Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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j0S& Siitor nd Publisher ff " 3
September 8, 1919 .'.
Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon.
Address All Communications To
136 8. Commercial St.
twtw , fVrriar. ner rear 5.00 Per Month-
fMlj by MaU, per year-
Per Month.
W. D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building.
W. H. StoekweU, Chicago, People's Gas Building
Che duly CapitfJ Journal earner boys, are instructed to put the papers on the
onh. U the carrier does not do thie, misses you, or negleeti gethrg the paper
is you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, aa this U the only way
i. can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone
II before 7:80 o'clock and a paper win be aent you by apeoial messenger if the
Barrier has missed 7 on. '
our ability has justified. We only hope that they will
remember us as kindly as we' shall ever think of them.
women: as movie producers.
Je the only aewspaper in Balem whose eirculation U guaranteed by the
Audit Bureau Of Circulations
'" ' With this issue George Putnam becomes publisher of
tlfe Capital Journal, and the undersigned severs connec
tion with the paper. , ' ,
The past five years and a half have witnessed a won
derful growth on the part of the Capital Journal, and it
has been a pleasant experience for us. We have received
generous and considerate treatment from the people ot
Salem and the district of which it is the business center.
During that time we have attempted to give our readers
an honest, conservative paper, devoted solely to the ad
vancement of their interests in the discussion of those
Questions which affect the general welfare. Nobody but
&e publisher of the paper has had anything to say about
the policy of the Capital Journal and there has been no
power behind the throne to shape its course. We have
sought to be independent without being neutral upon any
issue worth while, and to make as good a newspaper m all
respects as the business of the field warranted.
I That the Capital Journal has filled its field is best
shown by the place it holds in thousands of homes and the
dependency people have come to place in it. . We do not
believe that all its readers have endorsed its editorial
views, but rather, take kindly to an honest and indepen
dent expression' of opinion; ; . : ! t
; We feel that Mr. Putnam will find a solid foundation
of public confidence and respect upon which an exper
ienced journalist may build a great newspaper as the
years go by. There is no better man for this particular
Work than he and he will succeed because there is a field
for a paper of state-wide influence in the Capital City,
f alem is growing, its business interests are rapidly ex
panding, and it will become one of the important cities
c i.L ,,ruv; n fnw vonrs Pvivntp business con-
oi nit; cuiiov, vn.""i w ., - 7 - - .
siderations alone have prompted our retirement, and it is
with sincere regret, tempered wun me hiiuvni-u ui
a. j F fV,.-. Pnn!fnl TAiivnnl nrmlrl nnt. hp entrust-
e'd to better hands, that we part from the thousands of
readers who nave ueen more cousiuei aw nimiujai
Producing moving pictures is the latest role in which
women are distinguishing themselves. . -
TwoNew York women have opened a studio and are
working hard on the production of the film picture as an
educational. element. They Relieve that anything worth
while seen, upon the screen ,. is of real and educational
value, and they make pictures to cover everything from
the workings of science in its mysterious ways to ath
letic feats, the proper method of carrying the body or the
most charming decoration of the south bedroom.
It is not an easy life nor an easy form of work these
women have chosen, but it is fascinating to a degree,
and as in everything else, ability improves with practice.
Perhaps the principal difficulty, since much of the
mechanical work already has been figured out by the
great movie producers, is the choice of subjects which
are at once educational, interesting and capable of trans
lation to the. film. These women are working, however,
with a success which shows, that here is another desir
able field open to women possessing originality and per-,anl n lettcrs cau cioss its borders
eiefanpa ' ' " '. I either way; ao citizen of any member of
zens, the heart of that covenant is that :
there shall bo no more war. But on the I
other hand, this is the heart oi that j
covenant. The bulk of it is concerned j
with arrangements, under which all the!
members of the league and.that means;
everybody but Germany and Tmkey '
agree that they never will go to war j
without first having done one ur the :
other of two things: either submit the j
question at issue to arbitration, in which
ease they agree absolutely to abide by j
the verdict, Or if they don't care to j
submit it to arbitration, submit it to j
discussion by the council of the league j
of nations. To give six months for the'
discussion and then wait three months
after the rendering of the -decision, !
whether they like it or not before they !
go to war. They agree to cool oil forj
nine months before they yield to thel
heat of passion, which otherwise have
hurried them into war.
Hurried them into war. And if they
don't do that, it is uot war that en
sues; it is something that will interest
them very much more than war; it is an
absolute boycott of the" nutiou that dis
regards the covenant. Tho boycott is
automatic end just as soon as it applies
this happens: Nq goods can bo shipped
out of thdt country and no goods can
be shipped into it. No telegraphic mes
sages may pass either way across its
borders; no package of postal matter
the league can conduct any transactioni
of any kind with any citizen of that na-
General Pershing having arrived home, it is possible "on. it is the mo9t mpieto isolation
,i , .i i m. a a i ui j 7, 'and boycott ever conceived and there
that those recalcitrant senators may realize that the war ign.t action in Europe that can. live
is over.
- t
We have one Maxwell worm drive truck in A-l con
dition. Will sell on terms. Price .$7.00. - We also
handle the new Bethlehem Electric lighted and start
ed trucks in 1 1-2, 2 1-2 and 3 .1-2 ton capacity. A.1I
priced right See these at '
Salem Velie Go.
162 North Commercial St.
Salem, Ore.
for six months without importing goods
out of other countries, and after they,
have talked abput the matter for six
months, I predict they will have n
As usual Carranza says that the United States is to
hlamp." AriCI Vip is riVrir. tn trip pvtpnr. trinf wo nvo tn Hams stomach for war,
for allowing his bandits to prey upon our people. thu
. ' ii ' ; that there la a certain article 10. I
This continued rain is another instance of getting" w61"16 10; 1
u J at.: . " peat y.
think I can re-
Teams Wanted
Hauling lumber. All winter job. $8.00 per day.
too much of a good thing,
Hunting A Husband
Wur a week I have been in the
... i r i 1. 1 j .. .1
e,..,u.v iiuuiw. . x iiuvu rcsentutive of tho -people of
swept and cleaned, irom cellar to tiny . . . r r
... i. .1.. s t States of America, !(anulaus
iuji jiuur ic iiuuar in iiiMiiuvu.niv. 11
a my wise old lady said, ' ' You will
sweep away the cobwebs, too;" 1'or T
llave wiped out my lust experience.
IBut 1 am so much alono, in tho gar
ret, this morninir. I was coins throiinh
au old trunk. I came on a tiny yellowed 'tics, we nil of us constantly kept in our
Nebraska) "if he would lot me."
The text of President Wilson's speech
follows: . .
Mr. Chairman and my fellow citizens:
I now feel more pleasant in facing my
fellow citizens than when I realize 1 am
not representing a peculiar cause. That
I am mot speaking for a single group of
my fellow citizens. That J am not the
representative of .a party- but the rep-
the L nit ed
,!(applause). ,
I went across the water with that hap
py consciousness. '"In all the work that
was done on the "other side of the seas,
where I was associated with distin
guished American of both polticol par-
By Walt Mason
"What ho," exclaim the boarders, "bring forth the
measly lot of profiteers and hoarders, and let them all be
shot." The boarders' grub is scanty, it's slim and punk
indeed, in hostelry or shanty, wherever they may feed.
Their eyes become a river when they look around and see
a sickly slice of liver, a string bean and a pea. The board
ers' cheeks are sallow, their eyes are full of woe, their
waistlines show no tallow, they totter as they go. Their
lean ribs clank toegther and evf r, as they reel, they won
der, wonder whether, they'll ever have a meal. "Bring
forth," exclaim the boarders, bent up with stomach ache,
"the profiteers and hoarders, and burn them at the stake."
The landlord says he's giving the utmost for the cash;
and boarders still are living on air and onion hash. In vain
the boarders forage for fodder they can eat; and there
are tons 1n storage of eggs and pies and meat. The na
tion's bins are busting with everything we need; and it is
most disgucsting that men for grub must plead, and pay
unholy prices for everything they get; oh, let us in three
trices, make some blamed lummix sweat, "Produce," ex
claim the boarders, bowed down by pain and toil, "the
profiteers and hoarders, and let them boil in oil."
mirror. I peered into the misty glass.
I was startled. My face is colorless, t
saw the slightly hojlowed cheeks and
the dark rings under my eyes. I studied
it then. And turned away with a lit
tle shrug of disgust, How plain I look!
Xot tho. vivid girl Ir. Bixby scold
ed. In a moment my head was down
011 the trunk. The hard dry sobs shook
me. For what had it all come tof Here
I am alone. More than ever deserted
in this clean, empty house.
How long t cried I do not know. But
at last, nn insistent knocking made me
life my head. I hurried down the stairs
Dabbed some powder on my reddened
eyelids. Tried to pat my hair in order.
It was the grocer perhaps but no,
it wn the front door. I was jnst. in
tim, (t'ouain Mmleh'Hio stood on the
steps. At the curl) 1 saw her blue
limousine, with her chauffeur 'waiting.
"Sain," she cried, when she saw
me, "where were yonf I've been ring
ing ami knocking furiously.1'
" In tho garret," 1 answered. Cousin
Madeleine kept on in her swift inces
sant talk.
" Your mother, where is shef But
she hurried on before I had time to
answer. "I've 'been so busy this sum
mer. Uiests, entertaining. We've done
nothing but go go go . But how is
it Hnra you're not at workf" Again
harrying on, "How badly you look.
Are you here alono Why don't you
como down and stay with s? We're
quite alone now. Only Mrs. Ashby, you
you kuew her Judge Ashby 's wife."
"Hut 1 haven't any clothes. I'd
have to shut the house "
i'ousiu Madeleine suddenly took
things in her own hands. "Clothes
we dress very simply at Longue View.
I'll have my man conic and close up
for you. Now no excuses. I'll expect
you a week from Thursday. The 2:10
is the best train from the Penn. sta
tion. She was gona. I heard the purr of
tho big car as its spun off, Only the
heavy Oriental wcent of Cousin Made
leine's perfume hangs, on tho air.
Rut shall I gof
" Tomorrow . The cards are on
table. ' .
(Continued from page one)
heart the feeling that we were express
ing the thoughts of America; that we
were working for the interests and the
things that America, believed in, and I
havo come hero to testify that this trea
ty contains tho things that America be
lieves in .(Applause.) I brought a copy
of that treaty along with me, for 1 fan
cied that in view of the criticisms you
have heard of it, you havo .thought that
it consisted of oihy four or five clauses.
Only four or five clauses out of this
volume are picked out for criticism.
Only four Or five phrases in it all are
called to your attention by sonic of the
different oTators, who oppose its adoption.
Why, fellow citizens, this is one oi
ilia greatest charters of humuu liberty,
and the man that picks flaws in it, or
rather, that picks Out the .flaws that
arc in it for there are flaws in it
because of the magnitude of the thing
and because of the majesty of the inter
ests involved. He forgets the magni
tude of the things and forgets the ma
jesty of tho interests therein, he "for
gets the consuls of more than twenty
uatio:s combined and wore rendered
unanimous in the adoption or lius gr.4
instrument. ,
Kverybody admits that it is a coii.
pleto settlement of tho matters which
led up to this war, and that it contains
the complete machinery whieli pi o idea
that it shall stay settled. . '
You know, one of the greatest difn
culties in our own. domestic affairs is
unsettled laudtitleg. Suppose that some
body were mischievously to tampoi with
the land records of the state of Nebras
ka and that there should be a doubt as
to the lines of every farm. You know
whet would happen. Within six months
all the farmers would be sittinjj on
their fences with a shotgun. Litigation
would penetrate every community, hot
feeling would be generated eontc.-ts not
only of lawyers but of .the farmers them
selves would arise.
One of the interesting things that
this treaty does is to settle the land
titles of Europe and to settle them in
this way, on the principles that land
belongs to these people that live in It
But the tilings prescribed in this trea
ty will not be carried out if nny one of
l'an-American" for "lan-Gennauiira."jtlie great nations that brought tnat ro
"Every member of the league pi om-
isos to respect and preserve, as against
external coercion not as agaiust inter
nal revolution the territorial integrity
and existing political independence of
every other member of the league, and
if it is necessary to enforce this, then
the' council of the league shall advlac
what action is necessary."
Some gentlemen who doubt the mean
ing of the English words havo tiiougp
that "advise" did not mean," advise"
but I don't known anything else it does
mean and I have studied English most
of my life.
And the point is this: that couneu
cannot give that advico withoui' the
yote of the United States. It cannot
give this advice unless it is a party to
the dispute. And, my fellow citizens, if
you are a party to the dispute you arc
in the scrap anyhow.
Tins is actually tne iirsr time m nu-
man. interest that that principle wag
ever recognized and yet that is the
fundamental American principle, ine
fundamental. American principle is the
Established 1868
, , General Banking Business -Office
Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. ni.
That is hideous," ho cried. Yet,
ho said, there were indications that
isoine men in this country do uot .find i
i such a program 'unpalatable.
The covenant of the league oi na
I tioua is the only guarantee agnlnot
more wars, the president asserted. With
out it, there will bo another world war
j within a generation, hm predicted.
Wilson said he would consider him
Isdf recreant to every America wtio,
j mother aud sweetheart if this war were
ended without a safegusu-d against fu
jturo wars. He said he would be "glad
to die" that the treaty might be ratified.
Ho praised Senator Hitchcock's stand
suit about is withheld from the con
summation of it, and every great fight
ing nation is on the list of those who
ure to constitute the league of civiions.
I say, every great nation because amtr
icn is going to be included in (hem and
among them. And the only, choice is
whether we will go in now or come in
later with Germany; whether we will go
in ns founders of this covenant of free
dom, or go in as those who arc admitted
utter they admit that they have u-ado a
mistake end repented.
And t wish I coulj do what u impos
sible in a grent company like this.
wish I could read that covenant to yon
because I do not believe, if you have
only say that the people have the right business and we will let them decide
to have a government of their own that' it. Wc wil, put armed forces into High
satisfies them, but that they havo the Silesia, to see that nobody tampers
right to change it in any respect atwth the process of the election, thea
any time. Very well that lies at the.wil oi referendum there and those
heart of tho treaty. There are people P00?1 ' hlg either to -Germany
or Poland, as they prefer and not as
we prefer."
And wherever there was a doubtful
district, we applied the same principle
. . 1. .. . . V ..I.. V. 1 .1 . J..1J. X
table at Paris.
So that, when these referenda are
completed, the" land titles of Europe
will .he settled ftnrl everv eonntrv will .
do with it what they please.
' iNow, vou seldom hear of this aspect
of this treaty; Yon have heard of the
council that the. newspapermen call
the "big four. ' We have a very much,
bigger name for it than that. We call
ourselves tae supreme council, or ao
in Europe who never before could say
that the land they lived on was their
own and that the choice would make of
their lives, was their own choice.
I know there are men in Nebraska
who came from that country ef trag
ical history, the new restored republic
of Poland and I want to call your at
tention to the fact that Poland is giv
en her complete restitution and not
only is she given the land that former
ly belonged to the Poles, but- she is
given the lands which were occupied
by the Poles, and now are occupied
by, and had been permitted to remain
under other sovereigns, and she is giv
en that land under a principle that
what in Europe they call High Silesia, principal . allied and associated pow-(
u. n,i;n nf thrv district of Si- crs. But we had no omcial title and
lesia. The very great majority of the some times there were live of us in-
rj:l:L U"L ZZ 'm I eVi. lc. rd of four. But those represented,
with tnat country. no Germans contested the statement : with the exception of txermany, were
.We have gone so far in our asser- that most of them were iroies. we saui - - - -
tions of the popular right that we .-not' "Very well, then, it is nono of our' ionunuea on rage ou.j
in fs;vor of the treaty and said he would! not read it yonrseli,' sad have only lit
he jnst as proud to stand w ith Senator I tend to. a certain subject, tlurt yon
Norris, (the republican senator from know what it is. . Why, my fellow eiti-
Kour g rocer trill refund
the full price you paid
forffil'B (&&, if it
doss not please your
taste , no matter hou
much you fee used
out of the can.
mm mmmm . mmmm ii i i