PAGE SEVEN, iUI jgllournoli CIRCULATION BEINtt BY FA E THE LARGEST OP ANT PAPER lN-JklARMSX 'OOUJJTY INSURES THOKODGK DIS TRIBUTION OF YOUR ADVERTISING. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1919.' iM-fl tlstfiS CLASSIFIED AD SATES Rate per word 'New Today: Each insertion - . Ic One week (6 insertions) .H 5c One mouth (26 insertions) 17e The Capital Journal. will not. tie re- tnn..lila fesv mnnt ttinn nnp innnrfinn. for errors in Classified Advertisements. Read your advertisement the' first day if error-occurs. , FOR SALE GOOD team for sale. 696 Trade St. 9:13 HAY for sale. Phone 103F11. 9-13 CRAWFORD canning peaches 7.1c per bushel. Kf.-1, o 210. , " ,' 9-16. FOR SALE 7 room modern House at 390 Hoyt St. 9-12 CKOCERY store and fixtures-for- ante. Write J X,care Journal. 9-17 FOR SALE Mallard ducks, fine for J,. Pl.rmn 910(1 0.111 FOR SALE banning prunes (Italian) . jghone 3-'13 after G p. in. 9-11 FOR SALE A team fl and 7 years old, weight .81)00. Rt. 7, box 11. 9-13 FOR SALE 5 first class leaving, Rt. 7,"lox 11. eons; am 8-11. WANTED .Waitresses " and kitchen help at the Cherry City restaurant. 186 S. aigih St, - . 9-15 FOR SALE 4-year old Jersey cow. Freshj:i1ext month. Also ii-ycar old horse, 1300 lbs. Phone 63F14. 9-13 FOR -SAbE Six room modern house, Call at owner 's ISo. 10S5 . X. Cot tage. 9-13 FOR SALE-i-Cow giving milk; will foe' at Farmers Feed shed Satand Sim dav, across from Oregon Electric de pot. - 9-13 tFOR SALE White Rock cockerel, Giant rabbits 6 months old,-, good strain. Rt. 2, 'bo 81. . . 9-12 RESTAURANT outfit for sale. 1737V, or 399. .. Call 91! FOR SALE 754. : -Dry old fir limbs. Phone FOR SALE Dappled gray Shetland, weight 450, 1720 -Lee St,., s: . 9-12 FOR SALE Furniture. Phone or call 909 venter St'. 2208J tf FOR SALE Wayne gasoline pump and tank, at a bargain, guaranteed.Phone ; 398, l?aemotea,C,ailtol?iuiifc Co. tf FOR SALE 6 room modern cottage two thousand, half down.. B B D care Journal. 9-15 GROW tout -own prune 'trees.- Order peach pits now. Contracting orchard , ists, Pcarcy Bros.. 210 Oregon Mdg. 9-12 FOR SALE Five room house, ibath toilet electric lights, large corner I lot, barn, chicke en house nnd yard. I Price $2000. E. B. trrabenhorst; 27' State St. . 1 9-11 TEAM of mules, weight 1000 lbs. each, -good workers and sound; gentle for anyone to work; will sell at any reas' onable offer. Can be seen at 225 Cen ter street. Ask for Mr. Hardy. 9-11. ATTENTION pig clubs, will sell, near Waconda, Poland China sows -with litters 7, 7. 8, 8, and 9, sire register ed Hapshire, also Poland China hogs. Ella M. Finney, Rt. 2, Gervais, , Or. 8-11 OR SAL.E Good work horse 9 years . old. weight 1500, sound and true; 1 3 wagon, almost new; 1 set heavy work harness, good shape. W. B. Farrier. 6 miles south on Pringle road. 9-17 FOR SALE Some good milk cows, none better for the price and also a few stock cows, make good beef latter -art of this month. See or write Condit & .iicwis, Aumsville, Or. ' 9-11 CHNERAL merchandise store for sale, la years estaBlishmpnt in a good live ly town of over 5000. Small rent and good business. Reason for sale, oth er business interest. Will sell or trade for property. Write G M 4 care Jour nal. 914 SITAUTIONS WANTED WANTED-J)(b drying prunes. Address D P care Journal. 9-11 lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It 51-FMI LOJM WE LOAN MONEY"FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Building HELP WANTED PRUNB. 'pickers wanted" good picking, i'hone 12F25. , ' . - 8-12 V ANTED Prune, pickers. family tf preferred, Phone SaM. WA.TEl-i40 hop -pickers at the Gil bert and 'Patterson vara at r.ula. win 8F2. ; . - : . .- - - . 9-12 WAXTED Teairister for road work. : tf Phone 8F2. , WANTED Cook during prune dry ing, good wages. Phone l-t",).. 9-lu WA'NTBiJ Ciirl for general housework. Call 102&W. .911 WANTED A bright, len office girl. Apply supt. H. V. and M. lu Mey ers, .. .... tj PRU'NE pickers register, at ,141 North High. St. Good camping grounds, large" 6rchard. Phono 340. 9-13 INTELLIGENT Christian woman for very light housework. -Call after 6 p. in. 173 S. -Cottage. 9-12 WANTED A laundry woman and a house maul. State school for deal, ... 9-10 HOP pickers wanteit, an usual accom modations furnished. Call at ottice ,of Willamette Transfer Co., High and Ferry Sts. Phone 1400. EXPlER I ENlC ED waiters wanted im mediately, good pay. Call long dis tance before 'coming.' Imperial ' Cafe. Abbany, Or. " , ' -' ' 910 HELP wanted, 12 men wanted in the morning to pick peaches at 40c per hour. Meet me at the Salem end of bridge at 7:45, M. C. Pcttcys. 9-10 WANTED Berrv pickers at once, good picking. Phone, A07F14. C. H. Taylor, Jefferson road. 9-13 BOARD AND ROOM ROOMS furnished or unfurnished, 173 S. -cottage. :, , 8-w GOOD -room and board mays, be had close in at a reasonable price; gentle ni preferred. Phone 7S3. 9-15 WANTED WANTED A trailer. Phone 0GF2I. WANTED To rent, farm. What have you? iE. L. Welch, Macleay. 9-12 WASTED 5 or 6 room house -or apart meut, fumislied or unfurnished. ,0.10 1.629-, .. WANTED To rent five or six room modern house by Oct. first. Write P O box 196, Salem.. tf ,WANTEI Two pounds of good coun try butter a ween, spot cash. A. Iv. Swanson, 1757 Waller St. ' 9-11 WANTED To ouy: strictly modw'1 homo from owner. Address A 1 care Journal. 9-15 WANTED To rent, small Inodern Phone ' 9 13 house, t 'best of .. references.- '1056W. WANTED By September 15th f urn . -islied house; no children. Address S-2 care Journal. .'' . tf WANTED Good buggy, rubber tires preferred. R. DuKette, Gervais, Or -. - - 9-11 YOUNG lbuiiic(- man wants fnvge, sunny room close in, private family; would alto" like garage if possible. Address box 196, Salem. 911 WANTED To rent 6 months of long er, five or six room house with gar- , age, close in. Lock box 184. 911 EXPERIENCED man wants to rent prune orchard an I ber:ies. 330 Di vision St. 8-14 APPLES 'Choice appl s wanted, any quantity, must be free of any dis ease or worms; no culls wanted. Phone 10. 9-20 WANTED 1 oo d farm within 20 miles of Salem, cash or share. Rt. G, box,FOB SAleio acrs, M cultivated, 5 14G, Salem, Or. 9-13 WANTED To rent one td five acres with house and barn, close to car line. P O box 155, 'Weoijburn, Or. 911 $50 A MONTH is what I will pay for a furnished house, 5 to 6 room bunga low preferred; we have no children; ibest of care taken of furnishings, lawn etc., references exchanged. Ad ' dress B B care Journal. . 9-11 Use The Journal Want Ads WANTED WHITE Leghorn pullets wanted. Phone 2106 or fail at 302 U. S. bank. C. W. Bcechler. 8-11 COMPETENT, woman with ttno child desires position as housekeeper. Ca pable of . taking full charge. Nine years experience. Wages $50. Phone 2385. '-''- ' . 8-13 WAXTBrM-Furnishcd house or apart- went,' Phone 1540. ' " 9-10 WANTED Party with tractor to plow oi acres near liia-uireo; muu; F. P. Farringlbii, Elks club, Salem, Or. - ' ' ' : ' " 912 WANTBD-r-At oneet chambermaid -at the- Capital hotel. Middlo aged meferred. Phone 630. 9-12 APPLES APPLES We want vour apples. Must be free from worms and scale. No culls wanted. Phone 10 for prices. -tf WANTED To lease a 5 or 10 acre tract with chicken houses for 50O to 1800 chickens. Rt. 6, box 22, J. E. Kirkpatriek. 0;.A -;- 9"26 FOR RENT FURNISHED -5 room for rent. ........ .9-12 Call 1979..r EOR RENT Well located farm, level, , twelve miles from Salem.XBox 5, Tur ner, Or. v .. .,- ,. v, . :, 811 FOR RENT Or sale, my home place of 273 acres 54 miles E. of Stayton; about 175 under. plow 75 acres tic stuff aud pilingj Ibalance pasture and timber. F. F. Farrington, Elks club, Salem, Or. - 8-12 rURNISHjED sleeping rooms for rent. , At 749 N. Com'l. tf tiiACE for rent and, equipment for sale. T. i. Shearer,. Ocrvais, Or., Rt. 2, box 11. . .... V 8-13 REAL ESTATE HOUSES FARM 4 BALE CHEAP 80 acres 6 miles. nut, 35 in cultivation 20 in vahiaWs timber; stock and im- piements ao at a real bargain, uet busy on this deal, $80 per acre. John H. Scott Realty Co.j 404 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE 2 acres of good land, small house, close in. Price $1000. a. 03. Grabenhorst, 275 State St. 9-11 FOR QUICK SALE Bargain, 160 acre farm, fhone 624M, or can 84 Ma rion street. 9-16 FOR SALE Modern house,' desirable, close in location, Inquire 1345 Court Str - 9-16 i - . ., -' ..i FOR SALE 30 or 60 acres improved, close, in. See this. Owner K-0 care Journal. - ' - , - 9-11 WANTEI To buy from owner, terms cash, 5 or 6 room bungalow. Address M care Journal. 9-13 PEACHES for sale, Crawfords and El bertas, 1 miles from bridge on Wallace road. Phone 56F13. C. C. Chaffee. , 8-16 FOR SALE heap, honse at 780 N. Cottage St., also Iot 12, block 17 In - Yew Park. Write Mrs. J, Jinapp, Kt. 5. Aurora, Or. 9-20 14 ACRES 1 acre logans, 200 prune trees 5 years old, nice family orchard, some timber and stump land, fair improvements; 7 miles ont, $2500; don't miss this chance John H. Scott Realty Co. 404 Oregon building. FOR SALE In Boutn Salem, beauti ful five room bungalow two large lots, fruit and flowers,' one block from carline. Call 2281R. tf FOR SALE 5 1-3 acres, 156 bearing Italian prune frees, and plenty of other fruit. Half mile from -pavement. Phone 111F3 or call at Jones nursery, Auburn,-cast of asylum. 9-11 HERE 'S your opportunity,' Beautiful 5 room modern 'bungalow including furnishings complete, wood and gar den, $2500. Don't delay if yon want it. H. E. Bolingcr, 328 Oregon Wdg. .... ...... . . . . . .. .... . , . tf . ' ; acres 4-ycar old prunes, 3 acres set to loganberries, family orchard, good D room plastered bungalow, (burn chicken houo, well, good location; miles out Price $4500. W. H. Graben horst & Co., 275 State St. 8-10 BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE We have a large list of good Wil lamette -valley farms, stock ranches, prune orchards', loganberry tracts, -close in acreage tracts, nice city Tiomos, cheap house and lots. B-4-U-AnyHC-R-lists. All we ask is a fair trial. Pcrrine k Marsters, 306 Hubbard bldg. tf HOMES PRICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALES 8 Toom plastered, electricity, bath and toilet, two lots, fine corner on street car, $2750, $1500 cash. .7 room modern, fine fruit and ber ries, garage, near capitol, $6000. 8 room lastered, fine iot, good fruit $2200 $500 cash. 5 rooms, electricity, bath and toilet, large corner lot, fruit and nuts; a good, buy, $1500, $800 cash. 5 room modern . bungalow, $2500, $800 -asb. S rooms, electricity, bath and toilet, a real snap; $1750, eorner lot, improv ed streets, close in. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Hubbard build tag , . REAL ESTATE HOUSES 40- ACRES timber' land fortrade or sale; will take good auto as part pay. 260 N. lath. St. ' ' " 9-11 DO YOU want a dandy little farm of 57 acres near Crabtree, no improve ments. Sanity loam. Address F. P.; Farrington, Elks club, Salem, .Or. 8-12 FOR SALE 6 room modern rosidenco large lot, fruit and barn; test buy in Salem, price $2000. Phone 1481R, 9-15 BARGAIN 23 acres bottom land, new buildings, close to small town $3000. 8 acres bottom land part improved. $650. F. ii. Wood;, Bayno"bldg. 9-13 . HILL FARM '', 118 aeres, 60 in cultivation balanco in valuable timber; good improvements 9 milk -cows, 3 heifers, four horses, 1 brood sow, 8 shoats, 12 tons hay, all farm machinery goes, for $6250, cash look this up its worth . your while. John H. Scott Realty Co., 404 Oregon, building. - . - . FOR jALE 30 -acres, 20 acres bearing prunes, heavy crop this year; acres loganberries, acre R. A. cherries,' 4 acres apples, 2 acres garden and corn; 4 room house, barn, 2 thicken houses, good drier, ,4 miles paved, road, i miles rock road, 8 miles from Salem, Price $15,000 with crop anl $10,000 down, or $lu,000 without crop and" $5000 down, 'balance at 6 percent. J K, Rt.,4 box 70A, Salem, Or. ; ., 9-15 - 4 ROOM HOUSE Close in on Liberty St., bath, toilet electric lights, fruit and English wal nuts; for quick sale $3000. cash John H.' Scott Realty Co.,. 404 Oregon Mdg. 6 ROOM Modern bungalow, two lots, $2500, $800 cash balance three years. John H. Scott Realty Co., 404' Oregon blilg. . 6 ROOM Bungalow on hard surface St. near school and street car, 2 lots, bath, toi let and electric lights, for quick salo $2150. U can move right in. John H. Scott Realty Co. 404. Oregon bldg. FOR SALE House and lot. For par ticulars inquire at 737 Center St. 9-11 BEST BUYS 6 aeres of the very best loam, good buildings, bungalow, . 4 acres bearing Drunes. spring water, .8 acres pasture; rock road, 2 miles ctty limits; $10,500, 10 acres in fruit, 6 logans, 4 cherrioB, rock road, close town; $4250. 40 acres of best lbganbcrry land in fine location: $10.50e $75 acre well equipped dairy, milo to station on good road; big income. ' 20 acres, all in cultivation; 10 acres 7-year old prunes, 1 acre logans, gooa buildings, 4 miles from center of city; $10,500. 40 acres with 30 in prunes and lo-, gans, on pavement, doso to scnooi; $300 per acre. 8 acres with family orcnaru, gooa buildings, VA miles from city limits; $4000. 10 acres an logans on good road 3V4 miles alom, well and shack; $5000. - 20 acres,1 cloared,-family orchara, buildings, spring water, mile school and station; $3250. ; 160 acre grain farm, lamily oren- ard, house, 2 barns, running water, 5 miles from Salem; ioO per acre. 220 acre farm, 130 cleared, buildings $22,000. 164 acres 1 mile town, 7 room house, large barn, 6' acres in fruit; only $125 per acre. . 24 acres 5 miles from uaad ana Bush, mile school, well improved, only $6800, equipped. 13 acres .lust outside city limits, iu acres bearing prunes, good 'buildings, own water system. $12,000. 10 acres 2 miles from Salem, fair buildings. 4 acres fruit, stock and eaumment jroes at WO, We have several farms to trade for city - roperty. S0C0L0FSKY " ' ' 341 State St. U WINTER STARTS GET SETTLED IN A COMFORT ABLE HOME 8 rooms, 'bath, toilet, electric lights, fine lot fruit and walnuts on North Liberty street, $3500, cash. 5 rooms, bath, tcilet and electric iiehts, on street car, good corner, fruit and nuts. $1500, $800 cash. 5 rooms, bath, toilet, electric lights and basement close in, $1750. 7 rooms on improved street, large comer lot, a fine buy at 1700. , . - 7 rooms, bath, toilet, electric lights, two lots. 2750. cash. 5 room cottage, modern, Z lots viuuu South Salom. We have some fine modern homes for sale that owners do not want to advertise; call at the office and we'll tell you about them. JOHN. H, SCOn REALTY CO. 404 Oregon building BIDS WANTED NOTICE TO UONTRACTOB9 Notice H hereby riven that the un- dersiomed 'will receive-lbida op to five o'clock p. m, September 15, 1919, for tha construction of a 5 foot wide CO ment sidewalk on the west side, of Commercial street, beginning at the in tersection of the south curb line of Kearney street and extending south ; feet. ..n Plans and specifications are on file at ihe office sf the city recorder. KARL RACE, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE iseartv new - Maxwell truck. Price $1100 for quick sale. Phone 160SJ. A. H. Biederman. 9-20 TOR SALE Maxwell car, five passcn gerj 1917 "model; aew tires, one, ex '' tra. Phone 33F22. ,-,;V , .,'' . .'.tf FOR SALE Ford A-l condition, Ad dress 1625 Oak St., call after 5 p. m. 9-13 FIVE, passenger Overland ear; throe Jersey ows, four pigs, twenty White .. Leffhora- pullets, apples antj. potatoes for sale, at E. C. Baker's farm two miles west of ivtayton.- 9-12 Ov'EKLAND- for 'sale bi! trade cheap. Small payment, balance monthly Salem Velio Co., 162 'N. Com 1 or 473 i-.. Cottage nfter 5 p, m. 9-13 WANTED To trade 1918 Maxwell worm drive truck for Ford or other light car. Salem Velie company, 162 N. Coin'l street, r , ., 9-11 DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A USED CAR? " If so---See Us. 2b second hand automobiles, come and 5 parsenger R. H. $225 Studebaker bu? $200 . ' . Hudson Super Six $950 1917 Saxon six 700 , . . .. ." . We sell oils, greas3, gasoline, used auto parts, tires ind ceiori. OLESON'S AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. COM. T. M. O. A. BLOCK MISCELLANEOUS RUGS cleaned 40e each, .Phone. 1G..10-6 W. BEAVER -well driller. Pkqne 827J. una ,N. lain i?t. oaiem, ur, xvv VALL PAPER IS cents per double roll upward. Buren'g Furniture- Store. 179 Commercial. tf VEKOBATO sanitary wall tint, best made; beautiful new eolon. Bnrena Com 1 St. ;k tf TE make the hest power prune dippers. - Salem Mfg Co., 1386 N. Front St. tf rAS. LYONS practical painter. Phone 704. . .-. . tf McLAUGIILlN. utility man, wants work. Address M C care Journal, 9-13 FOR the best hoe repairing go to N. Brueck, 103 S. Com'l St. 8-18 WOOD SAWED Sproed 'hoys will saw your wood, in town aud out. Phone 1678W evenings' or mornings. 10-5 i.. ..n ':r-', " i 'ti r-" ' ; i 1 " ' I HAVI? Amoved mj'sliiV repifir (hop foms424):ar, Com '1 to 1'43 S. liborty Ladies half soles , $1.10, G. C. Pat- tcison. 9-17 a-'ITTO PAT.N'TI.S'G Fnrds tepaibted $14 and up; oilier cars is proportion. All first class work guaranteed. J. E. Johnson, 220 8. Liberty, , 10-11 AM now 'booking orders for shrub bery ,'. 'vines and perennials rot- fall planting. I do all -kinds of landscape gardening. oV W. Maruny, 211 Miller .St. Phone 910. 10-5 FOR quick service track hauling, .phono 1608.1, or 1170 N. 15th St. A. H. Biederman. 10-6 SELL FOR US We have choloe trees of varieties greatly in demand now. Liberal commission with cash ad vance. Secure copy of contract at once. Salem Nursery company, 130 Chemeketa St., Salem, Or. ' 8-16 WEST SALEM (Capital Journal Special Service) City council met in regular adjourn ed session Tuesday evening and trans acted considerable business. Four pe titions for street improvements and extension of sewer were presented and acted upon. To fill the vacancy in coun cil caused by resignation of J. R. Shields, E. E. Woods was elected and installed for balance of unexpired term West Salem school district has been enlarged to follow natural boundaries on the north and west. Two new teach ers have been engaged for the ensuing school year, Miss .Williams oi luanas as principal and Miss ooumworui oi- Portland for the primary department.' School will open the 29th, f Septem ber. - . , The highway scarifier is being used. nh iFront street preparing for bitulith-. ic pavement. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson have re turned from their honeymoon trip and taken up their residence on the farm near West Salem. Best wishes of a mul titude of friends are extended these, younj people. The- Alticrt-Kuges have BOiigni xn.e Thos. Farmer place in Kingwood park and haA'f 'taken ; np their residence there. Mr. Bugc is now building a gar- age-- ! '.' , , '. A number of real estate ncais nave been made in this neighborhood re; ecntly. Among them Jos. Aaton farm lvimr to the north and west of the city lias been sold, the consideration being 9000. L. Cohnov was the purchaser. Miss Mabel Huge is spending he Vdcotion at 'Newport and ye oeacn. Messrs Durham and J. T. Hunt have been at Breitenbush springs tot a couple of weeks. They are expected home soon. Kingwood avenue nnd Third and Fourth streets are- being improved with gravel. ' ' " Mrs. Mary Billings eame home Hat ... 1 ... , .U . , t,, 'Afutt i . LX ,.:La -HG. Bnchtel, chairman of the public serv- son Wm. McAdam was also home from Turner for the week end. ' Delbert Moore went to Newberg Sat- urday aud was accompanied home Sua- LOST . ANT - FOUND LiOST'-- Hand .grip on the river road oetween xonis nop yara ana oan-iu, return to Journal receive reward. .. - -'.- -9-13 liOST Thursday Sept. i; man's wal let containing $11 and- valuable pa pers and photos, finder keep money and return wallet,' papers and photos to G. L. $nook, eare of sheriff's of fice, Oregon Oity, Or. - 9-13 LOST Or stolon small hlack and white Spaniel, bob tail, answers name-Fritz. Write W. B. PeairS, Port land, Or. . 9-11 EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL SALEM Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High. Phone-Main 1209. FINANCIAL SOVERNMENT loans at 5 percent. W. D. Smith, Salem Bank of Com mer. tf WHEIN U R buying, selling or exchang ing real property ty our non-commission system. It works to perfection and saves U money. Oregon Realty Exchange Investment Co., 407-4015 Hubbard building. tf MONEY TO LOAN - On good real estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank; Salem, Ore. - FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5 per cent interest. Prompt service. 34 years time, Federal farm loan bonds for salo. A. C Bohrnstcdt, 401 Masonic Tcmpol , Salem, Oregon, OUTOMETRISTS Dr.'L: HALL WILSONfJBpe-. ciaiisf,ih the, Modern Sciontif-; ic Application of Glasses for the aid of vision and the relief of Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed Satur davs. Office 210-211 U. S. Bank build ing, phones, office 145; res, 1244.. AUCTIONEERS ' G. SATTRLEE Office 124 South Liberty Street. Phono 937. 1211. Real Estate and Stock Sales. ' s. W. P.. WiRlGHT. Turner, auctioneer. Whv not get himt -- tf JUNK WANTED Call 898 Highest prices paid for junk second hand goods and machinery. Be sure and call 898, get the right prices. The square deal house. . CAPITAL JUNK CO, 271 Chemeketa St,-" " Salem, Ore. WHY SELL FOR LESS? We will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid before you sell. Peoples Furni turo and Hardware Store, 271 N. ' Commercial Street. Phone 734. SECOND HAND GOODS No Cash Required Good overcoats, shoes and suits, all kinds of musical instrument!!, shotguns, rifles heating stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000 other usoful articles to bsii or imue. What have yonf The Capital M change. 837 Court Street. Phone .493 WE WANT Your used furniture, stoves, carpets and tools, as we pay fair prices for everything. l;ail CAPITAL HARDWARE & FURNI TURE CO. 285 North Comriiencial St. HATS BLOCKED I renovate, block and trim ladies and men's hats at 1917 prices, and better work; material' in 'scarce, hats are ex pensive what's the answer! C. B. Ells worth, 495 Court Street, Salem, Ore. STOVE REPAIRING Stoves Tebtiilt and repaired. 50 years experience; Depot National and Ameri can fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high; Paint", oil and varnish etc; logan herrtr nnd lion hooks. ' SALEM FBNOE AND STOVE WORKS 250 Court Street, Phone 1U4 day evening by his cousin Monro of Broad Aeres. Venard Misses Flossie and Alida Bei-ken are camped with the James family nt Laltc-hi-imlt thev are nicking hops. Mrs. J. B. Bedford has -returnee, from a three weeks visit to Astoria, Seaside and other places of interest. Several West Salem residents are working in the Patterson hop yard be yond Kola. The Oeo. Chapman have rented Mrs, Geo. Frn.urc's property and will make it their home this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Frazuro are living in Portland. Rail Agents And Yardmen To Discuss Loading Problems Local agents and yardmastcrs of all railroads terminating in Portland will meet at the offico of E. Lyons, general manager of the Northern Pacific Ter minal association in Portland, Monday afternoon, for the purpose of organizing 'a committee to cxpediato the louding and unloading of freight cars at ter minal points M Oregon. This is In com .1 UilUIlCU Willi O pliance with a suggestion maae uy free, ice commission, last week in an efiort to remedy the car shortage stiuation in this state which is said to bo daily growing more serious." UNDERTAKER W. T. RIGQON & CO. - Undertakers , 252 North High Street-; , - - MACHINE SHOP WORK Expert machine shop service by Mr. Bergman at high school machine shop. 12 years experience. Gear cutting a specialty. High class BiaciiBe tooK. Quifl-ervioe. Phone 440. SCAVENGER- Salom Seavanger Garbage and refns of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals removed. Office phone Main 167. - WOOD SAW PHONE 1090R.' Our prices are right W." II.' Zaudlef, proprietor. 1255 3X. Summer street, Salom, Or. WATER COMPANY SALEM ' WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance, 'Phone 60, , ' - - -ar LODGE DIRECTORY KNTGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT MxCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. WatteT Lenon, C. C; P. .J. Kuntz, K. R. tc 8. ROYAL Neighbors of America, Ore gon Grnpc campNo.1360 meets every Thursday evesing in McOornaek hall. Elevator service, Oracle, Mrs. Car rie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.; recorder Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415; N. 4tfc St.- Phone 1436M. ' tnlTED ARTISANS Capital Aesem- Bly Ko 84 meets f ire Thursday r each . month at 8 p. m. in Masonia, Temple. Glenn 0. NileS, M. A.; C A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street, MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregbn Cednr Camp No. 5246 meet every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in MoCornack building, Court an Liberty streets. W. M. Persons, V. C Frank A. Turner, clerk. " - The Capital Journal vauy mantei ixta " Wheat, soft white No. 1 W Feed oats j5 AlliTXT t : ......w.....hi Hnv ip.beat. new ................i. Hay, oats, new v , ' $1820 .$43(44 Mill run Butterfat. . Butterfat :.. Creamery butter ooajooo Pork on foot .. . IS2w veal, rancy .. 22 fltnja . 7CS 57Va flnw. . - 5Q Broilers 2526c Oheese, triplets 3638o Spring lambs . 4Se es ...... Sheep, yoarlings ggi ana rvr Eggs, cash ..Sl(d!5Sa 2224e ..15(ti If ....... 228 Hens, live - Old roosters Springs v'- New potatoes - Oreen onions Hot .. Onionn, per sack Celery do ..$3.25 ..$1.00 90s Tomatoes . irnii Potatoes Bwcet Potatoes 3s Watermelons H4e $5.75B.50 7.M&.50 9ta 20a I1.R0 "'r 45e Oranges Lemons, bo ...... Bananas Hsney, ortrasted , Cuntttloupes ........... Bnnch beets Cabbage Head lettuce .......:3 8-4 . 60s 4 So 10 23a Carrots ............... Grapes, Molagas (rrapes, Tokays neui jriacsi. Eggs dozen - Creamery butter Country butter ...X..;...... Flour, hard wheat . ' ............. 72e 73o ..J.103.23 Fortlaad Market Portl'aud, Or., Sept. 11. Butter, city creamery 63(O04c. Eggs selected local ex 55(ii 0iis. Hens. 2930c. .Broilers 25(ri i!ftc ' Geese 15c Cheese 338e DAILY LIVE 8TOO KMARKKT Cattle Receipts 237 Tono of market firm , Wood to ehoice steers $9.5010.25 Fair to good steers $7.BOf?i?8.30 .. " Common to fair steers 07 v Choice to good cowa aud heifaiai Medium to good cows and beifowl K'auners ?( Bulls $5a7 Calves, $314. ;. . Hogs Receipts 107 ' Tono of market firm 5 , Prime mixed $18(319 j Medium mixed $17.50&18 Rough heavies $1610.75 ; Pigs $15.50S;16 . , Bulk 18.5018.75 ,, 8eea - Receipts 142 ; . To ic of market steady Prime lambs $12.5013. Fair to-medium lambs $1112 YearUngs 7.50fa9.5O WotLers $7.508 .. , , . . . ! Ewe. 5ffi)7.50 i 9-12 ''"" Wy Recorder.