Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Good Health and
Good Teeth Go Together
Founder and Executive Head of the E. R. Parker System
. npHE Government, States, couik.
, ties,, cities, towns, schools,
churches and welfare workers every
where are beginning to tell people
how necessary it is to keep the teeth
' clean, for if the teeth be bad, good
health is impossible.
- The medical profession itself is
learning that many diseases begin hi
the mouth, and that obscure troubles
.yhich defy all medicine are often
due to tooth decay that a competent dentist only can
overcome. . 1
Theodore Roosevelt's death, it is reported, was
hastened because of bad teeth. A little more attention
to his teeth and a little less to public matters, and the
great American might be with us yet.
Registered Dentists using the E. R. Parker System
;are working in close harmony with this move for better
health through better teeth. - --. '"
Every reader of this paper is invited to visit the office
using, this System and have thorough tooth examina
tions made, there being no charge of any nature for
counsel and advice. ; . - . '
You can thus learn if your teeth" are decaying, or if
jour system is being poisoned by unseen ulcers or
abscesses at the tooth roots.
, : Dr. Wallace Hylander, Dr. Fred G. Bunch,
Dr. Kay J. Greer : -...JpTFS
Kegistered Dentists Using the
303 State St. Salem, Ore. .
uvviui 1
AT a pretty home wedding- Sunday
afternoon 1 at oue o 'clock, Mini
Kthel McDonald of flilverton and
Bichard I. Kinucy of iShaniko, plighted
their troth in the presence of their im
mediate relatives. The ceremony took
place at the' country home of the
fcridc'a parents, Mr. nd Mr. Ed Mo-
Jtonald, near Silvcrton. Reverend Xkh
01 or tne congregational church at
Howell Center officiated, using the im-
For Skin Tortures
, . Oont worry about eczema or other
win trouble You can have a clear,
healthy skin by using Zemo, obtained
at any drug store for 35c. or extra large
bottle at $1.00.
.i2??0 8enerauV removes pimples,
Wackheads, blotches, eczema and ring
worm and makes the akin clear and
wealthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating,
antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor
srt-asy and staftig nothing. It is easily
applied and costs a mere trifle for each
application. It in always dependable,
The B. W. R,c Co.. Cleveland, O.
pressive ring serviee.
1 The bride's gown was a pretty com
bination of ivory mesealine and geor
gefc, and she carried a shower bouquet
of- white rosebuds and aect peas. She
was unattended. A receptioa was held
after the wedding and a sumptuous
wedding dinner, serve to the guesti,,
The "bride" is one of " JBilverton 's most.
popular young women. After a honey.
luuoa it nampori toe young couple
will make their home in 8hni
.Mr. ivinney has business interests.
Many baietmtea will ha inti.o,l tn
lean, hat among, the Oregon soldiers
wno win oe decorated with a French
war cross, during President Wilson';
visit in t'ortland, m Hehnuth Dewitr,
of Salem. Mr. Dew it a enlisted in Com
pany h of Dallas, at the time of our
entry into tun war wh Germany. He
nuv v.t-i.ua wiin lne xrauas Doys Out
after his arrival in France was trans
ferred to a fighting unit and took part
in a" number of important engagements
during- tho months that proceeded the
signing of the armistice. He was dec
orated with the American Distinguish
ed service cross.
M;s Alma Hewer is upending a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs. Stuart T.
Viagers, in Taroma, Washington. She
will also visit in Seattle nrl ntw
Pound cities. On her return h will on
to tSalem for a few dura W.hh
Forest Grove, Or, Sept. 6. (Special)
Keverend J. B. Buck of Salem wal
honor guest at the wedding of Wu
Helen C. Hollevoet and Peter A. Iiep-
zig which- took place Thursday in this
city. The ceremony was performe by
Keverend Father Murphy of Jwrest
Grove. Father John Costello of fliHa
boro acted as deacon, aad Father Ja
eph Hoesacker of Beaverton, a sk
deacoa at the solemn high mass. Kev
erend John Cummisky waa master of
ceremonies. ' Tho music -wa reaaei ad
by the choir of the Catholic chore) sf
lorest Orovet.
Mis Marv Hollevoet, sister J ths
bride, was bridesmaid and FranK P.
Leipzig, brother of the groom waa hast
man. Mr. Leipzig has recently retard
ed from the serviee, aad both he ana
his bride are well know a ia fwreat
Orove and Portland. Friday aseraiaf
the young couple text oa a snort nea
eymoon. --
A very quiet wedding was solesBsis
ed at th home of Mr. and Mrs, A. H.
Ohier of Jefferson, on Saturday after
noon, when their only son, William
Orvis Ohlcr and Miss Lncy May vitt
of Woodhaven, Long Island, were unit
ed in marriage. Only the relatives aad
intimate friends of the young couple
were present.
irevious to her marriage tne Drills
was assistant director of the Bed dross
in the C!fcw York county chapter 13o
for over eighteen months and receiv
ed one of the highest awards for Bed
Cross work. After a short honeymoon
the young couple will make their home
on the farm of the groom's father for
tne present.
For the pleasure of Mrs. J. T. Pen of
Gabs Eerea Pocsds "I An
Feeling Fee TTiese Days,"
He Says.
!" Tanlae aid, muck for me that 1
feel it is a dwty I owe tq others to let
'the people knew sbout this medieiae,"
said C It.. Bharney,, who lives at the
hotel rfJeorge, on Sixth- street, San
Francisco, Gal., to a Tanlae represent
ative, recently. Mr. Khamey, who i a
aorse by profession, has been nursing
the hospitals for the past eight
years. .. -s
"Last February, while nursing for
the Bed Cross- society, I broke my leg
ia two plaees," continued Mr. Bha,-!
mey, "and- was sent to a hospital,!
where-1 was in bed for fiv weeks. 1
While there, waiting for the fcones in '
l7 'X.-o ami togetner again, I lest
"y p peine ana got ta wnere 1 could
hardly eat thing end, naturally I
lost weight. I took several different
kinds of tonic in the hone thev wnnlil
build me up, but none of them seemed
to do me a bit of good.
vne morning I happened to be read
ing the paper and saw a statement h
a lady in Los Angeles who claimed she
had gotten such wonderful benefit bv
taking Tanlae that I made up my mind
.u '.i. T 7V k u p wouia ao anything for me. So I bought
the Mother class of -th. First M. E'a bottle and by the time I had finish-
day night at (::3U in b) worth tail.
All members with their families are
invited and a most enjoyable time is
Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Tradci
Miss .'atherine Derandleau left last
week for Astoria where she will take
a three years course in nursing i the
hospital in that city. Miss Derandleau
is a graduate of Sacred Heart academy
with the class of last June.
Among the Salem folk who speat
the week end in Portland was a party
composed of Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Cooder, Mrs. A. V. Case, Mrs. Jams
Cooder of Wichita, Kansas, W,
Frunk. and A. T. Woolpert. The trip
was made by auto and included a visit
over the Columbia, highway.
Mrs. Ai - C. j Steingrube and small
cnuttren have just returaed from a
trip to Marshfield where they visited
the beach and were guests of Mrs.
Steingrube's brother.
, r . F ...
Carl Gabrielaon was a Portland visit
or yesterday.
Why you need
Resinol Ointment
The aame soothing, healing, anfhss
tie properties that make Reiinel Osiu
meat so effective for skia eniptieaa,
also make It the ideal hrssssnH
remedy for f
And a score of other troubles whs
constantly arise in every kmc, espe
cially where there are children. feaf
is why Kesmol Ointment should be ea
your medicine shelf, ready for Isum
dia'e use.
Simnla fm Your AnmM KS
a niatatQr cakt at R
Soap, wriu to Drpt. 18N, KohMi TTiiawiil
Ce. Ballionn, Md.
ed about half of it I was feelin? so
mucin better that one morning when I
looked at my watch and saw it vyis 11
o'clock, I remarked to one of the at
tendants, -Say, I'm hungry and it
waa the first time .in months that I
had actually felt like eating. From then
on I started right in- to pick up and
my appetite got better and I slept bet
ter at night and zained in weight riuht
along until now I have nlreadv nnt nn
eleven pounds in weight. I am feeling
juhi nne inese aay ana even my doe
tor has remarked how much better 1
am looking. I have never allowed my
name used in connection with a medi
cine of any kind, but I have had such
excellent results from Tanlae, after all
tho other things failed,;' that J;. take
great pleasure in recommending Tan
lac to anyone needinz a medicinn to
'ouild them up."
- lanlae is sold in Salem by Dr. 8. C.
8tone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug
Co., in Mt. Angel 1- Ben Gooeh, in
Gervais y John Keliy, in Turner by
I. P. Cornelius, in Woodburn by Ly
man H. ahorev. in Silverton by Geo.
-- Steelhammer. in Gates by Mrs. J.
P. McCurdy, in etayton by C. A.
Reauchamp, i Aurora by Aurora Drug
Wore, in St. Paul by Groceteria Stores
Co., in Donald by M. W. Johnson, in
Jefferson by Foahav & Mason and in
Mill City by Marketeria Gro. Co.
No store can be successful unless the merchandise it sells is of standard
"quality; Customers will not return for other purchases who have been hand
ed cheap, shoddy goods. And it is the "eome-back" customers that make for a
,;. store's success. i
We are well aware of these facts, our numerous customers, our large'
volume of business and our new store are testimonials ; to the fact that the
merchandise we sell is of dependable quality, if it were not, we probably
would have closed our doors long ago. r v '
. ,T And now that we are in our big modern store we will continue our policy
of offering the best goods obtainable and in addltiori'our store service will be
second to none. In other words we will offer best quality merchandise, Plus
Service, Plus Reasonable Prices. ' :. " . ;
Ladies' Store
- 466-474 State St. :
Men's Store
416 State St.
m m i, f
it -
AH Weights And Qualih'es for
Winter Season's Wear
Right now is the time to think about your
"Health Garments" for the rainy season. Men
of all ages and sizes, will find a very complete
assortment here of both two-piece and Union
suits anything from heavy fleece-lined or rib
bed cotton to fine quality wool. We have sizes
in Union Suits up to 50 and two-piece garments
up to 52. Prices range from 95c a garment up.
Two excellent numbers of Wool Khaki Shirts
for men not only in quality of materials but in
style and workmanship.......... $5,35 and $5.85 '
VVe have a complete line of Rubbers for Men,
Women and Children, also Fish Brand Slickers '
for Men and Boys. .
' ": y ' j
1 ' "i
Mrs. W. W. Moore has had as her
guests during the past week. Mrs. A. G.
Deadall of Huchinson. Kansas, and her
wugiLti, xiucine xeaaau or seat
Miss Vernus Yonnff left lt Tlim.
aay for Ban Francisco for a three
weeks vacation. Miss Young is train
dispatcher at the Oregon Electric de
pot, her home ii at S1 North Hish
A charming visitor in ftslrm Avar
the week end was Miss Inez Stcge of
nugene. sne was house guest at the
beautiful E. Eckerlin home on South
tiiDerty street.
Miss Marie Campbell, who-has been
visiting with friends in Salem for the
past lew rtavs rctnrned to her hnma in
Portland this morning. '
itemove blackheads, soften rough
skin, clear the blood, brighten the
eyes, sweeten the whole' system. Noth
ing helps make a prettv face, winsome
mile, as Hollister's Rocky Mountain
tea. xry it tonight. 35e. D. J. Fry.
Cfiie of the most remarkable eollec
tions ef mountain types" ever seen
on the screen appear in "Bill Apper
son's Boy." to be shown at Ye Liberty
taeater today and tomorrow. The men.
bearded and armed with the ineviable
gun and the women, slatornly and fol
lowed by crowds of children who roam
the hills like small, wild creatures,
forms a background before which the
leading actors appear, Jack Pickford is
the star. He is supported by Gloria
Hope, Hnssell 8impson and others.
uiackheans, olotcnes and pimples
are generally caused by improper ac
tion of the bowels. Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea regulates the bowels,
cleans tne stomach, clears the com
piexion irom- the inside nature's way
wet that healthy, happy look." lh J.
rry. . . X4. -
We make deposits at your own
bank for you gratis. Place lia
bility on us. Safe quick busi
ness like. Ask your banker.
. Only bank ia Union Stock Yards.
North Portland, Oregon
(.Continued iron page one)
saved for us and for the world as the
result of our participation in the war.
The great victories are now won
The magnificent army-has returned and
the soldiers who once marched through
the thickest of the Argonne are citizens
again, filled with high memories of
great, deeds .and carrying into, their
lives the inspiration which membership
in that great eompany aad sacrifice for
that great eause engendered. Your re-
Models of some of the bluest fipht- tttru e.,ofws tne n,story of " American
Jing ships in Uncle Sam's navy have "F""""1 The president had
been taken from the halls of the State, . ped to here pe'aoaally to speak
war and navy building, in Washing- balf of the nation a word of wcl-
ton, and they wilj be feature displays ronie. In his euforeed absenoe he has
" me cuuioinea government eihib- u'reciea me to spoaa it.
its ere shown at the state fair.
These models were never shown gen-
.-ruy inrougnout the country until last
year. The navy's bureau of construc
tion and repair has placed them in the
exhibits so that hundreds of thousands
of Americans cart gain accurate ideas
of the appearance ef the big sea war
riors that helped to hold the German
fleets harmless at their bases, and that
guarded our coasts and convovs of mor
:tiKtit ships and troop ships on the At
lantic lanes. In nddirinn in th Wm
models of the fighting ships, the navv
wui display several models of vessels
snowing the application of camouflage.
Even these models, like the big sea
fitrtiters with their, war paint on, are
difficult to distinguish from their sur
roundings by the observer a short dis
tance away.
The navv exhibit is to CTrfint
comprehensively every department of
the serviee. The ordnance department
suorr me types or shells, depth
charges aud other explosives used
against the enemy. Tart of the navy
uiuit wui oe inmisnea bv the ma
rine corps, the Jovil Dogs," who won
new fame in tho ereat war. The ma
rines will display complete uniforms
of various kinds'on life site modds,
' a number of. other articles
of equipment.
The Original -
Malted r.:nk
Fof trxfants and InvsxHd
I bid yon welcome, cratcfullv. on
behalf cf the eonntry yon have served
and on behalf of the people whose sons
you have led. The confidence with
which we sent you away you have sac
redly kept. Wherever there is a soldier
or a friend of a soldier, wherever there
is a lover of liberty, wherever there is
a heart whwh rejoices at the. deliver
ance; of mankind from its hour of peril,
you. and your great army will be remem
bered and loved. You return not onlv
" 'The task entrustciUo you required
all the imagination, all the energy and
all the genius of a great commander.
Prom the first j-eu had the complete
confidence of the president and seeie
tary of war. This confidence remained
unshaken to the end. From tho Begin'
ning you had all the support the people
cf the United States could give. Ton
and your great army embodied for them
their country and their country 's cause.
They worked with devotion and self
sacrifice to sustain and supply you. with
troops and equipment. Our hearts were
overseas with you aad your praise for
their welfare were constant
j Pershing with a bouquet and . a. siuLli;
J American .flag. Responding to these '
j greeting, Pershing said
j '"If this is ttf be Tcontiiiucd1 1 believe
, Before many days I shall wish, pcihapx,
(that the war corntinued. ' n
I ."To say I am happy is wasting! wordsf
I am overwhelmed and overcome with
emotion when I think of what it really
' . . i, . r . ...
extremely complimentary words which
the part it was my fortune to pay, f
ifan only say that what we accomplished
and the victory we won wag possible
only through the united efforts of the
nation. - The men at the front felt the1
spirit of the nation behind them znA
their morale was never shaken. Alt .
credit is due to those brave fellows wlio
faeed a well-trained, seasoned army'
with unbounded enthusiasm. I trust
those we left behind may receive the
respectful attention,of . a grateful na
tion and their graves may be fittingly
decorated and consecrated so they may
ever. be. a future lesson to all Ame.jv
icans." '
(Continued from page one)
Sio'rtx Cjty, Iowa, but the president wiit
not speak unless the demand is very in
sistent, j His voice needs -to be rested
as much as possible.
There was a good sized crowd at the
depot to see tho president off. Ho went
to luuch shortly nftcr leaving Oiuaha.
The time his train would pass stemed
generally known and at niuuy way ata.-
Douotless tions there were scores assembled, men
the confidence and affection of your (holding up children in their arms, hoy
fellow citizens were an inspiration to ing for a glimpse of Wilson. When-
you in the hours of preparation and in J ever the train stopped people came rua
the hours of battle, as the superb ex-! ning beside it, shouting: "Where's
ploits of the army under your command-.Wilson l" "
cr were in turn an inspiration to your
national efforts ' " : .
" 'You have just come from the sea
and from the caro of the nten of the
avy who made the achievement of our
arms on land possible and who so gr.l
lantly assisted to clear the seas of their
lurking peril. Our hearts go out to
them too. It is delightful to .see you
home again, well and fit for the fatigues
yon must endnre before we arc done
with our welcome. I speak now onlv
of our personal joy that you are at
The president came out on the rear
platform at Omaha and shook hank:
with many cf those who had come to see
him off. They pressed forward cngcrly,
aud WUsou had a busy timtt gripping;
all the hands extended to him. He
gave each a hard squeeze and a double
Jerome Workman, formerly secret.-iry'
of the Eu-rene Chamber of Commerce.
home agnin and that we -have the op- and lender in patriotic work during the
portunity to make you feel the warmth war. has "one -to Wootlhirrn. wlirro k
of our affectionate wflcome.' " t has 'has purchased a farm. Mr. AVork-
Pershi"g obviously was undir tho I man for a number of vrarj Wnr, hi.
strain of a great emotion when Baker election as secretary of" the ChKmlwr nf
ceased speaking. Commerce practiced law in Eusenc Ea-.
!enator Wadsworth and Congrcssmaa' gene Register.
te Americas soil but to the heart of the
country. The preidnt lias directed me
to read this message: .
"My deer Pershingr
"'lam distressed that I cannot
gret yon i persou. It would give nic
tho greatest pleasure to grasp your hand
aad say to you what my heart and in
the hearts of all true Americans as we
hail your return to the homeland you
nave serve a so gallant! v. Aotwita
standing my physical absence, may. I
nof, ks your commander in chief a;sd as
spokesman of our fellow countrymen,
oia yon an afroctiosate and cntbcuiastic
welcome, a welcome warui.-d with the
ardor. of genuine affection end dotp ad
miratioat .
" 'You have served the couctry with
fine devotion and admirable cfficienr.i.
In a war forever memorable as the
world's triumphant protest asaibst in
justice and as a vindication of liberty,
the liberty ct-peoples and nttio'. s, lio
finer amies ever set thr-ir indomitable
strength antt, nnconnaerabte spirit
against the forces of wrong. Their Jlorv
. is the- glory cf the nation and it is with
ja thrill ef profound prid that we greet .
yew as their leader and eommauder.
Mcndell then spoke briefly.
William ti. McAdoo saidj
"We sent you over to do a job and
you did it ahead of time. The be.t part
of it is the fact you came back with
vour hat band the same size as when
yon went, away."' -
The general grinned at this. .
Mrs. F. H
governor of Missouri, then
Sept. 8. Liberty bond
. Xew York,
3Vi's, 99.82; first 4's, 91.60; steond
's. 93.00; first 4;'s, 94.64 ; second 4 's
93.10; third" 4''s. 95.06: fourth. 4A'f..
Swaek. representing the 193.26; victory 3 's, 99.50; victory 4 '
prcsenien uw.oo, - ...
Its Flavor1 Smacks
of Health
The wholesome, rich
taste of
is the natural flavor of a "well--balanced
blend of prime wheat
and malted barley-developed
try twenty hours of baking.
The building qualities of this
robust food are remarkable .
"There's a Season"
! atisii uasa sa s