PAGE c5lX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1919 TOMORROW AND SATURDAY r-nummwi 'ii mil,- SMMwIiiinIn j jj5 C " ' i" ' " " '--'-I ' ""-' f 3 3 nrR' - ' j 1 . "'" - ' 1 1. in' i ir' ' wTJIII --mw 'i'SmaCS - DOROTHY GISH IN "NUGGET NELL" A STORY OF THE WJLD AND MOVIE WEST LLOYD COMEDY "COUNT YOUR CHANGE" I ,,) ,, ,.., n r, ,v r.,?. ,.i PATHE NEWS PICTORIAL STAYTON (Capital Journal Special Service.) . John Braun mid family, from near Hiio, are preparing to move to Biuyton to reside. Jacob Biegmund hui purchased the house now occupied by J. W. Mayo. Whether he. will move to town from his Fern Kidge farm and occupy it is as yet undecided. .'i'-r Architects have been here lately tak ing 'metisuremmtn of tho building for merly occupied by the Stnytou State bunk. Improvements will be made on tho building sad it is expected that IN THE COUNTY COTJBT of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion In the matter of the estate of Sam uel K. Baldwin, deceased. Notice to creditors. The undersigned having been duly appointed by the county court of the stuto of Oregon for Marion county, ad ministratrix of the estate of Samuel K. Baldwin, decensed, and having qual ified, notii'o is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having cluimg against . said deceased, to pre sent the same verified as required by biw, within six months after the first jiuililication of this notice, to said ad ministratrix, at 1212 Gasco building, il'ortlnnd, Oregon. Date of first publication Aug. 21, IKIw. Date of Inst publication Sept. 18, !!!. CHARTOTTR B. CHAPMAN, .Administratrix of the estate Of Sam uel R. Baldwin, decensed. William A. Carter Attorney for administratrix. ft. is the Farmers & Merchants bank will oc cupy it. Relatives of Mrs William Kcudcl, who have been here from Iowa visiting, will leave in n day or two for their en st ern home. They will return via Cali fornia. They mode the joVtrncy here and will return in a 1'ofd cuto, -The trip hero was made in 18 days, boiiic stops being made. H. J. Rowo and family hnvo movefl Into the house lately vacated by tho J. P. famijy. . : Little, Miss Imogen? Ford eiitortained a pnrty of her young friend Tuesday afternoon in honor of her birthduv, The youngsters had a happy time. s M. l.ynott, superintendent of the Port lund & Southern railroad, is now at Rend, looking nftcr work on that end of tho line. J. A. Hendershott, L. C. Bullcy and 0, R. Morris went to Qervnis the first of the week, returning with a complete pool hall outfit which Mr. Hendershott hnd purchased there. 8omo , of the equipment ho will use In his confection ery here, and the rest will be taken to Mehnma, where ho will open a pool linll to be conducted by Mr. Morris. George A. Ktitel is moving from Fern Ridge onto the place in town ho recent ly purchused from O. J. Ruble. A brother of V. A. Ooodo was visit ing him here the first of tho week. l)r. Brewer on Tuesday removed the tonsils from Leonard, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Thorn a-. Mrs, Nairn Siegmund, of Astoria, vis Isted the first of the week at the K. O. Sieginund homo on Fern Ridge. She was taken home by auto by Lauronce and Miss Merta Biegmuml. Joseph Kestek and daughter, Mis ITC TUU WATCDM St. Martins Mineral Springs Hotel Co. (Formerly Shipherds) CARSON, WASHINGTON OPEN THE YEAR AROUNDModern equipped American plan. Northwest's most popular health and pleasure resort. Our mineral water and mineral baths will give j'ou positive relief from rheumatism, neuritis, stomach and blood disorders. We have a modernly equipped bath house adjoining the hotel, under the direction of an experienced masseur with lady and men attendants. ST. MARTINS MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL CO. ; : (inc.) ;-: -v.- J. L. WILKINS, MANAGER. ha Vnnda, sjwnt Tuesday in Snlem. Ward llolford was over from Black Rock Sunday. Tim Holfords onto the pluco they recently purchased from T. C. Crabtree. W. I). Cornish has sold hin f-nm nut of Sublimit to Miles and Dim KiuU. Dr. and Mrs. Ifobson of Scin irprfl in town Tuesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace Lillv vlsitail in Corvallis Sunday. PILOT COMMISSIONER REQUESTED TO RESIGN Refusal To Discharge Alien Slacker Prompts Governor To Take Action. Aliens who during the struggle from which this nation has just emerged, demonstrated their disloyalty to tho country from which they have gained their sustenance, should be deported uover to return. Governor Oli'Ott thus expressed him self with reference to the alien ques tion iu this state in a letter to Thomas Nelson, mannger of the Uuion Fisher men's Cooperative Packing company, whose resignation as a member of the state board of pilot commissioners will bo requested if charges preferred agninst him by the Loynl Legion arc proved to bo true. The Loyal Legion in a letter received by the governor last week charged that Nelson had ret used to discharge an employe of his compnuy who is "admittedly and openly a dis loynl alien." Before taking uny defi nito action in the matter the governor has r.sked Nelson to submit a statement in his own behalf. "Of course 1 have no jurisdiction over tho employment of persons by in dividuals or private corporations," the governor writes. "But it is my official duty and my privilege to determine that state officers so long as they are under the jurisidiction of this office shall tolerate no disloyalty in their employes nnd shall demand the highest sense of loyalty and patriotism from nil whom they may employ. A man who would tolerate disloyalty in his employes in a private capacity I have reason to fee) might tolerate such disloyalty in those whom he employed to work for the state. "If the charges lodged against you are true I feel it incumbent upon me as chief executive of the stule of Oregon to request you to submit to this ofiicc, at au early date, your resignation as a member of the state board of pilot com missioners for Oregon. "If you have any statement to make in the way of refutation of these eliBrges I will he pleased to give it careful consideration as I desire to con demn no man until he has leen given full opiiorttinity to make his position clear when charges of this character .re lodged agninst him. " FOOD DEALERS INDICTED 5 GAMES NECESSARY TO WIN WORLD SERIES Best Out Of Tfoe Contests To Decide Baseball Suprem acy This Year. : Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 11. August Herrmann, ehairman of the National Baseball commission and president of tho Reds, tody announced the 1910 world series will be played on basis of five games out of nine. A majority of the clubs iu bolh the National and American leagues voted for the long series, Herrmann said. Lndor the new plan it wiil take five victories instead of the usual four to settle the world baseball championship this year. It is believed the series will open oa Wednesday. October 1, and that two eames, will be played in the opening city before tho clubs go to the other town. The place of the opening game will be decided by a toss of a coin, when the pennant winners have been officially decided and the commission meets to muke the rules for the series. The long series was recommended by the national commission at a meeting held in Chicago, 8eptember 2. The votes of the magnates was not completed un til today. Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy - This is not only one of tho best and most efficient medicines for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, but is also pleasant to take, which is im portant when (i medicine must be giv en to young children. Chamberlain 's Cough Remedy has been in use for many years and has met with much favor wherever its "ood qualities have become known. Many mothers have given it their unqualified endorsement VVm. Scruby, Chillicothe, -Vo., writes, I havo raised three children, have al ways used Chamberlain's Congh Scme dy nnd foun dit to be the best for roughs, colds and croup. It is pleasant to take, uotn adults and children like it. My wife and I have always felt safe from crouo with it in the house." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy contains no opium or other narcotic. ... . BOUND COAST LEAGUE BASES (By I'nitcd Press.) Yesterday 's winners! San Francisco, Sacrr.inento, Los Angeles, Veruon 2. Horn runs: Fitzgerald, Koerncr, San Francisco; Krug, Halt Lake; Prough, Sacramento. Taking a doublehoadcr. 3 to 2 and 2 to 1 from the Beavers, tho first going 12 inning, Vernon;. hopped to a tie with tho Angels for he leadership again. Both Curly Brown and Cy Falkenburg pitched good ball at San Francisco, but the Angel slnbsters emerged a J to 0 winner over Long Cy of the Oaks. With two on in the seventh, Koerner poled a homer and the Seals rang up a 7 ts 4 win over Salt Lake. Three nome runs, two triples, three doubles ana is one-base clouts were batted off Couch and Gould. Holding Seattle to six hits and scor ing a homer, Bill Prough was somewhat of a factor in the 6 to 3 Sacramento vic For a Weak Stomach The greatest relief afforded bv Chamberlain's Tablets in a multitude of cases has fully proven the' great vaiue ot tnis preparation tor a weali stomach and impaired digestion. In many cases this relief has become per manent and the sufferers have been completely restored to health. . Indianapolis, Iad. Sept 11. Be tween thirty and forty Indianapolis food dealers were indicted by the Ma rion count grand jury today' on charg es of dealing out short weights. The gasoline schooner Magnolia, from Eureka, Oal., with a cargo of brick for Wedderburn, grounded Sat urday night at tho mouth of Rogue river. : ROSEDALE ' (Capital Journal Special Service.) Lewis 1. Hndley and wife visited their son, C. A. lhullev and family lust week. Mrs. Wheleliel returned from Viucon ver Friday. Richard Stevens, a former resident here, is working in tho neighborhood. Miss E. Bordner of Salem Heights spent Tuesday nght with her friend. Miss -Helen Cainmack. Miss Gladys Whelchel is spending a lew days in Vancouver. C.eorgo Wilde." tyas looking after his rnuch interests here Saturday. Arthur Blinston visited his father k short time last week. T. T. Trick and faintly are hoiue from a tishiug trip. W. S. Pemberton 's have moved into their new home. WELLS IN NEW BUSINESS FORMER STATE INSURANCE COM MIS8I0NER IS MEMBER OF NEW PORTLAND FIRM. Harvey Wells, formerly stat Inmr anee commissioner and well known in Snlem, is largely interested in a real Many Extra Miles e We can show you and prove to you that there is a genuine money saving in the use of United States Tires. - LV The extra miles they give mean just so many extra dollars counted in real money. And there are further actual economies in thesavingof gas, oil, repairs and depreciation. ' The reason of all this is in the tires them selvestheir liveliness, ruggedness and sturdiness. There are five United States Tires a type for every make of car. United States Tires are Good Tires We bow United Stales Tires Are GOOD Tires THAT'S WHY WE SELL THEM. . Oscar B. Gingrich Motor & Tire Co. G. G. Quackenbush Salem Vulcanizing Works, (W. M. Hughes) Edward N. Warmoth Lilly Hardware Company, Stayton. A. L. Bones, Turner, Oregon. - C. G. Miller, Jefferson, Oregon. W. J. Piersori & Son, Marion, Oregon. Rickreall Trading Co., A. R. Cadle, Rickreall, Ore. '.tv I VLe Joy" Of f Perfect Skin iv Know the joy and J hsppiness that comts to on thru possessing a akin of purity and beauty. The soft, dis- tenders brings out yourfl est In us over 70 years. estate and insurance company winch filed articles of incorporation with Cor poration Commissioner Schulderman, Wednesday. The company is known as Harvey Wells & Co., with Harvey A ells, L. H. Pearl and Charles C. Hindman, all of Portland, as the incorporators. The company is capitalized at $jOOO. t The Oerding Manufacturing company, also of Portland', filed articles of incor poration yesterday. The company is capitalized at $25,000 with J. H., Walter ., U. H. and Charles H. Oerding s in corporators. Tho concern will engage in the manufacture of furniture end novelties made of wood with an office located near Coquille, Or. . A certificate showing an increase In capital stock from $1,000,000 to $2,000, 000 was filed by the Peninsula Lumber company of Portland. The Harbor-Sound Investment com pany of Florence, Lane county, filed resolutions of dissolution. Ben F. West county assessor, went to Portland this morning to attend the state convention of assessors, county clerks, county judges and county com missioners. He is secretary of the state assessors' association. The Washington county office holders will also meet in annual convention at Vancouver, Wash, and it is thought a joint meeting will be held. Walter L. Knight of Prairie City has returned home with a croix do guerre and a citation for bravery pre sented to him by the marshal of France TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORE National. First game - E. H. E. Philadelphia 16 5 Pittsbugh - ... 7 16 0 Ames and Tragfessor; Cooper and Lee. Second game; E. H. E. Philadelphia s . 2 5 9 Pittsburgh 7 13 0 Meadows nnd Adams; Hamilton and Schmidt. K. H. E. N'cw York Z.j 7 11 0 Chicago ... . , 3 5 0 Benton and Snyder; Alexaudei and Killefer. ...... . Brooklyn St. Louis B. H. E. . 1 2 ' Cadore and Krueger; Schupp and Clemens. ' (Fourth inning.) ' Xo other scheduled. , American. Cleveland -New York B. H. E. 16 2 2 i 0 Bagby and O'Neill; Shawkej and Buel. Detroit Philadelphia B. H. E. - 3 7 i .2-8 4 Eh m We and Ainsmith: Hastr am! Pr. kin.- First grmc K. H. E. St. Louis 0 8 4 Boston 1 4 10 0 Licfield and Severeid; Pennock anA Sehang. Second game B. H. E, St. Louis 0 6 2 Boston i. 6 5 O Maple and Severeid; Bussell and Wal ters. First game B. H. E. Chicago ... 3 4 e Washington '4 g 1 Kerr and 8chalk; Shaw and Gharritr. Second game B. H. E. Chicago . ..l... 5 8 0 Washington 0 2 1 William and Lynn; Zncherv and Pici-nieh. Gompers Blocking Probe Of Labor Department Charge Washington, Sept. 1 1. Secretary of Labor Wilson "has arrogantly dehierl the right of congress to know the activ ities of his department, particularly with reference to the case of Thomas J. Mooney, convicted bomb thrower," Rep resentative Blanton, Texas, declared in the house today. " ; "Samuel Gompers is keeping this im famous labor department from bein in vestigated." -he added. . Keep Them Home J$J