $075. One black mare was purchas
ed by J. H. Simpson for $12(, one heif
er by Eoy -Rao for $.'i(3, two heifers by
Clyde Kelly for $64 and 13 goats bid
in by Roy Hae for $45.
Jack Lane, one of the delivery driv
ers for the People's Cash store, met
with a very sudden and serious inter
ruption on his way to lunch this noon.
He was driving tho empty auto deliv
ery up State street and just in front
of the supreme court building the two
left side wheels landed in the trough
of the street car rail, causing the truck
to swerve dangerously. He slammed on
the brake sharply to checke it, and
then released it, thinking the car would
straighten out with, the steering gear.
But see he was headed straight for a
telephone pole and the hospital, ' he
jerked- the brake on again and let the
trucK skid. Having on a set of very
smooth tires, it swung around two or
three times on the Wet pavement and
landed against the curb and the pole
at tihe same time. The impact made a
complete wreck of the rea rwheels, al
most doubling up tho axlo, and also
smashed off the glass doors at the rear
end. Lane escaped without injury as
the vehicle did not turn over.
The administrator of the estate of
Jacob P. Minch has reported to the
county eourt that at the sale hold
Scpt."9 of personal property of the es
tate, the amount of $2315.80 was re
ceived. Included in this amount was
the Federal truek, bid in by Roy Minch
A building permit was issued today
by. Dr. W. . Thompson for the erection
of a residence at 805 Marion street, to
rte tfconfl Tf will ,n nroifl nr ,1.1V
Iflhnr. Tr. ThnmnsnTi is fln. evp. unecinl-
ist with a nractice throughout the vol-'
lev, makinff his home in Salem.
Our c'onduct is de
corous and polite.Our
services are effi
cient and satisfac
tory. Our .business
fairness .is! well
BL;5-izlsT "t ! llii tffiili ill -A
You are only as efficient as
your eyes Better take care
of them.
204-5 Salem Bank of Com
merce Building
can of
Chinese Medicine and Tea Ckv
Bai medicine which will cure any 2
known disease.
Open Sundavs from 10 A. 1C.
until 8 P. M.
in sti, ir;K c
I Salem, Oregon Phone 233
You need Shur-ons
if you need Glasses
V? :'' Heater .'Sale-
Heaters as good as they make at from ........$1.75 up 1
Complete assortment of Mrro Aluminum ware.
. Matress from $5.00 to $24.00
" We will Save You Money.
Peoples Furniture Store
271 N. Commercial St. Salem.
1C1S. .