V PAGE EIGHT - T f rf SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 191 MMMM m YOU WILL FIND THAT THE I C. PENNEY CO. Ladies Is by far the best place to get to- Apparel of all kinds, ters where they are chants, but we have the year around and ing game. In buvine better styles they are prices due to buying YOU WILL BE MENTOF Ready Wear Our buyers do not make hurried trips to the style cen not acquainted, as do so many of the one-store mer uit; oesi, Duyers to oe gotten and they are on the ground become thorouehlv familiar with nil nno-ioa f tt,a knv. from us you get an opportunity to take advantage of the able to pick,, as well as to take advantage of the low m such large quantities for our 197 Busy Stores. PLEASED TO LOOK OVER OUR FINE ASSORT- Coats, Suits and Dresses Qirrre - l.....'-..-.......'....$14.75 to $65.00 -- .....:j24.75 to $45.00 WAISTS AND, WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW THEM TO YOU PRICES ON THESE WILL RANGE . FROM .,...$3.98 TO $6.90 I,, Incorporated I ' . T m A c i PERSONAL Jfr. and Mrs, Albert Kaufman and amily of Snlem, have returned home ftor spendme a few days visiting his fcrnthor, John J. Kuiifman and family, i Bugejie Register. . Mrs. Laura E. Cheshire of 6aIom, who has bwn visiting at'CoquUle, re turned to Eugeno yesterday and will tpond ft week here, before going on to Oakland, California, where she will re nain for the winter. .Eugene Begiater 'if1 MOTI IER'S FRIEND M AlfHruttlut Evergreen dc Blackberries, Olb, Bring them In area It you have only few pound. Wo furnish boxes and crates. MANGIS BROS. The regular monthlv meeting of the .UT,.,.,.,.. ...... 11. First Prsebyterian church will be held High and Perrv Street I " "le c,u,rc" parlors Friday afternoon Phone 717 ,t B:im' Mr"' "WR II. Lee of Now- Offlr. K19 Rt.t. of 1 i!10'' wil1 11)6 P'flwnt and will tell of f nee 512 State St, . Salem, Or. (W daughter's work in India. Miss Lee 'Warehouse George Claris, of the Clark & Hen ery Construction company of Salem, returned to that city yesterday after two day spent hore inspecting the paving being dono on the highwuy be tween Junction City and Eugene Eu gene Register. Frank Simon of Salem, has accepted a position with the Oriffin-Babb Hard ware company. Mr. Simon returned a fotf weeks ago from France, where ho saw service with the quartermaster corps, first division. Eugeno Register . 4 11 m ! DIED ; JOUY At the home of her sister la Ma'rshficld, Mrs. Emma M. Jory, 8'eptember 3, 1D19, at tho age of 58 years. . ' Besides her husband, OHver Jory of Salem, she is survived by one son, Lew is Jory, Mrs. Jory had been suffering for some time from henrf trouble and has been visiting in Marsiificid with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Edwards. She passed the greater part "of her life on Coos river and was tho daughter of Jona than Hudson, a Ooos county. pioneer. As yet no funeral arrangements have been announced. Is , now a missionary in that country and as Mrs. Lee- was formerly a Salem resident there are a number of persons who will be interested in hearing of her daughter's labors. All the women of the parish are urged to attend the meeting and the social hour which will follow. ' Lieutenant Allan O. Carson attired home hist evening after two years of service in (Franco and with the Ameri can army of occupation. For a time he served as iustructor with the 28th in fantry. After receiving his commission he was assigned to the Rainbow divis ion and tookjiart in some of tho heavy fighting just before tho signing of the armistice. Ho is the son of Mrs. John A, Carson. Having been graduated from the Salem high school, he was attending Willamottc university when he voluutecred for servico in 1917, Word waa received ttxlay of tho death of Miss Belle Orover, dean of women, McMinnvillc college, at Seat tle where she was attending a special course at tho University of Washing,1 ton. She was taken suddenly ill about two Weeks ago. The funeral services were hold today at McMinnville. All Around Town ) ETHEL CLAYTON IN A SPOBTINCr CHANCE Dr. O. E. Prime In Dr. O. B. MUes office, Ladd & Bush bank bldg. 9-25 407-8. tf Sr. Mott, Bank of Commerce, Woodry, . the auctoineer, leaves for Eugene on Monday to sell an improved 30 acre farm at public auction. i o Indian Hill Farm, Crawford peaches 1 to $1.50 per bushel. Phone 516. tf We buy liberty bonds. 205 6regon building. tf George E. Halvorsen of the Marion garage announces todsv that . car load of Franklin cars was received this morning. They are of the touring mod el and of the 1920 Franklin design. Try Northern Flour, every sack guaranteed, eers. It's a Bear. At your gro-tf Artificial teeth, nave expert plate man, with over 35 years experience, at my office. Dr. D. X. Beechler, den tist, 302 U. S. Nat. bank bldg. tf B. E. Cable executor of the estate of Mary C. Holt, has been cited to ap pear before the county court on Sept. 25 to show cause, if any, why he will no"t. nfiv tllA Amount nf W Tt' TTtlmna one of the attorneys for the estate. , o . Indian TTill "Farm nrawfnrri ywarioj !$1 to $1.50 per bushel. Phone 516. tf o . . Call Patton Plumbing Co. for your repair work. Phone 1668. 220 N. Com. street. ',; -! tf -" . o " Teachor nf -oHnHn W nf mafiiMi orchestra training. Miss Elizabeth Levy, 563 Court St. Phone 244. 94 Marriage licensee were -issued yester day: Andrew' Shepard, a farmer of Sil- verton to Ada Jones, also of Silverton. To Virgil T. Haines; 18, of. Silverton, a chauffeur to Margaret C. fFaught, 18, of Salem. .. . '- " ' o- The big dance Sat night at M. B. A. .hall near1 Chemawa. Auto leaves Masonic Tcmple,C6:30. 9-5 - ,, . I , a-.0 ' Don't mind the rain. Good gravel roads to Lakebrooft dance tonight. "-o ' Henry 0. Shields, administrator . of the estate of Susan Gertrude Wells Shields, has been "authorized bv the county court to sell for cash 86 acres of the estate located in T. 10 S. R. 2 W. The order was made on a petition and showing that the sale was for the best interests of the estate. I'flti be used Sueiial witb to sew no wire cnts on stock. neeaie sua spool or wnxeu tiireHd, e cents. My mall, TO cents. Full iliwtions with same. The Hrown Mrcnntlle Co., 171 First Street, Portland. Ort'tfnn. Do you want your Freight and Ex press out of Portland to arrive quicker? SHIP VIA Willamette Valley Transfer Co. PHONE 1400 T,M., Ml M Heater Sale Now On. New Heaters at Old Prices SEEING IS BELIEVING TRADE IN YOUR OLD STOVES We will Save You Money. Peoples Furniture Store ! 271 N. Commercial St. Salem. 5 m7 SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP Radiators, fenders and gas tanks repaired. Traetor radiators a specialty. Ford radiators for sale. ln S. I2th St., Salem, Or. 9 22 APPLES! APPLES! We are on the market for your cull apples. Don't let them lay and rot Remember a ew extra d urs always eoma in hanuy SJ pick up your good cull APPLES and take them to the COMMERCIAL CIDER WORKS P. M, GREGORY, Mgr. PJ m 2194 10 10 N. torn 'I St. Did You Bead This Advertisement? Hear Peppy Ole sing at Lakebroote tonight. ' ' ' r-0 Dance Independence Fridav nurht. Salem's best music, , ... . wo i. A man was in town yesterday in some sort of an 6ffioial capacity, mak ing inquiries as to whether the people lin 'general wefe satisfied .with, the present service of the express com panv. under federal ndminist.rntinn. On frank and honest person said he .considered the service "rotten." Whereupon the official" exclaimed, " Why, T am really surprised. You are the only person in town who is not pieasoa with the present service." o Dance Independence Fridav nisrht Salem's best music. ... CHOICE CANNING t PEACHES Come and pick them. . ,; Bring boxes. OWLS tl.30. Per box. Down Valley nd S-i miles, in Mission Bottom, lVa miles west from Hopmre. , Ji. L. JONES RANCH F JlcCormick $ 9-1 Yes, Ole the jazz singer will be at Lakotvrook again tonight. o Mlrs Agness Arnold of North Santi- am is taking the . examination for a teacher's certificate today at tho of fice of the county superintendent. There are two pupils who are taking an eighth grade examination, which will entitle them to attend a high school, if they happen to make a sat isfactory showing. Lakebrook dance tonisht. Biir bus leaves at 8:S0 sharp. o Dance Confetti dance at M. B. A. hall Sat. night. Silverton stage leaves U. K. depot 8:30. Don't miss it. 9 5 Prune interests state that within two weeks all dryers in the county will be doing business. In the southern part of the state around Myrtle Point, the work of drying prunes has already be gun. The Drager plant in Salem is now taken up with tho evaporating of lo ganberries, but it is expected that these will -be ortt of the way for the prune season. The prune market is quiet and nuycrs in the east are not just at pres ent placing orders. The impression is tna tney are just waiting to see what is going to happen in the campaign for lower food costs; - of an inch up to 8 o'clock this morn ing and attempts at showers today. There hasn't been a real genuine rain since May 27 when the precipitation was only one quarter of an inch. .The heaviest rainfall in June was only .05 of an inch and in July the only rain that counted was .04 of an inch. The last time when there was a genuine Willametie valley rain was nn Anril 19 with .55 of an inch. t)i irt rinv m, . . ' " v ,mu or an inch and the following uur wim as or an inch. If a soldier has been wounded, but upon his discharge reported in good physical condition,, ho is given no phys ical disability. (But if he later suffers from the effect of this original wound ' he is entitled to a disability compen sation. This ruling is according to in structions received at tho home serv ice section of the Red Cross with of fices in tho post office. The only point to be considered is whether the origin al cause of tho soldier's disability dates back prior to receiving his dis charge. Soldiers are also notified that the rates for cnmnpnsiitinr, hnva increasing, and that if a disability clc- ""W even v ii discharged in good condition, there is also the opportunity for vocational training. -Dr. Roy D. Byrd has filed his dis charge papers for record ; of the county recorder. At the time of his discharge at Camp Dix, April 12, no noia ine rank of captain in the medical corns. 31(5 unmtnrir ,.,;., 91st division. Notations on his dis charge show that his battlo engage ments inciuao tnat ot St. Mihiel, the Mcuse-Argonne offensive and in Bel gium along the Scheldt. OOjectintr to certain ?iaie ooara or fish and game com- unasiouers, in 'Duying land in Lane county,- H. A. Holmes a short time ago brought suit against the commission. The commission demurred, on the ground that the complaint did not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. Judge Bingham, over ruled the demurrer yesterday, and now the commission will be obliged to file an answer to the complaint. To attend the V. S. bank pig club meeting held last Satiirdov irtn,m,r. at the Commercial club, two little pig club members, Georgia Sneed and Dor othy Sneed walked six miles from meir uome on rural route 6. Durine tha month nf A itmio w V4 uou, uic Home service section of the Red Cross, with offices in the post office build ing, wrote 389 letters nn mutton niat. ing to the welfare of returned soldiers. rc. y.o bailie mio contact ana helped in various ways 73 soldiers who had never before ciillo of k.inn.. tors. In addition to helping families vini wiiom it nan oeen working in muntns, auring August the service came into .enniaot on i,nl.i lt)6 families. For relief work, and for am inai was aeemea most urgent, the uuiiih eervree section spent during Au gust, the sum of $296.55. This work is in not only giving immodiate relief, sometimes financial to the soldiers themselves, but in airliner th cure employment. Also in securing back auu uujusiing other matters to aid the returned soldier. ' ' Money will be returned to those who ordored surplus army food supplies at the Salem post office in lots of less than one case. There wns much nn. fusion at first, and no positive orders irum me post ortice headquarters at 'Washington as to whether a post office could take orders in less than case lots. There was positive orders that only case lots would ho shipping, but noth ing as to whether small orders could be taken and the whole made up into case shipments. Now the order has been received tha a post office shall aCCent Onlv CRSO Int. nvrlpra TTiinna those who bought an assortment of various Kinds, but not enough of each to -make a case, will be returned theia moncv. The onlv nxi-pnfim, ia and as bacon is packed in small con tainers, an orders will be forwarded, eventually. -o . - ' Amelia Stockton, administratrix of the estate of J. U Stockton, has peti tioned the countv court, for to use a certain sum of money for tho erucuon or a suuarjie monument over the grave of Mr. Stockton. She recites in her, petition thnt it is tho desire of herself and other heirs to expend the sum of ."M336.43 in procuring a suit able monument, carina fni tlm onmn. pery lot and to place with some bank pari oi mo amount from which is to be derived an annual fund for the maintenance of the monument and lot. Tho county court grnnteckthc order as asked for in the petition. o The fall samester of Wtllnmotta iini. sity will begin September 15 and as usual there will be a number of young men wno win tie glad to get work mornings and PTPninan nn.l ftutii,..l.ro Earl Race, city recorder, says he will The Astoria Commercial olub invites members of the Salem Commercial club to attend the big celebration there Sep tember 6, in the following tolcEram: "Astoria greets the Cherry City and invitee her cousins .to attend great eol ebration September 6 to 12 honoring Secretary Danicjl and offj.i-ers and men of new Pacific fleet. Elaborate program. Big ships, big time." o . The long summer drought was brok en last evening with a rainfall of .15 aid with the municilULl lahnr hui-oo.. every wav in securing emnlnvmant tnr these young folks and suggests that muse wno may nave worK that can be done by a srudent, should telephone him at the city hall. GLYCERINE MIXTURE FOR CAS ON STOMACH Simple glycerine, buckthorn . bark, etc., as mixed in -Adler i-ka relieves ANY" CASK gas on stomach or soiir stomach. It acts on both upper and lower bowel and removes all foul mat ter which poisoned stomach. Often 01" RES constipation. Prevents appen dicitis. Tho INSTANT pleasant aetiou of Adler-i-ka sururise hnth and patients. One man who sufficed live years irom indigestion and consti pation was helned hv R l i iPcrry, druggist, 115 South Commercial! Kllinefi !' ilr - i The biggest and best as sortmnt in town at pop ular prices. Pattern Hats direct from the : Fashion Centers of New York. Also trim med models finished in our own expert work rooms. Ladies' Hats ( $1.98 to $8.50 Children's Hats $1.49 to $4.75 . OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST GALE & COMPANY Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store AUCTION SALE WOODRY'S Auction Market CORNER FERRY AND LIBERTY STREET SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th " v 10:30 A. M. "" : ' One black mare, 12 years old, weight 1100 lbs.; 1 bay mare, 10 years old, weight 1000 lbs.; 1 set double harness; 2 18-inch work collars; 1 set single harness; 1 set harness with chain tugs; 1 1-in, Mandt wagon; 1 hack; 1 light wagon pole, complete; 1 section iron harrow; 1 No. 20 Oliver chill ed plow; 1 5-tooth cultivator; 1 jointer .for wood beam plow; 1 set double trees, and many other things. J. E. KIRKPATRICK, OWNER 1:30 P. M. Household f urnture, ranges, hcate , rugs, tools, graniteware, crockery, etc. My store is full of good used furniture. Private sales daily. Will be located at 270 North Commercial Street Oct. 1st, Shrunk 's Grocery Store. F. N. WOODRY, The Auctioneer, Phone 510 or 511 "List your sales with Woodry for results" NOW! mm iM k i i 1 ?mmmiBrk laWJ?' -5'. SMILING BILL PARSONS The Big Favorite Funmaker, in "EWE ANOTHER" TODAY-TOMORROW-SATURDAY SUNDAY "JACK PICKFORD" SAVE MAIL ORDER POSTAGE-BUYING AT HOM3 You See What You Buy Before Paying-Buying At Home -1 li lt