rpni? nATT.V PAPTTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1919, PA OR SEVEN. 9 f IV 1 i l II I 111 HI 11 111 I 1 V Ii r -3 T-' ifW rl T I IW I n H IfW circulation-being by far the largest of aot l I I II 1 frl-ll- lll II I III I 0 II iIIL-kl Lkl li I I IN I U )ji II K II paiveb unmabton county insures - Taoaou&H Dia- XI j 1 II fjfvL 11 U tl 1 H' U UuM W'li 111 UuiL I Uli vl2al U 4 U ULai'U' vJu U XJr Section -oe jfotrat adteetisisg. ;1 , . . , - , WANTED ' ' '' REAL ESTATE HOUSES '' AUTOMOBILES,, u LOST AND FOUND I tnTOERTAlCEB) :J-f rrnoarpTPn t ATK9 i HELP WASTED ' 1 .-,wmo : i , . .. - . t . t . I mammmamaammmmm"' i " Rate per work New Today: -JSaek insertion . lc One week (6 insertions) ae One mouth. (26 insertions), 17c The Capital Journal will Jiut .be re sponsible for more than one- insertion, for errors in Classified Advertisements. ,Itejd y'ouradvertisoment the first- day : it appears and notify us. immediately it error occurs. " " lULuumnm charge, 15c. '"':'- PBiUNB pickers wanted, good picking. tPhnnn 12F25. ' ' " 9-Ji FOB SALE ; GOOD teanrfor sale, 096 .Trade-St. 9.13 HAY fpr sale, Pkpne 105F11. 9-13 CE.WFOKO canning peaches 73eper bushel. Kt 1. box 21C. . 9-16 WANTED-Tcanister Phone 8T2. for road work. ': tf WANTED Cook during prune dry ing, good wages.. Phone 12F23V 9-Hi WA'N'TEiJ Cirl for general housework. Call 1029W. - .. 9-li "WANTED A trailer. Phone 66F21. 43 ACRES timber land for trade or sale: will take good auto as part pay. 260 N. 15th St. 9-11 WANTED (Oregon eggs for setting, at once. Ring 81F22. 1 " WANTED Furnished, house "or apart nient.. Phone 1540. , ' i ' 9-10 WANTED A bright, heen office girl. Apply supt. H. W. mid lfl,.L. Mey- era. tf (WANTED .Party with tractor to plow 57-acres near fraotreej sanuy ioui. ,F. Pi. Farrington,, Elk ejlujb, Salem, ur. . " - PRUX E pickers register at- 141 .forih High St. Good camping grounds, large orchard. Phone 310. 9-13 FOR SALE 7 rogm modern house at 390IloytSt. --: --- "'".' .-' --12 FOR SALE Mallard- dwks,. fine for decoy purposes Phone 2300. . ' 9-10 FOR SALE'amiin'g ' primes (Italian) Phone 3r'13 after G p. in. . . .. 9-11 INTELLIGENT Christian woman for very light houseworK. i.iiu alter u p. m. 173 S. Cottage, . 9-12 WANTED A laundry woman -and a house maid, state souoowi&r acui. 9-16 1X)R SALE, house and lot. i'oi- pur ticnlai's inquire at 737 Center St. 9-10 UKVK SALE White Rock cockerel, "Giant rabbits 6: monthij old, good strain, Rt., 2, 'box 81, 9-12 HOP Dickers wanted, all Usual accom limitations furnisnea. call at ornce :of Willamette Transfer Co., High nnil .Fan! StsiJPhone- 1400. , tf Beautiful Cbllies, playmates for vour children,; $10: each. "hone 063.' -.- y, W EXPERIKN!CEI waiters wanted "ini mpdintelv. ffood liny. Call" long dis tance 'before, coming. Imperial Caje. Albany. Or - - ':' -. ."940 RESTAUR ANT outfit -'for sale. 173TW or .399. " Call 9-12 W AXTTBD .Yminff man -to drive truck and learn fruit business, iraone Mr. Cravat t for appointment, 9-W FOR SALE-D'ry old fir limbs. OPhoiie 754. 9-ii FOR SALE Danpleci; gray .; Shetland, ieight 450, 1720 Lee St, ' : , 9-12 . FOR SALE Furniture. Phone 2208J fir. call 909 entoSti ti. tf FORi, SALE 21 -head Shropshire eweS. Phone 22F2. ,9-10 FOR SALE Wayne gasoline pump and tanlcat a bargain gimjanteed.Phone 398. - 271 Chemekfita, " Cupital Junk . Co. . - . . tf FOR SALE Team and harness, wt nbouf 2100 lbs. See them at Cherry Citv feed barns. J. E. Kirkpatnck, " . 9-10 CHOICE peaches cheap at. peach, booth 2 miles on Wallace road. Euan, tf FOR SALE 6 room modern .eottago, two thousand, half down.. B B D care " Journal. "'' "" ' " '9-15 OfiOWi your own prune- trewt Order . pencil pits nQwr. Contraiiting orehard 'isis. l'earcr iJros., 210 'Oregd'u Sbldg . . - ..." 9-12 FOR SALE Five room hounc, ibath , toilet, electric - lights, large corner lot. barn, chicken house and yara Price $2000. E. B. iiraibenhorst, State St. 9-11 TEAM of mules, weight 1000 lbs. each good workers and sound: gentle for - anyone to work; will sell at any reas enable offer. Can' be seen at 225 Cen ter street. Ask for Mr.- Hardy. '9-11 WANTED Two whistle puiiks or sig: mil boys, good, -wages.- U.nquirc ox Orant- Holt, Front ana Jf'crry streets, Chas. K. Sunuldine Log. Co. 9-10 WANTED At tmoe, a ehambermaitt at the Capital hotel. Miftille agea IhiIv meferred. Phone 630s 9-12 WANTED-To do plowing with Hap; py Fawner tractor, will contract or work -by the acre; eo jones ai lem Velio comwanv. 162 N. Commc- ittrent. 9-10 efriO A MONTH i-s what I will pay for a furnished house, a to 6 room bunga low preferred: wc have. nov children; ibest of care taken of furnishings, lawn te.. references exchanged. Art1 dress B'S care- Journal. 9-11 A PIPTES APPLES - W want, vonr apples. Must be free from worms and scale. .. No cull wanted. Phono 10 .fr price tf WANTED Td lease a 5 or 10 acre . traot.iwith ebieken nouses ' for 500 tn 1000, j-hickens-Rt, 6. bot 22, J. E. Kirknabrick. . ii. t., 9-26 LaYENDEB wanted Writs A-C care -;iTmimnl?v " 9-10 DO Y"OU want-a dandy little farm of 57 acres hear Crabtree, no improve ments. Sandy loam. Address ,F. P. Farriugton, Elks club,. Salem. Or. . 912 OAN sell a man. and wife 40 acres, 22 cultivated, for $o0 per acre and take ill work. Hugh Mugee, Scotts Mills Or. " ' " 9-10 FOU SALE 6 room modern residence large lot, fruit and 'barn; best "buy in Salem, price $2000.. Phone 1481R, '. i - ' - . - - 9-15' OVERLAND for sale cheap. Small pay ment, balance monthly. Salom Velie Co.. 162 N. Com I St. . . . . 9-10 EQUITY in Overland. fo'r; trade- for motorcycle. ICS N. Com'i St. Salem Velie Co. ;v -4 9-W FOR SALE -v Nearly new 'MaxweH truck. Price $1100 for qufcck sale. . Phono 160S.L A. IE .Biederman. 9-20 LUST ladies - paclietboek at Qrtgoa Electric depot Friday, eontaining - jewelry, papers and small amount of Suitable reward, rnone money. F5. 910 W. T. RIGDON ft CO! ! " Undertakers 852 North High Stet - MACHINE SHwf WOEK FOR SALE Maxwell "ear, five, passcn - ger, 1917 model; new-, tires,, one e ' ,.tra'. Phono-33iP3a.:'' : - , ; - ; tf WR SAliB Ford A-l condition. aiess'1625. Oak: St., call after BARGAIN 23 res bottom, land; Jiew buildings, close to small town $3000. 8 acres bottom land partly improved. $650. F. ti. Wood, Bayne"bldg, 915 FOR SALE 30- acres, 20 acres bearing prunes, heavv crop this year; 3 acres loganberries;. acre . A., enerries, 4 acres apples, .2 Vj acres garden and corn; .4 room hpuse, barn 2 chicken houses, good, drier, 4 miles paved, road,-4 miles rock road, 8 miles from Salem. Price $15,000 with crop anl $10,000 down, or $lx,000 without crop and $5000 down, balance at 6 percent. J K, Rt. 4 box 70A, S,alem, -Or.: .' : ' 4 9-15 Ad 5 p. 9-13 FIVE nassencrcr- Overland car; " three ..Jersey cows, four pigs, .twenty White . Leghorn pullots, apples and potatoes for. sale, at ,E. C -Baker's, farm two miles, west pf 1 fcuayton,- 9-12 LOST Or stolen . small Waok and white Spaniel, bob tail, answers -name Fritz. Writ W. B, Peairo, Port land. Or. '". ' 9-11 EVERYTHINQ ELECZSIOAIr SALEM Electric Co., Masonic Temple, .137. North High.. Phono Main 1209. BIDS WANTED BIDS WANTED on tho calcimining of the downstairs, hall and bath room at 359 Center. Work must be done bv the 19th of this month. Address 320 Leslie. 9-10 Exoert machine shop service by" Mr. Bergman t high school machine shop. 12 years experience. vcr emiing- specialty. High class maifiiie tools. Quick service. Phone 446. SCAVENGER Salem Scavangr Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly con tracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals removed. Office phone Main 167. -1 WOOD SAW WANTED To trade. 1918 Maxwell wormrdriye truck for Ford or other " light car. Salem .Velio company, 162 N. -Com'l. street. .. . . 9-U REAL ESTATE HOUSES WANTED At once hop pickers, Hart ley & tJiaig s yard, Minto s island. 10 minutes walk from sheet car. Phone 1757 or L'lGW. 9-11 FOR SALE-24 acres of good land, small house, elos? In. Price $1500. E, ,B. Oi-abeiiliorst, 276 State. St. . 9-11 H ELI' wanted,- 12" men wn'nted ' til the morning tQ-piok -peacnes at uc per hour. Meet me" at tlip Kalem end of . bridge at 7:4'5. M. C, Pctteys. HELP wanted for peach picking; truck will' call for bickers at east approacn of 'bridge at 7:45.. Elberta windfalls for sale at orchard. M. C. Petteys, Wallace road. tf WANTED ' Beny " pickers at once, good picking: l'noue 107114. u. it Taylor, Jefferson road. " 9-13 WANTED 2 men to shako trees, 3 or 4 Piune pickers,, family .preferred. U1 Worlvib,rlour ,01 bushel. Tent, stove audi springs Juinisneu. vw . si 'Myrtlo fAvei'bit phone 1527-R 9;8 F0K,;QU1CK SALE Bargain,; 160 acre farm. 1'Uonc i2m, or air, 0 jjhw rion street. ' . - -- 9-16 FOR SALE Modern house, desirable, close in location. Inquire 1345 Court St. . . ... - . 9-16 House with 5 rooms and bath, $1700. .10 acres all in cultivation, fine build ings and fencing; . ' Strictly modern, house, 8 rooms, $4, 500. . . - . 6 room hsuse, renting for $20, .$2800 92 acres well fenced, fair buildings; yoUi can't afford to lose this deal, $10, 000. ; ' We are shere for business. Call and sec us, and. we will do you. good. List your land, with us aud we will sell it while you sleep. E. C. DERRtCK REALTY CO. Room 7, D'Arcy bldg, 462 Stato St. : ' ' . 9-10 DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A USED CAR? If so See Us, . i 20 secondhand automobilesi come and sec them. ! 5" passengOT R. C. H. $225- ; i Studobaker bug $175 1 3-spccd Harley Davidson motorcycle $225 - Studobaker bug $200 Hudson Super Six $950 1917 Saxon ix $700 We sell oils, greaaa, gasoline, need auto parts, tire ind seci 1 lories. OLESON S AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. COM. : Y. M; O. A. BLOtK BIDS WANTED ' iBids will bo received or the erec tion and completion of a garage- build in at olbanv, Oregon,, f on Murphy Mo tor Co., until eight. o'clock p. m. Sept. 15, 1919. Plans may be had by apply ing to A. C; Jenkins, architect, of Al bany, Or., er Sjsaulding Logging Co., Salem, Oregon. 9:10 PHONE 1O90R. Our prices arc right. W. M. Handler, proprietor. 1255 Jf. Summer street, Salem, Or. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMP ANii Off Ue ; eornep Commercial and Trade street Bills payable monthly i advance. Phone 606. FOR SALE 30 or 60 acres improved, close in. ; Sec thisj. .Owiier- K-6t eare Journal. 9-11 WANTED To buy from 6wner, terms cash, 5 or 6 room bungalow. Address M care Journal. ' .- V' .ITAUTIONa. WANTED ' WANTBP-J(b, drying, prunes: Address D P care Journal. "9-11 POSITION wanted as stenographer or bookkeeper by reliable person. Ad dress M M or' phone 1003W. 9-10 MAN and wiftf want to pick prunes, like place with small house with stove. Write particulars, E -W. B care Journal. ... 9-10 PEACHES for sale, Crawfords and E( bertas, lVa miles from bridge oh Wallace road. Phone 56F13. C." C. Chaffee.- - 9-16 POR SALE A molern house ready to move into. Come And look it over- 645 8. 12th St. F. A. Erixon. tf FOR SALE Good six room plastered house, lot 54x119; has 14 bearing fruit trees. Prico $80O. Phone 134. 9-10 FOR SALE 'heap, house at 780 N, Cottage St., also lot 12, block 17 in ' Yew Park. Write Mrs. J. Knapp, Rt. 5.-Aurora. Or. " 9-20 WANTED ATTENTION 1'ig cubs, will sell, near , WANTED To rent, farm. What have AVaconda, Poland China sow with I you f E. L. Welch,. Mac leay. 9-12 litters 7, 7 , 8, 8j and 9, we -register- - ' '. cil Hnpshirc, also Poland China i VV ANTED 3 or 4 good prune pickers, hogs. Ella M. -Finney, lit. 2, Gervais. j 00(j crop, good pay. Uoscdale. J' Or. 11 Kuluike, Rt. 4, box. 70, Salem. 9-12 FOR Sale ! W'hite Leghorn pullets WANTED To Tent, small modern tind hensj imported English strain; two cocks and cockerels, good blood and heavy laveis. Stamp for an ans wer. Mrs. M." Jones, fit. 3, box 264C. - 9-10 FOR RENT FURNISHED sleeping' rooms for rent. At 749 N. Com'l. ' tf 1 uACE for rent and equipment for ale. T. N. Shearer, Oervais, Or., Rt. 2, 'box 11. 9-13 house, 'best of - lO.XSW. references. Phone 9-13 WANTED By September 15th. furn ished Jiouse; no children. Address S-2 care Journal. tf WANTED Good buggy, rubber tires preferred. R. DuRette, Gervais, Or. 9-11 FOR SALE In soutn Salem, beauti ful five room "bungalow, two large lots, fruit and flowers, one block from enrlinc. Call 2281B. tf FOR SALE 10 acre prune orchard lo - cated on igood rock road, 6 and 9 vears old. Price $5500. 5 acres of good land, house and barn, 100 bear iur prunes, family orchard, well, Price $2650. $750 down, balance terms at 6 percent int. W. H. Gra- ibeuhorst & Co.. 275 State St. 9-10 FOR SALE 5 1-3 acres, 156 bearing Italian prune trees, and plenty of other fruit. Halt mile trom pave ment. Phone 111F3 or call at Jones nursery, Auburn, east of asylum. 9-11 BOARD AND BOOM IMXIMS furnished or unfurnished, 173 6. lottage. 9-12 CSOOD room and board may be hnd close in at a reasonable price;.gentle ru n preferred. Phone 783. 9-15 YOUiNG lbuine!(v man wants Jorge, sunny room close in, private family; would also like garage if possible. Address box 196,, Salem. . 9-11 WANTED 'To rent 6 months or long er, five or six room house with gar age, close in- Lock box 184, .9-11 HERE'S vour opportunity. Beautiful 5 room modern -bungalow including furnishings complete, wood and gar den, $2500. Don 't delay if ymi want it. H. E. Bolingcr, 328 Oregon Dldg. tf EXPERIENCED roan wurts to rent prune orchard anl ber::e. 330 Di vision St. 9-14 FOR SALE 10 acres all cultivated, acres 4-yoar old prunes, 3 acres set to loganberries, family orchard, good 5 room plastered bungalow, 'Darn chicken house, well, eood location: 4 miles out. Price $4500. W. H. Graben horst & Co., 275 State St. . 9-10 FOR BENT -i , 1 APPLES Choice appl wanted, any ' ' quantity, must be free of any dis- FOR RENT Or sale, my home place (-w WOrms; no culls wanted, of 273 acres 5 miles E. of Stayton; Phone 10. ' 9-20 about 175 under plow, 75 acres 1 stuff aud piling, balance pasture and I V(; ANTED Good farm within 20 miles timber. F. .P. Farriugton, Elks club, 0f s;,icm, 0aHh or share. Rt. 6, box Salem, Or. - 9-12 14(ij Sa)pnlf 0r. f 9-13 Try Salem First In Buyr" Z A Little "Want" Ad Sells It! Hne.pofcoxus, wrn,or..n FOR SALE Prune orchard, 10 acres of good land all cultivated, 5 acres bearing prunes, good crop, and crop goes; small house. Wice spjyuu, s:. 500 down. W. H. Grabeuhorst & Co. 275 State street. 9-10 BEST BUYS NOTICE TO CONTBACTOES Notice i hereby givon that the undersigned- will receive 'bids up to five o'clock p. m., September 15, 1919, for the construction of a 5 foot wido ce ment sidewalk on the west side or Commercial street, bogiiining at the in tersection of the south, curb line 01 Kearney street and extending south u8 feet. . Plans and specifications are on file at the office of the city recorder. , , - .. Ill An L, KAUK, 9-12 . , . Ciy Recorder. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MKHT AT McCTornaek hall on every 1 uesuBj at 8. Walter Lenon, C. t' P, J. Kuntz, K. R. ft S. . MISCELLANEOUS RUGS cleaned 40c each. Phone 16. 10-6 26 acres of the vory best loam, good buildbigs, bungalow, . 4 acres bearing prunes, spring water, 8 acres pasture; lO.acres m fruit,- b logafis, 4 cherries, rock road., close town; $4250. , i 40 acres of best- loganberry land in fina location; $10,500. 375 acre well equipped dairy, mile to station on gooilroau; big income, .20 acres, all in cultivation; 10 acres year old prunes, 1 acre logans, good buildings, 4 miles from center of city; $10,500. . -; . ; 40 acres With 30 111 prunes and 10 gans, on pavement, close to gcnooi; 30O per acre.--" ' ' --: . 6 . acres with vfaimiy orennra, gooa buildings, 1 miles from city limits; $4000,. .; .! ' --'. 10 acres an logans on good road ava miles Salem, well and shack; souou.; . 20. acres. V cleared, family, orchard buildings, spring water, mile school aud-station; $3250. 160 acre grain farm family orch ard, house, 2 barns, running wator,, 5 miles from Salein; $lou per acre. 220 acre farm, 130 cleared, buildings $22,000. . 164 acres 1 milo town, 7 room house, large barn, 6 acres'in fruit; only $125 per ttuie. 24 acres 5 miles from Laua anu Bush, Vi mile school, well improved, only $6800, equipped. IS acres just outside city limits, iu acres bearing prunes, gooi 'buildings, own water system, $12,00,0. 10 acres 2 miles from alem, lair buildinffs, 4 acres fruit, stock and oauinment eoes at $G5Q0. Wo have several tarms to traao ior city ropcrty. SOCOL0FSKY 341 State St. BEAVER well driller.' Phone 827J. 1165 N. 19th St. Salem, Or. 9-9 ALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll onward. Buren'i Furniture Store. 119 Commercial. tf OJSK.UKATU sanitary wau line, ue made: ceautirui new., eoiors. xmrena Coal 8t tf WB make the beet power prune dippeT. Halsm ALrg vo.t 1390 . Jf roni sn. w rAS. LYONS practical painter. Phene T84, ' -tf MeLAUeHLIN, utility man,' Want? work: Addreasi- M C eare Journal. 9-18 FOR the best ehoe repairina go to N Brneek, 163 8. Com '1 St. , 913 WOOD SAWiED-r-Sproed- boys will saw your wood, in town and out. Phone 1078W evenings or mornings. iu-o TYPEWRITERS REPAIRS and supplies. Office appli ances. Wo make rubber stamps, wims, 143 N. High. Phone 340. 10-10 FINANCIAL 90VBBNMENT -loaM at 8 percent. W. D Smith. Salem Bank of Com mere. tf WHEN V B buying, eelHng oi exchang ing real property ty our noneemmis- ion syetemt It works to perfection and' saves U' money. Oregon Realty Exchunae Investment,, Co.i 407-4OS Hubbard building: tf MONEY TO LOAN On good, real estate security i - THOS. E. FORD- Over Ladd ft Bush Bank; Salem, Ore FEDERAL-FARM LOANS 7 5 per cent interest.; Prompt service, 34 V, vears time. Federal farm loan bonds for sale. A. O. Bohrnstrdt,, 401 Masonic Teinpel Bolem, Oiegon. I AM now booking orders for shrub bery, vinos and perennials tor tan planting, I do all kinds of landscape gardening. J. W. Maruny, 211 Miller St. Phone 9J8, , 10-5 FOR quick service truck hauling, phoue- 1608J, or 1170 JN. 13th Bt. A, . H. Biederman. 10-6 SELL POR US We have choice trees of varieties greatly in demand now. Liberal commission with cash ad vance. Secure copy, of.. contract at once.. Salem Nursery company, 130 Chomeketa St., Saiem, Or. - 916 OUTOMETRISTB LODGE DIRECTORY ROYAL Neighbors of Amoriea, Ore gon Grape camp A. 13MI mcowevory Thursday evening im McCornack hall. Elevator service. Oracle, Mrs. fJr rie E. Bunn, 648 Union St.; ecordT Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1413 N. 4th St. Phono 1430M. UNITED ARTISANS Capitol Aem- ply No. 84 meets first Thursday 01 each month at 8 p. nh in J4"'0"8 Temple. Glenn C. Niles, M. A.; C; A. Vibbert, secretary, 340 Owens street. MODEfftfN WOODMEN OIF - AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. iww meet voTy Thursday evening at 8 o'elock in McComock buUning, Court and Liberty streets. W. M. Persons, Y, G. . Frank A. Turner, clerk. i 1 jjiTT"-r--T"-v----'- The Capital Journal Daily Karkct Rcpsrt Dr. L. HALL. WIL8ON Spe cialist in tho Modern Scientif ic Application or umssen iur i mu of vision and, the relief of Eyestrain and. Headache. Office , closod (Satur days. Office 210-211 U. . Bank build ing. PhoBes, onioe io; ros. iiif. . . IllllJ'', Oram - Wheat, soft white No. 1 Feed, eato M-lllinn nat. . I"8 Hay, oheat, new Tin v nuttt. new ... MU1 run ....- ... .'...4- -43! - . -..Bnturfa. ... , ; - Bnttcrfal Creamer' butter - - 0 Per. Teal a Mutton Pork on foot Veal, fancy .. cow."JZ s&r. . Broilers 25ffiB6o Cheese, triplet S638o Spring Iambi- iiwes ir .mm" AUCTIONEERS G. 8A.TTEK.LEE Offirn 124 South Liberty Street T'hnnn 937. 1211. Real Estate and Stock Bales. 955 BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE We have a largo list of good Wil lamette valley farms, Btock ranches, prune orchards, loganberry tracts, close in acreage tracts, nice city homes, cheap house aud lots. B-4-U--(buy-C,-R-liBt. ...,:, All we ask is a fair trial. Perrine ft Marsters, 806 Hubbard ibldg. ' tf 5fe-WL0IS-6 WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL- j LOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE FKLNUli'Al. UN AN 1 . IJN 1 cln rio I V UA1 i. WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. X 205 Oregon Building B-4 WINTER STARTS GET SETTLED IN A COMFORT ABLE HOME 8 rooms, bath, toilet, electric lights, fine lot fruit and walnuts on North Liberty street, $3500, V cash. 5 rooms, bath, toilet and electric lights, on street car, good corner, fruit and nuts. $1500, $800 cash. 5 rooms, bath, toilet, electric lights and basement, cloe, in,. $1750. . 7 rooms on improved street, large corner lot, a fine buy at $1700. 7 rooms, bath, toilet, electric lights, two lots. $2750, a cash. 5 room cottage, modern, 2 lots $1500 South Salem. We riave some fine modern homes for sale that owners do Hot want to advertise; call at the office and we'll tell you about them. -. . I0HN.H,SCOnREALnCO. i-.s.--. 404 Oregon-building Oregon Fire Losses During August Aggregate $45i,llJu The monthly report' "from tho stato firo murshal's office Bhows that during the month of August tho fire losses in the stato aggregated. $453,190, the largest Binglo Hem being That of saw mills, which amounted to $131,509. Toe loss from the destruction of garages and contents amounted to $100,000. Dwell ings and contents made up a total of $49,450, and barns were d&maged to the extent of $31,300. Lumbering equip ment lost amounted to $50,000. Tlio largest municipal loss was in curred at Klamath Fall where there was a destruction of business and resi dence property to- the extent of $117,- 800 The city of Bend lost $100,000 by the burning of a lumber mill, and ilvorton $50,000 by the destruction of lumbering equipment. Enterprise lost a $20,000 mill. As compared with its population, Sgr loin ' losses were among the smallest in the state and in history, its damage be ing assessed at $350 W. F. WllflGHT, Tumei Why not get him! auctioneer. tf JUNK WANTED . lfla 4($5e To Sheeo. Toarlings .. ' JSgn ami vuw Hens, live - rrfj" Oldi rooster - Springs 0. New potatoes ... Green onions doa . Onions, per laek Celery, doz Tomatoes .43.25 ..$t.00 .. 90e trait Potatoes ,., Ittivont PotlltnCH Call 308. Highest prices paid for junk I Watt.rm(,ion), ..... second hand goods and machinery. Be sure and call 39H, get me rignc prices, Tho sqnure (tmal house. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St. . . . Salem, Ore, Oranges Lemons, box Banana WHY SELL FOR LESS? We will pay you more cash for your household poods. Get our bid before you sell. Peoples Furni ture nud Hardware Htorc, 271 N. Commercial Street.. Phone 734. " SECOND HAND GOODS limey, eztraeted Cantaloupes Bunoh bcete Cabbage -., Head lettuce .... Carrots No Cash Required Good overcoats, oVmo. nml suits, all kinds of muical instrumonIS, shotguns, rifles heating stoves, gas stoves, suit cases and 1000 other useful articles to sell, or trade. What have youf The capital r.x change. 337 Court Street. Phone 403 HOMES PRICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALES 8 room plastered; electricity, bath and toilet, two lots, fine corner on street car, $2750,' -$1500 eash. 7' room modern, fine rruir ana Der ries. raraire. near capitol, $0000. 8 room lastered, fine lot, good fruit $2200 $500 cash. j 5 rooms, electricity, bath and toilet, large corner lot, fruit and nuts; a good "buy- $1500, $800 cash, v " 5 room modern oungaiow, ijuu, $800 cash. , V , ' ' 5 rooms, "cleetrirjty, bath and toilet, a real snap; $1750; corner lot, improv ed streets, close in. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO 404 Hubbard build tog Plumbing and Water Systems Installed by GRABER BROS, 141 South Liberty St, Phone Boo, Aiao agent im banka-Mone Gag Engine. Banks Notified To Remit Dormant Dositslo State Alt bank's in. th state- reporting dor mant deposits of over seven years standing have been notified bv Attorr ney General Hrown to remit the same to the stnte treasurer at ouce by whom they will 'be credited to the public school fund of the state. Eighty eight 'bank reported dormant funds under the recent bi-eimial call, the fund gregatiug $12,515.85 ! Speaking Dates Cf Anti- League Senators Announced Use Th -Journal -Want Ads lc Word Qass Ad Vfil Sell It WE WANT Your used furniture, stoves, carpois and tools, as wc pay fair prices for everything, uan . CAPITAL HARDWARE k FURNI TURE CO. 285 North Commercial St. HATS BLOCKED renovate, block and trim ladit'B and men's hats at 1917 prices, and better work; material is scarce, hats aro ex ..' . .. ' , T 11 1. pensive Mil tne answeri j. u. mit worth, 495 Court !trect, Salem, Ore, STOVE EEPAIRING Moves rebuilt and repaired. 50 years . : .. lu..n, Volirinnl nnfl Amflfi- can fence, sizes 20 to 58 inches high; Paints, oil and varnish etc; logan- 1. ....... n,l !,,.. fl1(H. 8AI.BM FENCE AND KTOVE WORKS' ... . t TI lOl zuv vourx oirect, i huuw Washington, Sept. 10. More speaking dates for league of nation opponents were announced late yesterday as Bena tors Johnson and Borah left Washington nh;.n,r, vWn tlinv -tt-ill atnrl flipir western tou'r against the pact. The dates) g qj-jJ ag8 fcfi flj Sgfl Use The Journal Want Ads ... 3e 8 VA $5.75S.r0 $7.508.50 80a $1.50 4Se .3 3 4o . eoo 43a 72o 72o 65d Grapes, Molagns - a Grapes, Tofcnys -, Eggs dozen ? Creamery butter (nunlrW lll4tP . Flour, hard wheat ..- :$3.1Q3.25 Portland Market Portland, Or., Sept. 10. Butter, city- creamery 63(u64c. Eggs selected weal ex wi"'"' Hen, 29Q30e, Geese 15c -Cheese 3ti(a3$e DAILY LIVB BTOO KMABKET Cattle Receipts 48 "" :''M Tone of market firm Good to choico steers $!-50l$ . Fair to good steers 7.508.5 Common to fair steers $07 Choice to good cow and hciIer $77.50 , . Medium to good cows uu - li.50(u 7 ; -. , Cannors $3(o s Hulls tfMu 7 Calves, $814. Hog Receipts 6 ' Tone of market firm Prime mixed $H(5M9 Medium mixed $17.50(5'18 Rough heavies $16(iiil0.75 Pigs $15.5018 ' . - I , , Bulk $18.5018.75 BUMP Receipts 117 T iB of murkut steady Prime lambs $12.5013. ( Fair to medium lambs $U12 Yearling $7.50((i'9.50 ' , Wethers $7.508 t Ewe .,a7.50 - . V I i