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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1919)
PAGE EIGHT ' SALEM, OREGON . MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1919. 1 11: 11 t . 1 , t S ( II. V, fii. 'P. ill U i ' J WE HAVE A FINE STOCK OF U MDEIWEAE FOR' Men, Women and Children , . And as these cool rainy days are here, now is the time, to stock .up in this important line of wearing apparel. There is no question but what we can save you money. "'. ,v' :: WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR . COTTON UNION SUITS : 98c, $1.59, $1.69. $1.98 WOOLEN UNION SUITS $2.49. $2.98 and $3 J8 . . BOYS' UNION SUITS 98c, $1.19. $125 and $1.79 HEN'S UNDERWEAR . COTTON UNION SUITS 1 $1.98. $225. $2.98 : ' WOOL UNION SUITS $2.49, $3.49, $3.98. $4.98 and $5.90 DRAWERS AND SHIRTS ' 98c, $1.49, $1.98. $2.49 Look over our Stock of E ATEKS SW FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN ; THEY WILL PLEASE YOU AND SAVE YOU MONEY Incorporated Z7 j All Around Town 'T- SECRET BEBV&iE ; j mA-NTELL'S MANIKINS v, COMEDY , ... . . PATHE If the 'pleading is not guilty, a time will be sot for trial. Witnesses are now .being subpoonod for testimony bo fore the grand jury. According to the (aw, any one .wha has any matter of importance has the privilege of volun tarily, appearing. ,. vVanted at once, experienced porter at Bligh hotel... , Caijoll Hadley Palmer of Portland witihes to annouuee that he will lie in oalem on Thursday of each week bo ginning Sept. 18, for, the purpose of giviug instruction in. voice culture and ISiiiging. He can be seen at the Wiley p. A uuu music house. attar i o'clock. ' " '. ;" W. M. Smith, superintendent of Ma rion county schools, says that the County is now- well provided ' with teachers and that practically all dis tricts In the county have contracted. as provided by the laws passed by the mat session of the legislature, an sal aries will be from 7f up and at this iute crate, no tewcuer may cancel a con tract to teach another school in Ore gon, The reconstruction of the south en- trance to the post office building bo Kan this morning, the contract having ueen awarded ny tho post office de partment in Washington to Erixon & Jones. The contract provides that tho wor must be completed within 75 days. Salem Elks woo bay not provided Dr. O. B. Prime In Dr. 0. B. Miles ff ice, Ladd & Bush bank bldg, 9-25 Dr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, 07-8. tf The municipal labor bureau business is picking up considerably. There has been an order entered for one male cook and one female cook besides help wanted in divers othor ways. . Call Patton Plumbing Co. for jour ntair work. Phone 16(18, i'iO N, Com. atreet. tf Try Northern Flour, it's a Bear, very lack guaranteed. At your gro era. . : , tf The Marlon county grand Jury Js ow in session and judging from the .mount of business in sight, it is thought tlint it will remain in session the ereator part of the week, The find ings f the grand jury are made to Judge Percy Kelly of depa'rlinout No. 1 ami are then filed on tho docket. Whore true bills are found, the part will 'he arraigned nd allowed he party to plead. GAXEM auto badiatob shop Badiators, fendera and gas tanks repaired. Trustor radiators a specialty. Kord radiators for tale. 180 S. 12th fit., Salem, Or. 9-28 APPLES! APPLES! W are on the market for your euli pplea. Don't lot them lay and rot. Beinember few extra d ifi always enio in hanuy ij pick up your good all APPLES and take them to the co:.":ercial CIDER WORKS requested to do so by the lodge offi- Is. This is ni preparation for Elks day at the state fair. Wharton L. West is chairman of tho committee. W. M. Hamilton, superintendent of the Salem plant of the Portland Bail way 'Light and i'ower compuny, says there are no new, developments in tho gas situation. Ho feols confident that m a dav or so the reserve supply will have reached on amount, that will justi- thc renewal of ens service to those who were cut off last week. In the divorce suit of Eva TerilU- ger against F. L. Torwilliger, an order has been entered for the issuing of a summons against the defendant. This, ordor was issued following the filing or on affidavit by Mrs. Terwillige-r, al leging It hat the. defendant subxienly left this state with their daughter, Ruth, and that his whereabouts are unknown. ' Mention of a divorce suit was made a few days ago, in which tho name of Paul Miller appeared as' one of the par1" ties, wow it happens there is Paul W. Miller, chief of the civil service de partment at the post office and he' has boen receiving a. number of inquiries as to wnat tlie trouble is all about. Mr, Miller of tho twist office wants it un derstood everything is all right and that he isn t having trouble with any one. In tho suit of the Fa .is Cifrr aalein Lumber Co. agnuist Voget Biol, K. K. Pratt and A. K. Bell, the circuit court Jins ordered a foreclosure of the mortgnf o "oti ;tho property involved for the payment of notes of $1721 and $1L'0J)0. Tho land involved! in the fore closure is lots 7 and 15, in block 2 in the subdivision of. lots 1 and 10, Mock 1 of Simpson's addition to the city of 4iilem. This addition is in tho eastern art of tho citv between tho Turner WARNER At her horn eon the Garden road, Sept. 8, 1019, Mrs. Eliza War ner, wife of Jacob "Warner, engineer at the state house, at the age of 59 years. Her death followed a lingering illness of 18 motnhs. . ..Besides her husband Jacob Warner, she is survived ty one daughter, Mrs. Edith Mentzer. The funeral services will be held Wedncsdav afternoon at 2 o 'clock from the chapel of 'Webb & dough and win be eondueted by the Rev. H. C. Stover. The body will' be placed in Mt. Crest Attobey mausoleum. . The .orUand and Southeastern rail road continues to file for record in the office of the county recorder deeds for rights of way, giving the railroad a strin of land 80 feet wide. All deeds contained in the printed form of deed the provision that the railroad must De constructed and in operation ty Jan uary 1, 1922; Deeds of right of way to the road were given by -A. P.- Kirsch, L. Arthur, E. D. lurabtrec, E. C. Sim. eral, J. J. Niebert, J. B. Pegree, A. Lindbeck, C. C Wcnger and George Keech. Where there is timber on the proposed richt of way, tho grantors reserve the privilege of removing it. j Others require the construction of crossings or under road crossings. J. J. JNiebert in his deed agrees to remove a buildin? that stands on the proposed right of way. The right of way secured in these deeds is juat south of Silver- ton. , .' .:. ..'.''. Bevenae stamps amounting to $21 were placed on a- deed-filed with thej countv recorder. aturdav. rne grant ors were William Cornish and wife and the zrantees Myles Kintz and Dan J Kintz. The tract sold is one of 305 acres, being the donation land claim of William U. Miller in townsnips ana 9 south of range 1 cast. The considera tion was $21,000 and conveys the land deeded July 28, 1878 by H. E. Schmidt and wife. The tract is about two miles cast of 'feilverton. A marriage license was Issued Sat urday to Richard ;1. Kinney, a salesman from -..aniiio, Oregon, and Miss Ethel McDonald, a ' stenographer of Silver- ton route 2. - iso to Earl F. Gleason a pharmacist of Salem and Dcmma Uaininon a stenographer of Salem. Marvin Zehner, the IS year old boy who run away from his home at Hub- iioara ias& April nas w ruieii m mum- er that he expects to come ones, ac cording to a recent report . After he left home efforts ' were made through all police stations 'in this part of the state to locate him but ne managed to travel under various namos and his al- dress could not be learned. At the time he ran away, it was said that this ac tion was due to the fact that he want ed fo attend school and that his fath er did not agree1 with him on tho school idoas. .. "fc ' . o READY- Ladies' Coats and Suits The biggest and best assortment in town . at popular prices. . - Never did we make such preparations as this season and never was' our showing so im- : mense. .... In spite of the reported high prices we are showing remarkable values in our entire line as our garments are bought direct from the manufacturers at New York and Philadelphia --in many cases personally selected by our representative in New York. This saves you all the middleman's profit. LADIES' COATS.l..............,.....$14.75 to $5(M)0 L'ADIES' SUITS........:. $22.50 to $55.00 'CHILDREN'S COATS -$6.45 to $12.50 I I OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST GALE & COMPANY Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store The Salem Floral society will meet this evening at the Commercial club to especially discuss plans tor the .enter tainment of members, of Uie Portland floral societies and to also arrange for a suitable floral display at .the state fair. The funeral services of Mrs. Ella M. Jory were held this afternoon at the First Christian church and were eon ducted by the Rev, Leland Porter. Mrs. .lory died last Wednesday at the home of her sister in Marshtiold. The temperature in Salem is now going into the regulation fall weather with 63 as tho maximum Sunday, just the same as algary, Baker, Or., and a few degrees cooler than Meaiora ana Roseburg. There i a warm wavo back cast with 88 at Kansas City, 90 at Bos ton, 90 at .New York, 90 at St. luis and the. same at Chicago. The rainfall in tho valley has .brought tho river up one foot during the past 24 hours. John L. Bozorth, a former resident of Salem died Sept. 6 at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bozorth t Bav Cttv at the ace of uu years, bc- sdes hi parents, he is survived by a wife. The funeral services wcro held this afternoon at Bay City. . HUBBARD NEWS themsolvos with the lavendor caps are road and Trade street. Watch the Little Pimples; They are Nature's Warning u Ba4 Blood. Pimples on the face and other parts of the body are warnings from Nature that your blood it sluggish and impoverished. Some time! they foretell eczema, boils, blisters, and other iki'n disorders mat ourn tike flames of fire. . J-ne? tnean that 7i" b"xl b i : , pun,y w nd e'ne it of toe impure accumuUtiout that can cause onhmrred trouble. This remedy is the greatest vegetable blood purifier known, and contains no minerals or chemicals to injure the most delicate skin. bottle of S. S. S. today, get rid of. those unsiB-httv. rfi.fiir,,;. . plej, and other skin irritations. It will cleanse your blood thorough ly. For special medical advice free, address Medical rUrritnr Ai c Laboratory, Atlanta Ge,' Thursday morning went to Portland for a few days before returning to her home t-i Albany, where at an early date her Hubbard friends expect to hear of her wedding. When Misb Frances Yoder was m Portland last week she. called on Mrs. L. W.- Abbott at the Good Samaritan hospital, ward 36. Miss Yodor found Mrs. Abbott in her usual cheerful opti mistic outlook on life, just as if her stay in the hospital was from choice instoRid of recovering from a broken hip, which injury Mrs. Abbott said was not so pain ful as it had boon and she could report some improvement.JB-Enterprisc. Shortage Of Freight Cars Hits ' Shippers Of Valley It becomes more and, more apparent that there is going to be a serious shortage of freight cars for the Wil lamette valley tonnage of fruit and grain. .. . A bulletin received today by the public service commission from the railroad administration stntes that box car loading is increasing at the rate of from 2000 to 5000 a day, and that the scarcity of cars is due 'largely to the fact that shippers are not' loading to capacity. It is estimated that - in the past 7 months there have been 700, 000 more car shipments than during the same period last year on account of this, and it is suggested that a cam paign be opened throughout the state to induce shippers to be more consid erate in",1his respect, since there is no regulation covering the point. ' In the meantime telegrams are com- 1ne in to the commission's office com plaining of heavy losses, especially among stock shippers, because of the failure tS,.8eeure cars as ordered.. "Un der the present conditions all that he administration ean. do is to see that the available rolling stock is equitably distributed. AY FEVER Postmaster O. M. Crittenden received a message Monday from Mill City, an nouncinsf the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jav Crittenden. L. D. Leiirhton of Dallas called at the hospital Wednesday to see Mrs. Leigh- ton and little son born last ween. JMr. Leighton is interested in prune growing lulus county Miss Lena Hilbert this week resigned from the llewet Mercantile store after two mid a half yenrs as bookkeeper and taiiyirii i im i'i ryrWVirrTH tvt ' Mit ' Melt VapoRub In spoon and inhale the vapors. VICR'S VAPORl Dim 6071.20 lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It Evergreen Qc Blackberries, lb. Bring them in even if you have only a few pounds. We furnish boxes and crates. - MANGIS BROS. : Warehouse High and Perry Street. . Phone 717 Office 642 State St. Salem, Or. Now On. New Heaters at Old Prices SEEING IS BELIEVING TRADE IN YOUR OLD STOVES T - We will Save You Money. Peoples Furniture Store 271 N. Commercial St. Salem. The Higli Cost of Dressing Is receiving an awful jolt at the Scotch Woolen Mills Store. We are showing a large line of all Wool Materials that we will fashion with a suit in any style ; you wish to select at t $3S.OO Do you want your Freight and Ex press out of Portland to arrive quicker? SHIP VIA Willamette Valley Transfer Co. PHONE 1400 Because of our wide experience and our studious efforts to attain perfection in our . profession we are equipped with . most profound iknowl edge of our business We give the utmost in service. Our line of woolens at $45.00, $47.00 and $49.00 are extraordinary values not : to be found elsewhere. When you select your own style, have it made just as you want itto suit you personally. " " ? OVERGOAi: Time to think about Overcoats. We have a line of Ready Tailored Overcoats at $35.00 and $39.00 that are a wonder. Come in early and select one they will not last long. . . SAVE MONEY BY SEEING OUR LINE BEFORE BUYING A SUIT OR OVERCOAT SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS P. M. GKEQOHV, Mgr. K""HM 1010 N. Com 'I St. Did Yon Bead This Advertisement? l:l-W.M'l:h:i--l;l lib, - "a 426 State' Street Salem, Ore.