Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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m-mmm mmm i i- 111111 " g "' 1 - 1 ,
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Gome in now before the lines are broken.
We are selling SHOES at LESS than the
actual Eastern wholesale price.
It will pay you to get all the shoes you will need for at least a year as the prices are going beyond all reason
in the markets and will make the shoes for another season almost prohibitive.' It will pay you to get all the
shoes you can buy. i- v.. -. ' .; :V; 'i 7"i-7
have, near
Riair hvAwnnn1 Hack ttnA prevs. two tone, all widths and sizes while they last. We will not
enough to supply the increased demand so we are asking all of our customers to come in at once.
Hanan Shoes
Selby Shoes
Fox Party
Bergman Boots
Witch Elk Boots
Ball Band Boots
Wizard Foot Appliances
Next to Ladd & Bush Bank, 326 State Street
Doctor Voices See America
; First Plea To Methodist
: Church Audience.
...ilik'iie audience that gathered in
f So "First Methodist church' last evening
lias a, better idea of why one should
'seer America first" .than they ever
had before. Dr. B. L. Steevcs, whoin
the past few years traveled over every
section of the United States by train
and auto filled up the latter ,part of
the evening with a graphic aud en
lightening travelogue covering a jpnr-
noy of 12,A00 miles. In the course of
this trip he visited many of the spots
in the south and east that have been
made immortal by events of national
history, and in course of his descrip
tions the doctor threw in flashes of
historical liehr that served to Visual
ize the scenes.
He Btnniied for a dav at the Alamo at
Han Antonio, the scene of one of the
bloodiest and most momentous battles
ever foncrht. He wandered through the
old section' of New Orleans,: where
bcautv and romance of a past age min
gle with modern squalor and 57 vari
eties of smell. Almost as impressive as
this eitv of the living was the cities
of the dead, which ar,e among the most
beautiful in the world, xle had experi
ences with southern mud which combin
ed eomody iwith tragedy.- At several
points H took several darkies, several
mules and several dollar to tree tne,
auto from bottomless mud holes. He
also' had a good opportunity to study
the negro in his own habitat. ' -'
Brief stops were mad at the Tuske
gee school for negroes, at the site of
old Anderson ville prison, where he
drank from "Providence Spring;" at
the homo of Jefferson Davis and Rob
ert E. Lee. A strenuous trip was made
through the sands of Florida to old
St. Augustine. On the way northward
he visited many of the mQt noted bat
tlefields, including Uettysonrg anu
Antictnm, and ' spent - several days
among tho historic buildings of Rich
mond and Williamsburg. All- the im
portant cities of the Atlantic states
were visited, including .Washington,
and a trip to Mt. Vernon.'
The iourney northward, ended, at
Quebec, where one of his most inter
esting eXDeriences wag a visit to the
ereat shrine of St. Anne, whero he was
permitted tho rare privilego of seeing
and handling the priceless relics, sup
posed to have miraculous healing pow
(By Dr. E, ft. Parker.) ..
If an extracted tooth, is not replaced,
the teeth next on each side, having lorn
their suppost, move toward each other,
leaving crovtces"'into which food parti
cles pack and,.eause the Joss of otnor
teeth. Again when a tooth is missing
for some time, say in the lower jaw,
the opposite teeth in the upper jaw pro
trudes bocnuse.it has nothing to' strike
against when biting. This prevents
proper, mastication for when chewing,
tho upper and lower teeth should form
a certain contact, and if Out of their
natural position, this true contact can
not be made. In other words the toeth
do not fit upon each other.
The teeth, in connection with (he roof
of the mouth, form a sounding board
which euubles us to articulnto certain
sounds. Home sounds avo nuide by the
tongue pressing against the teeth. Teeth
,ae iust as much a part of the vocal
equipment as the muscles of the throat
and chest. Public speakers and singers
realize this and the consequent ncces
sty of keeping their teeth in perfect con
Will meet the fall season with all the season s
requirements in Men s Wear.
Whatever troubles others may have in se
curing shipments of Fall and Winter stock,
- there is no trouble at Bishop's. New goods
are coming in big consignments, including
' the latest and best, to fill up the enlarged
"building. : Among other fine features of the
new stock iyill be an absolutely pure, fleeced
wool shirt, known as '
A dressy, serviceable garment, represent
ing the very best value to be found in the
Oregon market this season. It is made up
in khaki shadesplain and military collars
sizes from 14 1-2 to 19. . Price $5.00.
Should sell for more. ; "
The new store will have a "broad-side" of
dress and hard-service shoes. They are be
ing lined up today, A large shipment of the
popular .V-'.,
Built on honorthe very latest lasts and
cutsvelour calf, vici kid gun metal but
ton and lace. Don't fail to see the attractive
colorsCherry Red and Cocoa Brown.
They appeal to the particular dresser, and
they are good all the year . round. Prices ,
, from $7.50 to $15.00.
Is the latest arrival in the line of Fine
Dress Shirtsmade up in a bewildering
variety of stripes and silk-figured weaves.
Soft cuffs and bands. They go from $2.00
to $5.00, but you will forget the price in the
beauty of the garment. ; v '
The Famous Stetson and Mallory Hats $4 to $8
(Continued from page one)
attack the principle of a president set
ting such a precedent as arbitrarily
ending an armed force into foreign
territory because of a strictly interna
tional situation. . . . .
"What will make bolsheviks any
quicker?" asked Senator Johnson,
."than sueh a policy of sacrificing Am
erican lives in an undisclosed, unde
clared war!"
Ethel Claytons
Beautiful Complexion
That splendid actress now appear
ing under the Paramount banner is fa
mous for her beautiful complexion. iie
attributes her wonderful skin to the
nun of a simnle toilet article called
Snrwillo. These is nothing like it for
lan, freckles, shiny nose, sallow, dark,
rough skin. It takes the place of face
powder, stays on -.better, as perspira
tion does not affect it, and it instant
ly beautifies the complexion. One ap
plication proves it. If yon want a niee
lily white skin with rosy checks, get a
bottle of Derwillo today; you will be
delighted. Derwillo is sold at all up to
date toilet counters. Be sure to read
large announcement of Miss Clayton's
oon to appear in this paper. It tells
ow to instantly have a beautiful com
plexion and a soft, white, velvety skin
everyone "just loves to touch."
In addition to speeches at Chicago,
Indianapolis, St. Louis and Kansas
City, previously announced, Johnson
will apeak at Des Moines, Sioux City
and Minneapolis. If the situation in the
senate does not make his return to
Washington advisable, the senator will
then continue to the coast, speaking in
Spokane, Seattle, San Francisco and
L.s Angeles.
His first speech will be before the
Hamilton club, Chicago, . Wednesday
noon. Johnson, Borah and MeCormiek
will then speak at a night meeting.
The senators will not have a special
train or special car for the tour. ,
(Continued from page one)
but that has no effect apparently on the
warmth of his welcome. Many oi the
men on the Des Moines reception com
mittee were republicans. Some of them
said thev were against Wilson person
ally, but favored ratification. They said
"the cheers are not lor vtiison; iney
are for the league of nations."
Wilson is continuing to mtkc speeches
ontirolv extemnoraneous. They neve
r nrpDared or eiven out in advance
Therefore, the official text is delayed
until the shorthand notes of the steno
graphers have been transcribed.
A little "Want" Ad Sells It
lc Word Class Ad Will Sell It
(Continued from page one)
Eight officers and 25 men of the crew
it is reported were overcome by lames.
All wore gas masks.
The dead: William M. Savage, sec
ond class enginemun; A. Hilaria, mess
attendant, third class; G. Dizon, mess
attendant, third class.
The injured included: Lieutcnunt
Commander P. L. Carroll, Lieutenant
Commander G. J. McMillin, Lieutenant
C. G. Halpine, Lieutenant F. J. Hana-
fee. Lieutenant E. B. Browne, Lieuten
ant C. H. Mills, Ensign B. W. Abbott
and Ensign T. Wootcn and a score of the
men. -
The fire started in a dynamo room
from some unknown cause. The com
partments were flooded to stop its prog
Admiral Eodman, commanding . the
fleet was on shore. He said he would
not issue a statement until he had made
e. careful examination.
Savage is reported to have died like
a hero. He is said to have kept in tele
phone communication with officers
while the waters crept about hiifl, in
forming them of its progress, until he
fell from the phone with a gasp.
The officer of the deck, who was on
duty during the fire, said it stared pre
sumably from spontaeous combustion.
Hs told of Savage's heroic action. ,
"Ad airduet in the bulkhead of the
dynamo room," ho said, "permitted
flames and poisonous fumes to entei liio
ice machine room, where Savage, .lilar
io and Dizon were on watch.
"The compartments filled with iumes
generated from burning phol.fuimlc
materials, and with water tu. id into
the compartments to extinuidh the
flames. Trapped 'in the ice inachmc
room with his two assistants, Engine
man Snvage throughout his terrible or
deal kept in telephonic communication
with the chief engineer.
"Speaking without a tremor, be re
ported from time to time how tha water
was rising and how they were being
slowly strangled by the fume and
smoke. .
- "Then eame the report that the wat
er bad reached a height of ten feet and
here, trailing into weakness, the voice of
the gallant Savage stopped, ana noimag
further was heard over the telephone."
The officer of the deck told of heroic
but futile efforts to rescue the men and
how the officers and men detailed for
this work were themselves overcome uj
the fumes, when at last they opened
the red hot. water-tight bulkhead.
These men had to he carried to safe
ty by their comrades. s ,- - '
More than 2000 visitors were on the
New Mexico when the fire started.
They left in perfect Trder when quiet
ly told the visiting period was over.
Use Hie Journal Want Ads
The John 'Schmidt farm of 19 ncres
in Cidervillo was sold this week to John
The house and lots in southwest Ger-
vais belonuinir to Mrs. A. A. Mickel and
sister of Sulem were sold last wpek to
A. Nibler.
Harry Cutsforth of Eiddlo was here
to attend the funeral of Thomas iiarri
ron, ii : d after a visit with relatives re
turned to his homo Sunday. ,
Miss Mirguerite Wing, sister of Mrs.
It. O. Hickman, left Wednesday eveuing
for Siri-m whore she will attend the
?acred Heart academy the coming toan
G. II. Benjamin on Labor day threbl.
od bushels of oats, barley and rye,
mostly oat, on the i W. Scttlemior place
near -Woodburn receiving a check for
172.64 for the day's work.
Mesdamos C. W. and F. T. Cutsforth,
G. J. Moisun, Sumner Stevens, J. V.
KeiipinKcr and M. D. Henning went to.
Hubbard Tuesday afternoon where they
were entertained by Miss Merlo Duniek.
After a pluasant time at 500, a delicious
luncheon was served.
Several cars were sot off on the siao
tracks hero Tuesday night to bo loaded
with grain but before stivrhpg to load
word camo from Portland tnut every
thing was chock full and no gram could
be shipped until the situation was re
lieved, which is likely to be ten days
or more. Star.
roturued to the city and Introduced
themselves as wile and husband. Mrs.
Holiiuson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Porter and the groom is a son
of Mr. and Mrs, J, L. Bobinson. Both
of tho parties are well known in Silver-
ton. Tribune.
After, 58 years a blacksmith, A. G.
Stcelhammcr, has sold his shop to his
son, Arthur, and will retire from busi
ness as soon as they can finish the rush
orders which have accumulated during
the busy season. He will be in tho shop
for some time yet to help his son.
Final preparations for the opening of
school in Silvorton were arranged at the
regular meeting of tho board on Tues
day evening. The dato for beginning
was set for Monday, Soptember 29th.
This is one week luter than last yoar,
but on account of the state fair uud the
gathering of fruit, it was thought best
to place the date later.
Numerous friends of Miss Nellie Por
ter and Louis Robinson were greatly
surprised Saturday evening when thoyj
Tobacco Habit
says Dostor Connor formerly of Johns
Hopkins hospital. Thousands of men
suffering from fatal diseases would be
in perfect health today were it not lor.
the deadly drug in icotine. Stop tho
habit now before it's too late. It's a
simple process to rid yourself of the -tobacco
habit in any form. Just go to,
any up to date drug store and get some
Nicotol tablets; take them as directed,
and loj the pernicious habit quickly
vanishes. Druggists refund the money
if they fail. Be sure to read large and
interesting announcement by , Doctor ,
Connor soon to appear in this paper.
It tells of the danger of nicotine poisv
oning and how to avoid it. In the mean ''
time try .Nicotol tablets; yon will be "
surprised at the result, D. J. Fry. ,
Whatever is popular de ,
serves attention
were created to demand at
teation. A tobacco finely
Mended, a mouthpiece to
takt care of it to the last puff,
mala paper wrapping. Aclassy
cigarette to popular.
10 for 13c
Tk John Bollman Co. Brand
Trv Salem First In Buying
S$ Keep 'em In The Circle $$
Healthful Bread
Ours is without question the best flav
ored bread on the market. It has that
goodness about it which is characterise
tic of home
made bread. It
is as sweet as a
nut and as pure
as spring water
Try Our Rolls, Cakes and
' Pastry
' 457 State Street j '