Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
GEOKOH PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher
138 8. Uommeroial 8t.
Dally, by Carrier, per year tS.OO Per Month
Daily by Meil, per year 3.00 Per Month.....
W D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. Btookwell, Chicago, People'! Oae Building
Tk Dnily Capita,! Journal carrier boys, are instructed to put the paperg on the
rth. It the carrier doei not do this, miitea you, or neglect getting. the paper
you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, aa this is the only way
we van determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions. Phone
II before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be tent you by special messenger if the
arrier has missed yon.
Jj the only newspaper in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
Organized labor has secured the adoption of the
eight-hour day in many industries. In skilled occupations
it has proved beneficial both to employer and employe as
' records kept show the output per individual speeded up by
: the shorter day, and the health of the toiler improved.
' None of the arguments which secured the recognition
i of the 8-hour day, can be used to justify the shorter, days
now demanded by labor. . From eight hours some unions
Victory cannot be- successfully -rifc---M',x .oa:iiriMsSt t. tie
I attornov -toners . rntiirnpri Tursriav
ing German morale
Those in charge of spruce production were selected,'
afternoon from Columbia county, -where
he had been sent by Governor Olcott
4.u v i r i . v . i no investigate me circumstances snr-
iirve muse m Clttllgt; ux UUier JUI ailCIICS OI .ar WOfK, W1U1- rounding the indictment and imprison
out regard to pontics ana toned without thought of par
tisanship or hope of profit. It so' happens that all were
republicans and now a republican congress is rewarding
their patriotism by a poison gas barage of slanderous in
uendo, in the hope of discrediting the president.
No wonder, with the Senate dilly-dallying with the
League of Nations and prolonging the era, of uncertainty
by endless recriminations on the peace treaty and the
House engaged in futile investigations of the methods by
which the war was won, that the country is losing faith
in the ability of Congress as now constituted to meet the
problems of world reconstruction.
Hunting A Husband
The blue limousine was wailing at the
station. A man in blue livery saluted
rigidly, "Miss I.nnef " He stooped and
picked up my well-worn traveling bag.
He held open the door of the car. I
stopped i. In a moment ho was up be
side tho cheauffur with a'rms folded
The ear was sweeping through wide
smooth avenues. But I had no eyes for
the arched trees, nor the lawns running
back from ornate gateways,
For the benefit of those who happen
to remember the income tax which
amounted to 6 per cent of all income
for the unmarried oyer $1000 and 6
per cent of all income over diOOO for
the married, the internal revenue of-,
fiee located in the postoffice building
gives thoL cheering news that the iu-
eomo tax next year is to be only 4 per
cent of incomes after exemption, up
to $41)00. Anyone having an income af
ter exemptions of more than $4000 will
pay 8 per cent in excess of tho $4000.
lasf year it was VI per cent.
ment of Ham Kautaman, Houlton news
paper man, on charges of criminal li
bel. McGilchrist's report is now in the
hands of the governor who has as yet
taken n oaction in the matter.
The state hospital is maintaining, a
crew of 20 inmates on their wood cut
ting job at the cottago farm, south
east of town, where they intend to cut
some 1000 eords of wood for the use
of the various state institutions this
winter. . , "
A building permit was taken out to
day toy F. A. Anderson for the con
struction of a cottage at 720 Mill
street, to ebst $1000. Mr. .Anderson is
a carpenter and will do much of his
own work. The house when completed
is estimated to cost about $1500.
,From Sublimity comes the suggestion
that the right name with which to ad
vertise Oregon products would be
" fininbow-Toiiehed" or gust "Kain-bow-Tucht."
T4ie suggestion is made
that the name would be very appropri
ate as so often after showers, one sees
clear, exquisite rainbows in this sec
tion of Oregon."
!, .....
wisui ll UIW l-ttl UUIU 1I1U (11 I n.m ll'o noma
tranced, It was lined with a deep sap-l4 .,;i..i ... .n. r r.
phire blue. Tho fittings were silver. At ; to cck.brate jast Sunday. They were
tho side I touched a mirror, a silver-1 f,mmi to have celebrated a few davs
r -i o k tit. 3 . il a 17 ,..a, .rTO uim-s iuu- ( duty by partaKing too treeiy oi
I liave guilt; IU I IIUUIS, Willi lUCieaseu yuy , men tu I , den away in a blue pocket. In front of i something that suggested Old "Crow.
' with another increase, and are now demanding a 6-hour m yrfiow rnses nooded from a silver, They were arrested and put up $10
.day. with' double their pay of a year ago. Should they L-u F 2?L
SUCCeed in Securing a O-h0Ur day, We may expect a Strike jWo were moving swiftly througli a p!ne Placed to the credit of the city of
f-fcw a ilhniin Aotr'anA Anmnlafa nnaaoeainm nf iTiritlfnv nsiwood. The later afternoon sun bright-, J.
oned tho tips of the black treos. . .
We made a wide sweep, Huge gates ! Mr9- AUce H- Dodd w again in
of wrought iron stood open. "Longue !ar0 f tho Hme service department
View'M read. Up the winding drive o?.0 .Bc?,?"K.tlie. IZt
J n"T m! ' Bli"1Pseg10f id bar Jtion. This department of the Bed Cross
ullljllHin) 111 HU IVI,.SLD UIIU O. IMIQM dllll
glonm of rough blue waters.
Ahead I saw a flag blowing from a
Historic Old Fighter To Re
main Untouched Until Giv
en To State.
' for a 4-hour day and complete possession of industry as
in Russia. .
Minimum hours means Davment for over time and
i the employment of more men to do the work. With min
imum hours have usually gone a decreased output per
. hour, a lack of efficiency, disloyalty and the practice of
-: sabotage which spell the eventual destruction 01 the
labor organization and social and industrial chaos.
Minimum hours and the very short day should have
'no consideration in this crisis of affairs when there is a
m - m Jl , 1 . tttt t 1 11 1
1 worm shortage 01 essentials to ce iinea ana which hiuhv
be filled before normal conditions are restored.
Probe of spruce production now under way at Port
land, is typical of most congressional investigations, cer
tainly all of those now under way. Politics and the de
sire of securing petty partisan advantage is the inspir
ation of the inquiry, and not the desire to ascertain facts.
So far, in spite of the bias and unfairness, the char
latanry and demagogy of the investigators, the testimony
.of disgruntled promoters and disappointed profiteers,
nothing has been developed to besmirsch the honesty and
integrity of those entrusted with the program, nor is there
likely to be.
Waste and mistakes there undoubtedly were, and
probably gross extravagance, but all were justified by the
emergency which the nation faced. The spruce was be
ing produced in quantities demanded and the fact that
' such gigantic preparations for a prolonged war were
under way materially helped shorten the war by break-
By Wait Mason
The historic 0ld battleship Oregon
A National Problem Solved.
Pure, Wholesome Food -f Nujol Health :
PURE, wholesome food is necessary, but it is not
enough. The purest, most wholesome food
will hinder rather than help health if allowed to '
clog the colon the large intestine. And doctors
agree that about 90 of bur ailments are caused or .
intensified by constipation.
. Some part of even the purest and most wholesome
food is waste. . If this waste is not kept moving out
of the body, it stagnates and breeds poisons which
saturate the system and cause or nourish disease.
The old, wrong way to attack such stagnation was to
force a passage through the impacted mass.
The new', right way to overcome it is to let Nujol.
induce easy self-elimination.
And since health is as much a matter of how we eliminate
waste as how we assimilate food-fuel, it must become evident
to every thinking person that the use of a natural, ilrugless
lubricant is as sensible and necessary as the e:iting of pure,
wholesome food.
The three vital processes upon which health is based are .
Mastication, Assimilation, Eli mination.
Therefore, the perfect recipe for health is thorough Mastica
tion; Pure, wholesome Food, and Nujol.
Try thistrinity. Getabottleof Nujolfromyourdruggist to-day.
For valuable health booklet "Thirty Feet of Danger" free, write
Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) 50 B' way, N. Y.
TTVy yn 2m ff Nujol U sold OTlljf IflU
rr Ul j, f,jo le
n KKieil botlW bear.
: Mark. Ail drug-
InsWt oi Nujol. Vou may tufer dom tubittcutea.
For Constipation
Sickness Prevention
"Regular it) i '
toll white pole. Then the house lay
sprend out before mo. A hugo pile of
white that shone with sparkling lights
under tho dyiiid sun. It was an Italian
villn or thiit it seemed to, me, spired
and turretod extravagantly.
The ear stopped. I slipped out. Tho
place was empty, deserted. I looked for
a welcoming face. There was none. The
very wealth of it overawed me.
Then across tho wide lawn, I saw a
tall, slender figure coming towf.id me.
It was a man. Ho did not hurry. His
dark hair was tumbled. His whole
figuro showed boredom.
An elderly woman in black mot ms
lit tho door. "Mrs. Thurlow is out. Will
you go to your roomf"
I ws climbing the-broad stans. I
wanted to phuso, to look back, i'ur tho
room wc had passed through was pan
eled in curved oak. The light silted
dowu'thinugh rOBc-stnhiod windows. It
seomed to my dazzled eyes more lika
tho hullwny of a castle, than a country
I was left in my suite. For that it
proved to be. A sitting-room in blue
and gold, a bed-room all daintiness. A
bath whose windows looked out to the
blue waters of the Sound.
AndI am frightened. If tho peo
ple are like the house dazzling, beauti
ful, what am I doing here?
I looked at the figure reflected on
the door. Slender, young, perhaps. But
I do not' look my best the si mined
look in those slntoeolorod eves tho
white, faintly hollowed, cheeks. -
Here 1 shall need my hard-won experi
ence, mid the small good looks I pitsess.
Again I saw the slender, bored figure
si tolling across the lawn.
(Tomorrow All the (tills Expect It!)
the ship. Except for this feature there
was absolutely nothing new in the" stam
ment (riven out by Secretary of the
is the only place in the city where the. Navy Daniels Monday, relative; to the
soldier can recclvo nirormution ana , Oregon, according to Governor Olnotr.
" ' - .
It is estimated that $20,000 a year will plies from but three, but every mention
will not be scrapped but will bo main- be. necessary to ' properly maintain the oi the ship's name brings rounus oi en-
tained intact at the Bremerton navy ,lln nsi M-torio relic in Orecon waters ittlllsiastle applause, the governor states,
yard until such time as the state of Ore- f'7 " , LnrnrA Alt,,on,,. 1,0 de8 Kd"bt tha
gon is ready -to receive and maintain . . u . .---j ' inext legislature wm u jn
vi&iuii in DtgnK ivi meeting tnc neea tne governor cun wra
help. The Home sorvice section also has
done much to relieve soldiers in need
and in many instances has secured em
ployment. '
who returned last night from his trip
ro Asroria,'wuere lie met the secietary
of the navy.
tenanee expense, according to the gov- no way to any furtnei action toward
crnor. The government is ready ana aceepting tho ship for the state at this
willing to turn the ship- over to the timei
state but the state is not ready to ro- j
ceive the ship. Appeals for an expres- On his 12-acres of orchard near
sion from the people of the stato rela-: Medford A. C. Joy harvested 00 tons
tive to the future disposition of the 1 of high grade peaches
famous fiffhtinsr craft have brought ro- received $4ou.
for which he
To test one's intelligence, there is
now devised the Otis group intelli
gence scale, copies of which have 'been
received for inspection by county Su
perintendent W. ivl. Smith. For .in
stance, if one is fairly intelligent, the
answer is supposed to be given ngnt
off the bat to the following: "A cer-(
lain leuer is me rounn iciier to iue,
left of another letter. " One of these
lust two letters next atter F in the
alphabet and the other is just before
L in the alphabet. What is the 'cer
tain' letter first mentioned?" If this
is too easy, here -Is another test of ones
intelligence, according to , the Otis
method: ''A cer-toin letter is the sec
ond letter to the right of another let
ter. This second lotto? is the fifth let
ter to the left of R. What is the 'cer
tain' letter first mentioned?"
Work is aipidly progressing on the
rebuilding of tho entrance, to tho post
off ico. 'building, on the south side. To
the general public, the main difference
will be in having the two sets of heavy
doors swina several feet apart instead
of about three feet. The specifications"
call for the replacing of the- same
doors that made entrance to the post
office somewhat of a task for women
and children.
The office of the county recorder is
now working overtime to earo for the
large number of instruments being
filed daily. Yesterday was an average
day with the filing for reeord of 11
deeds, two assignments, 12 satisfac-tions.-four
chattel mortgages, two affi
davits, four army discharges and 10
MiurtgNgus. '
There's not much sense in being fat, in wearing too
much lard; the weary years have taught me that, for I'm
an obese bard. Diseases punk I entertain, dire ailments
two or three; and though I'm twisted up with pain, I get
no sympathy. Men laugh to hear a fat man groan; and
and though he's feeling tough, and has an ache in every
bone, they think it all a bluff. If I were thin and drawn
and pale, they would not treat me thus; if I put up an an
guished wail, they'd make all kinds of fuss; with sooth
ing words they'd quell my fears, and bid my pains depart,
and shed the sympathetic tears that reach a sick man's
Heart. "But I am fat and when I yell they all Ibegin to
laugh; and they'll be laughing till my knell precedes my
epitaph. A lean man falls, and people sigh, and wonder if
lie's hurt; they bring his hat, arrange his tie, and brush
from, him the dirt. There's tender feeling in the glance
that everyone bestows: and for a padded ambulance soma
n,.M,MniL:.AH . .. A -C - r . 11 .11 1 1 , 1
v "i'oimi.ci sura, tai uicui xun.-s an m ;i neap, aim leies
copes his spine, and people stand around and weep but
laughter brings the brine. 'The fat man goes his greasy
way, with large and bulging vest, and to the whole world,
every day, his every move's a jest.
Ulacliheads, blotches and pimples , while some towns up the valley are
jj,-,-.i.i,,v ,lr. y improper ac-; suffering from a shortage of sugar, Sa
tion of the bowels, Hollister's liocky i ieln is ,mirc fortnate. Grocery stores
Mountain lea regulates tho bowels, that happened to he. well supplied when
cleans tho stomach, clears tho ,com-: tllp gimrtagc occurred, arc selling in
plexnm from the insidenature's way sm,i iot9 w, purchases to a certain
Established 18G3
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
are selling in $1 lots.
t.ot tnnt tieaiwy, nappy loon." J). J. nmount. Those not s abundantly sup-
" ' 1 , il,lu'rti
More State Guards Sent To
Two Rivers To Quell Rioting
Madison, Wis., fcept. lO. Three more
state guard companies . were today or
dered to Two Hi vers by tho sts.to nd,n
tunt general, to om'll strike disorders
involving two thousand workers. Yes
terday the fSheboygnn company was sent
to tho scene. Tho Appletou, Green Bay
and N'eennh eonnwnica wore called out.
I Karl Fisher of Alliany was in the
J city looking . into the proposition of
; finding a home."AftersServing a couple
j of terms as county assessor of Linn
(county, he was recently appointed to
;a 7osition in the tax commissioner'
ioffiee, succeeding Frank Lovell.
j Tho county court has appointed
) IHiisv Wood as guardian of .Francis
liWood, a minor, who inherited real es
j tate to the value of :!(M)0 and person
;h1 property valued at I1S0Q.
"Don't Cheat Yourself"
ay the Good Judge
There's nothing saved
by -chewing ordinary
tobacco. A little chew
of that good rich-tasting
tobaccogoes a lot farther,
and its good taste lasts .
all the way through.
Little chew lasting
satisfying. That's why
it's a real saving to buy
this class of tobacco.
tut ut in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is, a long fine-cut tobacco
Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Tradei
Fall Styles in Ladies'
Ready-to- Wear -
'. ' WEAR ; . ' "-'v
No doubt you have been wondering for some time past, what the new styles
are like for the coming season and, if you have, our showing will present you
with the opportunity to become thoroughly acquainted with them. Certainly
they are from every point of view the prettiest styles we have ever had the-
pleasure of presenting to you for inspection. This you will admit," we know,
once you see them and note the subtle beauty and witchery they display in '
their straight and slender lines., . ,
Ladies' Store
466-474 State St.
Men's Store
416 State St.