Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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'.-. : ; ... ;,.,..', ,
woolens am so exi
Keep them new this way
THEY ftiust be washed so often I Yet they must be .
kept oft and "comfy." Not a scratchy thread! Not
the least bit shrunken! .' . ....
Find out for yourself how the Lux way of washing saves
woolens. Lux comes in pure, delicate flakes. They dissolve
instantly in hot water and whisk up into a rich lather. There
is no rubbing to make little woolens stiff, matted and
shrunken. Just sousing in the rich pure lather, gently press
ing the suds through the soiled parts.
Lux won't hurt anything pure water alone won't in'
jure. Your grocer, druggist; or department store has Lux
Lever Bros. Co., Cambridge, Mass. .
' To wash little woolens like new .
Use two tablespoonfuls of Lux to a
. bowlful of water. Dissolve in boil
ing or very hot water, whisk into
- a thick lather and add cold water
to make suds lukewarm. Put the
woolens in. Then squeeze the suds
through the garments.. Do not
rub.. Rinse three times in clear;
lukewarm water, dissolving a little
Lux in the last rinsing water.
Squeeze the Water out. Do not
twist. Dry in a moderate tem
perature. Press with a warm
iron. .
There is nothing for fine laundering likpLux!
HHBsttWUUUttsl0 WsUsUsiVsHsBsIsBWHii
Ccfyrighttd, 191 h Lntr Broi. G
Hogs Drop $1.00 To $1.25
On Chicago Market Today
Chicago Sept. 10. A drop of from
1 to 1,25 in the price of hogs at the
Chicago stockyards today was charged
to a panicky feeling among sellers ana
to the reported intention of packers
to run down prices at he start of the
winter pocking season, according to
the United States bureau of markets
here.. ,...... . ...
Bulgarian Treat? Will Be I
Formally Presented Friday
P.ria ftTt-. If) TKa snm-pma coun
cil of the peace conference arranged
with Vus 'biilanrian ftiolnffn tnrlftTT for
formal presentation of the Bulgarian
. . rr. . .si!!..
treaty at tne 'XTencn xorcigu oxxice xi
'inlnnnl R. iu . Hniidft -will return to
Paris from .bondoj Sunday- toresjgne
Ill's UUHCB l" f V. v -v-v vuvw.
A itvinas rt 1in ottt flpnni'tmpnt in
U7uliinrnn. frnm Pmia VPRtflrflaV Raid
thn treatr had ben sinned. This was
obviously an error.-
.ji (Capital Journal Special Service.)
'iyHorth Howell, Or., Sept. 10. School
will begin bore September 29 with Miss
Bominger of Hazel Green as principal
and Miss Riches of Silvtrton iu charge
of the primary grades.
' Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Coomler loft this
week for a visit with Mr. Coomler 's par
ents and other relatives in Indiana.
Mrs. Leon Sawder and children are
living in the house owned by Mrs. Alice
Willis. .
Miss Clara Eingstad of Washington is
visiting friends here.
A number of North Howell young
'folks attended the dance at Livesley's
hop yards Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Coomler visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sawyer.
Miss Esther Scharf is spending a few
weeks with her friend, Miss Edna Ste
vens, .
(Continued on page three)
(Continued from jjage one)
Pick Up Thy Bed and Walk
Be well, strong and active tinea more. Climb In the
hills with the gusto of perfect bodily vigor. Tou may
be bed-ridden now but hundreds of tellow-rheumatlca
hare regained full health, strength and aotlvtty by
"I have usd two bottlss of RHEUMACHOL. and U
f re&tlr Improved. I had Mrs. Am Young set tw bottles
or a friend, the most pitiful case I ever aaw. Bind
taking- RHEUMACHOL. however, this woman can mov
her fingers, put her arms above her head, .n straighten
her knees," writes 'Mrs. Siama Beemer, Grand Junction,
RHEUMACHOL, an Internal remedy, taken In small doses
three times dally, quickly effects these wonderful Im
provements, because It removes the cause of Rheum- -tlm-
It Is made in Idaho Springs. Colorado, where nat
ural hot, healing waters have relieved hundreds of suf- '
ferers. RHEUMACHOL contains these healing waters
blended with eertatn medicinal properties dteoovered by
H. E. Machol. master, pharmaceutical chemist, who guar
antees every bottle. -
Tou can milckly rid yourself of gout, lumbago, sciatica
and all forms or rheumatism by getting RHEUMACHOL,
- from your druggist at 1.00 a bottle.
, On Sale in tjalem at J. C. Perry Pharmacy, The Bed Cross
Pharmacy, Crown Drug Co., Central Pharmacy, William
Neimeyer. . .
Streets, broke into store windows and
scattered their contents about ue
Lew abiding citizens, including wom
en, w-jre terrorized m several districts
and theso streets were soon deserted by
all save the lawless element.
At eight o'clock today, several hun
dred Harvard students were called upon
to do police duty, following the offer of
their services by President Lowell. - A
few hundred citizens who volunteered
for police duty were also assigned to pa
trol the streets. It was feared that even
this force is inadequate to cope with the
situation, if the lawlessness of last night
is duplicated tonight.
Mayor Peters said he had been as
sured last night by Governor Cooiidge
and Poliee Commissioner Curtis that
ample measures to protect the city hao7
been taken. He declined to comment
on the situation today.
, As a result of last night's disorder It
was, expected that the state guards, of
which ten' thousand can be mobilized,
will be called out immediately.
Biotine at several widelv separated
nolntu; however, occurred shortly afte
10 o'clock todav when mobs attacked
o'tinfner nolicpir.en who had arrestee?
looters. In many cases the prisoners
relnd bv !'c crowds. . .
TTn to nooi todav 130 men and boys
b"d b""n RrrFt"d. Of this number, tfO
. etinrrrprl with looting.
Th 1 from lootine and property
damage will amount to500,000 it was
"itimntci' bv cir" officials. -
mated would require six hours in passing-
Whnn Pfirshinc reached jb orty-sccona
street, hundreds of wounded soldiers on
benches nnd wheel chairs there strug
gled to their feet and saiutoa tneir com
mander in chief. Mained and crippled
a thfiv were thev will still imbued with
the spirit that had conquered tho flower
of the Prussian army, juany legless
nmnnrr them were lifted from their seats
by marines to give the salute. It was a
upcctnclo that brought tears to tneseyes
of many. ;i&isM
By the time Pershing had renenca me
"Victory Arch ' practically all the men
in line were weaving riowors iiuug tuein
hv the 'crowds E-id thev were literally
niurchiug on a carpet of blossoms.
When Pershing passed est. rauica s
oH,n,li-nl ha p.ftusht. sisrht of Cardinal
Morcier. the Belgian primate, who was
viewing the pnraao irom ine steps. via
mnnntinr Pnrshiui' Btrode throuuh the
crowd, shook hands with the cardinal
and returned to his place at the head
of the parade.
Tpon arriving at Washington Arch,
tho nnrnrte's terminus. Fershinii again
left his mount. Looking up tho avenue
where tho crowds werei still acclaiming
his troops,,tho commander said: -
' ' I never saw anything uko it in an
mv Hfn snd never oxoect to see any
thing liko it again. It wns a most won
derful outburst of enthusiasm and pa
triotism all the way down the line."
A motor car was liwftltini? Pei'Bhina at
tho foot of the avenue, but returning to
his horse, he remained at the tide of
tho arch, reviewing the troops as they
passed. Later ho entered a car ano iu
turned to his hotel, whero he resumed
his view of tho marchers.
one bearing the Stars and Stripes the
other Pershing's four starred pennant.
Then came hiB staff .followed by tho
famous "composite . regiment" repre
senting practically every unit in the A.
E. F. which participated- in the London
and Paris "viclory parades.'1 . Mon.
than one thousand wounded men, of tho
First, borne in automobiles wore next M
line. They were showered with flowers,
eigarettes and candies. There followed
rank after rank of infantry, artmevy
and machine gunners, supply and hos
pital trains and all other sections of to
division. A heavy mist, hovering low,
cast a grimness over the moving battal
ions that the gay decorations and the
enthusiasm f the crowds could not dis
pel. -
The doughboys, their, backs bent un
der sixty pound., packs, with bayonets
fixed and shrapnel helmets pulled lor
ward at a business-like angle, plodded
along at the seiai-shuffling gait that
had been acquired by long months oi
hiking in the mud and ruck of France.
It was not so showy as a parade grout-d
step, but it had a realistic air that
gripped the crowds as nothing else
Near Forty-second street, scvercil hun
dred wounded of other division s ftill
under treatment in military lio.-i.uais,
were grouped.
At the end of each hour, tli iliviBion
halted for a ten minute rc.-t. These
periods were the occasion fo: impromp
tu receptions to the soldiers by Ine ad
miring throngs. The parade, it was esti-
A reliable, .
safe skin treatment
You need never hesitate to use
Resinot Ointment and Resinol Soap
in the treatment of severe or simple
skin-troubles. There is nothing in
them to injure thetenderest surface.
hi a doctor's prescription which, for
over twenty yean, has been con
stantly used by other physicians (or
eC2ema and other itching, burning,
unsightly skin affections.
They prescribe Resinol, knowing
that its remarkable sootlrmg, healing
action is due to ingredients so gen
tle and harmless as to be suited
ven to a baby's delicate akin.
All araggbtt U Ruinol Soap and Resinol
Ointment For trial aixe of eaclt, write h Depl,
21-. beilncl, Jhltiraore, Hi. ,
Iallas,ept. 10. Z. Shire, a butcher
in the employe of the Dallas Meat com
pany is confined to a ibed in the Dal
las hospital with blood poisoning a a
result of a deep cut from a knife re
ceived while dressing a beef at the
slaughter house just west of this city.
Shire was alone in the building en
gaged in dressing a beef when the car
cass fell from the hook striking the
knife in his hand and forcing it across
the forearm, severing an artery and
cutting the flesh to the bone. Medical
attention wae rendered him as soon
as ' possible but late Saturday blood
: l : i M : . .
poisoning set in suu lur iiuic l ro,
feared that he arm would have to be
amputated. Yesterday however he was
resting easy and hopes are entertained
for his complete recovery. ,
Try Salem First la Buying
pesae people more
Htsan money
If teedrinkirt
tearbs health, try
No raise in price..
Good 5 room bungalow, 4 blocks
' from P O. If sold next eck
flood 7 room modern home 5
blocks from, business center;
good bnsementj paved street,
61 acred, 4 miles south, fair
buildings, 0 olv?s timber, rest in
crop. $125 per acre.
3 10-acrc tracts 3 miles from Sa
lem, $200 per acre, 1-3 cash.
For sale, investments. See us
We're here to stay.
406-407-408 Hubard Wdg.
Will meet the fall season with all the season's
requirements in Men s Wear.
Whatever troubles others may have in se
curing shipments of Fall and Winter stock,
there is no trouble at Bishop's. New goods
are coming in big consignments, including
the latest and best, to fill up the enlarged
building. Among other fine features of the
new stock will be an absolutely pure, fleeced
wool shirt, known as
A dressy, serviceable garment, represent
ing the very best value to be found in the
Oregon market this season. It is made up
in khaki- shadesplain and military collars
sizes from 14 1-2 to 19. Price $5.00.
Should sell for more. v
The new store will have a "broad-side" of
dress and hard-service shoes. They are be
ing lined up today. A large shipment of the
popular ,
Built on honorthe very latest lasts and
cuts velour calf, vici Jrid gun metal but
ton and lace. Don't fail to see the attractive
colors Cherry Red and Cocoa Brown.
They appeal to the particular dresser, and
they are good all the year round. Prices
from $7.50 to $15.00.
Is the latest arrival in the line of Fine
Dress Shirts made up in a bewildering
variety of stripes and silk-figured weaves.
Soft cuffs and bands. They go from $2.00
to $5.00, but you will forget the price in the
beauty of the garment.
The Famous Stetson and Mallory Hats $4 to 8
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Turner, Sept. 10. O. W. Eyre, pro
moter of the U. 8. bank 'boys pig club,
was a recent Turner visitor, negotiat
ing for a, three year lease on a cash'
basis, of a 540 acre ranch near here on
the- Turner-Union road,
The Zelnior Brown family are mov
ing to Aumsville, vacating the Meth
odist parsonage which will be occu-i
pied by a resident minister after con
ference. Hobart. R. Oilfillnn of Grants Pass
was a Sunday guest, at tho Turner
The JJieely family, Turner residents
for many years, are moving to Portland
Their many friends wish them luck in
their new home. ,
Ward BiiKsell, wife and little daugh
ter Lnureno, of Wucouda were Sunduy
visitors at the Turner house,
Turner is leading herself this season
as a shipping point for berries and
beans. .
The Jasmin family from 'Wood-burn
aro moving into the L. II. Turner
house on O street.
Mr. Humphrey, saw mill mini of
West Stayton, wns a business visitor
here Monday.
The Dajvid Kastburn family have
moved back from 8cio and aro again
living in the Presbyterian parsonage
Mass M. C. CJondit is home from a
weeks visit with friends in West Stay
ton. A. E. Cameron of Eoscburg was a
visitor at the Turner home Wednes
day. . .. .
Turner enjoyed the sight of the mov
ing airplanes and hopo they may soon
return to remain at tho capital city,
their logical base.
Tobacco Habit
says Dostor Connor formerly of Johns
Hopkins hospital. Thousands of men
suffering from fatal diseases would be
in perfect health today were it not for
the deadly drug Nicotine. Stop the
habit now before it's too late. It's a
simple process to rid yourself of the
tobacco habit in any form. Just go to
any up to date drug store and get some
Nkotol tablets; take them as directed
and lo; the pernicious habit quickly
vanishes. Druggists refund the money
if they fail. Be sure to read large and
interesting announcement by Doctor
Connor soon to appear in this paper.
It tells of tho danger of nicotine pois
oning and how to avoid it. In the mean
time try Nicotol tablets; yon will be
surprised at the result. D. J. Fry.
Healthful Bread
Ours is without question the best flav
ored bread on the market. It has that
goodness.about it which is characteris
tic of home
made bread. It
is as sweet as a
nut and as pure
as spring water
Try Our Rolls, Cakes and .
Pastry -
457 State Street