Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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What Factors Do You Consider
when deciding where to buy your
Clothing, Shoes and Dry Goods
Do jou bay for cash to save the difference between Cash and Credit Prices?
IF YOU DO J. C. Penney Co, can serve yon to splendid advantage.
Do yoa prefer to buy where Everybody pays the Same Price?
- IF YOU DO the J. C. Penney Co store is the one you are seeking.
Do yoa desire to bay where the Prices a re all marked in Plain Figures?
IF YOU DO remember every article in the J. C. Penney Co., store is so
marked. -
Do you believe that baying for 197 stores makes it possible to bay at lowest
IF YOU DO you will be inclined to expect lowest prices at thi3 store.
Do yoa prefer to carry home the articles yoa bay to save paying delivery
IF YOU DO remember nothing is added to. our prices for delivery ex
pense. We do not deliver, the saving is yours.
Do you know that you are required to pay the added expense where collectors
are employed? , -
If you desire to avoid paying such unnecessary expense buy at our
' . . stores. ' .. " . , . ,
Do yoa wish to avoid buying "seconds" or other defective merchandise?
IF YOU DO be assured no such undesirable goods are ever bought by us.
Do you prefer newest merchandise to select from when you are buying?
- IF YOU DO our rapid selling assures you newest assortments a all
times. .
Do you desire the assurance that every purchase will prove satisfactory to
IF YOU DO that is sufficient reason for you to buy constantly at this
. store. .... . ' '
Many Other Reasons Why You can Buy to Best Advantage at the J. C Pen
ney Company Store will be Apparent to you Beginning With
Your First Purchase.
Homt soaps tad prepared shampoo
contain too nviea. alkali, whis. is very
iijorioo. as it dries the scalp and
makes tie hair brittle.
The beat thing tt nee U muhifUi to-
I eoaaat U shampoo, trT this pore and
entirely greaseies. It a very cheap and
beats anything else all to Dieee. Too
sa zet this at any drag store, aa.i a
)tew sates will last tse wisoie ramiiy
for months.
Simply moisten tie hair with water
and rab it is, aJxint a teaspoonfal is
all that i required. It make aa aband
aaee of riea. ereamy lather, cleanses
thTmighIy and rinse out easily . Tie
hail dries qoiekly aad evenly. sad ia
soft fresh tokiaz. bright, flaffy, wsyy
in 4 easy t handle. Besides, it looen
sad take eat every particle of dast.
'dirt uj dandnrff.
Sacred Heart
the older trees. However, it is thonjht
that many of the prases that cracked
nay be ia condition to be dried, now
that the weather has turned favorable.
Wasted: Toubj ladies. 2.1 of them,
between the aes of H aad 25, to pose
is lks styie show, Elk day at state
fair groan ds. Sept. 25. Mist weign
more than 193- pounds. Telephone 17.
' or apply ra penes, to Erasmus Cooke
Patton. i
This week's drapery special, Tapes-
Itry Table Scarfs, 2ux54, regular 5,
! 3.95. Hamilton a. 9-11
Km Bath CfTorenoe Er strom of
i Portland, who has been ubtitutia g ia
:the office of the adjutant general the
past week, wiB return to her home
. within a few days, bbe witl attend ihf
' I Diversity at Oregon this fall aad
! winter.
Under the direction of the,'
Sisters of the Holy Names,
Salem, Oregon, Boarding j
and Day school
Host Approved Methods
Primary, Grammar and
High School Departments
Complete Courses in Harp,
Piano, Voice Culture, Violin i
and Harmony i
Elocution and Physical ' j
Culture uasses
Modern CoQTemesces And
Domestic Comforts
Scholastic year begins
September 8th
Sister Superior;
All Around Tovn
I i
part of ths city, have not only been
talking natters over, bat Testers
i prepared a petition to it presented to
, the eity eoaneil, askiag that rtk
Vourta treet from Market to ths eity
! limits be paved. They refer to the fact
:at ths street is bat a short distance
from the zraveJ. and also to the faet
; that with the opening of the Valley
' racking eompsny, employing 100 or
, mors, north fc&Jem property will be ia
I demand. Therefore, they w:ll eomo ia
ia body next Monday evening to pett
J lion ths eity eouacil that paving bein
-at onee.
Dr. O. K. Prtme in Dr. O. B. Miles
Office, I.a.lJ k bush bank bl.ljf. ii
Ir. Mott, Bank ot Commeree, 407 S.
At a meeting of the Salem arbitra
turn board last evening, J. Simeral
was eieeted president and Paul Wal
lace seeretary. This board which was
reeently organized is for the purpose
' f handling any nnsetf led questions as
to labor.
, Try Northern Klotir. It's a Bear.
Xvery sack guaranteed At your gro
eers. . tf
The rftsiileats o rforth Salem north
f Market s're-t, having derided to im
prove the general appeatan' of that
Kadiators, fenders and gas tanks
repaired. Tractor radiators a spseiaity,
rri radiators for sale. 180 S. 12th
rit, Aalem, Or. ii
Lueile fiarton, tearher of voice, pi
sno and harmory. "(jnaliry as well as
quantity, quality preferred.'' 9 lit
I wish to state tht I aut siw lo
cated in Portland with o'tiees
at 414 Failing Building. My new
offices are folly equipped with
all modern appliance foi the
seittatifie fitting f giassev and
correction of eye truoliiea. Sa
lem people are corciii j iavited
to eall on me when in Portland.
414 Facing Bmitling
Portland O' egon
This week's drapery special, Tapes
try Table Scarfs 2i)i54, regtiiar Id,
.19-Hamiiton 's. 9-11
The estate of Permil!a A. Caspell
has been appraised at t'.995 by J. C
i Hunt, Adam Burns and W. fi. Thomas.
The home place of llu'i acres was ap
praised at t Hi ,0OO, located ia township
S south of rang 1 west. She is surviv
ed by IS children.
Faney Madroaette overdrafts, fall
tine of colors, regular 65e and 75c,
1 tn - tr- ; 1 1 ail
I Notice to ante awners: H. Dean or
Detroit. MiieK, is an auto expert trou
(bie man, has opened the Guarantee
i Auto Inn. AH work taken by job; ail
i work guaraateed or no ehsrze mane.
8ho 244 8. Liberty St. -12
i In the suit of the Salem Fruit Tnion
I against the Phez eompasy, aa appuea
!tu)n has been made to the court to
have placed on the motion book for
:the coming term of eoort the hearing
i of the Frait Union's demurrer to the
(defendant's amended answer.! The
Fruit Union demarred to the amended
answer of the Phez eompany on the
ground that the answer does not allege
facts reqniring the interdisposvtion of
a court of equity, and that it does not
state faets sufficient to constitute
suit. Also that the answer of the Phez
eompany does not stnte facts sufficient
jto constitute a defense or counter
claim to the cause of aetion alleged m
the complaint. ,
t w antra: io oorraw or icrs
! Indies lk hose--extra laree size for
(the Elks style shw Elks day at the
! state fair. See Erasins Cooke Patton
BLIGH Theatre
Ladies' Fall Hats
The Biggest and Best Assortment in town at
Popular Prices. Ladies Hats direct from the fash
ion centers of New York -and Philadelphia, Also
trimmed models finished in our own expert work
LADIES HATS ................
$1.98 to $8.50
....... ....$1.49 to $4.75
Commercial and Court Streets
Formerly Chicago Store .
tsvergreen Qc
Blackberries, lb.
Dr. Morehouse the veterinarian, has
returned from his vacation. Anyone
ifi 'nit bis services can obtain them
by phuning his office 2 or resi
dence Ijlu. i-lf
Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your
repair work. Phone ltWH, 220 X. Com
merrinl sret. tf
lodge this year a?e requested to be
present at the elwb rooms Friday eve
ning Kept. 12 at 8 o'clock sharp. Bus
iness of importance. "o invitations.
Kntortainment committee. 10-12
or telephone 17
The eonntv pavine plant is asain at
work on the Salem-STorner-Stayton road
east of the eity, after losiae four day
time on account of the rains. The coun
ty court states that the plant will be
kept working steadily on this road as
long as weather conditions permit.
Wonted at once, hop pickers, Hart
!e k Craig's yardv Miato's Is and, 10
minntes walk frfn street ear. Phone
1737 or 1516W. , 9-11
The Eyes of MysteTy, with Edith
Storey at Ye liberty today only.
Corrinne Eiley Barker, a former Sa
lem girl, will be" seen with Panline Fred
eriek in "The Peaee of Roaring Riv
er" at Ye Liberty starting tomorrow.
i W. F. Drager of the Drager Fruit
j".'o, left this morning on a business
I trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Heater of Silver
iton were among the recent visitors. in
I Amoap the reeent guests at the Cap
ital hotel were if. Vi. Stewart 01 ai
'banyand R. J.'Kaby of Silverton.
; Mrs. Oeo. H. Oark and children ar-
; rived in the eity from Medford this
1 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lockwood of
j Portland, -were among reeent arrivals
'at the Marion hotel.
Mr. Wygant, advertising manager at
the Bishop clothing store, was able to
. he on the street again this morning
' after several weeks of iiraes3.
j 1 1
Local Y. M. Securing Jobs
For Willamette Students
t -
i So great is-going- to be the demand
! for part-time work among the incoming
Utudeats that the Y. M. C. A. mf miers
lof Willamette Universi.y will make
eanvass of all the employers of the city
with a view to providing for as many of
them as possible. Friends of the sta
dents and of the university will confer
a great favor by eo-oprsting witn "hern
n this effort. Those who can anange
any form of employment for boys and
young men, to be done before and after
study hoars will assist the university
authorities very mueh by notifyina the
offiee of the refistrar. There will be
Bring them in even if yon have onl7
few pounds. We famish boxes and
Warehouse High and Ferry Street.
Phono 717
Office 542 State St.
Salem, Cr.
many a student in the sotiooj tills winter
to whom this sort of assistance" will
mat the difference between success and
failure ia their ambitious.
A promise of eo -operation is made by
Seeretary Elvin oi the city Y. 11." C A.
who has received Bomber of eaCs from
prospective stndents.-
No other remedy, win so
sorely and quickly correct
stomach ailments, regulate
the Ever and improve the
general health as a dose of
S rwhre. In Bum, 10e 25c
Pntf. beantTiT OrtUes. playmates
To the many friends who so kindtv 7 ebildTen, 10 eack Phone 663.
administered in her illness and for the t . " ' ,
?iotwithstandin2 the strong uemsnu
for honses to rent, no building permits
have been taken ont for the erection of
honses, nor U there a disposition on the
part of those who might build, to do
anyth'ng to a'levinte the rather seri
ous condition in the way of building.
A few lavs ago a party moved ont of a
verv ordinarv house in est Salem, and
within a few honra after the house svas
vacated, a number of people began
calling to investi-mte. After the house
The sudden changing of weather from " ,7!w-,1"! J 11 '."Z
rnin to real sunshine is causing gene- V , -a.Zt V w-
.1 rejoieing among prune men, a large 1.. tlVZZ ZZ hT ZZT,
iffrmnif With ft torn,. j t r
beautiful flowers sent for Mrs. Ella
M. Jory, these aad many other acts
will be ever held in grateful remem
brance by Oliver Jory, Lewis Jory,
Mrs. Emma Edmunds, Mrs. Anna Ag
ent. Sept. 10,-1919.
Elmer Ora'nt Pomeroy died at Med
ford at the Sacred Heart hoipital Kept.
6. The funeral service were huld in
that city and, the body sent to Portland
for eromation. He is survived by his
widow, Clara K. Pomeroy, one daughter
r.vallne of Pittsburg, Kan., and one
son, I'aptain lwight A. Pomeroy of
the nsttth field artillery, K:h division.
ble. presented to it, the Marion eon- V.UI"- " - '-k
Fancy Madronette overdrapes,
line of colors, regnlsr 65 and
special 49 e. Hamilton's.
9 11
Wallace Brown is among the recent
!y returned soldiers arriving in tiaiem,
having served aboot 1$ " months in j
France with the First division. He
left this morning for Camp Lewis with
a view to securing his discharge.
Thoe who happened to have the gM
supply turned off for the past four
days are now assured that the reserve
has increased to such an extent that
every one will now have the' privilege
of using gas. The Portland Railway
Light and Power company has had
four men ont today turning on gas nd
will iontinne making the connections
tomorrow until all have service. About
450 homes have been without gas since
last Thursday.
- 1 i . i: . i I
t Krsufi jurr sujourneu yesieroay, io t, vte , . -- t. .
TM" T? 7?" r.',rt i relatively smalt and this toss is among
mil be officially made to Judge Kelly, i B
Hut Clark and H. H. Harris, formerly
of John Manners are now ready to help
yon out with an kinds or auto and g.is
engine repair work. Drop in and see
us at Znz estate at. or phone us you
trouble, 793. 9 13
Mlt VapoRnb ia
spoon and Inhale
the vapors.
All who became nn!uH n f tV. PTka
Y0U BOOYUAliO"-30f.60',
Army di'huric have been filed the
past few davs hy the following: A. n.
mith, 8. II. Beehe, H. I Riches. I.
Lady, J. W. Easterburn and W. J. Wa
Notices to construct Portland cement
sidewalks within 20 days have been
filed on the Klinger estate and also
upon Frank Meredith and Jennette
Loekhart. The one block, of sidewalk
to be constructed or this order of the
council is on South Church street, be
tween Ferry and Trade on the east
side of the"s:reet. The Klinger estate
owns the two north lots on this block
and Frank Meredith and Jennette
Loekhart the two south lots. All no
tices to construct cement sidewalks
carry the information that if the own
er does not construct within 20 days
after the notice has been served, that
the eity will do the work and the ex
pens thereof be charged against the
property aad ecome a lien.
The entire lodging ojwrntions of the
Shoshone I ji rotter eompany at S-pok-
ane have been taken over ry I. H.
W are in ths market for all vari
eties of late apples. Call us op.
. P. Is. GHE0OHY, Mgr.
T, 219 1010 tf. toml St
Si4 Test Ba4 This Advertisement?
Do you want your Freight and Ex
press out of Portland to arriYe quicker?
Willamette Valley
Transfer Co.
PHONE 1100
Awaiting the September term of the
circuit court, department 'o. 1, with
Judge Percy Kelly on the beni-h. are)
ia prisoners in me eonny;j. w ""Do!ar of Portland, who will build two
fonr automobile riiieves. it Is under-1 miM rf naiBe an, impre fiO miles
stood that three hnve eonfessed andjof ,he Cot 4-AIeBe river for driv.
are ready to plead guilty, while onej . .. ,
vill mlat . am a nn tfniltv IBIli CT "
IB iuv cuuniy JUH inwiiog null iwi
robbing the Hartmaa . jewelry store,
have confessed aad V thought will
plead guilty. The Se. 4 x term of
1 the circuit eourt will .'Oiiveue next
Make Baby Coo and Crow
Keep the little stomach regulated and bowels open, the secret
of health in infancy, by using
The Infante' and Children's Regulator
that produces such remarkable and gratifying results. Relieves
constipation, flatulency, wind colic, diarrhoea, and other disorders.
Contains no alcohol opiates narcotics or other harmful in
gredients. It is a highly potent vegetable preparation made of the
very best ingredients obtainable. Give it to baby and watch the
smiles that follow.
At oil Dmstirt,
215-117 Fulton St, N. Y.
Gnml Sti'lisf Acclt:
Harold F. Ritchie A Co- hc
Nctt Yoxic Toronto, Cauda
is aj
j m
ajrv - - , unn.
- fl
J. 0. Perry's
Are yon thinking of buying a tractor
for fall wirk If no do not delay for
tnere ia goiao- to be a heavy demand
for tractors with limited stocks,
Charles R. Archerd Implement Co. has
just received another shipment of In
ternational tractors and will be pleased
to have yon call.
Edith Storey in "The Eye ef Mys
tery" at Ye Liberty teday only.
Heater Sale
Heaters as good as they make at from ......$l.75 up
Complete assortment of Mrro Aluminum ware.
Matress from $5.00 to $24.00
carsi of
Chinese MedlclBe and Tea Ckv
Has medicine which will ears any
known" disease.
Open Sundays from 10 A. If.
aatil 8 P. If.
Ij3 Sontk High St.
Salem, Oregon Phone 233
We will Save You Money.
Peoples Furniture Store
271 N. Commercial St Salem.