Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 11, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Hr C. L. And
Women 'S Apparel
The high cost of living, as it is effected by clothes is not so
much in the price you pay as what you get for the price.
If your New Fall Coat Suit or Dress don't fit well, don't wear
well, and don't give good service, they're expensive at any price.
You can reduce the H. C. L. by being very careful in mak
ing your selection and very particular about what you get for
what you spend.
It pays to get all wool fabrics, high class workmanship and
latest models. You'll get all these if you'll buy here.
But before buying look around and compare the garments we
are offering with those offered elsewhere. We will be the gain
ers, for you will instantly recognize the savings to be effected
through buying Coats, Suits, Dresses; Waists, Skirts, . Millinery
and Furs at Salem's greatest Women's Apparel Store. . ,
Salem, Ore.
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store
Winners In Lottery Of Seats
For Portland Address Are
. Announced Today.
About 70 Salem and Marion county
people will have tho privilege of seeing
and hearing the most influential man
in the world in the Portland auditorium
next Monday evening, this being our
share of 6690 names drawn by lottery in
that city yesterday. Marion counvy
manifested its interest in tho presiden
tial addressby sending in 334 coupons.
Multnom&h county sent in a deluge of
27,967 coupons, and out of this mass
there were 5813 lucky numbers. The list
of Marion county winners is as follows:
Ralph Glover, L. Frocolcavn, Mrs.
George L. Hurley, W. G. Warwick, M.
J. Hunt, Mary M. Hunt, G. F. Holt, Ivan
B. White, B. G. Henderson, Mrs. W. I.
Pooler, Ella Boss, John J. Collins, Mrs.
M. N. Boach, Mrs.- Hartington Sandol,
Mr. Sim Lindsay, Ward C. Barnes, Earl
Bray, Holcn Brookins, Mrs. J. A. Ber
harils, Jesse Huber, N. B. Lindsay, Miss
Alice Boock, S. B. Hill, F. M. Boar, Mrs.
B. H. Hall, Mrs. W. G. Warwick, Ber
nard Brentano, A. H. Hunt, W. G. Com
in, Miss Eloise White, Harriet Wihiams,
W. E. Moses, Otto H. Olson, Eliznboth
Murphy, E. E. Blossing, B. L. Frazier,
Leila E. Rigdon, Etta Whits, Mrs. Mne
Lindsay, C. E. Kelly, N. Blair, Mrs. r..
B. Goodin, R. T. Phillips, Mrs. B. N.
White, Miss Ella Williams, Wilina; F.
Ware, J. L. Jack, B. F. Hall, Mrs. Merlin
Harding, C. L. Collins, Buth Morwood,
Mary C. Chadwick, B. A. Shaver, Mrs.
Atta B. Galloway, A. T. Wain, Weith
Powell, Wm. Blunt, Mrs. M. J. Becker,
M. J. Becker, Merrill D, Bicnmond,
Chas. V. Galloway, John P. Wilbui, Tay
otte Davis, J. A. Bornaidc, N. L. Hurley,-
Ralph Barnes.
Eccles Interests Back New
Railroad Company In State
The Portland, Astoria & Pacific Bail-
road company, organized under tile laws
of Delaware and with its principal of
fices in Ogden, Utah, has filed with
Corporation Commissioner Schulerman a
declaration of purpose to transact busi
ness in Oregon. The company is capi
talized ut $5,000,000 and is backed by
the' Eeclcs interests with large timber
holdings throughout the northwest. The
company proposes to construct and op
erate railroads, telephone and telegraph
lines in this state.
Original Mediation Problem
Committee To Meet Tonight
Can Peaches And Reduce
Living Costs Later On
i Says Local Fruit Expert
From the standpoint of household
ieeonomy and also o'f local wcUaie, a
prominent fruit man suggests that the
canning of poaches is about the most
economical thing that can be done. It
would also help out the situation in this
section of the valley, as there is an
abundant supply of peaches
From the standpoint of saving money,
HorJick'S the Original
Malted Milk. Avoid
Imitations and Substitutes;
it is shown that it is now more eco
nomical to can peaches than any fruit
or berry during the entire season, i cach
es may now be purchased at from $1.50
to $2 a bushel -and on this estimate
there has been nothing so cheap this sea
son, ho said. . -
Basing figures on. this price, ' peaches
cost from 2 Va" cents to 3 cents a pound
for canning. When the strawberry sea
son was on the retail price figured from
10 to 12 cents a pound and logauocrries
also at from 10 to 12 cents a pound,
placing a low estimate.
The evergreen blackberry has cost the
householder from 8 to 10 cents a pound,
compared to the 2 and 3 cents for the
finest peaches. Bed raspberries for can
ning cost on an average of 10 to 12
"pnt a pound and the black raspberries
a little more. ' -
For the man who is on hi feet all day
a more comfortable shoe was never made.
Hence Jhe widespread popularity of the
Buckhecht Army Shoe among buainest and .
professional men, sportsmen, outdoor work
ers, miners, farmers, mechanics, etc. 'A
aood, practical Shoe for tverjJty wear!
Built for comfort and service boilt for
you! Remember the name Buckhecht
tamped on every shoe for your protection.
Get a Pair today!
Exclusive Agent
457 State St, Salem, Ore.
Manufacturers San Francisco
Judging from the high price at which
apples will sell, this same authority says
that they will cost almost as much as
peaches for canning. Eveii pearb will
cost more than peaches.
Taking into consideration the prices
of all fruits and berries available for
canning, and the special value of canned
peaches, this same authority on canned
goods urges every housekeeper to can to
the limit, all towards reducing the cost
of living and .eating during the coming
winter. ;
Salem women will be surprised at
the INSTANT pleasant action of sim
ple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., a
mixed in Adlcr-i-ka. One spoonful re
lieves ANY CASE gas on stomach or
sour stomach. Because Adler-i-ka acts
on BOTH upper and lower bowel it of
ten cures constipation and prevents ap
pendicitis. One lady reports herself
CUBED of a had ease of bowel trou
ble and constipation. J. C. Perry, drug
gist, 11a South Commercial. ,.
In buying our Jewelry Stocks we keep this thought
ever in mind QUALITY, the best: ' :
Jewelers and Opticians
Northwest Corner of State and Liberty Streets
Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 11. Johnny1
Kilbane, featherweight champion of
the world, will retire from the Ting
very soon, he announced here today.
He plans to retire undefeated and en
ter politics.
Kilbane is running for the city coun
cil, one of the main planks in his plat
form being boxing reform for the city
He is a strong advocate of heavier
gloves, and shorter fights.
Kilbane fights Frnnkie Burns at
Newark, Tuesday night. He will have
several more fights before he retires,
he announced. The champion complain
ed of a lack of legitimate feather
weight, saying that there are few
who can make the lis pound limit.
Pershing To Visit Roosevelt
Graye At Oyster Bay Today
ivew iorK, oept. ii. uenerai .Per
suing goes to Oyster Bay today to
render homage at the grave of Theodore-Roosevelt,
who, when president,
promoted Pershing from captain to
brigadier general. The commander in
chief will call on Mrs. Roosevelt at
Sagamore Hill. . .
Aside from this, Pershing will rest
during tho day and visit with old time
comrades. In the evening he will at
tend a meeting of fourteen thousand
(veterans, members of the American Le
gion, at Madison Square Garden.
A meeting of thfe original committee
named some time ago to promote the
idea of conciliation and mediation In
Salem will be held in the office of State
Labor Commissioner C. H. Gram tonight
for the purpose of determining whethor
or not the work of the committee was
ended with the organization of the Sa
lem Welfare board Monday night. Mem
bers of the original committee are Mr.
Gram, Wm. A. Marshal, Arthur Law
rence, Pascal Trcglid and J. H.Arnold.
Good for Biliousness ""
"Two years ago T suffered from fre
quent attacks of stomach trouble and
iiilioiisncss. Seeing Chamberlain's Tab
lets advertised I concluded to try them
I improved rapidly. '2 Miss Emma
Verbryke, Lima, Ohio.
Mexican Troop Mutiny Of
No Significance Declares
Cantu; Three Are Caught
Calexico. Cal., Sept. 11. The mutiny
of Cantu soldiers at Algodoncs, Lower
California, September 8, in which four
officers were killed, "has no signifi
cance, at all," Governor E. Cantu,
Lower California, declared today in a
statement to the United Press.
The governor had been asked regard
ing reriorts that the mutiny was part
of a Villa or Carranza conspiracy to
overthrow him.
Governor Cantu also revealed that
one of the three leaders in the mutiny
had 'been captured and ho expects the
early capture of the others.
"The unhappy event or rnc ennr
morning of tho eighth instant in A1
godones has- no significance at all,'!
the governor's statement said, "mid
it has not disturbed the tranquility of
this district of Lower California.''
What's As use of pretending?
TUte will find you out
mk hb pretense, but
they're taught thousands
of men what quality means
in a cigarette. They are
what titer are, always the
longer you smoke them
the tetter you'll lite them.
in fnr 13".' 4.
Tho John Bellman Co. Branch
':- - ' - -
Material Taken On Battlefields
Of France To Be Shown
At Fait ;;
One of the biggest features of the
United States government exhibits, to
be shown at the Oregon State Fair
will be made up of trophies and other
enemy material captured on the bat
tlefields of France by American sol
diers. The captured articles, including
almost everything .from a big treneh
mortar to a canteen, have just been
brought to this country and have never
before been on exhibition. With them
will be shown military and naval equip
ment of the American forces, in addi
tion to displays : from other depart
ments of the government.
The character of the display of cap
tured material is indicated by the fol
lowing partial list: -
Light and heavy machine guns, anti
tank guns, rifles and carbines, small
rms ammunition, greiiatenwerfers,
trench mortars, hand grenades, helmets
of various kinds, sabers, officers' and
enlisted men 's canteens - shells and
cartridge cases of various sizes, trench
periscopes, gas shells, smoke hand
grenades smoke pots, anti-gas alarm
devices, field telephones and switch
boards, signal lamps, breast reels and
trench lanterns.
Visitors to the exhibit will have an
opportunity to compare ' the German
equipment with that used by the Am
erican fighters. Among the articles
furnished by the war department of
the United States government are the
Field gun and mount, trench mortar,
light and heavy machine guns, aircraft
gun, rifle" trench helmets, hand and
rifle grenades, dummy cartridges and
drop bombs, complete set of infantry
equipment figures wearing different
uniforms of the army, including the
winter uniiorm supplied to troops on
duty in Russia, , live carrier pieeons,
some of which saw-service On tho fir
ing line in France, national and regi
metal colors insignia ad campaign
badges, wireless .telephone, apparatus,
and various other equipment from the
Ordnance Department. Quartermaster
Corps, Signal Corps, Engineer"' Corps,
Air Service and Medical Department of
tho Army.
One of the feature exhibits is. a col
lection of 32 enlarged photographs, se
lected from 20,000 taken by Army
photographers in France.
The navv will exhibit two comnlote
exhibition models of fighting ships,
and five small models showing the ap
plication of camouflage. Other naval
exhibits will be radio telephones, tor
pedoes and their trucks, machine guns
and rifles guns of the kind that were
mounted on submarine chasers, Y-gug
for launching depth charges, projectiles
of various sizes and winter clothing in
cluding a set of the,. Mnd worn, o sul
marines. Tho 'Marine Corps also will ex
hibit a largo number - of . articles of.
equipment. y . .
Other exhibits will be shown from tho
Department of Commerco and the, De
partment of Labor. Altogether the gov
ernment exhibit is expected to be of
great aid in bringing the' public in
closer touch with the activitcs and
achievements of the government. 1
The fair will open September 22 and
last a week.
- Diarrhoea in Children.
Fori diarrhea in children one year
old or- older you will find nothing bet
ter than Chamberlain's Colic and
Diarrhoea Remedy, followed ty a dose
of castor oil. It should be kept at hand
and given as soon ns the first unnatur
al looseness of the bowels appears.
Deals In Real Estate
Frank Kronberg to Paul Kronberg, 20
acres in section 34-5-1 V.
Sarah Cone to. Aug. Pouson, 5.10 acres
in section 36-3-1W., and 17 acres in sec
tion 6-4 1 E.
Jennie Roberts to J. A .Roberts, lot
3, block 9, Fairmount Park addition, Sa
lem. Mary E. Jarvls, ct al, to Oscar Red
field, lot 6, block 6, Browns addition,
Silvcrton; 1650.
H. G. Meyers to Tlieo Roth, lots 1, 2
and 3, block 1, Meukcrs addition, and
lot 9, block 1, and lot 12, block 2, Oak
Lodge addition.
R. J.. Marvin to 8. A. Manning, 83
acres in section o2-6-2 .
Joseph Juber to J. P. Wourms, 80
acres in sections 11 and 12, 91 W.i
8000. ' .
Luella White and George Arbucklc,
tract 00x100 at 18th and Court alieets,
Salem; 1800.
J. P. Robertson to E. O. Folger, ptt
of block 6, Roberts addition; 4500.
A. I. Bcttcncourt to Mary Ba-yne, 80
acres in R. H. Ekin 'claim 8-3 V.
Louise Hterliiifc to Maggie MeGuirc,'
lot 4, block Jl, addition C, Woodburn;
tlOOO. 2
Frank Stevens to Alice Pogno, 10.05
acres in'section 1-8-3 W.
William Cornish to Miles Kinlz, BUH
acres, coinprisint the claim of W." C.
Miller, in townships 3 nd 01 E.; $21,-
ooo.. , ;r '?
Carrie Olson to T. W. Olson, 85.20
acres in J. Stipp elnim 8-2 W. f
William Donaldson to Jnmcs Donalfl-
son, lot 66. Captal City Fruit Farm.
Rumanian Premier Resigns;
Serbian Cabinet Also Out
Paris, Sept.' 11. -Premier Bratiano
of Rumania has resigned, according to
advices received by the peace confer
ence today.
The supreme council was also in
formed that the Serbian cabinet had
fallen. As a result, the time limit al
lowed for the Serbians to sign the Aus
trian treaty will be extended.
And she answered tho adl Why not f
it said he owned a mine and an elegant
homo.- -She craved the love of a good
man of means and here was hor chance!
-A' few lettors, exchange of photos,- an
invitation to come to him and she did!
The thrilling, unexpected events that
follow, make- this -the most - unusual
photoplay you ever saw. . ;. . "
Pauline Prederick
A Former Salem Girl
Gcldwya PicturteStor
A thrill of the Western Hills
For Itching Torture9
There la one remedy that seldom
fails to stop itching torture andrelieve
skin irritation and that makes the skin
soft, clear and healthy, r
Any druggist can supply you with
Zemo, which generally overcomes all
skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples,
rashes, blackheads in most cases give
way to Zemo. Frequently, minor blem
ishes disappear overnight. Itching us-
11.. -. I..,. 1 ! .. Amn In n ..(.
antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use ana -dependable,
it costs only 35c; an ex-
tra large bottle, $1.00. It will not stain,
is not greasy or sticky and is positively
safe for tender, sensitive skins,
The E. W.Rose Co.. Cleveland. O.
and Mark Sullivan, one of the most no
ted of war lecturers. : ; '
The young promoters, hoaded by Bar
tholomew as manttgeiyhavo engaged the
armory and will put on tho first number
some time next month. In the mean
time they will launch a eumptvign of
solicitation throughout the city with a
lew to selling 2000 season tickots, tho
price of which will bo mado so low that
they will be almost on a par with tho
moving-picture show as to the individual
attractions. '
Willamette Boys To Present
- High Class Talent During
V Winter.
. The success of the 'regular summer
chautauqua course in Balcm is evidonee
that the public has acquired a tasto for
the higher class of entertainment and
cultuial lectures. Hence it is gratifying
to note that three of tho .live wires
among the university students Messrs.
Bartholomew, McKittrick and Storey
havo booked for the winter season one
of the brightest lyceum courses to be
obtained in the country. This is a ser
ies of seven attractions taken from the
Meneley and Ellison-White systems.
This will include tho Chicago Recital
company, saxaphone artists, soloists and
impersonators; Katharine Carroll Smith
Concert company, vocalist and Instru
mentalists; Ricketts Glee clnb, singers
and entertainers; Cecil Fanning, the
world-famous baritone; Frank Bohn, no
ted lecturer on reconstruction problems;
Frank 8. Regan, cartoonist and lecturer,
Capital Post Of American -Legion
After New Members
As soldiers, sailors and marines aro
not voluntarily joining Capital Post
No. 9, American" Itfgion, in numbeis
in proportion to those who were in the
service from Marion county, the Post
will put on- a mom'borship drive. Robin
D,. Da-" is chairman of the membership
committee and Ivan Q. MeDanicl has
ibeoir" appointed campaign manager. Al
though it is estimated that from -MOO
to 1700 men are entitled to membership
in the Aoiericun Legion from Marion
'county'ns yet scarcely 100 have join
ed as charter members, Duo to the fai t
that the state convention will be held
in Portland Sept. 17. and 18, an effort
will bo made in the campaign to bring
tho membership to what tho county is
entitled to, in order that it may lmv
a larger representation in the conven
tion., ..'. : -.-,," , .'.
Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 1,1. J The
"spud souso" is wifhus. Its kick is
almost fatal. Twenty men were mnilo
seriously ill by drinking whiskey, the
base of which was potato mash.
?"1.'T tit ''O.l 9IIinti.iJ.iw uaiojh 9iX 'unn
tlAl ttUOH.bMN llll.il H)lia Ijl. '1IUIU X(
'siuan (J9 'pH&iiii P'lxiiM jo uods unu epon
111IM -jpOIS UO 84110 (41 Ull t 0)
' 9 U i B q
p u a ui Ml
lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It
No Store Room Space to
Be Had In Salem
We have decided to dispose of our Billiard room
equipment, thereby releasing splendid space with
both street and lobby entrance for some one of many
new enterprises being attracted to Salem.
Healthful Bread
Ours is without question the best flav
ored bread on the market. It has that
goodness about it which is characteris
tic of home
made bread. It
is as sweet as a
nut and as pure
. as spring water
Try Our Rolls, Cakes and
' Pastry
, f 457 State Street