JPAGE cSIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1919. 1 1. IK i Men's Modern Shoes at Extra Va ue Pri ices I There are no better shoes sold than the "Brennan" (Union Label) Shoes for Men at even 2 to $3 higher Price. Compare these Prices: Men's Brown Cordovan Plain Toe, Officers' ' last ..$12.50 Men's Brown Calf English Last, Oak Soles........$8.75 Men's Brown Calf English Last, Neolin Soles....$8.00 Men's Brown Calf Pug Last, Oak soles.........,..$10.00 Men's Mahogany Calf, extra wide, ball room....$8.00 Men's Gun Metal English Last, Oak soles..$9 and $8 -Men's gun, metal wjde Comfy last, Oak soles....$9.75 Men's gun metal, round toes, Goodyear welted soles ..' . ..............$6.25 Men's brown army style, heavy welted soles....$9, $8 Men's good heavy brown or black, double soles at , ,..$6.50 and $6.00 "SHOETERIA PRICES" Brown calf English heavy welted soles ....'.$6.45 Gun metal English heavy welted soles... .... ..$4.95 Gun metal round toes, heavy welted soles............$5.25 Gun metal," English, Neolin soles $3.65 Tan -calf army shoe, welt soles $5.95 Tan calf army shoe, Neolin soles.. ..$4.95 Black heavy grain double soles. :,.........;-.$3.95 Kid comfort broad toe, welt soles.............. .........$5,65 , Elk outing bals, Elk soles :.....!....:1.........:.........$2.59 This Small Price List Will Only Give ;- YOU AN "INKLING" OP THE MANY GOOD " f VALUES TO BE FOUND V It Plows. BITTER ATTACK MADE ON WILSON "W L0M KitfUKT (Continued on page three; - It Harrows. It Drills. It Cultivates. It Hauls Mowing Ma chines, Lawn Mowers and Loads of all kinds. It does the farm work ordinarily done by one horse. . It v will cultivate onions, carrots and other vegetables grown ia rows as narrow as 12 iuchos 3 rows at a time, if desired. It's a Portable Gasoliae Engine that will trot from job to job under its own power; runs the pump, saw, wash ing machine, feed grinder and any other machine capable of being oper ated by a four horse power engine. Are j you interested? Full i information cheer- ' fully given oa I request, i ON DISPLAY AT LIBERTY OARAGE I 444 FESRY S1REET j ' For Sale By MARSHALL N. ROACH Distributor for Marion and Polk , Countioa 444 ttyry Street . Sulein, Or. OBITUARY SHOES OF SATISFACTORY SERVICE At the Electric Sign "SHOES" Littler & Upmeyer Sole Owners Teams Wanted Hauling lumber. All winter job. $8.00 per day. . GAMBLE BOYD LUMBER CO. LYONS. OREGON. WANTED We need more women in our Preparatory Department. This is an excellent opportun ity for elderly women to get steady employ ment. The work is light, no heavy lifting. Good wages. Apply SALEM KING'S PRODUCTS -CO. Front and Market Streets . Miss Pnuliua Finnic was born in Rus sia, April 9,18G(. Kho resided there i with 1 or parents until her marriage ou I January Ki, 1887. She was united in marriage to Leslie Halm, lu 1390 they left for Canada and resided there for one your,, then morcd to Minnesota. Eight years latoi they came tothoir present home near Qiunaby, ' Oregon, wnere tney nave resided for 19 eai. To this union were born nine children seven daughters and two sons. Mrs. Hiihn died Saturday night, Aug. 23. She is survived by her husband and nine children. Mrs. Hnhn was converted at the ago or tru years and lived a devoted Chris tian lit'n up to the time of hor ucath. Who wus a devoted wife and loving mo ther; a kind neighbor and a true friend to all she ama in contact with. She is missed by her family and all her friends. Although we miss her, our loss is her guiu.- The funeral, which was largely nf-tended,- was conducted by Rev. Mr. Gillespie of Kalem. Interment was . Hayesvilla cemetery. " PEACE OR WAR SINGLE ISSUE STATES WILSON (auo aged iuojj pjiiuijuo) he met msiiy interesting characters, in cluding Red Tomahawk, who killed Sit ting Bullncuordlug to local authorities. A number of other iiulit.ii fighters greeted hiiu. Westward of here the president goes through the drought stricken, tciniory. He also passes the bud luuds where Roosevelt hunted big in liny tunes. Home people who greeted Wilson at Rismnrek and Mandun camo as fur as a hundred miles. ; "Terrible Jack," as friends at Bismarck culled him, rode forty miles horseback a real cowboy to greet Wilson. There Is A Store In Salem For Your Every Need. SAVE MAIL OliDER rOSTAGE BUYING AT MOMS You See What You Buy Before Paying-Buying At Home ! TRAPPED! Out there in the wide-open West! Alone, penniless -a victim of a treacherous "ad" in r Matrimonial Newspaper. What happened to Madge Nelson forms one of the season 's most bril liant dramatic suc cesses. tS.tmuel Goldwya Presents Pauline Frederick Aud Corinue Riley . ' Barker A Former Snlein . Girl la The Peace Of Roarinof River" ' ' By 0o. Van iSchaik Directed iiy hobart Hanley Starts Touiotrow YE LIBERTY Shantung to China instead of Japan ana to "pit American participation m various oemmissions set up in the trea ty- . . . . League reservations on the right of withdrawal, article 10, the Monroe doe trine ana domestic questions are ncn taken up and the report concludes: When we are once caught m the meshes of a treaty of alliance or league of nations, composed of twenty- six 'other powers, our freedom of action is gone. To preserve American inde pendence and American svercignty and inercoy best serve the welfare of man kind, the committee proposed these amendments and reservations." The report follows in part: . "The treaty of peu-co with Germany was laid before tke senate by the presi dent ou July JO, 1919. Three days were consumed in printing the treaty, which was m two languages and filled 037 quarto pages.' The treaty, therefore, was not in the possession of the committee for action until July 14, 1919. The re port upon the treaty vas ordered by ino committee on September 4. deduct ing Sundays and holictavs. the tieotv has been before the comaiitte on foreign relations for 45 days. The committee met on 37 of these working days, sit ting whenove'r possible, bo'th in the morning and afternoon. The eight work ing dnys upon which the committee did not sit were lost, owing to unavoidable delays in securing the presence of wit nesses summoned by the committee. "lu view of the fact that six months were consumed by the pcaco conference in making the .treaty, in addition to month of work by the various delega tions before the assembling of the con- """"i jierwa or six weens eon jsumod by the committee in considering i. uucs uut Beem excessive. "These facts are mentioned because there has been more or less clamor about delay in the committee. This demand for speed iii the consideration of the most important subject which ever came before the senate of the United fetates, involving us it doe fundamental clmnges lu the chainite, of the govern ment una the tuturc ot our country for an unlimited period, was largely the work of the administration and its newspaper .organs and wus so far wholly artificial.. Artificial also was tho de mand for haste disseminated bv certain great banking firms which had a direct pecuniary interest in securing an early opportunity, to -reu-p the harvest whicn they expected from the ndiustment of the financial obligation?, of the coun tries which had been engaged in tho war. The third element in the agitation for haste was furnished bv the outcry of many excellent people '; who desired early action aud who for the most part had never read the trettty or never got beyond the words 'I,eugue of nations' which tliey believed to oo the establish ment of eternal peace.. To. yield help lessly to this clamor, was impossible "to those to wfiom ,wn entrusted the per formance of n solemn public duty. 'f'rtio Vntnnn..:K:ilfc.. ..i .L. . u dvuiikiuiiim wi ,fcm. senate in ..-. Ml 11 GAMELS meet your fondest cigarette fan cies in so many new ways they are so unusual in flavor, so refreshing, so mellow mild, yet so full-bodied that you quickly realize their superior quality, and, become a Camel enthusiast I Camels are unlike any other cigarette you ever smoked. Their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos fives you so many delights. It not only assures that wonderful smoothness and refreshing taste but it eliminates bite and harslinesst . And, you smoke Camels without any unpleasant ciga relty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor! No matter how fond you become of Camels I Smoke them liberally! They never will tire your taste! The blend takes care of that ! Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price ! REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C. - 1 18c a package m The blend takes care of that! '''JCSaifJII 'r - 'uii' increase put into force by the Home ! found themselves locked out today. The Telephone company under authority of i.i..t .; . ., Postmaster General Burleson, Consid-1 Jll continue three month, ac erable interest wa, manifested in the .Dean Gre while the ca- mcuiai jiiics men ana women sinsrers liearing, according to Chairman Bueh a tryout. regard to this treutv is coiml tn thnf m' ! the executive, who although b . 'BOUND a force of thirteen hundred assistants. ! experts and otherwise, consumed six' months in milking it and the senaie and its committee on foreign relations can not dispose of this momentous docu ments with the light hearted indiffcr- enco desired by thoso who were Dress ing for hasty and thoughtless action upon it. The committee was also ham pered by the impossibility of securing tho full information to which thcv.woro entitled from those who had conducted the negotiations.!! The committee was compelled to get such imperfect infor mation as they secured from prtss re ports by summoning beiore them some of the accessible expert; who had help ed to frame the comuiicnted finn lnuses and certain outside witnesses. As an illustration in a small war of the difficulties in securing information, it may bo stated that ne provision had been ninde to supply the senate with the mnps accompanying the treaty, and it was uecessarv to send to Paris for them. The only documents of the manv tisked for by the committee which were furnished by tho executive were the American draft of tho league of na tions, submitted to the commission on the league covenant and the coinriosno draft made by experts of that commission," COAST LEAGUE BASES Meanwhile the lads are firm in their ahnrtnr hours, more pay and fewer fines. Their ultimatum specified that fines tel patrons of the conmanv attending from miles around. According to prcaa' i ThV i", rnnnrt. nt nf THAfA 1 5lemauds wl"e' 'so include of the company insist that the rate in crease was authorized by Burleson un der a misapprehension of the true val uation of tho Comnanv's monertv. tBuchtel was not in a position this morning to comment on any. of the points brought out at the hearing,!. ; might be imposed as follows: Misbehavior, not over five cents; ab sence, not over laments; (tardiness not over five cents. ' ' . The First National bank at Redmond is constructing a new building, and much other industrial progress ia not ed. ' - ' Public Service Commissioner Back From Rate Hearing Fred G. Buchtel, chairman of the public service commission is back in his office this morning after attend ing a hearing at Medford relative to the reasonableness of the recent rate- (By United Press.) . Yesterdav's winners: Oakland, Los Angeles, Sacramento 2, Salt L&ko. Home runs: Ellis, Los Angeles, Knm, San Fiancisco; Sncely, foalt Lake. Taking the doubleheader from Seat tle, Sacramento again reached the tuil end of the first division, tied ivilh the Seals. After winning the morning game from tho Angels, the Oaks were unable to re peat and fell four to one in the second. Hunter's errors gave the Bees two runs in their six-four win from the Seals. Hospital Inmate Escapes From Wood Cutting Crew Oeorge Uber, 51 years of age, took "French leave" of his job as a mem ber of tho state hospital wood cutting crow at the ebttage farm, southeast of town, Tuesday evening, and had not beett located up to this morning. Uber was committed to the state hospital from Linn county in May, 1916. Ho walked away once before during last June but was returned to the hospital within a few days. ATTOITIHO .. riRANClAL STATEMENTS , SYSTEMATIZING Is Your ACCOUNTING SYSTEM on a FEDERAL TAX BASIS. If not, let me help you. ' ORVILLE C. HENDERSON PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Hotel Marion, Eaiem, Ore. INCOME TAX SPECIALIST 447 Morgan Bldg., Forlfcad, Ore. Striking Choir Boys Find Selves Locked Out Today San Francisco, Sept. 10.-hoir boye of -Grace Cathedral who struck, demand inn they be allowed to sing anthems rather than canticles and magnificats, Mr. Barnes, U. S. Wheat Director Says : "EAT MORE BREAD" And reduce the high cost of living" urn f "V Mak Shoes last longer And Look. Better. n TrrTrTrrrr vrx tt - n Black Tan White OxBlood Brown o. o: IS THE CHEAPEST AS WELL AS THE MOST WHOLESOME FOOD ON THE MARKET . TODAY. BUY THAT EXTRA LOAF Your Grocer Has It , .- CHERRY CITY BAKING COMPANY 1 a;