THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY; SEPTEMBER 5, 1919. PAGE TWO i An . Economical Delightful, Light Place to Trade i J SOCIETY I ; j .'. . Br GBBTRTOE SOBISON J- If-A- m. I MODART CORSETS WARNER'S CORSETS Oar Customers The healthy growth and development of our business could never have been accomplished without the patronage and co-opera- ; tion of our customers. , To them we owe our business success . and to them we give the credit for the fact, that we are. now oc cupying our fine new store. , " ;U jl , We have endeavored at all times to warrant the support and confidence of our customers by offering them seasonable,- high grade merchandise and by dealing with them in a fair, honest manner. t r Now that we are located in our new store, we are in a po sition to render better service than ever before. We will carry a more complete stock, display our goods to better advantage and serve our customers as only a large, modern store can. ; We wish' to thank the people of Salem and vicinity for their past patronage and assure them that with our present facilities they will find it a pleasure to shop at this store. ' . Ladies' Store 466-474 State St. Men's Store 416 State St. "SALEM'S EXCEPTIONAL STORE Heater Sale Now On. New Heaters at Old Prices , , ; : : SEEING IS BELIEVING TRADE IN YOUR OLD STOVES , " MMM We will Save You Money. Peoples Furniture Store 271 N. Commercial St. Salem. 4MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM GALLOWAY. (Continued from pago one) , During Galloway's service with tho tax commission that body has mads 10 animal - levies and apportionments of atato taxes to bo paid by the sev eral comities, without a solitary ap peal, dispute or ctoliirquoncy- in pay ment. The aggregate amount of $25,' l503,B08.8t! has 'boon levied and appor tioned for payment "by the counties during that period. , ', v Oalloway fcrved for 5 years as' a menuber of thet executive committee of the National Tax association and is at tho present time a member of the important committee on lhodol tax sys tem of that organization. Ho was a loader in tho prolonged effort to secure adoption of the " uni form tax classification amendment" to Now Is a Good Time 9 & To Drive Out Catarrh . Hi Trouble It la the Blood. bummer catarrh, with its nsuse ,., ous discharge, stuffed up glands, : difficult breathing, and summer . colds, is bad enough, but the worst of it is yet to come if you neglect , to check the growth that is form ing to attack you with ten-fold greater power during the winter. That's why it is to important to treat catarrhs and other blood dis orders with S. S. S. during warm Weather, and thus free the system from all impurities. It is now an established fact that catarrh is in the blood and that lotions and salves do not give relief. The experience of others has proven that S. S. S. strikes at the very root of the trouble and eliminates it. Waste no time in this matter, for it is of the utmost importance. Write to our Medical Advisor about your ease. Address Swift Specific Co, Dept. 53, At lanta, Ca, the constitution, of Oregon. This ef fort was finally successful in the ap proval of the amendment by the peo; pie- at the special election held June 4. 1917. At the last session of the legislature a number of bills were introduced pro viding, directly or indirectly, for sal ary increases for various state offi cer. Under those 'that "passed and have become effective the salary of each of the seven justices of the supreme court was raised from $4500 to $5230; the warden of the penitentiary was rais ed from 2000 to $:t000; the secretary of the board of control from 2400 to ISOOOr-lho dairy and food commission er from $2000 to $3000; the secretary of the public service commission from $2000 to $3000; the master fish warden from $2500 to $3600 and the state game warden from $2400 to $3600. The only salary increase hills for state officers which failed of enact ment were: superintendent of pubic instruction, $3000 to $3600; insurance commissioner $3000 to $3600; corpora tion commissioner $3000 to $3600; and state-tax commissioner $2500" to $3000. The state tax commissioner is thus the only state officer receiving a salary of less than $3000 per year that the legislature definitely refused to raise to that amount." .. In retiring from his position Mr. Gal loway will be succeeded by a thorough ly experienced man, Prank K. Lovell, who for he past five years has held the position of secretary of the tax com mission. Mr. Lo veil's position, in turn, will be filled by E. L. Fisher, who for the past seven years has served as county assessor of Linn county, and for ten yearB prior to that was a dopu ty in the office. PRESIDENT DRIVING (.Continued irom page one) shouts, and if she doesn't appear they become more insistent. "io on, faring her out, we want to see her," one sunbonneted woman yell ed ut the president in a town in Indi ana. Very well,'.' said the president. '"But she's more shv than I am." A moment later Mrs. Wilson, all smiles, and with a bunch of flowers in her arms, stepped upon the platform. prolonged "ah-h-hh-" from the feminine element, then "speech, Mrs. Men's Underwear AH Weights And Qualities for Winter Season's Wear Right now is the time to think about your "Health Garments" for the rainy season. Men of all ages and sizes, will find a very complete , assortment here of both two-piece and Union suits anything from heavy fleece-lined or rib bed cotton to fine quality wool. We have sizes in Union Suits up to 50 and two-piece garments up to 52. Prices range from 95c a garment up. WOOL SHIRTS Two excellent numbers of Wool ' Khaki Shirts for men not only in quality of materials but in style and workmanship.,....... $5.35 and $5.85 We have a complete line: of Rubbers for Men," Women and Children, also Fish Brand Slickers for Men and Boys. , on vSfr-T -4 - It M EARLY ..all the .Salem feoye who I I served in the army, navy and ma " ' rine corps, during the late war are home again, or on their way. One f the latest to return i Lieutenant Allan Carson, who has been in the ar my for more than two years. Lieuten ant Carson i one of the. city's most popular young men.. He is a graduate af the loeal high school and at the time of his enlistment was s student at Wil lamette university. His numerous friends are welcoming home after his lo( absence. ' Miss Marie Campbell of Portland ar rived in Salem 1his afternoon for A; 'brief visit with capital city friends. ' Tomorrow, accompanied lf Miss Eose, Bodayla, Hiss Campbell will go to the Martin DoejjQer. country home where the two young ladies will be the house, guests of Miss Bertha Doerfler. Miss Campbell, Miss Bodayla and Miss Doer fler were graduated with the same class' from Sacred Heart academy. Mrs. P. R Ackerman left yesterday: for Howell, Michigan, to visit her par ents, whom she has not seen for twen ty nine years. Bhe expects to be gone a month. . : ' , Miss Marjorie Kayf popular young Salem maid who represented the Uni versity of Oregon chapter of the Gam ma Jrhi Beta sorority at the annual convention at Denver Colorado, has re turned home. Miss Eleanor Huchesteia leaves to day for fehaniko, Oregon, where she has accepted a position t in the local bank. Miss Huckestein is a daughter of Postmaster and Mrs. August Hucke stein and has a large number of friends who will regret her departure. . There will be a mcetdtag df the state board of the' Daughters of the American Revolution at 10 a. m. Thurs day, September 11th, at Multnomah hotel, Portland. Those of Chomeketa chapter who are members of the board are urged to be Present. , .... ..: , ' The many friends of Cerporal-C-Mattcn are welcoming him upon his! return from more than 'two years in.' the service, twenty months of which were spent overseas1.' 'Corporal Matten, enlised hi Company M in March of 1917 , and was with the Salem company until Christmas, 1918, when he was trans ferred to a special guard eompany in Paris. .. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koon loft Sun-iJ day for the east- where they will re main some time .before returning west to California, where they will stay in definitely. , i i o . i . Blackheads, blotches and pimples are generally caused by improper ac tion of the' -bowejs. Hollister's Bocky Mountain Tea regulates tno uroweisyq cleans the stomach, -clears the- com-, ptoiion from- th. inside nature's way Get that heaitny, nappy iook.' v. j. Fry. ' Wilson," whereupon; the first lady of the land beat a retreat? i : Wilson has BOS' yet gone into the Shantung question or the matter of Britain's votes in the league of nations council, itwo of tine tm criticised points of the peace treaty. From re marks he has dropped, however, it is known he-believes Japan will restore Bhantune.'to China after tho treaty has been ratified and he probably will discuss this soon. .League foes- have said the British .empire had six vote? to America's one in the Icaguo coun-. cil. Wilson intends to explain this in an early speech. ; He holds , that .Britain Has 'Dut one vote in the league council and that its votes in the league assembly could not be cast in any dispute in which the empire or any part of it was involved. The high cost of living and its rela tion to ratification -of the treaty will be brought up by 'the president short ly. At the first favorable opportunity, it is believed he intends to make an attempt to put opponents of the treaty in the position of men who are keeping np prices, on the theory that, prtees cannot be restored to peace levels un til' real peace is restored by ratifica tion. Wilson's advisers say he has no in tention of engaging in a .debate witn anti-leaguers in the- senate, while on this trip. Ho doesn't believe that such a debate would "bring out wnat no wants to develop with regard to the treaty and the reasons why he thinks it should be accepted, and he would have to devote time to answering sen ators, which he would rather devote to explaining cloudy clauses in the cov enant. Consider the Coats at $34.75 If that is about the price you planned to pay. ' ,: In these brisk days of Autumn new .coats come rushing in to claim atten tioneach day augmenting a collection that maintains delightful interest. : , Just now there's a completely rounded group at $34.75 the price many like to consider. You may readily find a style, very adaptable to your individuality. The choice is not restricted in color, and the models are so diverse as to af ford the utmost satisfaction in decision. Notably good in quality, splendidly lin ed we picture two. : " ! i. 0itt$ig (So. 6uALITY MERCHANDISE - POPULAR PRICES T . MMMMtttytt-tMHtttt;'" Heavy wool ve lour with the new drooping shoulders $34.75 Heavy wool ve lour. For girls and small worn . en... ..$34.75 The president's demeanor in his rear platform appearances seem to indicate that he wants to -destroy any impres sion that he is a stern, aloof individ ual. He is extremely cordial and appar ently tries to appear Uk plain folks." . The presidential f ocial. arrived in St. Louis at 4 a. m. It stopped in the suburbs, where polic guarded it. The official welcoming committee was to rniwt the nresident there at 9:30 a. m. This committee escort Wilson to the hotel where seventy oue rooms wore reserved for the natty. Tho president and Mrs. Wilson have a suite of three rooms, Secretary Tumulty has three rooms and otherB or tae parry one earn. The president was to address ' a luncheon of the chamber of commerce at noon and at mass meeting open to the public at 8 p. n. He leaves for Kansas City at 11 p. m. j OPPONENTS AND EX (Continued from page one) tion; preventing reat . .Britain's col onies from voting in anv dispute be tween Great Britain and other coun tries; eliminating the United States from membership on a score of commit tees set up to carry out the provisions of the treaty and limiting the power of the American member of the reparations committee, except as to disposition of German shipping. Senator Fall's amend ment striking out the labor sections was not voted on in committee, but Fall gave i wtice he will offer it in the senate Other amendments nnd reservations will be presented there, including an amendment relating to Irish independ ence; world-wide prohibition amend ment; Senttor Knox's proposal to sep arate the treaty and lcago covenant and others. - Spanish War Veterans To Meet In StLouis In 1920 San Francisco, Sept. 5. St. Louis was chosen as the 1820 convention city and William Jones, New. York, was re elected commander in chief at the clos ing sessions of the national convention! ; Hyde, Portland, Or., surgeon general, of the United Spanish war veterans Other new.' officers included Dr. Leon 'T resolution urging congress to put! Covm TL.TJnl such restrictions on Japanese immigra-! tht t JZl Hriud tion as will save "the threatened in-: '"cn. .art of the coui it7Mu tcgrity of the race on the l'a- T t i ,f Hyv .tin in th ' o,ir,t,i 30 to 40 car loads of hay still in the "j 7 Witkl tattle, was to which no special damage win chosen senior vice commander in chief. th(8e ra:n8 not hoId ott I too h't'.B. - 1 How Pure Food Can Poison You Waste matter in consti pated bowels poisons blood and causes much disease. NR keeps system clean, prevents disease," makes body strong. NR Work Wonders After Dietary Blunders Let the proper digestion, asslmlla .tl on and elimination process of the body mechanism be Interfered with and the purest and most wholesome of food may be converted into dan gerous, disease-breeding poison. Poor digestion and assimilation mean a poorly nourished body anu low vitality, i-oor elimina tion means clogged bowels, fer mentation, putritaction and tne formation f poisonous gases which are absorbed by the blood and carried throuirh the bodv. : The result is weakness, head aches, dizziness, coated tongue. In active liver, bilious attacks. loss energy, nervousness, poor appetite, impoverished blood, sallow complexion, pimples, skin disease, and often times serious illness. Can you afford to take chances with constipation? Why not begin today and take Nature's Remedy (NR Tnblets) each night for a week or so until your stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys ara sufficiently strengthened to carry on the process of digestion and elimination unaided? Tou'll feel a lot better for It and you'll Una yourself in better physical condition . than you've been in many a day. Ordinary laxatives, purges and ca tharticssalts, oils, calomel and th like may relieve the condition for a few hours, but real, lasting benefit can only come through use ofi medicine that tones uo and Dm strengthens the digestive as well as the eliminative organs. Get a 25o box of Nature's Rem edy (NR Tablets) and take ona tablet each nleht for a weelc.. Belief will follow the very nrsfi dose, but a few Aavm -arill aIhtuim before you feel and realize the fullest benefit ;When you get straightened out and feel Just right again you need not take medicine every day an occasional NR Tablet .will then:. Keep your system in good condition,, and you will always feel your best Remember, keeping well Is easier and) cheaper than getting wen. . Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) are sold, guaranteed and recommended bji your druggist Daniel J. Fry, druggist. II k ft f J of Flour Re-Sale -' THE UNITED STATES URAIN COfiPOBATION . Announces that it will sell 4 'Straight "grade flour, to all purniMasers, i carload lets, in 140 lb. jnte racks, gross weight,' delivered to any rail way station in mono 10, com prising the statea of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, at not to exceed $10.00 per bbl. net cash. Purchasers will be supplied from nearest avail able mill, vvhich may result in .slight saving , for buyers ' account. , , Wholesale and. jobbing profits on such flour must not xceed 75c per bbl and retailer's profits must not exceed HSo jper bbl. j ddress nil comnnHnications to UNITED STAiES GRAIN - CORPORATION 510 Board of Trade Building Portland, Oregon - Fall Mill inery We are offering a larger stock, a greater variety than ever before and the values are better than can be had elsewhere. Our showing of Fall Millinery brings forth the admiration of every woman who has visited the store. The styles are so var ied and the assortment so complete that you will have no trouble in selecting just the style you want. Our collection includes, the season's latest models and the quality of materials and workmanship are unusually super ior. .. . ..... .... Come in and Select Your Fall Hat While the Assortment is Complete ; -; : Children's Hose For School Wear Better values cannot be found elsewhere. Best quality .black hose for boys and girls at prices that will save money for you. ; Hop Pickers' Hats and Gloves " 152-,. N Commercial . Ml 3 UALITY SAHPSOII BEOj, LOW PRICES Dry Goods Notions